HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-12-21, Page 5r,
II ,(fli r
is More Blessed te. Givo
than to receive— the golden saying that
shall ever live.
ir prices make it easy for you to :give.
Presents for Gentlemen
English Square Mufflers, Satin Stripesvery special at 25e.
Young Men's: Silk ever ready Mufflers in Stripes- and Niko, Dots,
extra. value at 35c.
Men's" Silk Jersey Mufflers and Chest Protectors,. the newest novelties
and OM warmest mufflers for 75e.
Pretty American Ties and Fine Kid Gloves.
.,..-...resents for Ladies.
Ladies' Net Ties 25c, 50e and 60e„
- • Ladies' Beautiful Silk Ties, New York's sensation, at C5e.
Ladies' Fine Hose .ond Gloves. ,
A Handsome Bed Spread makes a sensible gift. We have them from
$4,00 to 75e,
Pretty Japanese Silk Table Covers, all shade e from $1,25 to $4.00,
Nice Underwear from 50c a suit up,
Pretty Hdkfs 5e, 10c, 20e and 25e,
Beautiful Te hie Linens at reduced prices.
Snaps in Clothing , Snaps in Crockery, and big, Bargains in Groceries.
Have a Merry Xmas by buying your Gifts fron
North End General Store,.
• TOMINIP01•10001••••••ii.P.11,.....7,.. •
4-'7$,As-wamcip-Ac0-71,,corpnco-wa--Law-e-Nw-lca-,a,tvestu-cr, 12,rowriPtum)vv.-stu--0
PackaP-e of
I it
What 1,Videttwake Tunes Oorrespondents Communmate — Other
Items ouppeti Vx'cAll Our ggelorros.
Wat. Forster must be Meeting a
severe winter as he is getting his winter's
wood ready by instiug his noighle ire to a
Mrs. Jas. Parish was visiting hor son.
johanie on the boundary.
Mai Annie MoDonald, of Wroxeter
was visiting her le:ether, Duncan,
Mr. and Mrs, Donald Scott, of nfoles-
worth was visiting their daughter, Mrs.
U. Stokes.
Stovo is wearing the last rose of sum-
A large party was held at Duman
Taylor's in honor of the Souday School
held at Jas. Straehen last summer.
Miss Lizzie Innis daughter of Mer-
chant Innis is on the stele list.
Samuel Nichol is back to our burg.
What's the attraction, Sara?
Will Breckenridge has porchasecl a
set of harness from F. Saunders, Wrox-
eter, also a new sleigh frora G. David-
Miss Etta Johnson is on the sick list.
hiss Saddle Jamieson, of Brussels was
lie guest of Miss51ffartha johuson.
Mr, Elijah Jacklin, Sr. had a success-
ful wood bee last Friday also a party at
Miss alabel Wright was visiting the
Misses Wright.
Salad Sets. "Tho; e is only one chance to save your
• ) life and that is through an operation"
1 sionwscstastosseasattomometsmnamcaosaantsuutearmi .i.
1. 11. ewer° the startling words heard by Mrs,
Mint of Lime Ridge, Wis., irom
0 '. 'T her doctor after he bad -vainly tried to
PJ cure her of a frightful case of stomach.
6 These goods were bought to arrive the .first of Oc- t trouble and yellow jaundice. Gall stones
Oi .r : I had formed aii.d she constantly grew
4 .- tober, but being two months late we were allowd an worse. Then she began to use Eleetric Bit -
tors which wholly cured her. It's a.won-
g won-
derful Stomach, Liver and Xidney rem-
edy.' Cures Dyspepsia, Loss of Appetite.
extra large discount to take them now.
4Try it. Only 50 cts, Guaranteed. For sale
li They are in three different colors with heavy gold by Colin A. Campbell.
,.4 ' , .,
i tracing. The set consists of one large Bowl and six small 1
ones. While they last yob May have them at
' •t
ea-W.asesselaaeassaeaseasaaltSelseeedaseseeceaSseS. SeeteSsesseSennssealeSa-agesseetaseSetteSsa-aeSaaa Sasiossase-Se
wooltrceretaranvormewnsmottemrcntr, rruansersretenemtwwwnorcwromo
11.16r...larrnin•SI.9141......ILMITra1•1.1.6glata••••-••••11.••••••-•.•Ja.11. too•Lan
Owing to the retirement of
Mr. Paulin from the business we
purpose offering our entire stock
of Hardware, Harvest Tools, Glass,
Paints, Skates, tells, Stoves, Tin-
ware, etc., etc., the next 30 days
for cash at
Miss Maggie Wellis..00d Las been en-
gaged as assistant teacher in Dungannon
public school,
W. T. Hall has received a call from
Pioltering. Ifo has not decided, whether
or not he will accept it.
Much °resist is due to Miss Weltwood
and pupils for the very efficient way in
which they delivered their expellent
programme on. Monday evening. 1.1neih
patience and great pains woro decidely
the principle featoresin the propaeation
of it,. Perhaps the most taking was a
flapsdrill given by a number' of the
pupils but all the others were nearly if
not quite as .effective,
nikta wAwAwosts.
The following is the standing of the
pupils of S. S. No, 8, E. Wawanosh for
the month of Dec. 19CO. The names are
arranged in order of merit:
V. Class.—Josie Campbell, Roy
Wheeler, Fred Soaudret, Janes 3./cOal-
lum, Julia Anderson.,
Sr. IV. Class.—Willie McLean,. Alone,
Foams, Maitland Henry, Leslie Robert -
Jr. IV. Class.—Bobert Wheeler, La-
vinia'Pearen, Mary -Anderson, Austin
Campbell, Peru McLean.
III. Class.—Lilly McLean.
Sr. II. Oless.—Bella Robertson, Lilly
Pearen, John McCallum, Harald Page.
Jr. 11. Olass,—Mary Cole, Charlie
Wheeler, Elgin AllaerS011, Mabel Grigg.
Sr. P. II. Class.—Aggie McCallum,
Finley McCallinn, 'Henry Skinn.
Jr. Pb. 11. (Mass.—Mamie Page, Mary
Gibbons, Ruby Robertson, Nettie Skinn,
Austin Audersoni visitiug his father, Samuel Caldbeck.
'Pt. I. Chums—Julia Auderson, Daisy senior, of Morris.
A ,special children's service will le
held in the Methodist church next Sab-
Miss Hood is visiting her home in
Sunshine, Morris,
James Robertson, of the second line
of Morris, was struck by a falling limb
on Friday last, but fortunately was not
seriously injured.
Miss Hanna Ball, of Wingharn, visited
at T. J. Watt's, Turnberry, last week.
Rov. W. 3. West and Mrs. West are
visiting for a week or so at Mrs. • West's
former home in Whitby.
Rev. Mr. Ballantyne, of Moles -worth,
will preach in the Presbyterian church -
n" Sabbath afternoon at 3 o'clock.
The anniversary services in the Meth-
odist churcitast Sabbath were largely
attended. .W.v. John Holmes, of Brus-
sels, preached morning and evening and
Rev. R. Hobbs. of Wingham, in the
afternoon. The ohurch was opened by
Rev. Dr. Potts, of Toronto, on December
18th, 1890, NO, 1/41'.'11?,V. 1. B. Wahl in
vas pastor.' •
Britain n the TrEmsvart1"— Rev.
Frank G. Forster's lecture on. "The
Lien and Her Transvaal Cub", in the
Foresters' hall on Wednesday oveningof
last week, under the auspices of the
local Orangemen and Foresters, was in-
deed profitable and entertaining. The
subject teas one in svhich all are inter -
0,,,,q but when delivered in the rich
Saw Death Near.
"It often made my heart ache,"
writes L. 0. Overstreet, of Elgiu, Tenn.,
"to hear my wife cough until it seemed
her weak and sore lungs would collapse.
Good doctors said she was so far gone
with Consumptiou that no medicine or
earthly help could save her, but a friend
recommended Dr. King's New Discov-
ery and persistent ase of this excellent
medicine saved her life." It's absolute-
ly guaranteed for Coughs, Colds, Broil.
chitis,. Asthma and 011Throat and Lung
diseases. 50c and $1.00 at Colin A.Camp-
bell's. Trial bottles free.
It's beginning to feel nice and Christ-
The Methodist Sabbath School Christ-
mas entertainment will be be held in the
church on Christmas night and, the
Presbyterian' ditto on Thursday evening,
Deoember 27th.
Rev. D. Rogers preached to the Meth-
odist congregation, at Brussels, last
Sabbath evening, as their pastor :was
assisting at anniversary services in
Miss Mabel Thomas is home from
Earnest Jowett, youngest son of
Thomas Jewitt of the Bluevale road, arri-
ved home from Prince Albert, N. W. T.,
a few days ago.
A. A. Cook, of Clinton, has leased. the
village hotel from Mr. Asa Esty, the
present tenant. Mr. Cook took possess-
ion on Monday,
Charles Marsh, who worked with
Robert Black daring the' smainier, has
goals to New York to work with his
uncle, a builder.
Mr.Whittinglanay.tho taught at:Bisown-
town, (Morris),. school about twenty
years ago, and he will beremembered by
many there, is visiting in this vicinity.
Mr. Whittingham now lives in the North
Thomas Campbell, of 'Winnipeg, is
visiting at Edward Bosman's, Morris.
Mrs. Robb, senior, of the first lino of
Morris, is improving in health.
Samuel Caldbeck, who is attending
a median college at Saginaw, Mich., is
Roy, John Cole; Edint Grigg.
CLM1A A. BEAT?, Teacher.
John 0. Wile= and fansilyAkoved to
Blyth last week, Mr. Wilson has pur-
chased the brick dwelliBehouse owned
by Mrs. Mary Colle4or
John Walden. has moved to the farm
owned. by the late Jas. MeGowan.
John MeShannock has returned from
Giles Jenkinskhad the misfortune,
while cutting wonin the bush recently
to cut his right foot at the instep sever.
ing two large arteries and cutting
througli one of the long bones • • P- the
leg and. into the angle joint.
Albert Knox, Fred. Mutch. and George
Straughon. started for the Soo, on Mon
day morning last.
Christmas is the day. its mighty
pleasures are for it alone.
Mr. and Mts. Charlie Rintoul, of
Galesburg Dak, are visiting the latter's
Wo aro very sorry to hear of the
-salons illness of James Shiells
sincerely -hoe° he may Hoon recover.
Peter Porterfield, jr. is spending his
Chtletirms holidays under the parental
Miss Clara, Bean left this afternoon
for Goderich, whore she will spend her
We must have rnikney, and for
this reason it will he to your ad-
vantage to make your cash pur-
chases wit us.
Parties indebted to the firm will kindly take
notice that all accounts MUST BE S:PITTLI113
by Cash or Note oii or before the first day of
January, 1901.
Pa lin
"Seeing is Believing."
When you see people cured by a
remedy, you must believe in its pover.
Loofa around your. Friends, relatives,
neigh:). ors all say that I -food's Sarsaparilla,
America's Greatest IlIeelicine, cleansed the
blood of their dear ones and they rise en
inasse to sing ils praises. There's nothing
like it in the world to purify the blood.
Sor0S—"Irry fica/th wog poor and I
had a soar on one o my limbs. Sly
father thought 1 better try Void's S,1114,,
• patilla, and I dict to and the sores ate
nett) alt better. Whenever I do not feet
emelt I Lathe 6ss Vetted
Law, 5..ieltnend, Qaebec.
dit5Oad (3airag
e,' rt•Y:',4"s*7
brogue and eloquent language of Mr.
VorSter, becomes ninny times more so
No surer proof of his success as a speakee
could be given than that Odic large and
mixed audience, such 1114 faced. Mr. For •
ester in 9lnovale, will sit for over an
hour in perfect silence, not caring to
applaud mach for fear of misehtl;
werd. The spealtmaquoted front Hon.
Devil Mills' work "The En4i3h itt
Africa." which he eoneidered the best
treatise on tl1t1,1.1biNA. 111% IPOr;StVr.i:V:i
b0Vn ill and hes not yet fully reeovered.
Which was quite naticeelle in his face
. said yoke. Tho or 'as$ not so etrana
and wo are sorry to say, Naively ae
Irish as oil his previous visit. no ilrat
bo getting slightly acclimasieed, but his
voice' a iti ec'\ el. be harsh like a Canad-
itts`s. A sheet Iresraname wets presentt-
helose the tenanesaos eat .0f the
Holiday Goods for
Ghristmas Iresents
Every Department is complete with the LATEST NOT
TIES in useful things Mr CHRISTMAS GIFTS a; prices to 'auft
all customers. Please read every line of the following list.
HANDKEROIIIEFS in Linen, Lawn and Silk, Embroidered, .
Hemstitched, Initialed and Plain at 50, 150. 20e.
30e, 35e, 45e, We, 65e, 75e. See our Initialed firikfi at De.
LADIES' SILK TIES, new patterns, '25e, 35. 5.)',
LADIES' GLOVES—All shades in Ladies' Kid -Gloves. Lined or
Unlined, 750„ $1,00, $1.25, i?1,50, See oar $1.00 .Lined Kid Glove,
fuOep, for 75e ; it's a XMAS BARGAIN.
LADIES' FURS— Special Bargains in Ladies' Fur Capes,
Caperines, Caps, Ruffs, Boas, Gauntlets, See ear Oaperiues .at
SILKS AND DRESS GOODS in great, variety. Nice Silks in;
on shades, 25e, $0e, 35e, 50e. Farley Plaids for Waists, 250,-35e, :
and 50c,
LADIES' JACKETS—All new and up -to dote styles, 02.05,
$3 50, $4 50, $5.00, $6,00, $7.00i $8.00, $1.0.00, $12.00 -
GIFTS FOR THE HO4E-4Lace Curtains,. Quilts, Chenille
Table Covers,.Table Linen, Table Napkins, Towels, Chenille Cur-
tains, •Sheetings, .ete. See our Fringed Table Covers at 50e,
I t
Men's and Boys' Wear.
HANDKERCHIEFS in Silk or Linen »t 5c, 10e, 15e, 20e, ar,e,
35c, 500, 75c, $1.00, A Xmas Bargain -75e Colored Silk Hdl.: is
for 50e.
MUFFLERS in all the new styles at 25e, 35e, 50, 7.50, 01,00.
We have the celebreted Wav Muffiere
111.EN'S TIES in Knots, Bows, F arain prl, Flew/Ines End,
Stripe's, etc., all the latest styles and patterns, 15e, 25e, 35e, 50e,
and 75e.
MEN'S BRACES—A nice assortment of the best makes -15e,
20e, 25e, 35e, 50e, 75e, S1.00." See ou.r leader at 25e. •
Fur and Cloth Caps in abundance—all styles, qualities and price.4.
CLOTHING DBPARTMENT—In the Basernmt, nab natty salts for Fo7s at $1.50,
$1.70, 52.80, $2.75, 52.50, 54.00.
Up-to.date Suits for Men at 58.50, 55.00, $C,03, 560, 57.00, 57.50, 53.00, gam, $12,09, A.
Sne range of patterns to -choose from.
Men's and Boys' Hoefers, Tasters, Overcoats, at surprising whirs. Foe our steel:: be-
fore you buy. No trouble to show you the goods. .
Our Best Advertisement—A satisfied eu3tomer.
The 'Cheap Cash Store. Opp. Bank of Hamilto
-7"--44rsereM ..,e,Fif-MeMsts.
lecture. The Zonophone gave several
selections. Mr. J. Lloyd Mortimer, of
Toronto, was to manipulate it, but was
too ill to be present, so Mr. Forster sot
it off. It is claimed to be the best of
the gramophone family, but like all its
brethren, appears- to be suffering with a
bad cold, and often talks througt its
nose. A pretty drill was presented by a
class of little girls under the direction of
A. MacEwen; Clayton Duff recited snd
Messrs Will Stewart and Hartley Pat-
terson sang very acceptably; Mrs. W. J.
Johnston and Miss Aggie Herbert were
the accompanists. R. N. Duff- was
ohairman. ••
. Food Changed To Poison.
Putrefying food. in the intestines pro-
eltices effects like those of arsenic, but
Dr. King's New Life Pills expel the
poisons from clogged bowels, gently,
easily but surely, curing Consitpation,
Biliousness' Sick Headache, Fevers, all
Liver, Kidney and Bowel troubles. Only
23c at Cutin A. Campbell's.
WEST wAssotseossi.
Council met according to statute on
Dee. 15, 1000; minutes of last meeting
road and approved.
Treasurer's statement allowed balance
on hand for November o2$307.46—Filed.
A number of cheques were issued
which will appear in a fow days in the
Financial Statement.
W. S. MoCaossau, Clerk.
They °gored Itioniag.
(Toronto Som.)
IC is 'somewhat dih1icu1tt understand
what the Opposition press means by say-
ing" that the Prohibitionists throughout
Canada have shown that they have no
sveiget and canuet be relied. on. Ise -
cause toey aid not support the Couser-
vaav s it the recent elections.
Wilat did. the .Conservative party (Mi.
the Peohibit.ionists that ht &win neve
counted, upen securing that vote?
If there is anything on eacor,1 any-
wnere to 8110W tih.t
if Dothril,11 to power, t.>i.i aa.tyllaing t.t
all *Ale s.10-al.1 like to
know wsrst it was. Bayou!. cLarging
the Govcrainent with rsavieg prom:sad
to a01130.:0 teleporanee than it edit
d a the Opposition trait eslaat awl LB
aoucoiennittal tes the same pasty easily
had ik a1l daring its yesre as
o1.11. e,
• s's.ithough the neS, las:tress tato ,.
de, goeseuraent tried o s.ir up aeo....
bottosis: a las cleclatia; that, it Ntii:ei
Lin1d0;',1 lt. , t.) 0.111k
upaa pLoicooli.:,, 'jet
n..t assal 1!t3 tues ons ta : .•
aos,eaestots, oe %sae „en of Lie: s
lett".to, inniounee
was. Thy. din ;lea se: 'vas
i,aseet ossele..e.13 oa -C1.'-.I'. s's .1
ins th4 ass se retasas.i.
Children Cry for
....nom*. •
power, nor did they promise to take an-
other plebiscite on the question. They
committed themselves to nothing at all
on the subject, and the air of ill -usage
they put on at present is scarcely called
f or.
fdver, or other almost mortal
sickness, a man or woman
sometimes will gain a pound a
day from taking an ounce a
day of SCOTT'S EmuLs:ox and,
the gain be healthy.
The ouncp gives str-mv;th to
get the pound; there is no
miracle in it.
Body and mind are weak ;
digestion is weak ; and hungep
is ravenous.
Liver Oil is the food to begiti
and go on ien. It furnishes
strength to digest a little easy
other food; and a little grows
to enough. But the gain is
nearly all fat,
The bones had not lost
much; the muscles had lost,
and had not gnt back their
strength ; they have lost there
bulk; the fat vs all gone,
The fat has come back; the
muscle slowly recovers its bulk,
more slowly its strength—the
bulk of muscle was fat—and
the bones are about the same
as before,
It is Scores EurtstoN of
Cod Liver Oil that starts the
body going rs—
c,,,-aia:ve it time.
th S pioturo on it. ‘
Tho genuino has V•
tako no allot*.
yOU lettlio not
trios lt cond for
freembamIe,, its
greofthio taste will
sun:it-16o you.
• SOork" & BOWN8
Sot. and Si.00;ali dru