HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-01-18, Page 61.­ . _��, _�Vw , .,- !.";�_T,_,W,7­ P ,?,, 774,11!j. ,.,��'fA ,- , p '' .Tr __ � 174".... , ft, . ,� 'I " ,�, , .. ­ .� . I , . :..-- - - ,- I , 7 , , . V - 'Ink- , � i - , , . : , 1. �,� , ,, , I , V7111 ., �,A) , I E i . . I VINGUAR TIMES, #1ANNITARY ug� low, I . � ,�N _ ,� -, � ­ ­ I .- . . 111. 1. . 1 .."04.."W"", ­11-11 -..P14.%"W__ , .... ­1 ­. _­ I .. ­1 I 1-1 ....1.1.. .. ­ 1. . � . .., ­­.. I , I �­ -----,- ---,----�---..---.—.--.--.�.��-- I .11.111. __._." __�_ _:_��_�,_­_ _.-I...- ., I I I 6104 la."Va'no'WICA1. I j*"MJTAl114Ib1!-B-D 187"M v.%NA.1).4,AIvI,It I(wvI.,AV*.)I. . .- INTAW W.`. .'.': I 44. .114fivtkoft;'.,otit�Nvc,t-ittiir-.%-.-Ttitkrewitreog T 0 WNT DIREXITORY . PI-AUr "a k i S I ,'.10 q -% of vlrglij it�-rea call only be TI�t,Tkla%lt-r�4oftlit,il-,ut,ier%villl)(i ploas. I' Xoiitrr4 � Ak Iihl ,.kT,( 11ritell-(ShIlluth st'llvic V V ,lit IS Iwartie , - -0 )f mi millic,z. I is fit 1VAst 011V , .--. .� IV­ Ni` � NIE I -ulirly tho growth ot . - , . , 4"..Q. t i.i, '; gi-os-t-d at;, �,'or allich (1 tile vouixtrY has 11 �l tO ItIVIX t' ,I ?At tht' '� :AAE: .".::�,,.� 7 � , �,*, i B A Xyl 1. . I , , 0 .:I .. . T k t , , , es It" callada, , -!� � I I I , I I . 4 , dreaded (II-easo that svielleo Illis I'vell 11 •,� %it and 7 1) Ili. �iuu�lay t�elwol at III', VVIIA,11141111D this ovintiry. A hundred 7eurs jigo the � I ill"t omla b..'ea imvveyckl, affil itil"Oeft able to curt, ill fill its lZu".ges. and that is . F. a 9..4f,l,t(,,r-..*.,i;;.!;r:l,,,� 6..,, N-ocitir.--i ' �'::*() 1) ill. (xonoral pvtyk,r nicothil, popu!ation of Vp,yer awl Low* . I I -. P,­ , t,­nto p-Arts, whl� -Ii. will li'vaubly, Provo C.atV,rrh. Jj�.Il's O'Liarrh Ouro is flit, 41.1 Rov. NY. E V E P% Y FRIDAY. MORNING ., c-luatia ­­ ­11 I — - ­ -__�.�_­_ � I ; to bN of great, valw', luvio izemei'lly booll positivilvilro known to tile ulei'i"I'l oll wedues , y ovellings. I I A Vreed, pastor. W. J. Chatutian, .I;',. 10). -.1 IV— wad only about that of Montreal today,. F;I! - I z�. V..,% -1 " A" 7. i!". 11101.. I exploted. With what rensint Ilivu may -;r1:11ilornity. Caturrhbeing, it eollstitilt- �, . 11 , -d y-ono Is . ulxltlllt;�n w�jt. j., � tonal illsease, rct. it collstitutioulkI '4%'�i.r!101)lt,;r'('iiur.c.,ii-�lal)b.zI Tile Times Offlee, ,eavol, Dloelf and fort years were to paw I ,piees It VA rvives before these proviuces were ullitc(l. It I �-­_.i ­'­.._-_.,-­., ­'. ­,._"__�.-�* :tilt( lv�oplo eviigratulat, tlwlil,�Avvg 010 •twatinort. H,,ilt.tC,itt.irrlt(lartilstttlte-- V-111SUILUX, ONTAI'VIO, I . 11 � I s (if this i * I at 11 it m and I' 1) nl. sull(itty Seh(.ol at . 'fito worl: og udii"d.-ig %�,o rL.-be .ziteritally, twfing, dirovtly upon ,11to blot,41 , -orth League ovvTy Mink ,3 — was Ilot until July 1, 1867, t r tit' t ' 01,111t. 01FT"fl-k1l"k, H.',Tri,,.ii. ', , lus�ou.. r,-1,',0lim. 1!',p\N - kill , *t treas -Iwtuz�,.� is uot ill tile 1-ands ap(l. 1'. urr"O'c's AlOf tho systeill, _ day evening. (.1viteral. lwayoriticetilig Tnang ov Strivellimllo:N-0.00 per onintin in I`$ ago, Its, WO all IIIIONV, that �� I va, . uro . . Tea ��,.,jtks, alli, ,he dwrl-N, destroving, ilio foundation or tlie� OIN,odues'day evelling's. Uov. Uichunl Pf-11,1111 F0 I'V"(1- No PUIXT (11-olt- union of the provinces of Cauada, NOVA --.-- lot th'.� Rykertq, lll.t Lang . vt�, �1.11,0 it not- , - I I distaso. and g4vilig. tilt) ratielit strvil"'th tinu(.d till 1-11 I 1.1 va, " aro J.-aid, t-scolit ab the 1�m Front line ow Vq­.:-.0 :•"t:;? •,•.. - Varow, vf Volt�rvl notoz. Hobbs, pastor. Dr. Tolyler, .,z. S. Sup- iou of tl * llxlibb -r. 6cutiamidNew Lrunowivk ti.ok place - ietY, but ilk tll"-QO by l)liiI,ijktj,,- ill) Ono constitution and iia' - s ept 1W 1A 1( . t):; LN.... J;�.--. 1.,.hh, !'�"".. ! 0, wolt of provo;t lat-�r;rlty,', ukid Passes, sistit.1tuaturebt doing; IN Nvork. Tilt) t�riutoiidnit. J1ii)vt,w=sL.NG l?A,r.,.t;. - Li-.,:cl taid other undcr ilio name, of the Dondillou of " I Vr.-o,sisyxrm.v4\- Cuumm-Sabbat-11 ser- cy.,iint tttivt-i'ti.4(,-.iitn,i,4lel)t4i-lqto3ii.qti-ii-ijirtL,1'or . �� - 44, Loril.i Te. ,,,;'-.,-- Q­� uuqu-stion'.139, evaIlkliale"., of the ri have so much faith ill its ,I . 17 :! . -t .1 -1 �t vievs at 11 a In nud 7 ]?in. Sunday ity,t;,..iovt,rbit)u,Uclj.�i,iiiio for vachrub!weiiuvnt 0AL'ad 1, and tho millivs of Upp"Ir and 1,Aft%1A-n:,-:4% ll�, ve, =Icel pulvels, tbat wo offer Ove sellOol'It :.,:,jo 1) In. Gell vl,.-ou. . - e,,,Iitt.i,.."",).".Il,�IL;P,I,",.c-cyetts�l.!,O�'(,Llla:-,ttvtx:-tli�t),.�l";?U��llw,llt.)Il!lv"$,-.owatlle.�ilr,61 s General pray ""I ' LoNver Canada were cbtul,god to Ontario 1111inlre:1 11iollars for any ctiso that it . 03� A .1yort1scluents into coltunali are charged 1, . mr-abl". 1�. kI.­.'wIQegk. and by VXJ)"rience I f, luo-tnig Oil Y%redAmwltly evenings. Itev loct,t.per line ror flist insertion, tuidbeelitti and Quebec res poctively, Twelve 'tears . of .w-it . ails to eure. Sold for list of tostimon- �q-.%_ ,);...�Ll�...iwt to v.w-it op vws rQ , 1). 1)eriie; pastor and,`,",. S, ',Ijluporint��;I.' pvr liat . for welt taxi): vquent inset voll. ' Z. . . 111�11 l%'tlj), after Ildlillni.St�rIll,'� the, of 11 I jil�ls. RAM, the c1loullig Of tale) IIUW con. forrin, ', 41� ,%L V.,;%.•el:ml 1.,-�' 14'.0.." n%d' AS dent. . Advertlsoment.i v)' Lo.4, Four.d, Strayed, - , so of tite"p,r�,vil,4�-,� r;kitllfuI!l­ autl well for I Addre'A." F. J. 0II-ENEY & CO., Faruia for Oktl(� or to ltvnt ., tend siTntiar, $1.00 for 6 - -IV 1A.-th, , limit lror.04 and 50 cents ,,or V. 6u4siquent - Taltvr:al,�!. , . ��T. P.m;rAs Olwitcir, 2'riscot,_�T,-Sab- . aell tury G-reo l3rimin and thounite(i state a te-.er...-�w,%h .:it I 2 I Toledo. O. ...'-.1'.11 - .C.-r.1- , - 1 laolilh, wore at lv=, with, Canada as their light- 5 Oil ty yvare,,-1 lit, orkbilarN lifet Iwo ut a With �,.-.-rvives at I I a iii and 7 I) In. Sun. I , AV I' "It.". .11.1, �' - - . ;�,_ _."a �Xolu olle � 11 , I Sold INV druggists. 73i% dny,`,olioolat�,00pin. General prayer onwr.jol. 1?-A,.vl,s-rclxc'follo,v'llr,tal)IQ.sl,oNYF, iujgrouLd,�ndCanttdJI1lIs Ile thoir do. I (if the ,.'I.­P�:%, ... �.�, " ;� ,­-,�r[-'114�:% of�.I"010r.ttlolll the longo.st, reriod of Con- I IIIIIIIS'panilly Fills a.le the best. ourri't(m lot- the inseerfull ol. edverti.4eou"Its - � a s ��,."!o. meoting, On -Weedlesday Oyeitilig. Rev, .. I .a. 4 . � � . : tenuous d"Joc, 02 any known rerro� outa.. * Win. Luvw, inownbott, V. Slime, S. S. for speell.led poriows:- feli(:els (if the ernpiio in the battles of . I . tl%-� ­.;�'1:4 4% ( al, .. ...J.'I aild wha� It, Ist st-ACh. •I Yll. o'.11O., BUM laze. Qnewlstoll Hoights, Chateauguay . � chwng,,� ­' 3.,-.1 t'�o i0,,*,.,; that •,pre,milt-d ia. W tiv"I goverlikile:.1. ill this or ally other I D. albat2on of SauxlAes 0Z hand Oram and Superill tondent. Ono Vol-amn ....... i ... $ed.tio I.&U0 sirim ecult) I 4i 'S , . ,­ . , J ago,-lia-, o now r1lov, n' that They Are not rotatoes. . . 0wN(mv.GA!rio,.N.kL Cuuncu.-Sabbath RaltColunin .......... MXJ MW 10.00 *4.00 Claryulo�18 Farm and Luntly's Zalle:, ) .1 tll`.� O' Ltutt% n,."-­Z.-111' US 111A.1 very 4 Ta the RAIN" Of tl%(A 1PU*11& " . W �v, 1;-ugrer t1w fvtliug � 011, re-,Tle-es at 11 a in and 7 p In. Sunday Q'i'"'r C"'11111 ..... I'S-Vu 10,U0 V',V0 '"O Cir umt, taut. us U this so;:t tiludo it nec. (� ' -, ly P,*scstied all the experienee of live, . . e , , - recoutly, Thinv - - , Duriug the p=est twelve yevs samples Sellocl at 12 Ili. Midweek mectilig.'alk Advorti8ements Wit)IOUt OTL-111IC (.1irtVtI(n1% . . . ,;, 110 i bat 1mve also the courage anit eaergy of , yvin I)e invrtva till forbid ti,U cl,.,.rt,,va.. nevord- vs;!ary -vory early ill the century to im- .%�s .z 1'. h 4111 ill .0.-n. r even � ingly. 'I'i-linsi(�iit.-%Uvcli-t;gexacnt"liiustbtiljuid - ,(in, and betwenthe ihat C,�Iou: of tliosQ varieties of grain, wednes(Il'y eviOlings at 8 o'clock. Gtivilk A. V()Ut]4. 1-jgl,ing entiticiatea a conlp;e- _1,_O- Wilsou, S.S. 1,;.;upt.; A. E. 1.11rior, pastor. for la advanvo. 3:rove our uavigau - ' I I A-e-, L * .1 , - I the feclifiv, (- ' i0zi7tV11cit V11011 V c _ litki and fur-swilig, bava succeeaedbest on tbo Rover= ROMAN CATHOLIC C.UUR011 - B Very Tim, Jolt DEPAIMMUM-T is Fitoolv,d with an Years lb,31 fuld 18215 tho Lachine Canal 'V,. E,t� . 'IteSiltatil ,vailt-d rantil v.­ MI.n. tlk-� ".114t. ZONV 3-01'J8. I ht'a�" I . 'Periment.11 Farills have been distributed fourthw"unday, Mass tit 10:30am, ser- Oxtoivii�v rwortment. of all rt-quisity1for print- I 11 pokey of development, tLwy luivo, set Sunday, . I I built, ful2owed by other Ottawa and lu&wtl 0�,- l,,egi,ti charg, �-tho contplete, ! on applicatiou in 3-lb. bags, free through mon , 11;�orctina facilitle4 not eclus"lled ill tbe Was . In 'k ,am � earnest, I and benediction ,.it 7 p in. Rev. D. 14 , I III--;.iut the work in right good . eotl.,ityl'.)i-ttirxitu.voal,i',I.i-ste�qsH'woi,k. Lama St. Lawrence canals, 1 33 the ste - . reve I-.­ ir parts of the P. Mellonaluin, P. P, t"(. 1111d appropl-law cuts for all:dyles of I-10'It- . .r-�11 oi 1) pulur *14. tgnit and s--niti- , the mail, to farmers ill all Pw . i has been d Billi, etc., and thq LAZ�',it -,itylvs of saip. Ruyal Wil ia ft Ou b o and wil " t and already tile plog-reislyli, 1_-,'MV,A%.TIox Ammy-,Skrvice at 7 and 11 I In left ;, 0 C, 3r.eL'tt,)'LVf',r-'S'-'-'*I-,!,'-'�a--"��-q tlllk�M plaC01' a in and a and 8 p in on Sunday, and 111"i ley ty_.)u for the 11nur clam-es, 01 pliut-. . The object in view in this 11 .0111.121�1 I madt. janotidit- short of plienowelial. It Dominion- j,3. . orossud ovitr to Gravedend, and Its this Since l..'.1, taud its 141111 lVas eouwid;mt � Z� . $1r 1, u,.io;i this u. ;tion idollo Ross adminiv.- distribution has been to add to th"'pro- every ovolang during the week at 8 H. B. ELLIOTT, was the first hteaniship that oyer. crossed with tho chmurt. of C-lovornniel't. , of o'clock tit. the barracks. . I . , .1 - n ductiveness and improve the quality Proprietor anti Publisber. Cie ocean, wo are rightly vary proud of WIV trati3nappeala to the C-lectoratc, whk 'l, agricultural products Cn%.,.-STVL,. ANY) Mi.�isiox�,,r.YALLYAxcn, ,'.,"tL.inr*,,�r'�,�.-�,I,li:,,T.x�ke, edu-1bYIr _,. �the present important . . .­ .c .ce. ,�.. . ca,,1011 ,1�y n?$ _p%11-�C,,1�7 1,1�t�,nrin- in old i s Of law th%) life of the country, by placing -Alf'oving's ,,is follows-, S. S. a, I - 1% In lt.86 rho filet line of railway in A -_ throughout "tolng in. Fellowship at 4 p, in., anIc ©van- " , I I Lonoaxi ftri?_,�,,- thlo, Jul,Ui�e fe-Aivities of - . withilk reach of eyory f armor, pure .. � � W� C-mada was opened, between Lapralrie. 1 leg,islatare, mpires, there cankint possibly n�listic at' 8 p. m., every Sunday in . I bo but one result. seed g 11 P-30 p- B A N �K a Is IFIARI,,09, LT00 and St. Johns, and this was followed in I I Sri , a t irl t I it � TU beral p ol ie y o IE i i A-Al i zN1 11 t !! of most vigorous and prodactive sorts. 11italkie's Hall, Victoria St. � WING�A M . Al 500 000 I\ oLit ro�,Xwrs. . 1337-183 by the dark days of the rLbellion.. , ltuperbalhsn., of %linel.- hict is tlin eiubodi- �,-J I I Po.< OvrmE-In Macdonald Block. Capital. . 1� -, Rest, $1,2001,120 the settlement of the boundary line be, . This work has met with much apprecla- . pital ,�,,*) 000,000. ! Mac, Department of r, inanca has been � 011ice hours from 8 a m to 6: 80 p m. , . * ment,lli,,Gcons,.�zt,!,.-,c,,,�.v.n!itL with-unpre- lndvA-�A that. official nutive has been tion, and a large measure of success. Peter Fisher, - postmaster. Pr"Idont-Jonx gvu.&UT, tweou Canada and the United States by I cedouteLl rapidity, ea' -4 It cii since. I given in the London Gazeae of the lid- Under instruction of the Ron. Minister , MUCITATNICS' INSTITUTE—Library and Vice-Proaidelit-A. G. IUMS'l.T. the Ashburton treaty took, place in 18-1,2, . Two poWeZ,'s C�3.=ILSIZD. of Agriculture another distribution will free reading room in the Town Hall, 1) I 11 E O'll 0 17, S ,- when our neighbors, . . . i mission of Dominion stocks to the list Of be made this season. ONNdu- to 'the -will be open every afternoon from 2 to john Proetor, Goo. rZonch, lVla. Gibson, M.P., There have 'e-vit rhree ,f=tt qn-estions 1 securities s in which trust funds may be 0 2 . 5:45 o'clock and every evening from 7 to A. T. Wood, X. 13o., A. B. Lee (Toronto). as usual, outdid our. ohafiipiolis in the -di %edou' siuce the , -es very large number of applications 9, 30 o'clock. Miss Millie Robertson, Cpshier-S. T=mulm. ' bargaining. The first railway in Upper . isposed Off in tl& eonw it I invested. This mal effective the ­J I 'Int to," . First, annually received, it is not practicable librarian. . 13reseut goverain, Ir 0111ce. aixaligemout between the Imperial and a" 0xuada from Toronto to Bedford, - waa - A one sample of Town Cou-Non-Win.. Clegg, Mayor; Snyinp Bank -Hours 10 to 11; Rnturtlay, 10 . ,hieh t' rd;I)Okkk ion ar,vernment hat - to send more than o eaoll. to I. Deposits of $1 and uPwards received and opened in 1833, and in the same ycar the . . 'the quest don, in v. he Ub= in s I was an I - Win. Holmes,, Thw. Bell, Robt Me- iut�rest allowed, . . ' -hence if an individual re Iudoo, G ILIA - first ocean litter arrived in Montreal. policy has I-,ec_Ik ,to give to England a 3', nounced by Mr. F ie.1ding in his budget aPP i0ants G. A. Newton, John. A. Mle Special Deposits also recQlvcd at current - I , wives a sample of oats, he cannot also I I substakiii-ta ,.n.,,am-utag.� withlut r-Uy!specclIla,St21arch- On that occasion . GOO. McKenzie, Coaticillors; J. B. Fer- rates of interest. Seven years before the first tclograph . . . Liu Ecra qu-.d v,ra qw); while the �� the nranc 30 lister pointed out that receive one of -wheat, barley or potatoes, i,,r� ots , Clerk and Treasurer; Samuel Drafts on Great Britain end tho'United linehadbeen established betweotiQue, I stipulati I 0 qw , ,�L ' . TOI:4L�s 11 iff applications for more than one , , Assessor; Win. Robertson, Col" Stnte3 Bought vndoold. bee, Montreal . and Toronto. We adopted Acinall0ed an rzirtivalent for i the d ewlice b-.Alveea rho selling price 114 - 'or Boaxd nicats first Monday even" Travollornare notilled thatt the Eanic of Ham ,, Th-mcamethe; one household cannot be !Oct. - every mums,ion made of a security admitted to the trustee list sample for Ing tit each month at 8 o'clock. intion and it,4 Broneltes IsSUO (J'irCU1Mr F.nteq a the decimal system of coluago' in 1858, a entertained. These samples will be National Provincial Ranic of England, Limited,, and in the same reduction in Inipt,rial post.,t,.:2 rotes. Ti,e i and one e ut ofr from the list is from SCROOL BO�MD,-C. N. Gliffill (Chair- hich can be ensixed ivitliont cliarge or trop_ Year golt] w4s found i J. Elliott,J. T. - . the Past Offi�e Department points. In time the differ- sent only to those who persoufa�y, man), Thos. Abraham, Jr. J. ble lit any Ii.irt ort4e, .vverl(l. ' . Tories ran I two to three poin 0 . both in British Columbia and Nova a heavy loss year Uft,Qr T,e'-'r, and d!� -eater be- lists of names from societies or iudi- Homath, Win- Moore, 11, Kerr, Tbos. . W. COBBOULD, Agent Scotia. - A� Once will probably be even gr V solicitor. In 1870 the Intereolonial rail- . . ) Bell, Win. Button. Secretary, Wm- B. L. DICKINSON, - citor. . dared it was inin-cesible to even thinly or I cause under the influence of the present victuals cannot be considered. The dis- Robertson; Treasurer, J. B. Ferguson. . way fr6m, Quebec to Halifax lVag Op On- . "' - � tribution will consist as heretofore of Meetings second Tuesday evening in each I . . . reducing the w,stage, but '11r- MulOcs", important improvement the securities samples of oats, spring wheat, barley, month. . ed, and ouly -fourteen years ago the first . quickly placed his. 1)2partment u-non M' ; will approach very nearly the value of 'F T through train ran from Molitreal to Van- I . I field pease, Indian corn and potatoes. Pr,BLic ScirooL ZcAonuita--A. H Van- paying basis, at the ssaazue time grelit- i British Consols. Calculating however Applicatioils should be addressed to Musgrove, Principal, Miss Robertson: A. F9. SMITH couver over ver the Canadian Pacific, the ly improving the service, -and then O"t. at the moderate estimate of 2 per cent Miss Reynolds Miss Farquharson, Miss _T_AL MT 1<_ T-0. :P. - largest railway enterprise in the -World. I 1 - the Director of Experimental Farms, Cornu Miss? Miss ? Vanstone, Miss Matheson I -down the rates. Lastly came rho goes- on the loans which Canadalvill have to Ottawa, and may be sent any -time bew and Miss Reid. WINORAM, These are a very few of the facts in our tion of giving aid to the Empire mSouth place in England in ' BoArm or HnALTH-MMYOV Clegg, . c, the next ten years, fore the 1st of March, 1901, after 'Which history of the ase one hundred years * ' . I Africa. Ever.-, Tory leader, from Sir the saving will not be les91 than 82,500,- JReading, Greg-Genorpl Banking Businesa transacted. Which account for our development and . ' Money advanores` ed to farmers and business men the op fulpositfon I . date the lists will be closed, so that the C. Y, . g' Thor - It is a . I " C/ T. Medical FeZ_Mr.on, See on endorsed notes and collateral. we occupy in the Joint ,11acdonald down, had, when in 000 to the Canadian treasury- "ob rms`�, ne h e cry, power,tinphatically declaredagainst any samples asked for may all be sent out in t;Dr. DT , ,wIer, c c Health I I . . satisfaction to friends of the Govern- OM '; world to day. What, under good lead- part being taken by Canada in the'vmrrs d time for sowing. Paxties writing en . Farmers' Stile Notes 9a esship, our nation has accomplished dur. I i ineut to feel that it can claim the whole 90c . shed . % Will please mention the sort of sample , .... - - ,of the Empire; but when in 1899 no 're- I and entire credit for this splendid - . ­ .. . . I � . I Moneys remitted by draft to ull parts of du�ing the past few years is burned very . sponsibility attached ,to his position, Sir I achievement, for when the matter was they would prefer, naming two or three Canada and the United States, . deeply into the memories of us all. We Charles Tupper made a great show of different varieties of their choice.. Notes and accounts collected an reasonable axe taking our rightful place in. what A, discussed in the House, Mr. Foster and terms. VK �% advocating the very reverse of this. Thp Should the available stock of all the WANTED 1. promises to be a confederation of great I I t. o other Tory leaders frankly admitted that Fi_ \ . Government., witli due regard to the they had tried to get this same cones- varieties named be exhausted, some P. X.ENNEDtYi, M. D.. Zi. C. P. S. O.. . J. (Member of -be British Medical Associa- nation all speaking the -same tongue, r . ,constitution, and to its responsibilities sten and had absolutely failed. The other good sort will be sent instead. tion.) Gold Metiallist in Medicine, S�p ' I I The samples of grain will be sent a rp e-% attention paid to diseases of Women and ,he efdrl' and all moved bmadly by one impulsQ - to the people, gave immediate effect, not truth of the matter is that the Imperial , ren. Office hours-1 to 4 p.m.: 7 to 9 p. M. to maintain freedom and righteousness . to the clamorin.S I . Governmenthad not suffictent confidence early but potatoes cannot be distributed 11" U NICE. � .. I . . Of 0 1 . . until danger of injury in transit by frost . MACDONALD, I and peace. We close the year and th6. I JRr.rsPo.NSMLr r0f1MOi&XS, in the stability of Canadian securities is over. No provision has been made ,- - DR- I century with a F rbnch'Canadian premier - but to the sober expression of public when the Tories, controlled the general distribution of any other � entre Street ut our head, and in that r,act there is , . . - are very different for any - - great significance and much promise. . opinion; and sent forth splendidly i exchequer, but things seeds than those named. Wing-ham, Ontario. equipped contingents so Promptly that now. . Letters may be sent to the E ,eri- Two Coat R, VANSTONE, He is courtly, stateswatilike, undeniably I the Imperial authorities were, .amazed Your Betit Worlt honest, undeniably great, and the one. � afid gratified. No sooner, however, was . mental Farm free of Postage. . BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. great object. of his noble ambition is to , Cannot be done unless you have good W31. SAUSDERS, Private and Company funds to loan at lowest unite the two races in an indissoluble 1. this done, than the Tories turned a right- health. You cannot have good health . Director Experimental Famns. Makers. rate of interest. No commissitni charged. Mort. about-face, and Sir Charles Tupper went without pure blood. You 'may have . s, town and farm rol3ert, union of aim and accomplishment. In .1 bought and .� Me Office, Beaver Bloc c. Wing am. the Promotion of this . down to Quebec denouncing the Gov. pure blood by taking Hood's Sarsapa- Ottawa, December 27th, 1900. . sold. F, mutual goodwill , ��..., ,ernmentthat had sent forth Canada's rilla now. You cannot realize the good . . Also A. MORTON, and understanding we must all assist,as it will do you until you try it. Begin J . nothing but disauture. . I . .sons "to be food for Boer bullets." - taking it to-day and see how quickly it ra V BARRISTD, R, &c., . I . I This, briefly, has been the difference will give you an appetite, strength and ; � `11 0011, . Wingliam, out. Dropsy and' Heaft, Disease.- letween the two policies. Does anyone vigor and cure your rheumatism, catarrh A W&V a-��,)ns , Two Pant -believe that the Tupper policy would or scrofula. . . . L. DICIM, WSON, ' .11 For ten years I suffere& greatly from: - Have accomplished the magnificent work All liver ills are cured by Hood's Pills. 1� E. Heart Disease. Fluttering of the Heart- . N �4. , 1PON BARRISTER, ETC. and Smothering Spells made ray life a, . of unification now going on, or called 25c. . T. owb 'Im. Makers. . torment. Dropsy set in. My. physician. Solicitor to Bank of Hamilton. Money to loan, told me to prepare for the worst, I tried Dr. .1', . . . :forth such tributes to Canada loyalty as Testing vitality of Seed. Mrs. Chas. Keeling, sell., Owen Sound, Office--Meyer Block, Wingham, . Agnew's Cure for the Heart. One dose gave: . one above quoted from Lord To the Editor of the TIMES. Ont.. writes :-"It I a pleasure, to tell • . 11. the the S ' I great relief, one bottle cured me completely.", What great benefits have derived from I RTHUR J. IRWIN, D. D. S., L. D. S. -Mrs. Jameo Adams Syracuse, N.Y._xop . :Bosebery? On the contrary it would- The past season has in certain localities the use of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. I A i .' I 3mve retarded it for many Years, if in- been unfavourable for the perfect matur. am 55 years of age, and for about five Doctor of DentalSur Pennsylvania I zery of the gold by A. L. Hamilton, Years my life was one of great suffer- Co., Dental College and icentiate of the Royal ", deed it had not killed it altogether. The ing of grain. In some districts it has W J' EiBSTER & College of Dental Surgeons If Ontario. Office - Ing from nervousness, weakness and • over Post Office, Wing am., " Big Business of me rostoffice. concrete result is that to-day, not Only been injured by rain during harvest or extreme physical exhaustion. I could Queen's Block. . is Canada enjoybig the sentimental from being stacked before fully dry, not sleep, and hot flushes would pass . I Ottalva, Jan. O.-The annual report of 1. through my body from feet to head. L T. HOLLOWAY, D.D.B.,L.D.S. I- __ advantage of being regarded as an in- thus causing it to spr . W . the postmaster-general for the year 1.89a, Out Or- Watt 'While I consulted our family physician and I I Special attention to the ea*ro and regulation tregal, and a very important part of the in other localities it has suffered more two other doctors, but they told me - .. r . . ". of children's teeth. Moderate prices and all and 1900 has been printed and distribut- Empire, but she is reaping the vast or less from early autumn - that about my time of life I was likely : ! . work carefully and skilfully per ormed. Office ed. In the matter of postal revenue it: I frost. When to be troubled In this way. I continu- I - in Beaver Block, Wingliam. * I . materialbefiefits forseen by the advocates exposed to either of these conditions ally grew 'worse and despaired of ever I 11 . , , At Gorrie every Monday. should be remembered .that year was. of Imperialism, in the immense increase. cereals are apt to lose a portion of their I being cured. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food . . I � I the first -during the whole of which the- came to my notice, and as we ha-Ve I & • I ., - I JOHN RITCHIE, � reduction of dometic, posta of trade which has developed with the vitality or to have it. so weakened as to Dr. Chase's Recipe Book I had con- .go from three.. . . . GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, to two cents per half ounce had been ef- old country, produce when sown an unsatisfactory nye ed In the doctor. I was so sur- bus obis andTradc-rvlarles obtained. nnd 211 patil . I : prised at the help I received from the liminess conducted ibr 110DERvik, yFE& - f6eted, the higher rates having prevaUed I NEW WORX rOU THZ NEW CENTURY. growth-. The character of the crop is - first box that I bought three more. oTice Isla the immetli.ite vicinityofthe Patento y WAngliam, Ont, ice during the first half of the previous The problem of developing New, greatly influenced by the quality of the They built me right up and made me :iad mods. for socuringpatents arcunsurpasse feel healthy and Young. again. They Send model. sketch oy photograph of Invention, wit% P DEANS,Jn. - - year. The revenue of the sale of post. . Ontario,-that vast territory stretching seed used, and to obtain the best results have proven a great bless desctiptldn ;ind statcment as to advantages cia d. a - Ing to me, 5.20 1mr90 i,)r made fpr an opinion alto LICENSED AUCTIONEER age stamps and cards for the 'past year I L for 700 miles from Sudbury to the cast. it. shonld have its germinating power and I hope this testimonial will be ar patenta0bilitt, and rty Ice for prosecuting; the for the , unimpared, so that -when, placed in the help to .some weak, nervous woman suf. 4 Col R ,therefore falls short by $53,000 of the. application w I not 5-6 called /or County. Sales attended In or irned the 1 County can ern boundary of Mauitoba,-looms npas I fering as I 41d.11 pmeent 'valinivecL 6,iNv, an part of the. dhotges moderate. total amount derived in the previous 9.%TORsl GuzDz,'- cone• .y . I ;, th� chief problem for the attention of soil the young plants may make a prompt taining fud information sent free, All Communi. , I � _1 I . Provincial statesmen in these opening and vigorous start. Hence it is very D r. Cm,"17, !-Base's cations Considered as NPICti3 C.Onfiftntlal. OHN CURRIE, WINGHAN, ONT. I year. The total for revenue of the.. I J postoffice from all sources except from, .1 . important that farmers should ascertain - � 421 , A n FRANKUH H. HOUGH . LICENSED AUCTIONEER. I -• ­ . I—_ ''... __ -, F a o, ef-La 9-i- 1. is, ­% vi,61;1174ran. 1). al. , r .. . I the Yukon and Atlin exceeded that of- r .., _­�—, whether the grain they are holding for N a ru e . Sale.4 of Farm Stock and Farart Implements a 1. - 11 seed possesses the vitality necessary to specie v, the previous year by $63,702. It appears, I (r-,, ' produce a good crop. . .k_7Z. All giaers left at TuE Trmmf office promptly therefore that 0, large volume of the 1 , 14 A§1S1 attended to. Terms reasonable. I ,p ,"; " 00 V V_,.-Clolh.,J By inattnotion of the lJonouriLble I I I _/ L-XPERMNCE postal business was handled at alkin- , . " � I . I SOCIETY MEETINGS. creased expenditure of slightly over one 1. .. . Minister of Agriolalture. provision has H I I I V . . 19 " . 40,mees and a half per cent, I . Aft n been made whereby the vitality of seed I . I ON S.—th'T 't And third Monda I n ardy IS can be ascertained Without cost to 'the I every month, in the Oddfellows Hall. VIsI Ing The net revenue for the year was *3,- , �•vmltheMd. 0 mul N LU^ ON`% L brethren welcome. D. SwnlvAnw, Chief, H. B. 188,084 and the expenditure $3,715656,t I I I � individual, and any farmer in the Elliott, Rece So.. X:xpo8tire to cold and darnly atmos- SOLID �� I � leaving a deficit of $461,661. deficit ,I Vhere and sudden changes In the weath- Dorainion, who may have any varieties RUB13HU I TRAIDC MARKS OB PRINTING, . last year was $308,917. 'If� I - - er close the pores, of the skin and this which he desires to have tested can got 1 i I 0 throws the waste matter which should - DrSIGNs Includinq toolts, Pamphlets, Posters, Bill Tire total number of letters posted ;_ :- 'escape through the skin back on t the information lie seeks, COPYRIGHTS &d. Heads, Circulars, &c., &c., executed in ys. ,the effect upon these over. v, 'IRE i ,-a,,e sending a aketch and description map style of . the art, at moderate prices, and during the year was 178,292,500; post he by forwarding' , kidne to the Director of -the Experimontill' CARRINE T N quickly A90aftain our opinion free whothor all and on burdfted organs is -what Is known at invention Is probabl3rgatentable. CommuntefiA short notico. cards, 27,180,000; registered letters, 4,. 11 F arms, Ottawa, samples of Such grain Or 0 BOOMUNDIXIi.-Wo are pleased to announce . ,cold on the kidneys," which usually tions strictly confldent al. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest a ancy for sectirinigatenta. Binding hat any, Books or Magazines left with ion 812,000; free letters; 0,318,000. Xews- c I I ,develops into regular kidney disease or - seeds. Samples may be sent free A now carriage tire that makes riding Patents taken t9rouah Alunn a 0. recalld Binding, 'Will have our prom* atte I 93right's disease. sVectal notfa# without chargo# in the PrIcos ?4r Binding Ili any stkIo Will be given on Papers (tratibiout periodicals and 0), 82,- . The earliest symptoms of ailing kid- through the mail and an ounce or two is oil all roads apleasuro-ccouomiC4 too, . application to 702, pactrages and 0, 3,809,750; fourth , sufficiell.1 for the purpose, About two for it does away with the vibration that s Offific American Tnv, TIMES OPPICH, . 41114 veys are backache, painful and scald. 0 Wingham. class matter, 2,1140,000; and closed par- ." ** ffig sensations when passing water and Weeks are required to complete a test. shakes and brealcg the carriages. A nndsomely Illu,trAMd wcokl3r. X,nrgest oil. - I I - I - �. passing I on AtIon of any, setenlill(N iotirnal. Terml, $3 a � ,. . . Bet-gaits In the urlw h cals for Britain and, elsewhere, 81,083. C! I 0" It is hoped that all who desire to avail ytNar-,TA1lrTT1ontbs,*L 6did by all ilevredp6lers RAILWAY TIME TABLES. . ,a. Y-shaped spaeo betwee'll1tho !,,�, the appearance of any Of these Indio By provinces the number of lottf,rJ9 , 11 tions resort should be made to Dr. themselves of the provision offered Nvill rubber ireand the stoo.1flange MURK & !!1v"01!3rr0e'1";17. ?, " ,10 r t_,JnA-XD TRUNIr, RAILNVAY f3ySTEM. L . . � , vJ � I x Kidney-Liver X1111s, which will Solid in their samples eittly, " ,� I c1lasel so that ,the proventn tho creeping andcut. lirmto.11 Or � 'yo I ,posted Was as follows: oiltnA0,90,002'. r , iv!.. ( ... ­­ %­­....."'t. . — � . '. 1. C, %-A 1, lift a surprisingly short Lima set the . flngwIliell other bros aresub- .---.-- . . ---. ­­ TRA"S LVANE rOlt 500; Quebec, 40,250,000; Nova Scotia, kbelneys and bowels; In oider and in. Work may, to completed lit good 9camon. 1 jctt to, Bee the oxhibit .at the ­�­­­ Palmerston .............. CUP a.m. .., A.93A.M. y ,f.; -tmr(3 the return of health. I WX. S,%.1U.*1DETt,;, big fairs, London .................. 6-50 nAtt .... RZI).m. 12,400,000; New Brunswick, 8,080,000; Dr. Chase's Icidney-Liver Pills call Director E'xporlmettal Farms, Bond at once for Frea Tiro Catalog"t, a . Hincardine..11.10 a.m ... 0.P5 p-m.... 8.89p.m. Prince Edward Islitud,1,7600,001);T3kitish Ottawa, December 2eth, IWO. IT PAYS " AltU%VB FROM 'm Colulubia, 9,750,000, and Manitoba and eery relied uPon as it cure fW , Hilloardine .. . 15, 44vry form of Icidnoy and liver derange. Rivin�prices of all sizes, Tiondon.......7!"�"..T: 1111-110' am._ �1 P.M. , "" . a.m.... 7.55 ) p.TA , , , , I - 11 I � , , "' " , I " I I I 11 , ", �.�;*9,- _ , .,. " 51yi, , � I � I I jftfk�,. One pill a dose ; 25 cents a, box. . . - PaInieruton .............. . 2,41 pmt.. . god p.m Northwest Territories$ 15,40,000. , -1 I 14 tiriftla. ' - THE .4i•( ADVERTISE . J. H. GORDOX, Agent, pint.. * I , - ­ ___­ " " - I , I ;11 , Dr. - ' I 11. httd bopn,nu 0 �.. . il., Charb,e a ffftingabout'sizinonths CANADIAN PACIPIO UAILWAY. Laxa-Livor 11111s are a positive cure , with HenmIgI& whim I ptgxted iakin 'Dunl9p TRA114 T,LPAVX 1,101% for ,�Iaclt Ileadacho, 13iliousnem, Dyapep- I - I I I I I M111mrn's RheatnaUc 'Pilh. They di- , .. Tir e CC o. , I XT T I I t*d' Toronto slid ao...! .... 6716 ,.m.. .. uit ,,,,, . C, finstipation, find EL11 stolkinch. and ,g! KWAY-wLiver I " Too3watim ............ ... 10.48 P.M, , "Ift, I I , I ,g 1.8j P.111'. . 1� �11 me morn good than any medidwe I (ova � AnRIV YWX liver colliplaints. Thoy Reit gripe. , ..i 1, ,n*,(1- liffs. Annie fti1g, T6RONTO. '"T"D Tev"WAW., ..6.68167A,. ..sp:rd.....l,,,,, � 11 wenkc-nur sicken. 11rico 1.15o, tit all , , . .* .Is*; X. S. 1 Tormito i Be p M .�. I . n,j 1". 30". W111MVft. X0VMx%au' T I M E So 0 b ;413*dd� Agmt, Wfulba . testers. a �