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The Wingham Times, 1901-01-25, Page 8
4 JANUARY Yt 1901 .: v r y � , ' A hob that 1t will at twit early ('tate r S('�)' S11 CO'N'CERT. ma,4o,provisiou,for 1,19 as4stancc In his � r,,at - i ANNUAL ENTERTAINMF 1 dutlesalst'lark: Willa ttv.+ hap,► that, rias 9 A GRA�t'G? �X1*I~,,DM TQ GREAT SU CrI SS. burden at the work roay thereby leo lightened aaa(1 rt (it' es so, 'With 1111 TROOPER 4QUGMI-ED, � SiticaltlliI Tulontt awl eke ') ell 1>letuied' t'a�llNBt lvisli anal prover that ht+ rlal• C Altdiearcu, �* still )•e ceatinued wit'' 11 s f wily alicl eye a , > acet at the Station Ault Escorted to tete to Catch flat (� t attic Clezitde ll1f, pocket, lint .,own lltutl x>re,retltations. The antlual c;ou- lvitlt tks to g3t:r£fy Cud xt: lar ways em . . solid, substantial, ruck-1)fJttQl11 r��llttt;5 cell 4 e,a U oirlxra arrival In Wiazi;lzaan an Fri- 4 cert of Camp tale- for atieh a time las rile Mostar xalal~ acNnx ' " p Trooper er Lape,heed "rust . fi best." fair lt'41ng prices.. day night last, p (laazia, Saas c, Soot- with a c rau(1 rttcepixuzx, At the Station he lauit, was giveli in R. A. X ,r.Iar•,z\r:AN, Don't be mist d by quotations of erre prig's, It�,Zt11 de - with to tem. ` was suet !ty a 1alrge number of citizens. the opera. house, on p Sends ail the o'oods. Lutttazaw, Ont,, Jan. li, .t`JOi. l procession w is forme(b headed by Tuesday eveuiug Was " Couaroce M(I•u,o; >asn►arshaA, xnotxut- a gratifying :success in every respect. " ,: _ ""'"' "" See our lines 01 Furniture, compare prices,. and the trade Great Bitroi#ltls at o „ �7•�Tp�q�+��(� ad on z 1to,e 9 I ulzuwlul, lysis tile Before the day of the entertainment 1Z �Cxks Va, is sure to Cotl1G our Way. - and two body guards, mounted ext nearly every reserved Seat Was taken, Vb7sinlan, Surgeon, etc. -ROOM S L .S..a. "j, R.� horses. '1.""lieu ctuaae tizta lawn band, and when the pragranr opened there was ORice--V $loelc,'ctvcr �. E. Davis' ,•,. ��� �. �� mettrt(trs of the cuuucilautisc11ou1Wald A f4I house, These annual touu9xts are Dt►at ttora Night. 4Q�� 9 DQE M".� ► ill Csarrial;: a, l :ellu�viu 1vcr0 a cam an • not given to make money but to provide ' "'� _ ' of voictutcors, ulembera of thepfiro the friends o> the Sous of Scotland with TO TEE �L�� ��� �,. bri„at19 tend to lull;( utlmb(:a; us? t•itizatls. a treat, of Division 1V'c, �, I•I -•cal S,''ottnty, cheaper than ever.�i, large 'trc'lrlE.ty to choose from. U { •MCIN the p uaud au 1ct1s lumber u tire, k`` la. N, A. Farquharson, Chief of rife i.�ALZI;S A�'D (a1P,N 'rite t ao—kisetut(1 this Trooper given time, to Catup,presided and filled the position Please.ttrcepttnyla #thane►yferthnr,plenclici UNIDERTAI •�•NC' Xecelves special attention. • 'bis 4" tn9ut h=s ntut}Yt>r. The lvuveks:ua then well. • He alluded iu opening remarks veto ►^ Co ave nit-, leetjll'riiifi+;i� (, oe ovo branch is under the supervision Of Luther Ball, who has had Oouprocemiod tiut5lx Jcae,P11in9 street, thence to the tlettth of Queen. F'iQtaTia, x:very myself wordy in ,;eine dn;;xa;+ of yarn cant• eleven years practical experience in lite work,. and W110 fOl~ ` Ni�nke a special effort t0 et along Tliagon,l to.'Victoria. stroeG tend featttru of the lout pragramnxq leas veiy deuce. Your humble servant, 1 l; from Victoeill,street a;aiu to Jusephine pleasing, and there was a sympathy be- some time was in the employ Of H. Stone Solt, the leading to the -store early while we are. g X. LOCKHART, street land thence to the to hall. tweeu the audience and per: Ghat a{i� �q�:o�y BUTTON undertakers O Toronto. CUStQlllerS llllly rely Qil careful and cleaning Out Arrivint; at the hall, ataudiug roam had the eifect of bringing out, the very WALKER Il�$G06, bks BU c fi ON efficient Service. Our , stock will be found to be the most could, hardly W lead. We do not know best work elle artists could produce, UNDLRTAF ERS, WINGMAM, complete in this section of the country. as the over seen, such la crowd on our Miss Jessie Alexander, the well -hi own steeets or all the hall. 7,'he meeting at. elocutionist has not appeared 'before a or outh of f calls at Butto►1 Block, or Fifth Night calls receive prompt attention. y past a Mae(lnnaldnblock:ool Ouse. Shop op- , i'3'.ir. '. aceeyls former • rite broil ,v:as wall (t:rrri9te out.. Mayor Wiugilatn. audience for a number: of . Re�idex�ce—��,'l`iiiCk Sf",. E M N A T,S u"ie,;;; uk:oultiact the chair and after a yeare, but as soon as she appeared for reSi.Cie1 CP, suuxt .t) ec a uttlied on the hand for a her first number was easily seen that FARM R' smvc,rua a„ti tuvn Oad the following she had many admirers in Wiugham BALL BROA5.0and anyone having live vtpe]c or outer t. ^d utouiAWf ur liulines made the who had not forgotten her. It, Would artlelestheywishto dis Jose of,shouldndver- -. tise tho same for sale in l:he TYmus, Our large pxe�9u�zw@guar u# ttYe gt iii watch :— be very hard for us to say which: one of eirc11LMion tells and it wilt bo strap a indeed if and odd lines at about half � her numbers was the best, ''Coaching youdUnot�etaell beaus you may _ � _.. _ _ _ .. _ — _ _ Co 1'nuul Llr DAS tit L(tL*GHLED, Chat�yon tv l sell because you may oak more rice in the following lines ; cue tiny a a C;autacgau 1)ragoanS. Ili Scotland," "The Kindergarden Tot" for tho article or stock than it is worth. Send 0O®000m0®O®®OOpO®QO®090000 OQ®Om004�4A0aR sbm0m"94ARJ.000�+4 `g were w911 rendered and all were pleased your advertisement to the 2Ymms anal try this Dress Goods, 25 pieces,reg. We, the Mayor and Counoil of tits , p S d plan of disposing of your stack and other 14� roWn ata Wiugham, on behalf of the to again hear Miss Alexander give articles. ��— p �` •f '� Qc for 2 c• b > 3' Ear ain Da Miss Alexander is a 5 Crttizeus, e;; to extend to You a most a .. • „ See the display in the win- hearty Nvelcome on your return from favorite with 9, Wingham audience and SHERIFF'S �"L LANDS OF qe o ctiw9 service ill the South AYricun war• she did not in an wa disappoint dow, all -wool and new up -to We are proud to zetel to the suldzerly y Y Apoiut her COUNTY or HURow. ��* o v date goods. Goad shades. utanner in which yea, With the other audience on Tuesday evening, so wxT: ofBi3r+ri1 ficin iasis d lbs,, for4 troll s forming CanadianConuingeut, Miss the. Scotch singer was t� - 20 odd Suits in Tweeds and p + o out Court of Tustiac+in have performed the arduous tasks ailott- well received and kept the reputation rho matter oil arbitration and award and ds Seres In Odd sizes regular cd to yua in, South Atrlva; to remember nae directed and delivered against the lands ♦ 1 ,. g s she had earned when here one, year ago, and tenements of James Leech at the suit of, e t,lut tiandration the glorious part taken Joseph Leech, pursuant to submission dated, ♦♦ $8, $9, and $ Io, to clear at $5 Nt Cl;anacia'� sous fn the many brilliant Miss Waldaum has a sweet volae and Jnno 25th, 189, t have seized and taken in ox Y.Utiilna of the war. her rendering of the "Auld Scotch ecutioYY all the right, title, interest, dna saintly O 10 ends of Carpet in Wool. of redemPtion of the above named James ? 11!.9 be again to welcome you home „ Brussels Tapestry, from I O to g p g songs • thrilled &very person of Scottish Lench, into anc'L out of the following lands and ) unci to request you to accept this old Ppremises, viz., lots 59 00 and $2, and the easter, 20 yds, at about half price. watch as Ya slight token Ut the esteem origin and indeed the whole ,aXidience. ly two thirds of lots 'Nos. 148 and 149, rtnming 9 . have secured from h numbers, all in the Village of Gorrie, in the •P Q O at d regard in which you are held by the Miss Waldum will always 'be welcome Comity of Huron, and Province of Ontario, as O Some special bargains in Cuuncil and Ciitizttns of Wingham, and in Will ham. ' laid down in a registered plan of said village to express the hope that on may have a R by Wm. Bolt P. L. S. Which lands and tene- `* p t' r (that Furs. All small Furs at cost, p p y Y Jas. r+'ax was suffering from grip, but ments l shall offer for sale, at my office, in the '�' �®�� ��� ® � � \ �" � lung, happy and prosperous' career. ' Court House, in the Town of Goderich, on <* Ruffs. C:aperines, Gauntlets zLileti, on behalf of the Corporation of he carried out his part of the programme. Tuesday, the Sixteenth day of April, 1901, at + and Caps. Good assortment tlle'1'own of.Wingham this eighteenth to the satisfaction of'all present. the hour of twelve of the clock, noon. + overstocked.) 25 boxes ®f new day of January A.D., 1901. The piping by D. McDonald Was good R. G. REYNOLD't3, Special in Table Limens �, B. FE1tGUSON tiV.CxErG, and little Mabel McDonald's' dancing Sho ilr,Huroit. + p t , Sheriff's ,1 01ce, Goaerieh, + "R aisins bile their last 'e ,® ' 75G .for sOc. •Clerk. Mayor. _ was much adutired, can; t, r oi. ,t, w� oy• they 6i J. J. Elliott was nest called on and Miss Carrie Fisher as accompanist s _. Napkins, $I.25 for 75C. deserves ��e�tin�s of East Huron �•• read the.follotving address on behalf of t7 + will give our customers the o All fine Mantles at cost. service. the citizens of town and Halsey. Park: ! L Special rices in all Depts, ' made the presentation of a purse of MINOR LOCALS. . FAIMERS + p p + benefit ®f purchasing them at .200 Ladies' Fane Nand- gold:— Campbell's Headache Wafers guaxau- � � + kerchiefs, very fine at half To TRoornR DAYiD LovrHEED I teed to cure headache. .�� .,No,9 + • ' rice till 'sold at Royal Canadian Dragoons. —Thos. McCasli bras been appointed for the discussion of Agr' ultural and kindred p lbs• for ct j P On behalf 'of the Citizens of Wing- postmaster at Varna. subjects, will be held i ham we welcome you home again after —Remember the hockey match in the Fordwich, Feb. + having faithfully served Her Majesty, rink this (Friday)evening.+ kj F the Quaen, at the seat of rvar in, South „—Mrs. John Campbell, we are ver BlllEvale, I 2111 Feb.FIJ4 , M•.: � • ►� � ® � Afriva. i? > � F thel; i 'th Feb. o �d 1 We have noticed with feelings of the sorry to learn, continues very i11, 3 Feb,9 0. Fu] � N'S greatest satisfaction the words of com- —Walter X, won third money in his Walton, 14th F ¢ mendation and praise bestowed by the race at Port Perry on Wednesday. M urdie's School House. Mc- o- e PERSONALS. Generals and ower CommanclingOffiicers !+ �' on, the C)anadian troops, on account of —Huron county poultry show will be. Killop, 15th Feb., 190I, t.pg444�04�0@44OfO++r�+40t+b0��4�4�OP�44r�4pti��JO�d�Qp+a+ Mrs. Hutton of Picton is visiting with their valor, endurance and other virtues held at Goderich on. February 5,'6 and 7. - lrelatyes. in town. that go to make the distingnishiug —Dr. • Dot; slep, late of Ottawa has tach day at 1.80 and 7.00 p. m. �.: Nath: Purcell, sr,, of Listowel, is visit- characteristics of good soldiers; and We returned to'Clinton to practice his pro- All are cordially invited to, attend these FARM FOR SALE. BOAR FOk SERVICE t believe the praise so given was well de- meetings and talcs an intelligent hart in the Ing with rQiatives in town. served. fessfou. discussions on the varied subjects introduced A first-class farm, containin8 100 acres in a 'And. Pigs for sale. a , by each speaker. Mrs. A. H, Carr was confined to her bed. While we regret that so many of your —Silty -sea iuruar9s at the Huron good location, 4 miles from Wingham is bank • r • brave comrades been laid law b House of Refuse leave beef] sufferrin T. McMTLLAN. GEC. HOOD, ed for sale. Upon thepreiniaes area good bank Th� understgiled tvfll keoji for service on heap �9r it t w days tvitll la, ,rtppe. Y 5 President. Seciatitry. barn and frame house. Well watered and a premises, lr,t Al. coal. 10, 1Aiast Watvanosh, a, the bullets of the enemy, the rejoice ex- with the grip. ho TOrchard. mis OAice�Wingl am rticulars apply at lar a improved Beiksliire- Boar with,pedigree, are plpased to kora that Mrs. ceodingly that notwithstanding the —A: Tipling, D. D. G. 11f:, installed an I have a number of young Berk sit'iirc, eery& Qod; i rc corcry„ ttOru Illi illness. utiiuy dangers tl?raugh which you have Cook's Cotton Root COi�ponad Por sale. Also two. young Berkshire Boars,. passed, it has been your happy lot to be the T. O. o. F. officers at Wroxeter one Is successfully need monthly by over Will be sold on reasonable terms, A Graham, sidi-m0k Contractor, of topooLadies. Safe, effectuaI.Ladies ask FARMS FOR SALE. P., GIBBONS " spared without. sastaining any per- evening last week. your druggist for Cootc•s Cotton Boot Color _! Marnoali P, O. Lona ,a was in tuwa a fe►v days this � rttaneut lujur0 . —Thos. Small hall one of his thumbs Coaad. Take no.other•as all Mixtures, pills and As citizens we Welcome you back imitations are dangerous. Price, No, 1, $1 per I have had a good 100 acre farm in Kinloss week:. y slightly out while at work in the 'Onion box; No. 2, 10 degrees stronger, o. d u ? ,- ,_ again tU Wiugtlaxn, and beg of you to + g g township place in my hands to sell. ,There ANTED—ACTIVE MAN OF GOOD x3, C . 13. I",Ood Of lv enlist aeti, for- tactor on Thursday. 1 or 2• mailed on receipt of price and two 8•cent are on this farm a goodbankbarn, comfortable �t vv character to deliver and collect in Huroti accept this pulse as a Memento of • your ys��a�m__pps�, 'the (look company Windsor, Ont. dwelling and a silo. Also a good 50 ears farm county for old established ramiufacturing merly of witlaham, isvisit relatives holnucomili,;, and the trust you may —D. E. McDonald and tittle 1llabel. ¢-zoos. i and 2 soidana recommendedby all in East Wawanash: Good buildings and o'r- wholesale hottae. $900 a year, sure pay: Hon+ lou be s 1ar9c1 to Cultivate the 'arta of responsible Druggists 3za Canada. chard on this farm. For full particulars apply, estiy more than experience renuired: Our rot a in totr:z, g I McDonald took: part in the Scottish con- to ference, an bank in ally city. Enclose eeif- John Anderson of Ware mill is visit- peace amongst us. teat at Teeswater on Monday evening. No.1 and No, 2 are sold is Wingham by S.L J. OURRIL, Auctioneer, addressedStamped envelope. Manufacturers: in with <drl• fri9ncls itt G1'ingL>atnt and eve wish on a bright'r ha Be. -,100. Wingham P. O, Third Floor, 331 Dearborn t Chicago. . g prosperous career. g ,„�-•- vicinity: voted this eighteenth day January to peformwat�an �eiitertain�nieut to be Campbell, 1; D u Davis,�ists�' A. A. Marrow, Cohn, ..• . '• . •%,� '.' ....Y-,�, .... W 11j.•-' • • j Ma:s, D. McCorndek and daugliter, of A. D. 1901, given in Hepworth. (on Tuesday evening Goderich• are, vl�itlm rel.ativos and Signed on behalf of the Citizens of .next. Wingham, Baa a i �� friends in fawn. Tt tr sEx PARTi, --Wroxeter and Wingham clubs will141, .� Geo. M-irrison has returuecl home Jxo. J. ELLIOTT, Committee. play hockey ii1 the Wiughain riuk.this IL from tae West. Coo. is looU Irli Itu e king the E: P, PavLirr, t (Friday) evening: Admission 10c. A f picture of health .4 ter his attack of ty- A number of school children, under good game, phoid fever. the direction of Principal Musgrove and —Walter S. 2.12 p +0 04494b o-444 P4 , �, tvaa sold by Mr, > FO pant Miss Reynolds addod lead to the • Mrs. nuc. M:�s t14...t,its.ant, Wing �•, + y ,g' Y J. Tal, Swartayesterclay'atPorb Pez7'y to Talker Bros.' t` Button �vi11 give. bargains I11 all lines of Filrniture until the, I5t Of and Mr. Dort. Fessant, Ragtutt, lel. W,7 evenings entertainment in the singing Mr. Uamp, of the Belleville Irpn Works, visited at 1J1', G+ o,. 1!Iiltou's this week. of",Soldiers of the Queen" and ”"when at a good agtlio. March,. in Order to clear out their large stock and mare room for new goods. Note the prices Teeswater News. Jollnny Cannuck comes Marching —James Denmon, ' father of J. 3. SUITES. Home." Addresses of welcome to the Denman, near B.luevale, diem on Tues- ��'1���'�� DUC�' returned hero were delivered by Rev, day in his 76th year. The remains were Large Birch suites, best plate, reg, $18.00, special $16,50 } Large upholstered easy chairs, done in valour, reg $6 for $2.00. W. Lowe, Dr. Macdonald, MV P.., Rev. taken to Ingersoll for interment. Large Elan „ " "' 10 00 " 14.50 Couches of every description in Valour, Tapestry, Rug and la. ,i ,t ,a 1l r 46,d�U /YLarg9 Birch 1G,50, 14.50 and Jute, prices ranging as' follows:— W. Preed, A. It. Husgrove, and Rev. A. --The, regular meeting of the W.0. T. This signature, is on every box of tho genuine n in Double•declt Suite, solid Halt, best plate', r g. $82.00, now 24.00 $8,50 Couch for $4.75; 7.00 for 5.20; 14.00 for 10:60; 14.50 for ' lgg gg4e 'Tablets D• Prior. Geo. W. Cline sang a song U. will be held in Chisholm's bell on '.5 Suites, hard wood, golden finish, large mirror, reg. $1.1.00 10.75; 12,50 for 8.75; 28.00 for 21.50; 12.00 for 9.75: 12.50 t Laxative Brolno Q� splendid voice. Miss W. Alba Chisholm Tuesda next at 3 o'clock. Members _ special at $11.25. w for 0.00. Lounges almost given away. Dont hiss see - 06 remedy that eures n colas in one day p 3r sang a solo, t°rho Boys in llLbaki," and :are specially requested to be preae7lt. 1 Suite, 3 clrawa,rs, hos on top, heat plate mirror, reg. $16-75, i ` seine of the snaps. 130r.N. Miss Griffin sang, `•Another Little Patch ' Ed. Swarts,•of Goderich, a brother r speeial nt $14.50. /nl�ai Nlaltrnoo.--ln Winr ham, on z anuary 21st, 1 ,quite, oak, ant. finish, $21:50, 'very special a,t $19.50.�Ay�,���, �����ykache wife of M, H. Dlcludoo; a son.of Red.Both young ladies sang well of 1. E: Svvarts, of 'town, has been on Halldanme golden oak suite, British ,best plate, reg, $34.00, aIL DAUD. a•ut their sales Were much appreciated. the sick list for a few days with an at- , snap at $27.00. lor Suites we will quote prices that will make them Di vac t*r. Xn Worris,. on January 22nd; Mr. Douglass, of , sang the tacit of pneumonia: 1.Suite, large plate glass, best ebevalor, $18:75, now $16 ©, hove quielt:. ` ;tames Darman, aged 7o years. "1ted, White and Elise," and shelved Birch Slate, mahogeny finish, best plate, re;,. $15.45, for 13. Large Wilton Surto, rug stuff, 5 pieces, 'lice colors, reg $64 the audience that he was " ands of a 1kEsnl al�eaUN o sz rxl<� �a r, Golden finish suite, large plate glass, reg, -$18.00, for $1 ,,.. , for $42. • ti $;18.50, for $1' S. 1 silk rug stuff over, 5 pieces, newest on the market, rag $6P�' ,4 The fallowing resolution of sympathy Suite, 3 pieces, bed dresser and stand, reg. 13.50, for , } I t �:sti�lille ' ° good. voice and lonely leery to use it, „ . r5• for $45. ` zn his infirmity with Rov. John Mac- ti ,t "" 12.90, for 0.50, 5 -piece stuff over in silk, newest colors, $48'for $28,. • Trooper Lcngheed was called on during `'`" You'vet� ied almost every. the evening and gave bis hearers a short abbe slated clerk of Presbytery E Malt- DES S 5•p199 mahogany frame, best silk best sil�lc '187 br X28 land Waa passed by the Presbytery a its tlllrig felt it, haven t you?' outline of his trill to South Africa and Secretary, selected weed, golden finish, reg. $19.00, for $16.00. 1 nowest design in best silk ,goods, 5 pieces, polished frames, El list we presume you are also a short review of the battles in meeting at Wingham, Jranuary 15th, Birch Desk, mahogany finish, goad value at 5.50, for 4.75, reg. 458 for $42 ab6ut discouraged. Now , . 1t)01: > which his batallion had talteA part, Tile' tt r learns tvltlz aincer Bjrrh Sec. " "' Polished, rag. 16,00, for ]3.50. , 1 5 -pi 2e suite, done in valour goods, twalnut frame, spacial at ghat dti you thitiit of our aingiag'of God Save the Queen brought The Presbytery e Uak Secretary, British best 111ate glass, reg, X5.50, for 13.25 ; 4 I the tneetilig to it close. g p µ - „ ' g' 75 idea of breathatitr•irz the sorrow of the continued illness of its 1 Desk, re arieo, 5.50, for .,.fl0 ; 1 5•pzece shite r9 price. � 6.50, for 830 mtdichie, bringing'. i.t right esteelli9d Cleric, tltn Rov. Jo11n 1VIaclVabb 5IDEy y ra �-+ tr O 1 L� i l is up to the discase:a part? Child ren Cr fair who for so many Years haq been called newest designs, ti mi ors, British plate, 4 drawers, 2 doors, c ' Y upon to endure heavy bodily affliction. Y n5'a Don't forget we have the best line of 7ILtension Tables k.. t logics reasonable, doesn't t it ? Aad rag, $2<1:00, for $lt),50. w aver shown in ti'i znglianl at prices that will snake them: ;ro +, it's aut cessful,, too. Affiletion whleh • by divine grace has Selected oalt; Sideboard, polished, rug. $46:00, for $34. r5, 1 1 0' 9 50 for 7 75 When you irlitale a o• fescientl 1 en lord With great ebristzan patience Lnr o salt Sideboard, British best plate, $33.00, special, $18.50 quick. , $24 oftlt tables far X15.75, r 50 for 9 G , ° y e ens the r i11 be The Preset ter desires Slao�oavds worth $12.50 far $10.40; 11,15 for 11.75; 11,50 for ! 8 75 for 6 75; 515 for 5 00; 5 00 for 4 75; 4 75 for 4 00. ORit l;reathirs becomes jrr Grip has a ntnirOn( of victims and resignation. Ch Y y 0.50•, 15.00 for 13,00; 22.60 for 18.55; 36,00 for 26.50; 11.75 for Many other articles that we will give big snaps until, lin ceas ,`and y6u drop to vv11i ham and vicinit Man areniaze y' with t (7 $ y 3' to 9 press eta heartfelt symllatb 10.50; $14.00 far ,,12:00. I March tat, Arbsp. For croup and �whoopilig. , or loa$. used up with colds. Ilia, W aeXab'b in hie sickness anal suffer• MV v h rtt"n a quick C11re. _X61 n Gillespie left this weelt, far leis ing and wtrould carnestly commend him. All gGlOCls marked ill plain -ilgures. ,; t N,iear iK sold by dYagKi5t8 evnrgwh�ra' aero home in Calgary, N•, W. T. He to the loving care of Iiim who bore our �4 • �� �fp i,ger tt,art+LannN, which xenuid last a hfe t r fur sing and world t� . m a ltottu -of CYasolenat corm tleta, OY.so; tools with him a car lead nt atoclt etc szcltnesa as hell a.s ( Iola of ctat.01"e as oanat .aa4 so rears, and will go into the ranching business. rejoice with hint that 11ia soul is being �al ( � r t 'Button s5a, tri,. aY16, U.S.A. 1:tia famil will reside fel Win hang for kept peaace that el) 401100 fn the w b00kI#t aoirtaialn pla�siaiats' testi• : draw apoat te�weai. hr+s.Gssanw,awm t;ts., � p in M ,y g midat of trial, the pr�lsertt, We ytrisll Mr. C1ill9spicl • Furniture Dealersand Undertakers, VVing7�.rrl. . . sold by A. L. Anlrilfafi, :,, stleneit� Mr. fit his I'61� home. Tlia PrOgbytk�"y W00U also As.5tt1CG6 r, • ... -.• .a�: ���',,�, ...�.. _...y .rw.� :_.••�, .. a ,x ,r.,l. -:fie,