HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1940-06-06, Page 4n.
• ST.-- HELENS. •
Frank McQuillin tyles a week -
Mr, ,1VIr. and Mrs. V. En]merson; Mrs,
end visitor with his sister. Mrs. •Ir- R Tiffin and Fred and Miss Delis
win McCabe and Mr. McCabe at Ritchie spent Sunday With Mr. and
Windsor. On his return he was ac Mrs Russel Ritchie, 8th Con.
companied bv, Miss Florence McQuil- Messrs. Milan and Art Moore' spent
lip, R.N. of the Wrnghain Hospital i Monday in Toronto.
staff who had been a visitor there. Ik Miss Doris Ritchie of . Lucknow
On account of the anniversary pee-
ser ; speirt the week end with Mr. and
vices in the. Whitechurch United Mrs. Victor Emmerson.
church there will be. no service elTRAIL. RANGERS
The Whitecbu ch Red . Cross Soc-the church here next Sunday.' i iety and Women's Institute are hold -r
Miss Geraldine McEwen of ipg a tea in the Institute Hall on the
Let us all show our loyalty to
M n Hyde of Kincardine pedal• speaker. Ali the ladies of •the attention whenever O Canada'
were week -end visitors with Mr. Jas. con'imuriity are invited to attend. save' the King' are played. Many of
erich was a week -end visitor with r• regular institute meeting' day,June
and ,Mrs, Stanley Todd. Gallagher, An Canada and the Empire; in the easiest
Mrs, Percy Hyde and fare. e• pastor . of W t
Mr: and ricin or God
11th, when Rev: E. 0.• -
in' ham will be way possible. ,Stand erect, 'rigidly at
ily and r, .Cecil '
IYyde: The dance held in. Whitechurch ..on us fail to do so.• Let us hope that, you
The regular meeting of the .Y F.
Friday. evening by the ' lnstitute' and , . remember . .when singing'
U. was held with the president Mr• fee' which. the• • Gulley Jumpers 9r- dont And
" W. Rice:: in the chair., The ; topic , fee' • i'a yeas• assisted in the.program the National Anthem the third and
Old Values"' wag, •taken ,by ictus' Mae. of•, CN?L` was Well last hnei;i are' died save "Tlle't King
Getting . .
Earl Durnin. w. , lyre present and gave.
at I patronized 'and. ell •reported an enjoy' . not,"our" Rift as many 8f us ',say:
adress ;o: was and . gd ,iaii I able evening. The proceeds were $28.
s o '.'."Building . `urea Taylor to, be.'•held: until sufficient The ;following are the reports of
address, n ,which i
and Winnie. Barpald favoured with 'a , funds: can be, secured' to wire. the' hall pus' Gainp. Competition for May: At
duet. ` or y i • tendance—(4' marks possible) 'Rgrifila
Mrs. , Gordon, Mrs. ' Tam Todd and B oda a '`and' dance. .
Anne, Misses Isobel and Dorothy Mil- after is being held on ` one 14th •in .Johnston, Alan McKim, Stan: Prest,
lel, Mrs.:`F. J. Thom, Mr. Murray and ,the Forester's Hall, Lar gside. Prizes George Taylor, Bill Treleaven, Jack.
�7 Taylor Mr. and Mrs, W • I will'
TODAY, J1JNE 6th, 1940
IFOR. SALE_ Quantity. of .buckwheat,
suitable for. seed. Robert Ritchie, R. 7,.
L,ueknow, • Phone 76-7' Dungannon.
300 SALE—Honey .extractor and
container. Howard Harris,
Iiolyrood, Phone 24-6, Ripley.
FOR SALEGood farm horse. Will
sell, cheap, 'S...McComb, R, 2, Holy -
f h dro.
A Maier owes pr •
f each • class and the ,Treleaven• all 4.
f d n era' Hospital e g 11 H and Reba y
lyednesday w -hen 1Vlrss Laurme Millet Marsh p t
iVliSs era be given or .. ,
A. Miller and ttlla i were among those proceeds • v<'ii1 be used for.patriotic Church—(8 marks' possible) George
attending the graduation exercises of , !,purposes. on Ta for stood first with 7.
the Stratford n
was .a member • of .'the, graduating
Don't forget -the .concert' and .dance
in the community hall under the aus-
Ottawa, May 31st, 1940.
The' shadow • of. , a great menace
spread .further over l a world at war
this week, and the Government,.mOved
swiftly to meet the increasing , peril,
announcing` the" recruiting • of seven
thousand. men for _rifle units t9 cow-
•prise the ,nucleus ' $f a fourth ,Caned••
Mr; ands Mrs• i envy
• all attended the wedding • in. Sunday School (4 marks• possible j I
Ritieisdale on Saturday I then three thousand have, been au
na Marie .•Corrigan. and Mr.., Oscar Taylor, •4 marks, c
tan army division,; .mobilization of 5.,
thousand' young Then who had, .been
trying` to.' get into the Air Force;
creation, of reserve companies for the
home guard forces. The , announce-
ments. were • welcpmed from.all sides
of the House. Last week, the figure::
given showed ninety two' thousand '
n• on active service, twenty-six
turda .of Miss An- Ronald Johnston, Stan • res, George •thousand of. them. overseas. Sieh
Mrs. Wm. •Brown s'pent the week-
pices of the Women's Institute on I end with MrsDick low
B n of Ripley.
i' nday.. evening. ' The music Will ill • bc
.aril `be assisted
little baby buy, (eon of Mr. • and
provnted .by the Gulley Jumpers veno Mrs. John Mac•Intyre, .4th.Cons Kin-
in the program by loss, arrived Thursday in the' Wig
i,actus' Mac of CKNX. 'Preiceeds for ham Hospital. Congratu.latioirs•. .
patriotic ;purposes: , . I. The eerlre(i''inand genie nof ide ball
oft ball
. , teams engaga
Monday evening' on, the, -farm of Mr
. ' ^IJack Johnson. The garee.a�ettie
f and -another game will' be. Played
Mr. Charlie Thomson, 'Mi!. and Mrs.'' Monday evening.• •
Lvlelcolni .Stewart visited with Mrs. l',• Mi•• and Mrs. Bert • Caskinette and
t the •weeki.
Kitchener en
Garold Stewart in Listowel Sunday , Madrlenethf herc sister;$Mrs. `Russell
1\Ir., Wm. Stimson,,'Sr•, has been ;cal ..Moore. ..
.ed• for home duty.elie had to, report Miss Gerrie Caskinette'. of •Kitcheri-
.n 'London, . I er spent the week -end.,
M N 11 • and
Miss Hilda Reid' of Reid's Corners'
spent 'the week -end at. Mr. Ernest.
Ackert's. Hilda
Misses Wirinifred• Ackegrt, r Hilda
'Reid; and Mr. Raynard Ackert P el
Sunday ,with Miss Elleda. Hunter
Mr. Graham Pinkney of Dungannon
4r. and . Mrs. John Palmer and Ches-
Mr. and Mrs. Bert MacKay of
Detroit were Sunday visitors at Mr.
_hos. Harris. Mr. and Mrs.•
Mrs. Joseph 'Kenny,
::ronin and • son' of Woodstock were.
.: ecent' visitors at Mr. James Baker's.
Mr. and Mrs. John Peterbqugh ,and
.roily, South Line, Mrs. Elizabeth
;tarts. and Greta, Miss Agnes 'Fisher
• Kincardine spent Sunday at Mrs.
eatchel. -Culbert's.. '
•' Mr. and Mrs. Morris Hodgins and,
rill hood Were • Sunday visitors at. Mr.
•ed Mrs. Clifford Johnston s.
lastM.onday. at her home
Mr. and Mrs; 'Robert• .c a '•here. '
children visited over the• week-endMips' Mary Hiride> R.N. of Kitchen Reg; Ferguson lost' out. this month
at Clyde , g" t f M ' ' and° Mr er hospital h k d with C '
't Kangaroo Squad under Bi
On time --44 marks possible) Alan
McKim, George. Taylor, Bill Treleav-
en, • Jack 'rr:eleaven, 4 points: .
'•Conduct -(20 points possible) Alan.
McKim, George Taylor, Jack Trelea-
'ven, perfect score.
Memory work—•(20 points possible)
first place, Ronald Johnston with 1e.
General score for May (possible '6.0)
George Taylor first rwith 54 points
receives a Trail Ranger tie in recog- Government due to the fact the.
prized for 'the- home force. sever
'thousand , for 'the. .projected • Fourth•
Division just • after thea• fihird '•Divis-
ion is 'started. five thousand mare
• fer.e the Air Force -the . waiting lists'
show the. readiness • .to recruit=and
then •the newly authorized reserve
companies for home defence purposes
The prGspective. total is' .around 115
thousand: •
Tanks . arid ..Fifth Column -provoked
long discussions in both. Houses. Much
criticism • has 'been' levelled.. at thec
FOR SALE—•A goad . wan Shorthorn -'
ulltemPOts. •Seed. potatoes, Hust-
,ler ;variety: 'G.:A. Greer, RR. 1, Luck
now, Phone 6415.
CA --1929.' Chev. 'coach,
• R 11.OR SALE...,
priced at {$70.03. Apply to -Glen' Stan- •
ley, ,City Service, Garage, Havelock
Lucknow. •
TEACHER • 'WANTED--applicationsI
for teacher .for SS. No: 11,• Huron •
Township (Clover ' Valley) wilt - be .re-
re=ceived by the undersigned .up'to•.July '
10th, 1940. W. T. 'Roulston, .R. 6,'
Lucknow.. ' • I ,
r •
household furniture and effects at W.
H. Lot 13, Con. 5, Kinloss. on Tues
day, June Pith at '2 p.m• Absolutely
no reserve: Terms cash: Mrs. 11.. M.
!`arker, Prop.; Matt. Gaynor, .Auc.
HOUSE ' FOR SAE -Comfortable
frame dwelling, all modern conven-
iences, good garden, good garage.
sale. Apply "'kPY
Will sacitifice• for qu ,
Sam Murchison, Lucknow, •'or F. T.
Armstrong, 'Goderich.
r 1
apes. etc. are not
a o
in and e
standing. P
hes a
't'o of g
ni r n
• Stanley P t leads the Camp with I manufactured iri Canada. In ensw
tan ey res e e
t t to the charge made in the, Sen
n by Rh Honourable.
a even. 100 points for. the , contest
'Arthur Meigh
during. April and May. tat a certain firm in Hamilton con
•. The Beaver Squad ..eaptaine'd Eby supply ' 250 tanks .a ,month to
t 'Government if .allowed ,by them' to
so.'Honourable .C. D.:.Howe,made t
following statement: •'
"1VIR.. HOWE I am'.in a' position
to give a history, with.respect to .tanks,
as it • ,has reached the Department of
Munitions and Supply, And its' .pre-
decessor .board:• •On. October. 20; 1939,
i•esquisition was sent 'in to . the de-
fence purchasing board, which was
then' functioning., .for one hundred•
tanks; infantry,: mark 3, known . as
B'aliantyne tanks, • hulls.; only. - That
was received .from . the British . pur-
chasing .mission. This requisition stat
• ed• that , drawings and specifications
would •be .forwarded As soon es: pos-
Park nes s o i. spent t e .wee -en with rh .the•11
ahomas Lockhart. Mr. and Mrs Wm. Henry.
, Johnnie, Carter . and Donald, Stim- Nies: Marty 'Cordon, Thomas and
.ion of Kingston. are leaving camp in: Charles 'McBurney and Fred Gibb, all
she near future with their battery., of Kincardine, spent Sunday with Mr.':
We hope Mr. Donald Thomson who and Mrs. Thomas Hill: • '°
is ill with pneumonia, will have • a The Young Women's. Missionary
speedy ,'recovery.. His small son had Society of the 'Presbyterian church
pneumonia last week. met on Friday' at. the home of Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs:,C . Irwin were guests ;neve J. Pollock with the first vice,
of :Mr.I' and Mrs. P. T. Carter recently., president, . Mrs- Johnson Conn, pre -
Mr: and.. Mrs,Art Thomson visited siding. The scripture and "meditation
at Hanover Monday. was: given by .Miss .Merle .Wilson.,
Mr.. Archie Mrs. Rev. J Polio* led in prayer.
Rocha g
McIntyre is sporting . i
' rd
sou ave a read -
a • new car. ing. Miss. Velma Scott gave • the topic,
. Mr. and :Mrs. W.. G Reed visited a. chapter from the Study •Book "Wo-
Treleeven•again capturing first place.
As squad names we have • chosen
the . Beaver for Canada, Bulldog, for
England -ands the Kangaroo for Aus-
Members notec Memory work' -for
next Tuesday's meeting The Ten
Commandments. ` •
.Keep up with the badge work, gang
and • in • club service work.
Nicholson and Mrs. Ben Brown: re-
with their ''daughters. Mrs. Archie men and •the Way ?. Miss Janet Craig
sang a solo: Th'e meeting closed with f
Gently.' prayer and, lunch was served by'the i
At last the. lovely' June Jaya have • 'hostess... Attendance 9.,
arrived and "the -ole •swiiniThng .hole' The 'Langside Presbyterian W. 1VI:
is the favourite . sport around here. • S. will ' meet Thursday June 13th at
the home, of Mrs. Wm. MacDonald.
Mrs: John Richardson received word
on Tuesday that her . ibrother-in-law,'
Mr. Charlie • Hunter of . Galt was very
ill and Mrs: Richardson- and Jim left
Tuesday afternoon for Galt.
Mrs. Jim England spent the week-
end at :Li towel. .
Mr. Jim McNall of Stratford Nor -
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 'Eadie, Doris mal was successful in all his sub.-
and Lorne spent Sunday . with Glen- leets but three and is writing exams
friends. this, week.
(Intended' For • Last Week).
Mr: and Mrs. R. Fryd of Dundas
visited with 'Mr: and' •Mrs. W.i R.
flamilton ,and friends over the,week-.
end.. ,
Mr., H.. I. M re is in Guelpi
attending-Conference•for a. few, days
this week. .
N'iaiss Sadie McCharles. from • near
era ' visited over . the 24th with
her parents, Mr.' and Mrs. D. Mc -
Charles.. • .
aglidee HANDLES /2'opo%poay CLIMB •
Illustrated: Chevrolet Special De Luxe
Sport Sedan.
oA� o
And what we era//
THERE are a god many reasons why Chevrolet
is the big popular choice. Among lowest -•priced cars,
it's the longest of the lot—from front of grille to rear
of body... and, Most •people think; the loveliest.
Its new Vacuum Power Shift, that does 8O% of the..
• work of gearshifting• for you, is a feature no buyer
can overlook. ,
Five features combine' to give you' what has just
naturally been called the "Ride l-byal"*.
And, on top of all these, there is its performance—
such lively, nimble, easy -riding, easy;gui(iing per.
formance as 'you've • always dreamed of enjoying.
What price Chevrolet performance? Why, the very
lowest price that ever bought smile-a-minute'miles
per hour. ' •Becaise gas and oil' economy is one of•'
themost outstanding features of this greatest of all
Eye it .,..•Try it....Ego it -- and be enthusiastic
overver the most satisfying value ever .bought et a•
price • so low! 'On Special De ,J.uxe Models.
L. M. MacKenzie -
• a.
un Ion
sible. ' •'
Drawings and specifications' were;
received by the production depart=
Ment of the 'war .supply - board on
January 27, 1940. A conference
immediately , held between the tech-
nical experts connected with the Bri-
tish purchasingmission, itheboardni al
experts •of the. war'�supp y
the master of . ordinance department
of ' the militia, and it was decided
that the loggical plant in 'Canada to
undertake. the order was the Angus
shops in Montreal: The Canadian.
Pacific Railway which ' owns the•'
shops, stated that'' -it would undertake'
the work,,• and immediately placed its
engineers on' the • job of. organizing
HEIFER ESTRAY Left..ii}y ' prem-.
ices, north West corner, Lot 36, Con,
15, Culross..on or about May 20th, a
red mulley heifer, with slit in her
left ear. Information as . to her, where-
abouts •will be ' appreciated by Ben
Goetz' er M. T. Goetz,., Teeswater, Ont.
••MEN OF 30, 40. 501 HEALTH -(VIM,•
PEP) subnormal?- Try Ostrex'tablets
of tonics, stimulants, oyster elements
to aid recovery of'normal pep.
If t
delighted with results first package,
maker refunds its low price..Call,.
write •. McKim's., and all other good
drug .stores. ;
On April' 2, 1940, the British war
"supply' boardwithdrewthe requisition
No reason is , given in our files, be
it was understood that thedrawine•
we then had were to be replaced -wit'
a later development in the line e
tanks. In' fact,.I. was told that ve"
billy at the time, namely, that othe
plans and specificc,ations would be P
long, and that Biiitain preferred th ,
production of tanks in Canada free
a later design. - -
• Since then the department has re
ceivedno further, information. Con
currently, with that order it .eves thF
intention of the master, of ordinance
io develop supplementary productior
for Canada. Wherever we can, w
have attempted • to combine Britisl
production and Canadian productio•
in whatever of the major munition,
of war are undertaken here. Very frt'`
fluently We share the . apitaln
itur:es necessary to provideequip
-cent, and in general we try to co
ordinate our efforts so' that our tyne
of production may follow parallel
lines. `
That was the policy on tanks, and
ee have been .pressing! for a reopen-
ing 'of that subject. I ,think it would
be unwise to pass on to hon. members
the reasons given me as to why a
further inquiry has not been received
from (.*seat Britain '
I should like 'to say a word about
the suggestion. that two factories in
Hamilton can turn out 200, or 250
tanks a month. 1 doubt' if many
people understand the problems in-
volved in building a tank. There, is
no industry in Canada that could
of itself build a tank in anything like
rix months. The production of tanks
even in a great country with the
reserves: of the • United States' . ;is
amazingly small; as statements from
United States Army engineers, made
public, will indicate.. 1 May say, at
once that the particular tank we
were looking at was plated with ar-
mour plate' four and one-quarter in-
ches thick . of a particular type of
resistant steel made in only one or
two places in the British empire, and
there are only one or two sources of
supply in the United States. The type
of engine i -e a- larger size than has
over' been pro treed in Canada. Every
eeuntry has had tremendous. 'diffi-
enities in the 'engineering of tanks
and the problem of blending Under is
a 1011challei'ige the whole
Call At Hills Store or
Alex Mowtray's
'Phone. 145-j.
.111 LUCKNOW .
' 1:30, to 9 o'clock •
Leith • '& . Gibbons'
The annual • meeting of South Kin=,
loss Cemetery Corporation mill be .
held on Wednesday, June 19th at 2. p.
in., at South Kinloss Church. Donald
MacLean, Sec..
NOTICE ' • -
•As I 'am now, buying lumber for the
iiritieli Government; 'anybody .having
-eek elm for sale at $0.00 per M. on
stump •apply to. J., S. Kilpatrick,
Masseli-Harris 'dealer,.. Lucknow.
J. h E L L E H E R, ,RIPLEY;
J -UNE 15th .
tries that is • not presently available.
So when .a man stands up and makes
re,kless' statements about two firme
in- Hamilton that can. build tanks with
great 'speed, i think it is time that
the flea; mere made known to the
houso and to the people of Canida, I stories of individual .and regitlieiital
in the hope that statements of that heroism that may live ria' long as
kind will not reck'le'ssly be `made. bravery 45 honored among men. Those
MR. HANSON '(York Sunbury) 1s who :.never return ••will have' left a
not true, Mr. Chairman, that the memory that. will .inspire:.the- Allied
•radian Pacific Railway were quite peoples for generations to cohie: The
ng` to make tanks at the Angus' situation is one of enormous tensity.
-,ps, and is itnot true that for six hut, 'in the words of Duff -Cooper,. the
errs they have been .waiting for British Minister of Informatioir="As
;•ructions to proceed, • but .:,have not clanger increases, so •does our cour n e t
:,needed on account` of the circum- rise to meet it.....: They
• -' •es mentioned s by the minister vainglorious, but will not boast, but
a'ternoon, which 1 do not doubt' oiir, hearts, are calm and our resole -
case? Is it not true. that, the • tions firm."
Carof Hamilton are
Miss. Helen. MacIntyre • ,of , Felin
ch., is rioting with friends in' a
olid 1.ucknow:
Mr.' George, Robinson of the R.
F.. Toronto, ,spent .the week -e
his home. '
Mrs. ,14iac1/ahoti • of • Lucknow sp
few clays last, ,week with Mrs. Jon
Miss iVI•arion°. McDiarmid of Lon-
, is visiting with her sister, Mrs.
Mr. 'and •Tyles. Farish • Moffat •sp
Sunday with Mr. 'and Mrs. Herb
Buckton. '
Me. Jim McGillivray, Miss Lila
eGilliri•ay ani' Mr. and Mrs. J
owston kind l)aby spent last w
M. and Mrs: R. Middleton spent
day. last. week `with Mr. ,and M.
hn Cu1yer of Berrie.
The W. M. S. of South Ki:n
Will borer their June meeting at
me •of Mrs. IL, Buckton °n Wed -
11+it•. Wm. 1bic�Kenzie of Detroit
'd last weelc �«ith Mr. and' -
uncap iticConnell.
Mr. incl 1VIrs: Chas.. Robinson
airily were Sunday visitors at
owe of 1VIr. and 1VIrs. ledger
son, Wingliant. °`
Mr. Graham Chimney and Mr.
'VIr s. • El�vvin Chaiiiney, Vying
pent Sunday••rvith their .parents
ncl Mrs R. Chimney.
'Chose fi om St. Augustine Inst
ho �anttenelerl , the district
t. Helens on Friday were Mrs.
Moss, iVliss ,T. I. hic-Allister, Mrs
(�hlmncyInd Misses. Mary 'Corr
•cam"-'._ .'}21L`��•�•T$'�'....;a.2 ww�,,,�,�+n:#1-- _
fleeting in ilte church on 'Tlttai
ane lath. Mt s. VEi. >�`. ' Croze
Crewe• twill be `present to give
eport of the Conference $rine
V<y. 114. S'.'• Mettiibers of Auburn, W
field and Crewe Aux
vited. .
lapel Steel ami ONCESSION
• �a••etl to i:nuertahe the coi.atruction FOURTH •C
'inks? '
h b t f •y''
•t•iedge an , e r• ' nd
t^• a' statement inot true. The iv
• ; •n• Pacific Raila ay. were quite aroC.
• to undertake the' work, know= ; • nd
.hey would have to. import cer- -A.
n, parts, 'of the tanks, the •engine,; at ent. '
. nr ' r plate and certain other• parts.' es,
• r. -were certain :parts which co ild -a on.
•.lade by. the -Canadian Pacifies n-
iiway shops, and .I suppose no do
-•t. in Canada is 'better equipped , W. ent
• '•, nufacture them than the Angus ;err
p=, and probably ,Canadian Loco- Sit
motive and Kingston 'Locomotive . Mc -
:hops came next. But to' suggest that !olin
• tang may be. Completely built in a. Mren
•i+' building plant is going beyond j Ci'
""ng that makes tense " • • ,iri
:.his is .further demonstrated by � xs.
he announcement that the British. a
:ivernn'ient have decided to turn over''Jo loss
the U. S. Government their engine . Wi . the •
a'tents , for aeroplanes. ••
$700,000,000. war chest bill is .pie
•roan on the Statute, books, and Parli- • vis-
iment has • i}uthority' to borrow what -
;ver portion of that amount h'• h
R. IIOVi'E..To the . es o m•
• d belief, th latte Cart'
annot be raised 'by' taxation.
Thursday in,the House of Commons
;acv a sudden flare up of the. old par -
.y, feelings
and• loyalties—the tense- .+'
aces of the past few days had to • and
and its vent. For several days the the
Conservative Party, from Arthur h' Pat-
Meighen in the Senate right through
the line In the House, of 'Commons ti
;rave been attacking the GoLernment, and
•ind 'especially the. leadership of the . barn
Prime Minister. Yesterday Hon. Mr h1i
Gardiner rose to his defence. When s
he got through, the demonstration: a
for • Mr. icing primarily was the' itute
loudest in forty years: But feeling annual at
ran -high all day, acid when charges yrFiat
:were made that certain• types of air- S
craft being produced in Canada, are Dave
)bselete' in design Air Minister Power dl
41 r €teA .lie= l !alce vR ts,. " 1
jte" wit x
iliaries -are
adiii;.•Canada's representatives in Pari- i sday
ttment have hoer' following hour by r
h flied .'kr i w le ' the battle 'J
of n ;
Times "an epic o.f• bravery !incl en- i h "f
dursnce..Thnse who survive will bring est-
our the allied
s tfM m her
Flanders—to quote the New Yo k