HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-02-01, Page 5i
V _rB ft _n wr' of Dr. 1.4iono On tim 10.h.
NEWS' F"M 0U1% N"IGIR UD: (0/111,
%V110.7 Plo 1111110rwOnt a i,:u(.VvQsfu1 opf Robins 11 '1114 t1w illis.
sistor f'51111111(1 r1hJI0 111!14y�tlg f
:atlor- tAlit;-,?d afterwarde, her it se -11001
M,* "artlia tievureay. situation in Tor- last, wvel. to hill oil t1w ivo anA illilt-pto
T S OF INTEREST TO ALL 6 U R Fa E A D E R G. wlto. but tti(�fri,,iitlswor(iiiiiool;(,(I fractilro i",)Tro J
EVA, Gr'eat 3edVuVCti' on %'*Ik
rmolvo Word on Saturday that the latter OZ010thosmaller bones.
wax alsp in the 11O.."pital, and not expect- Mrs. 1111ton, W1110 1111.4 1), K11 ViAtIn1l, 131'1
it sat W:ldeawako Times 0orrespQridente Communicate — other ed to rce v from au attach of di-pli- return(A to
tl Q
Items CUP130d From Our PsxcIrinre,% ther4, W, hops, there way be a ehange her moa's, Will pittoll's.
for th(l IV,,tter, awl that both daughters Rov. NV. — Isall preache! 1411'. fal: T'HEA: N E WTV STORE
j * "'lloll
may return fully rileoverod. cersnou to it large (-oll= vga I -ion oil Islall.
Al'Word to Vorre8paoidonO. Ay, ast.
BUCU101113 Arnloa Salve xeurge *.�uouls,, cX Draniftril end
We want 310vt 0, and eesire it as often PeterAlason, who recently sold ossa If you want to do sorne 11 nuine Money Saying'
PA"b:1 f1re- I
wt CHIlson, of Galt at-tonewd the
aswocangetitroitsoaa,bly. Wowautit Ills hotel lit Rotlimy lifts 111oved to 131yth Mw worl.l.wl4a fain,) Pw niarvollmis fulj(� , cannot afford to overlook the advmita t of our
.1 of Blrg. J"1111
ren. R surpassed any other saive, 111- 17.1 W,1.11,_
from all parts of the couutry. Readers where Ito an(I his brother will run the ou . I Reduction Sale Prices.
Q, ills Hotol. tion, ollituiew, or balm'for Outs, Ceraw 1 Ilam oil Alontlay. Ur. Gibsuit. Is spond-
Who are riot regular correspondents are I . "
kindly asked to forward it other of those interest Vt1-�iVgAfoWdnys a07, 14
t any time iug events Ohapp(O 1. �� 1 11 - . �,'A ..... 0-1 ... lw�l
place all the home of an(!s, �slldil Fruptjoa.g, lufallilile for 1 C' QwipN41's before tils
items. of local interest; we will fix them ) C, 1, Mrs. Jardine H,
V o . of the 01i conopsAion&u Weduese. MHNII�j f-,.XTITS
4n lay,Jall;llilog. (')tire guaranteed. Only.21c, at', Rev. Air. 'V7II.tIQy,- O� St. Hel, lis wll IMEN'S PEASACKSTS D()Y,;.;' ISIT"ITS,
lip 1 you fear they tire not ill 011upe, t, iA§T1,,'RS MEN'S PANTS r"OYS, OVURVO.kT�;
Col.51 A CamphoI114. preach !-.I Calylit U hamh :eXt $Iiudf�v, A".
a Would rather correspondents. did not 24th,16011 Rev. Mr. Vbbsou was culled , I I MEN'S OVERCOATS BOYS' RUM M-1jS BOYS' PANTii
I lit, do-clares' the congregatiolli U4.2 !4 1- �0
isand copies of prosentation addresses; tOjoin in marriage Win. Gamble and:
Miss Mary Xano Jardine daughte I,
vhiI3 of interest, it is only Ili rare cases r of the grave and oalv;n Church vacant. i.
Oil Tuesday of last weals AT COST P71kJ
Obitilaryl ro, large crowd, is oi,,
they are sufflolently so to justify their late John Jardine. About 150 invited )ectc-d,
nests Were d '. . Junius away at the Ali a Charlotto, Will A'wBarittly aud
publication; our space is limited, and we . a Inag - sovelity-s'x llklwr age his is
9 C Ot a. On eve- is littlo son, Willis loft on Aloadtly
like to fill it as compactly as possible inficout wedding s;road, sting it fulteral service was hold at the for Lou(Ion where tho latter will be Boots ana 15hoes at cost price, Ladies' Jackets p.t cost prige.
with live news. We Will supply stalap6d One of those happy eve ell'
1 7
I a residence of the son of the deceased, J. placed tinder the treatment of a sp(,,cialist deals Undorivear.at Cost 2400.
lanvalopes and stationary to all Who Will Ways causes a flutter of excitement and J. Denman, and oil Friday morning the for spinal trouble,
Use Mom, pleasure took place at the home of remains wort) taken to Ingersoll for J. T. Currie had a party for the young
Mr. and Mrs, Edward Armstrong, Ford- burial, accompanied b ' J J Denman people on Xonaay evolling. othe r
11titakares Corn Extraut tor with, on Weduesday,16thult.,the occaa- "."P-arowns in 2J.e-�pwrtments
r. �en'mall was
bosen1b lay a man up for a week but '.ion being the marriage of their oldest and leis son A.Ibort. Z
1824, and
u,iotely and surely govi-, Otho
Work, daughter, Miss, Amile A.George born in Sussex, Englanr,1, I. no- Clitarrh I0 Cared In Dittine,
an nothing is known of the operation Dane. At five oiclodk, while Miss Mill N141011 11 years of ago came out to Canftdfl, People in Maine are not so slow for if RIBBONS FL&NNELETTES
till the Corti is shelled. Plenty of snb- nie Weir played the wedding march tho with his father, sottling at Woodstock. Canada has a good thing why they 540 yards Fancy Hibbons, pure OW) -yards Flarxicletteq, fast colors,
atitutes do this. Some of them are clan- He was at one time a blacksmith'and, i simply come to Canada for it, This is Silk, nice width. Regular price 10c. choice patterns, wide. 11W9. price 7e.
gerous, no danger from Putman's oxcept bride entered the parlor 13aning on tile also Worked on the Great Western rail- why
wh Mrs. James A Twoe-dlio, of Jay Sale Price 5c- Sale Price 5c
to the corn. At all druggist. arm of her father, where the Rev. A. B. Dlly(lge, Maine, has A.
for sixteen out-
Farney of Gorrie performed the sere- way, until ill health compelled him to fits of Catarrhozono for friends in her M I EN, S .. TOS HU:S&
JAXiESTOWN. mony. The bride was attired in brucad- quit. IIs then moved into the bush in locality. The lady gives 1,01-y full par- 5 dozen Men's Silk Ties. Regul4r 60 pairs Ladia,.-V All -wool Ribbod
ed lustre trimmed with white satin and ter fourWeu years old, I It- price 250 Hose, fast black. Regular price 35o.
The Misses Ireland, of Boutinok, are Grey township. Hiswifo, whose maid- ticulaxs why she done this. Her daug
visitinm friends lier(Lf4t present. ea name -,vQs Miss Weeks, predeceased leas doctored for
7 wore a bridal veil and carried a him several years, and sinew her death Catarrh obtaining no benefit, tried lots Sale Price i 5c Sale PriCC 25C
Mrs. Lan Brown, of Wroxoter is boqu6t of flowers and was of other remedies but all failed—recom.
,visitim, her sister, Mrs. Sam Snell. * assisted by Xiss Mary Dane, Cousin of lie had resided with his son James J. mended by a nelkhbor to try Catarrh- FoWms.
MiSE�,`Maggie Reid of Turnberry,is visit Three children survive him; Arthur, au ozone Instead of despairing as she had 840 yards Gingliams in checks and - Towels, fringed. th�,groom, who woro white o`rgandie. g 5. doz. larg,3 Linen T 'o
ing hei grandparents," engineer on the Canadian Pacific Rail. oodreasoil for doing, obtained plaids, fast colors. Regular, price 7c. RegAar wico "Oe, each.
Mr. and Mrs, And. The was assisted by Mr. David ozone and before it %vati done, as File
Simpson, Weir -61 *Salom, coagin of the bride. way, in British Columbia; Mrs. Adams, states, alto was Completely oilre(t. No 'I Sale Pl-ice 5c Sale Price 1 2 Y-- c
Farmer Spotton can now say, m) son. After many good wisfiss from the friends of Sheffield, England, and James wonder she reoplumends it. Child hatl TS DROISS - (10 0 DS.
Our burg is mourning over the loss of Bluevale, 'dropping in the throat, hawking, spitt-
two popular young people. ds' they have the guests who nambered,,'aboat eighty ,The gods lot slip that fiendish grip' Ing, could not sleep at night and adds: 10 pieces now pattern Prints, fast () pieces 111ilt luill, fuwty Dress
repaired to the dining room to partake Upon . 11 only wish any one suffering from Oat- colors. Regular price 7c. G.jods,doable- width. Rog,price250-
taken their departure for Molesworth. me.1last week Sunday—
of the bountiful repast provided. After arrh to give it a fail, trial; any t1ruggi,,,t Sale P Sale Price 15C
I nice 5c
0 it 'No fierear storm than racked my form will enable you to do this for they all'
Mr. and Mrs, Alex Scott f M1111 Ou, tea amusements of various kinds were
Manitoba, are visiting their iris ds at hiaulged in. The presents which vore Ver swept the Bay of Fundy; sell it—your money back if Catarrh- F L il NIN E L E T TE S C(A",SEM-1.
What aches and pains in bone and bra ozone does not benefit you. N. C. Pol- sat colors, Good strong
Molesworth and ali6 in this vicinity. in 1 382 yards Fl—aijuelet—tes, f � Corsets, AYL-11 inadc.
A'goodfy number of the lassies assem- both useful and 'pretty 'testify to the I had, I need not mention; soil & CO- Kingston Ont., Hartford, 3G in wide. Regular price 12,1�c. RegaLiLr Price 3,�C.
esteem lit which the young Couple are Colin•
blodat.thd home, of Mrs. Mulligan and held. Ali,. and Mrs Dane will reside at It seems to me such pangs must be i:� Sale Price ioc i Sale Price 25c
assisiedhorintheartof sew"19 carpet their farm on the 12th concession. Old Satan's own invention." BRUSSELS. I ,
Tags. 'Clio number� of pounds of rags Eu us Field's lines will -find a ready Alf, Backer will be sit esliibitor at the 10 pairs large size heavy white €, 5 doz. men's strong Elastic Braces. -
sawed were 18,: Who can beat that, Had To Conquer Or Die. echo in almost every house for miles,for Poultry fair to be held this I month at ' .1,
woolBiaLikets. Good value at GowivaictoatXic.
George Hutton visited his grand par- "I war, just about gone," writes Mrs. there is scarcely a family that missed oderich. He has a lot of flue birds. aa
outs over Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. George Itosa, Richardson, of Laurel Springs, the grigpe, or rather that The photo. Sale Price $2-75- Sale Pricf- 19c
gallery of Ed. Hart has
Rattan. N. C., "I had Consumption so bad that the grippe missed. Some people have been s9ld to Dyno and Hilton Hunter
I I the best doctors said I could not live been very ill with . I it. who will take possession at once. Mr. DRESS GOODS CRETONNE.
The horse that Mr. lanes purchased more than a month, but I be.-aul to use 10 pieces Homespun Suita119s, 54 2 pieces heavy twill Cretonne, now
some time ago from Mr. McKelvie, he Dr. King's Now Discovery and was We were misinformed when we stat- Hart will remove to Southampton, it is &inch wide. Regular price $1.25. patterns. Regular price 10c.
has exchanged for another from John 'wholly cured by seven bottles and am ed that Richard Johnston was a director
said, where lie will conduct a studio. Salc Price 75C Sale Price 7C
now stout and %vell." It'sanunrivaled of the Flax company. Instead it should J
Lowe.� life-saver of Consumption, Pneumonia, have been Thomas Strachau. Air Olin. Scott Will move to woodstot.
Will Wright, of Gorrie, is home at La Grippe and Bronchitis; infallible for John- having secured a situation as Caretaker TA13LE LINEN WRAPPE 4ETTE
-old, "better Ha sten was at one time a director but is not of the Woodstock College. He has been
present With a very bad 4, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, y Fever, 50 yards Table Linen, choice pat- Choice patterns, goof width, fast t
Croup or Whooping Cough. Guaranteed at present. terns, 54 inch wide. Reg. price Vc. colors. Regular price 100.
known as the grippe. a resident of Brussels for 18 years, and -
bottles 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free Daniel McDonald, of Palmerston, vis7 he and his family leave many friends Sale Price 25C Sale Price 7310
.Mrs. Henry Robb is very . low {St pres- at Colin A. Campbell's drug store. ited at Goo. McDonald's.
ant: a` ie is'siuyfng radnally.here who wish'them, success in their nowG'LOVES 'ENI-BRuIDERIE S
Messrs. Douglas Fraser and A. Mae- home.
Mrs. Mcdormick and son of Trow- At the conclusion of Stanley McKeown
Ewen audited Turnberry township books Ladies' Lined Kid Gloves, Fur top, Pink, Cream, Blua, Flannelette
bridge were visiting Mrs. Andrew SImp- Brown's South African War lecture, in. The S. O. S. have elected the follow- spring clasp. Regular price 11.00. Embroideriery. Ragular price be.
on Friday last. I o
son,Friday. Goderich, on Tuesday evening of last Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Gemmill, of I Ing officers:—Past'Chiof, D. Stewart; Sale Price 69c Sale Price 3C
week, F red Shannon was presented with Chief, Wm. Martin; Chieftain, A.
Sam. Snell gave an oyster supper to I
the Miller family and far away neigh- a medal from the Hamilton Branch of Tarnberry, visited in the village this!
week. Fri,.1 Stewart; Rea. -Seo., A. Strachan; Fin.-
bors last Tuesday evening. the Royal Humane Society, for his . J. Duff w as in Teeswater on Sea., D. C. Ross; Chaplain, J. H. Cara -
Mr. and Mrs. Jacklin of the boundary bravery in rescuing Hubbard Millex from d sat. ekon; Marshal, Angus Lamont; Stand- Fresh Groceries.
have their new house an old time heat- drowning in the Maitland river, last sum- ol, and Bearer, Win. Robb; Senibi Guard,
in last Friday'evi�ping by inviting the mer. Miller is a Tnruberry boy and was While accompanying the remainspf. Clothes Pins, per doz ........... lo Corn. Starch, per phge
Z, A. Adams; Junior Guard, Sohn Robb; 30 Fresh Cheese, Al quality, 1b..18,
Idds and lassies to trip the light fantastic. attending Goderich Collegiate Institute the late Jas. Denmangto the Win Mani piper, Thos. Ballantyne; Medical Ex- Pot Barley, per lb ............ * * Fine cleaned Currants, per lb.. 10c
station, on Friday ming last, John Brunswick Sardines, per tin 5C
* ' Best selected Raisins, -per lb .... loc
He also had a largo wood bee in the at the time. aminer, Dr. McNaughton; Represents- Canada Laundry Starch, per i�..5o
Messer was taken suddenly ill With paral- tive, Win. Martin.
-afternoon. Laundry Soap, 2 bars for .... � 5o
ysis of the stomach. He was carried to the Washing Soda, per lb _10 Fine new Figs, per lb .... ......4o
Awedding.is rumored to take-plac6 The following officers were installed Fresh Sago per lb .................6o. Pure Balling Powder, per tin .... 5c
ion the boundary. Queen's hotel, where he remained until Sago,
ca, per Ill ........... 50 18 lbs --ratinlated Sugar. for.. ,$1.00,
In connection with the Brussels Council _YTapioca,
at . recovered to be able to drive y Dr. Toole, Past �;;r 0 p
Mibs Ellen'Scott has returned to her suffioiept'.01 of Chosen Friends b Rolled ats, 10 lbs for ........ 25c .20 lbs. Coffee.Sugar fir 1.00
home ill Molesworth, she has been resid- why home.'bRe understand he is vuite his Councillor:—P. C., Samuel Hoggard;
ing with her sister, Mra. Copland Stokes usual grin. C. C., Truman Smith; Rec.-Sec., S. T.
for a couple of years. James Dickson, Nvho was elected war- Plum; Tress., H. R. Brewer; Prelate, Please Shop in the Morning.
Prayer meeting will be hold at Mrs. Ito den of Perth County by acclamation, is H. R. Elliott; Marshall, Goo. McNichol,
Xuligan's next Wednesday n1kht. , Tue. SCO a -cousin of John Black of the township Warden, Wm. Bird; Guard, W. H, Me -
of Turnberry,
McAllister conducting the service. Hugh Casemore hag rented his Cutcheon; Sentry, A. Bird; Medical
Mica Ida Rolston is very low at present farm' Examiner, Dr. Toole; Representative to He Ee 18 "An R D Go..,
with inflammation. Slight hope. are EMULSION of Cod'Liver in Turnberry and has gone to Manistique 4, Grand Council, S. T. Plum. Tile Lodge
ry Mielligala. Mrs. Casemore and childreII-. night was changed from the 3rd to the The Cheap Cash Store. Opp. Bank of H,Ltailltoa
entertained for her recovery; also -Oil? . m
Lam is suffering with the same trouble. will remain here for a time. ,, pat Tuesday' of each month.
There are others; why Mr. and Mrs.Wra. McKersie of the 6tf' ............ ............ . . . . . . . . . . .
George Wheeler lost a valuable horse, Miss Lizzie, daughter of R. Leather-
* ' SCOTT'S? concession of TtLrnbery, attended
the other day of heart failure. the funeral of * the ' latter's dale, died on Thursday of last week. and in 1854 she and her husband came to A report . received by Dr. Bryce from
rainin%the . Back The good one is SCOTT 'S- brother, Arthur Reddaway, of Two weeks ago she was taken W With Morris township and settled on a farm Wisconsin states that from Don. 12 to
Makeslife miserable for many. Can - it It's nearly 30 years old it is Stratford, on Tuesday of last Week. 'Mr. tonsilitis, then complained of a pain in on the 3rd line. They resided in Morris Jan. 24 there have bumt 209 cases of small -
bb cured? Yes, in a night. Nerviline gives Reddaway belonged to the firm of Ross the glands in the back of her head, fol- up to about nine years ago when they pox and only one death.
a complete knockout to- pain in the back,, used by intelligent people all and Reddaway. 1. lowed by erysipelas on her forehead. It moved to Belgrave. Besides her husband
because it is stronger, more penotrating., oVer the world; and approved It is reported that James Snell, of this then spread down , as far as her a family of nine children survive her,
any breast. Erysipelas went to her brain
more highly pain subduing than I age, has bought a. farm ntiar Nving� three girls and six boys. The sons are
other remedy extant. One drop of Ner- by -physicians, all over the villa t Miss Lizzie has always been a most suit- (%.
? . /��
viline has more power Overpain than five World. ham, from Dr. Chisholm, and will re- able young lady and a general favori . David, of Grandon, North Dakota; This signstaro Is on ovary box of the genuino
drops of any other remedy, and it is true move to it in March. to Robert, of Morris, residing on part of Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets
strength you want when you've got a with old and young. Her death will be
When anyone. says "Emul, John King intends to build a large. the homestead; Adam, of North Dakota, tho remedy that euros a cold In ono day
Your money back if it is not so. barn next summer. mourned throughout the community and
BIriulligists sell Nervflide. Sion of Cod Liver Oil," he sincerest sympathy will be extended to who has been vIF iting at home for a few The Postmaster -General authorizes a
Robert Leathern, of Turnberry, is weeks, and W. J., John and Daniel, Of. denial of the statement that lie is colt.
means SCOTT'S. No other down with con"estion, of the inn- the bereaved family. Belgrave. The daughters
ZETLAND. a IS. are Mrs, gulting with the contractors for print$ng
We are sorry to report that Henry is famous. Charles Maguire, station agent, receiv, Wilson, now ' living at home; Mrs. the Postage stamps -with. respect to the
. SCOTT'S EMULSION ed word the latter -part of last week that Watson, of Belgrave and Mrs. V. Van- design for a now issue.
d1tia, Jr., is quite ill with the grip, is his sister Was dead at their home in Bar- Rev. Mr. Hall left' here on Monday norman, of Wingharn. One 4aughter,Iela, Mr. Donald Stewart, of Erussels, who
A number of changes in the owner- made in a certain way; Of ria. Mr. Maguire left for home at once. for Arthur, whore he has accepted a call 'bells, died some years ago. The bereaved has been secretary of the I sat Huron
tf Jifarm lauds have taken, plac6 in and to the Presbyterian church,
ground Zetland during the past week. certain things; itkeeps; itiS',Arelieving ag S ntwas sent here from will have the sympathy of the Ccm- Agricultural Society for ovdr forty years,
Chesley to take charge of the station in 'NVm. Watson was In Collingwood this munity Ili their affliction. The funeral 1, res! ed his position. Al. -I NV. If.
Gavin Wilson has sold his 75 acre farm always alike; it does what lit his -absence. week on business. willtitkeplacethis (11riday) aftornoonlille"Irre
inTurnberryto Grain Bros., and Mr. does. Amongthosewbo Were seriouslyill Bliss -gaud Haslain is 101 UP this at 211.80 o'clock from the family resi(k nee, r will succeed him.
'Wilson has purchased from Robert Mo- last week vvcrat—Mrs, MeHardy, Frank week with measles,
01eneglian the old Peleton farm inEast The others—nobody knows to the Brandon cemete"y'
Scott Walter Patterson and Thomas The saw mill is running Ili full blast put monA911
Wswanosh. Mr. MoOloneghan has pur- what they are or do, There Coupes, all of whom are now �i ith a full staff of hands. 101 V
chased James Mitchells farm hi'Xinloss now progress. Great 11VItaill an It whont 1311ye
and George Wilson has It wouldn't be any others but for ing favorably. - Mr. Bruce gave tin oyster supper to a There has been a coml*to reversal of In Thy Put -se."
pu i, based Her- )c James McHardy injured his handoft few of It's choice friends on Monday Wheat con%umption in Great Britain Caiv. M6604 sufAting front braln-fkg, lack
Roo Grain's 60 acre We tinder. the goodness of SCOTT S— the dog on the Carriage in the saw mill night. ing t Ito past oextury. In 1800shogrowi
stand that some $16,000 'iiOrO lnvo'.Vocl' there wouldn't be any counter- one da'y' last wock, and was linable to Thb ball given by the boys in the hall more corn and cattle tban ivaq necessary! of energy, or "that tired feeling ¢2+¢r
• in these deals. The parties Will haVo a on Thursday was a grand success and ;.0 Supply hor _,Nant.4, it,)d l',x. puts mono in h& parse. Lassitude And
felt money but for the true. Work for, some days afterwards, t)ortotl ll(.r I
general move early in the spring,everybody hats a very pleasant time. ,urplus to Earopenn countrirg. N(;W� 1 UsIlossness Conte fto"t irnpure, sluggish
LO"Tho death of Isabella, wife of Dav he is
id de y oozes through ifilt verlis.
The genuine has working Overtime, pelldclit upon itaported grijin blood that silmpt
A Viroman's Close CAll. Geddes, VAlioli occured lit 't Oil tor livorly 10 Inonihs lit the year. Pritaln Hood's Sarsapirr7ht makes Me blood pure
this picture on it, take Bight hour laws are Ignored by those
y Wednesday of this week, r mOv"OnO Of bemlin t) imporr, whet tandfour in 18-10-
,,I stuck to illy engind, althoughovery Ito otpher. tireless little workers— Dr. Itiug's No 11nor" And gives it life, Tr�op And -dim.
joint itched andeve3 y nerve Was r4eked If you have nc)t LRO 11114. Millions ATO always at Work, the earliest residents of Morris township': 1:? 0, whon Vlo averat 'n Import PlMplft—"MY t4rd trv& coverad
=Pailll's, Writes C. W. Bellamy, M 10- night and (lay, curing Indigestion - she being 68 years, 0 months and 18 day" million (Inartins, which w".2; 8 wore a with pimples and blackheads but After
tive Ireman, of Burlington, Iowa,, 1311 011gh-
q Was Weak and pale, Without any Ap- tried it, send for free 1011i'llies, ColistipAtion, Sick Headache old Doccaaed had been ailing for Eome -onlitholl 1wr total l-liplllv. 13,-f W(* it taking .r'oad's sarnapapillk. a short lvme, I
salliple, it-, agrecable all:1 111 Stomach, Liver nit(i Bowel titne wiVa lieiwt trouble and oth(v coni- t8110 ant, 1899 tile VAS eldirety eared, atid thy skin 'WA$
petite and all run ilown, As I Was about taste will surprise -trou'Wos. safe, sure. only average holno su.."ply I
to give, up, I got a bottle of ti lectrie Bit- you. Z' )c at C610a A. Campbell's drug Store. plications And lad been 0, 0, tied to bed was I'l5y)"I.M0 qtl--:Vtf-eh -.%till th., t1no a -'a snooth and clear." May &,an, North
tors and, after taking it, I felt 4s well as for nearly fivo months. '10 was born av��ragod 21,501030 cv.-arters. It is (W Im. St., Chafflam, C'W.
SCOTT & DoWn. 0".110031AMS., Of Clinton, shippoil fil8cotlandantlWhent Oyea-Ts Of U90 ated that
I evcr (lid i:4 Illy life, Weak, sickly, run been e,
down leoplo always gaill now life, Chemists, during 1003 Qpgs to the number of 10, omigtatod to Cana - 11 Nvith lipl. pavents, needed for ahs, firs.t. 1&,d
strongtf, iiii(I vigor from their nee. CTry Toronto. tit(' no tic
then,, settisfactionguAranteedby Olih 000 dOZoJft and 110,000 pounds of buttoi,, who sittlod in the county of Lanark. tuty. of �Vhjejl , ' ill
,13,r), (itaxter',
A. Clainpbell. Price M Cont -4. 50c, •and $X.00 , till drugogist$4 This (loes not filelutle their loealtrado. Thoro she Avila marrl-ulto Mr. Geddes bei w'lent.