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The Wingham Times, 1901-01-25, Page 3
1 :. } y DANGER, The Pits) .1x.1114 WhitN, �Itliicl x°(ca{ wa ux �t C�►w. .. , '.l:hc, alt ttt11 of ,Iu11.Y '�W 9iitf`, (aP' L;;,•c ti':, �" FST I'•±sllapls it is s,ut w� gausYx�llf r+'caw• EDIT -110 January 11tH, removed front tliat W 't« as 1t rslita 11+i bat allot Ill.) luilki.1a 0 M Ghaathan! Mother mils hew Her t •ivll lilt ('stinl:tblo vitizoll, alld frtnn ' lmksior of the vow is it,titutttely ar arXU MAU. AT YDIJ1 11 FM OFFICE PaughterliAlto was Troublaid j n1r11:llianl 013e ttf its 14'410.ra3. i; i1:is Has {� �� / ed v,•ith the ilert�ouii crganizatitxn Of the w1th Weak Heart. Action iii l�fit; t11 ft 1!lr. Wi+ite calif) to 1powtt,r l I t 1. as Met The NS'.f.ds ill "1Lilual, And that the llltalltal Aldo of tl k � � n Down Sy:1'�iogil< ttd:tl f`t;tttE,lid1N`tl Tho Tie s vo sl:kll),,Y f"(aiv ills l,tticll to (34a 111tH 11'.'r luillG �1, u� t, � P re Wad Restored, q it iv,ls a Uousvrvativu pal)U, and Mr. �'llc)ti:i;itatl � lea tl.t; batt:,t. yield. �1 A1:rit(3:' of t„t x lig+lice+ eu tl3e �. q � t v.r � «t ,.� White was a star noh lavocato of the subject goto.i so far its to say til It a Octr re, �; principles lie b,41orel�in.but 111:3Slewli tall.kLlXtnlltYt fJi` It3 i(.tl;la)1r�'r liPl(` �{.��q�+ rt,p a"Id Pt}"'''plan �i+aper. n .. wero gairl advueatt4tala lrk(volAitLCiUli w Bttr ", t4n(l k1 X,ll1t3�.,li3aCl li,+alnxitl :. `T.t,G 1.[, 1 IU ii,,r(7� i1lei a"Id t.I{,a l•; is 1 Wf rttt.■ ..,�Y.,. 4 Every lnatilox vvho.laas a dtln„ later (hoop y a 4 '� , f 1ligandfading--pale, weak and listloss--- of Other opinions allowed. Fro11rf'lxlie � q � p � �� a i.rFt G:t1F ;idilwer, Too brae Y il' 1t,11'• ' - r ... ^..... __ _ , 'Whose health is not lVlud it Ought to be, T.1nos 41co his F:mil, 'l,llolnas lit. �1 q�tas, r YJ MMM��J 111��� 110r.i i^!, (4 eoortio, Ul>;jNctiUiitlbl(, Lit i l: �v e asC Fri, a�n r oar r �., Should read the following statement made , , ^ i 1 X1'1 t, Xar •'s , fidg,(t • caw is a nirlt+anue, 111t1ie th,! Eti"'1114 Xla ll+rl .,TI:1 a „L ilalalr.-- 'lie Y'f '3 1 .PF•1 Fri PY )iv ill 2ty a. -tlx7d by Mrs. J, S. Ileath, 30 liielilidond Street Well not to tstabl s i Tho b SY year. It is essinitially' a ntsw paper for rh:4 hottio eir••1,s. While il;aill;.ui511Md for Chatham, Out.- ' Journal, and afterwar('s Tho 'Windsor CO- +��yy ruillulg of bee t(•lnpor produves tilt entcrpriso, car( Baas) b:;(`Il talttju #r aalY �fie l•t�; ill:di:€, of its c: -,r•• +r toadmitnothing {l Sometime ago I got a hoxof Milburn's 1,evaew, whilhit another swi, William �. ,+��� ��� �. phenmrni:ilon 1.1;owu as l!(,ld�n,l' rap 3haS to its columutl tll11G wmnl(i ol.7,ond th ! iniordl l9'�'i4W-1.Wi i�ESlf 'Fp;'�;!till;i l,isapi(:. Realt and Nerve Pills at the Central Drug White, astw.aitihed ., lie Braudon ,Sun. 1n11k., but there Na 111C4111.41 V.1441: Store for my daughter, who 3s now 1"1 (•.,- ti 1ta izit0lu r,rtaC 'CHla,A7;4" R'KCLT Fi.Ti,P03TQ,- Aro full. twil, up•to-cleats Nnilhtilril, d l the latest n 1Tr. White waa baa n oil Jaly 17, W 1 , ill r” r , l Ii , T , aleslrabl0, a„d all ac ve a l t,aaladiail, clean and Engll ilt live stock awl gestin warkox,., with the itiollt years of age, and lead been afilleted ivl�11 „ � Ltrts Incl 1•'lt, 4t.Stl op 1� e11. weak action of the heartier a considerable, Nowtoustow,. t, (Jaunty lyrolie, IrOlanal X aliil3aatl, ii properly klu(1)tint+= tYo°tat cl, I up -to -slate stews. length of tinge. and was descended groin an old English --- - will, nn tile, av(xralge lie the b,.+ttor iisills. <. a ':: �(T.r�Tlal?�IN.�.�y Y i0I,U3li:---��;1lew F111d Hpoial ,f('atturfr, colf(1(Y;�rt,fl by T. _'• Pod. . .these pills lia-, a dono her a world of family that settled ill Ireland about 100 It Is the ltltltl Yoll Hoed If YPU �.re cr, 0 h0 n1aterial urlt og v111fch t1.0 air 1 ills; V. S., flo!i(s.• graduato 0. V. 0. Articles appear ey isry $aturdw tit nlinq l,eod,. art, p strong, healthyaction o,. , r ,is.11ladtis tztorxF1 u. ili thu cella a,n(1 g t ; ct: , improving , ,. y(ttr(, baforE. Itis IairtlL. I.c) ivas of strrcly AY11pm, lt; yl,rallis, °tVQ?i.lt* p lvitli al.l a:lat,�(ixt, t,f "i`cter.nary . (1(.sie(` • tll,al (uestindls aztal atllav; airs {lazily rcxlal- hod heart,herphysi 1ler g ilgth beyond �, l and giving her physical str0ngatli b0ycnd fighting;. stool:, au0 of his rQncles bcizit; ,� „ ti(,sdes of alit) uiitler, and lvhcn filo t 1 1,:- live to all u3sealsE~r, cf a11in11a1:;, d,:o. (:ontaitis vtldab:a+lioili) ial:;iri:ctinla for the Frild ixeapondent, farmor and eat ck (owner. . III our expectations. Milled at Coruilna. 'ilio deceased ciizale iaf; ba„ins this in„terial in;zlisdi:lt,:1j' ` `(, y ` 1 to Montreal in 1.+43, stayed there a year '”- " " bvg;ius to eki•,O)ar;re, into the ducal+ of t.lm b'OI;1;IG�T ITDWS,-•-A eomplete history of the cic,in s all over alio ftnbll•11 wort l in Cho tire, a splendid comedy, and to any c,, .x , one suffering from wealtness, or heart and going ,, I gi Lul(ler as nitiik. 1f the eu ;v ict frightcatad tho latest final up -to -(late detspatche%. nerve troublo I cordial) recommend and a half, oin thelleo to Now York them.'P y and subsequently to Philadelphia, Coln. c F' ,, � ;zj a, i J' �i 9j or irritated the reflex action ul' iho COMPLE1'I 0 1 1AI)IlsS, TdETw MWS -113,y tr`leg:apll auto mail a"sF11 all harts of Can- and Milburn's heart and Nerve Pills are 500, in; back to Canada lie resided for awhile s �i4 J'� °i r (� Y tt; t nerves ilivolautlu'ily douses the tissues add, particular attention being paid tm' Western. Untario, s boa, or 3 for $1.25, at all druggists, t to coat;a sooretin`* the cling, and gull does SPORTING NEWS -"la full and cmnllal•:+te with Amateur aril Professiplial Sports pStouf;:er. where held is position e T " ,--Jrase Ball, Criettet, Lacrosse, Golf, 13owlink„ Foot 1',all, Huckey, Skating. postulobter. RasiGning; this position he Makes New BlOcld a11c1 not let it down, i1 hil0, if bad trt.atmcY t Horse Ra -cin Trotting and Running, hand Ball, ote, opened a oneral stern in Uulozlville, ro- is persisted 111, 6113 will scan go clry alto- r 1 g Builds Up the System. 124 POLITICS—airPolitics itisConservative,but its Conservatism nasinever pro. moving thence to St. Marys, ivltero 110 I y g0tlier, `!'lids ilitiwtltely auititert +(l lvitln vented it fromdmin�€, jdFltictl to or iaplicitdirpt wen of both parties who do right, a Rept a storo until his removal to E40or• -- •-- tile: tnaip(dament of the animal is the It is the organ of #htx Xwople, xrr.speetivp of party, azld makes the public well. In religion ho was a Methodist. Ike Years of experiences and tests by killd,of treatment situ r0c01vvs Froin her being its first couslde:atiun. o was also a prominent Oraug;eman, oc- 'physicians and its dso as a family medi- atteudauts, The milia - iold Lill rico or 1 Ili fact, the Free Press is the most colnlrlete and up-to-date paper west of Toronto; oupying leading positions in that order. erne havo fully proved Quit Paine s fail according as she is gently treated or I front 8 to 12 pages throus;h the wefxlt, anil 1t; pages oil Saturday. It is bright 011 April 10 1SG0 he married Miss Mar- Celery Couipouuri is the world's best subjected to blows, a rough tug cin n and readable:; news for old and young. p , , and most ielialale medicine. 1 € garot A. Millor,fof Ivewtonstowart, who ',i'!ie xf t lode Inorit and eificienay of systom of milking, and abusivolaugtuage. Seconal edition at your post.0face for ti.00 per ,year. Now is tho time to subscribe. surviv0e him. The children of this Paine's Celery Compound, in compar- Quick milking is conducive to a good marriage were William, in Ottawa; icon with all other remedies for malting yield, partly froth the quickness itself, The Lonuu !n F1'eo t"(Pua PIG. ti®,P Ltd., London, Out. � Huu brey, deceased; `Thomas and John peoplo well, is clearly shown -in the intel- tied partly because the millet{r gives his )p ligent character and responsible stawl- in Windsor; 121110x, now conducting The filg of alio paopla who to -tidy rely on it attention to getting the mint out, and ..•�-----� - -- --':-`^--�--�:. -__ ___.. _ _ . _ _ __� Exeter Times, and Maggie and Tille at to cure hisomonia, 'nervous debility, not to ubilsing the.0ow,- _ home, rheumatism, neuralgia, liver and kidney i „bra d troubles and blood diseases. Nouralt;ltt The funeral took place to Exeter � Its power of rapidly repairing alio "I had b0eti snffexing about sis months�• t Cemel ei on Monday of last week,. tile tissues and cleansing tho blood maheR l with Neuralgia when I starred t )kms" � � W 7 services at the house being conddeted byPaiuO's CleleryCompound the great•saver '_4lilburn's Iihoumatio Pills. 'They did j the Rev, Mr. IdIildyard, and at the grave of lift uhtit it is. me more stood than any medicine I ever It brings to the woaU and snfferiug the used. Mi•s. Annie Ryan, Sand Point, f by the Orange Order. Of the deceased needed nutriment to the nerve tissues N. S. B B it may bo said that lie served his gonera- all over the body, and iucreases the tiou faithfully, was respected by all Who volume of healthy blood, E.o that a break " , know him, and loaves to his children the down of sumo vital parts is averted. Yn the �`vcutietlt Century. 'Thousands of lives now fast wearing Will the housemaial be a house- record of a faithful citizen and the le;;acy , -+ , 31 of a good name. away call ba s tQ Eel if Paizio s Celery Com mane i b pound be promptly used. If you are �� 1 numbered amongst tb0 sick ones, pro- b9i11 Lorses b0 exhibited as curiys- oN THE t11.ING LINE. cure Pairic's Celery Compound today, ities? � and test its health restoring powers. Will politics be run oil a hilanthro- � t Ladies of Canada: p p t Side by side stood Canada's noble sous pie basis? - m�-'1.E TIMES innounces the fol- with the best brawn of Ceylon and useful Hints India in the recent unpleasantness. The Will mels wear frilled shirts and Ivo- rt sial- White meats require thorough coop- a �G �'� ll�iv, ��.r��sb�,I2 � i�xt�Y"N ��I' slogan was "help one another, and no men trousers: one forgot the watchword. You, ladies int;, while rest nLeats are usually served Will alio college girl carry a gang and 1900-1-901 ; of Canaria, have the power to wage a rare.1 relentless warfare on the impure teas Salt spread oil the oven -bottom under smoke at pipe. 1 that come into your homes front China I Will women bosses run politics as they Times till end of I o i , - - $1. oo j and Japan, and at the same time assist a baking.pan •will prevent scorching; 9 1 + now run the home? "The Can.- ;p your brother colonists wile produce the asbestos mats are also good. Times and Weekly Globe, with picture, pu] pure Ceylon and India teas. If .you „ Steeping„ means infusing in water Will men wear birds in their hat aucl adialls at the Battle of Ya.ardeberg,” till fan. Ist, • drink Japan tea, try Salada, Monsoon or crochet? - i.6o Blue Ribbon packets of Ceylon and India maintained below the boiling point. 1902, - - Green teas. Colonist. Canned goods of all kinds shorild be Will there be a law compelling bar- Times and Weekly Witness, - - i.6o emptied from the cans Lis Econ as they hers t0 remain silent. Aphorieiry Times and Family Fleral(� and Weekly .Star with are opened. They should never on any Will men go to church evemngs in- premium 75 - - - I 1 Self distrust is the cause of most of account be left to stand in the cans. stead of to the club? our failures.-Bovee. Dried orange peel allowed to smolder Will the wife kiss her husband good Times and Weekly Mail and 'Empire; - 1-75 A bravo man hazards life, but not his on a prose of reel -hot iron or on an old bye before starting off to business. Times and Western Adverti�'er, - 1;,;o t _ ss conseionce.-Schiller. shovel will kill any bad odor in existence Will women either wear short skirts Times and Weekly Sun, - I .75 Sentiment is nothing but thought and leaves a fragrant one instead. or have pages to caxmy their trains? Times and Daily Globe, - 4.35 blended with feeling. F. Clarke. Use boiling water when it first boils or Will rich noblemen marry poor Anieri Times and Toronto Daily Star, - - 2.50 ' No toil, no hardship • can restrain am- the gasses escape and the water becomes can girls? _ _ b g Times and Farmers Advocate, 1.9 li bitious men injured to pain. -Horace. fiat. Will hornets and other stinging things Perseverance is failing 19 times and Brush the bott6m crust of a fruit pie arbitrate austead of fight when their W e could extend the list, but it is not necessary. We 'e succeeding the twentieth.- J. Ander- with white of an egg and it will not be nests are pulled? Can give you clubbing rates for any newspaper Or magazine y son. soggy' Will the grain be extracted from the published. Every subscriber will receive a copy of the hand A great deal of talent is lost in the Brass kettles should be kept blean with heads of wheat and other cereals by a some illustrated TIMES CHRISTMAS SUPPLEMENT. r- lvorld by want of a great deal of tour- salt and vinegar in order to avoid verdi- magnet and save the labor of harvesting ;The advance in the price Of paper, having t0 pay postage and. age. -Sydney Smith. gris poison. straw? yr Nothing can constitute good breeding Add one or two teaspoonfuls of sugar Now, candidly, wouldn't you like to having a higher rate from publisher, the clubbing rates have l- that has not good nature for its found- to strong turnips when cooping. know what sayers will be saying, think- been increased In some instances. The above are our E I XE D ation.-Bulwer. Try rubbing tough meat with a out ers thinking, writers writing, doers do rates, marked down so as to admit of no reduction, There f d he eno ,-it Temperance is corporeal piety. It is lemon to make it tender. ung, and plotters plotting at tfore there is no use asking for cheaper rates. When we can the preservation of divine .order in the the noxi hundred years? A Surprise to Everybody afford to give cheaper rates to one we can give them, to all. a $iody.-Theodore Parker. `�� �! �y �1 The desire of knowledge, like the The promptness with which Dr. Chase 's T�.L�1FS 0FFIC�, Not a carter -But Yo cents, and Sidney-Lnver Pills regulate and invigor- Q thirst of riches, increases ever with the ate the action of the kidneys, liver and 4o doses in a vial of Dr. Agneves Little J acquisition of it. -Sterne. bowels, is a surprise to.everybody. They llg}3a�ii1 are the peoples favorite cure for kidney fills. No pain, • pleasure is every dose- Ont. Let us have faith that 'right makes disease, liver complaint, indigestion and little; but ;awfully good: Cure Sick Head. xnight, and in that faith let • us dare to constipation. The sale of this great ache, Constipation, Biliousness, Nausea, do our duty as we understand it. -Lin- prescription is simply enormous. One r �- ^I coin. pill a dose,,25,, cents a box, all dealers. Sallowness.-iiry �► t Sold by A. L. Hgmlison. 1 µ The Conservative opposition in the re- During the year 1000 there were built eentl elected Quebec Legislature will y @ g in the United States and officially _ : q'sOLUTE number five in a house of •seventy-four numbered by the bureau of navigation 4_ members. The Conservative opposition 1 102 merchant vessels. the St. John, N. B., Globo. Truly there The sting of a wasp is only one-thirty- McYat l ©bar' i rtiY4tito ®t clods snot seem to be much life at the second of an inch long. The rest of -the moment in the Conservative party down mile and a half is imagination, -Chicago east. Nervs, .e .doctor alto [iorses. New lifo fora quarter. MillWACeln- Mrs. Thos. Thompson, Roland, Mat . pound Iron isi11kSold 11y A. L. Isamil- ofper heaow. j writes: "My husband would not be, torn, fir, paw without Hagyardrs Yellow Oil in the They mommoneod-the manufacture of t© wan. aAa nd o 1'. wr house, as he rises it a good dealk'° or twine last woek in'Walkerton, Twelto doctoring tip the horses and consiclors it a ,, FOR NEAilACOL splendid," Price `Nuc. melt are emplo Seel now, but the srftnlber CARERS FOR amINESS. A hundred years ago tho largest for - )000 increased, :ry. 6•�I �#ILl! RS i Sse ,� Miller's Worm I11ow(lers aro the best tuna ill the Ullit0d States was $250,000 L laxative meciiclue for ebildrou; as sliceFOU TORPID LIVE?%, Now there aro several fortulres of adore "as sugar. Sold by A. L, Hamilton .!"i. FOR GODISTIPAS1Ril. than : 200,000,000. 11ako away my first letter, talto array i FOR SALLOW SKIN- . Fml�'tH� CBII<AF'iR1Sl�fl . my secolntl letter, take away all guy let- oltcrtv(riu truAttuveE w„nsR .� -kelswiach Yt Scowls," -Ever nodcal 4 tors, and I ain still t-10 same, What lint f t riAetd3 $°Ur(1>ly ^efiat✓ota7liA i °C�'�r + - tM oteanls and furrows that steal into the face j Ip '1'1aa postman, of the sufferer frons indigestion, dyspepsia . I Uflrr 51CK I1 ,4DACt-1 and chronic stomach ailmenn? 'watch the A close of .1,1111W8 Worau Powders I sur3hinc break in and tht) lines vanish when loceasimnally will free, r thm children Dr. Von Stan's Iaineapple- Tablets are tivc:i � healthy. Sulci by A, L. lazttiltoll. Cl W `LLQ TO PATENT G'QOd IdGIS a ,fiance to show .their power. One lady, l lIv(,r i,000,Ci0t1 poll ai a mi:t`ts fCi' 9u ns' i ` Y may be seentedby in WriLing m their efiicacy in her case, 'calla our ltd. Address, t.luun ` .i !1W(rreu-born lacalcr," 35 eta.-•-sacf 1 undue 10 Shillings alga issued Weekly in C. tks PATENT R 9000, , t>uld by A.1. Ii:ruaillunl. 1 London :L1ont', ni�rAr�•�Lmin tell lot Ave cents,tat Druggists Gtocm, Rwautants, Saloons, News -Stands, t.enera'l Stores and Shops. Chea banish pain, SL1dUCe 9CCep, and r)YOletli hSr„ One given relief) No tnattet what's the tnatlisi% tan will do you good. Ten 'samples and one thug ani) ;i• mantals sent bq snail to Any address on tetc,pt r.r , I °c, by the Minim chemic,+d Co., to Spruce St., Ntw Poll. Coy, -= , 1.1 u • In the recently elected P. E. Island ' ' Scrofula in the blood shows itself sooner ;SS SEC&URITY Legislature will number seven in an as- or later in swellings, sores, eruptions. sembly of thirty. In Nova. Scotia in a But Hood's Sarsaparilla completely Qty house comprising thirty-eight members cures it. up m there eight Conservatives. The opposi- The.proportion of passengers injured �e Genuine tion in the New Brunswick Legislature � i, in the "'good old stage coach days" as consists of six Conservatives, but compared with the present is as 00 to 1. )utwould, C r hardly be fair to claim the r0- maining thirty-seven members (there Many young ladies who were sup - into 'decline have u are three vacant seats) as Liberals, Al- posed to be going been restored to health and vigor by the e � though few of them will now object to being counted in the Liberal column,says Compound Iron Pills. rise of Miller's Sold by A. L Hamilt n, the St. John, N. B., Globo. Truly there The sting of a wasp is only one-thirty- McYat l ©bar' i rtiY4tito ®t clods snot seem to be much life at the second of an inch long. The rest of -the moment in the Conservative party down mile and a half is imagination, -Chicago east. Nervs, .e .doctor alto [iorses. New lifo fora quarter. MillWACeln- Mrs. Thos. Thompson, Roland, Mat . pound Iron isi11kSold 11y A. L. Isamil- ofper heaow. j writes: "My husband would not be, torn, fir, paw without Hagyardrs Yellow Oil in the They mommoneod-the manufacture of t© wan. aAa nd o 1'. wr house, as he rises it a good dealk'° or twine last woek in'Walkerton, Twelto doctoring tip the horses and consiclors it a ,, FOR NEAilACOL splendid," Price `Nuc. melt are emplo Seel now, but the srftnlber CARERS FOR amINESS. A hundred years ago tho largest for - )000 increased, :ry. 6•�I �#ILl! RS i Sse ,� Miller's Worm I11ow(lers aro the best tuna ill the Ullit0d States was $250,000 L laxative meciiclue for ebildrou; as sliceFOU TORPID LIVE?%, Now there aro several fortulres of adore "as sugar. Sold by A. L, Hamilton .!"i. FOR GODISTIPAS1Ril. than : 200,000,000. 11ako away my first letter, talto array i FOR SALLOW SKIN- . Fml�'tH� CBII<AF'iR1Sl�fl . my secolntl letter, take away all guy let- oltcrtv(riu truAttuveE w„nsR .� -kelswiach Yt Scowls," -Ever nodcal 4 tors, and I ain still t-10 same, What lint f t riAetd3 $°Ur(1>ly ^efiat✓ota7liA i °C�'�r + - tM oteanls and furrows that steal into the face j Ip '1'1aa postman, of the sufferer frons indigestion, dyspepsia . I Uflrr 51CK I1 ,4DACt-1 and chronic stomach ailmenn? 'watch the A close of .1,1111W8 Worau Powders I sur3hinc break in and tht) lines vanish when loceasimnally will free, r thm children Dr. Von Stan's Iaineapple- Tablets are tivc:i � healthy. Sulci by A, L. lazttiltoll. Cl W `LLQ TO PATENT G'QOd IdGIS a ,fiance to show .their power. One lady, l lIv(,r i,000,Ci0t1 poll ai a mi:t`ts fCi' 9u ns' i ` Y may be seentedby in WriLing m their efiicacy in her case, 'calla our ltd. Address, t.luun ` .i !1W(rreu-born lacalcr," 35 eta.-•-sacf 1 undue 10 Shillings alga issued Weekly in C. tks PATENT R 9000, , t>uld by A.1. Ii:ruaillunl. 1 London :L1ont', ni�rAr�•�Lmin tell lot Ave cents,tat Druggists Gtocm, Rwautants, Saloons, News -Stands, t.enera'l Stores and Shops. Chea banish pain, SL1dUCe 9CCep, and r)YOletli hSr„ One given relief) No tnattet what's the tnatlisi% tan will do you good. Ten 'samples and one thug ani) ;i• mantals sent bq snail to Any address on tetc,pt r.r , I °c, by the Minim chemic,+d Co., to Spruce St., Ntw Poll. Coy, -= , 1.1 u •