HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1940-03-21, Page 31
There is only one decision to_ be made by the
Canadian people on March 26th.. . . It is this:
Shall our country's war e€f prt" be handed over
to unknown, unnamed politicians ! .. to a make-
shift cabinet with Dr. Manion. as the self-appointed
leader? _' Or
Shall ' our country's : war -effort be continued'
vigorously and faithfully.by the ' known and
• roven ` administrat o of Mackenzie King? '
That is the question YOU 'must answer.
Up a Blind Ailey?—a,�-Qut in the Open!
It is time .for. plain ' speaking. Dr.
Minion's pretence of offering
"national" government is sheer polit-
ical deceit. ' Because: even if he were
elected' to office,, Pr. Manion could not
organize or.lead a: truly national. goy..
ernment. The` parliamentary group.
which . might follow him would fail to.
represent all Canada.' It : would not.
represent •the people of the; national
Liberal . party..' It would: not represent'.
the people of the C.CF. party. • It
would not represent the, people of. the
historic Conservative party which Dr.
Manion has now scuttled • .
Do not be deceived
Dr. Manion cannot.give you
National Government.
The best he might give you would be •
government ' by': unknown followers.
He invites, you to follow him up • a
blind'alley=:to vote for a government
of his own .imagination -answerable
,to some ;undisclosed political group.
Mackenzie King offers you something : '
entirely in the open ... the Most truly
"Notional government Canada has ever
known. Hii parliamentary, followers
represent, .the people of every province
in , Canada ., — every'. section of our
country every economic, social and
racial group: There isnot an. area of
this country.:. not a single classifcataon
of our people'....without proper reprep
seZtati•on in the .Mackenzie Kiag.
-Mackenzie King's cabinet . ministers
.are well known to you. • They are
broadly, experienned men,' eager and.
able to continue the sort f+,of :. admin-'
• • •iistr'ation which brought .. progress to.
Canada in times of peace and national
pride to Canadians since the outbreak
of war.
The Mackenzie King administration
is answerable to the people of Canada
-toy no one else.
The Responsibiiiij is :Novy': Yours •
Canada is. facing the greatest crisis in' her history. It is
YOUR• responsibility to say how she is to deal•with
this crisis'. Therefore: when' you . go to the polls on
March 26th you should consider only what is best
for Canada —what is best for the Empire and our allies
—what is the sure,'direct road to Victory.and Peace.
THUliSOAY, MARCH 2f et, 1940.
RS. Russell . Jermey of Oro
Townshiji, Ontario, has' not
only been a consistent prize-winner•
at Fall Fairs, but she has been chosen
•on :more than .one occasion: to act
• asjpdge'in Baking Contests. • .•
"What is the secret of your'oiw.n•
• ' baking. success" I asked. "I try .to
get good • recipes and' I' stay With,
them;" she replied: "Care • counts
always. And then you need the best'
ingredients, you can find., especially,
flour; if you haven't good flour you
are beaten 'before you . start.. My
rancher •used 'Robin Hood Flour arid
I've used it for years; and now my
darighter-in-law uses .it, too."
Couldn't Count Her Plaices
"I won prizes at the Fall fairs
With' Robin Hood Flour, and f' ,can
fell to look at a loaf if Robin Hood
Flour was used in 'baking it; it is
always so 'white and smooth in tea.
tune. Bread'Iiaked with that flour is
really high-class bread."
Y � •
Baking Made 'Baty
• by , not take the word, of this
competent prize=vranner and judge'
of goad ,baking .and order Robin
Hood, the very, next time, •ypu .need - ' •
flour!' Every bag contains' a money, •'
back.plus 10 % guarantee certificate:
And if you want some of the finest
recipes obtainable, send nine cents
in• stamps ' to Robin Hood Flour
Mills- Limited, Department "0",
Toronto, Qnt.,-for theltobin.Hood
Recipe Book, "Baking Made Easy".
It contains all the standard recipe's
and many new ones, with the meth-
od.listed in a way that really makes'
baking easy for the, newest bride or
even her younger sister.
Robin' Hood Flour
Ailed Washed Wheal`
Teacher: !'Why
..our mother tongue'?" • •
do we callIlEuglish,.•
James; • "Well, •father„does not
much chance .to' use 'it:”
Happy Easter to a11 -Although•
looks •as if. the Easte>k• parade will
•have to be postponed. •
Mr. Frsn ' M'cNalFaat.Ta
week -end visitor. with his parent::
' Mr, and Mrs. Dpnald Thoriason mov-
ed On' Monday. to the former Margaret
Campbell, house, and Donald will as-
sist with the work on Wrn. Header-
endeeson's farm this year. '
'Messrs,George and Babe Book, who
leaving for their home , at Lore -
burn, Sask.., this• week, called' on the
Reed• family Satuadgy,;, We wish them
safe journey,
,'Mas. Peter', T: Carter- has. returned
home from Gowanstown: .
• .1.Ir. and ' Mr;s. • ., Avehie Nicholson,
'Donald •and: Helen visited iri'the burg
on '.Sunday.. •' '
Mother -Jimmie;, what are you do-:
ing .in the pantry? Jimmie—Oh, I'm
just putting a few things away.
Mr: and .Mrs. • Bert Shewfelt of Kin -
cal -dine spent S.unaay with Mr. and
.{Mrs. Joe Wall.
Miss Jean •Anderson .spent the
week -end ,with Miss Marion' Hodgins,
Mr: 'and Mts. Ivan• Connelly •and
Betty..visited Mr... and •Mrs. Elmer
Wall on Sunday: - • ,
M. and .Mrs. ,Jack Nesbitt and fam-
ily vis'it'ed My. and les. Sam , Nes-
bit' 'on Saturday: •
Mrs:. Alex W hytock. spent an af=
ternoon of last' .week wi.Art
Hodgins, • • •
-'Mr"' and'^Mr's. Ira ,Wall visited` Mr.
and Mrs. John 'Ross recently before
leaving 'for their new • home. -
I • •Mrs. Jack Schumacher, 'and Helen
gat.,spent a few days • of, last week with
i•her mother,, Mrs.' •Wm. Wall.
Cbovrolet Special De Luxe Town Sc,aart.•
.TEP into your new Chevrolet at 'Easter and you'll ove right up front
in the style parade: For with its streamlined, drea�liried new "Royal
Y i?Y
Clipper" Styling, Chevrolet has. beauty that captures every eye and ca pti-
vates it! You'll get a pride -quickening thrill, too,out of owning the•longest
of•all the Lowest -priced cars,–the car that measures a full 181 inches where
length counts, from front of grille to rear of body.
, Yes, when you buy a Chevrolet you treat yourself to all° the beauties,.
all the performance: thrills, all the comfort and convenience, all the most
advanced features, all the real joys of motoring at its modern best .., , and
yon get them all at the lo:isest cost for purchase price, gas, oil and upkeep.
So come in•today...: buy •yourself anew Chevrolet and an envied front-
rank position in the 1940 Easter style revue. ,
Y'4-'!.'•+i5ryt,f.�s,�-^.W �..m-.' .?m�^..za-Y,Wi::',L
4n overseas parcel service bymean
of iwhieh gifts of food, candies, cig-
arettes, tobacco, toale : ar lees and
other "extras from home" can be
sent to Canadians • on active service
in .any part of the world has been
established by The Canadian Legion
War Services. .
•; The service, 'which is being operat-
ed in collaboration with Thomas Cook
and Son, the .world-famous shipping
agents, and which basthe full co-
operation of. the Dominion Depart=
ment'of Trade and Commerce and the
Foreign Trade Bureau of the ' Cyan.
adian .Chamber 4f 'Commerce, will in=
'elude purchasing, • packing and • de=,
1`ivety of goods 'to any. destination:
These • extra . seryiees, as well as iria
iurance:and customs declarations;: will.
be provided free of charge.. `
AS far as possible. Canadian ,goods
Will be used in snaking up the,''par-
cels, although the actual packing will
be done in England to expediatede-
livery; Perniission..'has been granted
for inclusion of personal . messages
with each parcel. Gift:packages may
also be sent lo members of the Brit-
ish forces overseas' and to officers
and ratings' of the •Royal Navy. While
the Canadian Legion Overseas . Par-
cel Service has' •been established pri-.
marily for ;the eonvenience of relat-
ives' arid personal friends of. the' men
on active service, . others .may,' make
full use of the faeftities offered: For
this ,purpose arrangements have been
made' with the authorities • tq • ensure;
that such parcels will • be presented
to men without close relatives, or
who would not normally receive "ex-
tras from home.''.
Headgraarters of the Legion's par-
cel service is located in the* Domin-
ion Square . Building, •Montreal, to
which address all. orders and com-
•rnunications :should be forwarded: An
explanatory folder and price list may
be obtained free Of charge fromany-
branch of the Canadian .Legion:
Mr. F. 'G. Moffat and Mt.- •Dan \T.
MacKinnon attendedthe Under'writer•'s
Convention : in' Toronto last week:.
We • are .sorry' to report that Mr.
Bi11 MacKenzie• is under the, doctor's
care. •
, Mi.•. and• Mrs; •Bert•Moffat andJ'ini
My spent Tuescj'at,�_e�v„.ening with Mr:
and Mrs. Ivan 'Conley.
\l,•: and: Mrs. Stewart 'Scott ena.
tr'•tained.' a., number. of . friends arid
abbots ori •Wednesday evening:.
A a nuinher of .ladies around here
tcNail' the- quilting 'at the borne of -
"1? : Wm..Orr• • on Wednesday after-
• anon. .
. •A' nwk ber of young Rennie visited
ar ' Tuesday evenings with • Mr, and
-.•'ill s. Wes. Young: • • . ' •
The Langside Presbyterian W.M.,S.
held their Easter Thankoffering meet,
ing at the hone of -Mrs. John Rich
.ardson' Thursday March. i4th ; The
meeting opened with the Call to Wor-
ship given by the president, Mrs. Neil'
MacDonald, .Psalm 93 we's . sung: .'rhe
Scripture .passage was read. in • un-
ison. The ' meditation' was taken by
Mrs: Johnson Conn followed by pray-
er 'by"Mrs. Farish • Moffat. The roll
call • was answered' .by 'a Verse of
Scripture pertaining to Easter: 'Hymn.
254' was 'sung. The minutes •of the
last i ieeting were read and 'adopted..
Business matters were then dealt with.
It was decided to quilt 'atthe• next
meeting which will• be at. tha bonne of
Mrs. W. D. Simpson: Mrs. John. Pol-
lock of 'Whitechurch gave a • very in-'
teresting message •on "Easter". Miss
Grace Richardson sang a solo. Hymn
•214 was. sung and the meeting closed
with payer by, the • president. ,
Miss Jean Osborne anent the week-
end with Mr. and Mrs. 'Harold' •Pol-
lock,' 2nd Con.
Mr, and Mrs, IvanConley and Bet-
ty •visited. on Sunday at• the :home of,
Mr. and Mrs.' Joe Wall, 10th Con.,
"Culross. ' •
Miss Veronica Waddel .has •returned
home , after • alsissting Mrs., Dan. T..
The Y..P. S. held their meeting. in
the -church on -Monday.,'evening. The
meeting opened with the Call to Wor-
ship given by the vice-president, Ger-
tie Brown. The response was given
by Mrs. Ivan Conley. Psaln► I9 was
sung. .The roll call was• answered by
a • verse of scripture on Missionary
cynrl•r . Th - sninrrf�oa,_oi +r, 1nr+ metra,
ing • were read and adopted. • Business
matters were then dealt with. The Mis-
sionary convener Mts. '.Farish Moffat
then 'tank • charge of the program.
}Oran 223 was sung, The Scripture
reading was given by Fetisl'i Moffat.
Meditation by Grace Ilichardson. Mrs,
Wes. Young then led in prayer. gymn.
374 WAS sung. . paper on the early
life ok ohlf VVeele tv= = iven b e
The National Liberal Federation of Canada, Ottawa. Ontario.
KING Candidate : In Brace
sung and Ardyss Brown led in the
closing -prayer. The next meeting will'
be a social at the 'home of Mr, and
The caption ~to• this, article .is, and
Mrs. Parish, Moffat on Monday March has been used, on many occasions and
26th at 8;30 pan.
Mr. and Mrs.' John Maclnnis and
family, spent Sunday at the home of
.and Mrs, 'Robert ,Macrnnis; Cul,
One of Teeswater's oldest residents,
in various ways. Let us acquaint ,you
with the way ,we are using it in this
case. •
By accident,' and you can bet it
was purely by accident, we stumbled
upon • a case where a Intel business
plat had purchased certain print-
ed stationery from a city firm. Now
that in itself is 'quite' all right, as
Mr. John Clubb who has spent the
winter months -at Hensall th his
sister-in-law Mrs. Wm. Dow, rteturned
home last week. •
Mrs. James Sutherland of Wingham
and her sister Mit. Garbutt of Winni-
peg, visitkd on'Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs: Ed. Gaunt, also their niece Mts.
George McClenaghan.
Messrs. Norman Stewart and Fred
Mr. George Button, 'celebrated ,his anyone has • the right to • purchase. Clubb visited on Sunday with the tat-.
92nd • birthday on Saturday, March Where they please. The_same individ- ter's father Mr. John Clubb.
9th. Quite a number of friends called ,zual, however;, came .to the News one The. W. M. S. of the Presbyterian
during the day'and offered felicita- Iday last year, complaining about out -church are having. their Easter.thank
tions on hie natal day, side opposition coming in and stealing offering meeting on Thursday at 2;30
Mr. Button is in excellent health their rightful . trade. It was suggested.
despite•advancing .years,'and only last !that the News do something about. it,
suinmer painted the ' exterior of his ' try to persuade Teeswater Public to 14 school. and • S. S., No. 10 went to.
home. This year Mr. Button arid phis buy at home. As our . readers knew, see the ictures 'of the .King and
wife:celebrated' their 67th wedding an- ,,we have endeavoured ' throughout the Queen ,which were in Wingham ,last
niversary . in January of this year.— past Year to' show the nubile the ad- Tuesday
The school . children of S: S.° No.
Teeswater 'News. +i`E l vantage of home purchasing, through Mr. Ted Schwartz, of Listowel is
these' columns. • visiting ' in the ;community...
TRAPPING RABBITS ' And •h'at,,, we get in Miss Ytr,ill • of Belgrave _spent the
�a.IN-Mn�rAl�f).:l~t.D._DISTRICT- 4z: n .._ _ rat n n ' t,,,a
yet this is w
_.._.:�G.he �fa�vnw`�ask:..g-11
,az�•r Mica�Tildra,3 MCC'len ;:•
eyi°"uirn"'1txrtTF. .Germs
13rown favoured with a solo: The topic
Footpaths in Formosa Was taken by
Mrs. Farish Moffat. A reading was
given by Len Conley. i•Iynin 399 was
place passes ' us bg when they have a• agharr.
Trapping of jackrabbits is being little printing to pass out. Matt we The• Y. P. S. of the Presbyterian.
carried on •extensively in the Mea- pass to them a word bf 'sound advice church was held on Monday evening.
ford district and the "industry” has -=-When you; buy at home you/ :money ' The meeting "opened with a short sing
netted conisderable revenue to those stays here andyou benefit indirectly 'song" Hymns were sung. Those giving
so engaged. The live rabbits ate ship- from; it again yourself, but when you scripturepassages were Messrs, Ken-
ped to:' Preston • and from there ,to the pay out to an outside source it's "Gone neih Laidlaw, Dawson Craig, James
United States" 1 With. the Wind"! ! ! l—Teesweter V ilson, Misse,a Janet Craig, Annie
The traps' used for catching the News.
hacks are about two feet s are, A� . lock gave his second lesson `'The Col-
..... .. _ _gym--..,.-®,�-�--^� ,�.�,�.,� M' M.Sit,..�;'i41'.Wr-"'�i'�"•aue+u--:ail-�n-_... war^_.- _.._.. _ -...1+- '..
•k. ,pju r-w�w+.+;�: ." u"'•'i^':Jf,�(�'`Sl`.*`YWHr.•1,..._.xr� ta':M4L`Wc,Fi.MN;
tilfafrtti" enat iints'-i'ti r r Mr'j—i dLAnd' why do you 'think l
en door at the front is propel' tip I shonld be lenient" with you? is this
with a stick. When the ]aek enters the I your Nat . offence? Prisoner --•Ivo,
land, by Mr. Norman •Wellwood. The
piece; Killarney; .was sung by all pres-
.trap . and 'touches the pan the door your honor; but it's my lawyer's first' ent. , The meeting Was , closed With a .
automatically closes: ' ease. verse of a hymn.