HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1940-05-16, Page 5TIWISDAY, MAY 16TH, 1940; Akomiximmik Lyceurn. Theatre : • WINGHAM .Show ,,starie at 8 p.m.. except Saturday. -ex -Saturday nigh`t* two shows at 7.45 and 9.45°P.M. ' Thursday, Pritlay,, Saturday May 16, 47, 18 •LEW AYRES • . LIONEL BARRY51()RE, *— THE SECRET OF 4! DR.KILDARE This is -the' thirdin the ser - es of "Dr: Kildare" pictures and it 18 one to he seen, re- membered and talked About. 'Also; -"RHUMBA RHYTHM" "ROBERT BENCHLEY" MATINEE Saturdny 2.30 Pan- , Mitiflee Adults 20c; Children 10c Monday, 'Tuesday; Wednesday May. 20, 21/. • 22 MYRNA LOY ' • ASTA WILLIAM POWELL "AllOTHER • THIN There' are two murders, some fights, many interesting char- acterizations, and many' situ- ations purely humorous in in - :tent in this Dashiell Haminett murder mystery melodrama. • Also "DESERT ADVENTURE" • DUNGANNON , • .Borrtts,,A Iittle son was. born to. Mr.' and Mrs. Pennon Mole; Friday •May 10th, and •to Mi. and'Mts. Wm. •Caldwell. on Seturdey May lith, a daughter, , Congratulations to . both familie.s. • , . -• . . .Mrs. 'David Errington, a .. resident en the forth con. ,of 'West WawanOSII but for the past .few months has been near Lucknow„ has received word of the death Of her eldest sister. April 19th, •Mrs. Isaac Hodgson; Penrith, England. '; . Pte. and 'Mrs.. Melville Culbert, Stratford, • spent the ••week -end among relatives., ..Mrs.., Culbert remained fe: a few more days. • . Mr. and Mrs. .• Everett Harris haw .tented',Mrs.. Jean William's .hone anr'•• will move torn the rectory on. Jun., - •Mt. Thos. Edwards, Of Lend;011,' •ited his sist-er Mis. Robt Moore. on day list. week,' • Mrs. jes:• Alton,.'• Lucknow, ,.apent. the weekeed with Dungannon relat- ives, her, .sister, Mtn. Thos. •Diekson,' Ashfield. and ..son. Mrt.•••Chas:'' Al- ton in the village., .. • •••• • • • Mr.' and Mia. Whit Stewart' and Jean, Wingham, visited •the latter's aunt, Mrs. David Errifigton. On San- d . laeslieeSehuitist-rthrsinge-M,rs- Wm:. Caldwell .end' infant, . and Miss :Alberta, Currie is assisting in the ,. • • • house.. • . • We are sorry to hear Mr. G..C.,Tre-. leaven . was , taken ill with •pneumonia last week, especially with his not too• robust health,. But he is improving each day and 'Miss W. McClure, R.N., who had been nursing, • ;was allowed leave the first of the week. • .. ' •''..Mrs. • Mary Rivett and' parents -Mr. and gt$..DaVid Errington :01 Monday visited Mrs.. Wallace Black .at Ged- erich • Hospital ..whereshe underwent an Op.eratien two weeks ago.. and , is recovering nicely:. • • Mr. arid. Mrs. Jos.' Wilson, Clinton, visited . Mrs: Mason McAllister and, family ' Sunday ,and 'later' called at GOderich .Hospital. to see their neph- ew, .Mr. • Mason .MeAllister who is .re- eovering from a recent operation and • is making -splendid progress froni • length.y. illness and is sonn expected ...home. ' • • • The Women's Association of the nnimmienn1111M1.1111.111W United church is holding the May ''NEIMMINimm Meeting at the hoine of Mrs. Arthur Roach on Vriday. May 17th: • • family- anent Sunday with relatives at Milverton. ' Mr: and Mrs. Ed. Scrutan and daughter 1Viarien visited Sunday with Mrs. Sendffs oparents Mr. and Mrs, T. Drennan. Goderich. ' We weleome Mr. and Mrs. Clenden Christie„nendyweds, who take up res- idence in -Dungannon this week. Mr. hriStie has been empleyed as butche, t the Eedy Meat Market since thc opening last fall, We wish- thein sue - cess and happiness as they come in our midst. ' 7 If; . • 'Miss' Clara','Sproul, "StratiOrd,. and. Mrs. Robett •Wilson, Godetich; spent Sunday', With • their mother :Mrs.. • D. Sproul. and other members of: their family: ^• • ' • Recent'. visitors. With Mr.: and Mrs.' Binace MeArthiir were Dr. and Mrs. 0. Baxendale and :daughter 'Jean. Owen 'Sound and :Mr, and Mrs. Geo: Chatsworth. Mr. Kitchener Finnigan,whe• un- derwent in operation for appendicitis at Goderich.liospitel.is 'expected home this Week. • , • Mr. andMrs. 1-1." J. L. • Eedy, and • .• Western Canada Special Bargain Excursions FROM ALL STATIONS IN EASTERN CANADA Going Daily May 18 - 291 1940 Inclusive Return limit -45 daya TICKETS GOOD IN COACHES * fares approxi mately 11/ac per Mile' 'TOURIST SLEEPING CARS at approximately 1%c per mile •• STANDARD SLEEPING CARS at approximately 1%c per mile COST OF .ACcOMMODATION in SLEEPING CARS ADDITIQNAL BAGGAGE CHECKED • Stopovers at all points enroute. SIMILAR EXCURSIONS FROM WESTERN TO EASTERN CAN- ADA DURING SAME PERIOD Tickets, , Sleeping Car Reservations and all information from any ASK F R HANDBILL T125 • FANADIAN NATIONAL; Farmers Attention. . WE :WANT. TO MEET a limited number .of progressive farineta . who wish to increase their income by several hundred. dollars •growing one acre of a latgevailety of Red Raspberry, The berries - to be Shipped to a large Toronto dealer for etOre and 'miscell, anebus', %Jae.. ° 'GOVERNMENT CERTIFit,,'D root systems furnished for Fall planting on attractive terms. With ordinary .Care the berry,to be planted will yieldover sop pint boxes per 'ere. , . MAIL REPLY TO BOX 38, LUCKNOW on in. before MAY 29th A personal visit will be made at your home showing business . , in detail. Farm owners only considered. Con.gratu;atioilist, THE \,MILLERS of PURITY FLOUR , Congratulate the FollOwing Winners of the recent PURITY Flour Jingle Contest: • 1ST PRIZE $30 CASH -- MRS. ROBERT P. SCOTT, R. R. 3, / Teeswater. ' IND PRIZE, 515 CASH— '1.11,A.,0RrnOirr yRT FERGUSON, R. R. , 3RD ilIZE $5 CASH-- MRS. JAMES HARBOTTLE, Ft: R. 1 , 4, Markdale. ' '' Mts. J. R. McNab, Sr.., Lucknow• Mrs. Stanley 10 $1 PRIZES— Potter, RR. 2. Grand Valley; MA. Howard E. Johns, RR., 3, Seaforth; Mrs. W. E. Patterson, RR. 3, Chesley; Mrs. Albert Mero, Goderieh; Mts. George 5.1cGaw. Box 438, Kincardine; Mtg. RuSsell Strang, Allanford :. Mrs. William , Chapman, RR. I. Exeter, Illts. R. C Bartlett, 208 ,Nortiolk St., Stratford; Mrs; R. H. McTavish, Ripley. •-......--,-.: -----, ASIlf ELp . THE di OW SENTINEL BORN -7 --In Khaeardine Hospital on May 3rd to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Shaw, a daughter. BORN—in Kincardine Hospital, on May ,.?th to Mr. and Mrs. Richard West, a • son. ' Mr. and Mrs. Donald Martin of London ;were 'recent visitors with. Mr. and NITS. D. A. McLean. Dr Arnold Cowan of, Toronto spent a few days with his father Mr. John Cowan Sr., having Come up to attend the 'funeral of his niece, Miss Mar- guerite , Jamieson. ' • Mother's Day was observed in the Presbyterian church on Sunday Morn- ing. The Sunday school attended in a •body, The Young Peoples' choir led the service Of praise and Rev. R. Esler occupied ' the 'pulpit: , ; 'Death came very suddenly to Mr. Ridhard Brown of Ripley' on Satur- day evening. Ile and Mrs..BrOwn had jest driven into ,R. J: Bullen'a yard, when he ,cellaPsed. Medical, aid was summoned at once but the spark Of life had „fled. Mr: Brown was the ,oldest son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Brown and is survived by his wife and one daughter, Mrs: M. Avery. The funeral which was held on Monday from his residence in Ripley was largely antended, 'With Rev: R. s er era Greenhill Cemeterytucknow: KINLOUGH - .Mr. and Mrs. Albert Crang of Kin- loss, . Mr. and Mrs. 'James Hodgins Were ,week -end --visitors with Mr. and Mit. Charles.. Gillespie., St. •Thomas. On •Sunday last the 'Anglican con- gregation . Were 'privileged to hear an address at their regular . service by .Archdeacon Marsh of, Eskimo Point, in. the ;Arctic. •Where, he has been e Missionary for. the , •past ...thirteen years. After service ,,he showed Pic- tures illustrating his work.. • , Sunday, June I.6th is the date set for the •Presbyterian anniversary ser- vicei tobe held morning and evening' •and to befollowed' on Tuesday. June 18th,.. ;with a garden natty on, the. church. lawn. . • . • , • . Mrs. •Jimmie.Hodgins cf.', Glariais Is• spending.. this week at her home here. •!-Mrs; Win. Wall kfia ,Allan of Mr.. end Mrs. Wm. Lloyd/DM-is and .Ivan.. of Lecknow. were • 'Sunday visitors ...With. Mrs-. E. J. Heldenby and, Mts. .Ra•unchOy • . ' Mils Jean Thompson, is empioyed. at the •home, of Mrs: Oliver Johnstone, Lucknow.-. . • .•', There was a• landseape gardening' demonstration at this •• school On •Fri- day. morning at which 'teachers and . senior , 'pupils • of .Kinloss, Township were 'Present. 'Mr.. Hartley ..Of Guelph was •the,..demonattatOr.`Mr. G. •Dobson, Public School inspector,. was also: .present.. , . . . Mr.. Wesley Boyle is in London this ;week- attending the annual. Synod:.. 00 Oa BE A 600016 06, AD Take a look into • . the future, yetirself, Think of those bigger, finer hogsyou'll send•to market weeks earlier—if you feed Ree.Bany Pig Starter dining wean - lug days. This farm -proven, Stattenfor 'healthyPigsisfiliedwith vitamins, pro- ,teinS and minerals—everything your .• • babypigs need. to have thoie . , 'stretch "frames'. and . extra; pounds of . , • profitable pork later on. •See. your Roe', .....Fee,d dealer today andstint your pigs' • ,right! •. ., • . MAFEKING Miss Mary Horton of Arthur spent the. week -end .at her home. Mts. Harvey Webb and children of St. Helens' ,visited on ' Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Anderson. ' • Mr. and Mrs ' Finlay Shackleton, and family of Mount Forest anent the week -end with Mr.,NorinanShack- leton. ' Mr. and Mrs. Hiram • Moffat and childree of Watford spent Sunday with Mrs. Richard Johnston. • • Mr. and ,Mrs. Richard Kilpatrick spent 'Sunday with the lattee's par- ents .Dr. and Mrs. Atkinson ots, God- erielt. , • ' . Mr... and Mrs.. Gordon Kirkland of Zion,, and Mrs. ,NeIlie Antietam of 'London called , on relatives here' Mon- day evening. • • Mr. John Wraith of Kinloss is busy this ;weekshingling our church and shed. Word .Was received here •Tuesday of the death of .11/Irs. William Mallough who passed away at her home on Atlas. Ave.,. Toronto, Monday evening,. Mrs. -Mello -ugh was formerly Miss Margaret Kilpatrick, daughter of the late Mr. and .M -r.. William Kilpatrick of, Ashfield.•Sureiving ,is one daugh: ter (Bessie). Mrs.' Turnpenny, Of. Tor- onto. The remains will bebreught to Lucknow Thursday. and burial will take . place • in Dungannon • Cemetery that afternoon., •. ST. HELENS The regular meeting of the Y. P. U. was held with Winnie Barnard, the vice president presiding. The scrip- ture lessen was read ,by Gordon Mil- ler. Dorothy Webb , favoured with an instrumental and the topic, "Facing the futdre" ;was taken by, Verlt Tay- lor. • Week -end 3,1sitcirs included Mrs. Win. Blue of Detroit with her. parents; Mr. and Mrs. . J. D. Anderson Miss Irene Woods and Mr,. Brown nf Water. too at the former's home; Mr. Neely Todd of Stratford with Mr..artcl Mrs. D. Todd; MraMis. Wilson Woods o Dundas with R. J. ,Woods. Rev. • John and II. .s. Barnard and little son of Putn were visitors on Monday with Re . and Mrs. J. A. Barnard at the manse. On their re- turn they were accompanied by, Mias Winnie- Barnard. HOLYROOD , Miss Winnifred Ackert and Miss Omen Ackert spent Monday at Lon- don. Mr. Russel Johnston returned hom( from Toronto Hospital on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert MacDonald and family spent Sunday evening, ;with Mrs ,• MacDonald's mother, Mrs. Mute - bull at Kincardine Ilospital. ' Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Elliott and Joyce of Huron spent Sunday with Mrs. Alrner Ackert. Mrs. Paasmore and son Keith spent the week -end at Mr. Pete MacDonald's . at Kitiloss. Mr. and Mrs. 'Wm. Emile, Doris and Lone were Sunday .visitors at Mrs. littg—rtnir p ;h 4ellms.td,14 alpgried. friends. • • Mrs. James Bilker' spent , Wednes- day Afternoon With Mrs: Win. Eadie Mr. and Mrs. Howard; Harris and Lorraine and bits. Thomas Herris speiit Sunday with Kincardine friends. WRITECHUitC11 MI'. Nat Thernpsdn.,- soldier -in -train- ing .at Stratford, apedt the week -end' here. This is supposed to be his last lenye before going efera.ea,s. • . •Roddy Inglis, Who has been ;working at Camp retitrile,d to bin home here. Mr, and Mrs. 'Rus.sel Reid of Brant- ford and his Mother Mrs. A. °Reid spent the week-endat the latter!s hchne here: Mrs, A. Reid- went back to • Brantford 'with them •until later when she may retnrn to her home 11:rllil;s1;t.i..• and Mrs: J. F. McLean .spent Sunday • with ;relatives •• at N.iagare a • . A double wedding pf much interest,' here took place in •Toronto Saturday When Garclon rtintord,.'sOrt. of. Mr. and. Mrs.. Alex' Rintoul was married to. ‘' ,Misa. Doreen Perdon,: daugbter of Mr. and Mrs'. Robert. Purdoni also: kr. James' Rejd.:Of.A.alifield toMina Freida ftletent., dangliter :et. • Mr. ' and ,Mrs4 :Alex- Rintoul:- We wish them sticedi.•• as they go through life.- • . • „., . . Missc',"ertiithets .vis•ited'avVith . . ..hte •sister ; Mrs. ;Geolge Fi•shetre-:, eently.' *-.., ..• „. On Thursday 'evening, last a• social meeting vires •hid in."the basement of ' the Preshyteria Church and present- Ire-rievel ;--Mrer-Gentlee— Robineon with a lovely chair. Lueeh • was served and a social ,hOur sPent." ...Quite a number from here attended the Presbyterial in Brussels on, Tues- day of this week. . • .r. FOURTH ..CONCESSION Mrs, .MacMahon, Who ,has recently returned .frern, Toronto spent a few .clays with Mrs. Jones. . Mia: A. MaintYre. and Mrs:- A.•M. Nicholson and .chjldren, Ruth and, Mary Anna were callers on the 4th. recently. ' •. • . • • • Mr.. end Mrs. Dan • McKinnon spent Sunday. with Mi. . and Mrs1,. Peter- Mof- fat. • • •Miss Annie '1VIcKen'Zie who has been, under the .doctor's 'care its improving. 'A large gathering attended the An- niveraary ...services at Lucknow Pres bYterian church on Sunday. A. number from •here ,attended the ' Presbytery...meeting Brnaselson - Tue•sday.• -10 FINIAYSON BROS. . Lucknow VITAMIZED FOR HEALTH...FARM PROVEN FOR RESULTS 4.101101010 TRAIL RANGERS • Well falks!, the big - news this. week is • about our hike last -Saturday. It was the first bike of the season and thanks tothe weatherman, we • struck e perfect day. Eight Of our metribers. and Rev. Todd as leader -set nut about. 10,30 and after an hour's •hiking es- tablished ourselves for dinner, which by the way .consisted of •weiners,.peas. 'potatoes, ketchup, bread and butter,. doughnuts and pop. After 'dinnerthe afternoon , was spent in fishing .and playing softball,. thelatter proving the tnclat successful.Another. hour ' was spent in one group making' trails arid the others, ttacking-them down.• Then came thelong trekhome with a .dirty,'. tired bunch of lads arriving back in town about"3:30. Most of the lads,- would have a tongh JO shinning up. their Ages when they got home for unfortunate- lyvery few of us • escaped being mired in mud to the ankles on Some part of our hike. . . , OnlY one Minor cattialty' was re: ported- when our. leader got a " fish hook in his finger but other than split pants, sore feet, • and. stiff legs the next day, no one is the. worse of his adventure. • . • Russel Armstiong„Willard. Thonip-. son ii.fiCL Lloyd , Stewart had the jab of packing. the mud On the- otatoes .before We baked theta,. and :Ye mat' 'admit it was hard telling the Otatods and the boys apart for they too were .pretty ,well peeked in thud. ••• Get in touch with Willard' Tlornp- son or phone 109 if you want any odd lobs done around the house Or 'yard. The Trail' Rangers are ready to help' You, and you will be helping es buy our uniforMs. RAPIDCITY , Mr. and Mrs. Jim England visited With Mr. and MI's. Harold Stewart at Listowel Sunday. Mother's Hay 'Visitors ' were Mr. Frank McNeil, Teta and Jim McNeil of Stratford at their home, 'Mr. and A1.140*ATi Ethel; at, Mrs. lirrhtftkihtstr's,r, .i1.-reAlar-y.,-atuk-VapAteMso.atit Mrs. MeKenzie, — Mr. and Mrs, W. G. Reed arid • En - eke were revolt visitors; with Mr. and Mrs. D. 11. Alt. Mr and Mrs Peter Carter visited ,with Rmley friends reeently. , • •••, 000.00.0 PAGE FIVE ' Its,e best way to deaIwit Measles! „ .v,ze4w, $ - • • • 1 Mother's first thought is "call the doctor", and 'the quickest _way to locate him is by tele- phone. The telephone is an instrument of protec- . a " w.tion in every home. It 'brings aid quickly in -60 any emergencrsuch -as fire, accident, illness or burglary. The small cost of a telephone pays for. ,itself many times over, giving constant protection and daily pleasure and convenience. 1880 1948 SOFPIIBLICSR ............. _ • Musk-tiled—Chevrolet Special De Luxe Sport Sedan. Is the. IONPESTofAij lowest-Pricedrgri Want truly luxurious motoring at the very\ lowest costP Then eye, try and buy the new Chevrolet! Here's size and style beyond your expectations at such low prices .. in the longest of all lowest -priced cars, measuring 181 inches from front of grille to rear of body—a car that 'combines Body by Fisher and new "Royal Clipper' Styling to set the fashion for '40! You'll be proud to own this big beauty ... and your sat- isittetion will be doubled by the savings On gas, oil and upkeep that traditionally go with Chevrolet ownership. Come in . eye it, try it and buy it—today! THE "RIDE ROYAL"--Chevrolot's Perfectid Knee-Action*Rid,inb Sys- tem IMPROVED VACUUM POWER SHIFT'. . NEW "ROYAL CLIPPER" STYLING ... NEW BODIES ' BY FISHER...SUPER-SILENT VALVE - IN -HEAD ENGINE : . PERFECTED HYDRAULIC BRAKES ... LARGER; TIPTOE-MATIC CLUTCH .. NEW SEALED BEAM. HEADI:IGHTS WITH SEPARATE PARKING LIGHTS. 'On Social' De Luxe Models. CHEVROLET C-4038 •••z • ,:. /