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The Wingham Times, 1900-12-28, Page 3
}r. KiDirt: DISEASE A Diu, Miller Man's Terrible OR TEN YEARS ••;w1t: Trial. tle Found a Cure at Last In Doan's Kidney Pills. Mr. P. M. Burk, wilt) le a well-known resident of Glen Miller, Hastings Co., Ont., was affileted with kidney trouble for ton years. So pleased is ho at having found in Dolmas Kidney Pills a cure for his ail - menet:, whieh ho had begun to think were ineurable, that he wrote the following statement of his case so that others afflictea may profit I ty his experience : 88 I have been afflicted with kidney trouble for about text years auo, have to severel remedies but never received any real benefit until I started taking Domes Kidney Pills. My bee!: used to constantly ache and my urine was high eolored and milky looking ab thues. Since 1 have finished the third box of 1)oau's Kidney Pills I and happy to etate that I MU Tint bOthOrOd with backache at all and my mine is clear as crystal. I feel confidaut that these pills aro the best kidney epecitie in the country." , ••••,,,•,••••—•-,•-••• WINGHAM TAM WOE C.40) ALLSTEEL UP1OH(.11\ILL TH ENE.W vvAy . 771.4 rt ,91:11't% ri4(•.•Vt* ?.; ata ate , MY!etter oiiii4;r nua. Having re -purchased our old stand, we aro now prepared to supply the pub - lie with Wood and Iron Force and Lift Pumps, Brass and Iron Cylinders, Gal- vanized Iron Tubing, Cisterns, Water Troughs, Sinks, Baths, Pipe Fitting, Well Digging and everything in con- nection with water supplies. Galvanized Steel Windmills for power and pumping water. We can do our work cheaper than others in the business as we have the steam power. Repaning promptly attended to. We also do well digging and drilling. All work is thoroughly guaranteed.. Give us a call. ^ - D. SHOWERS & A Tai or99 would be useless unless the fit, style and quality were apparent to back up every statement. We don't talk volumes, but our suits talk for us, and our prices will suit you. Leave your order for that new • FALL SUIT OR OVERCOAT noLLow KAMAN. Wit* of Canada: The hollow stpulre, u Purely British military taetio, wt1 never token lent once, Why? liceausu Tommy Atkins from Oamula And 'Tommy Atkins: from all other Lritish posstssions stand solid. ly together. Tho lesson is, that in a commercial way also, the eolouiosliliOUld fltatul firmly together; met the ladies of Cantela—the peatthasime pirwera•eau do much toward accomplisniug that cud. Ceylon and India produce tlia finest tlis. By using the team grown in. Sister col- onies, ladle,: (Jet prtriotically. These teas appeal to YOU front Heaton:tut, from purity, from economy—la every way they aro superior to Japan ur Chines. Druaters of (men tea seoula Jay t 'on- set% Salado, or Blue Ribbon packets. charneter comas. "Let a man tell you his story every morning and evening," meld 4 f41110118 Englitihneux in ebaractoriaug the news- paper, "and at the end of a twelvemonth he will liavo bet:Lime your master." Whnt if the num 18 brazen faced a chroulele liar, ono who rejoices in in- knity, and is utterly reckless in prittei- 110, who is thus welcomed daily to the hone) cireht? Ought not a newspaper that isincliiIerent to truth, is self-seek- ing and has no regari for individual rights or for public morals, to bo treated as you would deal with a scoundrel who seeks admission to your 3'0014 and com- pany? Let an unprincipaled journal tell you its daily story, and by an inex- orable moral law you will iu due time have au "evil spirit" for your master. In this same connection we are 'ee- minded of an interesting lecture by an cid journalist and member of parliament, Mr. R. L. Richerdson, of Winaipeg. "Character," said lie, "is just as essen- tial roan newspaper as it Is for a man who is dependent upon the public for support. It is therefore of as primo im- portance that an editor should regard the reputation and character of his news Paper as it is that an individual should guard his own reputation and character. If honesty is the best policy for au indi- vidual, it is, in an acceutuated degree, the best pulley for a newspaper. In a, peculiar settee a newspaper belonged to the public, being in reality the creation of the public. In the lecturer's mind the best example of the value of preserv- ing character in a newspaper is the his- tory of the Montreal Witness, which the speaker regarded aft perhaps the most influential journal in Canada. This he considered, was due to the sound, con- sistent, moral policy that had been fol- lowed, and the high ideas always hold E. 0. OLARKE Stand next Griffin's Grocery. MAMIE SNP The undersigned wishes to thank the public for past favors and asks for a continuance of their patronage in all kinds of Machine Work, Forging, Pattern Making, Iron and Wood Pulleys. •••n011aaina••••41-0011.01MNIK i•••ZtCi10.1%11•••••I.,=eA•tn11MV.........IIII•1•InrMM• Ilabbit Metal at low prices. I want 125 tons of Goad east strap in exelawr4c: for Plow Points. Plow Points 30 00015 cash ; 85 cents trade. Cagings 111 iron (.1' brass on band and to order. hatnow (eaten, help in My shop and can attend to all work promptly. "W orku near (1 .T.11., On er08-01)iiine street. A aleti3e 4a.$) titailk,atUa in;i1 LUTE ECURITY3 enuEne art8 3 4 Little Liver Pills© Must Bear Elnetramturo of Seg Virtrocc Beim. Very sum= umul c:.; ora,7 o take cts exL't's. ran innagE. FlBEZENESS. FilLICIMESS. ren TOElPID WEN. FOE CORNIPATEgg]. EBILLOW• SKIN. tog wirzegEIPLEXIMI arzmau‘321 MUST HVE AC • • _.;"! gs cob aturcey vegeerane.awae.,,e-catsteeet asetereetereerszer , CURE SICK HEADACHE. up by the Witnent. Wen Wend advoesting sound pristotplee, and it has adhored with such pirtiusol- i.F to its policy that it hes &reed the r(: - spot of the imbibe and although an ultra -Protestant papor published in the Catholic. Province of Quebec, 1%tv. aravon ventured tho a,83'12 don that it NintS. respected by its roligious opponents. Inasmuch as tlzo newspaper ift the histor- ian of the day, it is desirable that it sheuld he veracious and a faithful re. corder of events." ithlg 111A Kidopy iViettioinn 18 Dr,P1 Wailes Baelta eh Kidney Tableta A. medicine deeigued.purpasAy for the kidney and bladder. One that onee used hale a :neatly place in every heart and household. Curing the terrible pains, aches, soreness, and aervousuess, caused t3' kidney trouble; soothing the irritable bladder troubles of the aged., and the nightly troubles oe childhood. Meth - eine sure, safe, and pleasant in effect. (inc that by its siuglenees of purpose apeeals to the eonneon sense of every reasonable thinkleg individual, A med ham always beaked, by written proof Rho the following: Mr. Prod Lateen, 19 Charles St, Tor- rent° Jamaica', says:— "Latterly I had been suffering front a constant lameness in the emall of my back, and mach of the time it was accompanied by a dull aehiug across my hips. My kidneys were not right I knew; I had much annoyance from the secretions. I was not gettiug auy better ; the remedies that I had been using seemed to be un- able to renidve the difficulty-. Nearly two maths ago I heard of Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tablets, and got a bottle. I am pleased to say that I had struck the right thing at last. Both the lameness across the kidney and tient grinding pain in the back were retuoyea. My kidueys Wore itivignrapti, and I am recommending the Tablets to acquain- tances." Any reader of this paper eau test the merits of Dr. Pitcher'sBackache Kidney Tablets free by enclosing two cents postage kr trial package of Tho Pitcher Tablet Co., Toronto, Ont., Regular Mee 50 ceritS per bottle. The 'Fakmers' Institutes. . Some idea of the excellent work that Is being done by the Farmers' Iustitutes for the imorovement of agricultural cou- ditions by promoting the. interchange ideas amoag its members and. placing at their disposal the results of the latest scientific research and. practioai experie meets ta connection: with the leading branches of farin industry, may bo gain- ed from the report of the Superiutende ent of Farmers' Institutes for 1 899 'aucl 1900. This volume in addition to giving many details; as to the growth and pro- gress of the Organization, contains selec- tions from 3,828 addresses giveii at the meetings held during the season, covering a great variety of •subjects in connection witli agriculture, live stock, dairying, horticulture, poultry,. etc. These papers embody the experience' of the loading practical farmers and others engaged iu kinclreclpursuits, and the re- sults of tests and (experiments made by professional instructors and scientists on the more advanced liues. The list is such an exteasive ono that it would be impossible to mention any considerable proportion of the contributors whose ad- dresses have been etnboclied in the Vol- ume, but among the most valuable and interesting aro papers 'by such well known authorities on general agricult- ural matters as John McMillan, Barlow CuMberland, Henry 'Clendenning, Dun- can Anderson and John I. Hobsou. In the Live Stock department are papers by Prof. Johli A. Craig, 3. S. Woodward, James Tolton, A. P. Ketcheu and Shop - sou Rennie. Dairy matters are discuss- ed. by Prof. II. H. Dean, A. 0, Hellman, and W. 0, Shearer. The orchard and garden by Prof. Hutt, J. B. Orr, G. U. Casten and A. W. Peart. W. • R. Gra- ham and Prof. Gilbert take up Poultry for Home and Foreign. Markets. In the Women's Department Miss L. Rose, Miss 13. Maddock,Miss A. Hollingworth, Mrs. 1? M. Carp -enter and othershave written some very particular and inter- esting articles. The appreciation of the Farmers' In- stitute as mammas of material and social improvement is shown by the continued increase of membership which has grown until now there aro registered in the Province nearly 19,000 =Misers. There were 715 meetings held during the year which were attended. by 139,982 persons. A noteworthy feature is the orgauization lince to the FarmerslInstitute— t abotit the 211210 that we (11(1 and of Woineets Institates on that they are, consequently, our cousins a. good many times removed and not our remote graudfathere. Personally it is a Matter of perfect indifference to nso. whether 1 descent from en ape or whether the ape is only nays eouein. Dur- ing the pariod that covers the life a a planet, or, I suppose, of a star, there is a comparatively brief period when the heat and the humidity produce veg whin, Brum, and Illatt 'Victoria where flourish- and the onteorne of vegeta:non is mantel ieg Institute:4 aro now 111 operation. life, if, indeed, there is .any clear line of Some (if the admix:able papers contribut- (1,,markatiou bet A eon ani and and ea nt theat Meatinga on Domestie Science vegetable life. \- .tut the apes elike and household ceoaolxiy nr reprodue- neenent front peetoititemetee man one of the neat retent discoveries beim; that; cd;ilat mead is 11110 of the most t:talboy, ttacattreitarxco-itainat el- ate mut earOliIlisiV1 &MX:Witsetthetailzttoi;IimeoT,tit,. kind ye i-, ;.s.•;tt t:128 eharacter ffords ejit3 Pants and Overcoasts of the very latest material and cut can be had at Robt. Maxwell's at lowest possible prices. Fancy Worsted • 1s3uit- ings are taking the lead this season. See '3(r new Wboillbrea tan 0400 Ito* Vv=st timettv• A.clumtiumwasai, John Dolpliitt avows potatoeit at a 0.0.o• called Grouville its the North West, Which ,Weighed frera u pound to a pound 4114 It half t s,e11. At this moment 01 ha 15 on his way to England to deposit .41) big of these inons,r;er potatoes right at rfr the icet. of the queen. says ho is sr., not to be thwarted by red tope or 114,21 - sense. He is going to flail the back, 4). door of Windsor castle Anal dump tl:o poNtoes right down there, liariz9g at., complished this object, he will precoed 44) to Lundell pat himself between two boards upon sthicit the nenit and the possibilities of the Doininioa will let eet forth. And then as A (iambvich 3;28(1 11(3 will walk through the strews a 218) metrolopis. lie has done this already. Thousands of 140 stated nt the Windsor station, he had walked as a sandwich utau, leaden, the people knew what the Dominion meant. Awl all of his own volition. He asks 110 Ply. Ile appeals to nobody. But he bays be wants the English people to know that they aro wasting their time .07eat there their time farnxing,wasting it at pursuits which only guarantee a baro living— thousands passible- milliens, living in the dearest poverty. John Dolphiu is about Sixty years Of age—strong, burly, happy—it little odd one would say, but in downright ear- nest 14 his belief that there is Ito place in the world like the North West, where they grow these monster potatoes as big as your head. Life on ttio nail Mr. Geo. Ouunings, Baric, Out., one a the boss known engineers Oil the G. T. R., writes :—"For years I suffered from kidney disease brought by railroad life, The doctors called it "railroad kidney," but could give= no perma- nent relief. A friend recommended Dr. Chase's Iticluey-Liver Pills saying they had cured few boxes of this grand medicine completely cured me, putting an end to the dreadful pains; in the back and greatly strengthening the kidneys. lam a woll man to -day, thanks to Dr. Chase." One pill a dose, 25 cents a box. PLITElf Gdi Er -47 any ext et...eared tan' ntd. by •.1941 7813 Patin unosatb. To:1;(r, notimare,Uel, 010,11.• iertenets. Snails by means of an acid. which they exude, contrive to bore holes in solid limestcue. Garlic, salt, bread and steak ate put into the cradle oe a new-born baby in Renaud. Twine,- and Greece aro without tele- phoues. 0 $ $ Cups and saucers are never used for tea in Russia. The drinking vessel for tea is the "staltan," a glass tumbler in a silver holder. . LI the• United States and Canada there aro 060,094 Odd Fellows and 7e7,805 Freemasons. ed. curious butterfly exists in India, in has the left wing yellow and the right one red; the female has the • colors re- versed. e On a:recent scientific) test a worker in metals succeeded 211 drawiug a penny •out into 5,700 feet of wire. The constant labor of four persons for an entire year is required to produce a cashmere shawl of the best quality. During. 1893 41,232 Irishmen: emigrat- ed nearly 9,000 more than in the preced- ing year. 'Dogs in Hamburg are taxed. according to SiZe. The lugger the dog, the higher the tax. • There are three different railway gauges in Australia -3 feet inches, 4 feet ene' inches and 5 feet 8 inches. 4) al , Toaretham vn ,,te you. the, lar. p , es „Insegont is a certain ' ,,, 'and ab101uto Mire for each and every form of itching, bleedingandprotrilding piles, thk manufacturers havo guaranteed it. Sco tes- timonials in the daily press and ask your neigh- bors what they think of it. You can welt and get your money back if not cured. (20c a box, at all dealers or EDRIANSON,BATES & CO., Toronto, Dr *Chase's Ointment We Spring From iquel. A good deal of pleasure appears to have been elicited by the proof which a German professor has made public to show that we are not descended from apes. It would seeni that the apes branched off, from the tiirect line of the pioneer movement in that direction having been inaugurated in Saltneet. Township, Wentworth County, whew the first \Voluble's Instituto has done eta e,ellent work. This was closely followed by the ladies of South Ontario and later by an organization in North Grey, East and West Durham, Halton, Ptxel, Bast and \Wet Yintla Amherst Island, West a Plaashat 0 t 1411 11 ei the advanced A Saaar tlinteettaretele Wed ci ,Ittotsts stago oi the 1-,(rming industrylu.the Pro ottlavc1 hand-in-hand and ar.3 the - l'preecre?so?r st •inental and physical wreck. vin,"",11"1 til.' ill'I'131ti032. °f (11(1 1"r"'"ni t Nino hundred and ninetyalinetietteia a thou - to .1;:!0:47. 11114.,1.1,..- .:1'. OW tunes and avail ! sand feed ferment (indigestior) is the cause. the meelees af tee 'A.,,,•oupoe s of cultdro 1, Dr. Von Stan's Pineeeple Tablets keep the ma t. ittasrmat l• at mit; at their diepoael. etomach sweet—sal d ie:tt eel-el:tee the 1,crCe I —. . centres well baler:cal -• tlity're !sate:ea pan- t ita. ,r.,...e_Isi., i 3 ;`10.91.11410 .739 1 Att:a r- plaasaut :seal L.11 ina-ea. ee enae.—Int '• • 1 1,1,, ;tar • a inn Itsat in lay rtad A: Yr. ven 11, 11.4 1' I too... ie •esaSt .111;1.-,4 tor: • 11 V.!!',..t) 1117;0 11.4 ..1 it 10 119.''111 1;11.07.i. 1: • 1 itartea, • ,. • eee d. Ct. ;1.11!... • iogans Easy Te 1 The business that reaches this house through t mails stretches from the Atlantic to the Pacific, With a concern, 50 years .establishech as is this, whose re,. ! cord is before the people, it is ;vi safe and satislactory I to buy An instrument by mail as to buy it in person. Every statement and descriptio -t can be .depen(led upon, and we study carefully the customers' interests. We tell here of organs that have come to us in exchange when, selliug our own pianos, and that we are resolved on clearing before the holiday season. The prices are a mere traction of the first value, and the terms of payment so easy that anyone can pos- sess themselves of a good Organ. —Doherty Orgau, 11 stop, two sets of reeds, bass and treble - coupler, Almost as gond as new, manufacturer's price, $100. We will sell it for $43, $8 cash. and $8 a month. —Handsome Doherty •Organ in piano case, entirely new, (1 octaves, bass and treble coupler, niattufacturer's price 3l.20, Will sell it for $85, et5 oath and $5 a month. —A new Thomas Organ, 6 octaves, bass and treble coupler, ratenufacturer's priee $120. Will sell for 1,1 85, i3 eash and. $5 a month. —A Treble Organ, 6 octaves, 10 sates, 2ee; sets of reeds, bass and treble coupler. •Will sell, special, at $50,e,"•3 cash and $8 a month. —Kara Organ, piano case, 11 stops, 2Y, sets of reeds, base and treble coupler. handsome nialiotrauy case, manufacturer's. peice $125. Will sell it for $65, $4 cash and $•ta Inenth. —Doherty Organ, 6 octaves, 10 stops, lq sets of reeds, entirely new-, manufaeturer'e price $90. Will sell it for $ZO,3 cash and $2.50 a mouth. --A Blatchford Organ, 5 octaVes, a good instrument. Special for $28,50, *3 cash aud $2 a mouth. —Dominion Organ, most desirable instillment, manufacturer's o price fo. Will sell it for $35, $3 cash and 13 a month, —A Doherty Organ that was catalogued by the manufacturer • at 1175, 'Will sell it for 04, $2 cash and $2 a month, We have probably 40 or 50 organs altog-ethf.r, making it quite possible for us to meet everyone's choice. Write us and we will furnish any further par- ticulars that need be. But it is one of those cases where the intending buyer needs to act promptly, as they are the kind Of bargain that will be suapped up. ENTZMAN & nee ;kit' 19 115-117 King St. West, Toronto. groawcsosstra.mrroarrararreatzFr.ar. _ .___socw.nrwarmarezensmormar........armwswersbo Children Cry for "Please, mamma—please 1" - The Limit Fussed. r ter. John IL Ittellardy. The news of the death of Mr. H. Mc - Hardy reached town at noon on Tues- day, he having passed away that morn- ing at Nelson, D. C. Ho together with Mrs. MoHardy, left hero about the 20th Nov. as he bad not been enjoying good health for some months past, hoping that he would be benefitted by that climate. But from the time he reached there, about 10 days before his death,his health did not improve.. Mr. MoHardy was born at Delavine, Cargaiffshite, Scotland, on August 12t11, 1883. He came to Canada in early manhood, and settled in Toronto. Subsequently ho re- moved. to Goderich. He was engaged • iu a general store business in Belfast. !Luc:know and Teeswater. About two I years ago he became a resident of Clin- ton anti although never taking any act- ive pelt in politics he was a stain:telt Refoemer. Personelle-ho was a man of sterling (111(1-800208, firm in antic:axles and firm ideas aid reepected by ell who knew him, In his early years he it - 0(11110 reline:de(' 7i.11it;11 00 'Ale.thotlitst church and throughout his life he re- mained a consieteat and littoral teendar of that bedy. .11e will Ise raii• sea 1.ylarge number cf friends and acquaint- ances throughout the eauntry. Besides his partner in liCe be leaves one daught- er, Mrs, S. II. Smitla 01Clinton, and two sons, Hardy of Teeento, and Chas.. of "b,elettn, a 0. `the email:as were in- terrea in t'11 cue eaters et the the teen to. whfah Ito OW "Papa, I beg of you, do not mfusel" Core elia Pasdetcut clung wildly about her fond but obdurate niother's neek, and rained kisses upon her cheeks, while Anastasia, her, eieter, didinikewite ta her • . father. But their pleading seemed of no avall.r; Gently, but with decision, as one shelteis a lively crab from out a net, the pafents disentangled their daughters' areal from. their shoulders. Melt the Fath add: "No, Anastasia Dna Cordelie, 'what you ask of ns is too much 1 1.'144v..T be- fore have We refused -ft :request of yours. Wo have moved from anent city, fecnn • house to house, to the injury of my busi- ness and the destruction of your mother's health, in order to deceive people as to your ages. For the last ten years it has been nothing tut move on for us, for every time the people of one place would. begin to suspeet your true ages, you have insisted on us packingup and going elsewhere, that you might start new at 22 and 123 respective's*. We, have submitted to this nometdie life be- cause of our love tr you, lot yeti most recent demand is too much, We elan- e lately refuse?" The daughters sobbed. like anything. • • But their iirm P1.09. a ere., 2i1111. 4' " tt)1itiUfl 7sta lettit, tact. "tve wm our sil see wad,' ie.- , in erica. to , peeve al p-trl le :is 12 (-1.1,1 ot h. 10, ra 1 la:a 2-1 at t ca.,. 1,0 • —•Ba.- caansta. ..........rwarr.crx.orwoarrotrrmacro.stortArm.mm....,hrxr........,...wxr r ----..--- • - .--. r•-•.•• • -•—• - ' - I frIti te. . eel . .01 • rt, r ft, • .-. ,T'.1..,-. • •• • ,f,•,-. 4 l' L A : i i L. :i :'..i4:4-...,.• ‘ I LA . 1..,.:1 • ; Cat /1 :‘,,,-our liver in out of ord,v, ettne.ng Siet: Ileadnehe, burn, or ConstipatIon, take a do -Jo of Oa retirinta :sad ternotrow r,t7.1` nettle'sanatne, will be regelettal and V('11 will he Iteitlea 1!1217 1:1117 1,:;1rIr Tr.1.1:` Lra ti'i. , a(1or ; • aelti yoeee. t e re,11 LV i ed, anx detltet. na tate "V082)17.1" All 1301111‘1,, is 1). sto.'y whieh thetithricel 1;1 ,:e• ger tn.; egainet bin:tali. An ate - or came to him and natal d for 131 t:17g0g- cIat4Lt. '.11•110 did. tea ante to le, 1,X7all 8014, of i;1'. tut eat ti !it tlit4 way or ettlery 4.1'er,3 N'1•1y :te8,. et, 01' the manager said to him: • , t. U. may 1Lney 1 efoiat'. for you to &LI' ••• - , 012 1.:t atokan: tatettnet; t, • e • a • c... •1: 7oi 1,1an •1'. ”'"..• • : • :"rt 1111...V 1 •!"itrir.` -)ml .18.t 2i Vt . 11 4 t