HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-02-01, Page 8.• •i wr­ TRE AVp TUX Y ' r kT •yIARY 11 1901. , .w-....•s........::•'-;.,.:,.-,...-.<.,.��/..,.r.�,..(�l�i•, p,�".w.., //„��,///n•'�t��+•-, ,. .,,.,:d; _ . .... _ ._ _. _... .- .-.m �-.�•-...-,.T.•.�..._..:.:_-•-...--..,•...--.+•..-.:..-.-.--,..--+,-- e-. ,.. �..,,.,.,.-.s--•--.- . .. .-.....--•....-...-... .. awr. , r . t MINOR Li�C 4+ A L8 , � O ,;.A ' ..-.+»w s--3•-..eR�.-.... .. ... .". 1t# 1 cs t a'a A11, ..• Za vvingh 1 an Jan. It -tit the wife + r T,^i ;: C.t{� «...,Cwt DEAD. t,aza 't'llr( ITcadac by r , t3aint;a sat). p bP tL.rrs ;,):ails?1tix.+._-7s liTit)K dant, el :td. 14th, tlt4wi%eteed to care beadnehe. o! 1PA Jt}lui +; a scutMCI 1 `�iy k.x•R[, A". 1', far 1(:tNv Baran ltdicrt at ^"Fri' t (l:ty R? Ft'lJrlltLl' i" x.17s A `1 Wrwicter Veitar(tat, IIt»i�fS ,dv.�In <`txlrn:.iV un ,Tudrunry Nltb, �F --Filo clay:, aro lr'u;;tlltric,. Stir t Jhae Nut.(lerton, \ti;S'n of litulrer: lino,• "*�, u ug(,d f0 yvore,. �fior.1^ttdtsrrcc•ivoutntown yesterday ---It will soon be time for ilio iso A*r,tdxrt,•-IaWini Mill, an Jannaryy02101 t0 CatCli the f:�e and d6l,ide the pocket but afternoon of the tleatir at kVroxeter of harvest, Churigtto haws. wife f ritdd c"uddxpbgll, idgcc{ ' " 40 yearsand 7 ioditlda•' Spll , SUllstantial, rock-botton-i values at - Hockoy watch in the rink to•ui• lit. � ,tl 'Phos. C111 80,11, (x-1.4. P. P. for -kwt o WixiTuhxA*t-In Rulrne Jtdn. 3rd,Axon�unn I Y k Seaforth vs. Wingham. • ilenry,wifeof Juhn Whitt zwil,agt Myears fair -living prices. �t unci) ntan4hs. 1 ,t• 1 t all de- g -± )"Tatou, Tho ful:eral will tale p1nY•:e ,_I,,irKe quantities OP wood, la„•=, eke, Tdv;Lx.rtrox.-rInclLintgs:+, cm San.':), Charles ��C)tl't be misled by quotations of []!v Z1riCl...y. t McKinnon, aged 76 y e dd r ' (Tons his latae rtes.'i"Qu 'e to-worroil' are bvirg (1Hlivi•red into town. Hrnlel�.-art C?rey, add Jnn. ii, Jarlet +\Tgtht • pends on the goods. 00:aurc:a , at ;.i10 1 lid, for cite Vtrc';;-Regular afCutup CaleGgnirl, stat:� aivt of moutl.'Nland 85 days 'H tiisiup, use�la: ;gee our lines of Furniture compare )rices, and the trade FU ('" l ' y 1 l • , 0. N, ort Monday evening, nvxt, HUTTON •-In Milford, on Jan, III,Robert '•� stet cetuctrry, Hu n, biotiu'r•idr lu\v of A. H. and F. J. Uurr, is, SU1'e to Coale otic wxt\', , ---Rt+g alar utnrlthly utceting of Toair ing'atn, age ct 61 years. ,� � k,y �' ""' w'; arf`l 'l Rt +" y g elium).--I:d Winr"anin, oto Tanuu 80th, G�� •� .a' .8:-t1►'.A va 3. xI`sa t+ �. Council UA T+_011ila evening ric\t. 120chet ,luno, "'if" o whit AtcL,,tod, gaged Cu US a(. t4':i (10'r-NCIL.. -^^-io'In Ruirtuan sill Ut1 a ear lowl of years and 1luouth". 0."+m r�o•t�,l, IDE (p`,a'�+V,��� 4"�j n� , � OR E E Dl , pF o Cameral front her uta resideuec'. )hater Al } 4, J�D p•'�wY�..'O L. R" "I `", J U S"T � A spctlal I1wethig of tho 1'owli ttslles front W 1111;11am Un Monday, :4toot, this Weidayl afternoon at 4 o'clockSor t i d•,hanr cemetery. Ucurtcil \vitt; It+ltl art Thursday c:v(:Isin:: - Flualiill cG Robertson shipped a carte Qvili z,a.--In Belgrave on January ; 9th, , , -...... .,.�.. ,.... of last vv4c•k, f..,r the pnirper,c of ti ret:ss- load of lambs to Butralo oil Wednesday, Iollwlla, \vita o! David Ge let, aged us years, cheaper that] E e'er, � large variEty to Choose from. • a int; the pt•ctp t;;wti foundry with il0t 1't , •.-A large sto(lk cf weCiding invitation 9y months; and ���� G, -tial' Soft and Stiff Hats. Galt R• 13111lot.k. lftvtlxbers till1xi, i:t cardo and. visiting cards at the 1.1immr, _-•_4 UND'ER1�"AX11L�T�i' receives special Y on. T hi•''- Pacept liar. I;all, offacc. D�• ,AtrNE W,Zttt-ilii branch is under the supervision of -Luther Ball who has had New Laces & Em roidc:ries. Mayor Cletzg xuaeo a fvw remprks re .. � Physician, Surgeon, etc. 1 >--V'in„11am a:td S:nforth clubs will eleven years practical experience ill tat: work and tvllo for the Qneon':t (laatlz anti the following la a league alno of hockP in the Oiiire--l4acdottala Block, over J. E. Davis' ' New Cotton Sheeting's and resolution via, carried by it standing p y g g Y D,,gstore. Nightoallsansweredatthaotllco, some time was in the employ of H. Stone & Son, the leading � rink to•nit;llt, Linens, vote;.- �R(� �a�iTi�NJ undertakers of Toronto. Customers may rely on careful and -Job printing of all kinds dans on MaHenxie-..(l:mr'r;-That vve, t110 efficient service. Our stock will be found to be the mosp Ladies Gloves and Hosiery. short notice and at reasonable rates tit WIMGHAM. y • members of alis municipal council of the tllRstaTAtc�RS, , the Timm office. complete .in this section of the country. Town of Tv'inghaui, now in council Night Dulls at Button Block, or Fifth y New Prints and Sateens. ' assembled, do hereby express our pro- -D• L. McDonald shipped a car load door south of School House, Shop op- Night calls receive prompt attention, New found sorrow at the denth of our be. of hogs and a car load of cattle to posite Macdonald block. eSj�eDee=P�` Patrick nS9. t., Mr. r' l\ew Dress Goods and Silks , �'-'���ee�''w �e�'�er ' lcivett aaveruinu, Queen Victoria azul Toronto on Monday, residence, Gents Necl�wear &Gloves. our, sincere syndl+athy with the. Royal -Mrs. John Wellwood left last week FPIRMERS i Fawily in their• sail Lereavetnent, which for Toronto at which place she Will and anyone having live stook or other New Carpets and Table i tine the shey ame for sal dispose Of,Timms, s , Our large we in eutumuu with them. and a.l our .Ilttke her future home. circ the same for sale in the Thins Our large Covers. citizens dul)14re, atxd me take this oppor circulation cells and it will bestrunga indeed ifBALLBR�02% -Tile Huron County Poultry show quetgnotgq0 Ronatamer. Wooan'tguarautee / Odd lines grid remnants in analis of declaring c,ur loyalty turd opens iu the town hall Goderialr on �hatlgouwill loll because you may asstmort+----•------ _ _ for t a+ urticlq or stock than it is worth.--------�^,-- Dress Gouds, Gloves, Hosiery, devotruu to her distinguished son and ` nesday,February5th. youuadvgrtirernoutto the Tiuusandtryshis 4®gpCa♦©�ppay®'Oa©®�Om®®m�mo<i©®®4om4©4�®®�oCb��Ooo®Oi0 successor, Sing Edward VII and exl:re, phtn of disposittg oP your stock and othgr + G. Prints and Linens will be -We still Have a• limited " number 'of txisicles_ -T _ , __ the hope that his reign may be as happy Canadian annuals for subscribers who Q cleaned out at about one half and ttdrious as that of his illustious SHERIFF'S p^ 6t g� `v price to clear the stock in all Royals mother. have not yet paid for 1901. utg� A�.� C LANDS 4p 0 K" The Mayor then said that Messrs, -Miss MacPherson had the misfortune COUNTY of HurtoN, $ }L °� O departments. to fall on the slj er sidewalks on By virino of a ,writ ♦ a All let Ornaments and Galt Bullock were present and n0 pp y To vvrT: �of fieri Psoras issued e Friday evening and broke list ankle, /'� doubt the members of the council vvoultl y g out of Sieg Mnicsty's High Court of Justice in g T� g`0f�140 Fancy Trimming at one-half like to hear from thein,-WaltOr S. novo the iro ert of T, the matter o� ar. itratron dna a\vard and to I 1• O y , property y me directed rind delivered against the lands rice, John Galt ivas the first speaker. He FI. Camp, Avon third money in the free- and tenements of James Leech at the suit of 0 r Josopli Leech pursuant to submission dated e l �-;acial clearing prices In all was sorry that there had been any mis- for -all at the Napinee ice races on Ped- June 25th, 1895', S have seized and tnkou in ea- O enation all the right, title, interest, and equity Ready -iridic Clothing, uiidor§taucliug re carrying out their nesday of redemption of the above named Samos agreement. They had not fatiltered One Leech, into an'd out of the following lands and Mantles and Underwear. -The Trnfi s lass to thank R. Canning- remises,'viz., lots 59 00 and 8.2, and the eastor- wit in their intention of carrying out hair, agent, Gu,iph, for a copy of a pp 4.0s. 148 and 140, running lis' Cooking Figs for `2 C. r numbers, allinothe Village of Gtorrio in the W e will. sell fine Black K g They beautiful calendar issued by the Western pounty of Huron, and Province of Ontario, its r tha u roement with Wiu ham. 7 he lain down in a registered plan of said village a C ag �-r, W Oisted .Snits made t0 order ; felt the misunderstanding as keenly as Assurance Co. by W. Bolt, P. L, S. Whieh lands and tene- . �` Prime Sockeye Salmon in 1 lea. Flats, G o first-class style, good linings, the people of Wingham. Two or three ments I shall offer for sale, at my office, in the + cans for 2 5 C. � Y g =A sleigh load of young people from Court House, in the 'gown of Goderich, on t was were in correspondence with them 'lirerday, the sixteenth day of April, 1901; at for $16.00 ' regular $19.00. Gorrie drove over to Wingham an t110 hour of twelve of the clock, noon. + ', at the same time as tiPiugham, They 20 Men's Heavy Ulsters Thursday and spent the evening at the R. G. REYNOLD's, Canned Beets in 3 lh, tins a lux for + proposed sticking to their bargain and Sheriff, Huron. + + i for O, worth ,00, skating rink. sheriff's Office, Goderich, a $ $4 5 $7 hoped the town would do their part. Jan. 5, 11,01. ♦ iliac table, 1 Oe per can. i0 mens fine Suits for $ j.00, Charter for their company had been -A report of the first two days session + worth $c`;.00. granted, under the name, -National of the Huron County council will be Ir�tinS Ol East Huron k Iron works, t' + �''ALI�+'C3�t'1�TU F' �'ZTI�: '- Come earl and see the Limited. ?heprovisional found iu another column. Balance of 4 y directors had held first meeting on Tues- minutes will appear in our next issue.�� ood values at + Apricots, Peaches and Peaches and � 91? day and the town would now lie dealing -The darkest part of the winter is �^ + Prunes. with company. They did not want TIT past. There will probably be more cold .B. JLv9 e� l ♦ 0 1 i4 'cd to lose an more time than' the could weather than has yet been experienQgd, for the di cussion of Agricultural and kindred + O i a a � D08 They were here to look up a sight but there will certainly be more day- subjects, will be held !itZ Syrup In Paola -a snap 4t $1.15. and get other information to report to light. Fordwich, Ilth Feb. ♦ ' the company. .they had prepared plans -The late Robert Hlrttou, o£ Ma 1- + "DII U =310N D14,OIT:' and specifications for their buildings 1 Bluevale, 12.11 Feb. + m ddnd were now open to receive tenders ford Has buried at Listowel on Sunda + p y' .E ihel, . 13th Feb. } ougheetfnlly dedecated to Trooper David January 20th. Deceased was a brothex- Lougheed. for the work. They had drafted a Walton ' I th Feb. � �"�' ♦ From Afiic'a far land came the rumor prospat ectus and were opening stock in-law of Messrs. A. H. and F. J. Carr, 4 Murdie's School . House, Mc - books Wingham people would be of this town. " i Mc - of t stile, Feb., 190i. Fortnight) -The Ahd the noise of Britain's txaors given an opportunity to subscribe. Fortnightly club will meet ori Killola, 15.11 -0a♦6+♦�♦+♦9kdd04♦�r�jt,♦Q p*♦0��,44♦O�po04004 ♦ 4p�+¢ mustering to fight; Conucillor McIndoo Wanted to know Monday evening, Feb. 4th at the home of Mrs. R. ;Clegg, '* john Street. .9.n Each day at 1.60 and r 80 p. m. While above the drum roll and the how their prospects would be for selling gg, All nra cordially invited to attend these ���� ��� FACE. BOAR FOR SERVICE musket rattle stock. He also wanted to know how interesting musical' and literary pro- meetings and take an intelligent part intho _ BOAR FOR O1ERVICE musketry + ' i, much stock would be actually aid u g1'ainme has been arranged for the even- discussions on the varied subjects introduced Rang Out England's watchword For y p p by each speaker, A first-class farm, containing 100 acres in a And Pigs for Sale. before they commenced operations. Ing., T. MoMMLAN; GEO. HOOD, good location 4 miles from Wingliam is offer - God and our right.!' President, Secretary. ed Por sale. U' pon the promises area good bank The undarsignad \vial Icesp for service on his Air. Galt said they were issuing -A committee has already com- barn and frame house. Well watered ands premises, lot 86, con. 10, East Wawanosh, a And it :ell nn the ea•: of one who was $50,000 preference stock and hoped to menced making arrangements for the food Trials Office, or 11 particulars apply at lar a improved Berl rshi I Boar with pedigree, FF ,g anYl have a it bar of young Berlrsliire• sows dwelling. .)ave sufficient looney to amply protect holding of a concert. under the auspices COOk S Cotton Moot �OmpOuadfor sale. Also two young Borkshha Boars. Whero the rush of the Maitland is heard the town before they used any of the of the Town Band some evening about Is snceessfnlly need monthly by over p� p1p ® Will be sola on reasenablo erns. thro=ll the night; t town's money. the 17th of March. Full particulars 1o,urdrdies. for ok,s Cattonl. Root Com- ask �A�l�� FCCD SALE, P. GIBBOI1Ts, p your druggist !or Coote s Cottoa Raot Com- th Marnocid P, 0. And lie felt in his- bosorm his martial Win. C. Bullock said the loan was later. i uaB• Take no er er, as all Mixtures, pills and - imitations are dangerous. Price, No, 1, $1 per I have had a good 100 acre farm in ;unions heart swelling, only payable as they earned it. The -Messrs A. MacEwen, of Bluevale box+ No. x,10 degrees stronger, $8 per box• o. township placed in m hands to sell. There WANTED -ACTIVE MAN OF GOOD 1 or 2• mailed on receipt of price and two 8 -cent are on skis farm a good bank barn, comfortable �� VV character to deliver andcollect in Huron Then echoes. the watchword For God town would not be liable to contractors. and Douglas Fraser, of Gleufarro`w st�a__in�pps�. The Cook Company Windsor, Ont. dwelling and a silo. Also a good 50 acre farm . County for old established manufacturing an.l cielr right." R �N0S. I and 2 sold ana recommended by all in East Wawanosh. Good buildings and or- wholesale house. $900 a year, sure pay. Hon - And were perfectly willing to carry out spent last Saturday in town auditing the responsible Druggists W Canada. chard on this farm. For full particulars apply esty more than experience required. Our re- t rr n c the agreement,- books of the tovvrishi ofTurnbelr at to . ference, any bank in any city. Enclose .self- FiS.0 ,�lssin, the tear ba le w'd e'v ek of y No. l and No. 2 are sold in Wingham by A. ]; J. OU'RRIE, Auctioneer, Addressed stain ed onvelopo, Manufaeturers. his mother, o- ed the oonnClIlOra that the wet t Ca bell; Druggists. Colin A Ott, Wingham P. O. Third Floor, Deaxborn t., Chicago. The thought of fair fiaine kepi his Both Mr. Gals and lir. Bullockwouldhaveharenome of the treasurer, Peter Mc- Hamilton J. E. Davis, A. A. Morrow, Box i' �g' v� ' ' +' Y 'Y young spirit light; ample money outside of Wing -ham. He want where the load voice of duty Council would have full information as IV ItOXETZIL they proceeded. They did not expect to i i was calling, siting M. Match of Goriio is at present . And gave hiivNelf for Gori and our Kot something for nothing. visiting her brother, R. Milch. it WIL right. A large number of people are suffering y fir,•. ►qd•'t if it is asthma, brouchitiz,, croup, .or ens -,from la grippe. He traversed the veldt and kopJ a :and such trouble, use Vapo•Cresoleae. All Druggists, Miss A. Hamilton spent Sunday in +OOd+�♦♦O♦♦44004♦ o-� OPP40 scarnin� The heat of the clay and the cold of the Dr. F. H. Kalbf3eisch, returned from Brussels. Walker Bros. & Button will give bargains in all lines of Furniture utltil the Ist of night; an extended trip through the 'Western A union Memorial Service will be held March' in order to dear out their large stock and matte room for new goods.. Note the prices : Braved hunger and thirst and the pangs States and the western part of Canada, in the Presbyterian churcli at 10.30 a, of home yearning, has opened an office in Berlin. m. Saturday. Pews. C. Lake and R. J. S y BED-I�4()UI'1•�a. COUCHES. To do and to clary for God and our Anderson will conduct the settles. 0h i ld rwi Cry for Miss Ellen Smith has returned from Large.Birch Suites, best plate, reg. $18:00,. special $16.50 Large upholstered easy chairs, done in valour, reg $+6for $2.90. Agri• • Large Elm " " 16.90, '` 14.50 Couoh(+s of. every description in. Valour, Tapestry, Rug and t visiting relatives near Brussels. Largo Birch " " " t0 16.50, 14.50 and Jute, prices ranging a.q follows:- Through ollows:.-•• Throur h all the long year, though l � f R I � Charles Skeates of Wingham is spend- Double-deok Suite, solid oak, best plate, reg. $32.b0, novo 24.00 X6.50 Couch for $4.75; 7.00 for 5.25; 14.00 for 10.60,• 14.50 for thousands were falling, ing some days in town. 5 Suites, bard wood, golden finish, large mirror; reg. $14.00 10,75; 12.00 for 8.75; 28.00 for 21.50; 12.00 for 9.75: 12.50 He passod all unharmed by fever or -P, T. Barnum is quoted its having 'W'hile coming from a lecture in the 'special at $1125, for 10.00. Lounges almostgive away, Don't miss see - fight; said: ,If you have $10,000 to put to Presbyterian church on Thursday even- 1 Suite,,8 drawers, box on top, best 'plate mirror, red. $16.75, ing some of the snaps. k; Protected b Him in whom he had good use put $1,000 aside for article iii Mrs. John Knewtson hid the mix- special at $14.50. y + p g 1 Suite, oak, ant. finish, $24.50, very special at $19.50. PARLOR SUITES trusted, you wish to sell and use the other nine fortune to fall breaking a small bone in Handsome golden oak suite, British best plate, reg. $34.00, a n out -talk an p snap at $27.00. In Parlor Spites we will quote prions that will make them g . 1 Suite, large plate glass, best chevalor, $18.75, now $16.25. move quick, To help him to battle for Gad anal our st�cL t�pelsaud � the morning talk t her hand. Birch Suite maho en fillfsli best late re $15.75 for $13,90 right. man but a rioter, The man that can .. � �� g y , plate, ;3• , Large 'Wilton Suite, rug stuff, 5 pieces, nice oolors re Golden finish Suite, large plate glass, reg. $18.90, for $17.00. for $42. ' Then welcome our gallant young hero 10,000 whilst I am talking to one is the Not O� ,+ t, t, $18.50, for $16.75. 1 silk rug stuff over, 5 pieces, newest on the market, reg $85 g t Suite 3 pieces, bed dresser and stand reg. 15.50 for 9.75. returning, - man I am afraid of, said I want t0 be � , p' , , , for $45. Andwelcome thrice we he is iri +, tt tt tc 12.00• for 9.50,his friend. , G-piedo stntF over in silk, newest calors, $48 for $28, Our sight;2We 5 -piece mahogany frame,•best silk goods, $45 for 827. All,sato from the dangers vwhieh closely rot Over )FiftyYears+' " " t0polished, best silk, $37 for $23 beset him. Don t think our Vapo Secretary, selected wood, Bolden finish, reg.' $19.00, for $16.00. 1 newest design in best silk goods, 5 pieces, polishedframes, GGho wetlt forth t0 battle far (�ocl and -An Olddand. 'Well -Tried Remeily--MrsCresoleaa is something Birch Desk, mahogany' finish, good value at 5.50,for 4.75. reg. $58 for $42 Winslow s SoothingSvrnpp, has been usedtiew, for it i$nct. For more: Biieli. Sec. " f° Polishod,reg, 16.00,far 13.50.' 1 5.0iece suite, done in valour goods, walnut frame, sliecial at our right. for over fifty •years bymilllonsof mothersthan twenty years it has Oak Secretary, British bestplate glass, rete, . 10.50, Por 1325i $12����"" " fur tlreir children whuo teething, vizth 1 'Desk re rice', - 5.50, for 8 90 1 5• iece suite, re price $40.50, fox, ,,30 r5g, p P gpurf`ect success. It soothes the chilit.been extensively used farsoftens clic gnlrls, allays all pain, acresall forms o3 branchial and rDEI3�Ai !xZ' {',�IOj �'AI$,�+,S All the old township officers were re- wind colic, and is the best remedy, for throat trouble. Mrs. tallington Newest designs, 2 mirrors, British plate, 4 drawers, 2 doors, ? , diarrhoea. It Is pleasatlt to the taste. t, years age, that (tXo ' reg. $24.00, for $19,50. Dont forget we have the bolt line of Extension Tables appointed by tlxo nicirs11o11 conuciT, Booth said of 7 • Sold 1)y drdgglsts in every part of the' family where there are young child- Selected oalt Sideboard, polished reg'. $46.00, for $34.75.. ever shown in Wingham at prices that will malce then. go The def 1. is announce() at 1J' rehiOnt world. Twenty-five cents 0, bottb. Its ?' y �. Large nmlt Sideboard, British best plate, 533.00, special, $18,50 i quick. $24 oak tables ,for $15.75; 1150 for 0 50; 9 50 for 7 75; K vales is innalculable. Be sure you: ask veil should be without Vapo-CreSo• . Siseboards worth $12.50 for $10.40;a`111111.7151 for 9.70*; 11.50 for, 8 75 for 6 75; 5 75 for 5 00; 5 00 for 4 75, 475 for 4 00. township, (rwy county, of Mrs. W. for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing' Syrup, and lene.' You breathe -til th+a vapor, it 9.50; 15.00 for 111.00; 22.50 for 18,15; 36.00 for 26.50; 11.75 for i Many othor articles that we will give big snaps until Xorrison, sr., aged 10:1 years and 19 - talo no other kind. goes all though the bronchial tubes , 10.50, $14.00 for 412.00, March 1st. yeatlrx,ys, itis Ftatcd that � r11P31 itz l,er 101sat - r Sick ev1t11 " --�- ; soothing, healing, curing. It's lady , 5h( Morrisond mi'lcert tl;(1 rave lver,ns. pleasatit, s de, econowical. i$ Q All goods niarked in plain. figures. `3 den 1ht,r ts. Ort children, 5 sons i4trr. S , R• rt p Is fatd by druggistls overgwldrra. ^ T D. i1,la a SoutIx Stu 1(' + 'try o•Cresotanel 'rho Va orizPracdd Laat .which annuli fast a lifer•,Walker a�■./�',y■�y- Bu t +�■/�■g ©hundred end wrote sue idek pith, t nO of my IM tit tp libf Ctai oaf le 2S eon a rinds' $t.so ) YYiY+ � .i.t c,i.�Y [ , sof( y-coven docendanis xarvive her, 2 children took xick vvltll warms said after a' p)tgalclasia eii% &"ren, (ii I.:vauddhild'ron., -66 great• trying everyt-bang without,getting: relief utotrtala ftea upoh roquesir. v�Apo-ceaaoww r Co,, & dahildren and 2 grain-g1•eat-grand- wli ptuenred Dr. Look Worm Syrup z Fulton $t.,4 aid rI4 U.S A. L. ltnrnittan Furniture Dealer; and Undertakers, 'IJV illgham. uCkclreat, which goted promptly' and effeatually. ; ctrwtfgt^M11�. i