The Wingham Times, 1900-12-28, Page 7++++++++++++
11_' 4,
To our many Patrons in
\'Viiighnni and surrounding
country we extend the season's
greetings and our thanks for
their many favors which have
enabled us to make this, our
seventeenth clear, the most Suc-
cessful of all.
ni•d •I , .• ;. ro � o•.,,.,o.e•t.•F•.t••I 4..,4.4,4..,.4.:..;.
4.a4 +.;++.11,,4r:,.;.4:,4.;.,
14,444.4.4... 't• •v -e- t ,1.4..,E ;.4••;44 4.4.4.;..,..x.
Apprentices' wanted at once. Two
young ladies to learn tailoring.
tf WEBS'rER. & Co.
THINGS IN SOUTH AFiuot,-Tho Mail -W A. Currie, of this town, has sold
and Empire of Tuesday contains an through J. aerie,, auctioneer, his 100
interesting iett"r fr,in Trooper Charles aere farm in East Wawanosh to James
de Lisle. ,f T fro r~ t, now in S iutlt Lind.Lindhas been residing in
Africa. The letter was written at Bel• Mr.
British for some years. •
fast rel Nnvaembsr VI. D. Loug11eed, J's representative in South , -Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hastings mourn
Africa was in company with this young l the loss o,f their infant daughter, Gladys
man and Dave heti a very exciting es- l Alen,,, who died ou Friday last, aged 7
perionco. Lougheed and several others
were in the thick of a battle when their
horses were shot under them. Dave i in their affliction, .
and two others were taken prisoners by., -Judge Barron, of Stratford, has
'the Bo:;:'s. The Boors held a cousulta- I been nppoiuted. Local Master of the •
tion whatever to let their prisoners go orSupremCourt for the County of Aaron
not, 1),1t the better class of the Boers Ie, and Dr. Meldrum, of Beltnout, formerly
of Wingham has been •appointed a cot-
over 1e. Middlesex county. '
'--Vots for t 1.1,y • iii
-»A happy and Prompt) tar
to Bill.
e- I norea i 3 Vie value of y l t )nuperty
by voting for tiv by-law.
---Ripley hockey club has been ee.
Organized for the Season.
-Culross township council minutes
are ciowde:l out of this issue.
----Seo that every available vote is pot-
1,d in favor of the by-law to -day.
-We Cause very near lhaviug a green
Christmas in Wingham this year. i'
-Vote for the i y -law. Vote early
and see that your neighbor has voto:l•.
-The Lucknow Sentinel and Harris.
ton Tribune are holidayi'ia this week.
-Bell's auil glutton cC Fessant's fac-
t ales are closed down for the holidays.
-Joe painting dello neat, up-to-dato
and whou you want it, at the Teems of-
-Every freeholder should help build
up ti.o town by votiug for the by-law
to -day. •
Major Beck has sold his tannery busi-
ness at:-tiltfot'U to Wm. Wake, .late
of Beilmiller,
-The stores will com:nonce to close
at 7 u't:loelc each evening after eh(1 1st
day o' January,
-We uu.ierstaud that D, N. McDon-
ald, geueral merchant at Bellmore has
sold his. business,
-Zile yeuug-r eopie of towu•bave been
enjoying good skating ou the river mir-
ing the east weelc,
-Jas, Henderson and bride have
taken up housekeeping in the house
formerly occupied by H. Peareu, on
Catherine street.
-Joseph Gray is in Stratford this
week attending the poultry show. He
exhibited a number of birds in the
ILetegshan and other classes.
-The Toronto Globe of Saturday last
Mid' a picture of Wm. Ross, M. P., for
South Ontario: Ur, Ross is a brother of
Mrs. M. H. Molndoo, of this town.
-The regular meeting; of Court Mait-.
laud, C. O. I',, . will bo held this' (Fri'.
day) evening, when officers for the ensu-
ing year will be elected. A good attend-
ance of members is desired.
-The 'Risme congratulates W.- H.
Kerr, of the Brussels *Post on his elec-
tiou by acclamation for County Coun-
cillor for Division No. 0; Mr. Kerr
snakes a good representative.
;,,H1, ICv)f•,'l
s B t£ acs ,.
mouths and 14 days Much sympathy.
will be extended to the bereaved parents
,t ,er. »,
n t t vV\IL
s lop m, a bays eederilauittIf to
c from, any of aur ruadwt+,. If you
ro htaltdt rs llve,torsena us s not' totitalt
' Miss Carrie Maedozzalld is home from
'Varsity, Toronto for her holidays.
Bert MoEleven, of Goderich, has taken
a situation in J. I. Davis' drug store.
C. 112, Walker has returned home from
a business trip through Manitoba and
the West,
I). W. (.lotnu.ill has returned home
after several months spent in Manitoba
and the 'Wes'.
Murray Wilson, of Turnberry, attend
ed the Amoral of this melee Geo. Gray,
at South River, ou 0hh tweets,
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bradwin and
Rev, R. Hobbs attended the funeral of
Mae. iirfulwhlt at II;zuovrr on Friday
last. '
Miss Veggie Maeda:add , returned
on )?ricla last after spending the past
six meet is with friends -in Vancouver,
B, -C,
Rev. D. Rogers, of Biuevaie, and Rer.
Mr. and Mrs. Hobbs, visited with Rev,
Mi, acid Mrs. Kennody,at Dr. Kennedy's
on Wednesday,
John Campbell, of Winnipogoses, N.
W. T. is spending a few weeks in town,
visitiug with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
D. Campbell, Frances street,
Jas.. H. Currie and bride, of Trost
Lake City, B, C. and Geo. Currie, of
Slocan City, B, C. are speuding a few
'weeks Holidays with their parents, Mr..
and Mrs. It: Currie, of East Wawauosh..
Mr. Robt. Currin of East Wawauosh,
who was one of the speakers at the meet-
ing of the Farmers' Institute on Mon-
day, was more familiar with Cliuton in
the ante railway days than at present,-,
Clinton News -Record.
won out and the three Cauadiaus were
allowed to go.
TRE 1.L0.TE 0t s• BEAD -WIN - The
remains of tile late Charles Bradwin
were interred in the Hanover cemetery
on Friday of last week. The death of
Mr. Bradwin is the first break in a
family of seven boys. The following
particulars are taken from the Vancou-
vor World of Dec. 14th: -"The. hand of
death lute taken mauy citizens from the
sphere of labors during the past throe
weeks, aucl yesteirday a promiueut young
Irian was called to his rest in the person
of Charles Bradwiu, aged 27 years.
Death was duo to .heart desease, from
which the deceased had been a sufferer
for many years. It is presumed , that the
' young elan died some time during Wed-
nesday flight. Yesterday afternoon, J.
Scott -gale, having some business to trans-
act `with him and being unable to find slim,
wont to his room. Upon entering he was
horrified to find that his young friend
• was dead. Mr. Bradwin represented
Messrs. Little & Company of London,
Ont., and made his headquarters in this
city. Be resided on Robson street with
his wife and little dattghter, until a short
time ago, when Mrs. Bradwin was
suminoned to the bedside of her father
in Hanover, Out. Mr, Bradwiu then took
apartments over the Bank of British
Columbia, A particularly sad feature in
connection with the deathis the fact
that before Mrs. Bradwiu reached her
hoino her father had passed away. Charles
Bradwin was bright young business man
and d
highly ly esteemed by all who kneww
him. 'J.h e sympathy of the r"einrtui,;y
will ge ottt to his young a ito ii. Line, her
great double seers,,,..
-Very few Mcleod are t13
which do not leave room
opinions, but we cau i;iv
in which there is no roe
and that is the surp ss og excellence of
the Family Herald d Weekly Star of
Montreal and the two premium pictures,
"Christ in the Temple," and "Home
from the War. "Both pictures are perfect
gems, and, as to the paper itself, it
leaves nothiug to be desired, it is simply
or diffsreut
one instance
for argument,
Tho Board of Examiners for the
County of Huron met in the Model
School, Clinton, ou Saturday, Dec. 22nd,
at 10 a. nl., to finish the .work of the
Model School term, There were in all
47 candidates, and of these 24 attended
at Goderich and 28,at Cliuton. Of these
candidates 8 held Senior Leaving non-
professional eertificates, 85 held Junior
Leaving and four held e d Primary. The
total number of marks required was 900;
the pass mark 540 or (30 oa • The honor
stark 675 or 7500. All the candidates
made over the pass and were granted
Third Class Certificates. The following
is the list: -
Chidley, Agnes
Courtice, Hattie
Campbell, Mabel
Duty, Martha Alice
Ellis, Matta
Howe, Jennie
McEwen, Alice M,
Pieroe,Amy Amelia
Stewart,Mary McI.
Scott, Ethel
Taylor, Augusta B.
Turner, Florence
Wollwood,. Marg't
• Beckett, Nellie Campbell, George
Cooper, Eva Down, Enos Edgar
Doail, Mina Durnin, B. Richard
Govenlock, ?Jennie Hackett, Walter
McEwen, Elizabeth Hallid, .lonald
McLean, Amelia J. Hamilton, Thos. J.
McLeod, Flora Hooper, Alfred M.
Patterson, Mary L. Kilpatrick, Wm. E.
Ritchie, Annie Matheson. Win. T.
Stanberry, Fioretta MoDouald, Alex, F:
Smillie, Agues E. Sinith Alex.
Thompson, Winnie Stelck, Robt.
Wright, Ethwell Taylor, Hugh
Waught, Isabel Wightman, Wm. H.
Aikeehead, Albert Weir, Robt.
Audersou, Robert Williams, Edwin L.
Blake John
Guo. Beeare, Secy., Clinton.
Service was held in St. Paul's church
ou Christmas morning.
Sacranleutal services will be held in
the Wingham Presbyterian church on
Suuday horning, Tannery 6th.
Rev. Dr. Flannery, for the past five
years parish priest in Windsor, has been
transferred to Seaforth,
COUNTY CO U N CIL N O M I N - The members of the Epworth League
ATIoNS. of the Wingham Methodist (lurch held
a very successful social in the council
chamber on Thursday 'evening of last
Div. No. 1 -Ashfield and Colborne
townships and town of Goderich: Philip
Holt, of Goderich n.nd Hugh Chambers,
of Ashtlelcl are likely elected by accla-
matron; We hrtve not heard if any other
candidates were nominated.
• Div. No. 2.-Huilett and Goderich-
townships 11nd Clinton town: John
Brigham, Hallett; Tas. Snell, Hallett;
S. S. Cooper and Daviel Cantelton, Clin-
ton: Jas. Connolly, Goderich township.
Div. No. 8 -Hay and Stanley town-
ships and villages of Mansell and Bay-
field: John Torrance and Wm. Lamont
elected by acclamation.
Div. No. 4.• --Stephen and Osborne
townships and Exeter, H. Spackman,
Exeter; Wm, Delbridge, Usborue; A. O.
Bobier, Exeter: R. D. Hicks, Stephen.
. Div. No. S --McKillop and Tucker -
smith townships and town of Seafortlh:
Thos. E. Hays, of Seaforth and J. 13,
McLean, of Tuckersniitli aro likely
elected by'acoiamation.
Div, No. 6. --Croy and Morris and vil-
lage of Brussels: W. FL Kerr, of Brus-
sels and Jas Bowman, of Morris are
,L \
e1t.c,. r,d by acolatna,tion.
Div. No, 7--1118i, and West Wawanosh
Wingham alnrl I]lytll: Donald Patter -
soli and Matthew Lockhart, East Wawa -
Al,x &unit and, o u Webster,
• a!)iv. 'Me. t;.-•-Howicl;, , itl Turnberry
toe 'whips and vi1 Wroxeter:
Iic1 t.. rifillor T �, tlWeir R.
rt. 118011 ata •ick.
Saw Death Near.
"It often made my heart ache,"
ltes L. C. Overstreet, Of Elgin, Tenn.,
hear my wife cough unitiI it seemed
voids and sore lungs would eollapee.
'loetors said she was so far goi
'ensttaliptiou that no medicine or
help could cove hes', but a friend
ncledkDr. Ring's New Discov-
ersistettt use of this excellent
'axed. her life,►e It's absnluto-
ced for Coughs, Colds, Bron -
tura, uwi all Throat and Lung
and *1.00 tit Colin A.Citnhp-
1 bottles free,
The Y. P. G., of St. Paul's church
have elected the following officers for
the ensuing term :-Prosident, Miss
Wade; Vice, Pres., Miss M. Sadler;
Treas., Miss A, Patterson; Sec., F.
Shore; Collectors, Misses Corbould,
Newton, Ferguson and Rankin.
A Christmas entertainment was held
in the basement of St. Paul's church on
Friday evening of last week. The en-
tertainment was held principally for the
entertainment of the Sunday Scho&
children, but all present spent a very
pleasant evening..
Registration of 131rth'f-,
Several London citizens litZ",re been
fined for failure to register births of in-
fants, as required by the registration
act. This incident calls attention to a
natter that is too little thought of by
the general public and the persons more
(tirectly effected, It is, perhaps not
generally known that the registration
act imposes the duty of registering
births, marriages and deaths not only
Ob. parents and heads of families, brit in
the case of nlarelages upon ciorgynlen,
and i11 the case of births and deaths up-
on the attendant physician, the under-
taker ealIod it1 in case of death. or the
nurse or other person in charge of tho
case. The Loudon Advertiser, in dia.
cussing the question says: It is of very
aria* tIbC
time registration tut r
eacried out, perticular1
births. nil'strio's
eozu(e thee e been It s`.ilih'1.
other provinces awl al,
n,ucl though the rate ie
than it should be, fa
births is aft largo (:ate
Ontario's poor alh)Wiue,
The deputy re,;istar-gc'
tithes ieime(1 wen:iut'.',s
to comply: with the 1.iw
evident that the l;oi ul t
)las been ulnavailizer and
will now be adopted. It
that the law c:t1:11.t be more ef.
ft,ehitely carried out i:z a matter efcect-
ing so closely the •1'(clit and yetirero cif
the Province mei the Demi11ia11, fuel one
requirin , so small au exp;Pi:li' ur.+ of
time and lttteUtotz on the part of the in-
drvi lual•
wislonr of
lw ittrietlt-
Hive a r 1 < f ''4f
1'•r ati`. ices fur
omproaol by 1.
t1ttzthitz iFt cif,
nrlbtc dly bo-.t•-
tlr to register
'tt:pc)nwil:le frr
r.t t s. respect:.
eel; has several
+'edit ne;;lt'cting
b. it is now
ace's leniency
tt telt-enure
is 5tratr.te in -
to catch the eye and
solid, substantial. II
fair livii
Don't be misled by duotat
pends on the goods.
See our lines of Furniture
is sure to come our Way.
l;ose:- Itt Culi'o•;:,, D.ic•. 15th, the'tt:i, of Wm.
Zeno, a run.
lLtnin.i •-In, 1 0,40%, ni' 1)'e,1,".th, the wife
of i . H. Hat at c,L u chi 1 lite.•.
1Lt . i 1;: In Wroxeter. 0111),,e, 15th, the wife
of Wnt. J. Henke of n son.
4;1111witole .1Prta -At the} r.,4",1.,:ve, of the
bride's pat Olds, Morrie 0:1 De!, 1 eft, by Rev.
Joltu Ross, 13. A., Wni. 1'o 1 ma t to Mt .1C111/10,
cachet daughter of Allan aj,,' r, el: 01 Morris.
WRrGIIT-BROwN -In For<1t.:c 1 on Doc. 19,
by Rev. A. 13. Dobson, Vie: 'se•tl)1 Be o tit t', LIr.
John Wright, both of 1for•.lwic'1.
Txo+tlsov-Iiv r.oe.-A t the lliar..e. Wi ox•
Iter, by Rev. R S. (x. Anderson, un Ucc, 1£t11,
David Thompson, of Grey, to Mies Jennie 13ys-
lop, daughter of Alex. Hlyslop, Turnberry.
MoKatist ;-.-MCEtmok.--,At the reeklerce of
the bride's mother, on Dee. iaitht, hs Rev. A.
Mc. Lean, 'Wm. McKenzie. of Menem. to
Christemt M., oldest daughter of 1Ii•s. 'Wm.
McElroy of Blyth.
Ross-MAxw^ n. -At the home of the bride's
parents, Bluevl.le Road, on 1)ec c in x.t 24th, by
Rev. D. Perrin, T. H. Ross, of ' int ham, to
Miss Isabella, elatigliter of Rola. Muswell, of
Bs r,-Dsiwl's-At tho home of the bride's
parents in Howielc, on Dec. '20th, Mar 11111 Bell;
of Wingham, to Catherine Dennis, of Lowick.
HASTINGS. -In Wingham, on Dec. 21, Gladys
Alone, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Hast-
ings, aged 7 months and 14 days.
MONS.—Tri Wingham, on Dee. 20th, Verna
Margurote infant daughter of Sohn and Lillie
Monk, aged 6 months and 8 days,
BRAY. -In 'Grey, oa Dee. 15, William George,
son of Win. Bray, aged 18 years, 11 months nud
2 days.
Titoxrsov.-0O the boundary, Tiowick and
Grey, on Dec. 20th, A lex. 'Thompson, aged 56
years and o months.
Might have Been 'W'linr.
An amusing golf story conies from "S.
G." In a foursome competition at
Macht'iltamish one Scotchmau of the par-
ty. a man of optimistic temperament, al-
woya remarked, "It might have been
want." whenever he put the ball into a
peculiarly cj tlicult bunker.
I3is irrittted partner determined to
rouse Macnab from his imperturbable.
serenity and -said to him when next `they
played. "Macnab, I dreamed last night
you were in hades." L
"Winight have been, waur,", eame the
reply, pat.
"How wnur?" said the Englishman.
"It might have" Been 'true," replied
Maenab. "I might have been there."
The Scotchman ended at least "one
Tour Right Side.
. You have probably noticed, if you 'are a
man, that when your tie gets loose it in-
variably slips round to the left. This is
because you use your right side during
the day 'about five times as much as your
left. This movement rebuts bn your
shirt collar, causing it and your tie to
move in the opposite direction. 'The mus-
cles •on an average man's.right side have
more than double• the strength of those
on his left side; in fact, so great is this
disproportion in development that by the
time 'a man or woman reaches 40 the
right side is even to the eye more fully
deviceloped than the left, and in many
arses this disproportionate growth is
highly injurious to health, as it is liable
to force the interior organs out 0f place.
It Didn't Appear.
Apropos of the current talk of the ad-
visability of suppressing the special cor-
respondent in wartime, a story may be
quoted from The Spectator:
During the Franco-Prussian war a
well known English correspondent was
sent to the front by his paper, and on one
occasion Von Moltke sent for him and
"Mr. —, on such and such a day the
German army will perform such and
such a movement. If that appears in
the -- (naming the paper), you will be
Of course the news did not appear.
Both Ways.
"Everything works both ways." •
"How's that?"
"Why, doctor's say that noises cause
nervous diseases. and I know from my
wi fe's hysterics !1' at nervous diseases
cause noises." -Detroit Free Press. ,
Too Realistic.
"See this picture of Jenkins. Isn't it
,i cno,ikiug Iiio ness'"
"Yeses. Let's come away, old :man; It
teat asst Of: Poe. a Iden."
The Baby
Then probably it's a cold.
Babes catch cold so easily
recover and ,
1 so slowly. Not
Wendy, however, when you
use Vapo-Crc:selene. Then
a single night is all that is
necessary for a cure. You just put
Sotnne CrtsoLno in tic vap.,
the lamp beneath, and place neer t::r.
crib. 'While baby sleep:: L'' 1' ': tl,es• I
in the healing vapor, Co 3 '..• set,::,
inflamed luembrnuos heal, at,.t all
trouble ceases. It's a p. rlect ;.pi cific
for whooping cot:gh and crotilt, 6
Vnp3 c••es ewe; GA 1 „f , t ', t,,,ai t n, rv., L• r••,
AVapa.Cr•sol,n wee:, 111 1 1 •, ti Vei„flecrmi
Lama, Welch sit nit lost ;. lir time , id et Wee , E
Oretokne. comelcte, r.5 e : ra snppii.•s ,.f Cres .•
len e75cents:me soeents 1 insmited'•entci, 0 '•an.
trig tihysl1:aans'tesattinni4'1 freeern • root', t. '.
C USX Ca.. MI unite•. t., Neal Y 1. t
BED-1-100,�,R -1-1'�y�.�
AND I.r��'`��,
cheaper than 'ever. A la
branch is under the supervision
eleven years practical experter
some time was in the employ of
undertakers of Toronto. Gust
efficient service. Our stock '
complete in this section of the coun
Night calls receive prompt attentiG
Residence -----Patrick. St., Mr.
DR. 's,GNE W,
Physician, Surgeon, etc.
Office -Macdonald Block, over 3. E. Davis'
Drug Store. Night calls answered at the office.
of London Conservatory of Music, will be pre-
pared afterOot. 1st to receive a limited num-
ber of pupils for instruotion on Violin and
Residence -opposites R. C. Church, Wingham.
and tnember of the Associated Tdusicians of
Ontario, is prepared to receive a limited num-
ber.of pupils for instruction on Piano and in
Special attention given to pupils preparing
for examinations.
Residence -opposite R. C. Church, Wingham.
Night calls at Button Block, or Fifth
door south of School House. Sloop op-
posite Macdonald block.
V character to deliver andeollect in Huron
Cottnty for old established manufacturing
wholesale house. $000 a year, sure pay. Hon-
esty more than experience required. Our re-
ference, any banlc in any city. Enclose' self-
addressed stamped envelope. Manufacturers,
Third Floor, 884 Dearborn St., Chicago.
And Pigs for Sale.
The undersigned. will keep for service on his
premises, lot 86, con. 10, East Wawanosh, a
large improved Berkshire Boar with pedigree,
and I have a number of young Berkshire sows
for sale. Also two young Berkshire Boars.
Will be sold on reasonable terms.
Marnoch P, 0.
Cook's Cotton Boot Compound.
Is successfully used monthly 'by over
10,000 Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask
your druggist for Cooks Cotton Root Com-
ma Take no other, as all Mixtures, pills and
imitations are dangerous. Price, No, 1, $1 per
box; No. 2,10 degrees stronger, $8 per box. No.
1 or 2, mailed on receipt of price and two 8-eent
stamps,�Tho Cook Company Windsor, Ont.
"Nos. 1 and 2 sold ane recommended by all
responsible Druggists in Canada.
No.1 and No. 2 are sold in Wingham by A.L
Hamilton, J. E. Davis, A. A. Morrow, Colin A
Campbell, Druggists.
on Lot 36, Can, 12, East Watc
osis, on
The stock includes 10 godairy COWS sup-
posed to be in calf ; 2 f rro - cows. 1 fat cow, 10
=tiers supposed to b< i calf, 10 heifers rising
two years old, not in •P • 12 steers rising two
years old, 81ast splin ' calves, 1 brood Sow with
utter of pigs at foot, five weeks old; 1 span of
general purpose marcs 8 years old, 1 set single
narnens, 1 set double harness, and several other
articles too numerous to mention.
TEnirs-All sums of grp'55 and }under,
cash; over that amount 10 mouths
credit will be given on purchasers fur-
nishing approved joint notes. 7 per
cent. per annual off for cash on credit
J. Comm, T. E. WALxiut,
Auctioneer. Propriotor,
and anyone hiving live stock or other
articles they wish to dispose of, should adver-
tise the same for sale in the Trails. Our large
circulation tells and it will he strange indeed if
you donoretacustvmer. We can't guarantee
thnt you willilsell because you may ask more
for the article or stock than it is worth. Send
your advertisement to the Thiess and try this
plan of disposing of your stock and other
=Notice is hereby given that the partnership
heretofore existing between the undert itsne<t.
see flour and feed reer hants, of the Town of
Wingham is titin day dissolve d. The business
will be carried on by Wm. R. Drummond on
boy own account at the sante premises. All
accounts due the latepartner•Nhip must be paid
to Wm. R. Drummond.
Witness; TT* L Af9R.
GEO. PA.YRE. WM Dfi1,LlillxOliD.
'Ingham, Nov.16th, 1006,
As will be seen from the shoved intend carry'
rout on the flour and fecal business, and I take
this opportunity of thanking the public for
their patronage in the past and hope to merit
a continuance of the same in the future. I will
keep on hand the best grades of flour, all kinds
of snoods, mill feeds, etc. Will keep everything
to be found in a first class flour and feed Store.
Prompt delivery. Phone 82.
A first-class farm, co alining 100 acres in a
goud location 4 miles f m Winghant is offer: -
ed for sale. Upon the p ,raises are a good bank:
barn and fraise house Well watered and a
good orchard. ekllyd. -For fna cicala •s
the Tants Office, Wingham. r t apply at
The undersigned has for sale, ten good
ewe lambs. Apply on the premises,
near Wu gham. cemetery or to
Wingham P. O'
The undersigned has had two farms placed
in hands to sell. One of the farms contains 100
acres aid the other 50 acres. They are both.
good farms and in good localities. For full.
particulars apply to the undersigned.
J. CURRIE, Auctioneer a
Box 100. Wingham P. 0.
Strayed on to the remises of the undersign,
edi lot 8.5, cancessio 0, East Wawanosh, on or
aboutthe 6th of ovemcer, two red heifer
calves,. 0,ener enhave them by proving
property and payin expenses.
Marnoch 1'. 0,
and many cf the former pupils of tete
w115 have stepped directly from the college to
SO0M good position in a business office, or to
fill some vacancy in a Commercial school as
teacher, are ever ready to testify to the fact
The following extract from a letter received
from a Massaehnssets Business College a short
tine ago is only one of scores of a similar kind
tint we have received from other Business
Colleges, asking us to supply them with teach-
"Nov. 6.1000:
Dear Mr. McLauchlan ;-I am again looking
for a Cotnmercinl teacher, and woud be pleased.
to know if you know of one. We want a young
nen, single, net under twenty -Ave, of good
address neat in ;tppc•arance, thorougly alive,
and well up in bookkeeping, arithmetic and.
Lettere =eh at the abot' tell far more than
pages of idle claims to superiority.
'There may be business colleges niuelt more
convenient to you than Chatham, but that
shouldrho bb<< ut no reason, for attending anything
We pay the railway faro of students from a
distance, up to 58.50, end can secure good
board for gentlemen nt 52.50 per week, and for
ladies at $2.00 per week.
by any BUSINESS SCHOOL in Canada, write,
Chatham, Ont. c
IA& q4,11.1teli W 4VvEN,Y11,01V.1 Q
Patorsores Jewellery Sare
is the place this year for
r'etty New Year's Gifts
`�it'e! a complete • line ,,f Rings of the newest designs for
Ladies and (Gentlemen. We nlsn have some pretty Diamond Rings.
Our Silverware is nut cf sight this year, and our Watches never
10 wer,i rettier. We keep 11 kinds, The nt e cr•Ilam
den takes
I the lead as they
are the world's best.
1 Stone Block, Win(;tan,. iced door to CIa(;g's Traral,l•are Store.
rconur`ndalan<tsoldl>y A. L. Ilnmilt<:n, `,,.,,�;�,�,�,�+ wryItr�>M,�,ty,y�
til ,gist, Wingitant.