HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1940-05-30, Page 5r
THURSDAY; MAY MAY 30th, 1940
10490 LESS
yup �,�•', L3D
(By S. Garrett) .
W. H. Johnston, son bf Ashfield
Township pioneers; farm' boy„ cheese
manufacturer, school teacher, secret-
ary, church worker and press contri-
ontri-butor,• marked the 82nd anniversary
of his natal day" .on May 27th, 1940.
Mr. I Johnston .is well known, from the
many historical articles concerning
Huron County municipalities which
he has written in past years.
•Mr. Johnston 'is a member of the
fanrrly .of Henry Johnston and Mary
(•Serson,) ;,Johnston and was born on
AY 27th; 1858 in the Township. of
East GwrlliYilnbury, Voile County. In;
the aututnn 'of 18.61 the family -moved
Ashfield Township; Huron Count
and settled on:. a bush ;farm w'here
descendant, ,Cecil. Johnston, still • .re-
sides,., William Henry grew -Up-'there.
in the woods and attended -'Finlay':,
Scho.pl' (SS. No. -9, Ashfield), after -
awards known as Cherry Grove school.
• When in his .15th. year Mr..John-
.ston decided to learn the clieesearak-
ing. business and for four- years (1873-
7.7) he was empolyed either as. ap-
prentice. or, maker in the. factories
et Dungannon, in Ashfield; at .Don-
egal, in Elma -Township, Perth Coun-•
ty; and: in the Watford Union fact-
•ory, Lambten County.
Although; he . was successful' in
cheesemaking,• ' Mr.. Johnston's :par-
ents were desirous•.that his education
.be continued and, as a .result, he, re-
turned to school, graduated. from the
G'oderikch • Collegiate • and eventually
secured a 'teacher's certificate. In
1880 he commenced teaching`'and for;
the , next 40.. years was actively and
successfully engaged in this occupa••
tion. He first' taught eight years in
his home, school, then in SS. No; 2,
'Hay Township, for 12 years and fin-
ally in .SS. No. 14, Stanley Township,
where he was in charge for 20 years.
These school always had a • large at-
tendance •in those days. and part of
Mr,, Johnston's, duties was to instruct
the fifth classes of young. men -and
women. ` • .
In 1920, 14Ir. Johnston. became •book
keeper for' the Harvey Bros: Milling
CO., Exeter, arid was asosciated 'with
this business, for eight years Since.
1928 he has lived retired in his com-
fortable home' in Exeter.
• Mia. Johnston served .as secretary -
treasurer 'of the West Huron Teach=
ers' Association for 20 years. He has
'always been actively associated' with,
the work pf the Methodist .and, •later,
United churches, being a lay clergy:
man for more than 60 years and a
Bible• class teacher for an even long
er period. He was. also an •ardent tem-
perance worker. .
• In• 1887 he was, married • to Sarah
,M. Blake,, of Ashfield. ,The surviving
members of the' family are H. , F.
Johnston, 'B.A.,'scientist with the Car-
negie Institution,r'of Washington, D
C.; Albert W. • Johnston, M.A., an
actuary with the Excelsior Life As-
surance Co., of Toronto, . and Cecil
Johnston, M:D., associated with the
lVlattawan State Hospital, Beacon, . N.
Y. Dr. Mary Johnston, ., formerly as-
sociated with the Mountain Sanator-
ium, Hamilton, who died in 1930, was,
an only daughter. r`.
Mr. Johnston is a poet of no mean -
'ability and plans to have a number
of, 'his 'poems published in booklet
form. For several years he has con-
tributed . many articles and sketches,
mostly of a historical nature; for the.
public press. Altogether, he is a, man
who has led an active and busy life
for More than 70 years '.and is rec-
ognized as one who has made as�fine
In an accident •which. might have
been'very .serious, James ' Webster
and Fvan Rivett, his hired'man, carne
off very fortunate with but slight
injury. • , . •. ••,
Mr. Webster was driving a f •our=
horse team hitched to a wagon upon
which Was :Loaded a set of harro'ws,.
and• behind. which there was a 'culti-
vator, attached. • • .
Ivan Rivett followed With a team
hitched to a wagonupon which .a seed -
drill was .loaded, the• driver sitting
on. ,top of the seed -drill. They were
'Inlaying the equipment froth Mr: Web-
' seer's:new farrn.'on'concession 2, West,
• • Wawanosh, to 'complete the seeding
• on a farm on concessiien 9, Ashfield,
still owned by him', a distance of eight
or nine miles. .
Coming .dawn a steep hill on conces=
,sion'4, Wawanosh, the team driven by
Ivan became frightened and started
to run • away. Mr.' Webster, who .was
ahead with the ,fourTorse team, was
compelled to run his horses to avoid
being run over .by. the other team.
Finally the ikinaway team, harness,
• seed drill, .wagon and driver, upset,
in a heap on • the side of the road
and 'were a .tangled mass. Rivett.
Somehow extricated himself' from tlic'
heap, and Mr.: Webster, tying up' his
• four horses, came to his •assistance.'
After a time they were 'able to cen••
tine the' trip, with the team hitched
' to' the drill, .and the wagon hooked
en behind. The runaway heanister re-
ceived only scratches and bruises in a contribution as any '.citizen of the.
his exciting experience.v, district.' • - •
Subject to certain exemptions, the Foreign Ex-
ch nge Acquisition' Order requires every resident
of Canada who had any, foreign currency or foreign
currency deposit in his possession, ownership or
control on May 1st, 1940, regardless of amount, to
sell the'same to an Authorized Dealer^ (chartered
b`dthi).. on Vic- b"do'_tU May ,w.11.A 4..0,E ,-..•
Unless an extension has been granted by the
Board, any resident who has not compliled with
the terms of the Order on or before May 81st,
'1940, will be in defaultsubjectto the penalties
provided in the Order.
The Order.r, .
does not •require. the sale of foreign
Further infarmatrml and particulars MaSt bC
obtained from any branch of a chartered bank.
The 24th of May was a ".black.: out
as far. as a holiday. 'was concerned,
when rain fell all day. Then again
otr. Sunday afternoon another. deluge i'
fell. Folks on the Second Con.. report
hail fell there.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McNah . spent
Thursday afternoon with Mr. and
Mrs. Robert McNeil.
Mr., and Mrs. Benson Brown and
Shirley of ,,Port Albeit and Howard
Reed . of ffojyro.od visited, at their
home here Sunday. .
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Martin and chil-
edren., ](Irs,. ;Meade and daughters, of
Ripley, .visited friends in' this 'Vicinity
• Mrs. Harold Si'ewart and children
are.with relatives" here .while Harold'
is in Westminster Hospital fol: ob-,
servation. ' ° .
We are 'sorry; to know.. that' Mrs..
Donald : MacDonald has' been very ill
this past week. She• is improving and
we hope for a speedy recovgry. ,
Mr. Ewart Webster, whose 'home
for the past five years has been in
Kirkland Lake, arrived ;here Friday
for a three-day visit with the Lorne
folk. ' Mr:.Jack Webster was also
home on • Sunday from Parry .Sound.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom. England and
family of .Galt were recent visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Joe England..
Sunday was a great day to the
many -who attended the both services
at h
the new'•Pentecostal. Church at
Kinlough, /The church was filled to
capacity, as ,Rev. D. N. Burtain, the
general :Sulierintendent of the Pent-
ecostal .Assemblies of Canada, dedi-
cated the fine church buildingfor
the preaching Of the gospel. .The
church was beautifully decorated with
spring flowers and palms. Mrs. A.
Breckles sang a pleasing• soloentit-
led, "When they `rung those Golden
Bells for. (you• and me" followed by 'a
lovely duet••by'Miss, Sullivan, and Miss
Grey, Kincardine, who. sang "Deeper
in Thy Love, 0 Jesus".. Then • Rev.
D. Ivl,' 13untain preacheda stirring
messagje .'n the first Pentecostal
church in Jerusalem.. After ,the mess
age, a number were gathered at the
alter, The new Pentecostal church will
seat over 120 and has•'hardwood floor'
and semi gothic..windows, making a
very, splendid . place of . worship.'
A Fish Dinner .
There are more than' we humans
that enjoy .a fish dinner, according
to 'an eye vv itriess who recently
nessed .a blacksnake devouring a
"toothsome morsel" in the form of
a' wiggling brook trout. The snake,
about a yard long and an inch around
was in the -, act of swallowing, the
trout, and the conflict was_ taking
-the form Of the "battle of the bulge,"
with about three inches of -the trout:
already oat pf sight and the ultimate
result quite evident. The (surprising
part of it was how the. comparatively_
slow moving snake managed to, catch
the darting 'fish: ,
Directors of the Lucia -low Agri -1
cultural Society,. meeting last Wed-
nesday night commenced .planning for
the Fall Fair that is but' four months
Appointments of Committees• to re-
vise the various classes of the prize
list were made- as follows, with the
work to be done (within twb weeks:
Horses—Adair . McQueen, Jacob
Hunter, John McQuillin; Cattle-^An-
Orew Gaunt, D. Carruthers ,George,
Kennedy. Sheep and Swim Sam Al-
' ton, Richard ' Elliott;. Poultry, Grain,
iteots• and 'Vegetables -Jas: R. Hack-
ett, G. 4. Greer, Adam McQueen„,
Dairy .,and Table, Supplies, Ladies ; de;
partreents,,''Mrs, Almer Ackert, Mrs.
'Phillip Stewart, Mil, R. G: Martin,
Miss.'Jennie Lyons and. Mrs4.'William
Rutherford; . Fruit -L Wallace llliIler,
Jas.;' R. Hackett, •Alex Andrew; Fine
Arts and 'Flowers -S. C. Rathwell',
G. H. Smith, L. p. 'Thompson.
The appointment of judges, sub-
ject to their acceptance was made'as
follows: Heavy Horses—Robert Scott,
Cromarty;• •Light horses—John Mc-,
Craaken, Listowel; Cattle -Bert Begg,
Tiverton. Sheep and Swine—Ephriam
Snell, Clinton; 'Poultryt, Elmer Par-
rish; Roots, Vegetables, Grain—Geo.
Jardine; Dairy Supplies & Ladies de-
partment -Mrs." Crawford and. Mrs
Sam. :Fruit—R. H. McQuillin;'Fine
Arts and F1'ower's—E. S. Lewis, •Wing -
ham. •
• Concert and attractions Committee
—G. H:..Smith, L. C: 'Thompson, Geo.
Kennedy; Fred Martin, the' Secretsary
and the President..
Committees to meet Township Coun=
cils regarding grants .are:. Kinloss-
D. Carruthers and Adani McQueen;
West Wawanosh—George Kennedy &
A. Gaunt; Ashfield—Sam 'Alton and
Jas. R. Hake%t, Lucknaw—G. H.
Smith and Campbell Thompson:'.
G. A..•Greer and Jas.. R. Hackett
were . appointed to arrange for mak-
ing exhibit, display .supports, and a
committee was, .also named to take
Charge of mr wing the small building,
behind Johnston's Garage, which is
owned by the ' Society. Thiswill be.
located in •a more 'suitablelocation
on the Society's Groundsand will be
used for 'equipment storage purposes.'.
airs. Wm. Dow of Hensall spent
Thursday, with her brother-in-law, Mr.
John Onbb.
Married—At the Manse by the Rev.
Jahn Pollock, Miss Jessie • Orr" of
Larigside to Mr. Lapp, alo • has been:
working for Mr. Foster Moffat. The
young couple are going to reside in
Goderich. Congratulations.'
Misses Jennie and Mine Reid ' of
Teeswater visited on Thursday with
Mrs: C. Murray.
Very successful anniversary ser-
vices were held on Sunday in the Pres-
byterian church. Large Congregations
at both services listened to the Rev.
Gordon 'Rintoul's inspiring sermons.
A solo by Miss Bertha MacKay was
much appreciated and the music by
the choir was enjoyed ;by all.
Mr. and Mrs. R. McWhinney of
Ashfield attended the services si`nd
spent the day with Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Pater son.
Mrs. Kilpatrick of Pgrt Perry spent
the week -end with Mri and Mrs. J.
Dawson and called on old ',acquaint-
Mr. and Mrs.. John Reid of Auburn
attended the Anniversary and. spent
the day with Mrs. Kennedy.
- #s Le.WIs,of Stratford who has
been visiting for a week with her
niece, Mrs. J. McLean returped to her
home on Sunday.
• Mr. and Mrs. George Fisher and
family spent Sunday with the latter's
mother Mrs. John Carruthers near
Ripley. ' •
Mr. ' John Patterson has taken. a
poirition iri the glove factory at Wing-
r, 'ancf M s``' r e - 1.111' I' or o
Toronto spent the, week -end with Mr.
and Mrs'. Jos. Tiffin,
Miss Agnes Wilson, R.N, of Whit-
by spent Sunday with her mother,
Mrs. J. Wilson, .
Howard B. Hamilton, who has been
named rector: of St. John's Church,
Bervie;• the Church of the; Ascension,
Kinlough 'and St. Matthew,s Church,;
Kingarf, was graduated, from'. Huron
College, London, on • Tuesday of last
week. :
Mr. Hamilton,'. whose home. is at
Owen Sound,. is • a .son' of the 'Rev. T.
Hamilton, , former 'rector of • Bervie
parish, He will be ordained at Owen
Sound shortly and then' inducted as
rector of the. parish: '
At convocation exercises the degree
of B. Th., Bachelor' of Theology, was
conferred upon hini. He also received
the Matthew Wilson gold, medal, for
proficiency 'in elocution.
LONG past is the day When a hole'' m the ground was .regarded as
the best . place in which to keep.' savings. Modern banking, evolved by ,
man as a convenience- to ;serve his ' developing needs, now provides the
solution. As a depository for his money today the Canadian relies upon
his bank. Q From the days of the old-world' goldsmiths of centuries ago,
to banks, bank notes, and deposit accounts wh&h'meet so efficiently the-
greater business and human needs of ,today, is a far cry indeed- Q Canada's
chartered banks, with their wide distribution, of branches 'throughout the
Dominion, now provide deposit and other banking services 'in line with
up-to-date: requirements and in keeping with Canada's position as an im-
portant factor in world .trade.
In war, as in peace, Canada's Chartered Banks maintain, uninter- "
rupted, all their' services to depositors, farmers, manufacturers,
exporters—facilitating 'the' ,nation's business—looking forward to
peace with freedom as the only sure basis for enduring prosperity.,
',The 'Children's .Aid Society' Board,
meeting in Walkerton'.last •Dveek•, sel-
ected Mrs. J. C..Baker of Toronto and.
formerly Of. Port Elgin,' as. matron
of the Society's shelter. Mrs. Baker
was chosen from seventeen applicants,
•and • will assume her new duties on
June lst, succeedineMiss Inglis:. who
has . held the position • for thirteer.
years.. Mrs. Baker will`receive a sal-
ary of, $70:00 per. month as -.did her
Mrs:. Ruth Rennie. of Walkerton was
named a member of the' Board; 'sue-.
ceeding Mrs. F. G. ,Eidt, who resigned
in protest of the Board's action in
dismissing Miss Inglis.
Remanded A • Week .
In :police court in Goderich last
week William Drennan pleaded guilty
to theft •of 'a copper fire' extinguisher
from Glen 'Campbell, Ashfield 'far-
mer, but 'his ,brother, Janies, jointly'
accused; said "t guilty”.; The pair
werremandenod to jail for a week.
They allegedly broke.up the $25 fire
extinguisher with an axe and sold it
tb a . junk dealer for' $1.• -
Completing. Goderich Road
' Work is underway of resurfacing
the Huron County ,road from Glenn's
Hill• to Carlgw, and the latter part
of the week detouring was necessary.
When. this;stretch is completed there
will be a permanent surface and dust
free road from Ltiekriow' to Goderich:
The pencil has 'made a number., 'of
pointed remarks about the ,sponge be-
ing . soaked all day and . the: waat'e
basket's • being full. The scissors are
cutting • up and \the paper weight is
trying to hold them down, while the
mucilage is sticking around to see
that the stamps get •a 'good licking.
The ink is:but 'appears to be
blue while Bill is' stuck in the file and
•the calendar,,expects to get a month .
off. The blotter has. <been taking it all r .
in. .
Set" Opening Date.
Hon.' Harry Nixon has announced
that fisheri en'`may make their first
cast for bass on ,tune 29th, the Sat-
urday prior to On.
•Day, when
the. 'season normally opens.
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thousands of former small -car owners who now drive •
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7cbs, Pontiac brings you big-carluxury yet PRICES
So don't•ever get the idea you can't afford•a Pontiac.
• Any Pontiac owner will tell you it's just as easy tq buy
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Illustrating Pontiac Special Six 4 -Door Sedan, ,
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IJere's all the acceleration, power. and
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Owners say Pontiac is actually just as
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'Amazingly trouble-free, too! And it's
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Three-way control that makes all roads
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