HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-02-01, Page 3it
d. F T7RUA '_ ..
HURON COUNTY COUNCIL, �Ir�-������ ����� ����I cltro,wtr,�rofTia. '�
148, May 23--I;ora ttt li;ElirlKtctu� EC 00', IT s "�
rullip;Holt I,:teeted lrardell,MITUE, IN ERRY DROP. 1 talitf., I oiltlort. t '
'The Dacembor Session of Hur011 Ca,` _ IVO, .fun. 23 Dulr;o of Xont (ileo! 1191M xMA yl,. AT YOUR PCFT OFFICE
r. Council was co##venceil ill Cledtrlch on: 1x3,37, June 2J -- willualat IN%, liil;g, pf � ,�••,»•• � f±
TA' E Tues icy afterwou of last y wcek at 8 Ill gland, unelo of victoria, tli all.
o'clock. On roll being called all tile Fain g NIOU i i 1ia37, ,limo hP;•••-Uoronatio;l of ;(jucell
i ` �' >1 allows.-- �� Victor;:a, in Wesill#ix#sGt:r Abi,cy. �,✓ „� It A doia �i! a �1Y A
1 membern reportetl pre bout us f
Messrs. .Holt, Chambers, Connolly, Never
Nov. 20-(,'uneetl ol,e##cd llcr 1+rat
�/, i Catrtololl, Torrarzco, I,tmont,Spackmall, I'liis ever I1SallpolCiit a Pt#rli,ln#t>nt, i o r, 't [�, i+pit�� :fz�
Hicks, Hays, MaLcall, Bowman, I£err, the :lick. lul8,t);t.10-t�,uet111:;,l,ubeu,le?airiftt;W � r1�ul��,.�i$ ��€3 1�lrwt:tz ��,.�t,
Patterson, Lookbart, Miller and l+ergu- to francs; C.allsorc.
13:6 Feb. l0-.X-.rrie.d to Prillcar
i + XA., IVER sae, r Albort of base-Coburg-Outlia. ZSSI.N'1:I ILLY A. 1.V'E�i O& Alsip.- -; ha I,'r:,'4 P •raw: is rll+i ti l fl: et
.. Philip Holt, Barrister, ,of Caraderfcll, t, r .I."I3e Year. It is es:;entialiy ti nesvM ): n 1 'fi ■
It Ever Blela�.ns 1836 stay. 31 -Hirt!# ofvictcii:a 1:(lv Y I 1 + )r iia, 1)i,)tt+ elr••l:r. i�il��, , •ti•).0 ";yd for
PILL was elected Warden by accletmation e.ud r I tsut'erprloo, earo lugs been talfou troin rhf+ 1wginuing of its ear, 'e"t..ing
(� R took the chair amid, applause. Judge lafcl:+, Princess Roy tl, 't,, its column; that'ivould otfelld tha wor-1 N+:t; a.+ t;f stsli' :, ; t ...,in! ; ;' .,•',it .
pp f3'o�leneo O i;l.e 18_ „ , 1:,.. ; 1
F Q � '(' 1 I=t Q il, Nov. J-••-A3L•art L• t~wa:d, ...,#race , .
Dayle udtnillistered the oath of oiflce. �t',O"3Ie, of tiVales, Uurtl, i THE MARKET REPORTS-- Aro frill nein up-tc .dat-,. es):1:,",',ai:sry 113 Owl !attar
Tllt? uc:w War(len very Happily address- i1, G2, Sept. 2 - ;ue'rz#'tl first visit tui Canadian,. American and Fa glislx live stock anti grafi?3 l l:,r;c:"t.', t.:t% t `cu, most
It will work while you ed the Council, thanking them for the up -to -data news,
honor (toe !li
([one and outlining elle work Scotland.' sleep, without a gripe orWllere%•cr once used, filo sink :incl sof- 1!:•fG, Jurats 2t;-Uulu lay. repeulcd. ; V'ITFRINAiY Cfi�I�U;e'fxi••-,'� 1#tt\v and spcc•;ill ;E•itturFt, rF)ut.a�-t;"ci 1;3 ,I. i:. I;od-
lilcoly to tomo before this body, forin�r of all classes of our C:lnacltaill Hai:� stiov.:d!.-Lord ,ielbarne E• peen's i g;inH, V. S., lienor �°zadtlate ,G. V. (). !lrtielt:� apin•ar t,l r•l;t• :n:ttac+.: t1F ;ling
pail!, curing Constipation, Committee t0 stril.o Committees far people are all
to realize that l'adie's ,,', >! ' 9 ; with all classes of v (te il)ary Sclellc: •; also Flaestl,+ns awl awt•v. r:, F;..il+ r:•la-
r • ,, , list +.limb H:linWer, flied• tive to till dispase?s of al,illialh, &o, {��(i: *uhls Ya111ab1F,lt'.1!l:' i:L'-`r<iC' :�,::.;%c)r 1114'
Biliousness, Sick Bead- the year was chosen as follows, Messrs. Celery Cunipouod. clues not belong to. the �
Connolly, Hays, Korr:and lie, ordinary patent medicille ranks, such as 18,34., Feb. xti--1)eolaratfou of war� farmer and stock owut*1'.
ache, and ")yspepsia, and Lean on Torrance' motion.lof Messrs. Bowman Nervines, bitters aid sarsaparillas. against Itussia• i FOREIGN NEWS• -•••A conlplRe history of the d;)Iu g:, all ov tom- ths% nnown Arc:rltl in
make you feel better in Peuue's Celery Curllpound is as fur 2b5'J, Aiay .1- 'haul:Sgivfig for sup- I the latest rind up -to dart, clt'spatalll.y
�% and Patterson. beyond these ordbutry preparations as ressiuu of ltldic::z matin i -g 1
the morning. A resolution, moved by Robert Miller, the diamond is superior to cheap glass. p )' COMPLETE CANADIAN l`,DZY.� 11,4 t 4 , ral)1# tin l zuali, fr:,::l :t1i`p.trt.9 of Cart -
seconded by W. H. Kerr, named the Paine's Celery
Compound possesses luGl-iJacleebs of lS.eut, Q well's ada, particular .attention being paid to Weswrlt Oatarfo.
� •----�-- � extraordinary virtues aud powers peeul• mother, (tied. SPURTING NEWS -Ili full and coni;lrto with Mliat�ur and Professional Sports
Warden and Mr. Torrance and Hays, iar to itself, for health -giving andlougth• 1861, Dec. 14-PAuce Consort (lied. -Base Ball, Cricket, Lucrosse, Golf, Plowflitiz, 1t'ot t ;.ail, Hockey, 5hatiug.
and the mover and seconder as a Lam- ening life. It has saved men slid -,vemell 1863, March 10--Priice of Wales alar- dorso Racing, Trottlug and Running, I3ttllll l til, tate.
mitteo to draft a resolution of con- -Young and old -after all other medi-
a doleuce in file decease of our beloved elute failed. It has, so much astollislled ried Princess Alexandra, IN POLITICS -In Politics it is Clollsariative, hist its Co/lea:+vatism. has never pro.
° physicians by its cilrativo powers that lbti8, Jan, 28-tuueen's first boob pub• vented it from doing justice to or upholding! won of both'parties who do right,
ween and that the Warden
and Ole -It It is the airy '
Q they now proscribe (and recolnme s it. !;shed. „an of the people, 1rr•_sl:eetivc of party, and makes the public well -
:1,g sign the and forward it to the Governor. Professor Edward P. Phelps, M. D., , �, : ,«, - befog its first ecnsicllsraticn,
'�; General. gave Paine's Celery Compound to the 1372, I e u, 29 -Queen shat at b;9r Ill fact, the Free Pross N the most complete+ and up -to date parer N, t oS Toronto;
Carried by a standing vote,
world as aposltrve cure for sleeplessness„ Arthur U'Counor. from 8 to 12 pages threug h tll(1 �vt f 13 , alio! 16 pages ori Saturday. It is bright
_ ��, • a r•� \ r nervousness, liver and kidney troubles. 1876, May l -Proclaimed Rulpress of • and readable; news for old and young.
The following resolution was wired to neuralgia
�,� gia audrheunlatism,
�` i• .His DxcelIouo Lord A2iuto Governor India.
Zi �,i ; y , Thousands of thankful letters from f Second edition at your post aflleo for y2.00 per year. Zti t%v i t.:eta!:e to subscxibe.
,t 1 , /./; 188L', March 27 -tabu Brotvu, thl,
:.;.; . • \yam, ff °`+•�
'General of the Dominion of Canada:- people of Query rank, give proof of filo
:':. •tt I .' I„ ` ,� "t� �f ' Tho Count Conueil of the Co, of Huron fuer that Puine's Celery Compound Qucen'9 fttiiGlltul ,ervtlnt, died. I �� London �(1 l €� ' Frees Pig. Co , Uld.r I 619 is '��#•
� ;.ti;�; y •°manes sick people well." 1887, June 23 --Celebration of the
•yl, in Council assembled desire to express If you sigh and long; for new health, a Queen's olden jubilee.
the deep feeling of sorrow and regret at better life is your sure reward if you use I Q g 7 - -•- """""'•""" " `"" "- """'""'°" """ "' ""'"-'
D,; t r 1892, Jan. 2 -Duke of Clarence and
; . the demise of our Sovereign Lady Queen isse of one battle whe medicine thatill convincas cured e you that Avondale died. �® p
Vittoria whose long, successinl andILL
g there is power and virtuo in each drop. 1blN, July G -Duke of %oils married ' ' c :
;cepyr4t�►ir•" ' +"o`'J ""''"" illustrious reign has been the rntuvel of Reware of substitues; see that your
the world. We trust that our regrets druggist gives ;jou "PAINE'S" the hind to the Pillows A1ay. the
� Mind ,t
a may be conveyed through the proper that cures M.14, May 2I -Inaugurated M:,nchest •s-�•�
t .. channel to the members of the . Royal er Ship Canal.
is LAI. onmrio 3,teense rwport, 1896, Sept, �3-Hein exceeded the �� o d e
Family, length of an o
The following' were appointed as a The license report of Ontario for the gr ' y tiler English sovereign's.
�'°�� strikingcolnmittteto uomitlate stand- Past year states that during 189900 18J7,June 21-Gelpbratiouoftliamond is the art in advertising. Thiel Ad, i'llt:trate3 how Grtie this
' 8,009 tavern and wholesale licenses were Jubilee.
lug committees for the year: Messrs. � r salting is, esX,eeiuil4' to there wishing pleasant and profitable
�} ; Torrance Connolly Has McLean and issued, as compared with 3,040 for the 1u09, Oct. 12 -War declared in South „
%JverZ oa s Kerr. Their report afterwards ado ted two proceeding years. The revenue re- Africa. employment. " Csxt;t,da'a Sins an Kapje and Veldt," the only
was as follows: p p ceived from licenses and fines last year 1900, May 24 -Celebrated 81st birth- book dealing exclusively with the Canadian Contingents, is the
of the very latest material Executive -Messrs, Hays, t)onuolly, amountecl to$304,819 an increase of $18,- day. - book to handle. 0111eial, .Authentic, Cheap, sella on sight to.
and cut call, be had at 296. '.Cho amount received on account 1900, Aiay 1.0 Pretoria capitulated.
Kerr Patterson and Lamont. everybody, and anybody aero sell it. CapiGttl of experience not
Robt. Mawell's at lowest a l 1 -Messrs. Hays, Connolly;, of licenses and fines, including the sums 1000, Oct. 80 -Death of Her Majesty's
tiper,�{t y y, necessary. Send for Free Outfit and hake planes,
possible prices. Kerr, Patterson and Lamont. imposed by municipal by-laws, was grandson, Prince Christian Victor, at
Go'J,841 while in 1808.9 it was $580,881. Pretoria. Queen orders to be buried in
FancyFinance --Messrs. Bowman, Torrance $ tr , c;x
I`ancy Worsted Suit- The fines collected during the year a soldier's grave, T rl
lugs are taking the lead
McLean, Spackman and Miller. b y � The ��+�.�d��w�"�dr''•#��� d +``d�ia� �r�R•., �:�C11I►�tt,
Education -Messrs. Bowman Tor- totalled $14,339.
this season. r Under the heading of committals Si,:iclvititrvorms, 13PANTFO „D, OrTT.
ranee, McLean, Spackman and Miller. g
See our new goods. for drunkeness, the report shoals an in, Road and Bridge-Aiessrs. Chambers, p Mrs, J. D. Mayo, South Stukley, P.Q
®b ������ Lockhart, Cantelon, Hicks and Fergu- creast of 885 over the year previous. wrote the following: "One of my
R. In the Province, $63,881 was paid to children took sick with worms and after
son. , - commissioners and license inspectors. trying everything without getting relief P '
County Property -Messrs. Chambers, we procured Dr. Lows Worm Syrup A
High Art Tailor, Winghetm. Lockhart,,Cant Hicks and Fergu- which acted promptly and etfeotually. EYLON IND
son. STATI; or Onio, OITY or TOLubo,
�� � Equalization -All the Council. LuoAs COUNTY, 8s. n1ints :or Housetceepers,
A L A � `'C3 L "i G S , Warden's Committe-Messrs. Cham- • FRAM; J. CErrN1;Y makes oath that he Fish must go into a hot oven aud, like3
bers, -Torrance, Patterson and., McLean. is the senior partner of the firm of F. J.
House of Refuge -Messrs. Hays, CHENEY u Co., doing business in the meat be stand over quickly.
®� )�i Connell aud Korr. City of Toledo, County and State afore- Potato is the vegetable to serve with r
FRES F�ti,]E y To gee clean G i+�� tem use the n�schine-
Council adjourned until 10 on Wed- said, and that said firm will pay the sum $;h, also cucumber, celery or lettuce.
ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for In frying the economical woman only made tea Of Ceylon nd India. It contains no
7� Ag p�
morning after other matters of each aud every case of Catarrh that can- y g y
a� �`F'� e�f.'� tontine discussed. not be "cured by the use of HALL'S uses enough of her frying fat to comfort- .. �
CATARRH CURB. adulterants, no sticks, .no willow leaves --its all tea.
Nine applications were read for the ship coyer what is to be fried.
Those desiringa Burdock Pp FRANK s CHENEY.
position of county auditor, and three for Sworn to before me and subscribed in Rz%v celery is an appetizer, while cook. The Same is true Of BLACK.
Blood Bitters Almanac for the appointment 'On the Board of County my presence, this 5th day of December, ed celery takes on the dignity of a vege-
Examiners'. An applicaefon from Robt. A. D. 1886. table. In cooping see that the good
Deadman'" of Howick, to be appointed a -,- ? A. W. GLEASON,
year f go i will be supplied by ' Pp ;EAL S Notary. PFfLtic, doesn't go into the water that is thrown I
county student, was sent to Executive ,, vy,''
eir druggist or general mer- committee. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally For dipping'articles to be fried one
`' A letter from J. Ross Robertson, ask- and acts directly on the blood and mus -
chant free of cost by calling or ing a grant to the Hospital for Sicl> testimonials, free. but not the yoke alone.
Children; one asking aid for the F. J. CHENEY a; CO., Toledo. O.
sending to their place of busi- Prisoner's Aid Society; one from the Sold by Druggists, 75. For potato croquettes one may i y _
Hall's,le�amil Pills are the best. put tile yoke inside and the white out-
neSS for same, UC will be sent
Municipal World for" 9tzbstriptions, ana y side. Rol �•N•� ��� �
one from the manager of the House of
Refuge, asking for an increase of salary, During 1900 over 2,000 parcels of land One whole egg may be diluted with t
by mail lice on receipts Of a
were sent to Excutive committee. representingabout 450,000 acres were one tablespoonful of warm water.
two -cent stamp for postage.. Accounts from the various officers at sold in the Winnipeg district. A stuffed fish is sewed up with the
the recent county council election, and ' carpet stitch. Address THE T. A' corner in pork is thought to be ' in Doctors ,find
N[ILBURN 00., forty others were read and serif to sight in Chicago, where quiet buying by • Sugar and salt are good barometers;
Limited, TORONTO1 Finance committee.commission houses has been going on for the amateur laundress who makes the '
A motion by Messrs. Miller and Kerr a week, until about 50,000 barrel's have mistake of putting salt in the starch
0 to grant. $300 to Agricultural and Horti- been absorbed. need not wonder that her shirt fronts
A' 01 S cul tal societies was sent to Executive collapse before the day is over.
eoIV#rttee. ' � - Sugar is given the hue it boasts by A
On motion of Bowman and Conliolly, ultra -murine, which spoils our preserves '
r Torrance and the Clerk wereA and icings. It isn't even good for blue
a ointed auditors of criminal justice iv clothes.
accounts. Lasa -Liver Pills are a positive cure would'.be useld' s unless Six tenders for county printing were for Sick Headache, Billiousness, Dyspep-
sent toExecutive committee. sia, Constipation, and all stomach and re�eriptiolathe fit St le and uaht The following telegram was read:SECURITY. liver complaints. They neither gripe,
,weaken or sicken. Price lac. at
To Philip Holt, Esq., dealers.
were apparent to back u
l)P P Warden County of Huron.
ever statement, We I am directed b His Excellency to The waterback is extravagant. All
y• y . Getrtu6ne
y acknowledge the receipt of your loyal the volu,ne of water therein has to be ®ri - jai
don't talk voluines but and sympathetic message on behalf of heated before the range is hot. In most ®.(<.
s g
the County of Huron,and to informr instances, when no !lot water is needed
our suits talk for us, and you that it will be duly forwarded. Caa% ras one-fourth the quantity of coal would do ,
our prices will .suit you. (Signed) Captain Graham, Gov. Gen. fila cooking.
b p Little Liver Pill Separate water heaters heat water
Secretary. epgKien for Avecents at Dra
m ggtafs Grocers, Restaurants,
Messrs. D. E. Munroe and J. D. Mur- as it Sows. Saloons, Nea;s-Stands, General Stores and Barbera
Leave your order for dock waited on flit council in "reference Shops. The banish pain, induce sleep, and prolong life,
tMuct Boar SIgna,turo of If one desires to keep food a refriger- One gives relief! No matter what's the matter, one will
that new to odlers' licenses and the matter was do you good. Ten samples and one thousand Oce,
. P t stet is the tiling; if One desires t0 pre- menials sent by mail to any address on receipt of price,
soft, to E'xecutivt committee to report. � �-"""' serve ice the ice box, with its lack of cir by the Ripans Chemical Co., ralSpruee St., New York City,
F`Al�r� BUST �h$ - o culation, is the choice.
' For over Fifty Toars• ° Wise ones any it is better for the house-
fl�� C� An Old and Well -Tried Remedy -Mrs Seo Fac slrilla Vtretpver Belaw. wife to have her coal converted into gas
W inslow's SoothWgSyrup has been used vary emnu r od 11 +aa d� at a distant station (that's what becomes
for over fifty years bymiliionsof mothers
for thoir children whho toethivz, With 4o ta2co : s °"6=- of burning;' coal) than to do It llersel, _ _ _.:. -+-�- �'-�---.•--- -----. __ __ _�
E. ° �� perfect success. It soothes the child, ; \vith the attendant evils of carry- .•
f th 11a all M. ore FPR PIi Af1AC11FM t est of us Thom are six species of ince plirrl ; Ono Tablas after E afin - rand
Stand next Griffin's Grocer
80 tens a gurtr9, a 'y p 1 , e s
wind colic, and is the best remedy for
diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste.
ing coal and ashos) ins as m
prefer to have our milk sent in from the
found ftr Neto England.
It requires eight years far rotne sorts
.r,... __ ..... •
Sold by druggists in every part of the
country rather than !racy a cow and do
; of woad to becolno .senac,rlecl.
world.. Twenty-fivt cents a bottle. Its i
value is inealeulablo. Be sure, you ask :
' � � �.tsie
our own milking. i
for sirs. 'Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and
tip '�`I •�
take no other !ging.
tLXU_NYi! Must aAv!'LfilArun�C.,+,,,-
Ge$ Dnstar,E gRtsButa? irro�1� Mies.
It Paris the public authorities supply
pc°s°r�Iru,r • e�ntaaEs�e c s.�sarn:
_-This most irritatin disease rclS of in t
A;n3a's Dint•
1 lu
gratuitously sulphurous baths to tall-
`'"" °
tet; minutes by using Dr.
talent,ands,curo infomthree tooiznights. ;
1 . `c �.,r,'
Tbollsauds testify of it4 rldc+t'tcrs. 6000
3 til �l1•i ,i%^+ r`.x
• Colt! anti
2s pure ;lilt
�I a pe for
O h i l d i,e ti O t y G o Yp
Y lr �'
mn bfl sef tired b
� for Rc alt4, silt Rb +m;l, rand till Oda
f119 35eS. 1 if , )ll %!* \Vltit�:lt fatith otic °
i, '
i t
on f :•
at,Gtl� " ae a •' n
(oats.... , .. • • , , • •
ortr aid. Addreser
rt: r;nrryt�r 81100111),timo
i appli.ation %vii c,on\:nec. g5 cyst:;. --xxy
s;r�sts.t y, ta;, F�
v ;✓ !
ra. .�
' HUM " ClEl�l'i%S !l QUART.
i a
ClaltlisornF d.
what a world of distress would ba saved. Dr.
Stan's Pineapple Tablets euro soar s4mcach,
distress after eating, weight in the sot *eb,
wird on tho stomach, loss of appetitev diszi-
nc�s, nausea, and a dozen of ler doublet(
tr.,i eabie to bad dig t! l7ne Tabt t gives
Ilu:tant relief. A po3itive and pleat cora
that nature has provided. 35 cent x28
, '1'1'•' 1•rr. ^. xt: n :.,;:r is ul' :a•f„•l:,lieiti:4
d ,• N 11 a?, 1. '.� i•^• Y ii.nl'ir �l Y ::'utt.
\ :•"a•l t,+r � •d ,•.ti 1'�• •• tt ' , r jib:,
li^:i^l, r r• 1� ,� )! t ldlP 6 , ('Pat•
:1 J., ('it,.. Y -i.•,. 1•1"1•,. lila e