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The Wingham Times, 1900-12-28, Page 2
I4 Lara, tepee k Anted. boa is to tell it. w, of T. . , iia.-Ciatecouidn't veli or k.trnsett tor pont is—four years 'e three aorthis a b s gr oat remedy curediier—,t t pant A�ra lut't teat crs:clir» aseste e. k. ♦ O4.111a..i: autlt;terS i?^•;:: [ et.° of the keeV. There int teething that will keep the feet beti+r %a �z ill than lemons, A friend thus 4, ll,:s in their favor: "lety fie t, trent louse continued stand- ing, tett l'e'Peiriit± ('frits end callouses. Not only ley to es, but the bottom of my feet 'rr'rte so tender I could not stand 'neon them unbent Lain. T trial every rent% it etoe;;este l b;tt without relief. on: ii.t,v a luno11 juice was spoken of els teilitt worth a tripe, Lemon juice is goad for the lt•t:ztis or face, why not for the feet, 1 unsling ht. SO I purchased a leinen iLrtd iuipli;eitly followed afro::- tions, "I tett it in halves and gave my feet a lemon bath. rubbing the pieces thorough- ly twee every er'y eallousos and corn. Ire- peated this treatment every night for several weeks. The roughness began slowly but surely to disappear. My feet are now as fair and smooth a3 my hands, and my corns and callous aro ills of the past. Lemou juice effects a complete cure. The treatment is very inexpensive, as the halves s the lemon placed together when not in use will last a long time. 7t n •fi b- Qlf ifs p .2 wt -a 11 .i'g t:r15's1a C n't Blame e thee= iltr Ill f r° ons 4 other about 1WI... batrlat'S Dart and erve 1 Tiff 7,7-: t'a IA BEET EDY Fen `P1t Au tur..:".•l !3us wwhirl, It'Sonly natural that when a woman finds a remedy which cures her of nervousness and weakness, rerieves her pains and aches, puts color in her cheek nod vitality in her whole system, she should be anxious to let her suffering sisters know of it. Iiilrs. Hannah. Holmes, St. James Street, St. John, N.B., relates her experience with this remedy as follows :—" Derr some years I havd• been troubled with fluttering of the' heart and dizziness, n accomp ani' od by a • smatilerine feeling which prevented me 1 from rest .;. My a npetite was poor and }I was no. t rim down and debilitated. I r'Si`ec : 1 s- rted using Milburn's Heart rand N• rve Pills, the smothering feeding has gong., all: heart beat is now reeular, the f:utwrinr has disappeared, and I have been wonderfully built up through the tonic effect of the pills. I now feel stronger and better than for many years, and cannot say f a0 ns;eh in praise of the remedy which. restoraci my long lost health." . V> P,4 /. 11?' ('f4rt Ptff f i a° ssKti t • ` t 1 ' }y p,���V GI's' i3`••, C.' jl � iiti�'"si i.; -'i :( 1=,,iiti. P��C i ; l iy q1 It will work while you sleep, without a''gripe or pain, curing Con tipttion, Bili ;usrtess, Bids Head- ache and D yspt s a, and rnIako you feel better in the morning.. O + .2. p Cures to Stay 'Cured p The most ch-oi,:,'+, disetn;.$ of the Stomach, Livor, bowe:s and Blood. Thousands of testimonials from those who have been permanent- ly cured lay the use of Burdook Blood Bitters speak of its naafi - lug e,2cacy in Dyspepsia, Bilious- ness, Sick Headache, Liver Comes pIitinf, Eczema, Erysipelas, Sero. lima, Sores, Ulcers,Bolls,pimplcs, His, Ringworms, and all blood humors. If you wanyt to�bey.,ctuyre i to stay j -i cured, 1, se' only B.B,B. t v lit tcv[tla� Of ".lith, r,+'1.: NV:4 for 1nett, :'i, ereel i month , tuft it. sen 1. . ting. ,\le:. a. :moot, Witz,dr.m. Oh SW!: et Lee thy sit*t p in. the lana of flea gray t+, "tt teen. { til ' : ni re'l, fennel.; Forever—oh, neo! let not num be a slave, l II h ila gee from e atstelneii forever. Thauplz eel.: o the clay where thole pillow'et thy head, t 1o slur.: :Alert G itaiisions of s •rxt�v5 The tp:il,t, cite!l return thy law narrow beef, Lite,• the ! •vara of the dayster to-nior- row. The flower -stem shall bloom like thy sweet se rapllforan Bre tee spoiler !:lift nipt thee in blossom; When thou sitrenie front, the scowl of the loud winter storm; Ault nen tied thee etlee Oh, st 11. bt ileal;]. thee, all lovely in t e tl1 Ret iii •:e on the lap o* thy mother, When the tear trickled bright when the et o, -t stited iei,'tiu`ft, s; Tvl.; is •i, dear ye evero aye to each other. '1 to that bosom. lijy c`hi'd, thou art gg1he to the home of t! fest, 'S rh s,ni l'rin:n ne lt;uger eau herrn Whet c' tr:n songs of tli:e good, where the liyuius of the lest Tennegli eu cat',10e s existence shall (therm thee. While he, thy fond parent, must sighing sojourn Through the dire- desert regions of sorrow, O'..r thc' lupe and gee; siortuno Gf being to mourn, And sigh for his life's latest morrow, sneeze cad Blow. That is what you Must do when you have catarrh in the head. The way to erne this disease is ted purify the blood frith Hood's Sarsaparilla. This nledi- c:ithe soothes and heal' the inflamed sur- facee, rebuilds the d ictate tissues and permanently cures catarrh by expelling from the blood the scrofulous taints upon which it depends. Behure to get Hood's. The`hou-irritating cathartic—Hood's Pills. Death orNaurice D$ton. Ou the morning of the Sth day of Dec. there departed this life in. Ashfield, in the Seth year of his a�tte,and old pioneer, who was widely known in the county of Huron and highly e'4iteemed wherever known for his many good qualities. In R 1 his •i i s deluzse we have another ,r i s e u e instance of the gradual dauinutiatnt,in the number of our brave pioneers, to Whom our °anutry owes a great deal.. Maurice Dalton, a native of Kerry, Ireland, arrived in Canada in the early days of its history, and in 1841 settled in the township of Ashfield, which was thele . a howling wilderness, and. iudeedt it requires no great stretch of imagina''tion to conceive how much courage and determination were needed to enable amen to face all tho difficulties which confronted him in the process of hewing out a home in the wilderness, far removed front the source from which the necessaries of life could could bo procured. At that •time there were no roads at all in this district. The settler was obliged to wend his way through the pathless forest for- fifteen and even twenty miles to Goder'ich to procure his supply of necessaries and had to carry the same on his' back over the same route, if fortunate enough to trace it. To climb over fallentimber, to cross' various streams with their tangled ap- proaches, presented no iiisignificaut'task which none but the conaageous would attempt. It leas been said that persever- ance surmounts dif eulties. This has been verifien in the case of our heroic pioneers. The deceased through perse- vering efforts, succeeded in making for himself and his faithful companion a comfortable home in Ashfield and rais- ing a family who also enjoy the esteem and confidence of the community among which they dwell. An evidence of this is the feet that Morgau ,Dalton, son of the deceased, is at the preseni,tinie reeve of the municipality of Ashfield. Iu 1842 the deceased was elected. member of the county council of Huron, in which body he served during eighteen years. A severe shock befel this good man, and one that told on him more than all the hardships which he previously endured. This was the demise of his faithful and loving wife, who departed this life in the year' 1880. Though it is not lily tum to extol unduly the character of the de- parted, yet it must be c'oneeded that in no earthly pursuit did lie take so much interest as in the cense' of his religion; and his life throughout is well worthy of imitation. When tho tidings of his death reached us, an old neighbor with tears in his eyes a*alainted, "Well, well, if Maurice is not all eight, there is a poor chance for the rust of us !" ate. gardless of the severity of the weather, the attendance at the funeral was large, evidencing the esteem en which the de. parted was held. This personality of Mitericc Dalton is absent, but his mem- ory will long survive and be cherished Ashfield. - 1Vc k1104' OS- (l PODS by Mi11er'R by A. L. Tit u number of cases of sup. option that have been Derail 'otnpound bun 1'i11s. Sold �lzilton, 9t'ULLI14.1161 it'YNIt. line 17f Canada: "Should. old ue quaint;tnoe be forgot?" r,.., e illni, veer coulee ine•t•ltauio.tlly front to.e'y J iti,alter. Nor ehoulillz'wnetlllzt» . Minden be f irQot. !tens: !!doer atilt on 11!ilio' hltiatly hoick of Selina .l.fiir'ee :your brave t.trl itt bel s_ weak ou the firing ineN flanked d bye b y:a Drit r'L sulr,it'c'tn from Ceylon and Izzi.ie, In the midst of denote•r, lasting friendships weirs formed, and you, ladies. of Cann.1n, !lave is in your put e h to cement diose bunds. The ,, , .. taltttit '.t C •L 1 Cos I teed e� f Inn t India appeal le:Ll t l it L }all froth s >tttiiiwit" ..i using 1 thein ) eta not, tones tell pint 'brother eoltntistta, belt ;Fon t;et ttl;eeulutt•le- the best tea Th.1Ece of yea who drink (evee ;Semen teas have tt revelation iii sten,- it pet r tribe the elle tee. Blue Ribbon, a+alatiit at.d Mon- u.iu liacltets may bo :laid front your gender.-•-etllthiiht•. + .Tu%lic•,ous it :e of A',I is Renour,cz,. Figures which have 'just been 1:ub- 1z1 t 1 with reft•i. t%(1 to till Iowa of tlll't leo. Maio pr wide tin illtterentip tilt :ait,'rti'tle.. ut c• inuesut,try open the pr a tie .e value of the 1o:.lic;' itn�a t'ti ate?. teaseled. out by tho E'cd%'l; l nut pioil.n.`ieil Covernluents w0:;kiett in h r.ac toy to develop the national ie. emerees. From May 1 to a 'ptPuiber 30 tint pox;uintio l of thee town iuct•,:ased from 3.•tee, to 0,118, or,nu increase of iii per e, ut in live mouths,, aacl it is stated that this phenomenal ;growth in con- tinuiaer et the tate of a-t•verai hundred a month. All this is retie to the great development of clic Clergies iudustri'es, there be ug a capital of the aggregate of about 420,000,00 in the hands of that syndicate for the purpose of investing M various enterprises chow in Operation or under way. The entire scheme was originated and is beipg developed by Mr. Cleruo and his stsociates, so that every dollar that is being spent, and that every hour's lebor`l which is being provided, every ton jlf manufactured material that is being iturnecl out is so much clear gain to ;;tile. community. Both the Laurier and the Ross Govern- ments have given vnll,hable encourage- ment and assistance to:. these enterprises, by mining and timber concessions and by railway subsidies, fall under proper restrictions that will Cully ensure a 're- turn to a community of the fullest value for the investment. Never in the • his- tory of the Doruinion%probably, has there heen better example • f the permanent national benefit obtainable from the leg- itimate and proper P peuditure of the people's resources. The other method is that whichresulted in Section B scandals Bykert timber scandals, Langevin Block soanclals and so forting but the day of those things is past and gone forever; To Nervous' Women Mrs. D. W. Cranberry, of 108 Rich- mond Street, Toronto, says:—"My daughter's nerves wee so exhausted and she was so weak and?debilitated that she had to give up work and, was almost a victim of nervous prostration. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food proved an excellent remedy in restoring her to health and strength. After having used four boxes she is at work again healthy and happy. 50 cts. a box, at all dealers. Draught Fiorsd Nen hIeet. The fourteenth anneal meeting of the Dominion. Draught S Horse Breeders Society was helc. at Clinton on Wednes- day last, with a -good attendance of members and a keenerinterest than has been shown for saute years past. The annual reports showed an improvement in the amount of work done, au no im- pair/tient of the excellent fluancial con- ditiotl which has marked the society since its formation, the balance ou de- posit in the bank being over $800. The old officers and retiring members of the board were re-elected for 1901, and a large amount of r' utiuo business transacted. Among the matters of general interest discussed was that of obtaining the reduced transportation rates on stock shipped for breeding pur- poses, the committee oniFthat behalf will continue their efforts. it Messrs. Ales.. Innes, Clinton, and Jukes Henderson., Belton, wore appointed delegates to the Canadian Horse Breeders Association, and Messrs. D. McIntosh, Brucefield, . J. E. • Blacken., and John McDiarmid, Lucknow, to the Western Fair, London. Mr. Tunes gave notice Of motion at next annual meeting to raise the stand- ard for registration from four to five accepted registered crosses, and arrange- ments were made for the publication of a number of photographs of selected animals, showing the Clyde and Shire crosses, with acc0mpaning reading matter on draft horse breeding. The elceclusive officers of the society are: Jno. McMillan, Constance, president; b. McIntosh, V. S. Brucefield, vice- president; I. McGregor, Brucefleid, treasurer; donna ltlitchell, Goderich. secretary, Rheumatism in all its feting is prompt- ly and permanently cured by Hood's Sarenpariila which neutralizes acidity of the blood. The turning of the first sod of the Lindsay, I3oboaygeon and Pontypool Railway, which is to tinea Bobcat'• IMOD with the 0. P. It., took place at Tam mita tr ;htYeles ryeaye—Cured Ta- day. Mars. 0. C. 11 t:t, sof 20 Broadway, Isiew York, Faye: "1 aril surprised and de. lighted et tlla change for the better la my casein one day from the use of I)r. Agnew'a Catarrhal Powder. It worked like magic — there's no excuse fora person suffering pain with taus remedy within reecb, eo cents. feed be ....L. 17aTilton muvmmu;•r,tnuca+no,votan+mneuotuou n;p1,, SE �' ('lvunlazen teu:.t:,::ain`t.) .tl r. dent study of the indnetrial posi» until weaken now occupy in New York State discloses sortie farts of interest to women elsewhere. 'Ile first thing w ik h attracts atten- tion is the Manse in tlhe number of women wlio support themselves and the greatly increaser) list 4f occupations open to thew. Fifty yours ago there were only twenty callings. in wlticlz tivonitlu t, ern engaged. To -clay they compete with men in aletoetevery known coct.upa. time Iu the inieleln of the century only ono woman worked for every ten men. Tile ratio at pe't:Sant is One to roar, Aura tt•n wears later it `villproba411y be lower still let re!over, wGmen are chews/ng Teem umltilled to skilled laborers, th. r'..by it: - creasing their own earnings and addieg to the wealth of the community, Only thirty years ago two 'thirds of all the self-supporting women in New York State were domestic t; irvants, that is to say, unskilled laboreile. The relative number has gradually decreased, until note the "domestic" represents only our - third of those who work. In diversity of caliieg the men have little advantage over their sisters. Among New Yorl. Women there are more then 500 hotelkeopers, 500 janitors, 1,000 jourlii'alists, 150 pieachers, and 100 each of lawyers, dentists, inventors, de- signers and physicians.•. Evers occupe- tions•horetofore regardefl as exclusively masculine have their representives. There aro woman blacksmiths, brici:- makers, buteters,machinists and marble nutters, sawmill hands, steam -boiler- makers, engineers and. woodworkers. Feminine ingenuity has also created new occupations. One woman has established what she calls a "oatesy;" where she breeds higli-class Angoras. is physicians for parrots, mocking birds and canaries, and stili another a doll's bootmaker. Much of Woman's industrial progress is attributed to the appeal of the law under which a husband wits entitled to his wife's earning.. Let us hope that the women, when ti they obtain full political power, wilijrefrain from pass- ing any law under a wife will be untitled to all of her husband's earnings. Iron in the blood is necessary. Miller's Compound Iron Pills contain that ele- ment in the most assimilable form. Sold by A. L. Hamilton. The,flower of civilization is the finish- ed man, the man of sense; of grace, of accomplishment , of serial power—the gentlemen.—Emerson, Miller's Worm Powd1'ers are a wonder- funned/eine for ailments of children, Sold by A. L. Hazniltor. When potatoes were,,tirst brought into Russia the people rejecit'ed them, They were called devil's app'ies, and their in- troduction caused riots, in several parts of the empire. 1. Miller's Worm Powders mere all ail- ments of children like Magic. Sold by A. L. Halutlton. r M S FREE jgo1 FREE A +1 1. G S Those desiring a Burdock Blood Titters Al'inanac for the year lgor will be supplied by their druggist or general mer- chant free of cc;st by calling or sending to their place of busi- ness for same, or will 'be sent by mail tree ,on receipt of a two -cent stamp for postage. Address THE T. MILBURN' CO., ' Limited, TORONTO. 73G/bre. After. ' 7o®vs Phtosplibdfno, The Great .hytgtfsla Kemedy. Sold and recommended by all druggists in Canada. Only reli- able medicine discovered. Six package* guaranteed to etre 51I forms of Sexual Weskness, all effect: of abuse or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive us. of To. bocce, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on ..eeeipt of price, one ppackagke Et, six, $6. One iuit12,15510, 'ix wilt care. Pamphlets free to any address. Tho Wood 5)t mpeuy, Windsor, Ont. Wood's Phowphiding is sold in Winghetu by Colin A. Campbell, A. A. Morrow, .t. if. Davis, A. L..Il'ntnilton, Druggists. Bobcaygeon. ASTORIA Per Xnlants and Children. ene feet niiaila ;tnetuti Ct HOLSTEIN Dial is pure and cold and costs , THREE OENT$ A MUM'. AVeg ciablePreparationl'or:As- sim a inn fheFoot! alatil ei; ttta- tiitli, the Stana^uhs r;ittfl3owels of THAT HAT TH E FAC -SIMILE SIGNATURE -,--- F: --.— Promotes'Di estion,Citeerful- ttessandRest.Contains neither Op1u i ,Morptiinek nor Mineral. Now. IS OBI THE n:,:.:xactet"eale-Sri( .°.T "f,"'.r+�. �t" uses ell .SrtI- ,:Yaow. Saks- lneae a oto .e r iermtnt atrOottatti.'.i'C e rteriied fr ftm . kite orrmFranzen APPIE or EVERY BOTTLE OF ApedectRemedy forConstipa- tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoca, We r1I1s,Cci�i'wuisions,Feverish- ales and L .s O1' wY IMP Tac ei�miplc Signature or ., 'NEW 'YORE. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. Oastotia is put up in ono -also bottles only. It is not sold in balk, Don't allow anyone to Deli yen anything elm on the plea or prorate° that 14 is "jest as good" and "will answer every par- : poss." AZ' Soo that you got 0-l.-S.T-0-I:-T-11. :ho iao. Flails eip,,`Datnro of 1 CS wr-ppor, ig +,�t •% 6:..' ,w, „ �7+.' , t�NoTe QEi ti.:!:. i ell. yw ° to i ^ t? i ar. s udn c'' icot(n ;• and middle.attecI men are annually swept to a. nresnaturc ..lit 1"i,rA.LSLV iND!SC STItsiit, EXCF::3smi, AMID IlLO 3D- .. -u. t yon have any of the following symptoms consult us before it is •.t eyo nerev„is and weak, despondent and gloomy, specks X..core the -.1 dark c4•c1es under them, weak back, kidneys irritable, palpitation of the : . t , 1, damns and losses, sediment in urine, pimples on the face, sunken ' ,:liner sheds, careworn expression. poor memory, lifeless, distrustful, lack -nd . t. enhth, tired mornings, restless nights, chaugeable moods, weak roan :. •ited org ens,�p_emature decay, bone pales, hair loose, sore throat, etc.? 't '•:•4•..;.; ....vs' i iotin .,recwzr*,ezlc will cure you. , .uta 110° tar vz rr.:n, se . ,, .rete! • •+r Petr, tt l: :t7„:27 - : t'2 .-re yon. 9 e",;aD,' z or r o, naralt in t' to young and middle-aged e d men n emissions ons itr g titruuglt the urine. They unfit a man for business, ntar- p arse. 1+To matter whether caused by evil habits in youth, sexual excesses, our New Metiaon Teemtateut will posi- 1i:3 OUARwr' TEEn. NO CURE, NO PAY. • : r� :.' . nr„ isoci Without Wi if torA ©O11rs etxw. {+^� W. A. I1'uir, of Lima, 0., says: --Pt was one of the countless victims of early vice at 15 years of ti1,r age R'lo drains on my system were weakening my brain as well as my sexual and nervous sys- i • .a tern. ,,."r.r tett ears I tried s p1 e1ec+:•icl`elts nn I patent medicines: Some itclpeet me, none etere(I. I was giving tip in despair, in • 14 fact, contemplating' suicide when a friend ad- \ vise:1 me se alast resort to give the litevrr i ia%eebo41 Tre.ornieris of Drs. K. St K. a fair r a < trial. Without confidence I consented and inly,fli r . FPvthree ti rears .ago --waani marred an.i happy mi - �- . taco t ile recomrnendDrs. Ii.&lc. tomyaffiicted "int fallow lucnJy After Treatment e t ' `,ns rPrre • art stele, lamissiorts, Nervous Debility, Seminal Weakness, , •. >••r, c ;verb , 1'oroatnral Discharges, Self Abu:,t,If idney, and Bladder s, 7,77(1 all disea :s of Men and Women. - F ' "' •te^ l USED 'WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PI;IVATE. No - • ; r si' t 0 O. D 2 ) names on boxes or envelopes. P.',verythi11 te i conential. s':• N' -„turn cost -of ireatmeat, .stag is ioEi i t erge o 148 kd igit'..•':17,.>=il'"=.;Wii.'.=4t} SHELBY STREET, DETVIOI1' i1rltCi t'. •.fen PAK& .I Agents, Why Don't You Send for a Free Prospectus of CANADA'S SONS ON KOrJI AND VELDT ? It is the latest book out. An agent just reports 51 sales in 8 days, another 26 in 4 days. Big Book, sumptuously illustrated, and is so cheap it sells on sight. Send for a p'REE PROSPECTUS before you sleep, and make money easy and quick. The ORADLEY4CARRETSON CO., Limited, BRANTFORD, ONT, 'Nepigon” Rubbers. Made bythe CANADIAN RUBBER CD. Canada's oldest and best Rubber Man- ufacturers. An extra thick corrugated protection band of pure rubber coming high on - the upper (see the cut). Thick- sales of pure rubber and taps -and heels ot` extra strength and thickness. These are soles that wear as long as the uppers. They are the strongest and best heavy rubbers in Canada. Look for this trade mark on the soles. Made by THE CANADIAN RUBBER CO., Y ORonib, MONTREAL, WINNtPEQ, PAT. 1 SEPT. 'sir.