The Wingham Times, 1900-12-21, Page 8i� DSO wet 1.1' 1. sts , ale bimetal. Tub all 4.20 irtid eve•. „ s it90'1 tiasehinuent. Mast have tt t• ,-thiirt majority voting in favor of 'h • ba • '10v. Thera are over 400 free 1. ler„ i t rile toast). ell;ttlt+tl tel vote: 011 1)ti•-111.W. The Mayor called on 5:13. 1 ,o ratep.tyc•�1 t,2 ga, out and vote on e 2Stii. Il'. h,p:•ti to at).+ rho by'-lttw carat. W C tailor!. WIUI then called on. Ila gave ht., L•, era a gout story and theta. 1. stti I h i wee 11;?re tt] answer any questions wit'i reference to the new industry. 'Mir industry world 1e tato first of its kind to lite t st•a1iiis1..:1 inCanada. They would 2:2t1ira hydra:its, pipes, vales, tats. All tate 2nathlncry pat in by them won't: 1)e new, l:xp•'ttteel to open lin c•Xti n .zv:' trade in the United rotates and Groat Britain. Me geode they intend making aro not note s:.tl: faC t may 21)ado in Can-, oda. None of tai „au1a are t parte 1 from Canada new. The e'.:u,t a of the success of thole en`.•erptise were greatly in their favor. Mr. Belle& plaited out that they vvoahl luxe C& idiau iron ora to work with. They were hotted to esti- ploy 100 holds. 'reey did not iateut: to stand still and Dept+d to euielc,y more hands, C cod' many would, be married melt told many of thein with large faut- • ilies, Their part of the agreement would be e ted oat if the by -lav; carried. He won'd like to see the by-law carried ilu- eitiii. m 1y anal ter W07.1(1 knew they eat sent tat iu tae town. Would be uo , t)} s , r girls i21 their shops. Their 21re_t world amply r.tpay all the town would t x,)t�n:l. Had nut formed ecru- patsy yet.. Wert) waiting to , see if by- law carried. The would issuo $25,000 preference stock and would•give the peo- ple of Wingham an opportunity of tak- ing stock in the conically, •.4 •.' 4' .• 4 u.,M._.•4 4'444 PM..I.M.94#4. ter► •1 s S "C�' r^�. +r O8�`.'' AND !`t. IIA C t r cj t,, tftt n� r.JJ t Gift hints far Ladies and Libetal Ctloice of first-class Dress Goods. x Gifts �br il.t• at C. ft�in ll e s Ca $2.00, 'i2-,0(.1 and $3,00. Gilts in Splendid Furs, all prievs. • Gifts, special in Silks and Satins. Gifts in Lovely Gloves. Gifts in Beautiful Jackets and Capes. Gifts in Handkerchiefs, Special chance for choosing the Dainty Embroidered and Lae,: Effects in Hdkfs. Gifts in Ladies' and Gents' Slippers. Gifts in Table Covers,, Lace Curtains, Rugs and Carpets, W(:. will ixtake Saturday a gala buying day in the above lines. Everybody come. u IMMO PUBLIC MEETING. Preposod Foundry Discussed by Messrs. Oalt and Bullock aria the Ratepayers. The public meeting held in the Town Hall on Wednesday evening was largely attended by the ratepayers. Mayor Clegg called the meeting to order and told the audience the reason he had called ahem together and said the first business `would be the election of a chairman. On motion of Dr. Macdonald and 'Councillor McKenzie, the Mayor was voted to the chair. Mr. Clegg said he was pleased to 'occupy the position. Wingham had aided ninny industries in the past and all would agree that the money was well spent. We had received ample return both directly. and indirectly. Town had now been paid back dollar for dollar, ' except $ 8,000 and parties owing that aiilotiut would pay it back if council would give them a reasonable rebate. This was a new departure. He had thought for years that Wingham should have something in the foundry line'; The ,gentlemen. Messrs. Galt and Bullock were not bonus hunters as the council had taken the first steps by placing advertisements in the daily papers. The agreement had been signed by these gentlemen and by Mayor and Treasurer and it could go no further until the rate- payers gave.their verdict. He felt sure the ratepayers of Wingham knewa good bargain and would vote accordingly. The reason Wingham was in the fore- front was that its citizens. were pro- gressive. The Mayor then read the agreement between town and. Messrs. Galt and Bullock. The Mayor went on to show that the $17,000 loan would be paid back in $1150 payments for 14years and $:000 for 15th year, payments to commence at end of 1901. Tho town's total assessment was $567,614 and a, levy necessary to pay interest on loan would amount to $378.78 or tib cents on every $1000 assessment, not to say anything of the benefits to be derived from the new enterprise. The new firm would pay at least $100 per year in school takes. This Lasts a ' Lifetime. That is just what they say of Vapo-Cresolene. The y'xporizer is practically in- crestiuctitile.nnd1.1)1• t, reso, letle is r.•c' •2c•?y 1s t ex - pats, c;, i :i, ;, ay a. creat- liti , :).first: tk» s of the throat is most teconotaica1, andis aiiio most effective. Our htttlo picture illustrates how it'r rod You put some Cresolene ifl the vr.porizer, light lamp beneath, t ill thetl breathe -in the soothieg, )hating vapor. For whooping -cough stud croup it's a perfect specific, s , ,v e , i ! Y tent s , a f rt. st everywhere. lop a ! is KK A Vey, :e re• t tfit flits,t ,.K the 'Vapotieetsod n ,1 n 1.1 lasts l[fe able, and a bottle of ' , a owlet •,15c.5 , r...re (appiies of Cre:,m l,outtiin, told jocr tits 1)i,)rttatcd'ouklett;o,t1in- eei .,.s'tattimnni.+lofree u t mum Vn,v. pew r t:t%, 1110 Pate... C.,, P•ld,•• Y,.•'. t• r •. tr ontr ited and hold b,' A. 1,. l 1ibon, ,t wingtunn. 1, .. it li[l;', ; V>'' 11'\t(G1 ;,' [l li ti vela a 1 tlaimQ1ua one. They would do their part. M. Bullu•k favored the audience with a song. It Will: iitOVea by jointMane., second. ell by Geo. McKenzie, that this ttteetin aplrt'lvca of tho by-law and itgreement. The motion was Parried unanimously and the meeting brought to a close. Dr. Macdonald said all ratepayers should he interested in a matter, of this kind. Wiugllam was the very best ti:wn west of Toronto. The town had never yet 'made a inistake in assisting iudastries. Moneys loaned had brought back good returns. He was well pleas- ed with the explanatious. He was satisfied thattbere would not be 10 rate- payers who ' would come out and de- liberately vote'against the by-law . after hearing the . explanations. Every person iu town would be benefitted by the new industry. When it was to cost only bOc on every $1,000 assessment shoald be sufficient argument for any property holder. Average the wages at $1.25 per day,a low average,for each man. would make $85,000 per year paid out in wages by tile new industry. • The money would 'be brought into the town. froiu all quarters. • Furniture maul- .from of town sending, furniture' to all quarters and bringing the stoney to Wingham. The Dr. said, he:was person- ally acquainted with Mr. Galt and he was a man he could recommend to the citizens of Wingham. Ho was 'not personally acquainted with Mr.. Bullock, bathed heard of him and Was satisfied they were both good melt. It would be wisdom on the part of the ratepayers to make Wingham more progressive and have it the best town in 'Western •Canada:. Councillor McKenzie eves in favor of the by-law. He told of the time the'by- law was defeated when Fraser & Gillies wanted to locale in Wingham. He always felt that Wiughani needed an industry of this ]rind. It was he • who ask the council to put advts in the daily press offering inducerneits to nianufai,c- turesto locate here. At the enol of two or three years stock in this establishment would likely bo worth. $1.50 ,on the $ The town bad made a success of, every- thing they had yet undertaken. Jas. A. Cline was in favor of by-law. He pointed out that during the past year $19,000 had been paid out in wages by the Union furniture Co., and that dur- ing the last five years $93,000 had been paid out in wages by this company. The hew industry would be a benefit to every person in town. The four factor- ies aided by the town bad this year paid over $1,000 taxes. Thos. Bell said he was in favor of the by-law and would do all he could to help carry it. gowx cottfec e1'I.e The statutory meeting of the Town Conned should have been held on Settle. day evening last, but there was 110 quorum. Tile Council loot on ltloutlay eve'11ipg. Members. present,. Aioyor Clegg and Guunotllors levattie, Newton, Holmes told McKenzie. 111inutes of last meeting were r;1ad and approved. . A. eelnmunieatten Stunt the Ontarie Assetsillt:.nt Otaninissioll, tt Bing for Statistics front a'suutout and cultector'$ toll was laid before the council 012cl order. U to be IDA. MANCE COMMITTEE. ITTEE. The following exeulptiulis were con- sidered and !passed _is seesment. Walker c - Clegg, .,x.`4,800,00 Bn t toueeFeesaut.. 10,00.00 Baptist Church,,, 200.00 Catholic •• , . , 200,00 Methodist " , 6x0.00 Presbyterian " ,. 0(0.00 Uuni;•1egntini;al " , 200.00 St, Pall's " 200.00 Temperance Ball, , , 1100.00 Stllvntiott Arriig,.,, 11#0.00 '1`own propta t.y, • Davidson's house, 200.00 4.00 G.N.W. Tel. Co , . , , 240.00 4.:;0 According to the resolution passed at last regular meeting of council, cheques have been issued. for the above. The following accounts were consider- ed: - The Globe, advertising .$ 2 34 Mrs. Dinsley, eutertatnment for County Coaneulors 11 00 T. Hall, printing , , . ,'. , , 5 00 Firemen, salaries 65 00 Can. Sewer Pipe Co., pipe -10 05 W. Pryfogel, labor ............2 85 J. B. Ferguson, salary and p age ......... ..... ..... 102 50 V. Vannormau, salary, 48 00 A. Cosecs, Ins. Premium 42 00 Mrs. Coad,, salary , , 17 06 Beattie Bros, freight and cartage 4 04 V. Vannornlau, col, dog taxes:. , 4. 90 ' ' taking Mrs. Brown. to. House of Refuge.- . ? 50 Jos. Miller, wood for hall . , . 11 00 John Davidson, teaming ..... 7 60 W. H. Davidson, labor.......,1 05 John Davidsob, iinprovemonts to ' ' house . .......... ,.., . 30'92 . The following is ' statement from the Exemption. 41.30 1.1'1,50 4.00 4.00 1.00 11.00 4,00 •1•.00 9.00 2.00 DR. AGNEW, P12yatc•itiIh F t'tgeoi), sic, OPAPe--hiactlonalet Week, over T. 1.. nnriw• Drug Store. Night Balis answered at theotliee, VIOLIN PJ GUITAR. MISS CARRIE MOORS of Innelon Conservatory of Mw.de, will be pre_ lnatei atter Ort. 14 'to rec sive a limiter! nunm- )t.r of I)tttute for iustru,. tion 011 Vieth), Mid ta�iitnr. liosidenett opposite 11. C. Ohuro'.t, lvtngltatn. AIN THEORY. MISS SARA LOUISE.. MOORE, L.C.M turd. member of the Assoeinted PSusieians of O'ttnrio 1s prepaved to receive a limited num- ber of P01018 WI' iilStrnetien o21 Pieno anal in Theory. Special attention given to pupils pzrr acing for examinations. R, ,idenee-opposite R. cfilturclt, 3'.'ie glum. ALS{ER BROS. & BUTTON UNDERTAKERS, V./IN(IHAM. Night oa115 at l3utt(n Block, or Fifth door south of School House. Shop op- posite Ivf,acclonliltl hlaeit. 1' ANTED -ACTIVE, MAN OP GOOD character to deliver and melee" in Huron County for old established evenUfaotttring w holesttle house. 5900 a year, sure 1.0y, lion- eytl' more then experience required. Our re- ference, any bank in any city. Iloelose self- nddreaeed stamped envelo ie, lenufncturcrs, Third Floor, 884 Dearborn 8t,t Chicago. STRAY CALVES. the premises of 1e unclerwi •r_ - St• 'd on to n tl ecli lot25, sones;ion 0, .East '�Vawenosh, on or about the bt11 of Novenxcer, two reel heifer calves. Owner min have them by proving Property and paying expenses. ADAM E ROBERTSON Marnoch P. 0, NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. Z,Notice is hereby given that the partnership heeetofore existing between the undersigned as hour and feed merchants, of the Town of Wingham is this clay dissolved. The business will be carried on by Wm 1%. Drummond on his own account at t110 Slime :premises. All neonate due the late partnership must be paid to Wm, R. Drummond. Witness:• THOS. BLACK, GEO. PAYITE. WM. R. DRU MONID, W ingham, Nov. 16th, 1000. As; will be seen from the above,Iintond carre int; on the flour and feed bilsiuie s, unci I take this opportunity of thanking the public for their patronage in the past aucl hope to merit a continuance of the same iuthe future. I will keep on hand the best grades of flour, ell kinds of meals, mill feeds, etc. Will keep everything to be found in a first class flour and feed abort): Prompt delivery. .'Phone 0, WM DRUMMOND. Collector's roll on Dbe, 15th:- Total 5th - Total taxes on roll .. , :...,$128110..89 collected... 12485 35 ,,. BOAR .FOR SERVICE Exemptions, etc,. included in last mentioned sum :- •And Figs for Sale. . Factory exemptions... ........$199 80 Church . ' .. 47 20 Refund G.N.W. Tele Co . . - . 4 80 Town property . :..... • 4 00 .. $255 80. • • I.eaaving abalance of $414.54'uncollect-. ed on the 14th Deoeiislier. The above, ' accounts read and found correct were' ordered to be , paid :and' Finance Committee's report was passed, ' The financial statement for ' the year was laid before the council.. It showed: the receipts for the year up tol5th.Deo. to be $28,460.93, end the disbursements, $20584.20, leaving a balance of cash on hand, $7876.20. • The year's current assets amounted to $12733.89 and liabili- ties $12430.61, leaving a balance on hand of $303.28. The 'bonded indebtedness is $63,054 91 The requisite number of poples of the financial statement were 'ordered to be printed. a B, -1a .37 .221akiil v' i n for y w l`T'o 4 g pro 1s o 0 holding the ensuing municipal elections was read and passed. , • . • The 'sale of the local improvement and the bonus lo'ail debentures: was left with the executive committee. • It was moved and seconded and carried, tlitit the return ofthe Collector's • roll be extended to the 81st inst. in- clusive, and that the Collector coutinue the coliection•of taxes till said time, if all taxes are not sooner paid, Council then adjourned. If it is asthtria,, bronchltis, croup, or any such trouble, use Vapo.Creiolene. All Druggists, NOTICE 'the annual meeting . the ' Rluevale Cheese Robb. Mclndoo said he was anxious to see the by-law carried. He thought it 1 was the best enterprise we could have in the town. He could not sec why any man would vote against the by-law. Ile did not believe there would be two votes recorded against the by-law. John Galt one of the promoters of the industry was the' next speaker. He said Mr.Btilbock was a thoroughly experienc- ed Man in and business, ewho were under- taking ho could' go Out and get the trade. He was very favor- ably impressed with the town. Many tOwns had trade mistakes in aiding in- dustries. They were determined to make iti sticeese of their business. He explained that they would be able to get plenty' of Canadian ore. Would make valves of every description in iron, brass 'and bronco. The manufacturers of the United States were getting the lion's share of this trade at ear expense. Ile knew exactly what was in tho pvsiness f as they had carefully figured it Out. They would be in as good position es the best American shops. It was for the ratepayers to say' whether they world come to Wingham. They had great hopes of; establishing a good, trade in Efigiaud. Mr. Galt explained that the formation of the company was delayed untGil they would see if by -Taw were car- rled. They would establish agencies in all the OW Ceyntr'xd. Ito ho11sdT to sob the utter Cot id will bo Iield in , Forester's' Hall, Bi ale, on • FRIDAY, JA VARY 4th, 15301 at 1.880 c'clock1p. For the Ele tion of a Board.of Directors and the transaction of any other business that may some before the meeting. By order JOHN BURGESS, Sec'y- Blnevale, Dec. 14th, 1900. , FARM FOR SALE. A first -clews farm, containing 101)"acres in a geed location, 4 miles from Winghani is oflEer- ed for sale, Upon the promises are a good bank barn and 'frame house. Well watered and a good orchard. For full particulars apply at the TifxEs OIHce, winglinm. EWE LAMBS FOR SALE. The undersigned has for sale, ten good ewe 1ambp. Apply on the premises, near Wingham cemetery or tet ALEX, fl ELLY, Winghain P C The tuzdersigned wily keep for service on his 'prom/see lot 85' con. 10, East lvawanoslt, a large improved Berkshire . Boar with pedigree, and I have a number of young Berlc.shire sows 'for sale. Alsei two young Berkshire Boars. Will be sold on reasonable terms. . • '..GIBBONS; ' ' Marnoch P, O. Cook's Cotton Root' Compound Is successfully used monthly by over 10,000 Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask your druggist for Cook's Cotton Root Colli- gated: Take no ether as all Mixtures, pills and imitations are dangerous. Prise, No. 1, 51 per box) No. 2,10 degrees stronger, 58 per box. No. X' or 2, mailed on receipt of price and two 8.eent stampps�. The Cook Company Windsor. Ont. �'•Not8. 1 and.2 sold ani recommended by all responslbie Druggists in Cpnada. 1' o.1 and No. 2 are sold in Wingllam by A.L Hmnilton, 3. E. Davis, A. A. Morrow, Colin A Oampbell, Druggists. FARM • and anyone having live stock or other articles they wish to dispose of, should adver- tise the same for sale in the Tusas. Our large circulation tells and it will be strange indeed if yo i do not et a customer... We can't guarantee that you will sell because you may ask more for the article or stock than it is worth. Send your advertisement. to the Tmrss and try this plan of disposing of your stock and other articles. IT DOES PAY TO and many of the former pupils of too CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE CHATHAM, ONT. who have stepped directly from the collage to some good position in a business- office, or to an some 'vacancy in a Commercial school ns teacher, ate ever ready to testify to the fact that IT DOES PAY TO ATTEND THE BEST. The following extract from a letter received from a Massaehussote Business College a short tine ago is only ono of 'scores of a similar kind thnt we have received from other Business Colleges, asldng,us to supply,thein with teach- M but the beet. We pay the railway fere of students from a dietlince, up to $8.00, end ean seem° good board foe gentlemen at $2.50 per week, and for inFtliOVIC1In4g4 'CATALOGUE honied by tiny HUSINESS SCHOOL in Canticle, write, MeLACBLAN St CO., (Anthem, Ong P y`o `t c 0 ere: "Nov. 6 1000. Dear Mr. cLauchlan;-I lin again looldng fora Conim relal teacher, and would be pleased to know if u know of one. Wewant a young man, singxc: not unclor twenty-five, of good address )tett in appearance, thorougly alive and well up in bookkeeping, erithmetican1 English," Letters etch at the above tell far more than pages of idle claims to superiority, There maybo business colleges 2nttch more convenient to you than Chatham, but that should ben reason for attending anything Peterson's Jewellery is the place this year for Store Pretty Xmas Gifts We have a complete line of rings of the newest designs for Ladies and Getltlet'nen. We also have some 'pretty Diamond !pings. Our ailv wire is out of sight this y ear, and our Watches never were prettier, We keen all kinds. The Dueber•ttanpden takes the lead as they are the world's best. a PATTERSON atone Bleep:, Veingham, next door to Clegg's iiardwere Store, llcv ui'1C8S to catch the eye and delude the pocket "out solid, substantial!, rock -bottom value:;:' 't fair iivin prices. } Don't be misled by quotations of low prices. It all de-' pends on the goods. See our lines of Furniture, compare !prices, and the trade 15 sure to come our way. ' '"7PV"14 4i, p 161.114 ems' 11 i 114"' 4401,4' ww" r, BED -ROOM SUITES AND SIDEB ARDS cheaper than ever. A large variety to choose from. UNDERTAKING receives special attention. This branch is under the supervision of Luther Ball, who has had eleven years practical experience in the work, and who for some time was'in the employ of H. Stone & Son, the leading undertakers of Toronto, Customers may rely' on careful and efficient service, Our stock will be iound to be the most cotnplete in this section of the country. Night calls receive prompt attention. Residence -Patrick. St., Mr. Gracoy's former residence, S. Famous Oan.adian Jubilee Singers AND IMPERIAL ORCHESTRA In the Methodist Church, Wingham, Thursday, Dec. 27th. This is the only Canadian Company that has sung before royalty in England. (fi ry We must reduce our stock and in •. der to do so we will sell our entire stock AT`C 3ST Good Salmon 10e. Best Salmon 2 for 25e. Corn, Peas and Tomatoes, 3 for 25e. Starch, 7c lb. Corn Starch 7e pkge. Canned Mackerel. Canned Herring. Corned Beef. Coffee, 20e ib, Sardines, 5e box. Gr. Salsoda, 3 lbs for 5e, Clotheslines, Cotten, at 10e. , All kinds Candies, Nuts and Cigars. D BELOW Raisins, 3 lbs. for 25e. Currants, 2 lbs. for 25c. Figs, 5e per lb. Oatmeal, 10 lbs. for 25e. Soap, 6 Bars f.,r 256. Oranges and Lemons, 30e per doz. Shoe and Stove Polish, 10e box, Se. 25e Brooms for 20e, Best Sugar, 18 lbs for $1.00, Best Yellow Sugar, 20 lbs for $1.004 Icing Sugar $e lb, Cocoa, Se can ---25e lb, Prepared d1ustard. in Jars, 10e. We have Cigars -10 in a box• -•suitable ft)r a X111sts Present. gTeas and Coffees to he equal to any on the We guarantee all our'1 market. Come and we will give you 1 a cut on it also, , Extraets, Castor 011, Ammonia. Yeast Cakes, hi fact everything. in the Grocery Line will be sold cheap for the next two weeks. • We also have a few nice Dishes vett suitable for Xmas Presents. k Spices all at Cost Tobacco all at Cost Pickles below Cost We also handle the Best Flour. Don't go by this store. Come in and see our Xmas stock. wn MUST HAVE SPOT CASH. L 4s-ta ble tter,. Eggs and Po wi taken as cash.