HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1940-05-30, Page 3r ,R • Keep Life Normal Women Are urged University . of Western Ont- ario Woman Professor Advo- cates . Preservation of Sane Outlook by Women of Can- ada . Dr. Dorothy Turville, of ;,,the University of Western Ontario, warned the Provincial Council tf Women meeting at ,London, On- tario, that women should •not be , so ""hysterically" active in war. effort, that they fail to keep' "the home :fires. burning." • . ,; Dr;;,Turville, who is assistant, professor . of 'romance languages ,' and. detins,of wonlenF at` Western, addressed a .luncheon ,of the semi! annual convention. on ,the .topic, "Women's Piace in Canada:" ;• •. She declared 'that "one of .ilia very `best aids that women -can. be to' -society, esPecially in ' war- ' time, is to 'keep., the normal roil-. 'tine oflife running• smoothly • along its accustomed grooves -- particularly in this war which journalistically said to be a i"war' • •of nerves." ' ' KEEP HOME 'FIRES. BURNING "Women., more than men, . are able to provide through social activities the: relaxation heeessarg, to preserve a' sane, outlook ''on Life." . "1 think one 'of. •our. ,prime du-' ties ,is. to keep. the home fires. burning,", Dr. Turville stressed.' • "We shouldn't go off on • Red Cross • er other service tans, ;',ts • ,Sq. hysterically 'as to n.eglec't the, • ` family Life must go • on. as . ustia: if 'ire are to have stani!;a er:c,ugh. to remain firm until the cna:' • Kaitting's Her Dobby Betweeh scenes of her latest. picture " `ride and Prejudice," Greer Ger- son knits in her dressing room on the set. itnitting., is one of Miss Garson's favorite hoblsies. "Kissing Book." Not Obligatory .LESSON IX TESTING CONAUCT BV ITS U.SE.FULNE:SS (A Principle, of Temperate Living) Ezekiel. 15:1-6; 1Vl.atthew 5:1316; 7:16-20; I Corinthians 10:6-7'• Golden: Text: "By their fruits; ye shall know•thern." 'Matt. 7:16. • THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING Time.—.'The• fitfeenth chapter of . Ezekiel was probably • written in the Sermon on the Mo,unt was delivered., in . the sum•nier.,,of 'A.D 28: 'the First. Epistle of •Paul: ,I • 'tte'the, Corinthians was written-' about A.D. 56. . P„lace —e—.;Ezekiel—lived in. captive • ity in Tel^abili .on -the canal Qhebatii the`; Serniori -on...the. Mount was -de-"•' livered not far;•• from the 'city of Capernauni: near the Sea' of Gali- lee; the First Epistle. of: Paul tolthe Corinthians, :was - written by' him • from the city 'of Dphesus. ` • • . • .Our universities and, schools make • it their object: to impart 'knowledge 'find. create ,a love Lor•knowledge,' • but .the Lord .Jesu•s taught in order that he might create fine lives — ..no`ble,, strong and.godly characters.' , THE BURNED VINE Ezek.: 15:1. And the word..of Je- hovah .came unto me, saying,.2. Son' • of man, what`is the vine -tree more thaft''any tree, the vine -branch that. Js among the trees, of the.. forest? 3. Shall wood 'betaken thereof to make any , or1c? or, will men take , a pin of it. to hang, any Vessel there- on'? 4. • Behold, it is cast into the e 'fire for' fuel; the :fire hath devour, • ed both the ends .of • 'it, • and the • midst 'of •it is burned, shall it 'yet. be.meet for a:w work?.G:Therefore Otis. saith the Lord '+Jehovah:• As • . the vine -tree among the trees of • th'e forest, which 1 have given to the fire for fuel.•'so will I give th'e inhabitants of Jerusalem. Chapter • fifteen. develops the theme that ' the presence of truly 'righteous. men among•a sinful and rebellious' .people will never suffice for the• saving:: of ,these Wicked.' unright- eous citizens Of the same vicinity: Ic was contm•only 'considered 'among tlye IsPaelites • that though. other l. ..nations” .might perish. Israel .was the Lord'S•own heritage, a vine in- deed which lie. himself had 'plant- ed, and. which lie w•o.uldwatch over -and care for, securing for .it protec- tion and permane :in •spite of , anything; that ,t peojile of Israel might do. Under such a delusion the Israelites refused to believe the :'warnings which the propli:et contig! Lally. announced. •I'n this Chapter ' . the prophet Ezekiel takes •up this very idea 0! Israel as the vineyard. 'of the Lord, and i'rom parallels iii nature powerfully .supports his pre- ceding predictions ei imminent .carr.. amity; (The nations round about Israel are set forth symbolically hero by - the phrase, '"the trees of the forest", • while Israel is the . vine). • TODAY's APPLICATION While: this Message is distinctly- o Israel, surely it .has' a vital les- son for . that particular class of .people, which, • because they .• are members of some Christian chureh, - think that they: are so unde,r'•the special favor of God that they. can' continue hi sin,.. and do as they . please. God does not judge -Men by• 'religious affiliation. but by true •life and .character, • and . the vital rela- tionship. of a man to the, Lord, Je- 'see ;Christ.. . FUNCTION OF TRi'1a, „ .CHRISTIANS Matt. 5:13. Ye are the salt of tate earth; but if thessalt have' lost. its savor, wherewith shall it be salt- ed?'it's thenceforth good for 'noth- ing, but to he cast out, trodden un-' der foot of men. All that is hest and most hopeful in mere worldly civil- ization has in it Ithe canker of more al evil. The. counteractive ' of this is the introduction of an II element. into society' which'. will 'Hold in. check the fortes that make for un - righteousness, and be itself an ele- vating and purifying' influence. Such an element • Christians' were to be in the world. 14. ye tyre the light of .the worad. A cite 'set on a • hill cannot be hid. .Christians area -tire light by means of which "the world, the mass. of ,mankind, may see the things of religion; may; r'e the, truth about God and his ser- vice. 13: Neither do men light a Tamp; and put it under the bushel, but ori the stand; and it s.hinett unto all that ai .'iir the house. ("bu- shel" — a basket Containing about a peck). 16. Even se.let your light • ^shine before men; that they may. see your -good Storks,, and . glorify . your -'titer' who is in heaven. Our Lord urged no theoretieal display -entjaarnau.talut courageotts• •Christian life lived in the mien. F1TUITAtIE IN HUMAN CHARACTER 16. By' their fruits ye shat( know Sheen. 1)0 men • gather gral5ets of 'thorns, or figs oivthistles? if. Even so every •good •tree bringeth forth .. good fruit;. but the corrupt ''tree bri.agetli forty evil fruit. 1.8. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, The Law. Provides' Solely That An Oath Must Be Bind.' , ing on A Witness! Conscience "hissing the Book" is not a necessary part of the oath in courts of law, say's a writer in the Ilri,tish Family Herald', The' law provides that an oath "m,ust be binding• upon the witness' con- ncience. He must also give some outward sign of' its solemnity. If a..C'hristian, he trust hold, the New Testament in his tight hand,, but kissing' it is purely' a custom- aty addition. • EXCEPTIONS, MADE Jews car swearA:1 fkc Old •-,. Testament. Scotsmen • can. raise the. right. hand, • without a Bible. '• Quakers and Moravian§ , can • make an " affirmatidtn instead •of an • 'owe oath. by •which they "solemnly, 's sincerely and truly declare -and ' affirm"_ .that, ,etc. . By-Blronchoscope Thanks to the use of a broncho- scope Gec:rge Leibuld, young Ay- • ton, Ont., farmer, has a bridge- work of four teeth which be ,p awaa.11oweil, back'in his mouth with ^+ , comparatively little damage to his gullet. . • .' While Leibttld wag 'sleepii • • e't cess lost e • g•u. p, c • weke•ne,l to find he had swallow- ed' the plate work.; Examined in a hospital, at Hamilton; it was found the teeth Were ' lodged in his • esophagus. Mr. Icing SAND Opening of the 19th Parliament Prime Minister King arrives at the .parliament buildings in Ottawa.. for the opening' session of Canada's ' 19th parliament, The Speeeli • from the. Throne :was read' by 'Sir Lyman Duff, ,acting governoi general. By. DAVE. ROBBINS "• IIIADIO REPORTER 11 "SHOW MUST' GO ON" The work 'cf• preparing' special radio aprograms i t nev°er ' take!. into esnsideta.tiion •by th'e lister: ers 'as the;i'•,'sit b'e:;id 5. their r-- •. dios and enjoy\a srto•o:h1y present= ed feature -- 'but. here's 'a litege note' that. will give you some' idea 'of the. work d'ttie in -advance..In, June" 'f O. Wickland, head'.•of the. •.special' events ' department 'of' CBC, •will travel west to the ri'n ; anti'werls inevitably be. . LEARNING FROM TI •PAST . • 1 , Cor. 10•':6. Now these things • were•••cur. 'examples. 'to the Intent we should not •liist ,after evil things: as they also lusted. ``These•things refers to 'the paragraph. which. be- gins this tenth chapter of •l'adl'e great, letter to the 'church at .Cor- 'inth. The Israelites'and' the 'facts of their' history. stand as . warnings, to us. 7. 'Neither he ye i•lolators, as were some df thein; as it. is writ- ten; ,• the people., s t down, to eat and driolc. 'and rose up•' to play. As the Israelitee perished for their sin: their excuses notwithstanding:. . se. those whoare in fact Ldolators; -.whether they so, regard thenrselves or not, must expect a •1'ike, fate, ' of the Columbia iccfield• — iri ' Athabasca t rritory, and then don ' s'kiis and climb' G800••feet• to, the chalet atop the' A•thaba':-ra glacier.. For from ' that point' a • special. broadcast will he given, cn. July 1; • When the ,Banff -Jasper highway' is opened.. Engineer Roy Cahoon, of 'the •CBC ' station •at Wa.trous, will accompany Mt Wickland. on '• this strenuous jaunt - for the purpose of testing the 'possibility • of sending front,' that point and to see how much of the ware • :the minerals. in...the.' mountain tides absorb.' • Nos "Wikky" as lie is known In the radio'. •business,,• is; no •tiny. .chap but a portly .gentleman, of some. 250 pounds —'•and that jaunt to.' the ten of Abe glac•.ier,. over a' mile in "the air, will , be quite' a task. But then 'Wikky al-_ ways jived' by the rule. the, show mutt .go OTh • . AROUND THE .DIAL Jessica D.iagonette will be the. guest star on the Ford "hour dur- ing the. summer Sabbath ' even- ings. , Leopold Stanislaus Stokow`k•i, one, of . the foremost symphony At Funeral of, Canadian Army's Adjutant -General • • Soldiers, civilians and statesmen took part .in ,the funeral' procession of Magor -General' fI. H.. Mathews,, adjutant -general .of the 'Canadian army 'who died: in Ottawa. The funeral procession is shown here. leaving , •All Saints church, Ottawa. • Maybe. This Man Wtlacsn't 'So Crazy. ' ' The ears of a -Vancouver butcher's clerk • still get red when he thinks of how it hap- pened. - • - •"The 'fellow walked in,", re- lated the clerk, "and asked for a pound of meat. 'I vyrapped it, up .for him , and put it on the counter. lie picked up the parcel and said: 'I never , pay for anything: I'm crazy.? Then he just walked' out!" directors in ,the, world, ;was: 'holm, 'of' poor Polish -prentage in Loa - don, England. • So the colourful .conductor is really an Engiish=.. titan.. • • , Everyo'ile has, a favourite 'song; ' maybe ' an aria from an opera or"• an .old classic„ that they like to hear done well. dust. such a' -pro- gram ie offered' by •CKOC .in "Music You' Know," heard on Sunday. afternoon at •4:45. •• "Music You Know" presents' world ..famous singers including 'Lawrence Tibbett, . Jeanette 'Mc- Donald, John Charles Thomas and_, Richard crooks, in familiar songs •of'd'theconcert stage and' theatre. The .CBC. will present an it: • teresting type of prograln on May • 31st at 'Eight' in -the evening :when "Canada Calls" is put on, the air. •This, program will; .bring, •to Canadian aid American . listen- ers matey" of the 'attractions .of- ',felted, by Ontario,: Quebec and the ' _Marititn,es . to Holiday-llakeis. a "The .Show Boat" over .11)/J7, Btue net*•orlc from Chicago 'on :Friday nights -at' Nine, is a honey o1 a prog}'am. Virginia trill,• Dick •Todd' •Marlin Hui t., •1-Iui, ' Studebaker,- the Show :Boat ba;tt9 and •Bob Stroig'.s.. orchestra ' this' shovi=n, an outstanding - radio, .feature. . • !, ;. —o— • ProgramSpotlight—Monday--.- • With , the tr•cops in 'Ettgla.nd vi:t. • CBC 'at ,8 ... 'Radio ,theatre front Hollywood on Columbia . at f • Make mine musicsat CKQC 11.•30 :Tommy' 'Dorsey's band o!i • NBC -red' at midnight,: . . Tues day Canadian Snapshots from CBL at. ten p.m. ,Wednesday Easy Aces,, NBC -blue at 7 • . Ser-' enade"for strings, from CBL at :9.30. . . 'Frid'ay- Superman, for -the . kids, mutual chain at '6.45 Attics and Andy from: • 'Columbia at '7 .. , ;Den Ameche -show. via NBC=red :network• at sten Farm Dotes.. . Llse Weeder, Harrow• To .Destroy' Weeds • ' 'Moisture conerved' and maps • . annual weeds killed in' seedling stage, • states John D. -.MacLeod, • • Ont.. Dept: ' of Agi iculture. The destruction of , a n n 'weeds in the sbe.dling ,stage by the use of the weeder' or harrow has • mucli to ' c•emmend it, says John D. .MacLeod,. Crops, Seeds and. Weeds Branch, Ont. Dept. of Ag- riculture; A weeder is preferred 'but the 'lever harrow .or diamond toothed' harrow -maybe used with • care. s. When spring, graili crops and fall wheat. which, have. not been seeded down are up 2 to 4 inches the • weeder may 'lie esed,. prefer- :ably 'with 'the rows, ..n ttte.'after- • noon when :plants are, net ' so . 'brittle. This ..stirring. of the •sur- 'face soil 'breaks the crust, forms •a mulch,,thereby t conserving moi-- . ture sand destroys many annual weeds in the seedling stage. This 'method should never be employed immediately following a•.rain. - • A •Practical) Method The weed . population in hoed crops such as corn and potatoes • may be .reduced to a minimum by the• use of 'the weeder or harrow:. soon after 'Planting and continued until .the' crop .is -3- to 4, inchgp•,. high. The weeder mass even .be 'used on sugar beets, 'mangers -and . turnips just after they are up ih the. drills, and' will prove very-• helpful in• controlling weeds with- : out injuring, the. crop. • This' method ie a ,practical one which has been adopted by many farmers throughout the Province, with excellent results. • . A bouquet of, flowers, tossed , from a high -flying aeroplane dur- t ing 'a patriotic celebration, at La Paz, Bolivia, struck and killed an ' eleven -year-old 'schoolgirl. ■ % /' `per f � WORLD By WiJliati� ' . THIS CURIOUS 1'M RLD .Ferguson 1 flit oINOSALSR.St i 'ONCE RULERS OF THE EARTH; •MAD. SOME CHARAC-TERis-tiCS. . . COMMQN 1 ro BIRDS, LIZARDS " AWE, ALLIGATORS, KIT'„„ '-HEY NAVE I4O NEAR I_ , SI -POO RELA- TIVES 'LIVfidG -robaA. . ',a, IS FOUND IN: NATURE IN MORE, THAN! /00, OC`]!O C'O/!i a/NAT/ONS. 'MOST 67 T14E TREE C'?..DLJNG .DAMAaE .,T1- iB'UTED TO 24BB/T5, (S . DC}NE BV A4/CE. 1937 B''N55A SER'CE. IN0. , 7.21 ."5— ALTHOUGH the dinosaurs varied greatly in many respects, they shared certain anatomical .characteristics .which place 'therm, ell together in •One great order. Insize; they varied .from the size of a rabbit to almost ' 100 feet! in' length. Some were carnivorous. •'others vegetarians:.sotne had hundreds of teeth,while others were toothless.' Some walked ,on all fours, •vv%hile.-other's were :upright. ' . N 'EXts What prevents' certain • leaves in tropical forests from becoming water-logged?': • s LEGEN.DIARY. VILLAIN HORIZONTAL 1 Villainous. heroi a ' 0 'famous .o.P a•., 6I '1e vas .t legendary. �- or • •' imposter. 14 Wild• bu1T:,1”: 15 Uncl.c.'' ' 16 Convex: . melding. • '•17 To quote: 18 TO steal. 19 Merchandise... s , • ,2.0:Pasteboard • .4't • picture' frame.' ruler, 21, Gymnastic ' 43 Auror. apparatus. 46 Accur:n: , 2.4 Gaif term. •47 High • 25 Meat. •mountelee 26 Thing. 50 Vestige. 27'Reply. • 422 Act of • • • in ' scale.30 Preposition migrating..in. Altar slat: t, • of. place. 53 'He gold h;c 3t Small flu. soul to the. • 3 One: '• 32 Morindin d;`e, 4 Coterie. 34 Plural • . 5S King of be'i is 5 To seesaw.. (abbr.): • 56 Room rests' • 6 Sea skelefoe: 35 Star-shaped', 57 Gounod flow er: .wrote ti '• '7 Barrel ring. 37 Wine vessel. , • 8 Yellow resin. 9. Opposed to highest. 10 Kava. • ti Any wrongful' .. act.' .12 On the lee. • .13 Snout. •:10 He „Made, love to'--, .22 Polynesian -- thestnut.• 23 Eagerness. 1,15 Chose. by, .. ballot. ,'28 Being. .,ne ^,, Bloc::Itescids. 29 -To make lace. 33 Pertaining.• ' to the side.' 34. Green-filrns 59 Brat tett?. e. dntc;n. • on bronzes. 4'ERTIG.3L 36. Matures.. I Four•tli note. 38 Blur. • . u9 Creeds. 41 Credit. 42 Bone. • 44 Shaft part. 45•Boat .part. ' 47 To assert. . 48 Italian coins. • 49 Project: 51 Folding bed. 54 Roof finial. .. IZ 13 15 16 . 25. 36 C 41 ' 47 '8 19 56 59 53 57 60 51 15 i'r untrf ii ii:`""L ° elrtit t- bringetti not • forth good' fruit i3 het n down, anti cast into the fire. 20, Therefore by their fruits ye. shall 'know. Them. What a matt is bre heart, that will his words FOP—.Pop Takes Down His Art Critic • By J,- MILLAR WATT I onm 0S OR S LG ATROCITIES; ART rV. • NO.yj.,.� � :'_ ice./. 1:W11+ Sy ail,., ,•i,•..r ..i:' >• e` "SHOW MUST' GO ON" The work 'cf• preparing' special radio aprograms i t nev°er ' take!. into esnsideta.tiion •by th'e lister: ers 'as the;i'•,'sit b'e:;id 5. their r-- •. dios and enjoy\a srto•o:h1y present= ed feature -- 'but. here's 'a litege note' that. will give you some' idea 'of the. work d'ttie in -advance..In, June" 'f O. Wickland, head'.•of the. •.special' events ' department 'of' CBC, •will travel west to the ri'n ; anti'werls inevitably be. . LEARNING FROM TI •PAST . • 1 , Cor. 10•':6. Now these things • were•••cur. 'examples. 'to the Intent we should not •liist ,after evil things: as they also lusted. ``These•things refers to 'the paragraph. which. be- gins this tenth chapter of •l'adl'e great, letter to the 'church at .Cor- 'inth. The Israelites'and' the 'facts of their' history. stand as . warnings, to us. 7. 'Neither he ye i•lolators, as were some df thein; as it. is writ- ten; ,• the people., s t down, to eat and driolc. 'and rose up•' to play. As the Israelitee perished for their sin: their excuses notwithstanding:. . se. those whoare in fact Ldolators; -.whether they so, regard thenrselves or not, must expect a •1'ike, fate, ' of the Columbia iccfield• — iri ' Athabasca t rritory, and then don ' s'kiis and climb' G800••feet• to, the chalet atop the' A•thaba':-ra glacier.. For from ' that point' a • special. broadcast will he given, cn. July 1; • When the ,Banff -Jasper highway' is opened.. Engineer Roy Cahoon, of 'the •CBC ' station •at Wa.trous, will accompany Mt Wickland. on '• this strenuous jaunt - for the purpose of testing the 'possibility • of sending front,' that point and to see how much of the ware • :the minerals. in...the.' mountain tides absorb.' • Nos "Wikky" as lie is known In the radio'. •business,,• is; no •tiny. .chap but a portly .gentleman, of some. 250 pounds —'•and that jaunt to.' the ten of Abe glac•.ier,. over a' mile in "the air, will , be quite' a task. But then 'Wikky al-_ ways jived' by the rule. the, show mutt .go OTh • . AROUND THE .DIAL Jessica D.iagonette will be the. guest star on the Ford "hour dur- ing the. summer Sabbath ' even- ings. , Leopold Stanislaus Stokow`k•i, one, of . the foremost symphony At Funeral of, Canadian Army's Adjutant -General • • Soldiers, civilians and statesmen took part .in ,the funeral' procession of Magor -General' fI. H.. Mathews,, adjutant -general .of the 'Canadian army 'who died: in Ottawa. The funeral procession is shown here. leaving , •All Saints church, Ottawa. • Maybe. This Man Wtlacsn't 'So Crazy. ' ' The ears of a -Vancouver butcher's clerk • still get red when he thinks of how it hap- pened. - • - •"The 'fellow walked in,", re- lated the clerk, "and asked for a pound of meat. 'I vyrapped it, up .for him , and put it on the counter. lie picked up the parcel and said: 'I never , pay for anything: I'm crazy.? Then he just walked' out!" directors in ,the, world, ;was: 'holm, 'of' poor Polish -prentage in Loa - don, England. • So the colourful .conductor is really an Engiish=.. titan.. • • , Everyo'ile has, a favourite 'song; ' maybe ' an aria from an opera or"• an .old classic„ that they like to hear done well. dust. such a' -pro- gram ie offered' by •CKOC .in "Music You' Know," heard on Sunday. afternoon at •4:45. •• "Music You Know" presents' world ..famous singers including 'Lawrence Tibbett, . Jeanette 'Mc- Donald, John Charles Thomas and_, Richard crooks, in familiar songs •of'd'theconcert stage and' theatre. The .CBC. will present an it: • teresting type of prograln on May • 31st at 'Eight' in -the evening :when "Canada Calls" is put on, the air. •This, program will; .bring, •to Canadian aid American . listen- ers matey" of the 'attractions .of- ',felted, by Ontario,: Quebec and the ' _Marititn,es . to Holiday-llakeis. a "The .Show Boat" over .11)/J7, Btue net*•orlc from Chicago 'on :Friday nights -at' Nine, is a honey o1 a prog}'am. Virginia trill,• Dick •Todd' •Marlin Hui t., •1-Iui, ' Studebaker,- the Show :Boat ba;tt9 and •Bob Stroig'.s.. orchestra ' this' shovi=n, an outstanding - radio, .feature. . • !, ;. —o— • ProgramSpotlight—Monday--.- • With , the tr•cops in 'Ettgla.nd vi:t. • CBC 'at ,8 ... 'Radio ,theatre front Hollywood on Columbia . at f • Make mine musicsat CKQC 11.•30 :Tommy' 'Dorsey's band o!i • NBC -red' at midnight,: . . Tues day Canadian Snapshots from CBL at. ten p.m. ,Wednesday Easy Aces,, NBC -blue at 7 • . Ser-' enade"for strings, from CBL at :9.30. . . 'Frid'ay- Superman, for -the . kids, mutual chain at '6.45 Attics and Andy from: • 'Columbia at '7 .. , ;Den Ameche -show. via NBC=red :network• at sten Farm Dotes.. . Llse Weeder, Harrow• To .Destroy' Weeds • ' 'Moisture conerved' and maps • . annual weeds killed in' seedling stage, • states John D. -.MacLeod, • • Ont.. Dept: ' of Agi iculture. The destruction of , a n n 'weeds in the sbe.dling ,stage by the use of the weeder' or harrow has • mucli to ' c•emmend it, says John D. .MacLeod,. Crops, Seeds and. Weeds Branch, Ont. Dept. of Ag- riculture; A weeder is preferred 'but the 'lever harrow .or diamond toothed' harrow -maybe used with • care. s. When spring, graili crops and fall wheat. which, have. not been seeded down are up 2 to 4 inches the • weeder may 'lie esed,. prefer- :ably 'with 'the rows, ..n ttte.'after- • noon when :plants are, net ' so . 'brittle. This ..stirring. of the •sur- 'face soil 'breaks the crust, forms •a mulch,,thereby t conserving moi-- . ture sand destroys many annual weeds in the seedling stage. This 'method should never be employed immediately following a•.rain. - • A •Practical) Method The weed . population in hoed crops such as corn and potatoes • may be .reduced to a minimum by the• use of 'the weeder or harrow:. soon after 'Planting and continued until .the' crop .is -3- to 4, inchgp•,. high. The weeder mass even .be 'used on sugar beets, 'mangers -and . turnips just after they are up ih the. drills, and' will prove very-• helpful in• controlling weeds with- : out injuring, the. crop. • This' method ie a ,practical one which has been adopted by many farmers throughout the Province, with excellent results. • . A bouquet of, flowers, tossed , from a high -flying aeroplane dur- t ing 'a patriotic celebration, at La Paz, Bolivia, struck and killed an ' eleven -year-old 'schoolgirl. ■ % /' `per f � WORLD By WiJliati� ' . THIS CURIOUS 1'M RLD .Ferguson 1 flit oINOSALSR.St i 'ONCE RULERS OF THE EARTH; •MAD. SOME CHARAC-TERis-tiCS. . . COMMQN 1 ro BIRDS, LIZARDS " AWE, ALLIGATORS, KIT'„„ '-HEY NAVE I4O NEAR I_ , SI -POO RELA- TIVES 'LIVfidG -robaA. . ',a, IS FOUND IN: NATURE IN MORE, THAN! /00, OC`]!O C'O/!i a/NAT/ONS. 'MOST 67 T14E TREE C'?..DLJNG .DAMAaE .,T1- iB'UTED TO 24BB/T5, (S . DC}NE BV A4/CE. 1937 B''N55A SER'CE. IN0. , 7.21 ."5— ALTHOUGH the dinosaurs varied greatly in many respects, they shared certain anatomical .characteristics .which place 'therm, ell together in •One great order. Insize; they varied .from the size of a rabbit to almost ' 100 feet! in' length. Some were carnivorous. •'others vegetarians:.sotne had hundreds of teeth,while others were toothless.' Some walked ,on all fours, •vv%hile.-other's were :upright. ' . N 'EXts What prevents' certain • leaves in tropical forests from becoming water-logged?': • s LEGEN.DIARY. VILLAIN HORIZONTAL 1 Villainous. heroi a ' 0 'famous .o.P a•., 6I '1e vas .t legendary. �- or • •' imposter. 14 Wild• bu1T:,1”: 15 Uncl.c.'' ' 16 Convex: . melding. • '•17 To quote: 18 TO steal. 19 Merchandise... s , • ,2.0:Pasteboard • .4't • picture' frame.' ruler, 21, Gymnastic ' 43 Auror. apparatus. 46 Accur:n: , 2.4 Gaif term. •47 High • 25 Meat. •mountelee 26 Thing. 50 Vestige. 27'Reply. • 422 Act of • • • in ' scale.30 Preposition migrating..in. Altar slat: t, • of. place. 53 'He gold h;c 3t Small flu. soul to the. • 3 One: '• 32 Morindin d;`e, 4 Coterie. 34 Plural • . 5S King of be'i is 5 To seesaw.. (abbr.): • 56 Room rests' • 6 Sea skelefoe: 35 Star-shaped', 57 Gounod flow er: .wrote ti '• '7 Barrel ring. 37 Wine vessel. , • 8 Yellow resin. 9. Opposed to highest. 10 Kava. • ti Any wrongful' .. act.' .12 On the lee. • .13 Snout. •:10 He „Made, love to'--, .22 Polynesian -- thestnut.• 23 Eagerness. 1,15 Chose. by, .. ballot. ,'28 Being. .,ne ^,, Bloc::Itescids. 29 -To make lace. 33 Pertaining.• ' to the side.' 34. Green-filrns 59 Brat tett?. e. dntc;n. • on bronzes. 4'ERTIG.3L 36. Matures.. I Four•tli note. 38 Blur. • . u9 Creeds. 41 Credit. 42 Bone. • 44 Shaft part. 45•Boat .part. ' 47 To assert. . 48 Italian coins. • 49 Project: 51 Folding bed. 54 Roof finial. .. IZ 13 15 16 . 25. 36 C 41 ' 47 '8 19 56 59 53 57 60 51 15 i'r untrf ii ii:`""L ° elrtit t- bringetti not • forth good' fruit i3 het n down, anti cast into the fire. 20, Therefore by their fruits ye. shall 'know. Them. What a matt is bre heart, that will his words FOP—.Pop Takes Down His Art Critic • By J,- MILLAR WATT I onm 0S OR S LG ATROCITIES; ART rV. • NO.yj.,.� � :'_ ice./. 1:W11+ Sy ail,., ,•i,•..r ..i:' >• e`