HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1940-02-29, Page 5•
THUI..$I AL FEBR1J RY 29th, 1940
Lyceum Theatre
Show starts at 8 p.in. except
Saturday: `.. Saturday night,.
two shows at 7.45 and 9.45 p.m.
`Thursday,, Friday, Saturday
Feb.. 29; Mar. 1, 2
A; story . of speed anad of The
men who make, their .living by
driving racing cars.
Also "Topnotch Temps"
"Variety Subject"
MATINEE. Saturday '2.30 p.m.,
Matinee admission
Adults. 20e; Children; 10;
Monday,, Tuesday,' Wednesda)'
March 4•• 5 6.
l 1.
• - in - •
.This picture does, not concern.
the present , Eueopeou-sit
but is' a :;clever ,and enjoyable
comedy. '
Also "Charley Chase"
"C ninon"
Next 'Suntlatiy's service will 416 as.
follows: Sunday school at 2:30 p.m..
and • Church lierviee at 3:30 p.m.
The Y. P. U.T met at. the ;home 'of
Harold Gardner en Monday :evening.
The president, Harvey, RRi,tchie, was in
the chant.- ,Twines . HYlnter presented
the •topic'. liner Andrew read the,
Scripture reading. Mr. Wilkins led the
Mrs. Richard Gardner epent the
'week -end with Misses Hazel and Ado,.
Webster of Lueknow,
Mrs- M•'"A. Woods, Mr. and Mrs.
Bruce Garnnie, .Miss Mildred Gammie
of El* were visitors last.week with
M. and "Mrs. Robert Andr Mrs:
Woods remained to 'spend a while
here "with :her brother, Mr. and Mrs.
.?�aidr'er3. ` `' •�.
"vie ate. glad bp; report. improvemeet
in -Vi-• Rtberf Angiew s condationthat
he" is gradually. getting• a little strong--
er each day. . . ..
Mr. breed Anderson was in Dungan
nonon ' Tuesday where he attended.
the funeral.: of Mrs. David. Girvin..
Howard Reed of Rapid City is as-
sisting Jack .Ritchie cutting Wand.
Don't forget the. dance in :Zion
'Orange Hall on. Friday evening, •Mai.
r.lst. Good , floor, good mesie, gooti
eats. . .•
M. and ;Airs. George Saunders ' of
Mafe.kina •teere••,recent visitors with.
Mr. and Mrs E. Gardner,
• Oiie of • our .former Zion boys, Mr.
Edmund Gardner,has received the 'ap-
pointment' as :manager of the . Pond
Last Sunday .afternoon, there .pas
.sed peacefully away to the Great. Be-
yond, Dungannon's oldest Citizen, Mrs.
David Girvin, 'Who on February 5th,
observed her 98th. birthday, but who
has been. in very •declining health for
a few weeks back.
Her • Maiden name. was Mary• Ann.
Stewart, born 'at Nile,'. daughter. 'of
.las, Stewartand her mother, who was
Jane Beaeo.m, being . of • Scottish de-
cent. She was married '77. years ago
to -Robert. Pentland, who was a black-
s in , Dungannon: To• them were
ore : fi e', cildren, J. Cullen Pent-.
Mand; G•1''• .y; Sam Pentland (deceas•
ed); 'M'rs. Jean- Williams, Elwin 'Pent
land- Chicago acid Mattie (deceased.).
K11�4LQUfiF! � LA1+I�SIp�
Mr, and Mrs,• ,Charlie . Gillespie, The ,Whuteehurch Women's• Usti,
Donald' and'' Betty of St. Thomas
were Sunday visitors With, Mr. and
Mrs. Jaartes • Iiodgins.
Mrs.' Sturgeon. of I3ervie ' is visit-
ing with Mrs. McLean."
Friends from here attended the fun-
eral of the late Mr. Fred' Hall in
Kincardine on Monday.
Mi. And Mrs. John • Barr .and fam-
ily of Holyrood spent Sunday with
her motltut Mrs. Percy..
The relatives here of 'Mr. 'Wm.
Boyle assembled at, the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Wm, Cox on Monday even-.
ing at a dinner •• party in honour. of,.
'Mr. :Boyle, who has Spent:the winter
months. here and leaves.. Wednesday
fors his home in' i,VLoose Jaw,.'S•ask.
'` . Mi, and Mrs.t• Perny Hodgins mere
Sunday` •vtaithrs with Mr. and Mr's.
die lea .
er Pen land d
Tile Cher R b t t
i ,
H fi
Jon dg
John .
family, :
ving hts.widow and young m y.He. The+ Women's :Institute will Meet.
Was, one of �hre .brethera .who came ,
en 'Thursday. noir., at the•home of Mrs:
from the 0 d Country and . sett• led Ernie, Ackert.. Convener, •Mrs. ' E.
at Amherst Isle in 'Ontario, coming .
1 t these partsRaunchey assistants; Mrs. Alex Per-
to" .ere . as pioneers. ey and Mrs.. -Earl , Hodgins; tropie,
Forty-fPnr years .ago,'she was mar- Canadian, Industries; ' current `events,
ried .to Mr. David Girvin, who had Mrs Aylmer• Ackert;• motto, • "Ferre
one son; �rnesti Girvin. They left the verence ,brings success", Mrs. P. A.
farm now owned by John Brodie, .dn Murray; roll 'call, Au Irish ,joke Or
the 2nd .Concession of Ashfield and sing an 'Irish song; •' Lunch commi'ttee,
came to reside at the residence for m- 1VIrs. R. Elliott, ; .Mrs. 'C. Congram.
erly ..occupied by the late. Mr; • and Mrs.'' Roy Graham:, Mrs,jJ4as• F_odgtne.
Mrs. Jas. Whyward. •
•• Mr. Girvin' passed away a nu
of. years, 'ago; also Mattie PealeMrs. Girvin's• daughter;; Mrs. J 'n
Williams; the other .daughter, r
Sean attended the birthday party; on
Tuesday evening for Bet y d ei
Donaldson. ' ' ' • • '
•alis; .Dan T. :MacKinnon •visited on
Thursday, with Mrs. Wrn..'iVFcKenzie:
_;,, ._ ' • Mr, arid• Mrs: Neil'' MacDonald 'vie-
. .s • ited cin Sunday with Mr, arid Mrs.
OR 1 Wm, McDonald..
•Master, Iieing. Reid spent the week -
Miss Jean Osborne spent the week: end with Mr:' and' Mr's. Wesley Young.
t an Mari
end with het parents Mr and' Mrs.'.
Harry Osborne, of •' Huron:
Mr. and •'Mrs•. Peter ' Moffat and
• family of Culross, and IVlr. and 'Mit:.,,
Stuart Scat .and family visited
nesday .evening :with Mr'- and Mrs;,
• Bert 'Moffat.. .
We. are very sorry to report .that•
Mr. Joe "Wall is 'laid. • up with the.
;shingles:' • '
• Mr. Dan T. ' MacKinnon •andr'
F. G. Moffat a'ttendeda the rtgular-
. monthly meeting of; the .Culross Mut-
, ,. ual Fire Insurance €onipany. in. Teea-
water' on ' Saturday.' .
'The I'..'I': 8. held •their• ineeting
in the'ehurch:on• Ionday evening with•
an: attendance of,. 1.6: The Missionary•
ron•ivaner, .Mrs, Farish Moffat, was in
cliara'e of the program. The meeting
upeneci with the Gall to Worship giv-•
era by the president Gordon Wall. Re-',
sl. nae • teas given by Tom MoVat.
-DOM i97 ti'•'as sung. Scripture read-
ing . was :given' by Mrs.. Wes: Young.
'anti the meditation by Jean • Osborne.'
Ardyss•, Bro1vn then led in. prayer.
Hymn 376, Tite minutes 'were then
read and the roll was called; ; Life of
a• present, dad'. missionary waa taken
lry Gertie •Brown. 'A' duet was. given.
by Jessie • and 'Isobel Orr: The life
of a pioneer missionary'•was taken by.
1Ir : Fer•ish:Moffat..Hymn 552 closed
the ,meeting and the Mizpah benedic=
they 'tris repeated 'in, unison. The next
meeting Will be ' held in, the 'church
on' Monday evening• •March • 4th at
8:30 'p.m, with the worship convener
'in charge of the meeting.
A number' from here attended. the
party- at the "hoin.e • of Mr. and Mrs.
Chester Pinnel on Friday evening. '
'Mr. Gordon Wali'and Winnie .Lon-
aldsen visited on 'Friday evening with
Mr, and Mrs. Bert I offati, • , '
• The regular ' monthly meeting of
Ithe Mission Band will be held at the
' home of Misses Jessie and Isobel Orr
• on Saturday March 2,,nd at 2:30 p.m.
Mr: Walter' James has !returned - ••
firm'. the West, ' Texas'.highway.sign: This is' God's
Agnes Conley .and Winnie' Donald- country: Donit drive like .hell." . •
niother and .has since . been , her
mothet's•'constant• .companion. . Misr
Girvin leaves a memory *ith friends
and relatives' that will always ling-
er as one of true womanhood, a chere-
ful disposition, and a 'warn welcome
to•ber' hearth, 'a lover of .flowers and
her home.:
The, funeral took place 'Tuesday af-
ternoon from •her late residence with
Rev: W.i ' Newman • . of . the United
Church officiating.. During the .ser-
yice Mrs. Donald' • •Fowler and .Mrs:
Arthur Culbert rendered .a deet. The,
floral ,tributes of several piecee. be=
spoke the ' high regard in which she
was. held. , ' •
The pallbearers. Were .6 grand neph-
Pentland, •. Harvey Treleaven, • Frank
en's, Leslie Pentland,' herb and Geo.
and Wilfred .•Pentland.. .The Heavy
roads from the recent snowstorm 'hin-
dered Mr. Elwin Pentland's arrival
from Chicago, but he Came during the
service.' Interment was made in• Dun-
gannon' Cemetery., '• • ' •
Mrs. Thomas Dickson, • Sr., visited
her daughter Mi s. Murray Dyer, Eden
Mills,' over •the week -end: • She 'was.
accompanied by Mrs. Jas.' 'McKenzie.
who visited relatives at .Kitchener.
Mrs.. Russel' McCreight,," Gtiderich;
is assistingher niece 'Mrs. Harvey
Mole. •;
Mr. Ralph Brodie,' while working in
the'. Ratz• bush, Saratoga, bad the mis..:•
fortune to 'have • a tree. fall on him.
The ' back of his head was. hit and •'in-
jured, also losing consciousness for
a while. He was taken to his home and
,medical aid . summoned 'end we are
glad to know the mishap is not 'so
serious, as at 'first thought.
Mr.. and Mrs: George Mundel and
daughter Nancy, and Miss Madeline
Casemore of Belmore visited Sunday
with Mr. s nd• Mrs. Harvey .1 Tole. Mrs:
Hannah Casemore, sister of Mr. Wm.
Mole's, returned with them, also Win-
nifred Swan, who had. bean visiting.
Mr. .'Dan Fowler is not sowell
again.. Ile had been recovering nicely'
from . a' bad spell . of 'flu • but is -411
again. ,
Mr. Joe Alton, • Saltford, spent the
week -end with: Mr. and Mrs. Herb
Alton. '
Mr. 'and Mrs. Thomas Webster -at-
tended, the • funeral . of Mrs. David
.Lindsay, formerly Elizabeth Dempsey.
Clinton, at the end of the week. They
were ' accompanied by, John Durnin:
'sr., -John Durnin, jr, and • *ife, and
Stewart Durnin. They attended earl-
ier' in the week the funeral of their
uncle, Mr. Robt. Webster, Seaforth.
Mr. Thos. Webster, : West Wawa -
nosh's 'reeve attended County Council
at Goderieh on Mbnday.
Mrs. N. ' F. Whyward; Seaforth, at-
tended, the funeral of the late Mrs:
David Girvin and visited Miss 'Betty
i•Elliott. . ' • • '•
The Annual . meeting of the Coder -
lel Rigel Telephone Co. was held on.
Tuesday, February 27th. - Quite a
number were absent due to heavy
roads. The directors of last year are
all t'he.:same again with the exception
of Mt. Citrtiie :dh tel-
placed 'by Mrs. John Chisholm. The
re-elected, officers are also etl e t manager,
Mr. Burton Roach, chief operator,
Miss Cora Fines an,. dec.-treas., Mr.
Cecil Treleaven; • line men, Mr+ Jack
Richardson; auditors, ' Messrs. Chas.
Alton and W. A. Stewart. The meet -
AFB platis-early this year to harvest a bum per, crop of smooth,
1VI dean, high•quality•potatoess. Good - i require
trent for an excellent crop . yR the -first willrow'.
vigorous plants, ,plants, that can withstand most of the serious
diseases common to potatoes.,• \.
Canadian Certified Seed Potatoes are disease
'seed ,potatoes. By
planting them, many of theillosses due o dise ea swilliform' a avoidedothan
thoser-r;owny, cleaner+ s seed stork will be produced.
those grown from�ordinary :
So, this season, harvest liner potatoes — and more admire Plant Can-
adian Certified Seed: Grow potatoes that will grade Canada lord
Canadian Certified Seed Potatoes -etc 'evnio t suitable for, your
varieties. Be sure to select theY
>ector, &
Ins ,
Government {
District >
local Ask s
to tiotyl.
tor .
rection Division, for full irrformatit>n and list of nearest distributors.
;Food supplil's are important /e wartime —
Tbis year, put ar,d raise+ only the best.
—the only way.4 being atm of
k t„r thitirertifi ation tag on the big or emulate
gettin •Caoadaan Cert'
Died Seed potatoes.
gxamine at
Distrgct'lnspeator, Seed Potato t'crti(ea0on..
c/o Hottieitltural riapattment, Ont<rrtn ,Agri'
auttural College, Guelph t)nt
Honourable Jammer G. Ga'avlinaei,
Olivet 'Y. 1"..Meeting.
About, twenty-thre young . people
gathered at the Church on Wednes-
day, February 21 • for the :regular
Voting. People's meeting.•. John Mc-,
Charles •tools charge : of the meeting
'which opened with 'a hymn and the
repeating • of ,the Lord's prayer. Beth
McTavish acted as organist for the
evenings: It; being Culture night, Nor.
een •Walden was • Convener'arad: Wilda
Osborne assistant..The .Scripture was
read by Jean McGuire. Mrs. R. Black
very capably took "charge of our
tipple "Why and What to read". After.
the` business ••period, we sang as our
closing hymn, " I de not' ask," and'
all •repeated the .Mizpah benediction hi
unison. 'At the. close of the ;Meeting.
all enjoyed a good contest. The 'next
meeting will be in tharg,e of 'Fellow,•
ship Committee. a
Mrs •M.. Coiling spent ;a couple • of
days last week with her. father, Mr.
Bushell; Who :is on the sick list..
tote held their. entertainment in the
Hall oil Wednesday .eycliing. The, pre-
sident Miss, ,,Grace Richardson -was
chairlady for the contest program
provd,ed ibiy the. captains' Mie. R.
Mowbray & . Mrs. Cecil Falconer. Mrs.
Mowbray's side gave—solo, .Mrs. Har-
old Sperling ,with Mrs. D. Beecroft
pianist;accordian solo, • .Ken Ross;
dialogue, The Family Album by Mrs.
Lance Grain and Mrs. Wesley Lott;
solo, Tom Wharton, Who •also aecoi'ii-
panted himself on the guitar; , duet,
Misses Agnes . Gillespie ,• and • Velma
Seott;' reading, "The Ride` of Jennie
1McNeai", by Mies Genevieve Watt;
harrnonioa solo,. Fred Lott; duet, Geo. u.
Tiffin, and.Totn Wharton with .Miss
'Velma Stuart, pianist. Mrs.' Cecil.Fal-
c+rier's side gave: : •''orchestra, Misy..
Lab* Martin, ,Charlie' Martin,,' NW-
n ellw .od 'and Scott Patterson,; .
rna '� q
reading, "Betty's. Prayer" Mrs. •Lance. ' '
Grain; clarinet -solo, Garnet 'Farrier.
With 'Miss Agnes : Gillespie pianist;,
quartette, Garnet Farrier, , Dustan
'Beecroft,. Jim Falconer, ,Orville Tiffin, ..
with Miss Agnes,- Gillespie pianist;
drama, • "Without Words", Norman
Wellwood, Ken Laidlaw, Jim Falcon- • '
err Clifford Farrier; accordian and.
banjo duet, by Elroy.Laidlaw.and John
:,aunt; - dialogue' "0 Auntie", Ken
'Laidlaw, Norman Wel1wood, Louise
Martin, :Mrs. Jim, Falconer, Norman
Wellwood, The judges were Mrs. Rev. -
J. Pollock, Miss Olive Terriff , and
Bert Cullimore . and gave N'their ' de-
eieien •in favour ef,„:. _lr 'R • Mowbray's -s—
. r
-was just saying how
forgetful husbands are
picogram The National, Anthem was
'Ong. and dancing 'enjoyed' by all. The
Proceeds$11.15 are to be,. used to. •
buy knitting • needles for The Red
Cross Society. ••
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Tiffin, Joe'
and Dan' spent :Monday evening with
Mr. and Mrs. Angus McKenie of, Cul-'
Mr, Harold Pollock, teacher at S.S.•
No. 10,, was called •to the home of.
his father.on ' Wedneslday morning
owing to his serious illness and the
pupils enjoyed : a holiday,
Mr.. Charlie Tiffin spent Wednes-
day with kr. . Jack Tiffin of Turnber-
Miss .Doris McClenaghan of Pince
River visited., a few days last week'
Kith :her parents Mr. and Mrs. Ben
McClenaghan. " , '
Miss Katherine 'Mowbray Visited 'a
day last' week, with Miss Clara' Pur
don of Wiingham:
Mi. and 1VIrs. George Fisher and
three children) spent .Sunday. with• the
former's sister,. Mips. Toby Jantzi. and.
Mr- • Jaiitzi ,of • Milverlton. •
Miss Dorothy Knight of Mine River
spent Friday with •Mrs. D. Kennedy;.
. Mr. Harold .Pollock, teacher of: S.S.
Na. '•10 school was called :house• to
Pine River last week owing to' the
erious illness of his father,' Mr. Pol•
lock. There. was ,no school for a fe';'
lays. We hope far. a speedy .recovery, ,
Mr: and Mrs.• W. R.. Farrier pen
the week -end at. Toronto' e,ith tlieif•
iaughters,'Misses Winnifred
airier.• •
' Rev. J. Pollock slrent the. w'oek-end
et Brantford with. lri; .daughter M+•s.
:'doper there. Rev. Mr. • Me 'oncel
Lecknow took the'serv.ice'heee in l i
absence. '
Mr. 'and, • 3T ;. Cuorge
Ea':t Wa aim cele'- :'ate'' ' ;'a: `.: !it
wedding. anni.ereary on Th.:t• clay of
last week •at'the home of their daugh-'
ter, . Mr. and Mrs. John Gaunt. All
their faml.y• -,ere present.'C•ong ratnla-
tions. - i' • •
and put me ° to .shame r
300 -mile. station -to -station call
after ?' p.m. (and all day Sunday)
usually costs no more than a
couple of ,movie tickets. With ratesthat_
low, a fellow can easily keep in touch'with
his familywhen hes away from :home.
Why not call them up . e . tonight?
with Miss
slient Thursday . evening
Eileen. Valad :and Reba.
Marshall. • • .
Mrs. Reuben 'Tiffin and Charlie
Spent Sunday with lVir. and Mrs. Gen
Mr;. and Mrs.. R. Stuart and Velma.
spent Thursday with. Mr. and .' Mrs.
lL Laidlaw; West Wawanosh.
Mr. and 'Mrs. Earl aslick of Cul -
their .Mr.
entertainment, a dance, on'Mar.. George . Harkness:
1st in the Fokest`er's Hall, The Langside chopping • mill,. which
Jest week" due to
cage Tiffin,Mr. was• closed.: part. of la t ,
Mr: ''and Mrs. ;Wesley
and Mrs: George Tiffin spent Friday .l repairs being. made to the chopper,
evening with .Mr. and Mrs. Thomas was repaired the . beginning of this
evening ., .
The Langside Rural 'Chit) will hold
Messrs. Fred and Charlie Tiffin,
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Conn; attended
the dslnce on Friday evening at'the
home of Mr. and Mrs; Nelson Pickel.
of Culross. .•
Misses Ilonalda and , Helen Valid
of 8th Con. and Miss Jean Cassidy of
ing was adjourned'. with some •p in-
shed btrsanesa, wh.tch is Ieit over for
the next meeting ,,�
Miss Ti i tdr -i . "Feavritg fli'
week to 'Visit a while with her aunt
lull s. 'Roy Burchill, Dublin.
The 'Women's Institute are holding
week and is now' being kept very busy.
Mr. alter James ,who spent last
fall iii ,the West has now returned to
this :vicinity. •
Mrs.. Ralph Cam skinette returned -last
Thursday'from Kitchener.
Miss . Florence Reed and Mr. Jim
Harkness .spent' Monday evening with
Mt. and ' Mrs. George •Har kness. •
••Miss Eileen. Valad returned to' her
home on the 8th Con,. on Saturday
after being ' with Mrsir1, George Hark-
ness for a few Weeks. °
The Y. P:, U. of the .United `church
held their meeting. with. Mr. Ted M_c
Clenaghan presiding, and .giving the
Call 'to ' Worship. Mr. Jim Falconer
•read (the Scripture. Misses •Mildred
Moore and 'C. Laidlaw gave the Med- '
itation. Mrs. Gibson Gillespie led in
prayer. The topic, "Is drinking nee . '
essary' to '•popularity". was given' by
Mrg.: • Jim . Falconer. The discussion
was given by Milan Moore,' Miss El-,
leda Hunter ..Luella Laidlaw and ""Mrs.
Clarenee Cox. Miss Genevieve Watt
gave.'a reading, "Thea. Tramp" Mr.
Garnet, Farrier . grave., a clarinet solo.
Miss Anna Mae Carrick ,gave 'a solo
• °`Evening. Prayer.", The meeting Cios•-
ed with' the society's prayer • in. uni-
Mr. and Mrs. George McClenaghan.'
•v ere married 23 years tin Tuesday of •
last • week. Congratulations.
Mrs. George 142cClenaghan:•and Miss
Mildred McClenaghan spent last'Tues-
day with Mr. and Mrs.. •13en McGiem-
aghaii.' ,
A contest programme was held in
the Institnyte 'Half' last • W.ridnesday
evenng..The half was; full. The cap-
tains were Mrs. Robert Mowbray. and
Mrs. Cecil Faleot,;er, Eaeh side gave
eight numbers. It was a gond .pro,
gramme and was enjoyed` by all. "The
-icy is' to -be -a sed-.•ta•.• bu ' k5U is
needles for Red Cross work. The judg-
es ' is Rev.
lh o e M
es were. Mr. Bert Cu m ,
J. Pollock and .Miss Olive Teriff. They
decided Mrs: Robert Mowbray had the
hest programme. The rest of the eve
ening was spent.in dancing.
Like Ploughing and harvesting, the
need to- borrow • for productive .pur-
poses occurs with the seasons. •
There areutnero.us purposes for
which. you may wish to borrow: t9
meet seed. and harvesting , expenses;
to purchase fertilizer and .equipment;
to`. purchase and feed live stock or to
,.an,4t, Home on Wednesday night with•
l�qi S "lIt*heYi �to'tiiCi ea'� i� ng .11'1'
retirefol* tixn veirii�g:�'1re�F►usbend's
are supplying the program' and Mr.
Jas. 0. Shearer, agricultural' district'
representative, will give an address.
finance: shipments 'of livesic,.1, poul-
try or other farm 'produce to .market;
or to undertake farm' improvements
under the Home Improvement Plan.
The manager of our' braneh nearest
.you will 'understand your .seasonal'.
'needs. and be glad to receive your
application for a loan. - '
Ash to. our booklet; "The Farmer' and His Bank'
Lucknow Branch: V: ST. PREST, Manager
• V