HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-02-01, Page 1l .. 'S wit- WIAN H T1 . .. ... u , 000% A M Vic,) Lf XXIX,- NU, 1502, � IVINGIIA111, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, I" RMIWARI 1. 1901, $ A YEAR AR IN..ADVAN :'.. • " ., 3"!*. • Nr QY� vZGood Rubberc , n�c� n_ s _50o.. Women's WANTB�',—(; opso... duck and flee A S *er ON Fzote-A. H. carr Is 35a. Hanna's ShooOffering � Store. feathers. Highest price pita. O fering for the next three weeks, Lure w• �15%e have left few MrixoRlAr, I3ALL Bnos. Manitoba Flour, Bron l front No. 1 hard ,• i1 �� t, sl.ltvz E. — A tttlio,z A�*cTla v SA�r.— . Il .Henshaw will wheat at &2.10 par s, for sone cash. Now xs the X11 for. pieces of those fines � meztaorial servico wi re held in the SUDDEN DRAM[, achel Jane, cif£+ . sersotls trouble tooccur �' . town hall, oil S,zturcla Afternoon, conn. ohpld g 'ods by public aue- ' y , , apll his ltpu '-` i Vit, qr ttn� �4dr lines Of tin" bis xesidonc , of John McLeod d 3d suddenly at her with the, lungs. Build lip •, Ineztoinb at 2.30 o elp c. The different Stcuo bloc+l , atz home, on Shuter 9 reet, on Wednet►da t •ty �:'' F i��t a' , i`atnrda e n +,.t y. V 1''} �' ministers of tlzo taws wall tako part ilt y, Feb. r nd, at N p .cel; p. m. evening. Mrs, McLeod had not been the systcnl arlcl strength «►t" i+ ; ' the service, We t clerstand that thc� r en the lun s with �q,�„` w,d Al1Tr•.srnty W.srxt; S, ,�trolnO, sinker fc�ling well since turday last, but on �; + 5 i t ", .e - merchants have uucl xtalten to seq, that of artesian wells, o Fordwich, has been 'Wednesday morling seemed muenh 0 ' "�" " "`"'�` ' • �"""'� " n,` > ' the interior of the hall. is suitably dra rl '.,,;,,y.ka••.•�:es�F"'"'"'*'�+'i„x.`�3.,,`.,a` �.,, °" � � �� � P• Tilling WOIAs for ossrs. George Bryce better. Tltn fu eTai takes place this � o`�t�Fl�j,�°; J' �," ell. aucl Andrew lite �a ne, of Turziboxry, (Friday) g (I.'riday) aftorno -n At d o clook for e �$ � Y' ANaUAI: Mzaarirzt, .• -Tho annual ntoet during the past f w weeks. Ho zs now Wiughanz cemeter., mulsion .!� I ing of the Rowick partners' Mutual Fire at work drilling mnvoll oil J'o'hn Litoe's. '�jtrlilNl3 TIIE CE stTho fhstcensus fi k I Insurance Co, will )e held in ilio town- .farm. Mr, Sir on a gets the nemo of do- for the Dominion ,f Canada was tolken 0 .,, 1 which you can have ship hall, Gorrie, cm Friday, Feb. 8th at - ing first class Wo tend parties who are thirty years ugo. � At the approachlul, 0 Of od ' iver 1 O'elook m. .:, Foster and Robt. thillMli, of havb ,. wells drilled should R-�=Q P. e, e, esus, Thos, Sc>lielza ,, of Grey, will be Oil. With m Miller, auditors fo ' the company have pprztmunfoato wi h him, the Gommissiane ° for'Iiie East Riding of �• GOBI, completed their vv If. The books abow Any orders for sales left at the TLvrs Huron, and he will be assisted by + {y AT q a surplus of abort 6,000 with only, a loss oftice will receive prompt attention. J, enumerators fro n each polling division Hypo:��.� , � ' ' of about ani 000 fon• the year, J`• Currie, auctioneer. r in the riding. !?he onumeratM all It is fresh and tate best on ills The Town of Wingham has it limited HOORLY MATOIEs.—Wroxeter and over the Domini n will commence their market. amount of fnuds tci lend oixfarni urity. Wiligham clubs i ed hocks in the work on Monda• Aril 1st find area ex- !" 0 P� CAS F`I. Apply to J, B. YeltausoN, Tr arer. Wit,gham rink on Friday evening last, petted to be thrc agl by two weeks. The old Williams stand. "baleOrrrca ss EL=A. he Lwl, I T'1ta SPinghain boy :were rather to much Apprentices wanted at once, Two �' Mtteabees of Wit,ghma have elected the for the boys fro n our nelghborjug young ladies to loam tailoring. a n A. NQ'w has corse the harvest following of vers for the ensuiugyear:— village. Score le to 0, This (Friday) if WEnsTEr. & Co. ��Q P. L. C. g,• t INSTITUTE ME INas.- Meetings of p, -time for Bargains. In order to I 1 L. C., Mrs. W. Wil::amspu; , eveuin the Wl Ilam and Seafort i Prop. Mrs. (Dr.) Kennedy L. C„ Mrs. G. New• olubs will play a eague game at the the East Huron F mora Institute for . G. N. W. Office. ' ,reduce our stock to make room rink. Seaforth he.. the discussion 1f agricultural and A combs; chaplain, Mrs., C. Barber; a splendid club so a ;• d for spring arrivals, we Will sergeant, Miss J, oGee; mistress at, hot game may be petted. Admission kindred subjects —fll be bold in Ford- Upp• Bank of flandlton, with, 11th Feb.;Bluovale, 12th Bob,;fi place an Salt; for the next F)o arms, Miss H. Ste art; sentinel,. Mr 15e; ladies 100, . Ethel, lath Feb,; Walton, Mill Feb. and D. M. GORDON. , ,®perQ �. y, y,, j M. Bcokwith; pick t, IIre. J, Derr. HOW about that neiv trunk or valise , , you are going to buy. You will never ' Mnrdie s school _,cuss, McKillop, 15t1t sorted stock, rg� and well a�- �•� Fresh oysters always on; lined; downy � g y o A Great Clearing Sato of all lines of — to old price; aorr ed in all styles at get it cheaper than now at Hanna s Feb. Each clay at 1.30 and 7.8.0 p, m. g n FOR��� Jas, McKELVIE's. Clearing Sale. Winter Goods going on All are Cordially nvited to attel}cl these at this store .®,absolute Cost . meetings and talc = an intelligent art in now, Do not t decezan be misleading LEcruRE oi.* SO Tri Al*itlaA� Tho D>JaT� or MRS. dsrnBELL,�There g g p quotations, but come and examine the House, barn and 22 acres of land for Salo. attendance at the le tore is the opera died at her late r idence, Catherine the discussion oigthe varied subjects in- goods and ;;et our prices—biggest Int • troduced by eaol f speaker. values yet offered, for the goods must Apply to house on Monday vening, given by street, the ruffs of J hu Campbell, on be sold. �d n ���i,��i ����,� Stanley Mogeown ' Brown, on "'Co the evening of Janna ;y the 25th. Mrs. PROVINCIAL _trcTloN SALES.—The Highest.prices paid for butter, 'eggs GRO. McKENZIE, Wingham. ,Africa and the Front with the Campbell had been a severe sufferer cf first annual Onta io Provincial auction and dried apples. Can was n as largely attended flint ilreaclful disea , cpusamptipn for sales of pure -bre( 'live stock will be held D. l4]. GatDONs', ��Z® ® GENERAL ZUUAZ NEWS. as it might have b n had the weather the Past fourteen m the but ftp to the in Guelph cn We inesday; Feb. 27, and Direct Importer,. , been more favors e. •Mr, Brown gave' .last.she maiptained calm Find patient in Ottawa on Yednesday, March 6, Outward. a Baran . She' visited her 1301. Each sale will be under the con- Star Photo N o matter What your needs See Halsey Parks advertisement. a very interesting alk on the war and PP One of the best portrait lenses at Star the moving•pictu es were apleasing part People last summe who ,live in Nova trol of committees appointed by the , may be ih1 our line, you call photo Studio, opposite Brunswick Hotel, of the evening's entertainment. Mr. ' Scotia hoping th • the change might Doruinion Catt =,� Sheep acid Swine S —o die buy thein during this We at Beaver Block, Wingham: Brown did not ive•in town in time in improve her health . but it was not so. Breeders Associa ons. Breeders having what are pictures worth if not perms ,greatly ,reduced prices. MRs. CROWSTON LrIPROVING.—The the afternoun t lave a matinee. Mrs. Campbell 1 'ayes behind her a animals which th y wish sold at one or manent? T=s is pleased to r ort that Mrs. Wm. sorrowing husban , one son d. o other of these sal 's should correspond at We guarantee permanence, We have ' Crowston, whose ' ness was reported ' 'A, am leav' g Wingham, all parties daughters to me n her loss. he. once with the Sec tary= A., P. Wester- the right method to insure it. �7 P indebted to me ill please call and settle Dry Goo � last week, is doing icely and gaining' in at once; J. R. MUNSHAW. funeral took Alae . to the Wingham velt, Parliamen Buildings; Torontto, Come and visit us. We have one of cemetery on Monda -afternoon. The who will. furnis, them with official the best portrait louses, the best lighted To make a final clearing out of our strength, $er m y friends will wish �' and the largest gallery in town. ; HOLIDAY PR CLAIMED,*-Mityor CiOg4 �y R A t h f al h• h ill f h 'J -► Dry .Goods, we will offer them at 50c on her a complete and speedy recovery. service being con tied by ev.. , ca a ogees o s e , w is w breis has issued a p clamation,, proclaiming MaeXabb, formerly -:)f Whitechurch and full particulars. Graham the dollar; for every fifty cents you ex- All kinds of Felt Footwear. below Saturday, :Hieb bar 2nd a holiday with C. penA in this line, we are actually giving cost. Hanna's Clearing Sale. y' y ' y Rev, W. Freed. WANTED<11 to canvass: $8 per you a dollar: so come along with the g a request that 11 business be suspended When we asnnir part, day mai > e easil made by energetic P1tiOP• ; ' fexowd and take advantage of this great WITH THE Qu DEAD. We will f.oC;the day an that the citizens attend canvasser. .91d ss, Box 103, yMg-4 J. 11i. GRArL1�i, Artist. It gives lrs'in yard pain; ham• Late Star Photo Com ari 60 flay Sale. have to change th National •Anthem, 'the union in 'al service to be held in p y' F the, '1'ti j*ex •book ;• tlie:: yearing,..of,.; lm.. the town hall -a 80 . m'. on Sa urda µ, But we shall st' be clued in heart IiANADIAN Fo , STErs. ; Organizer Beaver Block, Wingham, t This is a CASH Se.~ statutes and all t oaths and documents H' Excellency p 1 t: `Andhope :toeet �gainr , :g� who dins n :workingn;Wing- : a� His E ce cy the Govo noz. General-?' Farm Produce taken as cash. ' affecting the ad inistration of justice. has also procla feed February 2nd, the There will be heaps of snow and cold haul for two Wee in the 'interest of cgvatOs xoirs. For instance, " u shall well and truly weather before summer comes. Protect Court Maitland, Canadian Order of Rev. T. J. M$ doolr, late of Clinton, y day of the late Queens funeral, a holi- your feet and save $ $ bygettiiig your try and true deli erenee make between day so it will b, necessary that all places f of protection at Hanua'sKve Clearing Foresters will lea a on Monday next for has received an, accepted a call from our Sovereign L rd, the King,I"etc. of business be 'dosed. Saturday will Sake• Strathroy, where he will work in the the Baptist chu: shat Stayner. Sons It's up to you, bit it will be past, if not be a bank liday. We understand A ' STnlcit•EN FA s. Pelton, interests of the order: During Mr, A memorial a rules will beheld in St, Y HoM'uth you don't buy your footwear at Hanna's that it is the i tention of the business whose illness of typ old was noted '�"trong'a stay in inghatn he has done Paul's church sn Saturday morning ]] Clearing Sale. some good wor':, Nearly 25 new The sermon w -1l be XreaohedbyRev,.. • men in town t keep their places of bttsi- in the T.rnI>ts a co , la of weeps ago, Ararrlage l iconsos IN NEW OFFICES.— the destruction nese closed nn 5 o'clock. died in o �Poelstock hospital, on members have bmn added to the Court W Lowe. Sei-ice will commence. at •Issued by FRANri PATERSON, No. 23 victoria Of the Board of Trade uiiding. at Mout- ' Mond f -~ and prospects of core joining. A special 9•80 o'clock. 50 acre farm for sale in townsliipof ay evening. This makes the street, Win: ham, out. No.vitnossosrequired. real, on Wednesday fight of last week, West Zorra, County f O ord. Seven fourth member of +:ie family that has meeting of the Court was held last Rev. Mr. Cann, d g WhiteclinrchA . the well-known adv tising agency of roomed, brick dwe i with summer evening, when several new . members ; died inside of six rye -Ica. Mother and preached the �ieparatoi sermon in $••1 y •i••i••'�o��r•i•o° A � ............ A. McKim & Co., w . were located in kitchen, also fru am and stable; father 'and two d u�hters have been Were initiated. The next regular meet- connection wit the ' Ctllumunion izx v. ,g, the building, suffer,.d loss aloe with good orchard. ply at the TLrltys �' ing of the Court, vill be held on Friday g g office, Wingham. taken; leaving three boys and a girl �' y Melvills church, Brussels, on .Saturday ;'. Different sol%ools are of Different •t• the other tenants, The TIMES has. re- oveninn, Febrna 8th. ' Grades. '� ILL WrrH DIPHT •RIA.—On Monda with sorrow4trlcke hearts 11 have afternoon last: Different Grades have Different + ceived et communicat .on from Messrs. A. Y deed as the direct re ult of epidemic Values. 'jf this :week Saml. ouhill eceivoct sad Rev. W. T. all, late of Belgrave, r "1• McKim & Ctafin that all books } -�1 Co.,' g news from his d n hter Mrs. D. J, of typhoid fever in the family. Six ' YE SONALS. was inducted as astor of St. Andrew '.% •+l• and records were s cued from destruc- tighter, weeksego o the fathom was taken. Three THE VERY 1• tion, and that they li ve taken offices in McFeggan, -who resides in Toronto. g the sha11 be gla to have contributions to church, Arthuon Tuesday of this •i' Two of her ohildr were taken ill with weeks later a dab ;liter died in Galt. -this column from ny of our readers. If you Week. He will on his first sermon '1' 1. the new Star buildi , and business i5 have visitor. or p pose going away yourself, •1° being attended to as promptly as ever. diphtheria early 1 t week and later in A daughter at home was suffering from drop in and toll us or send us a note to that at his new char a on Sunday next. t �• g P y the fever at the s me time and true effect: SII• Business Education is the kind + This agency handles he largest amount the week Mx. Mc ggau and little sou ' The anneal ePort of Knox clYtlxolik of newspaper advert sin o. lin agency weeks ago, she was aken. Simnitane- vve furnish to our stridents. .F,g A y g y were also taken r h the sante trouble. � John Derr rya_ in London a few days Teeswator, shdrs the church to be in fig• ': in Canada. The Tin U he a sufferers may have onsly with the las daughters illness, last week. prosperous co=lition. The present. '1 Central Business. College t W ------- a speedy recover Later—Mr. Youhill the mother was ifering from the Harry, Downirr spent a few holidays membership is 1 20. There was raised + received a toe regi yesterday afternoon disease. After a arc] struggle at the g y Stratford, Out. l g y y with friends in 1=nssels. for all purposes rdurin the year the snip p •F• 1 hospital she too assed away, 111r. »»��•. NOTICE announcing the _oath of Mr. and Mrs.. of $3813A0. , •+i• A school that enjoys the re n- •i' , Pelton of the Atrvo d Bee is one of the •John Leslie, of Winnipeg; is spending .� McFeggan s onl,, daughter. The be- a few' days in tor= this week. r tation of being one of the very .l. __ roaved will lade he sympathy of their brothers left and he will have the y' stops tine congli +* .y boat colleges in 'the Dominion. sympathy of his a.uy friends' in his . P. B. Flauua ;an, of Palmerston, beta �eorli:s .c►tlif t>(ite �oId. We are not, however, living on •1•. many friends in their time of sore be- ( former] of Win ham was in town this '' our reputation, but upon what we / reavoment. tbereavement. y , Laxative Bromo-QuinineTablets cure a cold in are actually ,doing -in the sebool- g. CATTLE • W A TnD-20 ]lead in ex- week. oneday, No Care, no Par. Pidce � cents. + room to -da . Ever thio atrial •t / WANTED.—Roll Bettor 2e. How y y g y •II• charitable of those wh have time to change for rollers, bobsleighs, seed drills, 1Vlra. Wm. Siel and son, J. T. Sield, The Grand Tr _ill. Railway has rider. first-class. Students admitted ,1, E ' binders Ptc. , "1• each rvewlr. Handsome catalogue E� make an individual n s of customers, of. Cobourg, are guests of Mrs. (Dr.) ed that at eve tation on its line where .g • �• l'� Wi. RENDALL, Whitechurch. +l• free. �' f of to speak so profet;sio y of tis. We Tamlyn. their are flag pops. the colors axe to be: •i pay according to th fight we Have— .+i. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal, 'g . ` t: 5 yon do the same. I y our Light is dim, Mrs. T4s. biOL uchlin and Gus Mc- hung at half -inn t until after the Queen et .a + �' r turn ori the battery, insteadof endeavor- ! Lanchiin axe isitmg with'Brttssols funeral. •II••1. 3•�o i•• .••3•i•3••II•4• ••b• t•d• •N I.2••H2••h �ing to be a shade for ours: DAVIS. D RVG STMB friends. G. 1+7. KINo. c Win. Crowtion as arrived home, and W S S t 'GENERAL ROBERT -Saye, in apealting I Next door to Post GPlee. rvillremain in to nfor some time owing ln�ll�l�l' Poplar ne ®rP. • �QIZ 'SIi• �"" of the part ialton li the ()anadiaris at to his wife's illnei a, the battle of Paar berg, teat it was Luther Ball ry in Brussels on Sun- l Ct o o �'?,` � their forward posi ion which was the We Should Like to help You da lastand con noted the funeral of 00T. y '� final move that w arms Commandant Miss Lizzie Lea rdale. Cronje to lay down' is ars on the au- in the selection of your holiday par- { nivovsary of Majub Day. The Weekly chases, by showing you our stoelt of Herb. Wightmi A took part in a very I Li A suitable roods including Successful enter t 'nment held atHep, g yearly subscribora } 6 g �.: Globe is enabli- it worth on Tuesda, evening. M, I to hand down to th r children an excel- Toilet Manicure and Dressing Sets, • ';�� r ' Private Webb f Clinton who served r ^ , A `►• ' lent inomeuto of t . t important event ' Clinton, ' Bohemian Glass, Cut Glass and with the Oanadi us in South .Africa :. , ex:�✓Z .,i, �� �� by presenting the with a cleverly es• Japanese Goods. ? PAY 1, / ecuted picture whi cone s a vier cor- spent a fo�v days his week calling on y A I ���'�'r�� �'�� root idea of the 330 lunger and the poli- 1'erfulve8t Atomizers and Smelling friends in Wing am. f • yeti to attend the Forest City tion of the Can'ai troops At that time, Stilts, Messrs. T. Be and Wm. Button were iusiueas and Shorthand College, Lon-� ��®� Mr. 1!roderfck II rniIton,. The Globe`s in Woodstoclt t As week, assisting the \1 Ji Aon, Out, Practical instruction in �` Smoker,'s'S£rts Pipes and Cigar f in th t :o n l r J practical suTijocts. For over fifteen P < O era Glasses and Optical 'Gloods. gatis. tori esponclent, a others, who were stock•tal ing at. he Anderson furniture 6 years we have been in touch with young eye witnesses, e c ess o, greatest aims " Mrs. W J. .'Cowson, glum and. 1S factory ' a w , i poople and their needs, and tho business faction with the ictlrro, and it certain] Cases "Win Worpd and its requirements. The following subjects taught iadi• . is worthy of that ournal's enterprise in ' . •,. 1 - I'P ` 14LatLh Sal'03, Ash and file Trays. Messrs. V. Col�dn and Scarff, of Strut vidually: making it ossibl to keep event over ' �• Every facility at command for aiding • g p ..fat holders, 3iiri�ors -and ford, were goo. is at Mr. Geo. Colvin s Bonk peeping y PC Whist tin Erunday. T pswater News. ,Xx young people both before and after , in mentor The iotnrO can be secured Ilio I;real� in illsti.1 raclnation, St,tithettee• • P�umans ip Shorttland by becoming a sit cinberto The Weekly Troopers Coil heed attended Stanley 'rices for the next Ceti da. c. ► i Globe, at the iegul r price. The picture You will be pleased with both goods and � 'Wo aro doing superior Work; results .. can Ifo seer] at tlli flies. ��icl?;eorvn Brow 's lecture, at Lueltnaw l�irree1 $ `hoe Store. F > ' ' prove it, r• Typewriting, Correspondence Call aiidllaveuslay(Wde cutchoice,beforo On Fridayov fig.last. Trooper Hurry! Hurry ! l ' MONEY oxo LOAx.•-1vloney to loall on 55 Lucknow for u it will pay nrou to ,nature Kehr ]tad.. the stock is too much picked ovc,, . Lott lieetl resid r + .Send for our Catalogue and CO11egA Etc., L•"tp. Motes, and Motes cliscounted :at reason- �' � Shopsnorw. f� �;: •, donrnal, able rates, 1110117 ndvallced oli most• j � r D A v I number +of Yeats For illustrated Circulars cold other iii- a • 9 _ . Call t Wo will be pleawnl to w r you, • formation, call or ndclross gages, with privilege of paying' at the "I W". it i + i�'r enol df any �efir. 1votes sled acenutits, k���C,�6�'i' �ltib CS�`fCC1145'dti �n t ultis � col:n r:� tiv> DAY YY 1 GREER �i�m 'rake+ t,:txafiivE` promo Quinitit+ '1dtl,tota. All r t`J er E d�.a k 'WK, H Y. O'SULLIVANf � collected. ally, Biork; Wing• . t •t� de�rttttgi,ts refund the montly if Lt 'Matin to ease' �,, • Principal. iilrary Block, lViuthnm, t)nt. lialn. Rom. 11LCiTr1�(tO. �i'T1!8 ► hC. W. ciro7et at signature is cit attnlr heir. xs . All kinds csI �'rtrnla amd i'elif+ew