HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-01-25, Page 1..
I ..},��t- �y�. �,�•y ,x���r � " ,,p, gyp. p.; ; �,". ,, �. . ; •. ,
'�.�Fl.HRV:14hIfPMi4�rW'1�4°.Ma.h.t+f41,FMh�M•,+rT{b. ptF^W++M.�.�.1u/+/w.5 ��'M1PiM.i AKe f��'�1�'•i i,.4•�i'1�'•NI�
VOL,. --NO. 1501.
for the purchase of, fall and
''winter Suits is at'hand, We
ebave a magnificent range of
Tweeds, Wonsteds, etc., Lll-
ported and Canadian goods
,from the best makers. Please
ado us a favor by looking
through our stock, °
.,Do you Want an
,.or fall or winter Suit. If so,
J. J. Homuth & Sons is THE
Place where . Quality, Price
and satisfaction cdn be found
Vcombined within reach of all.
.S®ots and Shoes
In this line our stock is
:large, well -assorted, and com-
prised of goodss from the best
:makers. Our prices touch
crock -bottom.
Call and inspect our goods.
marriage I.1censes
Issued by F9Aies FATSUS09, No- 23 Vietori
y -street, wiiiuham, Ont. No witnesses required
"�'4L`: 'Y"'.i"i•4„i"'O'�'� i •i:"i •�' � 'g"�'�' �.i.,t�..l.,¢..j+.
,i• lOifi'ereut Sehooib aro of Difloreut
-g, Different Grades stave Dif e-ren't
g, values.
�R 1 •.
Business Education is the kind '
wti furnish to our students.
' Central Business C•olle,e
Stratford, Ont.
i� A school that enjoys the repo- .
'i1, tation of beiug vile of the very
,,. bQst colleges in the Dominion.
;,v We are not, however, living on
-i' our reputation, but lipon what we
fit• are actually doing in the sobool-
room to -day. Everything strictly
first-olass. Students admitted
each: week.. Handsome catalogue
•1• flee.
. 1. W. J. I;LLIOTT. Prineillal.
A YEAS. :'1DVAN "�
All kinds of Volt rw vear below'i auj liter S'llu of Boots alld Sl os for.
�, 'cast. I3alzna'F ClOarir. alu, * 301111ays at W, J. Greor's. N
We have left a few � Bmixen TrzI31:Qr7* Wu understand ANcTTNT FonrosT s--Organizor lien- '� Now is the se''F s6n for i
feces of those finer '�' that a blanch of ill Wiugliam public :tarpon is doing g od work for Court serSoils tr�alxlale t4 occur
p ltbraryis beiug open at Whitechurch:. l:Iuron, A. O. j:+'. n Wi�4uesdiiy oven- � { � �vitl� tllf+ ltil!I'YS, �tiil�l tt� y?
lines of i M r"
large numb o£ ol.s have been solrt irlg a special Iuoe ilrg was held and fl the S 5tt'tl1 Anil stren tll.
over to that village. rhe library will be number of now in bers w ere c cd, �, �i•; . �'
,taken charge of by r. Henderson. It's up to you, taKiWarat
b:* psFt, if a , � a[' � en the lillt,gs with
Purse appealing bargains in all kind rnu don't buy your Tlallna'N �.of hoots and Shoes at W..,J. Green's. y,Clearing Sale. kli� +'' s . .• /.A o +9 Wixin , x DRIMA ED. -^ Willgham , PRUSM TA.TION. e 3nelltbores an+i Q +4� ` v , % d , G'i"
L,,hina 4o key team `vent t Clinton on Thurs- �6;imbvr of the friou is of the W. C. T. 't7. `s #' +e � �'n t" :,E P�.rl Palatable
bl e
clay night of last Y% .el-, and were do- ,,had a vex 1 tsaut hneeting
Y P : rx L. ,� �� � • Qom•
£eatecl by a segs of to 0. '1'liis (Friday)Cltishalm's hail a- ' Thursday Oveihin,+ti'
it, �, y ,, t
1� 1� bveniliR the boys 411 platy -,lith tale - last. The occasion :. f tho meeting Iva ' *"- R,..: of Liver
0 which you ou can have 1 1 T � i '. � }i er
�' • Wroxeter team in a rin.t here. Theta preseltt'Mrs B. Paulin with a geld • OUR Llttl i, DEAD. • ,
admission is only 10 'uts, Gaderich won ,• pin, Mrs, Pauli bas been a valued
!rota Clinton Tuesd night. cora 12.2 , momber of the W. T. U. for a numbers She has passed. , , Victoria, Queen 01
faood Rubbers; m� s o: Women s lyoaxs and hex-svorl;sxa could not neat Britain, h s crossed the darl
i l . 4350. Ranua s. Shoo h e. Sao her leave Wing am rvzthout sent- river and ane to ' �eot her God; gal c
p g It is fresh'• ..hd the best on thb
•CURLIso MATcr.E^ Wingham curl- lig. her with a tok i of their eem. with the rocord of :such a reign as nuv01 ' mc, kat.
li P� C g H. iug club went to T1lie now on Thursda Ik onls Rubbers 50c on's at . has been before; one with her 7 carll•
of last weep and •eve a defeated iiy Your r alrua s Clearing S ale. two and eighty ye 'rs of service to her ' rile old Williams stand.
shots. The Wroxot' curlers clefeatecl "One of the best portrait In ses at Stnr, people and to he Maker. For sixty
Brussels on Friday ast. The Lucknow . lioto Studio, opposit nswick Hotel, three she has helc sway over the great
and "Wroxeter club clime to Win bam aver Block, Wing � ■ .a D°10i ' �
g st empire the w ld has sysr arnoivn,9 �
on Tuesday of t s Iveolc• Lucknow To SrR�.z� z�; C Napa—Dr, ,T. M. yeoman, atrae C istiau, a -true Queen.: Prop, '
Cl played with Wro 'ter in the forenoon anhpi)ell, of Gxee oint, has accepted It is little woude - that an empire mournF G W Oflica.
C 0 and defeated them by 14 shots. > un th n invitation to go o Montreal to deliver to -day., inqurits I-ith no mock sorrow Yor � �i
afternoon, Wingh In played Ivit u0k- all address on ''Ro art Burns", at a ban- the death of a bcaoved sovereign. Meu
Opp. Bank of Hamilton. now and were de ated by 12 Ots. suet to be held at . xe Windsor Hotel, on are grey -headed now, who heard her r
As I am. leaving Wing h allpartiaa. arns'birthday a niversary. The Dr. name with rev encs spoken `upon Great Overcoat brim or Sale
indebted to me will til ' . Cali and settee is a gradvate of McGill University ,nbther's knee. o Briton of cls all blit• For tlhe Next Two rvee:cs,
douse to Let or ------ at once, R. MvNSlraw. � f Montreal of he class of 18W.-
--- � £eels the shadq which has fallen over
Sell. STOCDS,S:bM' TENTS. On Monday W.F.'` rookiyn, N. Y. T mes. Dr. Campbell the Empire to- ay, an Empire better Big Stock of Men's Boys'andChildren's
Valnstone shipped tw cars Of hogs from s well-known to any,in this vicinity: and broader to- ay for the life and rel Overcoats, all marled at Close Casa
CYin ham to Toro o. At the resent lie practiced for uy years in Ssaforth of assn Vi to ia. But her influence, trees—will be solei for the next tiva
Four bed -rooms, drawing room, dining r.0a, g present Q p
and Idtohon; two pantries, hard and soft lime farmers are aking well out O and is a brother- i -law of H, Davis oY Ivas greater the that, extended farthe weeks at a straight discount of tell per
;thein }togs. For onday's shipment this town. than that, and any an alien brother cent for flash. Immense assottmentof
water; woad rhea. Apply to Ladies and Gentlemen's Furs -of they
GEO. MCHENZIE. Mr, Vanstoue pai out nearly $3,000. Save money! Now is the time is will sorrow wit the sons. of Britain in finest quality to be cleared out during
This amount of ney paid out to th and Shoes.' The best for th east the loss of one ho has wrought till good. the next two weeks; this means a big
farmers in this v inity, means solve money, at W. X. Green's. in the interests not only of her people Christmas present to every purchaser .of
GENERAL LOCAL NEWS. thing to our bus' ss men, On Thurs WAvxrD: Roll Butter c. Feed.
above lines.
_ those cows—Butter a good for but of humans And years, nay ten : ` Our prices for Boots,Shbos, Overshoos,
day Messrs. R ertson & Burahil g turies may co a and go before anOtIX Cardigans and Rubbers are the lowest.
See Halsey Park's adver ' ement. f months and ours is t est market in s
shipped 52 calve to 11%r. Kennedy at Canada the year,roun G. E. KING. such shall sit i majesty on Britain Come with the crowd and secure Christ-
AumION SA V —J'. R unsiiaw will •Teterboro. throne. mas bargains at'
sell his household g o by public tine• " CArTADIAN • N'a xERs. — A Large. D. M. GORD017'
The Town of Wingham has a limited The Prilld of Wales ascends the P S,—A'few handsome Sleigh Robes,
tion at his residen . Stone block, on amount of funds to lend on fararz securit number of new m tubers are being add
y• , throne. Ther will be no constitutional' to be sacrificed.
Saturday, Feb. 2nd, at 2 W look p. m. Apply to J. B. FrRaysoN, Treasurer, ed to Court Maid d, C. O. F. as a re-- jai• or jolt; th sceptre is simply trans -
stilt of Organizer Sthoug's visit to the queen mother to the wd®�,�
WANTED,—Man 'to •canvass. $3 pe MA7U11A DAY.—T4 days between toe furred from th ��L
da may be Basil made U enorgOti = town. Special eetings of the Court
y y y y 18th and 20th of Fel'-nary, ],800, will be lung son. It i said that the Prince of
canvasser. Address, Bos 109, in wore held on T ursday' and Monday.
memorable in the h to of the South ales will h reafter be called King
ham. , evenings, when to new members were Edward VLT. u "
African wax, 1`h� part taken by the`„
JERSEY (low SOLD - 4- (Dr., Tamp , received. The eeting. • on Monday In Win ham he British fi p p
] n has sold cue of ex Jorse cows tc :Canadian troops ori that. day when the g h Rag was cars- What aro ictuses worth if not 3r�
y y .i evening was one o the best in the; ed at half mast n the town hall at the mauent?
lion of, the northGeneral Croiije— ,
Wm. Patton of 131 evale. Mr, Patio history of the Order i Wingham. A splen We guarantee permaneuc.O: We have
vvas forced to sort nder will be spoken public school a d business places and the right method to insure it.
has got a spleud- d orottghbred Jersey did program was re dered. The Cour L esidences. Th town boll Nits tolled.
of as a work wor , y of any regiment. , Come and visit us. WQ bave one o£
cow,. registered in a American Jersey will hold its regular estiug this (Fri Since Tuesday t e town hall has been the best portrait lenses, the best lighted
The position .the occupied is clearly y p g
Club. •The price d was °3"r 6. day). evening when i is esps0ted that a suitably draped ud the . late Queen's and the largest gallery in town.
depicted in the pi tore which The WeQk+ n,'tilnter o£ �candulstes-will bo uutlatgd,
Alit' one intending to take a .d6ul'ee at ly Giobe is givin free to `its ettriy ietiire ml%:y be se ii in windoWs of inazfT' »f•.
the O'S. B..C., Shaw block, Wingham, WANTrD.—Goose, duck and hen business laces s itabI �- • +'
subscribers. A mple copy otm- be seen P y draped. The .
should enter now. All branches. taught ' feathere. Highest price paid. Mayor intends iss ing
individually. Call or address for free at this office. It is tier -am orthy of Ra LL Bros. y b a proclamation PLOP.
for a holiday to be bsorved on the cls J. M. GRAHAirf, Artist,
catalogue, tz place in ovary Canadial oma, y
Late Star Photo ons
A NTrD 0 head Lt %- Company,.
C TILE WA 2 e d i e
THE NEW FOUNAR Messrs. Galt err A SxAr ox FLo R H. Carr is of•the funeral. k y.
oiierin� for the net re0 weeks, pure':. change for rollers, bobsleighs, seed drills Beaver Brock, Wingham
C• rr7rYGLOW ` {v"'i.YGvydi•t •6� k' -
Bullock'have been `a town this weel Manitoba Flour, nd from No. 1 hard binders, Ptc.
and are making azrLcgomeuts to carr ° wheat at X2,10 per 100 lbs. for spot cash. - Wx• RENDALL, Whitechurch. Fresh oysters always oil hand; cloy church, Ram]ltcs, has xleeppted an'°•
out their a eement�ith the town coup T SOHom BOARD N�L•'ETINt}—Tho special to old price; served in all . yles at avitation to sacc ad Rev,. Dr. hose; :as
Loos AiPTnp Ru ER T Rrs laOw.— p y S. OKDLVIr'S.
a ail forthwith. 'taG3 understand that' Where have you s.to ocl your wheel for meeting of the Sc .00l Board was held • pastor of Dominivt church, Ottawa. '
they are now ready to receive tender s• the winter—and ho ? See that you do, on Wednesday eGning•. Members all FAREw1 LL Sllr>`� nucan Stewart,. Rev. W. &Gift ,rd, of Clinton, preach-
? for the erection of air buildings. It is not allow the whee to stand for months present except MBs rs. BeII and Button. Nvho has been in )a iu A. Campbell'cx ed in the Metbod�t church here on Sun -
0o near our time o going to press to Applications for t.O position of janitor' drag store for the just three years, left. da 1.
1 on the tires. Even Dunlop tires mad �9 y last. Mr. 4ifkord is a son of RPM
ive further particu ' s in this i e. Sas they are of the very best material, were read #OmW. Saylor, AnneE.Coad,9 yesterday for Torc ito. On Wedilesday Dr. Gifford, a, oriner pastor of the 'V
H. G. Lee, Wm. Williamson, W. Guest,�evening a farewell supper was given at
There will be heaps of ono Said cold •will be injured by t to continuous weight . church hexa. Rte. R. Hobbs assisted at
and H. Hamilton, Moved b C, N. the Dinsley House -y his young Weiids.
weather before summer o s. Protect pressing down in o plats, and perhaps y the missionaay nT:ivarsarY- in Clinton.
• your feet and save $ S etting your treezin in that , crinin, seconded Inc* T. Abraham, that A splendid spread vas prepared by the
g ' pus tion. frost kills - The annual co rreationrl meeting o€
-foot protection at na s Clea ing, rubber when not in 'se. This is equally* •� alter Taylor ba appointed janitor for hostess. After dei ig justice to this part.. �
Sale. 001—Carried. T -e Chairman, ' Secre- of the pr am, th.. young men spent a the, Wingham P sbyteriau church was
true of rubber carri ge tires. If allow- held on,Monda evening, when a good-
STRICEnN WITH 'ARA jrSIS.—Mrs. cry IIlld Prinoip 1 were appointed a ,very pl ` nt even ag in son;;, speeches,
eel to stand long un r the heavy weight ly number of th members and adherents
Wm. Crowston went to file Scottisb. sand pressure of the c triage the resiliency ouimittee to defin the janitor's duties etc, . Stewart s iu young man who
concert on Tuesdayev .nin , apparentl and report at nex meeting. The new had ny friends in town and he wit tivere in attend ce. The three new
g and vitality of the Lubber iii lessened. b' managers elect. were Chas. !Gillespie,
in the best of health, lit the programme Chairman, H. Ker , did not forget the leave here with be p wishes for a brigh
When not in use all lubber tires should g lid prosperous fut are. W. Taylor aud-ales. ytitehie. Needed
�. had just been started when she took be relieved of unuec ss time cos m of treating the P p
+n'3' weight. The :repairs to the ::-_:hureli were discussed, {
sick and when medics aid was at ]laud board officers and 'press representatives Apprentices •wanted at once. TW ,•
!,q. Dunlop Company ire getting out ' but it Ives deer.• d to rlofer azo re aiih*
it was found she ry suffering front, to oysters,,and at. o close of the meet- young tattles to learn tailoring. until each time as the money
simple device to appy to carriage tires: tf WCSSTER & Co
paralysis. The sic] lady was at once "ng all retired t the Star restaurant was in sight to ` gay for the, same. The
when not in use.
removed to her home` lid we are pleased whore. oysters w e served in Mr. Me- STAxLRY IaKE vN BRowx—TheMnO •past year was t•1 b most sncaessful in the,
to learn has be dbin iia well as conic Our stock of over $0,000 worth of Boots' Keivie's best styi uud Empire's wa correspondent will" history of the c uroh. Thz total con -
and Shoes must be reduced by Feb. 10th, tributions fronx sources amounted to
be expected. we s] 0erely ]hope that stock-takiii time) therefor rye offer appear hear in t 'e Opera T3ouse, ou ,
( ! Any, orders fox sales left at t TIaILs' l#iG.38. 'lire aliurch debt, sltuauuting
Mrs, Crowston may ; ave a oolnplete everything at cost for 80 da office will receive prompt n tion. J, Holiday evening, aiivary 28th, udder. to nearly $2,00 hats been wiped out and
.� and speedy recovery. • • J. Currie, auctioneer. the auspices of ill Ladies' Aid Saoiet .the eongregatin , rviil have practio.�lly ,a,
e, Groiwn AxTox Dr <eD Geo. Axton, ` o£ the Methodist urCli, and deliver is ocean sheet to ao men the naw century
MONEY xo LoAx-11)Loney to loan On' How about the tie trunk or valise "To Africa a the nth'
'1' notes; and notes discounted at reason- traveller for the firm of A. M. Smith you are going to.' You will never illustrated lecture,
° able rates. Mone advanced on most.. Co. of London dial suddenly at'tlze get it cheaper ,than very at Hanna's frout•with the C uacliau, 1) Id takes . rah oar;rta�: n. 001,Dx�: tllvis :bA•5G
gages, with privilege of paying at the Brunswick House he, a on Tuesday even- Clearing Sale. on from Quebec glit throagh i� e.am tire Lnsative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All
end of any year. Ngtes and accounts •n Mr. Axton left Condon an MOnda ai n. Chair i+tien • at clock otic b truegi.As refund the money it ,t fails to owe.
h collected. Office—Beaver Block, Wing- g` y g y E. W. (1 re�o's ytgnattare is on ea hos. 236
ham. RosT. Mo NDoo, morning last, appare. Vy in the best of ' v Trooper Loughee.. Ticke .s 25c; reserv-. -
health. He renehed own Mou ay even- T ed seats 360. U u at Douglass' dr- (((���i�i (11 ��. p
��.�g•� `�-✓ �. ing, and asthe `�trati oiled in hecom•_ Stora. Ticketsm yalsobehaclatPorke 'liinuba� � E�f/UIIr w1a38 store.
,�--� plaiired of a pain in its head. He wont jewelery store!: Matinee for whool!
NOTICE to A. J. Sebastiau's'���er shop, rvhexe' Next door to`' mostftia;e, children at 3.30 1. in. Admission 10c.a
pNT• hot cloths were app, ed to the top of ]1' 1, 1, The following specks for itself: ;
J ��' head in the slope th. t they would afford' a SNol�ld ltl6e to 1� Y(�u Gode-iah,.Tan. 22nd, 1'001.
1,01 As chairman o the re0e ,, ion com-
•• �''.a-•�= ,.,/GcfN•EiV rehof. While sea din the chair the in the selection of your holiday par- mittee of private-7hisholm, I]lave much � �6
laps 1 into ttlic0nseious• chafes by showing• yoga otar stock of; pleasure in reconomending and highly
Ckk I ness. go neve`✓ re ]ued his senses, but: ,
WILL , suitable goods, including endorsilig the ei�ertnanmcnt given by . lingered until Tues. i4y !light, Paralysis, Stanley McKeown Brown in lhis ilius-
r SHAW 38LOOX was t110 Canso of oath. Mrs. Axtol Toilet, 3iatyicurt3 and Dressing Sets, txated lecture Oil at occasion. It was
one of the larges i,
X Tiudionees that Over
r WINGRAM was notified of her sband's illness and Bohemian Glass, Cut Glass and ; crowded our o ert house in thiStown. +
P Ay • reached Wingbam "n Tuesday morning. Japanese Goods, p ss. Wirsos, Mayor: �
All AT. Q ell tits
you to attend the Voest Oi
. 33usinoss and Shorthand College, La
4011, , Ont. Practical instruction
practical subjects. Vor over fifte
years, we have been in touch with you
people and their needs, and the Wisixle
world and its requirements.
Every facility at command for aids
young paoplo both- before and of
We aro doii]g superior want; ✓esu
prove it.
Sond for our 0041oguO Alin 0011e
aecompanie y VY. tv • Perfumes Atomizers stud SmelIin .
ty' The following sAbjeets taught indi• •remains were to ii London tin Wod- g ;top! o bi the
n Vicivall Salts. taat� �r'telfrss l�i1iF tl>tiI 1Llhltl..
y� r� '- uesday+inoruing, ec0a'sed Kati been a
00 �o�R 1Cee iii , resident of Lbnd r or man + p ' , t,azatice Aromo-Quinine Tablets Cure a cola ix,
y years. I'Or (7 era 'fir' 14iS5e5 d nd d tical ti00t19. oneday, No ca ret no Puy. }'rice 6 cents.
ng toxactly twelve y0 s he had been relive• , Smoker`s Sets, Wipes and Cigar
a. Penmanshi , Shorthand, sentative for A. Smith tict Ca. He etttrlsta>ir Naris. ; � ,
Cases. ,
Cores �ndeuGla was cue of the, qt successful abm nov, Mr. LO•cv'e,o� Whn,gllanf, held it
Typewriting, I inereial travellers ho ever travolleel out. ]titch Safes, Ash and �ln.'prays, wservice tit the home )f Mts, Will.. Moore " I`ji•�
ox Etc., Etc. oP London. Th sifteorest sympathy urseg,'Whist ITOlderst, Mirrors alai on Thursday, evenll, ;. Wo hn�e been lit;I�rr;al; iiia Cil ; .
will be extended t the bereaved widary _ stalaottea, tlformed that the �tvize will bo held._ Price's 5cit1 tlf
lt�anti family', 'Tho are four sons Gild. itch will be plomM with both goods and y• for the lliV::x tell clave 8t
wOekl-�•TeestvatO N•evv:�. -. � � •+
t rreer s Slide Store.
tWO ditughtors. prlo " , Rei., Mr. wudi p, of Gaellpa. ;tlid
! = C1a411 rind luhvo lzs lap nsi,%gottr a]io ce, before Hurry! Hurr 1i
ga TTiO O'Sullivan I3ttsiness Cbllegge„� tlih Stack to too much ptalc over, ov. . K, Ltuett'or 1, Of RILMiltoil, trete
established in "rFdinfrham, is _ llleetiug g :t meeting in the C ii�+regati011al church It. �c itl nap y aU to >n c tilt
J V I fsi'co, now.
Vor Illustrated Cirmdam alid otbol ill- tvitli great atieeeaa. We: barn fiohl trio J. �` � _ qn Wedaesdny eve . ing iii the iliterest o t B�i t we milt toe lrlr�ar,r•,'t m* y
formation, call or address pupils attending that they aro highly filo IlonlO Mission cerci
'3 satisfied with ntothods taught NOW is � AU4301S'T' ANO OPTICIAN �°'Im
'i K.- KY. 01SULLIVAINiy the timo to obtain a business' educatibu ' x�ov, G. �. Salt , faI'raeriyr o4 �rus� ilY ,r �T rr
:ilial »tonic, wingham, ont, at home. Illnstrated catalogue free. WIN Gro H A M , scls, at prest -at for Of k Cguf
;F l ,