HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1940-03-28, Page 81, ••••••• : , 1 rutoo, •,' • . . ON'S Mondimind Sale ay and Saturday • • . Will Be Economy Days -MEN'S CA) MBINATIONS No buttons Mercury quality Woolcot, $1-00 • 'CHILDREN'S SWEATERS Zippers ami neek. Pure A new • • sweater for after, holidays. - ... oaa • syg614.1., PuRcliAsE of FINE 0IIIRTS from a famous Maker. • Made to .sell regularly at $2.00 &-$2.50;lizes 14W-17 $1.39 . . ROOMY wofekSHIRtFS Really; fine shitts'in good fitting styles and materialsaNavi blue, & fancy checks . 98c' • BUY: HOUSE FURNISHINGS NOW., Cuitains, Curtain: rsets. MaranIsettea. Draperies, *leer!' coverings Ate HOUSE: :DRESSES—Sniartest styles, -,best Materials, , colours •01.0o ...Size34-42 • - em letori • • NAN..io flow. ROYAL 1BRUCE" AND GREY LEAD • ' wow:a PAIR' IN a:a40 N LIVESTOCK PRODUCTION'. , • „ • DEFEAT MOTION . g. RE DRAIN TNDERS .4ortArm, THE LUCKNOW---$ -TtNEL (KINLOSS COUNCIL MINIJTES), - a, •Couneil met in Township Hal lon March 18th, 1940. All memberpres- ent. • . . Moved by McKinnon ana Tiffin that the minutes of the last regular meet- ing as read be 'approved and signed: Moved by McKenzie. arid Hodgins that the Treasurer's Bend be renew- ' ed with Cosens and Booth of Wing:- , ham. • • Moved by Tiffin and McKinnon that the clerk forward .a copy of kez ply received .from the Department of Education ''t� he Secretary of ,S.S: NO.'S. • • , Moved Tiffin and. MacKinnon .that the tender of the "Sandy :Con- . tracting ,aind' Machine :liVoras". a for. gravel crushing Mid trucking be ac; cepted at 46 cents per yard laid down on roads wider supervision of the Road Superintendent. ' Moved by McKenzie and.Tiffin that the Road Superintendent took after drain repair asked for by 'Wm. Pin In a spirit of optimism, the Royal The counties of Grey and Bruce Winter Fair is now, prepaiing to carry I continue to leadm pro uc ion o • on again • this Year. The holding of stock, according to .the latest figures• ' tie Fair of course will be contingent supplied hY 'the •Ontario Departnient en what arrangements Oa be made of Agripulture. Grey . County stands with; the DePartneent of National De- first Of :all the counties in cattle pop-, fence for the use of buildings at the ulation, the figures show, with Bruce Canadian NatiOnal Exhibition. But in- County standing third, Middlesex plac- 'aimueh•as the Canadian National Ex- ing second. Grey County also leads in hthitiats has arranged to have all 'sheep, popalation with Bruce County ' cleared of troops for their second, while in hogs Grey County August she*, there seems to be is fourth, Kent ranking first, Sinicoe • Oa chance for the Winter Fair to and Perth , third, with Bruce farther a lattice the saMe ,arrangement. down the line. Grey and Brace stand • •• LOCitLandGENERAL Miss Peggy MaerfOila1(1. ia in 1191.'- onto this week • • ``Getne With The Wind -A birth'eertificate tiled ,at Celan).- bas ohict. lints. only the mother's name. dit theSpace reserved for the father's name -was maiden: "Gone with -the wind.".' ••• 'Frank Donnelly", barrister of God - first and second' respectfully an horse • . I be accompanied by a certified cheque . I for 10 per cent. of tender:, The low- , • • • I cepted. Co.uncillors Hodgins Tiffin & • nell. • • - • •• •• MOved by Hodgini .and McKenzie that' Harold Percy hefor bounty' en one Wild dog. . • ,. . Moved by McKenzie and Tiffin that Enierson Irwin, be, :Paid - $40.00 part salary ,as' assessor. • •: , • . .7: Moved ay.Tiffin and ,McKenzie that Harvey Hodgins • be refunded his dog tax of '1939: " . • ' Moved byllelaenate and Elilott•that tenders be celled for • tae • eonstruc- tion • of the ',Ackert . Drain, "according 10 the Plan, Profile Tenders to be . in clerk's hands .nat• later than .1g ,•o- °clock,..noini .April't15th, 1940,.and to Miss- Sadielewitt of London was a heliday•yisiter with heia Mother and sister •Mrs. W. 1.. MacKenzie is ill with neuritis and confined to her room for a time. Mi's. W. A. Porteoua and Loalse-are ainitiag this 'week i4 Wind- sor. • • C :1.34,•••ta , •.:•••••••.• •••••'/•.;-, rEURSDAY,MARCH 28th, 1940 Pi....POPP••••••••• ESTIMATE; OF COST FIRST YEAR OF WAR War cost to Canada, in the toming fiscal year is estimated at $500,000,- 000, This •is. nearly three times the exaeaditure 'in the first year of the. last war.. Canada's military •contra 'button in' the war of 1914-18 was larg- ely one of men. Now the contribu-• tion is one 0 men plus Machines, and the machine heavily increases ,the cost. ' • • • Here are a few cost comparisons with the'last war: , An army division costs about twice as much. This is due to mechanized equipment. . Mr. •and_ Mra„ Jim Gardner '.haye •rented the Herb Millerresidence north of la H. MCQUillinia,,, •• „ Mr. :and Mrs. Wan, Huston of De- troit were weeiLexid visitors 'with 'his, parents, Ma. ..iind• Masa David Has:- ton. ' , • Finlay MacDonald of the teaching staff at Lanhursa near Kiagstan, an Easter visitor at htS home at Lech- alsh. population. ' est or ally tender not necessarily ea- Misa Isobel Hemilton, of Stratford was ari Easter holidayviaitar with her parents, ala.• and •Mrs.' A. W. Hapinton.., : •• , • • You can talk to one man—oar McKinnon Voting..against, the motion classified ads talk to thousands. was declared lost. • • • Med. by Tiffin and Hodgins that • . . ••,; . ..• • ' •••4•', • • You can • get those heavy, money- * . snaking hogs to' market quicker—and save • up to 400 pounds of grans per pig—by using• Roe Wondergrow Hog Concentrate. See your Roe • , Feeds dealer and, start your, hogs on the short ,"Roe Road" to market today. Complete feeding . directions in every bag, • o,..-1) Ha. cotic,EN•TRATE FiNI.AYSON. BROS. Seed Fair Plan to attend the First-, Annual Bruce County S,eed Fair, Crop Convention and Seed Display. • 'PAISLEY TOWN HALL '- • April 2nd. •COMMENCING AT 10:00 A. M. SUITABLE PRIZES on 13 cbasses of Grain, Sniall Seeds , and Potatoes . Seed Display • Panning Mill Screen Service Discussions, on Crop Improvement and Soil Fertility For further particulars write G. R. GEAR, SECY-TREAS., • WALKERTON, ONT. • • 1 •At this stage of the last waraCara ada's ,natal equipment and personnel - consisted of tree,. light ,cauiseis and 1500: men the first full fiscallyear,1 . the• Nivel aServiee spentless than a4,000;000. ' - aThe Neyal , Service now has a per- sonnel of 6,000 officers and men. Its strength is six destroyers and a flo- tilla leader with' frie,Inaval tmine- sweepersaand go ;auxiliary craft. Esa timated• ebst for the first fiscal year is $40,000,060. The building program • calls for the construction of. all, ves- sels totalling nearly $50,000;006. • In the first year .of the, last, war, Canada, had no Air Force. The Royal Canadian Air Force now ,comprises. 8,000 officers and men, This does not • include the British ,Ceinmonweelth Air Training 'Plan. Estimates of Can - ad's share in the' plan, up to Sep- tember ant neift„.are $50,000;000. Dur- ing the full fiscal year:ending Mareh • leek McLeod of Westervelt •Sehool London; Was, an taster weekend 'vis- itor with his pares*. Mr.. and Mrs.. W. S. McLeod. •• • • • . • • :Gila, Johnny .Carter • who has .been stationed at Kingston for ';some time spent the week -end With .his parents Mr. and, Mre.,..Peter T. Cartea. • a•Mr. 'C: G. Malay, B.S.C., of Ot- tawa spent the Easter';holidays' with Ids father F',.R..McNay end. his bretli • ers Alex. and Kelso', McNay. '• , ' Mr. and Mrs. M. JaMeade of Men treal; (nee Evelyn 4, Aitchison), • were recent visitors with the:letter's gra:sni- ps:tents; •Ma. and •Mrs.F. •Malcolm.,‚ • Miss Helen, Thompson of 'Hanover was a week -end viAiter.ia Tciranto and is ''speriaing the . •aeinainder ' of the Easter holidaYs-lat her home here. a erich be appointed salicitor for the To nshi • 1' • . , Miss,' Ella •Heffran of •I31Yth is a visitor at the home .of Mr. and Mrs. Win: MacKenzie Miss Katherine Mara • • MoVed in amendment by .1VIcKenaie Kenzie. of .the Toronto teaching staff and Elliott• that "Campbell Grant" of is spending the atelidaya at her home. Walkerton be appointed solicitor for Dave Horne 'as le Toronto this the Township. .,Councillor MclCinnort . week. On Tuesday night he attended supporting the motion it was declared the Stanley Cup playoffs between De - Moved by MORenzte and McKinnon t.roit Red Wings: and the Leafs and • test night planned to attend the Whit - that orders: be issued in payment of 11 li'll and accOtints passed at this by-Powassan game at Whitby. meeting. Moved b• m cK'Mr. andMrs.R. J. Cameron had y enzie and Tiffin that their *family horne for the Baster I . • . 31,1941., it is estiniated, Canada will spend approximately $100,000,000 •on the Ceinmonwealth scheme. This sum of $500;000,000. is 'part of the estimated total cost Collapsed Dating Service ' , David Robertson, of Walkerton, 87 - ;ear old dean of the legal fraternity. e this part of Ontario suffered a weak spell 'recently while attending church, but suffered. no ill effects and resumed his duties the next. day. • we: do now adjourn to meet again wpek:e0., .• including Arabelle from on Monday the 15th day of April .6t. Glencoe, Stewart' from pert :Colborne, the usual -place and time. •• • and *Kenneth of the 97th Battery, • .-Listierel, who is on a-att.-weeks' leave. Andrew Thompson of. Bowmanvi.11c was holiday visitor with his, par- ents, Mr.. and' Mrs. D. M. Thompson. Andiew is interested' and active in a movement to secure an'. arena in Bova inidivilie and „seeured considerable in- formationhre.about the local arena while • Ch gees. issued: J. R. Lane, (Feb. • . • 20), ydro at ,• Hall, $4:62; LucknOw 'Sentinel, printing. and adv., e5.05;, Miss Jean Weir, typing 3 copies Aud-• itors' report, 3.00; Village of Luck - now,•• relief, ,6.94; J. H. Hall, • relief, 17.44;.' Reid's Bakery,: relief. ..breed, 5'8'6; Wm."Mtirdie; relief wood, 6.50; Township of Guliess, relief, 3,34; • J. J'L Hall, relief .86.00; COSens.& ,Booth, prenihnia Treas.' 'honci:. 3.00; Harold Peivir,. bounty one wild. dog, 20.00, tmerson. • Irwin, part salary, 40.00; Harvey Hodgins, refund dog aax, 4.00f A, Nelson, •one-half hospital account, 22.50. • • . • . • • Highway cheques: Levi Eckensatil, ler, pay list 16, .$3.50;Harty 'Levis; , pay iist 9.20; 'Russel, Gaunt, 'pay list 18,. 6.80; Frank ' Johnston, pay list 19, 4.60; Ed. James, iay.list 20, 7.70a Eddie Wadel, pay, list 21, .65; Road Ma 8, pa'y list 22, '14.80. • - J. R. LANE, 1Clerk. Several Measle Cases • A number' of cases of measels of a mild type were reported the latter part of the week, 'chiefly among High School students, the majority' of which are pupils from, the rural sec- tions.. • THE. UNITED. CHURCH. • .LUCKNOW !erviancd7p es 1l -m ana.. ' ELECTION RESULTS! • MAN plus SIN equals " Wax, Poverty, Disease, ..• Injustice, Tyranny, -Death MAN plus. JESUS CHRIST eqii als Peace, ProSperity, ,Health, Dern- ecracy,*Life! TAKE YOUR CHOICE! UN)ery day is an election day with God! McNeil 'Case Appealed . •••• • Mr. Chas. M. 11/1eNeb, former team solicitor. and municipal •• Clerk and. Treasurer of Walkerton, has appealed from the sentence of three and a half.' years' imprisonment, imposed: on. him by His, Honour Judge Owens 'on MOr:. .2nd •following ,• a • of• • ghilty by• „ • Mr. MeNab of •stea.ing 12,866.00 of .the municipal funds of. Walkerton oyer 'a Terve& of • twenty-nine months extending from August lst 1937 'to December 31St,. 1939., The, appeal is being entered on the grounds that t e seatenee was exceSsiveain vi • the circumstances ••iii -connection wi the case:The' matter will come befOre the „ Court ...zof Appeal in :Taranto in April.* • • • • MURIDIE'S UNION ENAMEL Made by one of the best man-: nfacturers in Canada. Quarts 900; • - Pints. 50c 4 • UTILAC ENAIVIEP No better four-hour ,enamel: made:. We' have sold it for years, Quarts $1.60; •• Pints 90e • • •Superior , VARNISH' STAIN Quarts -85c; ••• Pints like • Rot nEingENAMEL" tpL` Por te Ita* 'la pints 30e; plias 20e - Superior - HOUSE PAINT Quetta 75c; • Pints 45c . ••'KOVERMOR ' • _.... FLOOR. ENAMEL A superior article. * • Quarts $1.16; ' Pints 60c Moore's; •• INTERIOR, GLOSS • Mooaa's, TiIeLike FLOOR ENAMEL SniOoth, beautiful fiu tram, • ish; attractive colors' to sho'ose, Quarts $1.20; Pints 65e ,• Quarts $1,35; ; Pints 70e Centennial SPAR VARNISH Centennial FLOOR VARNISH A high quality varnish which • has proven its worth. • .Quarts $1.10; Pints 60c • WhizDUTYSeif-P°lishing HEAVY• WAX' • A splendid article. Satisfiction guaranteed 'or your money re funded. You don't pay. for ex- • tenslve advertising. Quarts 79c; Pints 49c • Presbyterian, Y. P. S.. • ' • . There was an excellent attendance .at the Young People's Meeting on Monday evening,: the occasion • be- ing 'a special, •,taster programme when ,the book of • ,tather, , was dramatized.,, The. , meeting which • was ,ia .charge ofthe -musketcommittee, committae; -opened by singing psalm.; 114,• ;Md. the scripture lesson. from • the book •�f Esther, was :read by boo - aid Henderson.: During the. first act, Peggy,: Marion and Helen MacDonald sang a ..trio, and. Mrs.. R. Douglas Mrs. J. 'Smith, Mrs. Wm. MacKenzie and Mrs, C.• H, MacDonald sang quartette between • tie,a second • and, third :lets; Characters were,, Esther, •the queen, Mrs. Clark Finlayson; Alkasueruiathe king,, Mr, Melvin:Orr; .Mordecai; a Jew; Esther uncle, Mr. . J. D. Ross.; Ilandana the king's coma- sellor, CoyleB. Russell; Zere;li, Ra - man's Nvife; Matidie Fisher; Leah,' • fiend.- of .the queen,: Mrs: Morgan Henderson; Salome and Sarah, ..jew- isa attendants of queen, Peggy Mac-. Donald and Stella. Steward; Harbona,• chamberlain of . the palace, Northan Taylor'; • I Hatach, the King's -scribe; • t 1- • . • (4( • Miss , Janie Alton, nurse -in -train' ing, in Hamilton General Hospital was home for the week -end. Jack Fletcher of New Golden Rose Mines is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Dan T. MaCKinnon, Can. 6, Kinloss. - See The New ordison Tractor , aiid Plow Now on Display at 'the FORD 'GARAGE- ..G...0atraPder; *Prop: miii•er'nommel"'"ir guards. The meeting closed by sing- ' • ing hymn 223, and Mr. MacDonald Dr. Little; Court ladies, flower girls, pronounced the benediction. ' Robert Fisher and Cliff Aitchison Were week -end visitors at their homes here. On returningI on Sunday .after - moan,. Mr. Fisher got as. far as Blyth when he was forced to turn back. Re- suming the trip Monday, they were again held up by road' conditions at Blyth, and forced to abandon the Car and take the train.. • Doug •Clarke of Powassan is holi- (laying with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Temple Clarke. Doug went to Whitby Wedne.sclity where the Powassan Hockey team was playing the second' game of the total goal series. Powassan' won the first game last -Friday night by a score of '7 to 3, and his team from the "North" is again considered 'a stronger con:, tendea for the Ontario "B" champion- ship. • FIRST SIX WEEKS' .COUNT .BIG WITH CHICKS DON'T GAMBLE WITH YOUR ' CHICKS THE FIRST SIX „ WEEKS OF THEIR LIFE. • FEED PIONEER CHICK MASH 11.6E -SURE . • IT'S A SPECIALLY FREPARED CHICK. RATION DEVEL- , OPED BY, EXPERIENCE. - • IT CONTAINS the body-building elements including the essen- tial vitamins and minerals, that young chicks must have in or- der to thrive and grow. If they miss out in, the first six weeks they'll never be profit makers. So start' them right. ' 4 • FINLAYSON BROS., Dealers R. WEBB, Pioneer Feed Representative.- • COME IN FOR OUR FREE BOOKLET"IIEALTHY CHICKS" 1 Variety Of Goods Of Interest—your mouth -Ego sate, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, April 4th, 5th, 6th. Watch For Your Bill In The Mailaw-If You Do Not Get One Ask About It At The Store. • Luckno*, . • • .. . , Phone 12 ' • , • , "1' "ff ...V. 1 ,, • , - •,..aaa.-- • ••'-a-a "'a • • ,