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The Wingham Times, 1901-02-01, Page 2
r� TRE WINGRAM TINES, FE)MIJARY 11 P101 Wca 104rn frtaM an. ®xcthanya that twitl} �^ IN JGHAM 018TRIOT, A GRENT BOOK, CIP1,14044. . ouut Vorert girls rwently visited a f ......-,- . --. s- The annual moodu , of too Cubo:, photo;,:raphor an.l hwl therusrlves photo- i Tho tirehr ntf+ ja 'Coel,water for 1100 Linn: the Quelph Horattl, dttn, 24th, liol. Aj utual Fire Iilsurauco Uo, was 1104 ill 9"Phoil with their tact's stuck eegnet- ! wits 1t+, 111 viuil it was 51; in 1808, M 7 , The death of Our illastrivlla Sovereign the Town 11411, Tet stv atnr, on Saturday, t• t1 �(� , . �,, tnlhly tflroul;lt tL ttil'in I:e•�vEpaper. When in 1n'97,';;"• t in 159;;,111. will naturally be followed by the publica- The council ohamber was'well filled with k II [t ti'3 • the lit'tiires _ertk finished auLl delivered If t'ho children requirt. physic Ilona tion of mann' "Lives of the Queeu." A policy holders. Prvsideut Tuns, Willison , . , ----------- �+�,� �: ;, •��•*��,y .y� ` they wfx•. lturriti ti to olid that tl:e tu'rs.strlitotit; 11gi11:+r'ct Worn' Powders; well N1:rittern and artistically prodnnC£'tl pxesidt'ct. Tho auclirura' report tsps a F ,�j.�er ^ •P 1'��rlir ` ?`' 1( nevi s.:qv,- t:",•y hit,: used was a Chicago v vey l,:eaF;tlnt t0 take. Solt: by I1:. T+- 'boob on Her Lfa iesty's life and w,14u, `Ory 'olteerit,r;; 0110. Thexo was till ill- ,.• � ' sin0% and j•int b;rlow their sidling faces llamilton. will unquestionably command an areas© cif 701'olicios duvlul, the your and was tier. big 'display adyerdsoment of a On. Vii,lay, Jau, l8th as T1loluns. Null- irttrueuse sale. Au old book with a few All illowaso of tutul antonut of insurance clathing, first: witiolt imiloutleodr• " Our dell, S 11 of Will. Aiunddll of the 1st con; pages lidded, a rehash of newspaper in force of about $11N,000. .1'hn total k✓ � � ^ � pants arta Vlwt! in tileS,mt»'+ Cnlruss, was, k-adjug his horses to water, articles. thrown: tonetaor• in a day, or U11111ber of policies is k!N told the amount _--� it is sul,pt+sed that one Of therm , in its AlneriCain 11UOliS by American authors, of illsnranca L,279,f0'J, Only 0990.L•0 ( S h the, boy • litfrc x a night twirl: '• s" their playfutuess lcfeked and broke hiLi Jaw. will not fill the bill, The 13erald is glad was paid for l0�srs duria; the year conn- is no bottetr r^•tnedv to clear thhead and It is our duty tlis week to record tllo to announce that fie World ' I'014illing pared with 4i1, 07,35 in 18130. `.rhero is � settle tho st'rmaeh than Milbura's Srer- death of t n=e of L ' linlolv's aid residents Conlpauy, of Gu#lph, who have been cash oil hand t()`the amount of 4,1,8'14,40 CAstorl£1 is for 12Mi it(s and Children, Castorio 3s tt ling T�leada.!ho Powders. Price 10c. and in the kerion of I e. Win. Burns, who fbrouiost in the p£�st in file prac'it1ction of l:esides uncollected balances of 80%02, laa,ri nless subotitute •tear Castor 011, Paregoric, ]Drops • c. at all denTrrs, passed ctwsty un M clay,3an. 20th at the high class lftoraturo, have had for some The cash in hand, t110 uncollected Wan- al:d Sut t3ning Ny; naps, it contains neither Opiuin, The bent Beet Sugar Company :s; I ago -of 67 years. pile leaves an aged tilue in preparati(al the Life and Reign ces and tln® balagoo of premium notes TlTorpininitO nor other S�Tareotic substance. It is Pleasant, being orgaidiett at Chatham, Out., with 'husband nu l fall y -of Ave bo,•s all of Qxr• en Victoria, which will be a atako uptho assets of the company atu, a. capital steel: of „500,000. grown illi. standard worn:. of teat excellence,. 'ane} ' ousting to $50,191!.19. - There are no lift. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by 3111110115 of -�---• ----�- LOruFt Iinnttr wn�ake t♦ la0st tsard the is being prod red with groat bilines, `i'he total expenditure for the Xothers. Castoria, destroys 'Worms and allays Fcvcrish other c:£ty contain 2,82 2,824 wards all:1 it cane, It ie « tten by Jolin year was 81,377.89, as follows' —Losses tress, Castoria cures V irhoom annd IViud Colic. Castoria, ��1 Qj7 j �j was wrist,+u \ri I ani oxc}inury eau oil all fi0111ter, the oeleb> ttod Historian and $990.[0, Agent s fees �7,„r, o#it enssalulics relieves Teething Troubles, cacaos Cal:stipation soca � � "'� � • Y°' ordinary 1`i+st earl. without laid of a Journalist from ',London, England, 8119,'90, snlidries E112,G9, `i'ho report is k^lF.ttnlonney. Castoria assimilates the Food, regulates T antguifyiatg (;less. Tills ix almost de- assisted by John A.� Cooper, Editor of quito in kee»fug with extremely care- the Stomach and 33owels of Yanf uts and Children, giving t frandiag tLo Z'ostal'A.partuierlt•—Bras- the Canadian Maga4ina, Toronto Mr. kul management Qf - the company an Cooper will give §Jiecial attention to we doubt if mad �OW�C �� Li fieri Ozone sols Herald.tey pf the companies can healthy -,wd natural sleep. Castoritz is the Children's On Friday •Jain. 18"1, a Fad accident Canada under the Qnben's Reign, inciud- make as good a showing. The policy Panacea—Tlh0 31otlner's Friend. lders seemed thoroughly Cures Lewis Gleason, Esq. happened dear the 3y clan. a Tucker- ing the Canada, and the Regat of the lce of andV oe-Re al thales to ey c;r tictzed nothing. Messrsfl d for Win. Castoria. Castoria. pp ^Y Smith, by which a young man Hamer} g Y, of Ca., .aeto£3 �11 . connection of Her Majesty with the Reid and John E. ScottI the retiring di- •Castoria is an excellent medicine for "Castoria is so well adapted to children Ott of this Ter- Robert McK-.*Ly of Egmondville, lost his � y f t rectors were re-elected. 14f:eaal's. J. 11ZC- children. Mothers have repeatedly told me that I recommend it as superior to any pre - life. Tho young man Tho was Only 2;a Country. Rae and R rbt, WatSon vera re-elected of its good effect upon their children." scription known to me,” Able Disease. wns nsAiting in the bush when he was i'rom advanced, sheets and prOspee- DR. G. C. Oscoon 40well, Afass. II, A. Ancurm, M. D, Brooklyn, N. Y strnclt i,, a fallin;; litnlb which the wind tures that have .been examined, The auditors, A motion was passed with- ' When the system becomes filled with Uric Harald takes 1Caal2re in stating that 1118 Out a dlaSetltitlg vU1Ca, to increase the .. Acid, the delicate membranes of the body are Wowttli a Cres aril instantly :tilled, The p a of the directors to 81 a, meeting and THE FAC --SIM I � E SfG IN•�TURKE irritated and inflamed. The natural oils of the deceastid was a nephew Of W. GUrd011 Of workmanship �t ilp be more than ex- pay joints are eaten by the acid and regular torture t'ie 2rd colt, who committed suicide on cellent, There wi� be, a great number loc. per mile for mileage one way. The sets in, The oily way to treat the disease is to of portraits and e* ravings, all of which feeling seemed to be that the auditors remove tLe cause. Germs produce the poison- t is sane morning. � oils acid and Powle •'s I,i rified Ozone kills the are genuine worliS.Of arts, and equal to were entitled to increased pay for their germs. Read this testis onial, "ror the last Bacot Heart = Could not Lie the best work trio be found in any services as the business of the company 20 years I have been trcu,%led with that dis• Down for Eighteen Months.— magazine of the day.. . The paper at}d is increasing. tressing di-ense called Ch-oni^ Rheumatism. " I was unable to lie down in my bed for mttliufacture will t e in keeping with the For days and weeks I have been confined to my eighteen months, owing to smothering bed, my j:.iats st'ff and swrrlen : my hands so spells caused by Heart Disease, onebottle high character of the publication, and Pill-Age.—Dr. Agnew's Liver Pills, So ��� r bad I crnl3 not use them. I could not sleep at S Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart removed the whole is in very great contrast to an 6 nights and had pal7(tation of the heart. I got the trouble, and to -day I am as well as ever opposition work which has been cents a vial, are planned after the most d'n��e@1�6'c, ON'EVERY WRAPPER. nAPPER■ medicine from leading physicians and took I was."—L. W. Law, Toronto junction, modern in medical science. They are as I submitted to us for ins • THE CENTAUR COMPANY 77 MURRAY STREET, New YORK CITY. all ki::ds of patent medicines, but pot nothing —523 ection p great as improvement over the go years old , >;edicts a sale of this Life ofaPtl nme a 's any ,iG» fled Io oreaiied two bottles believing from sold by 11 L. Hamilton. The Herald of the Queen gr ater than has ever boeu strong dose pill formulas as a bicycle is over The ioowiug appointments, promo= an ox -cart in travel. They never gripe and what I hoard fmai o'here that this medicine tions and retirements are announced in reached by any.,other book in Canada,as, they never fail. 4o doss, Io cants.—I25 might take hold of my disease. After I had it seems to ns, every loyal subject. will taken t'.:e two bottles I began to find relief. I the 33rd regiment —To be major, Capt. Fold by A. L. Haninton. P lout purrha.sdsix'more t'ott:es. After taking theD. FIOlmes, Fife J. 4$ilson, retired. To desire a Co y. fih0 work is t0 be sold atei?ht t•:.itles tine s vtl:i•:g left my joints, my be captain, Lieut. 13'. Dehi Grant, vice D. a low price to bring it within the reachR'oriCing Iitittor. hands rowa:a tta li:atee as they were twenty of all, i'Iic>ilnes, promoted.. Tobe lions Sacand ��,c ��f. Yyearsa^o, and I feel like nnew man- Iiheu' The advertisement of "Toe World When butter making we resod to �vorli sF;lmatismi sti?reps of the joints are al( gone, and Lieut. J. Galt, to Complete establishment. Publishing COmpauy�"calling for agents, NED ourbutter intheIshurn. Afteritreach-rtI cousi er mys:e.f cured. I. also cured me of Provisional Second Lieut. R. E. Davie 340 other A.ed cal Y irm in the world has the established repu��tation for curingthe wnrrt kind of kidney trouble. Anyone hating failed to tiftlif his name was will be found in another column of our ed the granular. form or perhaps a littlec,anc6l �d0=03 a that D -s. if. & X. enjoy: Their r4eov Wletaaod Trorat-suffer i:;; from the above di.aea.;e write or come m a f q y M coarser than is not¢ thou ret the right unt, discoieretl and peribcted by these Bminent Speelaliste, has brought 407,issue of to -day g' a appiugss and catufort to thousands of homes. WCti 3o years experience in the ane? s. ' •x ::: Ozone has done fpr me. In fact, re oved rom the list of Officers of the � thing the buttermilk was drawl: off. I4 eatment of these dissaaes,they can Ruarantee to Cure ®r No £'sfy—lE=ia-l can•+nt snv too much towards the value of active militia. Supernumerary Second ic ns, r.=roottoeoy,bypinins, r,'aricoccle, Stric:usrc, G31"t, ally butter ran out tsith it, it was shim- p t?c�Ln,eImpotency, `uezual and IvIcaltal CVcalitnetia;Fd:tH- your niedi:i-'t. 4ianed Lieut.H.13,.Jordantobe taken onthe This is Xyl,iat They flay.' r , r•- • +^ -+ ,;med Out and put back. Then it. wasor -eh 'Olfzcxi:.•o k11somaGe. yh„-s guarantees aro backed by :Batik Bonds.Bcv.Is GLEASON, Castleton, out. establishment provisionally. To be Those who takle Hood's Sarsaparilla , washed in Clear• vt atojr once or twice, and� e-��, . rid Q'at rift ie I,fquifietl Ozone is �t.00 a large bot- second Lieut provisionally, L. C. Arm- for scrofula, eczLma, ernptio ,catarrh, c ye y , r, a•IFE �►a rheumatism or dyspepsia, sa is euros once in water to which salt had been ad- t! rjft'Stle, - %:;:::all size. Ali t,ruggists, or from the StTOIlg, gentlemanf, V1C8 J. M. $nine, re- "laboratories of�the Ozone Cu., of Toronto, I,imi• tired. To be second liens (supernumer- promptly and permanency, even after ded. A little stirring in this cold brine Yau mayliave a t©cert dram throuQhtho nein©--tkat's the reason you feel tiredted, q3 C,,lhorne St., Turonto, y all Other prepal tions fail. You may brought the lumps together in a solid •!in a :e:o ar-^Situ. YDon't let youtimre not r Fife Blood be bceva ilrainc.lj you feel 3e pon&d t ary), W. J. Heaman, gentleman, take this mediofuo with the utmost f: Also by A. L. Hamilton, Wingham. Ojilcer Grund mass and took out the last vestige of guarantee to Caro or no Pa.. Grundy looked I atdck Hick- confidence that At will do you good. buttermilk and then'we spread it about p� i uey in jail recently. The prisoner is What it has done for others you have + ar;511EA'O 6 every reason to beljeveit vPill do for you. noel added Balt, 13� ouuees to the pouucl,R7 7 ((fir charged with an Assault ou Police Magas- and worked it t0 ether. As soon as ito `� c`i f'"' ii L L L trate Beatty, of Sea4orth' the eight be- Constipation is Cured by Hood's Pius, g ` 5ypbub is the scourgeof nlanitira. it may not be a crime to have it, for it mag Y + a p was cool it was ready to snake into prints be inherited, but it is a crime to allow it to remain in the evstem. Like father— : L`a .t lanae themfor % fore. He is said.4o have entered Mr. 25e• ince non. Bowara of Mercur,7 and Potasla treatment. Dra, if:. & L'. positively cure ! - which process removed all extra moist Beatty's house twice, the second time ure. There maybe better methods now the worst cases or no Pay. hu each other about Ml- after walkinga anile to his own home Failures in Canada. � q but we madeood butter.—American �9 t ��iZT-nN ].eaxt and Nerve returning with an axe. The police The annual report of Bradstreet's Cultivator. g � ��`� Z STRUCTURE ; magistrate managed to drive him out Commercial Agency upon the failures of The rv.-,Q MetZtodq Trovitment cures these diseases safely and surety. No with asnow-shoo when the neighbors the est year in Canada is satisfactory, �' pain—no sufferivF—no detention from business. Don't risk operation and ruin your t. , g p Y y' sexualortang. The stricture tissuolsZbsorbedand can never returw Drs.S.&E. ;yyjgy being aroused, Hickey made off. The as showing the improved and permanent During the year 1899 the United I , guarantee turas. ! assault was an outcome of an old do- stability o4 our commercial edifice. Six 'States mined 3,437. 10 ounces of gold, itI K oo cision of the police: magistrate's, which years ago there; were 1873 failures re- valued at 871,053,400.E i has been rankling for years. Mayor ported with the huge tota>; of liabilities ! Neuralgia.to Wilson and Mr, D 'ruin sat on the Case amounting to $24,000,000. ,In 1895 the Ban't neglect your kidneva. Yon acting batt: tells the talo. Den't ret YDcctoro a "I had been suffering about six molltlls �•( es erlmont au you. Drs. 1K. & X. can etre yonif you are not beyond human aid. fl' t, �s Wm. Gordon a dery respectable farm- cumber went up _ to 1923 but the liabili- with Neuralgia when I started taking They guarantee :o Cure or No Pap. a, y b. .r St. f` ��• � er living on the 3rd con, of Tuckersmith ties fell to 515,qio0,000, The following A4flbttru's Rheumatic Pills. They did �a7sdta� GdTAalaAls3•rLt:'3D. NO CxTt<ts, NO LaA-7, Conauatzition committed suicide on friday morning year showed another jump -2205 'me more good than any medicine I ever moo• R3on1Ee nent Free, (sealed.) Writefnr �QuestitonBaumit for 110x00• ' t , used. Mrs. Amnia Ryan, Treatment. laverytiaimg ConflidenttaU. . •i1+`' ,� � { y byhanginghimself. He had been ail- �itlz a1fi;,000,0 0liabilities. But With y Saud Point, 148 SHELBY STi1EET, 3 lug for a few daTskvith an excruciating 1897 came a change, the figures being N. S. DR$. KENNEDY �% KE AN DETROIT, MICH. painin the head, blit on Friday morn. X927 failures attd 813 C00 000 liabilities. r . ► r p* Y ° p children ��� for ing Jan. 18th told his wife that he, felt In 1898 there was a big improvement, better. He went to the baliu and did 1470 failures only, and $0,825,000 liabili- CAO � u some of his chores, :after which he par. ties and in 1899 they stood at 1305 gild THS aP11E AT REMEDY took of breakfast ajid then went out to 811,115,291 respectively. The report for No matter how erect a generul may ' FOR WE' Alt i'��ir MOUS WOMEN- complete his work. After a consider- the yeax just closed reads 1335 failures be he is apt to lain more or less on hisTIME *43 able time his wife fearing that some- and $10,788,826 liabilities. Our business staff, w Ft's only natural th1t when a woman finds thing might have happened to him went conditions have evidently reached a a remedy which cu es her of nervousne%s to the stables and seeing b snow on the normal state and strengthening and de- a and weakness, relieves her pains and g YUMMI aches, puts color in her cheek andvttality in steps that he had :ascended to the loft veloping process may now go on uu- ®pe �� a S C , her chole system, she should be anxious she climbed up and met the fearful spec- checked. Y ��E 111IJ ��yy (�y ' to let her suffering Holmes, know of it.' tacle of her huseaud hanging from the F 0 R I T E N YEAR,'. Nf L B N 111-s, Hannah Holmes, 5t. James Street, St. John, N,B., relatesherexperience with Car track by a rope halter. Thomas Iibsskins' Nerves.—Mr. t for I% this remedy as follows:—"Forsomeyears On Tuesday last Capt and Mrs. A. M. scorelnsof years,: +vas�ltfa martyDurhamr onstoynach A Glen Piker i'dan's Terrible I havd been troubled with fluttering of the McGregor entered upon the 55th anni. and nerve disorders. Schooledto prejudice !heart and diz2lness, accompanied by a p against "patent medicines," he started smothering feeling which prevented me versary of their = married life, having g• using South American Nervine as, he say s ' from resting. Riy appetite was poor and been united in St Peter's church here in g ". y ' X10 Found a Cur® at i.ilSt In" ^ ' a last resort, but six bottles of this great tray much run duiwn and debilitated. 1847. Messrs. race and Henry Her- remedy proved to be his salvation physi- Doan's Kidney Pills. "Since I started,, using Milburn's Heart call It can be ours. -12 THE TIMES announces the fol- and ol and Nerve Pills, fete smotbering feeling torr are the only ©exons now living in y y 4 Mr. P. M. guru r has gone, my heart beat is now regular', - Godsrich ^;•ho were present at the oorIi- told by A. L. Hamilton, who is a well-known lowing clubbing offers for resident of Glen Miller, Hastings Co., the fluttering has disappeared, and I have mtiny, lw^d needless to say they have rare ; Orchard and Cardeu. Ont., was afflicted with kidney trouble for beon cffe ,t f t e pills built I now feel through stronger and pleasure in extending their Congratula- Ali mauurea for the garden should bs ten years. 900-1.901 better than for many years, -and cannot tions td thegallaut captain and his Cstim- So pleased is he at having found in say 100 mut h in praise of the remedy which able wT2o. During this long period Of thoroughly ro ted and flnad before ftp- bean's Kid Pills a cure for his ail- 1 restored my long lost health." plying. ments, wliich; a had'begun to think were Times tell end Of Igo I.00 ove7' calf a century they have seen Gode- incurable, til he wrote the following Tildes and Weekly Globe, with picture, "The Can -:faL grow from a hole in the woods to a An unfruitful, orchard, may often 'be statement of 1 s ease so that others simi- y p +� handsome and prosperous town, and brought into bearing -by a heavy ap- �arlyafliictedndayprofit byhfsexperiellee: adians at the Battle of Paardeberg, till fan. Ist, plication, f good stable manure. I have been i didtedwith ]cidneytrouble p O2 ' I.6o their hundreds of friends will join in 9 s st'.or about ten boars and have tried several 'Be o o the wish of the 'Star.that Captain and In lceeping onion, sets tlltOugh the remedies but(t'1lever received any real Times and Weekly Witness, - - i. 6o Mrs. McGregor may yet Celebrate their winter it should be remembered that a benefit until 1 I started taking Doan°s Times and Family -Herald and Weekly Star with diamond weddin Goderich Star. , cool, dry temperature is the essential Kidney Pills. , My baelc used to constantly - - _ CU rog'` adhe and my rube was high colored and premium 17 About 4 o'clotsk Mondaymorning,Jan. thing. milky lookin at times. Sinee I leave Times and Weekly Mail and Empire, I.7 ' 21st, Janet Matheson, relict of the late Every tree requires a certain amonut finished the • ird box of 17oan's I{idnby ` • Sas. Hislop, who died 7 years ago, pass• of spaco according to its kind. You can Pills I am h, ppy to state that I . am not Times and Western Advertiser, - I �� Stay crowd only at the risk of getting r bothered witA baekaehe at all and my Times and Weekly Sun, - I ed that bourne from �vlleueo no travel- g tf o- urine is clear,�a crystal. I feel confident n 7S ler returns aged 02 years, 8 months and dnced crops:. that those pill 'ate the boat kidney spociiic Times and Daily Globe, � 4.35 SD days, She had boon afflicted with The greatest success is attained by in the country , Times and Toronto Dail)* Star, 2.50 rheumatism for 1118 past two years and .keeping up :a uniform growth With a ---'Times and Farmers' Advocate - I.gb 7clei at times wits a great sufi.'erer,all of which proper balance between the Wood and i t elle bore with Christian fortitude. Mrs. fruit growth. &yore. After. oon Phoagoato, We could extend the list, but it is not necessary. We The •host ch -y7.0 li o tel"9&'.' ' S Hyslop is survived by six sons John, IG is nearly always better economy to the areae !Mglisn Mmedy. y g y newspaper � V o! ( y can Five oil cluhhin rates for an clews a er or magazine the St�ml eh, LiVBP� irf,weia and Autlro/v Tiliiani . and James in the '� id and recommended -r ill r, grub Out all trees that are stunted and r ab gm dicin°eadie ave ed..rs% published. Every subscriber will receive a copy of the hand C Blood. North West, and Albert and Thomas at sioldy turn it is to try' to restore them to a, y fjtrttrasatced to euro all Z'?5a1tSalltlSoftestiliitililalSfro;ill home) and three slaughters (Maggio, vigor. Diseased wood never becomes oro tof ea Sexua epkness, all enoetsof6bua . some illilstrated TIMES Cl ifZ1STMA SUYI'L.F11'i 1 . those who hoe bean p(0114119nt- Isabella and label) ,Tlio sub ect o4 s, Menta worry, ts. Mailed n of The advance 1n the 1108 Of paper, havlll� to )a costa 7 sound. ba000. Opium or tlmulanta. Matted on .e.6eipt 11 I . l? r � pay postage X t;ure>'1 b the use of 1lydoerliv this notice burn at Cedar Creek ofpriec,eneTakaf{�sl,sf][,)ti, vnetrttt_lewef'having a higher: rate from Publisher, the clubbing rates haw y ' Inplanning to plant a windbreak, it iii tsxtotedua'e, a�tpbleta free to tuny address, A Vi'ood Bitters s ea,k of its unfAll- Dumfries towrshipf Waterloo Co., Galt, quite an item to select trees of a close 'iCac•wdod Coinpatly, tvindsor,ont. beeli increased,fn some instances. The above are our I` IXEE1 : `ug efftln}ley In Dylip,P,l Igo 13113ous- and was married to Mr. 111slop some 4:7 growing habit and of as nearly perpetual W00d'3ph0%h1dine 14 sold in Winchrm les• rates ::larked clown so a5 to admit of no reduction, There. 1185.. ,,t+. Ilftc�.oeb8, f,'3"iif�p' C+13111" Oars ago. The C"aYr16 to in CITU : Oolin A . t;ornliUcll, A..1. Morrow, J. H. Davit,, s ", " ` 'Jr g y y i foliage ins possible. Then by plautingt h, r,. lTnmiltciu, nruaai'sstN. �. foYC;�there 15 no LtSe a5lcing for cheaper rates, Wheti the Cali Is lilt. f' a ol7tlfl, BI'y'S1 1tts, 5trro�' 'about iZfGS, buying 101 1, con. 15 from dolnble rove of thein, the effect desires: �r nn , C.ap iblc,rcltnitictnt rpunin ever , all sores, Ulcers, f1t311s p11Yip168, Mr. Douglas. Dapeage(l tt•'ai a member tnoyb3 aocnrt d. • St. Zonis republic. +' eourty to rc rrc•stnt i:,rc:t, t'unit:ai,p of ►:<ititt zflord to give cheaper rates to Ot'1e we can give them to w . 9, Ring"t ems, fol" d all blood of tile, Prresbyteritin church and enjoyed �� _-._ , � �. _ able tliiy �a iW i uo:'pnS,4lil te�'Hurn ni,a (Ili �p- kumors. the frit• eallip and loud of it -large eirele Tho Goderich Organ Company ship- t.zl c• ls(.4, i+trsiuht, bolia-ilde, tz+�ltnit,•>+rturdni y TIMES t 1 .L ,l If you want to bo cured to Stay of rtlati'ves slid friends �7110'csill itympa• peel 110 organs to Scotland aid Unglalid ex a itm+e' ;; o> �'ri lin �t�i� At b w k. HTA D- , timed, use only B. R. B. � thizo with the bereaved. eat"ly'- ,At�rl R PSASlltm V.T.,:CRI('AC40. WinghaM) Ont. .Xrm