HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-12-21, Page 3in the Clutch Of Consumption. Don't neglect that persistent hacking cough till you and yourself in the clutch of iConsumption, It's an easy matter to stop it now by taking, RR. WOOD'S NORWAY PINE SYRUP. This pleasant remedy heals and soothes. the lungs and bronchial tubes, and cures lingering and chronic coughs when other .remedies fail. Mr. W. P. Cann, writing from Morpeth, +fent., says; "I honestly believe I would have (lied of consumption only for Dr. Woort Norway Pine Syrup, I have used it for years and consider it has no equil for severe colds and throat trorblea." WIN GHANI VITAM IUMP PNM AMY.a am Are tTnrF91LL L$ Having re -purchased our old stand, we are now prepared to supply the pub- lic with Wood and Iron Force and Lift Pumps, Ironl' p , B rass and Cylinders, Gal- vanized Iron Tubing, Cisterns, Water Troughs, Sinks, Baths, Pipe • Fitting, Well Digging and everything in con- nection with water supplies. Galvanized Steel Wiudmillsfor power and pumping water. We can do our work cheaper than othersin the business as we have the steam power. Repairing promptly attended to. We also do well digging and drilling. All 'work is thoroughly guaranteed. Give us a call. DR SHOWERS & SON. ailor's Talk would. be useless unless the fit, style and quality were apparent to back up every statement. We don't talk volumes, but our suits talk for us, and our prices will suit you: - Leave your order for that new FALL SUIT OR OVERCOAT E. C. CLARKS Stand next Griffin's Grocery. WINGHA MACHINE SHOP The undersigned wishes to thank the public for past favors and Asks for a continuance of their patronage in all kinds of Machine Work, Forging, Pattern Making, Iron and Wood Pullers. EEabbit Metal at low prices. want 25 tons of good east sera in exchange for Plow Points. Plow Points 80 cents malt; 3 entS trade. Castings in iron or brnse on band and to order. Ihave now extra help in my shop and can attend to all work promptly. Works near G.T'.It., on Josephine swot. MVR . To PATENT gaud itioas tatty be skcured by our aid. Address,. THE PATENT RECORD. Rnitistortr tdd. Cion@ New for Teasasers. PriueIva! Aftrehattt, of the London Normal School, feels strong ovideuce. that the more than ample itutileit'ncy of teachers for the public school, is rapidly becoming a thing of the print ewe the London Free i'ri's:'. Of the close upon one hundred Stilldents now in attendance at the Normal School almost fill have engnget Balis. upon the end aN the term, provided, of course, they are successful M the examinations, which begin within a fest/ cdaytl. TMs is a rather remarkabie state of affairs. The principal has received requests front public school boards in different parts of this district and Prone different partsof the Province asking; for teachers, Mr, Merchant believes that the result will be to bring a larger zntinber of men into the pzoft ssiou thanhitherto. At the salmiI this term the proportion of finale to female students is twenty-four to ninety odd, which is said to be greater than of inalo teachers to female in the country. Salaries may be expected to go up car- respoudingly. . There seems to be urgeut neocl for this. Ttze salaries paid by some school boards in the country die- triets, among tllo rich farms,, are amaz- ingly small, and a case is related where the competition f''r even one of these schools, at starvation wages, was so keen an applicant taught three mouths for one dollar, The auntilliug of the right of the third-class certificate holder to teach in the schools of the Province is credited with the change of affairs, Divorses In Canaen. During last year bills of divorces as follows were granted in Canada: -- Ontario, 2; Quebec, 1; Manitoba, nil; Northwest Territories, 1; Nova .Scotia, ia; New Bruuswick, 5; Prince Edward Island, nil; British Columbia, 2. In the 32 years since Confederation there have been granted by Parliament and the courts 271 divorces iu the whole Doxnnin- on of Canada. In Ontario, population 2,114,821, there have been granted 45 divorces ;in Quebec, population 1,438,835, 16 divorces; in N. W. T., population, 98,900, 2 divorces; in Manitoba, popula- tion 152,500,i • i 1 divorcee orfs;, in Nova Scotia, population 450,000, 91 divorces; New Brunswick, population 321,800, 78 di- vorces; in British Columbia, populaticlp 80,200; 48 divorces. There has not been a divorce in Prince Edward Island, pop- ulation 100,000, iu tnirty years, and the comparatively shall number in Quebec is due to the fact that the great majority of the population is of Roman Catholic faith. UTE C rt r's Little Liver .iy ills. ialezot Iloaar taiGnaturo of See fin e.SitnII c Vdrepper L3ciew. Very nanall gad as onay to take as :.a[,::.i. FGR Iat:t1A ailE., FOIL DIMNESS', FOR el WOMBS. FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW KKlfl. FOR THE C4NIPLEXIO1 4p- Q37f'La i7iiVsMUST NAY[ NATUI, R. 2 Cells Purely VegetabCle CURE SICK HEADACHE. W .. Pants and xvercoats of the very latest material and cut can be had at Robt. Maxwell's at lowest possible prices. Pancy Worsted Suit- ings are taking the lead this season. See our new goods. Root. Maxwell IIIgh Art Tailor, Winghatu, EYOND q DOUR`t Thousands Give Testimony. Letter uport letter pours in from over I)pint in t auada testityiut toot() marvel', ons power of Dr. Pttotiee's Backache Kidney Tablets to cure kidney unci bad- der troubles both of the young, middle aged, end aged, aucl, anuli ether troubles tts. fled their ori;;it ita a faulty kidney [lotion, and they arozuazly..Such a mess of evidotzee puts itfi power to euro these afflictions beyond a doubt, and shows that the Tablet lathe right.thiug in the right place. Tins is evhat 14frs..T, W. Llutohius, 82 I't,rtlaud St., Toronto has to say; --I cannot say to emelt for Dr. Pitcher `s Backache ICiduey Tablets, Before using them I hada gnawing pain in the back all the time, and au mento lameness acrose the loins. I had not so znuolt aching iu zny Bead as between my shoulders and iu the back; of my neck. Since using; the Tablets my baeleis as it used to be, and the rheaznatisut in the shoulders. has disappeared.. Formerly when I did zny washieg I was utterly tired out, not having, a bit of energy left; this morning I slid my washing in two hours and I did not mind it, I have no hesitation in recommending Dr. Pitcher's. Backache Eiclney Tablets or I never bad any thing do nee as much good." Auy reader of this paper can test the merits of Dr, Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tablets free by enclosing two cents postage for trial package to The Pitcher Tablet Co.,Torcuto, Ont. Regular size 60 cents per bottle, Fanners' Instituto Meetings. Following is the list of regular and. suppleinoutary meetings of the Farmers' Institutes in Huron county and the dele- gates appointed to address the meetings: West Huron-Auburu, Jau: 25, in I. 0. G. T. Hall, A. 0. Hallman, of New Dun- dee, and Jas, Tolton, of Walkerton;Dun- gaizuoll, Jan. 26, in Agrioulturol hall, same' speakers; $intatl, Mar. 1, iu Young's Hall; St. Helens,Mar, 2; Blyth, Mar. 4, in Temperance Hall; Holmes- ville, Mar. 5, in Willson's Hall; A. Mo - Neil, of Walkorville, and Miss B. Mad- dock, of Guelph. East Huron --Wrox- eter, Jau. 23, in Towu Hall, A. 0. Hall- man and Jas. Tolton.; Brussels, .Tan. 24, in Town Hall,same speakers; Fordwioh, Feb. 11, in Donaghey's Hall; Blnevale, Feb. 12, Forester's Hall; Ethel, Eeb. 18, in Town Hall; Walton, Feb. 14; Mur - die's School House, Feb. 15; D. C. And- erson, Rugby. South Huron- Bruce - field; Jan. 11, Dixon's Nall, John I. Hobson, of Guelph, and W. N. Butt, Of Southend; Exeter, Jan. 12,in Town hall, same speakers;Seaforth,'j Feb. 5, Town Hall; Varna, Feb. 6, Foresters' Hall; HensaIl, Feb. 7, Conworth's Hall; Elim- ville, Feb. 8, Township Hall; Dashwood, Feb. 9, in Moser's Hall; Shipka, Feb. 11, Hanna's Hall; H. Glendinning, of Man- illa, and Jas. Ewing, of Drayton. Could Scarcely Walk. Mr. George Thompson, a leading mor- eliant of Blenheim, Out., states: -"I was troubled with itching piles for fif- teen years, and at times they were so bad I could scarcely walk. I tried a great many remedies, but never found anything like Dr. Chase's Ointment. After the third applicatiou t obtsined relief, and was completely cured by us- ing one box." Ask your neighbors about Dr. Chase's Ointment, the only absolute cure for piles. The Closing Century in a Nutshell. This century received from its prede- cessors the horse; Ave bequeath the bi- cycle, the locomotive and the motorcar. We received the goosequill, and be- queath the typewriter. We received the soyth, and bequeath the mowiug machine. We recesved the hand -printing press, we bequeath the cylinder press. We received the painted canvas; wo boqueatn lithography, photography and color photon appy, We received the lzaudloom, we be- queath the cotton and woollen factory. We received gunpowder, wo bequeath lesddite. • Wo received the *tallow -dip, we be- queath the electric lamp. ' We received the galvanic battery, we bequeath the dynamo. • We received the flintlock, we bequeath Mnadms. We received the sailing -ship, we be- queath the steamship. We received the beacon signal -fire, we bequeath the telephone and wireless telegraphy. Wo received ordinary light, we be. queath Rontgen rays. Chronic 12t'onehlth) Rev. 3. N. Van Natter, of Streator, Ill., writes: -"About one year ago I obtain. ed from yea six bottles of Dr, Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine. I gave awny two and took the either four, I had been seriously ill,afflicted with Chronic Bronchitis for ten years and could get no relief. A leading[ physician told me it was just a question of tithe until it would wear no out, but thanks to thisevonderfnl remedy of Dr. Chase I am now a strong man." 25 Dents a bot- tle, all dealers. Every royal palace in Europa leas its special private police, who, in one -guise Or another, are ltlways on the lookout for suspicious persons. "My kislebnys rare an Wrongi How shall I insure best results in the shorts est time?" It stands to reason that aliquid speeifie of the unquestionable merit of South American Kidney Cure will go more directly and quickly to the seat of the trouble than the " -lillform" treetnleat, . and when it strikes the spot there's heallttg r In an instant, -73 I Sold by A. I,. Iiamiiton. 11 ?A•;�t , 4 Satan O len mr, with ouiy ea* Cerin incl Vase, tOsederieh Star) The December Sessious of the Peace for the oouuty opeuacl an Tuesday before His Honor Judge Masson, the followiuif bo.;ng the Grand Jury[ Geo. T. Mclay, T'uckerszriith, t'orerltan; J. P. Ottreie, Goderich tp,t Henry Govier, Patrick Gibbons, E. Wawanosh; T. A. Hough- ton, ton, Oolbotme; James Holland, William Niles, Jno. I ite:W 011, Hallett; Sttzn'1 May, Juo. Spence, Lowick, Wheu the grand awry had been duly swore His Honor addressed there in connection with the orizninal ease to be placed be. fore them, and then took uT the civil list, , null in a short time disposed of the three oases on the docket:; rtvitchell vs. Aslcwerth.--An action on a promissory note. Verdict by co:t- seat against defeudaut WilIianl Ask - Worth for $150, without costs if paid ill ono month, and judgment for $231 against defendant Oreo. Ackworth, with costs of action, R. 0, Bays for plaintiff,. Chas. Carrow for defendant, Williazus vs. Babb, -,.Action, on a pro- misary note. Judgment by consent for Plaintiff for $869, with costs of action, Philip Holt, Q. 0„ for plaintiff, L. E. Dancey for defendant, Dennis ve Cantipe.--An action oti a Promissory note. Judgment by consent of plaintiff for $871.85, with costs ot action. Philip Holt, Q. 0., for plaintiff ; E. Campion, Q. 0,, for defendant, During the afternoon the grand jury presented true bills against James Mac- grogor for fraudulent pretenses and per- sonation. Macgregor pleading not guilty to both charges, his trial was set for 10 a. in, on Wednesday, on which (lay a ;jury was worn to try the case. Mr. Lewis, for the grown, called Chas. Gar - row, Thos. Gundry, Fred Shannon and Jonathan Miller. Mr. Garrow stated that he paid Macgregor $4.25 and served him with papers on his admitting that he was on Garfield Johnstou; that he Mtn served .azul iu a room In the Bedford, and that he afterwards pointed out the malt to constable Thcs. Gundry and Fred Shannon. The , two last named supported Mr. Garrow's evidence, and Mr. Miller testified to the fact that Mac- gregor was a guest et his house at the time of the races in July, and that he was only known by his proper name. For the defence, Mr. Bates who was at- tending bar the day of the races. swore to the best of his belief that McGregor was not one of the men in the room with Chas. Darrow, and the prisoner entered the witness box and swore that he never received either papers or money from Dir. Garrow. Mr, Holt then ad- dressed the jury for thee -defence. •and Mr. Lewis on behalf of the Crown, and His Honor Judge Masson charged at some length somewhat against the pris- oner. , The Airy, after a lung absence, returned into court and said they could not agree, but His Honor told them it would be a hardship on the prisoner and the county to keep him in jail till the spring, and sent thein back to the jury room, where after a short stay, they re turned with a verdict of guilty and a strong recommendation to mercy. The court, after giving; Macgregor good ad- vice to his future conduct, sentenced him to seven days hard ,labor in the county jail. The Grand Jury's presentment re- marked on the decrease of crime in'the county, reported the Giurt House in a satisfactory condition, also the jail and. promises, which are exeznplarly as re- gards cleanliness and aecommodiation for prisoners. Eight • prisoners are in jail, all males; seven being committed for vagrancy, and one for insanity. One of the vagrants it is claimed, escaped from the Bruce House of Refuge, and the jury • recoznmendad that if true he be moved to that institution, and if the report is not true that he be moved to Huron House of Refuge. They also re. commended mote suitable accommoda- tion be provided for the jailor and fam- ily, special care being taken for proper isolation from the jail. ON TIM P'IIU)[NO LINE. Ladies of Canada: Side by side stood Canada's noble sons with the best brawn of Cleylon and India in the recent unpleasantness. The slogan was "help olio another" aud no one forgot the watchword. You, ladies of Canada, have the power to wage a relentless warfare on the impure teas that come into your homes from China and Japan, at the same time assist your brother colonists who produce the pure Ceylon and India teas. If you drink japan tea, try Saluda, Monsoon or Blue Ribon packets of -Ceylon and India Green teas. -Colonist. There is a fascination, reznat is all t sy change about being a dead -head. that few pooplo can resist and none can explain. The quotient has often been asked, why it is that a mate twill spend live times the value of a seat to get a free pass, but nobody hat ever Leen able to answer it. [.fif'e's a I turpdbrs-/I the stomach is not right. Is there Nausea? Is there Constipation ? Is the Tongue Coated ? Are you Light -Pleaded? Do you have Sick Headache? Any and, all of these denoteStoman ach d Liver )isordet•.Die Agnews[ Liver Pills net quickly and will Cure most stubborn tied chronic eases. 40 in a viol for To cants ale i ;~old by A. 1.:llanliittsn. Bargains in •rgans_aud a'°'; t s erm sas The business that reaches this house through the mauls stretches from the Atlantic to the Pacific. With a concern, 50 years established, as is this, whose re. cord is before the people, 1t is as safe and satisfactory to buy an instrument by trail as to buy it in person. Every statement and descripttio- can be depended' upon, and we study carefully the customers' interests. We tell here of organs that have come to us in exchange when selling our own pianos, and that we are resolved on clearing before the holiday season. 7.'he prices are a mere fraction of the first value, and the terms of payment so easy that anyone can pos- sess themselves of a good Organ. Doherty Organ, 11 stops, two sets of reeds, bass and treble coupler, almost as good as new, manufacturer's price, $100. We will sell it for $45, $3 cash and $3 •a mouth, -Handsome Doherty Organ in piano case, entirely new, 6 octavos, bass and treble coupler, manufacturer's price $120. Will sell it for $85, $5 cash and $5 a month. -A new Thomas Organ, 6 octaves, bass and treble coupler, manufacturer's price $120. Will sell fpr $ 85, 5 cash anal $5 a month. -A Treble Organ, 6 octaves, 10 stops, 2 4 sets of reeds, bass and treble coupler, Will sell, special, at $50, $8 cash and $3 a mouth. -Kern Organ, piano case, 11 stops, 23 sets of reeds, bass and treble coupler, handson)e mahogany ease, maufacturer's price $125. Will sell it for $65, $4 cash and $4 a month. -Doherty Organ, 6 octaves, 10 stop[,, le4 sets of reeds, entirely new, ntateufaoturer's price $90. Will sell it for $ 30, $3 cash and $2.50 a month, -A Blatchford Organ, 5 octaves, a good instrument. Special for $28.50, $3 cash and $2 a month. Dominion Organ, most desirable instrument, manufacturer's price $100. Will sell it for $35, $3 cash and $3 a month. • -A Dnherty Orgau that was catalogued by the manufacturer at $75, Will sell it for $25, $2 cash and $2 a month. We have probably 4o or 5o orgarrs altogether, making it quite possible for us to meet everyone's choice. Write us and we will furnish any further par- ticulars that need be, But it is one of those cases where the intending buyer needs to act promptly, as they are the kind of bargain that will be snapped up. 1-1E1 NTZMAN w '. CO., 115-117 King St.' West, Toronto. 0 The Poisoned t;pring.-Asia nature so in man, pollute the spring and disease and waste are bound to follow -the stomach and nerves out of kilter means poison in the spring. South American Ner- vine is a great purifier, cures Indigestion, Dyspepsia, and tones the nerves. The best evidence of its efficacy •is the unsolicited testimony of thousands of cured ones. -76 Sold by A. L. Hammon. Our Tricks. Sometimes as old ago comes to peo- ple there is a sloughing away of the small courtesies or charms of naauner. Vet when I hear young people critioise such lapses I wonder if they are not, many of them, even now forming habits that old age confirm and which will prove more objectionable than those they today criticise. So, atter all, are not the habits of oth- ers who are older than we excellent ob- ject lessons to us who are daily growing older? They may teach us to avoid the small lapses from good breeding, the lit- tle heedless tricks in which we aro some times' tempted to indulge. One worau on the shady side of 50 has of shaking her foot always during a church, service. Through hymns prayers ami sermon her shapely foot beats a light tap, tap, tap, on the floor of her pew, a seemingly harmless habit, but cue that threatelis to (rive to no:vous despair those whose seats aro near hers. As one advances iu years it is only too easy to acquire nervous tricks whish after awhile lieeolne ttlutost incurable habits. When one i,+ nu longer young, sho is trio t.ld to be scolded, and young people should be to.) respectable to at- tempt it. Geoct,r Livens of Sottfortll Iot,l We log lrolten by a barrel uti si a: , which ii:li at it. a.,.+.,.......,..w.W. .+ 1 7SOn80 ` the tor aid liver, and curd biliousness, sick headaches jaundice, nausea, Indiges: teen, etc. They aro iv. valuable to prevent a cold or break tip a fever. Mild, gentle, certain, they are worthy your conf1dcttee, purely vegetable, the$ rail be taken by ebl)dren or delicate women, Price, 25e, at all uxedietneelealers ot by mail of x1,1, HOOD tit co., Lowell, Bast). Femae Diseases Powley's Liquified Ozone Cures the:; Terrible Diseases Peru-aura:y The peculiar constrar-tion of woman snakes her liable to suffer from many disorders which are especially pa'ttiul and wearing. Many a woman bears these troubles in silence, rather than consult a physician. Powley's Liquified Ozone, the new system of treatment, will give prompt relief and a permanent cure for any of these afflictions. A. spccial booklet will give you all iuiurination, on should write for the pamphlet on women's diteases. This is what one sufferer says, " I have much pleasure in testifiying to the superior qualities of Powley's Liquified Ozotto, for the troubles I was afflicted with. A iCw months ago I lett lily country home to go to the hospital, as the doctors said I must go there to get rid of niy trouble, which was female kidney trouble and general run. dawn system. I had in doubts, as I had tried. so many [so-called) patent medicines, and they had proved of no avail. X had not use 1 O«one for two weeks until I knew I was of the right track. It 3tut took four mouths' treatment, rind. in that time X used five large bottles and now I nm .:ian'<fnt to say that lam as well as I ever was in toy life. The best part of it 18 that r nu have not gvt to keep on taking .t, as X hare not had eeeaaiou to take any for months. I have been the ineans of getting others to use oz:me and wrl always spealt. a good word forst, Wan great tl,i.t.....tue,s, y oars, 5i,•,aed, s 1 X11 C::^.t'rn, heft St., Turu:itu j,c.tctiun, Ont. Pow)ey's ;emi-see *tette le :.caa l..r;10 bot" tie, hoe. small size. ,Flt drugs,:: •, rr f:otn the laboratoric,s of the oaone Co., uf'roruat:,, 54nti- ted, 43t:olaorne St, Amato, Auto by A. Le Hamilton, Winghama fatten tster, Whi:o. of S't-'' s el i:; said to ha'Fe. unearthed eontee:irg rat ,'r unusual tett Friday Ile;t.. I#,, ,. . :t,• tank, of trate ps stet of e, tele . , .., .y 'what he took to be e 1 m , :t'. ; . . flat, On being brought teeth t., • . t. of deyy, this l•rovtt In be zt A- iilall's t:atgtit gC. Slee t:t,i,l y":,, q .«• i;i!• Wife of one of thte men and vie ., u:arrringo certificate. Sho was 1 =,•;.�,r of age and her husband 10. 'x :., z v., t beating their way to ltiielel l:l :..,,i ti , were let go ou their way rejoicing.