HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1940-02-29, Page 8•
a '
't •
. .
cil!, year:at this time we offer ourentire -stock of seasonable
Meriabandise at greatly reduced prices to make root* for Summer
Golds. Anticipate wour need for months to came and stockup
1„ •
A SPECIAL LOT OF DRESSES. The materials alone cost more
than" ire, are asking. Final Sale $1.00. $1.49 $2.50
ME ivs muds: Traveller's $1 00 Sale
BOY'S' TWEED GOLF PANTS. Sale . "0: • • 98c
',FRIDAY • & SATURDAY, MAR. ,lat„& *t •ONL1T. 10% dis.
count of alt regular 'Merchandise. • ,
,.-READY-MADE SHIRTS:: Special, ' each ..... ork.. .:41.06
Uni -Church Y P. s.
The Meeting opened'with 13,11111 485:
and tie repeating Of the Lord's pray
er in unison. The Scripture. reading
, •• Was takeWhy Eileen Hall. The mia-
. • Altair -Were*ead-and .rell ailed. Arlen
then sting. Fred Wainwright
thea.gake,..a.,talk, and, .Mrat MacDon-
• tilegaire a reading:, A 'piano itistru-
Mentol was given by Carolyn Aliin.
The topic, "Fellowship” was taken by
Rev. Maloney. ,11yrrin. 293 was sung
and Rev. 0 Toddelesed the meeting
with prayer. • • •
. • •
Get Hydro On 12th •
•Some of the homes along domes.
sion 12, Ashfield, have lately Veen
„Connected with, hydro, also the Pres-
• bYterian Chrureh. 0 Last Sabbath even-
ing there *was a special'service in the
church in -dedicating the lights. '
National' Governn.et The Result •
• Speaking from station CICNX;
Wingliam, on Saturday, Leigh
Sniderl National Conservative Candi-
date for prime, in support. of Nation-
al Government, referred to his radio
talk*in February and Aprill of 1939
• when he Supported- the Leadership
League :and called for cd-operatidet
He. expressed -regret at' the disc,ontitt-
name 'of the League and •said that
With him it was not simply a case of
• folloteing theleader; but rather a case
own ;ideals Oh co -opera - March 8th, under Red Cross auspices.
'tion being' fulfilled in National Gov-- Matinee and evening perfdfreance
prevalent: lie-deelared:that the Mem- ' •
hers of Parliament should be given' ,A4— and A.P..ts• S• Lc'e4eY (nee
Chestnut) and their infant
more to ,.do.. and ;that 'if ParliameAt
child, of Thedfcard, were yisitorswith
' sat , COptinuOisli duying the var as'
Mrs, Vic Coseraore °Of• Obatheni
visited last week with Mr., and Mrs.
peter 'Watson.
Miss Hanel • Culbert attended the
Hairdressers Convention in Toronto
the..fore,p.ort of ,the week. .'
. _
Mrs., Win. Ma.citenzie.' and Mr. S.
RathwellC. of the° local Society,‘ are
attending the Horticultural *yen -
lion in Toronto this week.
Kinloss Council met on FehrilarY,
.12th, 1940 as per adjournment. All
members. present.
Minutes of the. January meeting
read, and en' motion' of Hodgins and
• MacKinnon were approved and order-
sciMsoignvededh.• y Tiffin MeKen* that
Wm. Iavison be paid 040 Octivey-
ing,lVlia.. James France to: Walkerton
IVIoved by Hodgins and MacKinnon'
that the following ratei be set fdr
relief: heads of families, 12 cents per
.day and for each child 8 cents, per
eor,1"J'ef."alle."H(1718l °:fidV.iRellagide'saB"atkueerky-
were ordered pad
' • Moved -by Tiffin and McKenSie that.
•See "The Royal' Visit", .official pic-
tures in the Tow e Hall next Friday.
• . itiaukt,the nervicea•of the- Member's friends here :the first of* the week..
• -
• could be..utilized with little expense
:to the -country. Government by Order-
in-Couacil instead Of 0 by Parliament
engenderedsuspicion, mistrust and un-
rest. He attacked thd ,GOvernment for
covering pp its record by dissolving
. Parliament, for the 'many, useless,
• commissions it had appointed and for
its improvident contracts as well as
for the improper way they had been
. •
let, He cited several • instances and,
suggested that the 'Government had
good reason for 'hiding its record
• from Parliament. He will speak over
• Hugh „McDonald, who in employed
on the farm of David Stewart, near
•Lochalsh, suffered a ,double fracture
ef his left ler and is in a London
hospital for - treatmeat. McDon-
ald was carrying 0 a bag. el grain into
the granary when he tripped lied fell,
resulting in • tbe painful injuries.
'Young People's Meeting this Thurs-
day' evening at the Lucknow Bible In-
stitute will be in ,charge of a group
of high school students. All are invit-
ed to .come and enjoy, this hour of
Christian Fellowship. Please bring
your 'Bibles. The :Junior Bible Insti-
tute will meet at 4:15 P•la;
Wm, Murdoch was taken suddenly
ill last week at Murdie's Store with
an acute attack of- indigestion. He
was removed to his home where he
is recovering. • 0 0 0„
FOR SALE -4 number of .copies of
"PrinCe Pedro” written by the late
lir. J. H. Garnier and mentioned in
last week's Sentinelmay be secured
at the Express Office for 50c ,each.
Lieut-Col..11.*E. °PenSe of Kingston,
former Walkerton publisher, and now.
of . the-tu-intern
-merit camp, spent the week,ead-in the.
'County • Town with • Mr. and Mrs. E.
D. Cameroe.' On . his -return he was
• accompanied by Mrs.. Pense awliO•had
spent three weeks in Walkerton. •
same time..
• •0 (Advertisement)
' •
May Not Impose Poll Tax
Kincardine- Council' has under eon-
• aideration the 0 imposing ofl a poll
tax, bait upon.investigation - the pro-
posal may be shelved due" to diffic:
culties involved in : collecting same,
and the comparatively Mimi amount
,of revenuederived from this Source
of taxation.
• Difficulties of operating a hotel in
a local option , municipality of 500
people has decided. Noah Rudolph of
Tara to close the Queen's Hotel which,
has been operated by the• family for
more than 30 years. The owner -claims
he has been. operating' the hoted at
a loss for some. time and sets April
1st, an the date for,. closing. In :the
meantime an effort may be made to
bring on a vote in the village on the
L.C.A. question.
Elmnom. molag•a•••••••ran•mmeines
Rev. R. C. TOO;
Pastor ,
MARCH 3rd •
11 a.m.—Morning Worship. Lenten
• series l: "THE 'COMPASS OF
THE* CROSS." • j
pan. Sunday School'.
7 p.m. "THE GOD -MAN ON
Lenten services every Wed. 8 p.m.
Everyone welcome. Subject for
March 4th, "THIRST."
s Anniversary,
Entire Stock nest be reduced in the next 2 weeks
Big SavingsIf Er. 'IA
sces below today's
Buy Now & Save
Overalls, Work Pants, Work Shirts, Work ,Socks, Windbreakers,
Sweaters,Fine Shirts, Felt 'Hats, Fancy Socks, Fine Gloves,
Underwear, : Pyjamas, Leather. Coats, Overcoats •
. • ,
Our Spring Samples, Of Tip 0, Top Tailors Made To Measure Suits Are On Display .
filiOFFMAN $:•.:1111001.s
the clerk write the Department :of.
Edueation,"Torento; re eintimunication
of No. 6. • •
Moved .by Hodgins. and MacKinnon
that George Hodgins, caretakerRip
ley CeineterY •be paid $6O0 101' half
let 10, linage 9, in Ripley Cemetery.
Deed of sante to be made to Town-
ship Of Kinloss.
Oa:mations of ploy each were made"
to the Sick Children's- Hospitai, Tor-
onto, 'and the Salvation Army, Lon-
don, Ont. and $5.00 to, the Canadian.
• Moved by MacKinnon and Tiffin
thatwe accept the report of the
the year 1939 that they be now paid
,for .their services and thathe Treas-
urer have three copiesof the report
Moved hyTiffin and MeKenzie that
thtrue .
the time for the return of the Coll-
• ector's roll he • extended to March
10th, 1940, ' "
- Moved by Elliott arid McKenzie
that tenders be called for the con-
struction of the Ackert Drain as per
plansand specifications. 0of the 'En-
gineer., tenders t� be in clerk's hands
..uot later than 12 o'clock noon March
18th 1940. A Marked cheque •for 1.0
per cent of tenderto accompany the
same, the lowest or any tender not
necessarily accepted. .CouneiHors Hod-
gire,, Tiffin and MacKinnon voting
nay, the motion was. declared lost:
I.Ieved by•MeKenzie and Tiffin that
we .:tcbiertise for the crushing and
•rrte:1:ing of gravel for the leer 1940.
Cria:liing to be done in four sets; with
a possible fifthat, an average of 1000
yards per set.' Screen to be three-
quarters inch square or ,even -eighths
round. Trucking to be, tendered for
at a flat rate. Tenders to be 'in' the
Clerk's hand ,on or 'before 12 o'clOck
noon March 18th, :1940. A marked
O cheque for 10 per cent of tender to
accompany the same. The lowest or
any tender not necessarily: accepted.
O • Moved by MeKinzie and Hddgins
that we do now adjourn to meet
again on' Monday, the 18th day of
•March, 1940, at the usual, time, and
Place. •. • •
Cheques issued— W. J.. Davison,
conveyance to Walkerton, $5.00;
age of Luckrarw, relief, 14.19; J. H.
Hall, relief, 16.93; Reici's Bakery, re-
lief—bread, ,5,28;'George Hodgins,
Cemetery plet, 6.00; Municipal World,
• supplies, 18.19; Sick Children's Hoe -
pita!, grant, 10.00; Salvation Army,
• grant, 10.00; Canadian Legion, grant,
O 5.00;' Ezra Sholtz, refund 'dog tax,
2.00; J. R. Lane, reg. 10.50,
postege,, 3.00,, 13.50; Miss Putvis,
stamps, .3.00; Thos. Gaunt, supplies,
3.00; . P. Al Murray, anditor, 8.00;
Kenneth Weaver, auditor, 8;00; A.
E. Thompson, caretaking, 4.25.
Highway cheques — Archie Mc-
Intyre, pay list 7, $7.20; George
hart, pay list -8, 5.20; James Burns,
pay list 9, 7.50; Noble Guest, pay lists
10, 13.10; Milton Walsh, pay list. 11,
4.80; Robt. Rep, pay list 12, 12,00;
. Parish Moffat, pay: list 13, 30.55;
Frank 13rown, pay Hat 14, 5.60; Alei,
MacLeod, pay lilt 15, 4.90.
J.. R. Lane, Clerk.
Tuuusatia, FE,SIWARY 20th190
• •
New Spring Clothes
in shades, styles and ntateriats. These new spring rats,
grade tail
est Spring,,.'stYleS and shades.:pr
CiviOAATNSN:RDRsEuSI:,EsTEAv erwyiodneethaarise. ttriwofhitghhe
BOY'S °!oUfiTgpre--7,Faie4.eeeEnitaglindshor,ttovw,eend.: Spo t cks n Olours:;Ao
illtree,..% • •
re,PS Mand certified clothes tailored to yeur measure.
• •oring, the excellent fit, the fine finish of man -tailored
MEN'S SUITS &- TOPCOATS—New Spring samples for Prop,
tines and new man's wear worsteds.
and'dresses are Priced t� suit eyeryone.
We alno have , a complete stock of metes clothes in lat •
suits carefully ,terned out by extserts—Ettglish Trico-
, • '- ,:
NEW PRINTS—Good .qualitY; 36 in. wide--a-neWeetliatterns7-rill
' fast colour..• •
'PHONE 85 •• • • LUCKNOW
When the first Canadian troops
went overseas, the' Canadian 'Broad-
casting Corportion sent with them
a complete broadcasting unit—with
recording equipnient, microphones &
amplifiers, and staffed with coin;
mentators and engineers.
Front the day of embarkation until
the troop ships reaChed their. destin,
ation, this CBC unit reeordediadaily
diary of the historic voyage. These
recordings, many of which have now.
been heard by Canadian listeners,
form a living doeunient of Canada's
military effort, a record that will
steadily augment in value and inter-
est as the years pass by. •
The, CB 'c Overseas Unit is now
with the. First Canadian Divisionin
camp at Aldershot. ,.With the co -pp,
enation of the Canadian military au-
thorities, and through the short-wave
facilities of the ,British Broadcasting
Corporation, weekly actuality broad-
casts are now featured over the 'cpc,
National Network on Mondays freni.
8.30 to 6.00' p.in. EST. "With the
Troops /in England" 'Mad, provides
••••••••••••••1 •••••••• foor••••.•••
unbroken contact , despite the • long
ail intimate :link .between 'the troops
overseas and 'their homeland;,impartfar
ing to their families, friends and well-
wishers in the Dom -inion, 'a sense of
miles of ocean that lie between.
11 is planned, in the immediate fut-
ure 0 to arrange' similar actuality
• broadcasta., by bearn wireless, from
Canada to. troops averseas—broad-
easts- bring—thern4 • ' •
Canadian voices, • describe familiar
scenes in the herneland. At least once
every week, the, boysoverseas will
be "back- home", and the home folk
will be with them "soinewhere in
England" and later, "somewhere in
France."/ •
•i •
Food By The . Ton
•• The daily issue of foodstuffs to
feed an armrdivisionof, for instance,
16,000 men, takes on gigantic pro -
Portions. 'Eight tons each, •of beef,
bread and, potatoes, one ton of jani,
another' of butter, as well as 28'lbs.
• of pepper are required. . 0
If anyone eomes to borroW your .
paper you can truthfully tell thern
"It's Lent." • , • • , ,
' .
'Electors of Bruce:
.%, 4
_ effort
'5 ..: 0
,,„„ • e X 45 • • • •
, ' . HOW CAN A
,...-, „,:•;,„ , 4 GOVERNMENT"
.,/ 0' ra,• - ,$ SOCIAL CREDIT
, .,,, $ERVA.T1VES,
0 Ita•• ,',..> //// "''' r POLICIES ARE
./ /AV,: /a a • ' / , A;
. '5 ' # 11, '''' '
.1 • • . ,•4 / POSITE BE
i,, -'
•'There ii only one man MacKenzie
There is only one party -The Liberal
— . W. R. .Tonalinsomi
And King Government ' Supporter In Bruce — He
yOur Support:
DO •
Every iteirspaper you read today tells of the great changes in our
',fighting forces from the war we still remember too well of 25 years
ago: Now we fight an it meehanised army, fully mobile. ,.
This same change is quite plain in our business methods, and to-
day the truck is indispensable. Your district is served by a highly
to keep- abreast of the tinies. • . , ' • ' ' , .
' NEXT TIME - -••• •—••, INSIST ON
. ' LeaCknow Pit: 148• Head Office, Listowel 155. '
. ,
Uni -Church Y P. s.
The Meeting opened'with 13,11111 485:
and tie repeating Of the Lord's pray
er in unison. The Scripture. reading
, •• Was takeWhy Eileen Hall. The mia-
. • Altair -Were*ead-and .rell ailed. Arlen
then sting. Fred Wainwright
thea.gake,..a.,talk, and, .Mrat MacDon-
• tilegaire a reading:, A 'piano itistru-
Mentol was given by Carolyn Aliin.
The topic, "Fellowship” was taken by
Rev. Maloney. ,11yrrin. 293 was sung
and Rev. 0 Toddelesed the meeting
with prayer. • • •
. • •
Get Hydro On 12th •
•Some of the homes along domes.
sion 12, Ashfield, have lately Veen
„Connected with, hydro, also the Pres-
• bYterian Chrureh. 0 Last Sabbath even-
ing there *was a special'service in the
church in -dedicating the lights. '
National' Governn.et The Result •
• Speaking from station CICNX;
Wingliam, on Saturday, Leigh
Sniderl National Conservative Candi-
date for prime, in support. of Nation-
al Government, referred to his radio
talk*in February and Aprill of 1939
• when he Supported- the Leadership
League :and called for cd-operatidet
He. expressed -regret at' the disc,ontitt-
name 'of the League and •said that
With him it was not simply a case of
• folloteing theleader; but rather a case
own ;ideals Oh co -opera - March 8th, under Red Cross auspices.
'tion being' fulfilled in National Gov-- Matinee and evening perfdfreance
prevalent: lie-deelared:that the Mem- ' •
hers of Parliament should be given' ,A4— and A.P..ts• S• Lc'e4eY (nee
Chestnut) and their infant
more to ,.do.. and ;that 'if ParliameAt
child, of Thedfcard, were yisitorswith
' sat , COptinuOisli duying the var as'
Mrs, Vic Coseraore °Of• Obatheni
visited last week with Mr., and Mrs.
peter 'Watson.
Miss Hanel • Culbert attended the
Hairdressers Convention in Toronto
the..fore,p.ort of ,the week. .'
. _
Mrs., Win. Ma.citenzie.' and Mr. S.
RathwellC. of the° local Society,‘ are
attending the Horticultural *yen -
lion in Toronto this week.
Kinloss Council met on FehrilarY,
.12th, 1940 as per adjournment. All
members. present.
Minutes of the. January meeting
read, and en' motion' of Hodgins and
• MacKinnon were approved and order-
sciMsoignvededh.• y Tiffin MeKen* that
Wm. Iavison be paid 040 Octivey-
ing,lVlia.. James France to: Walkerton
IVIoved by Hodgins and MacKinnon'
that the following ratei be set fdr
relief: heads of families, 12 cents per
.day and for each child 8 cents, per
eor,1"J'ef."alle."H(1718l °:fidV.iRellagide'saB"atkueerky-
were ordered pad
' • Moved -by Tiffin and McKenSie that.
•See "The Royal' Visit", .official pic-
tures in the Tow e Hall next Friday.
• . itiaukt,the nervicea•of the- Member's friends here :the first of* the week..
• -
• could be..utilized with little expense
:to the -country. Government by Order-
in-Couacil instead Of 0 by Parliament
engenderedsuspicion, mistrust and un-
rest. He attacked thd ,GOvernment for
covering pp its record by dissolving
. Parliament, for the 'many, useless,
• commissions it had appointed and for
its improvident contracts as well as
for the improper way they had been
. •
let, He cited several • instances and,
suggested that the 'Government had
good reason for 'hiding its record
• from Parliament. He will speak over
• Hugh „McDonald, who in employed
on the farm of David Stewart, near
•Lochalsh, suffered a ,double fracture
ef his left ler and is in a London
hospital for - treatmeat. McDon-
ald was carrying 0 a bag. el grain into
the granary when he tripped lied fell,
resulting in • tbe painful injuries.
'Young People's Meeting this Thurs-
day' evening at the Lucknow Bible In-
stitute will be in ,charge of a group
of high school students. All are invit-
ed to .come and enjoy, this hour of
Christian Fellowship. Please bring
your 'Bibles. The :Junior Bible Insti-
tute will meet at 4:15 P•la;
Wm, Murdoch was taken suddenly
ill last week at Murdie's Store with
an acute attack of- indigestion. He
was removed to his home where he
is recovering. • 0 0 0„
FOR SALE -4 number of .copies of
"PrinCe Pedro” written by the late
lir. J. H. Garnier and mentioned in
last week's Sentinelmay be secured
at the Express Office for 50c ,each.
Lieut-Col..11.*E. °PenSe of Kingston,
former Walkerton publisher, and now.
of . the-tu-intern
-merit camp, spent the week,ead-in the.
'County • Town with • Mr. and Mrs. E.
D. Cameroe.' On . his -return he was
• accompanied by Mrs.. Pense awliO•had
spent three weeks in Walkerton. •
same time..
• •0 (Advertisement)
' •
May Not Impose Poll Tax
Kincardine- Council' has under eon-
• aideration the 0 imposing ofl a poll
tax, bait upon.investigation - the pro-
posal may be shelved due" to diffic:
culties involved in : collecting same,
and the comparatively Mimi amount
,of revenuederived from this Source
of taxation.
• Difficulties of operating a hotel in
a local option , municipality of 500
people has decided. Noah Rudolph of
Tara to close the Queen's Hotel which,
has been operated by the• family for
more than 30 years. The owner -claims
he has been. operating' the hoted at
a loss for some. time and sets April
1st, an the date for,. closing. In :the
meantime an effort may be made to
bring on a vote in the village on the
L.C.A. question.
Elmnom. molag•a•••••••ran•mmeines
Rev. R. C. TOO;
Pastor ,
MARCH 3rd •
11 a.m.—Morning Worship. Lenten
• series l: "THE 'COMPASS OF
THE* CROSS." • j
pan. Sunday School'.
7 p.m. "THE GOD -MAN ON
Lenten services every Wed. 8 p.m.
Everyone welcome. Subject for
March 4th, "THIRST."
s Anniversary,
Entire Stock nest be reduced in the next 2 weeks
Big SavingsIf Er. 'IA
sces below today's
Buy Now & Save
Overalls, Work Pants, Work Shirts, Work ,Socks, Windbreakers,
Sweaters,Fine Shirts, Felt 'Hats, Fancy Socks, Fine Gloves,
Underwear, : Pyjamas, Leather. Coats, Overcoats •
. • ,
Our Spring Samples, Of Tip 0, Top Tailors Made To Measure Suits Are On Display .
filiOFFMAN $:•.:1111001.s
the clerk write the Department :of.
Edueation,"Torento; re eintimunication
of No. 6. • •
Moved .by Hodgins. and MacKinnon
that George Hodgins, caretakerRip
ley CeineterY •be paid $6O0 101' half
let 10, linage 9, in Ripley Cemetery.
Deed of sante to be made to Town-
ship Of Kinloss.
Oa:mations of ploy each were made"
to the Sick Children's- Hospitai, Tor-
onto, 'and the Salvation Army, Lon-
don, Ont. and $5.00 to, the Canadian.
• Moved by MacKinnon and Tiffin
thatwe accept the report of the
the year 1939 that they be now paid
,for .their services and thathe Treas-
urer have three copiesof the report
Moved hyTiffin and MeKenzie that
thtrue .
the time for the return of the Coll-
• ector's roll he • extended to March
10th, 1940, ' "
- Moved by Elliott arid McKenzie
that tenders be called for the con-
struction of the Ackert Drain as per
plansand specifications. 0of the 'En-
gineer., tenders t� be in clerk's hands
..uot later than 12 o'clock noon March
18th 1940. A Marked cheque •for 1.0
per cent of tenderto accompany the
same, the lowest or any tender not
necessarily accepted. .CouneiHors Hod-
gire,, Tiffin and MacKinnon voting
nay, the motion was. declared lost:
I.Ieved by•MeKenzie and Tiffin that
we .:tcbiertise for the crushing and
•rrte:1:ing of gravel for the leer 1940.
Cria:liing to be done in four sets; with
a possible fifthat, an average of 1000
yards per set.' Screen to be three-
quarters inch square or ,even -eighths
round. Trucking to be, tendered for
at a flat rate. Tenders to be 'in' the
Clerk's hand ,on or 'before 12 o'clOck
noon March 18th, :1940. A marked
O cheque for 10 per cent of tender to
accompany the same. The lowest or
any tender not necessarily: accepted.
O • Moved by MeKinzie and Hddgins
that we do now adjourn to meet
again on' Monday, the 18th day of
•March, 1940, at the usual, time, and
Place. •. • •
Cheques issued— W. J.. Davison,
conveyance to Walkerton, $5.00;
age of Luckrarw, relief, 14.19; J. H.
Hall, relief, 16.93; Reici's Bakery, re-
lief—bread, ,5,28;'George Hodgins,
Cemetery plet, 6.00; Municipal World,
• supplies, 18.19; Sick Children's Hoe -
pita!, grant, 10.00; Salvation Army,
• grant, 10.00; Canadian Legion, grant,
O 5.00;' Ezra Sholtz, refund 'dog tax,
2.00; J. R. Lane, reg. 10.50,
postege,, 3.00,, 13.50; Miss Putvis,
stamps, .3.00; Thos. Gaunt, supplies,
3.00; . P. Al Murray, anditor, 8.00;
Kenneth Weaver, auditor, 8;00; A.
E. Thompson, caretaking, 4.25.
Highway cheques — Archie Mc-
Intyre, pay list 7, $7.20; George
hart, pay list -8, 5.20; James Burns,
pay list 9, 7.50; Noble Guest, pay lists
10, 13.10; Milton Walsh, pay list. 11,
4.80; Robt. Rep, pay list 12, 12,00;
. Parish Moffat, pay: list 13, 30.55;
Frank 13rown, pay Hat 14, 5.60; Alei,
MacLeod, pay lilt 15, 4.90.
J.. R. Lane, Clerk.
Tuuusatia, FE,SIWARY 20th190
• •
New Spring Clothes
in shades, styles and ntateriats. These new spring rats,
grade tail
est Spring,,.'stYleS and shades.:pr
CiviOAATNSN:RDRsEuSI:,EsTEAv erwyiodneethaarise. ttriwofhitghhe
BOY'S °!oUfiTgpre--7,Faie4.eeeEnitaglindshor,ttovw,eend.: Spo t cks n Olours:;Ao
illtree,..% • •
re,PS Mand certified clothes tailored to yeur measure.
• •oring, the excellent fit, the fine finish of man -tailored
MEN'S SUITS &- TOPCOATS—New Spring samples for Prop,
tines and new man's wear worsteds.
and'dresses are Priced t� suit eyeryone.
We alno have , a complete stock of metes clothes in lat •
suits carefully ,terned out by extserts—Ettglish Trico-
, • '- ,:
NEW PRINTS—Good .qualitY; 36 in. wide--a-neWeetliatterns7-rill
' fast colour..• •
'PHONE 85 •• • • LUCKNOW
When the first Canadian troops
went overseas, the' Canadian 'Broad-
casting Corportion sent with them
a complete broadcasting unit—with
recording equipnient, microphones &
amplifiers, and staffed with coin;
mentators and engineers.
Front the day of embarkation until
the troop ships reaChed their. destin,
ation, this CBC unit reeordediadaily
diary of the historic voyage. These
recordings, many of which have now.
been heard by Canadian listeners,
form a living doeunient of Canada's
military effort, a record that will
steadily augment in value and inter-
est as the years pass by. •
The, CB 'c Overseas Unit is now
with the. First Canadian Divisionin
camp at Aldershot. ,.With the co -pp,
enation of the Canadian military au-
thorities, and through the short-wave
facilities of the ,British Broadcasting
Corporation, weekly actuality broad-
casts are now featured over the 'cpc,
National Network on Mondays freni.
8.30 to 6.00' p.in. EST. "With the
Troops /in England" 'Mad, provides
••••••••••••••1 •••••••• foor••••.•••
unbroken contact , despite the • long
ail intimate :link .between 'the troops
overseas and 'their homeland;,impartfar
ing to their families, friends and well-
wishers in the Dom -inion, 'a sense of
miles of ocean that lie between.
11 is planned, in the immediate fut-
ure 0 to arrange' similar actuality
• broadcasta., by bearn wireless, from
Canada to. troops averseas—broad-
easts- bring—thern4 • ' •
Canadian voices, • describe familiar
scenes in the herneland. At least once
every week, the, boysoverseas will
be "back- home", and the home folk
will be with them "soinewhere in
England" and later, "somewhere in
France."/ •
•i •
Food By The . Ton
•• The daily issue of foodstuffs to
feed an armrdivisionof, for instance,
16,000 men, takes on gigantic pro -
Portions. 'Eight tons each, •of beef,
bread and, potatoes, one ton of jani,
another' of butter, as well as 28'lbs.
• of pepper are required. . 0
If anyone eomes to borroW your .
paper you can truthfully tell thern
"It's Lent." • , • • , ,
' .
'Electors of Bruce:
.%, 4
_ effort
'5 ..: 0
,,„„ • e X 45 • • • •
, ' . HOW CAN A
,...-, „,:•;,„ , 4 GOVERNMENT"
.,/ 0' ra,• - ,$ SOCIAL CREDIT
, .,,, $ERVA.T1VES,
0 Ita•• ,',..> //// "''' r POLICIES ARE
./ /AV,: /a a • ' / , A;
. '5 ' # 11, '''' '
.1 • • . ,•4 / POSITE BE
i,, -'
•'There ii only one man MacKenzie
There is only one party -The Liberal
— . W. R. .Tonalinsomi
And King Government ' Supporter In Bruce — He
yOur Support:
OF C.C.F.,
& CON,
• P
will Appreciate •
Month End Sale Thursday, Friday Saturday
This Week. : Get our sale bill at The Store
e.4*-4.4,*..1rrAll tat 47,
• " •
,,;"" •Wir."'"'"15"" ,••
• C4,.... 444f';.•• • t."."'.***'"'*4St'd.1"