HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1940-05-30, Page 7THURSDAY, MAY 30th, 1.40 .
Lyceum Theatre
Shaw starts at 8 p.m. except
Saturday.. Saturday night.
two shows at 7.45 and 9.45 p.me
Thursday,, ,Friday, Saturday
May 30, 31; June 1
Ring Cragby at.' his best with
a group of ;-lovable 'youngsters
of .exceptional talent- ;
Also "'UnusualOccupatiolrs
and "News' •
Matinee Sat. afternoon 2:30
Matinee Admission•
Adults 20c; Children 10c
Monthly. Tuesday, Wednesday
June 3, - 4,, 5
...IN, -
Astounding Spettacle....Fiery
Love.. ,_Roaring 'Drama in this
thrill packed story -of the' fab-
ulous,land • of 'India:
Also "The Master's Touch"
Mr- • Wm.. .Dickson. - has returned
home after a lengthy illness and op-
eration at Goderich Hospital, which
,lasted nearly three months.- His many
friends etre glad to bear . of •his re-
Mrs. Burtonoach spent a .few
days here this week but returned a-'
gain to Toronto to be near Mr. Roach
who is •i11 •at 'the Toronto Western
Hospital, and whose condition remains
the same. '
' Mr. Godfrey Hall' returned •to the
Village after a fortnight spent • in
Bra tford with his sister,. Miss Mary
Hand nephew Mr -Ernest Hall and
family,' He is spending this, week at
his farm home in, Ashfield. ,
Mrs., Aitthur' Stewart ' was' taken to
•Eoderich Hospital' ''on: 'Saturday 'for.
a n. appendix operation,-, where •, it is.
.said. though a; serious case, ' she • is
inK'quite n
,, s nc
•Mrs: Elizabeth Robb and dauliter
Ferne returned 'Sunday after a week
l spent with Ashfield relatives and at-
• tended 'the funeral of the former's
•Iruther . Mr.. Dan Fowler..'
Mr. and Mrs. Merle Kerr has rnov-
' •ed to• the house of Mrs. Chas.. ;Mc •
Pbeeas Mr.. Ker ' continues to work
at the Ratz .Sawmill
Mr. and Mrs -.J- D Richardson •and
family visited 'friends at Fergus on
S inday. '
Miss 'Margaret Diekson is, • eimluyed-
.to, assist Mrs. Graham' McNee in the
(Conitinued From Page. One)
Mr. McCulloch envisioned Canada
as the coming centre of a Federated
System of Parliament with members
elected from '.every_ peat of the Em-
pire, in weaving all the loose cords
into one stout rope.,
His reply to how we can win was
threefold: The appalling•casuaity lists
that will eonvince the German people
that Hitler is no God, ,entry .of Un-
ited States into the war and star-
vation by blockade. •
It is not too early to talk of peace,
he folloe;ed up, 'with.. But it *ill be a
peace in which all nations arep chas-
tened and will 'meet. around .a com-
mon council, tahle„where fairness and
justice will prevail.: '
Yes, `England Yet . Shall ; Stand, '
he quoted, in ;ceneluding a sane think•
ing and fort"efaVaddress:
The -Meeting was capably presided'.
'over+,.by Mr: Orah Crawford of. Rip;
ley, Worshipful Master of Old
and was interspersed by delightful
numbers by Hors. Henry of , Kincar-
dine, an :accomplished •soloist and
reader. Mrs. Norman Wilson m'as the
accompanist. ' •
Refreshments • ere , served and the
McCharles orchestra' furnished music
for the dance that , followed.
(Continued From. Page One)'
as a' make it the cheapest oil .he has
ever seer The quality will be :high,
he anticipates.. ' • : `
Upon being 'questioned, Mr. Pater_
son 'explained some of the conditions
If the regulation lease form that :pro-
vides the farmer with one barrel , in•
eight aslong as .oil is produced from
wells on his, property, and protects
him •from damages incurred, and pays.
1 im an acreage rental' duringathe per-
iod of the lease, should • oil not be
But what Mr. Paterson is chiefly
concerned ,with at: present, is that
the Governinent give the matter early
'consideration. and an early reply that
they can 'or they can't support his
plan of development.
Miss Lucille. Eedy • and brother
• Thornton spent the week -end at•Strat-
ford ' and Detroit: . ; , • '
'• • I'r. • Cecil 'McGee, teacher at the
'school 'on the •2nd concession of West
Wawanosh east of the .graveyafrd is
absent fro& teaching dueto a quar-
antine of measles in his family- 1VIr;;.
COU RR! E'S CORM ERS Archie ,Hogarth supplies. Mr. McGee'
sett in his resignation to the, school
The Misses Rita and Vivien Court . and has been •accepted to teach at
nev of. ' Toronto spent the week -end . Port Albert next year. •
.at their, home here- • • `Sart and Mrs- J. McGee •and child-
"Mr.' and Mrs.' Alfred Armstroilr ren spent the week -end •with Mrs.
Harold.. and; Miss Dorothy ' Berry . of McGee's parents Mr. and Mrs-' Wm-
• London spent the ..:week -end: at Mn '' Ilaurey Bingham_ '
and Mrs.. David •Little's: • • • • ' .lir. and Mrs.' Robt.Bere' are .mov-
Miss Anna Mae ;.-Farri-h assisted ' the' this «'eek • fo thein farnif• pue-
Mrs. Noble Johnstone of .Lueknow• w h.i ; chased from Mr. David, . Campbell.
had been'ill last week: • • l south • of. the village- .• •
Mr_ and •Mrs.' Robert lianiiiton aril • :• Sir. and, Mrs- Cecil .Otter, Detroit
family 'spent .Sunday 'withe-Mi•- and rani Mr, and •Mrs: Jack Orser; .Tor-
' Mr•s- Robert Scott_ r ntn, 'spent the ..week -end with their
Mr.. Cyril Canmpbell; Ina, Grade, aria parents• Mr. and Mrs. Albert Orser
Harry spent. the . we'ek end 'with Eil- ,• and other relatives.
leen and Doctor• and Alit. Fowler. of ; .. Mitis' Wilma Treleaven, • Toronto.
Erin. • . • spent the •week -end with her • parents.
Mr. Ab McQuoid .of, Lucknow vis- • Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Treleaven.
ited this week ,with ;tile. and Mr-' ; • Born to Mr. and Mrs. Murray Dyer
James Little. • ; i nee Ruby Dickson, Eden Mills), May
We extend sympathy' to Mrs. John 21• a daughter; . Shirley May,
'Farrish in' the loss •of. ' her • sister, ; • Bonito Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dickson,
Mrs.".Charles McDonagh of Zionwho Kelowna, B. C., on May, 15th.. a son:
passed away' Monday evening., 1 ' Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs
• Bower') arris)i of •C}caru ie, vi,ited i FF. .1. L: Eedy were Mr and D`hs.
a k • arrish during the ,last of
• . F. 'Nickel,. Mrs. Ed: Diehl and Miss
Published every Thursday morning
I , at Lucknncw, Ontario. ,
Mrs.. A. ,I)., MacKenzie=Proprietor
Campbell' Thompson -Publisher
THURSDAY, MAY 30th, 1940
All those interested in Tiffin's'•Cefn-
etery were invited to attend a meet-:
.ing at the,•home of M. • Watt. Scott
•on Monday.- evening., TIie officers .re-
.mein. the. same — Committee, W. ' J.
:Scott, Wm.Ura•, George Murray, Joe
'Conley, • Wesley 4 Young
Treas., Charlie Tiffin: It was decided'
to,, purchase '.a 'lawn mower for • the
cemetery: and Mr. :Wel, *Ott was , re,
'stun -tot
'�' um
at fire
engaged as
825 per year. Mr. Charlie.and Wendel'
Taylor ' were, appointed,auditors. The
Secretary -treasurer was urged to' .col-,
lett all . unpaid 'fees. The next meet-'
ing is to. be 'held the last Monday ire
May • 1941. , •
Ir, and ' Mrs. Wm. Brown, . Ardyss''
and Gertie spent. Sunday with .
and Mrs. Walter Brown 01 Amberley.
' Mr. and Mrs.. Earl .Caslick and Irma -
and, Mrs. A. MacKenzie of . Culross,
•Mr. and Mr's. Thos., ?iii spent . Mon-
day with Mr. and, , Mrs. Gordon Scott
of Ripley.
.'Mr. and Mrs. Basil Thompson • of
Caledon, Mr. Elmo •Pritchard of West
Wawanosh and Miss Mildred Moore
spent Sunday with • Mr. and Mrs. Rus-
sel Moore. .
Mrs: Wallace 'Conn spent Wednes-
day :with her grand parents Mr. and
Mrs. Thee. Hill. , • •
The Mission Band meets this Sat-
urday afternoon at the' home • of Miss'
Reba Marshall. , . ' •
Mi- and Mrs. Wm: Thornton' and
Velda and - Mr. AIbert Stott of Tees:
•water 'spent.: Sunday with' 'Mr. • and
Mrs. George Harkness.,
Mr. and Mrs: victor Emerson seen'
.Sunday with his `mother, 'Mrs..A. •Eni
ersos of West. Wawanosh. •
• Mr. R•eiaben Tiffin and Charlie
spent, Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. D.
A. MacDonald, 2nd Con.
A_number from tbis,•community at=
,tend'ed the presentation held in Holy-.
'rood Hall for • Mr: and Mrs.
maker ,on Monday evening-
• ' 1VIr- and -Mrs. Fred Thompson, W-
and .Mrs.. Douglas Malcolmson and::
family of Toronto_ spent the week -end
*ith their relatives Mr. - and• Mrs. Geo.
.Wesley and Orville Tiffn. . •
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Murray, Sandy,
John and Phillip. Mr. arid Mrs. • Dan
Clarence;. Mrs. Hosty and Grace of
Toronto spent the holiday and week-
end at their .sunimer home here.
On Wednesday evening last, the
Langside Community gathered in the
Forester's"Hall and •Mr. •and Mrs..Bill
Scott were, presented' with a purse of
money presented by Wesley Tiffin
and the address read by Bob Donald-
son. '
To Mr. and Mrs. •Bill Scott:
Dear Dbnalda and Bill:—
. The poet says that it is a fortunate -
a happy -day when' a new household
'With J ll - F
the wee • • ,i Eva Verner. Stratford.
Mrs.. Fraser Paterson of laickno:: ,
f d ith lir •rnd lir:
spent a 0:r. ay, • • DANIEL IaOWLER •
L• orne • Farrish. ' • The passing of Mr. • Daniel Fowler,
" The Ashfield United church is hold- t\a a shock, to the community on
ing • their garden party June 21st. ; Sunday. reulting from a• •second
Witch .for further announcement stroke which' he' suffered. He was. in
also of'the 70th anniversary of Hack his 79th year. and was one among
• • ett's Church- ' • . eleven born to the late Mr. , Thomas
a 1 Fowler and Mrs. Fot'vler whose Maid-
' en name was Ann Alton. He had lived
on the fitly concession of Ashfield all
his. • life and was born on the farm
c wtted by Mr. W. J. Robb, Be is sur-
vived by his wife, formerly Miss El, -
len Durnin, also by three sisters,.
• Mrs. Catherine Jackson,.' Ripley, Mrs.
Agnes Glenn • 'and' Mrs. Elizabeth
, , Robb. Dungannon. They „were bereav-
ed of their only daughter Ruth, twen-
i ty years ago- Other members of Mr.
1 Fowler's- family who have passed on
1. are John. Thomas:' Harry, Win., Joe;
,lames and Annie. The funeral took
; place Tuesday, afternoon at his Iate
i home and was in charge of Rev. A. A.
Maloney and 'Rev_ J. Patterson. The
1. pallbearers were Chas. Fowler, T1ios.
• 1 ' ebstez•, Victor Errington, .John•Ern-
est and Stewart Durnin. Interment
I was in Dungannon cemetery. We. ex-
turd sympathy to his Widow and sis-
tern. ' .
The Dungannon Warren's Institute
met -Thursday May 23rd at the hon
.� cif Mr's. Chas. Alton with 5 visitors
and 15 members. Mrs. teens presided
and the meeting was opened in the
I usual • spanner with the Ode, prayer
rnd' 0 Canada in unison. The' mimites
a were read by the secretary and a re-
1.port was given by the delegates at-
tending the meeting at Blyth. The
1 members chose `quilt and quilting",
Last" week we referred to the . ap-
pointment of Zion. M.' A,.. Macdonald
as Chief Justice' of Br'itis'h Celeinbia, ,
Since then we received a copy of the
Vancouver Stet from Dr. S. Graham
'Elliot which announces, this ' 'distin •
guished honor conferred upon a far-
mer•. Ashfield boy.. • - ' .
To reprint the article •would be
largely a repetition of the report' car-
'iied in . last week's Sentinel, but We;
quote in - art, • the following editorial
from the' Sun approving the appoint-
ment: " °
"When' Chief Justice Archer Mar-
tin, • at 75,', retired from- the ,British [`''
Columbia Appeals Court there was .no
question whatever concerning 'his sue- :.
e son_ ' The natural. and logical man.
was. Malcolm A. iVlacdonald • .whose
appointment has . now; been 'officially
gazetted' in Ottawa. It, is an' appoint-:. •
in •
•"rnent 'that 1'ttill: please eve. y ire
this' province. R;
'! "1VI.. A. '•':started his career in the
'West in the, political 'arena,. where he
saw many hard fights arid had' lively ---.-
experiences in battles of those earl- i day evening. Much 'sympathy is. e�:-
ier days. ' Orr'. the bench he has ma•de' tended to' the bereaved' family.. .
a very notable success. A,'wel1 bar- :; Anniiersary ;services will be held
anted ability. for ,judgment, combined at Zion next Sunday, June 2nd. 'Ser-
with an . open-minded willingness to vice's being hld.et 2:30 p.m. and 7a3h ed: 'and w• hen' he lett down his• hand •
weigh' argument and fact, is. r:efleeteii Rev . R. C ;Copeland of Exeter Amalek .prevailed"- • Every Thursday ,
in his judicial decisions- It is not of P.Mseveniing at . the Luckriow Bible Ixtsti
• tee 'that a judge possesses' so• n auy; bring the, guest speaker. . ; Sunday'. tote a large part of the program Rill
human qualities in combination' with school n111 be wrthdm swan: be set aside 'for time for intercession'
great learning .in the law. His friends - •:lir. and 1VIrs. Gordon Kirkland and for our beloved, Dation: We hope Many
'}will come and help 'held up ,the hands.;
• News of the announcement of Hon.
G. C. Pon er, minister of air, that the
elementary flying school under the
commonwealth training scheme, was
to be established. at Sky Harbor,. Hur-
an .•County's municipal air port, has
been received •with much satisfaction
in Goderich. • ,
Although the news has• not been
received officially, intimation was giv-
giv j
en from Ottawa to'a representative
of the air port coininittee last Sat-
urday that an annoeneement . would'
be forthcoming this week: . • •
Believed to be the only county mun-
icipal air poet i Canada, Sky Harbor
was leased by in
County. over a
year ago before ;the ..war,,'' and .pur-
;ehased, this year in anticipation of
just sueh• a war emergency as .has
developed. • • ,
On Guaranteed Trust
A legal investment for
Trust Funds
Unconditionally , Guaranteed
-. Western Ontario Motorways
IOHO Arch®Hest
WORK. • SHOES . • . 54.50.
Summer Shoes at $2.45'
For. .
Dexter Shoes ,.
- Repair
" ORR. Shoe:
"And'it came to pass, when Moses
held up his hand that Israel prevail -
' LEAVES' LUCKNOW, daily es'S 1
cept Sundays & holidays at 7
a1pa. for Winghani> Clinton.
don. Detroit. Sarnia, Strat-
ton. r
SUNDAYS & Holidays—•1 p.m. 1
TO RIPLE'Y and Kincardine.
leaves daily except Sundays & 1
Holidays at 9.10 pan.
1050 p -m. •
For further `informattiott tete
Local Agent
' W. Snot 1 ;
Central Garage Luckinow
Full co-operation of leaders from
every walk' of life in. Canada will be finds its among the ntany homes
at the'disposal of the Government in of earth and it is in celebration of.this
promoting the sale of War Savings that we have met tonight as a family
Certificates and War 'Savings Stamps of friends to rejoice with you in this
which go on sale • in every city, town happy period of your lives.—
and hamlet across the country this To you, Donalda, we extend apprec-
week. ration of your willingness tq co-oper-
Walter H. Somerville and M. de ate in. making our community happier
Gaspe' Beaubien, JIoint Chairmen of and better. You • always, offered your
the National War Savings Committee, services generpusly in church, Sunday
will be aided. by a• National Advisory School and social functions:
Panel which will include labour lead- To you, Bill, in appreciation of your
ers, the heads 'of important women's friendliness in our cominunity, of your
organizations, representhtives of the willingness to help in all social "unde�r-
,Civil Service, Agriculture, the press, takings and . of your obliging, giving.
and key men from chain stores, banks, of your extra time; in your everyday
security dealers, trust and loan com- business life when, we come to you
parries, the post office,- insurance for • assistance 'at your blacksmith
companies, and other business'institu--' shop. Most of usehave known you both
tions which ' have undertaken to sel11 all our lives and we hope you will con -
War.. Swings Certificates and War inure to take an active part in all com-
Savings Stamps. munity life as you have both done in
As an indication of the nature ' of the past.
the' support which is being accorded To .you= both we• give our warmest
the National Chairmen by the ,bush wishes that you may have a: long and•
nest community, it is pointed out that happy wedded life_ As a slight token
one industry alone has placed at the of the esteem in Which we hold you,
disposal of the Government a highly me ask you to accept this gift of mon-
skilled. sales force of over 800 men..ey- which we hope by its use will bring
Other firms which will ' be handling happy memories of the "good, people"
War Savings Certificates and War of Langside.
Savings. Stamps, have already' called Signed on behalf of your friends
together their key salesmento in- and neighbours:—Albert ,Taylor, Wes-
,tf e"-id:idl: e 'u w�:r �� T�'r� , £or thenar of the nature and purpose ' ley Tiffin, Bob Donaldson, George Tif-
f h` at �aJ rogram
ill . be glad to ,see ,him ' round out his
career at the head of• our highest
court." •
,David visited 'friends in Teeswater
on. Sunday.
Mr.- and Mrs: George .Hunter and
Elled.a spent ' Sunday •with •Mr. and
bins. •Vernon Hunter of Ripley: ••
• _ Mr. and Mrs. George .Hunter of.
e community has °� been deeply' Hamilton ry ere guests of ,Mr. :and
ened by the death of. Mrs. •Chas: Mrs: ,Henry Gardner over the week' •
onagh, ' who 'passed • away .Mon- end.
of our King; statesmen, .generals and
soldiers •'at this most critical. period,
of out . Nation's history. Next week
we are' hoping' to. have a missionary
direct .from, Poland speak . at the Iie=.
stitute. Please" watch 'The Sentinel
for further • information.
of nT _ n _. . .-.-'-',---- -----,— ,,_ .-.
'ant n ` mon n e p`
A- SIcKenzie offers to look mto the Valuable advice based on years. of Bill replied thanking the community
:•history of this branch to gather a
practical experience in sales pro- for remembering he and his wife in.
complete story. •Sirs• Richardson. game
motion is daily available to the Nat- this way and invited all to visit there
'• the treasurer's report- Miss Ferre Tonal War Sayings .Committee from in their home. All joined illsmgiilg.
' Alien fityvZtred .lith a solo. It was this group of experts. "Few They Are Jolly -Good Fellows."
The launching of this nation-wide The evening entertainment ; was
decided to have an invitation dance
• and a. eommiftee was appointed 'to
Lorna • ' E dancing
` complete arrangements. Miss•
r by
star oj` � 'rnc'e trTtd- in
undertaking was,
announced rn . ,ng-
Roach gave a report on the first ha
listi by the Hon. J L • Ralston, Mini- ,
Gnelph May S'. 3-and.TOth. Cotamtnnit 't a .rx'ur :••--n •,•...e,;
fld b of Justice, oxer a
coast to coast 'radio
ginning was taken up,'followed Y net -work on Sunday night.,,
s >?erne Alton reporting the last . _ .•
hart of the ,Conferene¢ e girls The June meeting will be held at the
attended home of Mrs. Frank Jones.
r is had
TheNational Antheft closed
i.the meeting. After lunch was served.
The Special De• Luxe Town Sedan r
• that's the only way to describe this dynamic
new Chevrolet's road action .. and its, popularity, too.
:.. People "go" for Chevrolet, when they learn how it goes for them!
From front of grille to tear of body—for
length where length tounts—Chevrolet for
1940 is The longest of all lowest-pr:cad
cars! Big outside, big inside, big in vo!ue!
The only steer-
Ingcolumn gears-
shift that does
t30% of the
Work for you
and 'requires
only 20% driver
e t•• l ou'l get a real "base"
out of the new size and
spaciousness, the swank "Royal Clipper" Styling,
the luxurious Fisher Body of this' longest of all
lowest -priced cars --•this streamlined' "beauty
Leader" of the 1940 parade!
It ! • You'll revel in its thrill-
ing power and pace, its
acceleration and climbing power: its. 80% auto -
Matic 1 acuu»t Power Gearshifting and its road-
smoothing "Ride Royal"*—for it's the greatest
action car you've ever driven, bar none!
O �' t
And them ou'U
understand why
Chevrolet has out-sold'al'l other cars during eight
out of the last nine years!! The 1940 Chevrolet
• `{fines higher quality at low rose—Low Prices—
Lour Operating C,Osts----Lou• Upkeep.
•Chevrokct; s P•4'• rtnf nen-"4ctioli 12id&Sg Systear, .
es yq,:n:" Lae t3eae it@dein.
Dr`. Osier Lock%ar't`, sari
and Mrs. John Lockhart Of ' Burlington
has started praetising in Aneaster
With 1)r Sneers who has had an of-
fice there for: a number of Years-