HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-01-25, Page 6T , 2 --
71 7
slue Vy 4812.433LI VULD 1872 7.
WTANLIF7!':P lift. liettlOrg to 191ug -.:born! (be 4(vircd ro-
r TOWN DIRECITOR It You Irant owia lloultit.
rule v; Otto feature o! this %voik will be 'Tho readersofthisraper will bo pl."Is.
Tim, WINPe"ar."10 IgINE'so Never go to bed with cul�l or damp
Chu 1w4rwt4,o:I (f tllj� lXqil.J(q rellardillU I".,' til l0jrn t1litt, tlwro is tit least ollo at
TnE Vi 4i-I:A ItJ« that, ve; llt,�o has been 11 IV lit taid 7 It lit. Vuliday. Ovlwolat is rUVIATMIDD
treks phlutirg." .0 Sect.
it. able to, Cure Ill all io; stages. all('. that IN 2:40 1) lit. t4onoral pray%,r nivotina. Norer loan the back oil unytItiog that
t romorxv LAKT. Qntarrh. 11-all'o OgtitTril (Itirk) is tile EVE RY FRIDAY MORNING
only (�Uro hill lN%.n L (111 W.
"o ,
is colli.
all Milan, s. S.
Xr. Whitney has -1 polivy 1 At I aRi I vvea, V. 4to W. a. 0134
jL f Catarrh boing -Illks and then Im-
ary - ion -A (111A,at"le, r.'., Ellie:) ' e It comstit'lit- The Timea OMee, Bovver Bloolt
11OW tlick dt ails. wi%y itientiou Never talco, warill*
mediately go out into the Vold.
edwith b,06d"bre.atil. beeausa ns .714r. t_-% twAtlat"It. •Rall's Catarrh 0arilistakell at 11 it aa ana ipw. sunuit.,- a
It onstitutiO1101 serviveg
Li(q,00l l; WINCITIVIII O'NT41110.
01111, OTTAW1 LEJ111-1. Xobu puts it-anit lit, om-lit to kne-m-, for intorill. Illn av' ffixig directly upon the blood a: 3()L 1) 111. 11,PNN'0Tth Le-wito Zwery ,Mon- river otaft Togular bathing, for, uu•
(lay h,j liai been at the lva.ler*n FJ(I.Q. durill., ti'lld Illascouri sur.4io"s of tho systelli, (lit 1,1- (Ionoral 'praver niveting" Tnims ON F1r11VR7PTION.-ql.00 Pe.t* nurrint. it) loss the skin is in active condltio,4, tile
thorby destroying the £oundadoll of tho tillt tall al's litild, e'ptutthe co" NY
'IN -Ing tho P. 1-10I)ILAS, Pwitor, Dr. TuNrlor, S. 8. i�ur.- t"r"" the Proal oir., wvyn Vort-ky-o"'Iert. tho want' years he lit::; lv-oit evolving tll*i anti f, atient strength: . evollingt". Rov. Riehant Tiovaper(dtivon- I I Ill elow the pores nAd f
.Qt. John foars, Its- rilltol(4,11t. om;oaot �Iu*0111,hvr. gostiou or other dist ase.;.
6,I)WAT"ANG RATIi. - tegal rud other
Ottawa, I"'th, L1:01- and his lea&r fearn that tile 111111glity slisting, nature in doing its work. The t' Ih%-'r`11yTr-R14X 0-urizall-Subbath ser- eliviial fulverd-viands 4- IvrNoupariellint, for &fter excraise.of tiny kina never ride
A fortuight after this vpp,•tlrs Ill print- Grim. will 1,tval It. The IWW 11014IN is hll" 60 1-411011 filith In its �i(TS at 11 a lit awl 7 p ni. Sundwy 11in'l; irvortion, U0 1)(11' 111to, for eava subxiluout
eftrativo powers, that wo oirer Ont, at 2. "0 p ill. Goa( I lamirtion, in an open carriage or near the Nyluiloly
ve prayor Advprti;..0m(.rltH in loeal columns are chargcd of a train for a moment, it is dangerous
the Wilth 1'ftrlllaluvnt, of Callat'fft V17111 be Tery Simple. valy four plank -al, but luitll 11androd Dollars for any caso that it Incei Ing or. -Wellnesday overlingti. PLOY. 10 ets. vin, I' wo for first i -we
assmiblirg for lIuslaess, and -ill will the better, Its mare vitsily unlevit-aed. fails to cure. 8wild for list of testimoll- 1) V L 1011, unit 3 cents
errie, pastor olid S. S. Supnrtllteu� per liail 1!or each mu-miuvrit I Isor tion, to health and evell life.
oftet, nioro lit` life taut 'ouiklo on Variqt. Tho -."our planlas •aro, (I I To. warrauge ill,18- dent. of Lomt, Voinid, Sti X41 Whou hoarse, speak as littleaq possible
hent IIifs. of this Provincial 1111allets, m) Ila t') do away with Ad"C'ss, J. CHEINVY & 0'() ST, PAUL'S CHURCH) Still. for Halo or to rant, rduiilur,,Ia, for
L- 1pill!�1111'Nnth and 50 verses for each subse(111014 else tile vc.icu way be perinatiently
init-MI'S'esolon, vert 114.% direet tax,,.t4*,.,n, (1) to agri. Toledo. U. bath s!mvlces at I I I in and 7 p m. Suit- mouth.
I- tSoltl by druggi4ri, 75o.. (lay School at 203301) ill. acileralprayOr CONTaAel RATIM-The following tal)lp shows lost or diflicultles of the throat be pro,
MoUll will celli.v wt tiAl lwm�nrvnti of culture, ('11) to, r;��Vollltioll`.Za the publio Hall's Family Pills M10 the best. meeting oil Wedilmlay ovelling. Rev. our rat- for t1lo insortiou of li1wrtisentents ducoa,
the opposition, k tilm;vnlilteci ;V4 baitltA jjjedtituttional systmu, awt (4) To reserve Nvirl-Lowo'hwumbolit. f0.4IxvMcd per-lods:-
toril'aadwifiluut lool,:rki, ;�vzlo ille"I • the rational res,)urc6,; (:�' tilt, Province 1 curious olf., 0 Supotintondout. SPA0111 I Ono. axe. luo. Reop the back, espe-hilly between tit
of the colli-asion vs-hioll relgmt I#. the f>- til' I-enerit of tile r-e��Vlo and . 110, QOXORRMATIO�IAL CHURCII.-Sabbath. Haifoolumn ....... . :Q).00 $ID.00 t,6.t4D
clal t, On", Column ....... . : -
a n dowands : Y"WeR 18.w 10.clo 4.00 shoulder blades, Nyclicovered, alsovX
Conservative r-atilis a -;,.o w' Vat couree to that 101 the old linen of til:) COYI04 hos. services tit 11 a in and 7 It 2n. Sunday Qualtercolunul IS.W loll) 0.00 2,00 011c's
8,111:131dor them on spm.ULWous, &-. .41 pituls shall be burned oval thl"Ce Se -11001 at 1:�) Ill. Midweek nwoting,,ou 4dvertjs�em,,�ats Njqihou� Fmvotac tllreotions t well protut0a. In sleeping I a
pursue in this niatter, ifmy bo gw dhered mont; ezuellent prog,rumix1o. Ad to tile I Weduesdry ovuuiugs itt ki o'clock. Gavi Wilf be Insortf, Cold room es"Lablish tl1c liabit of brolti.
molithr. Agovertiment (flicial cau,es n I d till forbid incl elinrged accord-
Vausiont L1d,,*ertig
from the fact that lie Tury paper Ila,, first, no one outside of 31r. Whit Gley and Wilson, S'S. Supt." A. E. Prior, pastor, ltno,!"�n advattep. ("Monts m"st I)c Paid illiv, through the 11051 and nover with the i.
ron"d On It Peliodio lition ins; cation and Ro,)r-&N 011URC
ventured to foroaA the probab!o decisita, h;s permual entorie, have 1X - I-eV017 TBI:,Jon DHPARTUZUT in stocked with an mouth Opoll.
ftol'lld 'my enridems !_-oloy shoots, towels, Cto., to a fourth Sunday. Mass at 10.00 a ill, ser- VXt-,M%IVP aRMOrtme t - ii �
of the party, unle". it bo the Tolonto cause otoomplaint ag inet The present M a recluki Vs, rilwint�
eq alk 31, the mon and bonediCti011. at 7 1) 24. Rev. firkit 0 al. rk.
Largo .-a . D Ing, 11frording facl tim it
World whiolt Fkems much intilross (I Inalingenlout Of the finances, and not fiery fato. colt for tu TUB AOLLOW 8f,)ITsal.L0,
P. MoXorantill, P. 11, 7 and 11 t lu Mr 1) t(A tR a .4 les - ost-
with tho claims and qualiiZeations of its even Xr. Whitney or Mr, fnalletal ad- Ptohmg, Surnina Skin ofs. S.tLvAmox Altuy-St rvice at cillrt allHills,nd tete I eq 8 0.404
t or aha truer classes Ladies of Canada.
-proprietor, Mr. W.. F. McLean, of Oast -.isvrs whoever they may be, sugbpat tiny � cas,23 rwieved in a day. Eczema, Salt a in and 8 and 8 p in oil Sunday, and Ing. ri t, Tlio hollow square, a purely British
Rheum, Barber's Itch, and -,%It eruptions of every evouilig during the wool; at 8
-in quickly relie 4 and speedily c o'clook at tlm� barraolz�. Propriotor and 11�ibiipher. once. Wily? Because Tommy Atkins
York. Some significance attaeh%�s to direction' in which uwlue expenAituro is the A H. B. ELLIOTT, military tactle, war, never broken but
V1 ured
the interesting fact that in the draft plan now ',Olu- 011 OT 000110MY Call be by Dr, Agnew's Ointment. It Will give in. Vizim"Ti-t" AND MXss1OT.,1uy ALLTANmE. from Callada. And Tommy Atkins from
of the House macho by the Sergeant -at- a4vantagoolisly Ilracticti.l. "Direct stant comfort in Cases of Itching, Bleeding -Mectill-I as follows: S. S. at, British possessions stand solid -
Arms three ly together. The lesson is, that in a
" h all other Brit
_&rms Under direction Of the Speaker taxation" has bam a fityoritebogey-nian or Blind Piles, and will cure I in. .4 el'ONN-ship at 4 p. in., and even- A
designate and a.greeabile, to Thu tosix nights. 35cents.-lig.11 M-4ist-10 at 8 P. in., eirery Sund�)-80 p- ILTON
Pressed to frigbton peoplo NY -01 but the .011tario ay in commercial way also, the o3lotties should
Ritchie's Hall, Victoria, St. W IN GH A Id. stand firmly together; and the ladios of
'wislies of the kodons Oil either side, the elec&,j�! docs nor, scare worth a cent this Sold by A. L. Hamilton. POST OFFICE -In Macdonald Block. Ca uta! 821000�000. Canada-tho purchasing power-oful, do
40ppo,qition leaders cheir is 1,:ft vacant tiria I 0111ce hours from 8 a in to 0:30 p in. Rost, much toward accomplisning that end.
and no seat is provided for Mr. Borden, -41'rZ rAr,'UEl1,S' xrw r;tII311D. Each year about 44,000,000 bushels of Peter Fisher, postmaster. President-.Toir-.q STUA-nT, Ceylon and India produce the finest teas.
of Halifax. 0` course there Lilly be no wheat are grown in Africa, Australia MECuAxics' LisTiTum-Libraxy and Vico--Rrcsidon10-A. 0, n4us,,,y, By using the teas grown in -sister col. -
Then I M r. 'Whitney would do more to stands at tile foot of the great wheat free reading room in the Town Hall, D i --q M, 0%. or, 3: onies, ladies act patriotically, These
corm ectloa between these two facts, but will be open every afternoon front 2 to Joh GOO, Reach, Wm. Gibson, M.P., tolls RPPeul tO YO front sentimalit, *from.
o'clock and every evening froin 7 to 1�1 u
ouconraggeagricultural. Ye gods! The producing countries, being crediteawith 5:45 'A L"!kW'oor.d, M. P., A. B. Lee (Toronto),
the coincidouco is interestimr. purity, frow. ecollonly-in every , wity
TO 11RL.;Z14TB OUR li-OREqTS. man and the party that have persistentm a product of about 05,000,000 bushels a 9:30 O'clock. ' Miss Millie Robertson, Cashier -J. TURNBULL. they are superior to Jlaptm or 0hintiA.
ly and consistently done everything they year. librarian. Drinh ors of Green tea, should try Mon.
Town COUNCIL -Win: ., Clegg, Mayor; SlIvintzo 33ank-H.ours IQ to 3; Satiirda
An important meeting was held in know for many years to Oppose logisla- Aftera, night with,, 'the boys" their Win. Holmes, Thos. Bell, to I. Dopogits of ""i tin
y, io soon, Salada or Blue Ribbon pacirots.
'Toronto the other. (lay in the interests Robt. Me- interest allowed, d upwards receive and
. sts Of lation franxed in tit,) Interest of the is no better remedy to oltmr the [lead and Indoo, G, A. N ewton, John A. MeLein, special Deposits alio received at current. rrefiltiolit Hayes' 86,000 Diplier.
the pres;.,rvaticm of Canada's lumber re- farmer, naw posing as his warns and de- settle the stomach than Milburills Ster- Geo. McKenzie, Councillors; J. B. For- ratesof interest.
sources, iind W the course of the voted friend. But the farmer I.; no fool ling Headache Powders. Price 100, and guson, Clerk and Treasurer; Samuel Great Britain and the United "In President Van 31�ureft's Adminis-
interest- and not hastily turn froni'the 25u. at all dealers. Youltill, Assessor; Win, Robertson, Col- Dr!ila. on tration the custom of serving eatables at
addresses made, much now and 4 States Bought At aud gold,
lector. Board moats first Monday even- Travellers aro notialvd that theBankof Ham public receptions in the White House.
ingInformationwas given to the publicas Gavernment; which bas founded and Russia absolutely forbids the employ- ing ill each month at 8 o'clock, �n
to the work Which the Donlial0a Gov- brought to its present high state of went of children under 12 years of 0 came to all end," writes ReneBache, in
age SCHOOL BOAZD.-O. N. Griffin, (chair- h c
nil I'
ti 1A -in mi. 11 'of d,1
shine r'llother man), Thos. Abraham, J, J. Elliott, J. J. I " toc- _�. the •Lklies' Hollis Journal. %lit had.
,tit is doing to protect the vast, efaciancy the I h bs�
gricultural College and in industrial establi E . 1, - BR - i�lt g gy 1�.
ernmu Ag tits, b ti. t etlt.
lumber possessions of the country and the Model Farm. at Guelph, has estab- conducted by the state or private indi- Homuth, Win. Moore, 1:1. Kerr, Thos. W. CORBOTILD$ Agent -been 'soabused that just prior to the
preserve them in perpetuity for posterity lished dairy schools and farmers iusti- victuals. Bell, Win, Button, Secretary, "Win. E. L. DICNaNSOIT. Solicitor. election of 1840 hungry crowds bessiged
Robertson; Treasurer, J. B. Ferguson.
while at the same time utilizing them as tases, issued periodical bulletins upon The Demon of a3l Oise* Meetings second Tuesday evening in each the East Room. clamoring to be fed and.
fax as necessary for the benefit of the every, variety of subject of value to the Ridney diseasesare rightly so -called -they're month- th�eatening to vote against Mr.Vau
inexplainable, unaccountable and insidious, 7A m Buren if they were not supplied_ present generation.. Mr. E. Stewart, agriculturist, filled with information PLBLzo Sotrom TrAcurms. A. H. E. es _ with
3)ominion Superintondent of ri orestry carefully collected from every available It Is the function of the kidneys to filter out Musgrove, Principal, Miss Robertson, A T_,T:E<Mj:p, food. Since that trine the only Chief
gave It brief -account of the methods in source; the Government that has always all impurities. If they're clogged South Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss
American Kidney Cure will put them to COrnYn, Miss, Vanstone, Miss Matheson WJXGll %M. Eg h
ire who has provided 'refresh.
ly with advice and hard rights and defy the ravages of so grim a and Miss Rei4-
operation under his direction prefacing been rem meats' on such occasions was President,
lis remarks by pointing out that the oash grants to aid every legitimate v sitant as diabetes or other kidney com- BOARD Or, - HEALTH -Mayor General Banintip Business transacted. Hayes. Although President Hayes of.
Clegg, Money advanced to farmers and business men
general impression premaes. that there scheme looking to the advancement of plications. It relieves. in six hours. -lib (chairman), C. J. Reading, Thos Greg- on endorsed notes and collateral, fered no wine to his guests he spent
cry, Dr. Kennedy, J. B. Ferguson, See-
-was little timber of any account between the farmer. No Mr. Whitney, the farm- Sold by A. L. Hamilton, retaxy,; Dr. Towlar, Medical Health large part of his salary in entertaining.
Zake Superior and the RookY Mountains, er is i]lot caught with chaff of such very In 1800 a man could travel only by OfIleor, Famflers' Sale 19010S COW A single entertainment cost him, six
whereas from 200 to 0.00 miles north of light weight. coach or on horseback. To -day there Moneys remitted b draft to all parts of thousand dollars.
Canada and the UnItZ States.
the United States boundary there ex- Having improved the cultivation Of are more than 250,000 miles of railroad Notes and accounts collected on reasonable
tends to the Artie limit of free growth the soil, Mr. Whitney next promises to track in the United States alone, being terms. Get What You Ask For
When you ask for any of
avast stretch of for6st land of immense give attention to the more than six times the mileage of any WANTE D 1 j. P. KENNEDY M.v.. M. O. P. S. O. Dr. Chase's.
-value to the country. This is estimated CULTIVATION OF THE cHiLDnrN, OtherI country. (Member of ihe British Medical Associa- Remedies look for his portrait and sig -
to be 1,186,COO square miles in area, or tion.) Gold Mectallist in Medicine. Special nature on the box, otherwise you may
a and Colds, Bron- attention paid to diseases of Women and Child get an imitation. Beware of the drug-
-he chitis, Whooping Cough, Pains in th A T ren. Offidehours-Ito4p.m.:71o9p.m. gist-whotries to induce you to taEe-
over 300,000 square miles more than t and on the ground that 05 per cent of All kinds of Cough e
total area both cleared and timbered! in those attending the public schools never Chest, Wheezing, Hoarseness, Sora ONCE. something said to be "jnst as good". -
the five eastern Proiinces and British reach the university he would arrange' Throat and Asthma, yield to the Lung- DR- MACDONALD, If lie substitutes medicines lie 'wiff sub -
Columbia. New that settlement to begin a university course in the healing properties of Dr. Wood's Nor, Centre Street stitate drugs in prescription. Insist' on-
"' kindergarden and complete it in the way Pine Syrup. Price 25c. getting what you ask for and remember
gradually pushing back towards these
fifth ]look. The parents of 'the Pro- Wingham, Ontario. that there are no family remedies to be
hitherto little known territories, and the compared to those of Dr. A. W. Chase,,
Bunter and explorer is coming more and vince are not likely to be caught with LandladYI rather like having one Two Coat R* author of the famous Recipe Book.
more into evidence each year.. his proposal -for as far as the curriculut dyspeptic at my tabler BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC.
TIM, DAizGER FROM FIRE goes the general impression is that it is Visitor -How queer I Private and Company funds to loan at lowest The home Doctor.
quite heavy enough now for ordinary rate of interest. No commission charged. Mort- In severe cases of nose bleeding lay a..
Landlady -Oh, no. He makes the Makers• es, town and farm T-overty bought and
is greatly - increasing Last year the youthful capacities. As to the last other boarders ashamed to find fault.- led Office,Beaver Bloc Wingliam. piece of ice on the wrist, and keep the
3)ominion Government inaugurated a plank cited -the care and the protection Indiampolis Journal.- head level with the body.
new system of fire protection which is to, be lavished upon the natural re- A. MORTON,
proving to be both effloilant and sources of the Province -the people are Also J So relieve rheumatism dissolve half ant
BARRISTER, &c., ounce of saltpeter in half a pint of, sweet
economical giving the m&ximmin of re. likely to be a' trifle sceptical as the Wing-liam, Ont. oil and with it rub the affected parts
to '
stilts for the minimum of cost. Forest wiscloin of chancing custodians. , C h r400 111 4:t'
Sre rangers are selected from men resid- the Provincial Tories have not even sus- Two Pant L. DICKE NSON, A woman who for several years livo&.,
ing in or near the district where thezy are petted of any crookedness in handling in a malarial region in the south - and
employed. They axe under the control public funds for at least 80 years past who suffered inconsequence from chills
0 rorl"11 c hit is -Makers. Solicitor toBankofHainilton. Moneytoloalt. and fever
,of the Crown Timber Agent, or some for the excellent reason that they've not Office -Meyer Block, Wingham. discovered that chillscouldbe
other ,local, permanent official, N41to had a, dollar to handle, but they have Mr. Wm. Davidson, St. Andrews, averted'by swallowing the seeds of a red
instructs them in their duties anti liotilles had near a Que., -states :-"Dr. Chase's Syrup of ARTHUR J. IRWIN, D. D. S., L. 1), S. pepper with a glass Qf water at their.first
ar the- dear ones in Federal Linseed and Turpentine has cured me
Doctor of Dental Snery of the Penj
them when to act. They are only in who hate not exactly fulffiled all the of bronchitis. I have, without suc- L, risylvani, intimation.
cess, tried many remedies for the past Co. Dental College and teentiate of the no I
actual work when needed and are paid conditions of faithful stewardship. CollegeofDental Surgeons of Ontario. OW[,a.
Province .:Ix years. Last winter when I had a WEBSTER& over Post Office, Wingham. =cording to the time they are employed. Moreover the lnteres��_of the evere attack and was unable to work. First and Foremost
In this way much unnecessary expense are now in the hands of men who for; I procured a bottle of Dr. Chase's 9neen's Block. W,T. HOLLOWAY, D.D.S..L.D.S. In the field of inedicine is Hood's Salt-
. Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine, and saparilla. It possesses. actual and *all
Is saved and, adequate protection.by com- that; r 'thirty years have managed am happy to state that the third bot- New method for painless extraction, equalled merit by which it cures .
patent and experienced men is s6eured them without suspicion of malfeasance tie made me a well man." No Cocaine.
-Mr. W. R. Alger, insurance agent, I attention to the care and regulation diseases aseg caused or promoted by impure..
Halifax, N.S., says :-"I used Dr.
Frices and all Or till]
to one of Canada's most valuable assets. or, crookedness of any sort and the 'd poverished blood. If you havet
d1gi children's teeth. Moderate
In conclusion Mr. Stewart referred to people have no idea of, quitting the Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpen- work carefully and skilfully per ormQ. Office rheumatism, dyspepsia,' scrofula or -
tine for a severe attack of b nclittis. In Beaver Block, Wingham. catarrh you may take Hood's Sarsaparil-
the question of tree planting. He allud- certainty of good service for. tile hope of Permit me to testify to its At Gorrie every Monday.
ed to the value of wind breaks and shel' 64 better. plendid la and be cured i If you are run down,
at from
curative properties. I got belt, JOHN RITCHIE, and feel weak and tired,•
• or baits of troes to the prairie settler, the time of taking the first dose. H&V- b sure it will do you good. you may be
and urged the co-operation of the farm- For Over Fifty Years- Ing a family of -young children,. my Caveats and'fnda-Mark's obtained, and all patent GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT,
doctors' bills have annually come to 11 business conducted for MODEIhTh FERN. My
era with the Government in planting An Old and We# -Tried Remedy -Mrs eorlsiderable sum. I believe a bottle of officeisin theiminedhte vicinityofthePatentoffice Wingham, Ont. The favorite family cathartic is Hood's.
Dr. Chase's Syrup occasionally wil cruring Patents arc unsurpassea Pills.
trees, $,I may be permitted to state" he Winslow's SoothifigSyrtlp has been used I ni'l Send model, sketch orpiotogi-.tph orinvtntion iel
me In reducing them very materially.,' dcsc , * d DEAN% in.
for &er fifty yinillionsof ,.1tionan statement as, to advantages claimed.
said, I that it is expected that during the mothers 25 cents a bottle, all dealers. i P Deaths In Ontario
0 cl'argO i-lasade for au ovinion as go
for their children while tee with Patentabilier, LICENSED AUCTIONEER
perfect success. It soothes 'A , and 3nv fee for prosecutin the
eolaing season a regular system of t , child, Dr, Chase's Syrup aPPlicatlin u- I n0A 5`0 cttlUd for ts"tiftho for the County of Huron, Saps attended I Ontario a death late was Vey low last- J
afforestotion will be commenced by softens the gums, allays all pain, cures P&eet" Va"ZOWed "INVENTORS'Giums," con. any part of the County, Charges moderate.` n_ year, according to. stable, compiledbr
taining fail lnrormatlL sent free. All Communi.
'which the Government will endeavor to wind colic, and is the best remedy for cations Cousiderod as strictI.7 fwanildential. JOHN OURRIE, WMQHAM, ONT, the provincial health office. There wem
410 its part in co-operation with the diarrhoea, It is pleasant to the taste. ®f Linseed
Sold by druggists in every part of the FRANKMN H. HOUGH LICENSED AUCTIONEER, all told, 25,241 deaths, or all average of
world.* Twenty-five centsa, bottle. Its a n In" T u r ma. n '1 i i on -s G�M I S. �,Oolt. Sales of Farm Stock and Farm implements a 11.5 per thousand. Following are the
value is incalculable. Be sure you ask S'Pectalty. total deaths during, the year ffout con -
for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and 'All -orders left Terms
Timics office promptly
IfEiARSI attended to. Terms reasonable. tagious diseases:-Soorlatina, 181; diph-
theria, 477; measles, 93; whooping
take no other kind.
US4% U1 In"
Teacher Got Ills Salary. SOCIETY MEETINGS. dough, 121; typhoid fever, 545, and tu-
8 0 -S _08,mff Caledonia, No.'49, meets beroulosis, 2,846. September had the
Chief Justice Meredith sustained his 1 11 the rRtand thiptl Monday
Hom 1UNLU eve month, lit the Oddfellows Hnll, Visiting laxqst number of deaths, reaching
reputation for sweeping aside technical- - brethren welc%me. D, STHWAnW, Ohief; H. B. g,406.
To know the virtues of Dr. Chase's ities in a judgment in the Division Court SOLID Elliott, Ree.- See.
ointment and the innumerable u..e.4 to
which it can be put In the family Is to it). Toronto on Jan. 1501. Mr. MePher- RUBBER TRADE MARKS JOB PRINTING,
'prize It as a fricill of 1111,stln'10a10 son, formerly teacher in Usburne, who DESIGNO Convinced by Printed Testia.
iivt!rth. cop including Books, Pamphlets, pogo,;s, 33111 monV,,-of the hundreds of the cured, Mrs,,
Lie rash had been got rid of because the trustees YRIGHTS &C. Heads Circulars, &c , &c., executed In the best Betm Of 4.18 L- Sth street, New York, who
JVor baby, it quicklyrelleve,4 V C A R R I A G" E TIRE Anyone sending a alrett-h and descrigtion wag style ;f tile art, at Moderate pricos, and on
Itching Thieh torture him whilo wanted to engage a cheaper teacher, was quicki - ateertAin our opinion, freeco
w other an short notice. was for years a great sufferer from Catarrh,
head, CeZft invention im Probablypatentable. Comim,, procured two bottles of Dr. Agnew's;
X��'lling, and cures Scald suffig to got $160 of salary. school tioggrictirconadent limit. Handbookon Paten BOOMANDMG.-Wo are pleased to announce I
The I to
hives and all sores, ulcers and clisfinm. sent roe. Oldest a oney for securing Atenta. that any Booksor Magazines left with us for Catarrhal Powder and It dffetted an abso.
10or f-hildrPri, it ..tops tlici suffering, trustees In their defence claimed that A new carriage tire that italics Ading Patents talien t9rough Alunn OR'. receivO Binding, will have our prom
they should not pay, becaus on till roads a plegaur 8pedw nome, %vitbout charge, in tile Prive r tdlhg In any stylcwnilbattcntfou lute cure in a very short while. One puff
trout burns, seralechea, cuts and wounAs G-econoinieal, too, 's 0 nil
a the agree- A"t" 00licutioll. to 0 given 611 through the blower will clear the head and
and evert forit, t,z s.ldn Irritation and for it does away with the 'Vibration that Sdenfiffic Amerka THE TIMES Orma, Stdp headache. 5o cents,,-trS
eruption. niont with McPherson did riot bear the
liar WOW% It cures the PiMplel, _os.rporate seal of the board and was not shakos and breaks the carriages, Abandsornolyffluntratedwedkir, Lirresteir. Winghnin- Sold by A. L. Ittimilton.
cullitionofaiiyt;clelitifl(ii,)urniil. Tftrns34 -
"birteit•htlacis nnLI ihin cruptions which entered in tho minutes. The Chid Jttis. Y-sll%a spats between"thp, Year: four months, $i. 801-1 by
hewadealers, IIAILWAY TIME, TABLES. The Argentine Republic . and tho.
mar the beauty -of the skin, gives In-. rubber iroand tho steciflange WINN 9 P-0 uIllr6nd'vy, [IrMl YOrk VnA'.;D TRUNK nAILWA*Z SYSTEM. United.States have callh 14 or cent.
stant and lusting relief to the Itehing z Tice lectured the board represontativos reventq the erecting andcut-
I Ing which other Ires are sub.
troin which they suffer, and POritivOly �-for entering anch a ple (I A I the law N -A
turpti eczema., oilt rbetint and piles, till staid pvq. Seo the exhibit at the !�A�Xg LEA" Pon Of foreign born inhabitants. Gkoah
For men Dr. tlbase's ointment is most wits not cc absurd as to defeat justice by Ug AITS, Palmerston. ....... 6.5.1 ft.m.. Britain has one third of 1 par -cent.
10=1011 6.50 a.m.- 3.25pall,
froquently used for Dilv-,, which Oro t 8-25 8-ftan.
feting cogii'vance of one" technicalities' Send at once for Free Tire Catalogue; IT TAYS A11101,11 kIllom
,r�lu.gnd, I)y oxpwmv) to coia awl dtimp, The tetteher gets his Molloy.
uts-ts fir lily bodily (lit ngpmentr giving prices of all bites. 1m) p.m
Tt Is thL, onl�r g,�:Iranntend curo V,- ilLondon.......... .......11.10 nan.... 7.5 -
Palmerston .............. . !.45 p.m.... in A
not ut 1 0
all I St
a h
JtOMng, bleeding dhfl protruding Dilon. TO AMBUTISE.T OR
a) Cants tt btIx at all dealers', or 3311- Melt wlth'trortll& THE J. H. GORDON,GORDOIST, Agent, Wiligharn,
mans.-Pn, nates & Co., Toronto. tits. CANADIAN PACIP10 RA11W,&Y. Por Wants aria wroto tho iollowing: -Ono of lily J rat INS TAUAV14 colt I
Dunlop Tire Co., IN TIM Toronto nil(% ".53 11M )).tit
0 r . 00 h -a O's e1jildren took sick with worms ftnfl after Veswater TEO M06
trying everthilig. Without gottibg V-1or A14111VA Pii0X kialls ff two
we procumtl Dr. Lowlti 'Worin, Syrup TORONTO.'- To.ugwater'. OAACI,... 8 Itsutaff Over
Toronto E&O, 1 14 p 10.48 p.m. ot
0 whit -h netwd promptly aud offettually. ".;Onx. TIMES wb*wim. 44w, muor
tit,.1 A_Ldlk