HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1940-05-23, Page 8j4�:U4,Iy1ogs lila " Yuu Will Need FRIDAY, MAY -24t,k YOUNG. MEN'S ' PANTS—Sizes 2136 waist measure. Thishigh waist style with drop loops and narrow belt, pleated fronts. This is .a very popular pantfor sports wear. Summer Weight. $1.79 Pair v • MEN'S PANTS—In nice smooth worsted mixture. English Tweed ,Pants that sell regularly for $5?5., Holiday price • • a :$ MEN'S- SOCKS Coolies, smart style, plias. comfort..' Knit in elastic Top. (Holeproof). Pair 49c .- :fo ce Blue. Aviation style: Long Pants, BOYS'WASH SYTITS Air. , r .. '$1,98. ,•. belied coat: and , cap to match •• SUMMER UNDEEWEAR BOYS'. 'ATHLETIC.SHIRTS.,: Stze. '2644 25c ... • . , • :•. :.. . MEN'S ATHLETIC SII S IRTS-32, • 34, 36, •:38 . :. 49c • . p, „,iE.NS ATi�ETICSHORTS-No leg, elastickm, porous ''knit m'. . „" 49e • empleton • THE LUCKNOW' SENTINEL. MANY LAWYERS IN NEW PARLIAMENT Analysis of the occupational desig- nations of the 245 members • of the new House of Commons; opening May 16,, shows that any member could find among his colleagues+ toneor more qualified to serve him, if required, in a variety of ways. Services available would cover legal work of all kinds, provision': of farm! products, educational instruction,' writing a .life .or five insurance policy, religious comfort, publication, report- ing or . editing `a newspaper, dental' care, medical attention, engineering: preparation of a real home meal, ad- ivertising and even funeral preparat- ions. • , They new•"'House of Commons braces the•. following:Lawyers, 76; business men; 48; ~farinera,• 37; doc- tors, oc- tors,l18 .teachers, 10; civil and :min, ing :engineers; 9; insrurance. agents, 7; clergymen, 4 transport services, '4; publishers, .journalists, druggists, municipal : secretaries, ^ two each; housewife, (1Vlr s,"D.'W Neilsen,, North Battleford) ; optometrist;. butcher,. architect,. mortician,` machinist, .ad. vertising executive. r-- CLOCAL and. GENERAL J. MILLINERY SALE—Saturday, May 25th. •Several' styles' •at '$1.5.0 each. B. Robertson: Mr, Jack Nwton of Gorrie has ac- cepted a position at Hol'lyrnan's Bak- ery. Mr: and Mrs. T.'Jantzi of Milverton were week -end visitors with her hi -o- ther ther Mr. George Fisher and Mrs Fish- SPECIAL VALUE • MASSEY-HARR9S CREAM SEPARATORS Teri or more meinbers' are• "retired" or des'cr'ibed as ''`gentlemen:' The bus- iness: 'nen eover merchants,. nianuf- aeturers, agents, travellers, salesrnen; contractors, • exporters, executives, lumber dealers :and a knitter and a cattle drover. . The fernier .group covers' both "dirt" and. "gentlemen" variety, The doctors, iiielude - :the country .doctor, , the • city •physician, the .skilled surgeon and 2• 'dental surgeon The,•teachers .eover.. -university, primary •and secondary' schools..Clergymen are:' Rev: ¶Da1i Mchvor, Fort William; Rev. Alexand- er. Nicholson, .MacKenzie, Sask.; "Rev.: T. C. • Douglas, Weyburn, Sask.;, . and Rev.' Ernest Hansell,.':Macleod Alber- ta.• J. S.. Woodsworth., the C.C.F. lead . er •is now listed as"lecturer,': 'though, •- he is ordained. .'. ' P. S:: MACKENZ;IF. MOVES TO WALKERTON TO. PRACTISE LAW • Dr. James ,Little will be . out of Town May 27th to• 29th attending the Ontario Dental Convention in • Tor - SHOTGUN. ENDS BANDIT'S SPREE tlA blast frons a shotgun failed an. attempt • of safecrackers 'to . loot the safe of the R. J. Hueston & Co. lum- ber mil office at Gerrie of a large sung of money, and ended a series of five brealcins occurring in rapid succession early last •.Saturday morning., '° Entering two stores at Paisley, one at Elmwood and a garage at 'Walker- ton the thieves next job was at Gerrie, where George Galloway was awaken- ed by the blasting, of the lumber mill safe. From , his bedroom window he. 'saw two Men,, shouted.`at•them, arid as they .started to flee,fired at • • them. One: • of the thieves ' may have been wounded,' ' ' With a gooddescription of the pair, police aree hopeful of pan early arrest in the vase and are hunting fo* a 1940' Dodge car, which is` believed to ha:re used iii the "series of robberies:' Shortly after midnight the bandits broke' into the Swift Canadian 'Co; at Paisley and obtained .$5 from a cash box. They, next ' 'visited McFarlane's store, at Paisley and there obtained fortyof socks, a pair gf shoes and, about $30 in; cash; Entry to •both buildings was gained by breaking the front doors.: . Their next' call • was at Elmwood where they forced their way into the feed store and •. chopping mill owned ly Frank Fisher, blew open the safe, and escaped" with between $15 and $20 in silver. Although 'this robbery was not discovered . until . Saturday morn- ing,. police have obtained a good •,de=' scription of • the robbers from an' Elfin= wood • resident. ' :.Soiree of the goods stolen. in Paisley and papers, taken at Elmwood were diseovered bythe roadside near ' Han- over. The thieves next , broke• into the garage operated by Harold Scott at Walkerton. Here they smashed' -the front window and'. obtairied $15 from the till, but :left a larger amountof money in the safe. They are ' be lieved to ,have ,been, frightened away. Their next .job was then, unsuccessfuly atternpted.,at Gorrie, to'end this early morning series of breakins. WHEN •]PAINS ARE : TORTURE from I.theumatisrn, •Sciatica' Backache:. use Rumacaps-their Two Wav, Aet-' ion attacks the •cause.=.McK1M'S- DRUG STORE. A Fine AlsSortntent 'of •Waterrnan's. -and Eclipse Fountain Pens at bargain prices are included its the merchan- dise at the sale at Mchim's Drug Store Miss Islay Campbell, student nurse at Guelph General Hospital is spend- ing three weeks' vacation with her parents, Mr., and. Mrs. Jack Campbell.. e The new Massey,llarris'No.9' Cream Separator le one of the greatest values: ever offered. lot • is priced with the lowest;, yet k has Massey -Harris,. quality • throughout. You get good close. skim" ming With the. „famous • Maesey-1'•Iarris Six -1'06a Film Flow method of distributioh. A real money' saver at the new low pirice. • • New: Love Price' f oneenient"fetu+s'Arranged. S. K LPATR:ICK MASSEY=HARRIS BEATTY AND C. I i . • DEALER• 'Phone 7$, .." - Lucknow. P. Stuart MacKenzie, . 'associated with W. R. Tomlinson in a Jaw office in Port Elgin since 1936; is taking over the practice of O. E. Klein, of Walkerton, and will be succeeded by George ;,Eaton,,' popular young Port, Elgin barrister.. Mr. Klein was re- cently appointed' . judge •'ef County Court • of York. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs" MacKenzie ' will be • sorry to learn of; their departure for Walkerton Where Mr. .,.MacKenzie . will occupy Mr. : Klein's old office,. • Congratulations are extended •Geo.. Eaton, son.. of Mr. -and 'Mrs..Albert E. Eaton of Port Elginupon hisappoint merit' asassociate of W. R. Tomlin- son, K.C., M. P.—Port Elgin Times • ROUND•STRIP • BARGAIN: ,FARES from LUCKNOW MAY' 31:� and JUNE .1 To Stations .Oshawa'.and East to Cornwall inclusive, Uxbridge,' Lind- say,* Peterboro,, Campbellf rd, Newmarket, Collingwood, Meaford, 'Midland,lNorth Bay,. Pari, Sound, Sudbury,' Capreol. and West:to ' Beardmore.: • ° . P.M. Trains • M'AY 31 - - All Trains, JUNE 1 TO TORONTO ` .also to Brantford, Chatham, Goderich, Guelph, Bai Tilton, •London, • Niagara Falls, Owen .Sound, St.' Catherines, St. Mary's,' Sarnia, Strat- ,ford, Strathroy, Woodstock. See handbills,for complete list of destinations. For fares, rettirn limits, train • information, tickets,' etc. consult r - • nearest Agent., T149A CANADIA411 NATIONAL WATCH NEXT WEEK'S SENTINEL FOR PARTICULARS OF ' , • :SCHM D'S 3rd ANNIVERSARY SALE Commencing Friday, May 3Ist LEAF HOCKEY STAR IN TOWN LAST WEEK Syl Apps, star centre of the' Tor- onto Maple. Leafs hockey team, was in Lucknow last. week: A• native of Paris, he: is now residing 'in • Toronto app travelling for the St. Mary's Ce- ment Comtiank, an . occupation that will bring him to this district ' at reg- ular intervals. So, if the word gets rumored around of the date', of his next trip here, he's •sureoto be greet- ed by a flock " of young hero wor-. shippers, not to mention adult sport fans. ' • Evening Auxiliary- ' • , The May meeting of the Evening Auxiliarly was held at the. home of Mrs: W. B. Anderson. After the 'op- ening exercises and business tire pro- gram . was given, consisting ,of. piano solo by Jean Treleaven' followed by • the report of the • Presbyterial held at Teeswater by Mrs. Roy ,,Black.' Ro Miss Roselli Mullin favoured •iia with a vocal solo. The topic, taken from the Study , Book, was ably given by Miss Bertha' Allin. Hymn and prayer closed the meeting. Social half hour was much enjoyed. ONLY FIVE CLUBS -IN BRUCE LEAGUE LOOP A mere five intermediate teams are entered in the Bruce Baseball League this season, only one of which is located within the County. The teams, all entered as Intermediate "B" Clubs' are Southampton; Meaford, Hanover, Wingham and Owen Sound. . • A double schedule is to be played with the., season opening on`°June 1st and •concluding on August -the 7th, when the first and third and second and fourth place teams will meetin the playoffs for the League Cham- pionship. Mrs, Wni. Naylor, returned from' Toronto the first 'of;:the .week,,whore. she , has been visiting 'with ' her, , 'sun; p. • J. Naylor and Mrs. •Naylor. Mr. Naylor who went overseas with the 15th General Hospital ,Medical Unit, returned from England a short 'time ago, when a "khaki rash" infection failed to respond to treat- ment. How long he may remain in Canada ,is' uncertain. ' • Enlisted Last Week • Russ Button, 'son of. Mr. and Mrs. ft: J, Button and. Ronald .Henderson,;, son, of Mr. and. Mrs. J.. W. Hender-. son, • Boundary West, 'have • enlisted to the 100th and 97th • Batteries at Listowel,, and are now in `uniform. • Firecracker Ban, Effective . . 'The municipal ban on firecrackers on main street has, been verjl well complied with to date, and in •the main business' :section on °.Saturday niht there was practically a complete absence, .of the explosives, 'although some were fired off in -the post office vicinity. :,� • . LEG BROKEN WHEN. KICKED BY HORSE THURSDAY, MAY 23rd; 1940. ►7�HWELL & REED'S issolutIori of Partnership .Q Fill Swing : Astonishing Is In g r: Prices Many Cases Values 3 Below Cost .. , Sale Prices On. ;, All Summer �Footiwre • Bu New . Pimm .4 • . oy Now ,And . Save .r. T • Mr. George W. • Herd; of H6lyrood, father of Miss .Majorie Herd and Mr Jack Herd; of town, had the . misfor7 tune .to' have his.left leg broken be= low the knee when he vas kicked' by a horse last Thursday evening. He was taken' to Wingham"'General , Hos- pital where the fracture was reduced by Dr. W..'Connell. ' We are 'pleased .to' report that he .is making. a splendid. recovery,• and Was taken to, hist home on ,Tuesday. — Wingham'. ,Advance= Times . • Rain .Delays Seeding An unusually Wet spring, with rains frequent although not always heavy, hag •delayed the completion oE' see-= •ing operations., This . week however has brought an improvement in the weather and this work is .being rush- ed ' to completion as soil conditions permit. . THE UNITED CHURCH LUCKNOW SUNDAY MAY. -26th 10 . a.m. .Sunday; School. 11 a.m.—SERVICE. OF INTER-' ' CESSION FOR THE EMPIRE. Subject—THE WEAPONS OF OUR. WARFARE., • 7'p.tn.—FOUR TERRIBLE BEASTS. WE APOLOGIZE On more than one occasion lately, a last 'minute flood of ,copy;• plus it considerable ` volume of " advertising has morethan taxed the •capacity of our news columns. • At such times, we have been forced to • omit a considerable amount of news, already in type form ready for' printing. Among the omissions are. rural news budgets, • for. which . we 'particularly apologize, in view of the. fact that district correspondents: without recompense,'compile the news of their district "faithfully.each,,wweek, and then occasionaly see their ,news gathering efforts go for naught. • It is a condition however that we are powerless to correct; and cart Tie apologize. We do our best to antici- pate the quantity oftype matter we will require each week, but the late receipt of advertising and other eopy,• creates an eleventh hour rush; and a surplus of copy that we cannot han- dle. We can only appeal again to ad,• vertisers, contributors of news and pi(ess correspondents to have • •their copy in early—not' early Wednesday, but .early in the week. Regular rural news budgets, however, we do not ex- pect to receive until the Tuesday af- ternoon mail 'corms in. . THE 'UPLIPTED HANDS "And it .came to pass' when Moses held',up his. hand, that Israel prevailed: And when he let. down his hand Ama- lek prevailed.". ; This Thursday .even - Mg' at , the Lucknow Bible :,Institute the greater part Of- the service• will be-spent.in prayer 'for our nation.•We• trust 'many swill •come.' 'and .help • by' ..their prayers to strengthen the.hands• of our statesmen, generals • and sol-' diers at this Most critical period of our Nation's history:.May God'awaken• the .Christians before it' is too late. At 'this ..meeting the texts •will be handed out to all. the young men plan' ring to .enter, the contest for tl'ie, prize. fo'r the best; "Five-minute" sermon- ette.' Will everyone, please bring, their) Bible. IN MEMORIAM rItW IN=In • loving memory, of 'Hazel " irwin, dear ,�wife.and Mother, who pas - ed' away May` 9r.4th, 1939.' We Miss ''you no,*; our.hearts are sore As time goes by, we •miss you �niore, your loving smile,: your gentle face N'o one can 'fill your vacant place,,. Sadly .missed, by• • Husband ane Daughter::'.. WALL ---In• loving memory of a:.dear wife and. mother, Jessie Campbell - Scott, beloved ' 'wife, of •Joseph E: Wall who passed away Sunday,. May -29th. 1938. • . Our lips cannot ,speak how' we loved. 1•her, (➢nr hears cannot 'Only knows bow l we l hmissat ohery' sod yy ?'n, a• home. that is lonesome today. She bade 'no one a last farewell, •• . she said -good-bye to .none,.• • The ;heavenly gates -were .open wide,. k • loving voice 'said "Come." • Badly, missed by husband. and 'fam- ily. . • • H. M. King George •has requested that' special services of..nterces- sion fee the Empire be held on Sunday, May 26th. Let every loyal citizen do his duty by being pres- ent at his cholen•place of worship. in prayerful .apd penitential sprit. and by joining his prayers with those ,of his countrymen. The Lord is our strength and our salvation. e KINCARDINE AND RIPLEY TO HAVE JUNIOR TEAMS Among Festival Winners • • Pupils of the senior classes of Han - 'ever Public 'School . were among the winners at the Grey County. festival of music, heldlast week at Owen Sound, winding first place. in the double trio;; competiti and third fite, with a score o 81 points, in mixed choir cont t. Miss Helen Thompson is the rnusi instructor. SATURDAY SPECIALS • HAVE YOU ENTERED YOUR NAME IN OUTt CEDAR CHEST CONTEST? S. S. Chiffon Hose, . . .... 49c Comb. Compact, Cigarette Case & Lipstick in F.ahcy Box. ". .... 25c Straw Hats • 15e, 25c 5 Cakes :Castile ' • • 10c 35e Can Colgate's Tooth Powder and 20c -Can Col- gate's Tooth Powder '..,• • 34c 25c • Bottle •Cashmere ' Bou- quet Lotion for lc With ,.. Purchase of '40c size ":" .. 41e GRASS MATS • • • • 39c, 69c. • SLACKS,:. SUNSUITS AND PLAY SUITS HAVE AR. - RIVED ' T 5. 5c 'to $1.00 Store Kincardine's 'baseball activity this year will 'be'iconfined ' toe a Junior team; one of the seven. teams that is expected to be entered in the Bruce' Junior Loop, including Chesley, 'Kin- cardine, Ripley, Walkerton, •Meaford, Goderich . and Mount Forest. The death of . Harry Thompson. ' of Kincardine' has deprived the' Juniors, of an ableand experienced, coach and, manager, and there are indica- tions that Bob' . Thompson may act as his•succeesor in this role: •It is expected that Ripley will also enter a Junior squad as . they have some promising talent in the Huron Hub. In addition, with baseball 'out of the question in Lucknow, there is some junior_ material locally that would be available" to .assist the Red- meet_ in rounding, out a squad that Should be a real championship con- tender. The biggest • drawback will be the cost of operating in this loop that extends fro Meaford in the North to Goderich in he South and Mount Forest to thastward. . .APiTA1. ncardine • THURS.; FRI., . SAT. MAY 23 — 24 — 25 * • Holiday Special STAGE SHOW :'THE 3 SWINGCOPATORS" ' VARIETY ARTISTS' IN`T'ERNATIONAL RADIO 4 • STARS ". ' FLUS MUSICAL WESTERN ROY ROGERS SMILEY' BURNETTE Billy the Kid' Returns • AND .• NAVAL COMEDY JAMES'DUNNE ROCHELLE HUDSON. Pride .or the Navy' SHOWS AT '7 0 & 9:30 MATJNEE'SA'1. AT 2;30 Two MON. TUES., Gone With AFTERNOONS AT1:30 Days MAY 27 - 28 The Wind' NIGHTS AT 8 p.m. 75c $1.00 GOOD SEATS STILL AVAILABLE' • PHONE IN YOUR RESERVATION NOW. • • S1LK H You •Will Be Interested In The Great Stock Of 'New Service Weight •Silk Hose, Chiffoz Silk Hose, Crepe Silk Hose That Have Been Collected' ForYour Approval.These 'Are' All On Sale Now At Greatly Reduced. . Prices --- All ,The New Season's Colors. ;uc no , 6 Ite 12