HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-02-01, Page 7i� :, lF,777., I -F�1,7711F, 'IrVWZj 7"A`AV7RWr"F91"I q , �r­7�, - -- , I ­�- 1, w , , T,W 11 , II , . 11 I � I , I THE WINGRAV TIMESt FEW' ___, , � I . �­, - _­_ - -..I'-.-- . � ­­­­­II­_,II1 III—- -111. I I .. " � I. I --,.---- . I I .- _ - \ op"", � � , - I . - I . . 1. I - --1 -1 �� 11 .1. �. � �, I, 11 I __­ ­— rowel otiatulU44, UAWAKAW M 'UM uts"aft" , It I I" P � Zi�,%;-.11,M"ll C�;, L'w Ti7lrneYRI?i1, I" ri,,xii; impression :-"I SAUad Z1,04 to =P. , i I - -1--I _­ -1- ton imerat bscaupla' I W'Um 1U*JA:Kf110*dt'*t" I , , .1 _ - - . ,;;�� � ,;;,* 11 . I Very wvIl under.,tood tbat lie wCAblit youz Inform4t rYCA411Y. Thlill uil.xi direction 11ima J,uni.1to-at ­ , , I 11 . I followtvil, the ;!U9aQstl01ls of Ut. wished to follow It UP Pe . I I I I � llapne;l, jig the first: chance that JL ve b" to rcil, and as ba drovi ug ba las� is � � �, , , " , , � 11 - N and I have onle to. you ter as- 'I guess I'll givilt t1b"A Ott, Z , 4 . , . 'Oo""M%%.- Whon VT,irvel wati, tv9tl0.,Ir.f,1 htri�­ do 50i you Slya it to mig, I NI 1�b his Ilse.' " � I I ? , � "., I ov '.., Ilt. ecolid )III resl.At IN fl,�Jiltf- to bistanee. If f il ;�',; A, ..... - " , ... I I doubt that 1 4149 4P,- 11 Do vou know whether the man wo awaws , � VN� f 11 , 1. � . I liti-iq. Ijjj7j ii l*j.I.rl .p.,, t rqI 8!j 11, i-jilt,thi.t. lip trAnIc thero Is Tj( I K k CT L,dls�l*lt4w.. arld Fo nall Kin"Tit r,rehend your man, In that case, of cepted him offer or liat I" UA 9AL 1� . I . - I; 1-1 .1, i 7 � had uorn. i Miss Lewis will Ile released. 11 Oh, yes; Ito had riot turn*4 the. colI oullold b* � .. ; � 4 "J.0 I i up Ill..; %,.,1ltt-11 till., �,!,t3tjoll. Will,,, 1,11% ct urse. - . I � 6i V; %: Y I I � . . TL -pp, r l5riout,lit i,!;t th(- admimloii tlijit T�Jav f count u1pon you 7" rc.r iI. when Worton cAuxilt 111111 at � T, a, . I -- , ­ "; y 1 lv�l , VI I-,- u, 41h,guise prI;4f,',:viIIy k*,Ixliil;.r it) ti1r, I� ICIn you VOUnt On Me 7 f3aY, mobbe with Iiini, ard. I m4w him climb into JuLd baell RII ,�t, I . , i, I soz. '.Kc,romw", bo I. I I -,. t, -,,r I ". . I I I (I -.1, station It' -wilt ball I waz �.Iur,dl . I altilt riVerpatlent, 1% tIj(, VILJ�.4r_(111.11 , I., .1 one df�scrilletl ly t. a AMU thmt Marvel b4d 0 Is ; III ll,ca Used Ily Murvill, IWrrows flecitifil 'low, lint I wux , �, .� _.�.�*_; ;"N �- " � - I . . 9) . riled whf,n I heitrift 11MIlIo le this ,Weston ? Wher ,that lie liaA throwit US w , A `�J�' IiI .��., I ' . :1, 4, , � , ;­ �.'�!, :.. I I that there was rij cl(oulit as tl th I bout lillat vOrdle'. J�ut no man ain't I find ldr.i ?" -- re , �� . "t i I ­;, -, I , . , 0 A . . I , sad Itti, arlax , , %4 " .a. 0 , gomp trace of it at tl* 014 � . ,.)_.�I. ­ ;, 'O.Q.�". P�Q.Q. Idpntlt� of blir i.,tan. ile wwif% tritul Quiviv,0n me to Ilow lie's wronz, W "I iihoul(l say Ile's the Tory man : the r ver ate. , � I '. /; �!" '�J �, 4%. " " ""� ever (11.lt(_..,1-..l1nk.d to follow up tillf; (.1.,jo thorf)'.�, my bant." Burrows shook the you want for iftora reasons than one, . ", � � �4-., ",4 " r - � - 4 0 , y I., " ,� �t_ r Q,Q.o __ - here he J�IromptlY At 0 RUPI I .11 - Ir s, . �,.(,fl,*I hand gladl;y. delighted to Xot "Jilly lie can tell you W � I : vl. 11 4 ,% , Z�, ,� I I . ad in a very lit'le tIrris L , .,�;, I 1'. - -ivi, eo"1011 1 4 -;_ - t ".? .*. III lic' b, ated the old man. " -Now, ("Irolipcd his company Sunday night, A: I I I 1% C' '� ,WPIAton gav-0 I I . : 9 1h. I . do tbl,,, Do Rrow that he rillivit I bere he Can . to start. � . , 4 f t"�'i W P R I G,P, E 5 0MIENIQUIP )�� I �41_ '(24 % 9 , Ile I ,�. . I � " .jj,­ onutinued, 1k1r. Skene, " tell M -a but wo, he ItceI Uke hotel t tin d U I 11 �� I a lab � , " ,I a AUThQR, OF AN ARTIST IN CRW�, 6C i cauttoll.s. lit, %%*.,.,! too well tiefluallitoil, ,%.p - ;tons as to bow to , , -Q�,. " . .at I I ­�j4:.. , I I.In do aW I'll do It quiclier'n a put you tip fox, tij� a I - % I O.g.o.w.o.,OQ.9,0�O.C.O.O.O.O,ol�0-04) -*r, #�� v 'arrics not , , III t.1, After walltlbg about 111, I I � 'y - -, , v,ith itbe .-agarltv of Mr. 11 . I bey .. I , !I. . Q6 Streak." 'With ,a fplv n0c,w'I directions as alous r-ortloa hit - I" . L . COPYRIGH7. 1097, By G1131, PUTNAP4 soNs, . to realive the tttet That lie Tnust liavil " uste'n I Toll told me that this to )low to fInd the hotel kept by thig tile more p0p, 11, � I I . stowiva sw--if-loa by Ills action In vontl- L . Burrows"teacbLed lils,d"11matUtri. w, - ruall did not buy 41 ticket from You wan Weston, BurrI si.c.tIrted towara be. readily ree6plited from Woston's I :COIJIMIC 11IM801.7 1`7 VMY t1l7rCM ' 7ZIC"179 - I -OU Illy O-L)IIII(InA, T',-,Z-.n(7Q On II inw. 1;,r, .'its (mestiou to the distriet-at- ,vilen lip left. Therefoie he munt that place. The lintel 1,11 question pertli,tion. Tile house Itself could b ..1. to this. leaditirr rinol,11on. that r have seon of her.*' t(ipoy. lie r(licoquent1v decitled to 1.1ave obtallieli. one frorn the vmductor � , scarcalv be granted no high- 1, ly be s".11. "Well," be re, tills ,,k v in I (I from the road. It fts in � .j:)Ondod, "what other Mr. Barneo ,was satistled 'with avoid, Mr. Barlits at the conclilq1on of r,ii the tyaln. Tilat Will Ile enough to mundin.- a nama In a city, but''as It i f er Olt large traI . . I verdict could you lool; for under the ankower-at Irlast lie did not let It ap- the Inqueet, and so eacapo a vatq- have Imptepoed vic, circurn3tanves, on st hostelry in and b _clrCUln,1tVnQcq III . pear it lie was riot-and� resuming the 0-4rirg, In this the rejui"tlorlal 010SP his mind, It not, the ticket itself call �'vas the larre th'e place esides, " rin eare had bown giva* I ­[ sU,.l.,)osn ne)no !. yeve,rthelevs a threati, nf their discourse, lie atsIred : of the proceedings assisted libil. so I,e found. ,ind that will x(Ill us wItter, 1,frhaps It was v%oll enottah, so to) to the place in Years, It '"'M Surround- 1 , dorignate it. The 'Young detective ed by dense sbrubber ver4d gtIgma has been Maced on that girl "Have you any spollial renso-nn for that It was not difricult to Still AN"II h,,l, left tile, train, -what I ,want you g7ttand co) , -,I slie iI not ripsorve. At lel- amc,", Ili rw is to introduce t 11C. ro�l- reacbed It without any dIfficulty. and, With vines, Thus, Ely nl about ft . ,i,pt,­ thinking that Marvel is guilty T' ur.oboc,rved. Thus, when IIII 33, - in c, 0 t , . I, . I "If not guilty, bONv (lid Ills lookOt I -I for him. I�e wal"i already On l` --is d,I:,t(-,r when the train comes I.,, and as easily round the proprietor. After being green, it Nvottia Scarcely have , ; -be continued, quickl1e, "t1lat Is my I t hesitate eng4ging a room for the night lie at attracted, the gtIttention of a calVilial Ob- . I orime to Ile in the poroorsion of iny" fa- 'way to Le,) D,..lijot, bent upon taldris' t lie will no : -cx-bilon", arrange It Fo tba e -main object of server. Burrows thouglit It M V417 I . I .) . )w al (1WO aPtroaciaed th 41 You mean that yra think Miss Lew. thc-r ? It is very evident that, even t1w saine train which bed carribil. tb. to tell 11-10 all tIlat Ile May 1. p .? .n( JOUS 7to ... I -is is Innovont T1 . I if Miss Lewis tolls, the truth, she bas rr.ysterious ,Mrarg,�r away from Lee 01) fox, I inpail, to take that I'As Visit. . I for a jilan "xious to We go alorg, . good retreat wa. Ana . � .'I do. aecitled1r." . g I'Mr. Weston." sald lie, "I ljaVP ,crutiny of his fella not avoinintrid for tbat mystory, This Cie night of the inurall1r, 11CLICIll", ti,ain to-ni2lit," I avoid the r .. ­ -..-- I I, ,1711gi.111 be Simple %mious,'Ij, for Berry, 1,flen informed that you ,picked up a entered more than ever malsffled that I is a point that,1VTr. Tuppor mentioned." the station, be found Mr. Sltene, and r I ,2,)r - some important developments awalted( ; . "N'7111 you tell me your rva�or­-' 'r' -I mean to Investigate that niatter, NNI.thout preamble he approached his tile conductn" ,,, W a nw,%l -toliel% lIe'll Stranger at the Copot last Suild; . . This wa�i exactly what DI 1�arl-41 rt $p your his 0.xamirliation -of the Interior. .7. of colaree, bilt I 1,ave seour, Stranger subject do all he kin to help vou." night, and aavd bl'.'a a Ill , I !�, ", lign 4 -\I time did you N%,F_rf,,on." Pushing. open the door, which liloved � - X110st d(Mir0d; that Sulne011e Should " - .tbI than that expl),Itj-d away." . 11 Do"You remember, Mr. Skene," I Ver,i, f-,,olld. . noiselessly art Its hinges, despite thq� I I I . tend this girl to him. Therefore If "Well, then, let me call your atten� Mid 110, "til(Lt YOU gave me 11 hint say that %mill leavos 9" . :, Yep, that's true exiougla." ' 111, � In thp. suhsequent colivemation he tion tn another point. Do You remeni- a-, to the i lontity of tile Man who 11 Tell tl_rty-nine." I Would be mloch obilgell to -,%n dilapidation evers-where appext,at, he � . . I ,peorned to Ile acculting her it was no ber the story that the squire told us Itille(l 1\I Lowis"I" prompt to the rillnute tbil train it -you -will tall ra I pu m n himself kR a small blit w0I . I , ,ow,ere you t iii toll d 9 '1� . evidence that he himself thought her of the row at the birthday fete ?" ' " Do I relliember ?" eJq.cuIatqd M?. which be w9A so anxiously awaiting down.## I lighted room, i1i this, '%I had beeu ". . r . ,guilty, but only that such a course,"I " Certa,lrilzr." . Skene, In an angry tone. 11 Do I re ca,me along, and ,was stolTed by tile 11 Wall, look, bqre I What might �e originally a kitchen, there was somel. . I I . the one best calculated to 4ra'w Out i the I slight evidence of -civilized habitation. . 11 Very good. If you do, 7nu will re- 1 rieniber ? Well, darn ,ine ef you ain' agent's flas, Mr. 2kene found ycur reasonii for askin! about him ? I . .. "I r - ilf, another into trou ve bo, ,. xe no, signs of rus I I Ih& striongest arguillents Ili her' faI collect that the rquire sp.ld that my the pheeklest crItter I've seen mean- I conductor and introduced Burrows to atu"t a Ilan to - T4 $to , ,to all,41 . wilivil might occur to Lewis. YI-r, father kept Marvel's Distol. Now, dcrin' down that road.** ' na, at the same tinle p,lvin- a hint ble an' excuse met. but rmilre % tile ashos of a, revent. tire atteotea ttft : , I )vhat wss wanted. As �cflr)!,� as they . Barnes w(,.4 wise Gnough not to under- i%I has become of that Weapon 711 " Why, what is the mattOx TO asIt:ed I ya str6ger to inoo-' _.,_________._ �act that the owner used it, perhaps, ,estiplate the ability of any man, Very Mr. Barnes ss.w at once the value of Burrows, taken aback. had started the two dropped into con- *WelL, ,I;Nous not . the .other Man 4 for cooWng, as a kettle, partly J511e:4, '. often in. his exilarlence most Valuable this. and it bad ce2tatilly not occurred " Matter ? Matter enOngb. Look verstatIon. for there had II nootber " I Still rested In one. of the hoI Bur- 'I hints bad been alven to him by per, to him. Ile Nvrs thankrul for this a -hero, Von got daj�ned vejiot. Why . . otranger also T' . tho . .vqrvi from wbexit lie hod least expected conversation. ain't yoll done, nothln' ? Why 4tdn't passengers to take up, jud, therefore 11 Yes, but for all that I won't do rolI,vg'ob,.erved This at a g1l.111CO� but � I . ,e no ticketS, to be c . ollected. nothin, to git hirr. into any Scrape," dazt apparent I, "'. I - � In all tither parts 09 thig, ... I I . jV he r - I �arristallc,u. . " We have not looked for It," he re- vou call me on.the stAn' T WI didiiet t re We I 1. said BurrONI " to Ile looked Ili a dcridedly suiij)101011' . . , . " I will try," said Lewis, in reply plied, Ycu stop lem ?11 Burrows endeavoured " Mr, llerr� t'ery about what I Want, manner at. the detective'. BurroWS , I I I I I : . to All% Bprilles. 11 Of course I ,was pre- to a , newer, but Mr. Skene ,,vaved his make no mysi I a dete,-- c,-xisidered to I . I I Sent at the entire inquiry. I was, not .4. Voll,0114rd., of J!"0ile.—A "Zovell, I will say at once that I ar," articular , r a mornent, and from the 11 I . � �, ., I lic-eded oil the witness stand, as all . hand as a sign to him to be silent, tive, and, an, looking for a P .rienner of his host he almost thought . . . t that I rlould bawl testified to wollia" "You may not have done so. but I and continued, more ex--itedly :- man. one ans-wering his descriPtlo"I th"t, despite Ills assertion that tile . , ... I . have seaI every),,,Iiere, and it Is " Didn't .you git the straight tip from :all, last Sunda,y night. 'unknown 'to him, Ile had' . � 1,14 , , . a the discovery of the liody, . . boarded this ti, n -an Was 1. � A %.., /I�t. ,!" 1� r, !�- I . It, I 1. , Ill, , �,f IA.U. 0 " ", i hove bee. ' . , , At � , I � - . not to be foliI . me In this here bisills? Didn't I tell' I desire you to tc.-il me where lie Ivas �*(cr I . � ��,z... �, I .. . '. . .1 . . � . ond Qat was m fficierlt " Perhaps the squire may have It," you who killed Lewis ? Didn't I tell , 0 ,_nized lilin. Re alst, decided that W , I �, JW . Irnportance by the squire. As the de- lie assures ffiling. " ter than it would not Ile wir.e to reveal lilis real , .;,o � Wi �! i. , , `­', ,;-, , -ceased was my own father, it Is but "I have asked him, and You .1 seen libil. '%I my own eyes ? "I obould like nothing bet object in hunting up tills jilan. lie. .. 4.. �,!11.. cwt."a I- 11, - .� - Vt. � � - ; me that my father � would not ,,art Ndn't I tell you I Seen 'him twice 9 to oblige yet', Mr. Burrows; but, real- , , . _. . : natural that I Should take a great h the evidence of the assault .t.ldn't I tell you -what train lie come � determined upon a, bold stroke. I%. Ii., -t,R .. i, th, ., " 1-. I I ) many passengers 11 Mr. Weston," sald he, I, I axil glad ... ,�— )­-01� !)W W'I "l, . Y that "51 . - .o. 1. , -r , I .. , � -, fl, ,"­.� i$q'1-1-t.1;,p 1" 04 � I I t4prefove listened most � ')V-11 . . it is not an easy jillitter i�p know all , 'Itti, I 'Interest In seeing the crime- avenged. Wit n ae hini. More on an' what train he went away On ? I ' We see S( that the secret of my friend is in Such I M . I Ltte,ntivelY Ire told me that he r off, es- Safe hands. our I .. li!'�',I`.( -;i,.1 l..,lIl..i;-.iIoy. , z; t , i 1. ut In the than that, the squ . about where they plet 01" I thank YOU for Y i vevet: I ',%v�­ . . . I . to, all that waEi brought o wltnes$e�. kept'it locked In a, drawer Ili tile par- . . T discretion. Can we finish this con- r cnwerhalld i o 61: 4 il -� 11145� I �i -examination of the several � loiI ` � pecially after the lapse I seVE'ra.l *wi Where we will ,not Ile ovLr- I free. Atl,4,-A-*- ,r - . I , . . versaU I lit) U1111410" :,, - And it Is jilot this that makes me feP1 I, , could Marvel have ob- da,Y,11 I I � �42dlgon,- II - T�111nll' 4 .. . i - Ho,,I then I , ___._ "Of course not, but consider for I heard '.," . � I . 1i :so Aure that Miss Lewis is actuate tT talned it T' Weston Seemed puzzled, but led the . � �1� I � more by a deEire to shield someone .. ,, My Idea is this :-I think that af- - I moment. It cannot Ile 2. common tbinx I roultry 11olutex-s I I . -else than by tiny other motive" ter his interview With Miss Lewis . I I . to get a passenger at this hour a,t. so way into a smali roolu ut tile back of . . I., . .. 1�1 , 11 Ali, but who is she shielding ? . small u place as Lee." th(- buildina, � I I_? UseLw defernaerd or -,I fcwls fICL- � �!I . � 'You must remember that she is doing ac,;oss the river Marvel, as lie ad- I . . . " No-, you are right about that. "Now, theii.11 resurned Burrows, "I ' . I . . I .1 1: , e farm. I think he . )!� 1, "lil . Nevertheless, I get them all a1011g, illy must see my friend at once, arid since breeding. ,. , I � . 8, vo-ry dang,erous thing When . she ELC- sought an Interview with my father; I .. I - L n so 11 ellich-8 will eat I � . . ,cuses herself." t)lat they quarrelled, and that my fath- I route, and there are maftY stolis As you seem to be his fric d al I s ha I Your -,I ,ilihem I . . � �� unimportant as till-, one." I count on Your assistance." . . " M16s Lewis is a much cleverer wo- on Mar- �1/ , .. . . in r.ta t I � . -I see I must a0i' it YC s t�_ "You shall' have IL, but first 1 wo Avee sold. er took up the nistol, wherelan I , ur in 17 nian than Ycu may liclievelTer to be, Val got it away from him and shot I ,I � �. ticket "� I fl I I . I ws wall Enough that she . . - , I �,,, This man did not buy a and conse- milst, prove you!re b s -tend." t he . Keep the pens and'houses (!!can andL I I I �ajjd she kno I danger. She has Cor- him." shook his head. "There . , I X the agent at the stilti011, 'Burrows now felt certain tha . - I Is 'in no rea. M r. Barnes W . I% quently he must have, done so oil the was right In Ills conjecture that tile fowls from vermin. 1. : fessed. What of that ? When she Is no sign of EL struggle. Besides, if -_ Can You not recall that circum" 'hotel propriettir Ila4 re.cog his - 1. ' . ,I . Is, made to appear In court, she -iI Is truth, how could Yovr * " . train. . owders Cure. S -old - . . � confession. Then bow that the . the name of Walter I � , Z- , stance 9" � Q01nnallLon. I � k Miller's Grip 1? . . �by I , retract this Vhat evj� father have written . " Y-e�s-y-e-s-it seems to ,ine that . The next question -,yas whethei lie A. L. Hantilton. . I . . . . Will, You Convict bet, ? I Marvel on the Slit) ot paper T' �. I do. Ali. I have it I The man you hiniscif had gues,.pid tile marx's identity. . - -r . . . dence is there ,gainst her besides he - Apoplex� andegg bound are the rtsults � Lewis, thiclight a minute and then re 9 $, 1 want had a, full beard and wore a lie continued;- * our friend . � - - . large , I I .. ..o -vin word% ? She will tell You. that lied :- - — I Ion- overcoa,t� Ile also had a. " I suppose you know that I I of,excessive fat. I �sbe was excited, that she did not P,, I hay(, It. When my father heard . - � ol and I relnerliber that he would authorities . qatch , lids beeii billing from the� Ws savil-19, What - the barking of the cog outstde,'�Ije I I -_ nd it to the ba."; � .1 When eggs are tile chief object, Ahes � . � Vvill. you be p.ble to do ? She Is a t the , , I I not let tile se gage- for -some time ? ", took Marvel's I)Istol. and fired a . , room. But where did he, Want a ticket '"reston nodded. - I I . man whom he Eaw there. At the I 11 That I don't get somehow." "I ain a Wend ,jf lits'and , la,�yer, , nonsitting. breeds are best. - . � I a bullet Struck him. I I , for ? he Wrot� to rne asking th Raduce the -wi I xxter sto I Olt of poultry am . . . sarne inoment . " Ilaven,t you tile ticket which YOU and at I . I . rom Lucas' Distol or . 11 . 17-41- Sly. lo on here and. look after muchas possible t � . This was either f fired by Miss Mar- . � ... ­ . . sold him T' u%ked Burrows, MnXiOu sh . ould. Coal I l�turted at once. but to layers . . Eggs pay . . � ; else was the shot I I " No. We turn our tickets in at the his Interests. I I . . 1 $, . Vol from the sumnier-house, as she Ile- rse they would when I reachecl -the nlace Where he' well'in. winter, I � ; clared. Then, when Marvel came, the 11Z cttiVt a vw.n to git another into Volk end of each trill. Of Con' But stop a.,:ked Me to meet him he had left . . � . . . . . have it at the nialn office. - eme -%AO t I . I en oil the table We." ft minute, ,5erl,ap,,, I have the stub." �Ijere. I hav4 folow4d 113,111 to this Ladies' and getatl a � alcer , � 1511 I .1 We ' have Miller's Compound Irou Pills alwaySI . . r_1 * ' - right at hand, for as father was I I ii as patiLiltly as iown, but as I ' a ,.Arahger I I !--A. -I II I I . 772Z-77 I i he would i.)e likelY to grow younger in appearance and spirits. I . I . Durro,ws watched hil .1 . ELI- � 1� " , � � ; wounded he Would sca.re6ly have How much more do you want. You po-, IbI ""' lie looked through his no idea where am u . I . 11 lie weapon I . I uD t l' lune ? Mus' 1. le*Lve my bo.� e lll�c to the rigilt da.te arld E.�cp. I heara at- the depot that YO anillton. ' I I I . Sold by A. L. H, '41 1 thought of' locking May blunderb , turning tICII up, aft -S so , came - I .- 1. � ". � I I t - - i again. As for the writing, that station an' ketch tl-Ae nia.li. myself 7 1, -lancing over the stubs of the r " 1; bad taken him, I In. Most cases 't ,he bes b thing you cart I . n I IS s I= . ) ; -,;' � I be as Miss LEWIS guessed. My fath- reckon that's what 'You're waltin' on: ��Ijlcli he had sol(i oil the trul - h I tra lit to Von." . I . I I ",NN , , �- bought 'Marvel had fired the 11ME You want me to %etch him ail! 13ut occupied a few millutes only, at tile (,If our friend wanted to ,see you. do with a very sick chiclien is to kill ancl . I � . . , ; - , - ` how is it lie didn't leave his ac.1dress . . I I � I , �� I shot and so wrote a line to that ef him in your ban'-,, all tied, so he end of which the conductor continued I .. . I burn it. Wh�je it may ,be cured, there . I Extent he -t. you, hay 9" Mr. Skene ,, I gun sorry, but It is not here. YOU for you ?" . . .1 . I ' �, � . I .. . 11, , . . feet, not realizing to what I couldn't but . se that 1)ook when I sell CL 1.1urrows Was vorbr)eIR-A to -think is. always the risk that it may givethe �� , had been wounded." stopped to breathe. It IS doubtful eee, I U . : I ., . I . - . I wli i. ?1 I 1, But ,what ubout the empty Snell in WI ­b -11 _hC--W&.-.-_1_ !-.Z,�'a V2P_-,PC1 tulkina ticket for any distnnee, and as there quickly here, but 1. . xe Nvas equal to tile disease to others of the fippk. I � I I . I( � I Miss Lewis' -vveapon T' ' except from thIs neeass-ily. BurrM0 is no stub for anYthing froin Lee, it emergency. . I I . . ,-J� , :: � ,� ) 11 Perhaps her first statement was saw- his chance. and tried to speak, must Ile that your man only made a " That Is 'what puzzled me at first, If your stomach is weak it, should have . . I - ! � , 11 correct, and she had previously fired before the irate old man could re- silort ride. The fEtriners along the brit theii. it Occurred . to nle tliat lie help. I-lood's,qarsaparillae-iv,esstrengtlx I .1 ; I -I hem � I - - �,�,.I�� father rnay have cou d not do SO Without risking, some %and � li!; it, or, agaln, my surne. But he was rot allowed to SaY line often do that, and we let t I to the stomaoli, p4id cures dyiipep� . - -, , � . fired it a,t Marvel in Self-defence." riuch. .. I simply pay the agent, Where they detective's finding .It cut alSO* " indigestion. I . .. I .. ti, . i I - " It is all right,, Mr. SRene,11 he be- stop off, the ap ent; giving us the ticket. List be sure , . .�l A silence followed, and Mr. Barnes 9 - Well, look I,.ere, I m tell Trio With poultry, as -with other. stodr, � 1 4 . , .. - - -., . .1 did not speak for several minutes, dur- ga : 11. 11 There is time ertough." ,, Call you tell, then, where this man you're talklW straialit, -so jest .lit be It . I � - .. n? We'liniz . "It Ing Which time he was,thinking deep- .1 the liable of the I'la . . there neverwas a tinle wben careful sd� *­­" , I - % 0 d: Time enough ?" Interrupted M.r. got off ?" re about It. He must. talRing abolit di�Ccrellt parties. after I �. . - ly� At last, however, he Sal. I'liene. " Why, daril your little, aln't 11 I cannot be su . S� y ) . ,You are, rig."Jit ; it is of Importance IS either at Epping, all.,, ,1I was a .tx,yin- - 1 � � � � � � I � I. , -1 . � � the hull thing ended? Ainn't you have left the train , �dd , , ,g 11161ileylt tc, ection. failed to give good results, espete I ., " �' V,� � / to find this Missing pistol. But whe'!e been an! 'lowed them lunatics to tack the next stop, or one- station beyond Burrows. lie had 110 by :)rolong-trig ally when extrit, attelition is given to I . � .1 . � tif, � We look for it ? That. Is the ques- _e �,eldojxj let a man ride the Conversation to surl)"Ise Westpa � A . . I � can the crillie on to the flnes' woman In that, for 1% iention- or the. the selection of the male used, for breed- ..*. , 1. - tion." - 111 -Is State ? Ain't Virgle brought In further in the way that I have deocrib- illLo an� accicii,-�jtal r. , ninute, a I question -,I ing I I 11 I .. -. , . "I think I can kuess that, too," said gi�llty of killin' her uncle ?" ed. But stop here it i nd I natme. Now Lhil.t. the . I I I , . er, eagerly -a little too eagerly, .will sk Illy ralce-man If he knowi.'* 1,iit he Was compoilea to ,vive tile name If your child is pale, peevish, alad doeic � . I ' � " Certainly not," said Burrows, hop- a. b " - . . � , . � . I `!MMT stood, Lfu91r0lV3 =0111UPIll 9 a P-10OL thou -,lit Mr. Buirnes-although he re- ing at length to have an opportunity The conductor was gone but a, few which he susDucted to be the right . . ­ ____1___"_- ____ t' that when a novice is working riled With disap- one. I noi, thrive, a dose of Miller's - WoraL . I flee ed to sveak, -but again be was Inter- momenta, and retu ' . I . . Powders octiasionally will Cure. Sold . t a mystery of a great crime he Is ruiAed. . pointment on his face. -� I am endeavo-urtna to meet . illy . I I . -wc1lian. tild the SYmIlath's' qf the Jury Ou . Lewis continued :' -, No. He kno-ws nothing; dbesn't re- friend Walter MCI . � by A. L. ,Hamilton. .. '. I . will be In her favour. American Jur- usually impetuous- "D'You mean to tell me they ain't man at all. But see here I I heart . I toward her " Marvel himself described his move- brougM her In guilty ? Ain't Jef Hat- member the 1,urrows could almost hear Ills Oats are a very useful food to.,give to -les are proverbially len erit le enough I All we lleat LIS, he %,,atcbed the face of his I ,SEX. She- Will Ile acquitted, but -%\,here inents on leaving the farm. r1rat he 'I rlson Jest dr -uv by an' tole me the yer- The thirig Is siroll 'an and poultry, as they stimut " ,.,A " i wJil your real ei!iminal be ? In some 'Went home; then, making a bundle of dig' ?". inust do is to ask the agent at Epping, 11(.�st, I.ut Weston gave no s, . iatOwithout euer-' 11 his. welt clothes, he threw thein into the 11 at lemaired silent,for u, fe) fattening. JIT-,�Elyforma goocL . . ' , "But, 'Mr. Skene, that is only the and it not there It must have bee ,11 minutes. vating or i foreign land," tly, he went to )its old . the next." "Well, I Fuego it's 11,11 right. Mr. , Min Barnes listened with c6lisider- river, and, ]as B threw verdict of the chroner's jury. Thm , E4 piling, a much, larger town than Marvel was here Sunday jji�-Ijt.." diet to reduce the, fat of hens that are , for it was house In Epping.. Now, either Ill � , him, too fat to 16y' -,v.hilo it ground and .fect .able Interest to all this river, or else, remei,n- is not a, regular trial." Lee, Is but five miles frorn that place,' Burrows felt a. shlVer I)ass ovei .(in passing in ti -le pistol In the I precisely what had Ile bering that It ties his na,me oil It. as - ' Don't you As'poi�e I'kuow that ? I and therefore it was not long before b,� -,I so relieved e't tills rexl1v. Re- . boiled potato3s thelyntiI an excell- I his own mind, He very well knew 'Harrison testified, lit- was sbrewd ain't a -qol' darned fool ef I ain't never they reached the station. Immediately I Itself us Much as Dessible wlth . lie young. But what's the dif� stra"jill" "" - lent food for producing fertile eg , � tbfit a confession of so gra,ve a crii , ,been to Borston. Burrows and the conductor leaped from - 'our not to seem too elat �gs _' I �,as murder would not by Enough to talre it with him and h1de ftens!e, I'd. llkp to know ? She's dis- ill' Ili. hilde" Did he . . . . . any means it Ili the Epping place." tile train and went up to the station c,o, he Inontillu�d :-- � I . assure a Conviction, and h 11 Your reasoning is very good. and It graced, an' the hull county'll be talk- agent ,who was delivering the mail ­%�rou Sall lie was here ? 'D riI the Irorillds. adri's ability' Y(Ai can't hender folks ' � . nomieAlls urlderrated the r nay be as Well rot' file to 90 tO.Epping , Ili' 'hout her. bags. it took but a moment to -explain stop overnight In your house ?" lute; . . I he Would r . froir! talklnl, kill. you ? Well, then !" ted, and at once the -1 Nw lie only calne Ili for a roll 141-S. Thos. Thompson, Roland, Man.iI . I .as a bold plotter. Stfl , In the morning." what was wan not dislillss from his mind the pos- and while You are gune I Ilhis last ejaCultition presumably ag-exit replied : . I ivent on to Ills oWn place." ,sibility that j,fter all, she might be "Do so, ,satiable argument " Oh, yes, I remember. thn inal,* Well then he I bought of tile evi- writv.s: 1,3ty husband %vould not be t, will have the river dragged, Inthe hope meant that an una,.s . Burrows at once t Harrison, -without Hagyard's Yellow Oil in 'thei I . W stor' which She had told of recovering the clothing !" had been launched, and lie could at- enoug l r- his ticket. I given by young I ' Y I. � - ,gu!lty. Tb dence it gooil deal for II a most plausible one, Moreover, Mr. Barnes stoppedi looked at Lewis ford to let his antagonist sr),031c. hope there's nothingn wrong. ,,vilich this stmtenient corroborated. bouse, as he Uses it � .1 Its very sinirlicity Seemed to.prevent P. moment; then slowly and distinctly. "Of courr-P You belleve hor fnno- "Tills gentlemmi Will tell you," re� 11 you nleaft the place where he goes doctoring tip the horseg and considers ib � ,.& susnicion that It. bad been manu- ' he said ., I Cent T' vzIntured Bilrrows, and in a plied the conductor, In a hurry, be- to put up when he Is Out shooting, (10 Splendid," Price fUct. I . I . facturtid. Besides, it fitted so well , 11 Mr. Lewis, I would prefer that you worrient, Mr, Skene -was as excited as oause he could not keep big train watt- you not ?" arv6ro Sonne men are in advance of their inget, .. . I . ,all tija most Complicated points In* the o with ine to Epping." ever. Ili. Then turning to Burrows he con- This acquaintance with M n of but -,vomen all'o always a f0W years be - I .oase. Then, how did She'know that g .Ob, 1, said Lewis. clotekly, " T should " 11"Vve she's innocent ? Do I b'lieve tinued : 11 Mr. Burrows, let me int -110- habits evidently di,mrmed WestO � .1 .there Were two wounds ? Neither the like that, but I thought you detectlye$ It I SaI look a-lmve ! 1�if all theni duce you,to Mr. Jennings. He will give arty lingering riqubts as to the Inten- hind ir, doctor nor Burrows would have told pr - an , Ive, for he replied _� .--- . - . � ,?f : ­. ­ - _­­ — ­­ ` .;,red t' it ns of the t . dc�Ica work alone." white Ungels that went uli and down you the Information which you NY 0 . de Eat, 11 . wish you luck I" A , her. and as she was -tile last Witness o A rule, but T ,tvIll Inake .TAcol,'s ladder. as they tell on lit the Good night I I 111's, much More friendly tone . . ,to enter the roorfi she could not have an exception In this case," returned Bible, wuv to let dovvit a rope ladder moment Imter he and Ills train were , yes, that's where he %vdxjt.'Whet11- � Ilcard the previous testlil"OnVo Mr, Barnes, dryly, I . right here on till.- be,s still. there or not I -can't say, for . spot. all, as they lost to vleNv around a curve, though a, - thatnight." Tonaw . ' CHAPTER XIL-Continued. - oonle .v w deep rumbling noise remained on the I haven't seen, ,hint Zi�'CL ,..Uhl By thtf� time they bad reached River- . down thi, oz to Itticel before t me- how . Addressing his Companion again, he side, and both at on&e retirI to rest. me an mvear they seen herido it, It air for many minutes. Burrows turh- ,,I- suppose you Can dIree ;8ald : . I I Mri, Barnes awoke early and caller , I'd b1lieve ed to thL man beside him and said : to find it In the morning ?J' o ketch If your liver 'is out of Order, cansing � "All that Is very true, but suppose .1 I wouldn't IlI me a mite A to meet You It Oh -yes; but it YOU want t t early. Biliousness, Sick Headache, Heart - Lewis, Who was Still &bell when he en- they win, nilstaken in the party, Mail* " I am glo , Mr. Jen- � - that Miss Lewis does riot retract T' . tored his rooni� and together they went I 11on't VIleve Virgle's Jnnocent, I nings, and I hone that you n1hy Ile 111111 ai h6me, you'd better star . ,,But I tell you she will_ Why should house, where Mr, jest know It, plalat all, sinjule.11 Tills able to lend me vorne assistance In I uess lie's off with. his g.un most of b'urn, or Constipation, take a dose of I to Squire Ofney's restigating." t 9 . - Barnei explained that something ha.d old warl's trust lit Virainta was Im- the matter which I arn IIIN he day." I �she allow herself to suffer- the 'Pen . It You'll 5rour advice. I sup- 11 -when she Is turned up Which ,would Prevent his aC- prOSSIV0. Paith Stiell as tills I'llight "I am at your service, Sir. "I shall act on � ,7 1 ,alty-and such a penalty I tc-11 me wliat I can do for Ybu I'll lit-., � ve known Marvel a Uned-s- piffs , I Innocent ?-As soon as the real crlmffi� colj��pt%I hint 'to DoVer. With Wlidgh with a jur,l* a1pAinst. a, multlPlic- I Vo: 1)(tse tIla't you hia 11 are go friendlY." - - — - : al has had time to get away safety Lew1q, lie then haotened to the depot, , Ity of facts, * . rilly too happy," replied the agent, long time, Since! 14 C, You See. It 'On retiring, and to ' '�, 1� . I I she will tell an entirely difterent tule. wherf,. he Was Just in tinlIb to �tch the "But how can YOU litely. morrow ,your di-, I I c, you know It? I, Why, no ; not C-xRctlY- " . ., � tri,in which pao.sed at 6180, alid getting may think 8o, but ,how can you know ­ I am a detective. and am after a ain,t any special friendship I II&I � ,� . You will -sine.,, .ping a. few inin- - that she is innocent ?" nipla. I don't. say'the* one who came Marvel that made, irle so Careful. In gestive organs will be reg-dIattid arut I I � "Why are you go Sure that glib Is alioard they reached Ep Mr. Slielle don't kylmv much, ElI him you Vill be bright, itctI and ready � Adtlrig a part ?11 utes before seven o'clock, " How do I know It ?" here on Sunday is he, but I think so, �acti I o- 11VIly did she not tell the truth at Aftel., A. little time spent Ili ontiutries, . ,,aid this with a skell. and paused a frcm the mysterious waV in NNolitch he ut all. I haven't seen hinillibre'll III . lor tin kind of work. This has ' I . 'Al.r, T3arne,4 learlied the locality of tho, rionient. 11 I -low do, I know It I HOW ucipli, at Lee. If �%u can tell me any- : or twice altogethcr-" been tKe experience of othOrOl, it Jl� - ,once it it was bet Intention to do so?i' jsrlu.qe of whteh he Will,sl In search, and do I know yOu're a Inns ? I don't thing about him, YOU Will Tefirri Mr " But 1: thought you were his friendill , 'Vill be vours. HOOD'S PILLS are I .. . "Ali! Who (.-ail be sure of the work- a � t once. repaired thither, Arrived at knuw'llow, but I knolV it 11, IvVIth this gracitude.11 #, Vill arty man's friend when he's lei and -w .- ­­­_ I Ings of the humiln mind, and of the call help . 19old by'all Medicine dealere. 26 oW motivps which actuate any glVell the place, which was about a mile be" stilly lie turned oil his he allied; " Well, I dofift kr.OW as I down I heard all about the trouble ,------ I yond the. more d'ensov built portion or toward the baizage-rooni. Burrows you, much. I r0liernber' the fellow. he b�d With Lewis. and as I d1d.l. L iI . . Ll� L ; I -course ?" JtL to be, aIg de- thought he knew how to bring him in such ly different to What; , ,'In this case it seiehj4 to me quite tIlII town, he found I plirtlY lowise ho Stopped aft fro as; ho.w he'd done at 'rho Happlooss of' RaRith.-Ilit ' ' . ' -rriblv d1laTildated Can- back. u 1;ltc, train, and pliff1v lealuse, lit had I would myself, I wouldn't be the �Ofte L ,,slinlile. When she first testified, shA s0ribod. Ili a tc � -builratioll is the ripple and laughtee of pUr& I I thought that the inurderer waa safe.09 dition, and, recessed Loonsiderably frorn " 11r, Skefte, you mfoUnderstand me. no tic,lcet, Lrid so bad to buy one wheft to,, belp to ketch him-" gh the veins. South ' . "Whom do they siaspect, then 71' tile po!jd, It was almost hidden an-'ild I bellevti �Iis:§ Lewis Is Int,ocent uIS06 be r(.qWbed here, but I III afraid there But if you don't know M&-tyel, how blood as it courses throu k1littiI 1. . "Call you be in doubt ? Walter U&I all oVergrowth of trees And shrub-' Won't You, help ine to prove it T' air. -It nlu0i more I can toll you." oat, you be Sure that he W' as the iftfLn American Ridney Care drives out t: , 'W, Whom else but her borry. "Without any hesitation the two The old mail turned Instantly and ,,Didn't lie ask you Any questions- N1.110111. YOU picked up Sunday night V - ties said insures tile rithness und purity thst ' vel, or, course. men entered the PIACIO, but Scarcely came back. Ile looked sharply at Bur- ,,,r,116r(- Ile eould find 9, place to 8100P P,urroWS wits beginning to fear 901110 - 18 eq%ential to Perfect hLaith-succossfill bI , , lover wol te risk her life to SAVe V - " ,lid sb had tllr,y crov at sit late ail hotir or anything of that lcalt44 it fd1fils . - .seri the threslidl(I of the rows a moment, and still! -.- irilstg1te. However, 110 %VaA 'reassured c;lusd it nierits lt-i"Noulmv b, � ,,Tlut tile dead inan was her. uncle, , Borg. , ,ley Ta6licifteliolely , door wheil Mr. V)arnos Uttered an ex- , Sly, don't Celtic nolle of rout hind ?I' - . ll� the p6gJttvE­repIV of lit$ host. tvqy pronlisa-A Rid . her adopted father., Did she riot love (-klination of astonlihnient, for thote In tort tricks on ifteN I They won't WOrk, 11 Not a %Vdrd. Ito JUSt took Ills *-_Oh, thott. ain't tiny chalice of a, �_nd purely. It never fail it.-% 26 I 'hiro onough to refuse. to leave him lot, I satchel and niar-olledl Off as if lie knew .: � take I I Suspecte(I who, 'twAS, by , , I' I this very Inver ? Thell why should �lle front of him ntood Tolft Plurrows ex- � An' of I ketch you IyIW VII maul You* - nils RoI4 by A. It. llfilrliltva, I r,inintng a Iiistol which he hold In his go help me Ill tIlIII ,ipay be was all in'tiffled ul), a,fid, not Wish to avenge his death ?11 . hcre will be no need.. .1 will eX_ all about the r"lace lie Ifteant to 11 stop I ,use lie ,%Vent Off IuASIn' a big bo -g , I ,-,..-,I-,--- - � --1 I ­_ — 1. . Il.d that she loved him he -19 I %,-. n d. . IT 0 1 li(teh 1W,k ,\VAXIi1p1­) for ,,III T,110B A I "Ortintc I Isr detpetive at,' With- Without Say1ft' a W&Ird to allYone &14 , dII While her. lover IS alive, 9he Will - - —� , I..., ..! I plain. I am not the On ,,you sav lie took big satchel inAtt - i -king on this care. It Was not 111V tI Station. So T Just ,called him by A"I'lao"'q- or oplmna. V lou ORL". , L, for the living than the dead. . , frold IN- Yr(w , ..­­.. woi him ?11 aiat hilwulp" " 1� , I I 'lludl, 11 I .. - me Aft nanle, and he 4wne(l up, but he beiggod U`9 '4"I"ll"I ni'lli" , l�_;111v�- , 11 CAre ulor, � fault that MISS Lewis �A-an accused by 11,81top a, minute. That gives I . lid CI 411 "A'A'If * jr.not bc, restored; thoro- . ly ,do 0 61 of h 0 beliv In ,�lau­nt 11111tivil 11, ,rho Unele eL � ,,It(! Vettilet," 11ilrioN,vs berp adroit ,A. you want to ,find NAglere lie put nji,, not to tell Mlv . 11 I -TI ... V111r, ol., lttr,g X(l'L,mI 111% 11 14 IV.$$ 1, i V I I 1 1 i I � Toro thft lovor Must not be Sacrificed. Titru STATION AGEXT'S CL -UP, left it to bie Intorred that It Was the UW, ftin't t1l.,lit the point 2" town, and I h&VCn't." Moat vo) liltln-, l!(.U('ji 1Ih­h;*A,�vUl'A , , no you %jlo,,v what slit- will do 7 She , IS bad n&tUrally ttlicen, fault of Mr, DaMcS, it was not it Tivalwo0e. NN'iiftt,it)�,�"tir.,�m�tkioltpt, I I ave litin, and Tom Vurrow . That is l3recisely what I am after." 11 I beltevte YOU, Ili-- Weston, ima I � . "itor'll utmtorinn � will oxerf -every extort to S, tillng to do, llut 110 was anxiouS 11 thank ,ii'do % -11g.. M. t'00 " _1.. 1. Will Mill refuse to Ina"Y' I'lln' Ito active IMIt lit the cor6neeg Ili- III(T i singer frofil lllrft- Vcry ig(md I At I said, lie asked . you for your discretion. Now, A I't, ! � on WT10- 0 1 1 : thIt.jl she qi est. Ite wns but an a!,q , Ivort this in, -h rig, but Inal-ched off, Thati's It YOU will show me to my I'com I'll t I I �,=. IIII, I . ,giant to to d an r in (lurntio , �-,I,I mi) " 19ho 18, a '4trAD9E' %VOlUall!" ) self, tbnt ho might Use him V) fUl-thOr I quo-ation thttlilt YOU AM 8SIC YOU t0catl mie ilbout ,'I , "I pro", I ,q_Jow, dt), you kjjo\A, her ohatactOr 10 Mr. 11arries, at I do, but your I , 1 p,twor * J It, oonsequcjltl� 1,,jud It , ,d, ,%hat lie dit 114 41.1 ( '' � - queecede 1, - ?!;Toll , I.. !lw . '(� r(,i-ijtiln quiet, ICk% by Intruding, 110 Ills all1l)Ition, In this lie � six o'clock", . to , Ill, , well 71, sal(I tho agelit listened t ,MIndF3 -. . 41 &W tive, '911tirply. 0 omut tbe satebel vc TUC It Started sfthtl�il, bnt rePlied %,%oul(l It-Iterfere with the ,41dot detLN(l. l[VO, for the station t 111II tilljo 1411100 VC -4`11110d so lax,ge, that his going eit oxi 1"utrows w" well pleaoed with'blili. r I -.11!1 co., . Lewis t;v(t1.4% p alls,,for, while tile (list rtet-�j.' i )11111 putit'litiv ffir the j�lp. VfRstv�b, Whiah Ito out. � .: I I I . ,1­4� - ,!,,iot III It In him band.t�ttrgL tolf 00'. vilth ... � ­ - I Oted 1gome t, ... � C "I do not know, I rLm Simply 0111t5 to;,owy (ir,towdIft eoxi4�vc�tro) tbt e'I ( tljt� twginning of LhL,, InterVieWt . � quickly . . ! . .1 � : f I . '� � I . . . . . li * I ­ � I A . I �, "i�. . % L I I I I, 1, I . I I � � I- �. :, .1 � lk 6 , - . , %,� I I ! 1. 11 .1� I ,I. , . ,,,, . IiIIIAlidiki*2ALI I I I .J LI - ,.L", �, a ii I , I I ��, ­ - - � , ,­.. , ___ oft1krA& ....... — —, .g,2K"&—_,A&"1".1 - . ­ , ­� - .- � I, . � 2% - � ",Z_," � . 411&1&�l i"