HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-12-21, Page 2wheat a* aSittoktt.
o•' girl* aleisa4y Beedtheensee suffered
• from abieent.nduelodmsis and was•
bequeatly oo•Iupell ed. to look the assist-
;>taiotl of hue ttnrvtLLUt, eal7s a Loudon
"Velum," be would say, " flume
just b "t 1a ltenam; for something and now
I eater :tests eel,er what it is,"whereupon
the oblirit ,; i'et)tlt is invariably made
sug„ eetiomm
"Was it you' partici or spectacles ei
cheque book, el:," and so Ult he would
.etlrpairo, till ni hit upon the right object
the, night after the old gentlemen hurl
retired, the tall ran; for Thomas, and
pn rrilebim; the bedroom lie found h's
master g n :di:ig,". restlessly about the
"Thomas, 'Phomas," he slid, "I eanie
up here for s• •utothiug and now I've fur-
gotten wht.t•"
" Wee le tit g i to be tl," stlg;gt'sted the
faithful r.
,4 ..h 1 tilt v••' y thing, the very thing.
'1l ttui t , Ti renes. Geed tight."
�Q''t��: aria ami.
rtiir infa,rts and. Child-reu.
The fag.,
114;,- every
c✓'✓+, wrap,sa
The worst thin,; a
painter has to con.
with is the tor.
The lead, of course,
is bad too.
But the turpentine
cuts the kidneys, in-
flames es and weakens
them, makes the
L. painter's life a clan-
;1'.7sYss gorses and trouble-
some one. When a pcittter'sbact:aches, its
time for hint to begin treating the kidneys.
will 11x th ni up—take out the inflammation
and conge t:cn, give ease to the aching
1<1r. J, Evanson, the well-known painter
and c:,:cm-aims ,o Oxford St.,' Toronto,
Ont., said: Abc :t eight weeks ago I was
taken with an exert: dating pain in my back
over the „kidneys. It was so bad that my
.vita had to ripply het cloths till the doctor
came rind rave me morphine.
' 1 -le said tLo trouble was due to a'stone
passing from the kidney to the bladder.
i My water was loaded with a brief: dust
deposit and scalded on passing.
While in this condition I Beard ofDoan's
Kidney Pills and started taking them.
It was not long before L.got relief from
/min and have been improving in health ever
since. Ws.' urine is now clear and docs not
.sm.rt ass, t.nd 1 fiel better than irt years.
r ,7Irl, i�6�' I9l S = These little
Lf1Ii.i' LIi'- 1 ...i.G s black fellows
act easily and. naturally on the system,
clearing away all bile and effete material.
Constipation, biliousness, dyspepsia, sick
-headache, heartburn, waterbrash --all dis-
t appear when they aro used. Price 25e.
To Eat.
The pain, nausea and dis-
tress that Dyspeptics suffer
after every meal can all be
permanently removed by Bur-
dock Blood Bitters.
It tones up and restores the
. stomach to normal condition so
that it digests food without
causing discomfort.
1 Here's proof positive:
, Miss Maggie Splude, Dalhousie, N.B.,
wrote the following: `' I have been a
sufferer from Liver Com fllaint and Dys-
pepsia for the past two years and felt
very miser:0)1o. I could not take mtloll
food ns it hart' me to ekt. My friends
t said, ' Why don't you tie, B.B.B.' I did
so, using; two bottles, which made such a
complete rune that I can now eat any-
thing I like withont it causing the discom-
Every Organ of the Body Toned
up and Invigorated by
Mr. F. W. Meyers, King St, N., Berlin,
Ont., Faye: "1 suffered for five years
with palpitation, slloetness 6f breath,
teleeplesene:es• and pain in the hetet, but
one bo, of Milburn's Heart anal Nerve
P1lie a et plc tely removed all time, dis-
tressing t :niptnms. I have not suffered
dace 'biking t!!c'.n, end noel sleep well
sumac feel etrong feel vigorous."
Milburn n Bract and Nerve T'i11e etre
WI dieensen nriving fret weak heart,
Wont out nerve tirsues, or waters blood.
-,.a_ais _.
Willie Gooier, son of John Oovier, of
the filth ecu, Millet, got his arm broke
by a kick from a horse.
Mr. Win. Dickison, of Carrick, County
O"mutissiuncr, has sold his farm for:
VA() aud ht: will retire to private life,,
Prot ally iii ;'iilctinay.
,trsT I4 that dcht
will care, ere quicktyr quieted by 11:il-
buru'e Sterling headache Powders. Price
leo. turd :lice at all dealers. I?ofiese
J. 0. Miller, late of the Clarendon,
Clinton, has decided to go into the
nw h•)lesalo liquor business at the Canadian
S o aud will be joined by his son in the
o tarSe of a couple ofweeks.
Three c'f Mildiney'S hotelmen were up
in Waltertou ` before P. M. Miller,
charged with doing -business during pro-
hibit.ad hours. A great maty others
were summoned as witnesses.
In cases of catarrh Hood's Sarsaparilla
heals the tissuess, builds up the system,
expels impurities from tae blood and
At the municipal elections inGoderich
in Januar/ there will probably bo at
least four ballots—one for the harbor
mill by-law, one for the cow by-law, one
for county councillors, and one for town
oouneillurs—and possibly a fifth, for
\Vtu. Hood, of Ilowick, has return-
ed irons a visit to t:,e 'Western States,
where hu had gene un a;:cuunt of the
sen ious illucss of his son Andrew. We
are pleased. to know that the latter is
improving and arrived.hoino here some
days before his father.
Take a Laxa-Liver Pill before retiring,
and ir, will work while you sleep with-
out a aril) or gripe curing Biliousness,
Constipation and Dy spepssa and make
you Leel better ill the morning. Price 25e.
Wm. Ewan of State Li)ue Mills, Penn.,
U.S., is visiting his nephew, D. Ewan,
of Brussels. It is 49 years since the old
gentleman left the Old Sod, and though
nu had never seen his nephew he knew
him when he met him at the station
freta his likeness to his father.
Mrs. Thos. Mullin, forifierly of Luck-
uow, died at Toronto Hospital on. Fri-
day, Dec. 7th. An operation was per-
formed ou the Monday previous, which
at first appeared successful, but on Fri-
day horning a change took place, and
she sank rapidly until evening when she
passed peacefully away-.
If the child is restlessat night, has
coated tougue, sallow complexion, a dose
of Miller's Worm Powders is what is
required; pleasant, harmless. Sold by
A. L. Hvmiiton.
The electric light auleement between
the; village of Blyth andElam Living -
stun has been signed. The franchise is
for ten years; the village does not take
any more street lights than at present
anti Mr, Livingston' receives the same
nieney as formerly, which is nearly
WO per annum. Mr. Livingston is to
employ ten workmen the year round in
his saw mill, and should the mill cease
to run the franchise become forfeited.
Heart -Sick People.—Dr. Agnew's
Cure for the Heart is. a heart tonic that
never fails to cure—is swift in its effects—
goes closer to the " border land " and
snatches from death's grip more sufferers
than any, other remedy for any family of
diseases and ailments in the category of
human sufferings. Gives relief in 3o
minutes. -75
Bold by A. L. Hamilton.
David Cantelou returned on Tuesday
from Toronto, where he closed up his
season's apple operations, says The
Clinton News -Record. 1900 has been a
fairly good year for the buyers, though
it did not by any means recoup them for
their heavy losses last season. The
average price paid per barrel was fifty
cents; in 1899 it was $1.75. This year's
output from Huron will not exceed 20,-
000 barrels, Mr. Cantelon estimates,
while last year it was in the neighbor-
hood of 200,000.
A dose of Miller's .`Worm Powders
occasionally will keep the children
healthy. Sold by A. L. Hamilton.
Jo'.ln McLellan, one of Huron town-
ship's pioneers died at his home near
Amberley on Tuesday, Dec. 4th, at the
age of 76 years. The deceased was born
in Invernesshiue, North West Scotland,
76 years ago, and emigrated to Canada
in the year 1860. For many years he
wan section boss in Michigan and
Nebraska, but 32 years; ago ho purchased
the farm in the township of Huron,
where he lived until his death. He was
a member of the Presbyterian church of
Ashfield,. and was a conscientious and
kindhearted man living on good terms
with his neighbors and inuch respected
hi the community. He leaves a wife
and four daughters.
A happy event took place at Clinton
on Wednesday ()Oast week, when Miss
Bertha M., youngest daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. John Bean, was united in
love's holy bonds to Oliver Jervis, Gode-
rich. township, Rev. W. G. Hodgson, of.
Ratteubury street, church, officiating,
The attendants were Miss.; O. Jervis as
bridesmaid, land Nilson 'rewartha as
groomsman. The 'wedding supper was
partaken of and heartily enjoyed by
those present, who consisted of only the
families of the contracting parties with
few intimate friends. lvtr. and Mrs:.
Jervie, who are very popular among
their large circle of friends, were the
recipients of Ott large and valuable array
of gifts, They will make their home in
Goderich township, attended by the
good WiiillataS oifi ]ell for a happy and long
life of prosperity.
:Miller's Grip Powders Core. Solt- by
A. L. Hamilton,
This week we aro called up'm to uote
the death of'Catharine Hartley, wife of
'lames Me( iii, at her late house, Rattan.
bury street, Clinton. Site was ill only
a short time, the cause of her demise W-
iitg peritonitis, and site passed peace-
fully away
on Monday,
,Deo, 10th, at
the- good old age : of 73 years aud 7
months. Mr. and Ales. McGill former-
ly came from Peterboro, afterwasrt'.s
reinoving to Gorrie, whore they resided
fur :10 years; they lived in other places
in Ontario and aleo in Manitoba fur a
time but during the past six years their
hone has been he Clinton. They were
blessed with a family oil four, but
Thomas cried in Winnipeg, tho surviving
metubers, with her' husband, being
Robert J,, of St. Loam; Mrs. R.Olutter-
ham, of Winnipeg, lied Mrs. F, W.
Watts, of Clinton. Bt?th Mr, and Mrs.
McGill were Presbyterians in religious
Rheurtiatinr'n wiri succumb to
South American Rheumatic Cure because
it goes right to the seat of the trouble and
removes the cause. Many so-called cures but
deaden pain temporarily only, to have it re-
turn again witn doubled violence. Not so
with this great remedy. s• It eradicates from
the system the last vestige of the disease
and its cures arepermanert-74
t~okt by A. L. Hamilton.
Another of the pioneer settlers of
Ethel, in the personpf Mrs. Rachel
Spence, relict of the late James Spence,
departed this life ou Friday, 7t11 inst.,
of ter a long and painful illness, which
she born with marited patience, at the
advancer- age of 81 years. Mr. and Mrs.
Spence cane to thin neighborhood 35
years ago and engaged in general store
l(65. From the 'firsttheir -
t on, influence
was of a moulding character for good
aud to theta it is largely due the credit
of the organization of the Presbyterian
church at Ethel. Mrs Spence was kind,
genial and a succourer of many in time of
sickness and distress. ;She always took
a lively interest in the' welfare of the
community and will be much missed but
our loss is her gain. She fellcasleep iu
Jesus who had been her lifelong comfort
and support. She leaves one son,
William, Postmaster of Ethel and
Township Clerk of Grey, and three
daughters, Mrs. Jas.jraird, Grey; Mrs.
(Rev). Audrew Wilson, Rosemont; and
Mrs. (Rev). T. G. Thomson, Hamilton.
Women have at last become interest-
ed iu walking aud it is to be hoped some
good results may follow. How many of
us have not watched the mincing, jerky
steps of au, otherwise adorable woman
androan d inspirit
g e at our utter help-
lessness to eradicate the wrong? But
thea comes the startling and unpleasant
thought, perhaps we, too, are at fault.
How is a WOrnau to know?
It is best to walk slowly unless ab-
solutely necessary to hurry. A kirl of
17 may trip along with impunity, , but
when a woman of 30 or 40 tries it, the
result is not so pleasant. One woman
said recently that she walked easier
when she kept a march : time in her
mind, but as all are not musical, that
rule could never become general. Our
mothers;tuld ns to let ou>± arms•hang.
naturally and modesty' at `kin. sides.
Then came the modern girl a few sea-
son's ago, who nearly tore her arms
from their sockets with, her pendulum
swings. Neither extreme is desirable.
If after study the matter carefully there
is 86.11 doubt, why not ask the opinion of
some fair minded person? not the dear-
est friend, who wouldn't offend you for
the world -but some one who would tell
the truth, and don't get angry if it isn't
just what you expected.
Every Movement Hurts
When you have rheumatism. Muscles
feel stiff and sore and joints aro painful.
It does not pay to suffer long from this
disease when it may be cured so prompt-
ly and. perfectly by Hood's Sarsaparilla.
This medicine goes eight to the spot,
neutralizes the acidy of the blood, which
causes rheumatism, and puts an end to
the pain and stiffness,
Biliousness is cured by Hood's Pills. 25c.
May Irwin's NevtPlay.
Here are a few of May Irwin's jokes
in her new farce, "The Belle of Bringe-
"I look forward to attending that
funeral with great pleasure."
"Of course it's going to be one of the
Most exclusive interments of the
"Many a man who never proposed has
suddenly found himself acecepted."
"She lives .in our square but doesn't
move in our circle,"
"Have you read her took book? The
opening chapter is entitled "How to Cook
Canvas Back on a Tenement House
Hauge.' "
"Since mother and sister joined this
woman's club, pop says that the, only
face he sees at home belongs to the
Mrs. J. B. Rusk, Ruskview, Ont.,
says: "I have used Hagyard's Yellow
011 for chilblains, and found it most
effectual It relieved the irritation.
almost immediately and a fere applies.
tion made a eolnpleto cure."
If expectations tiro realized, the out-
put of copper* for 1000 will retich
000,000 pounds, vaned at $42,60,000,
the largest on record.
Marrying lit Germany.
Elopements are never heard of itt
Germany,. and yet tht'ra isno seek thing
as getting married there without the
omnsent of the parents. Certain prescri-
bed forms nnrst be gone through or the
marriage is null and void. When a girl
has arrived- at what is considered i1 mar-
riageable age her parents make a point
of inviting yours:; ligan to the hong:), and
usually two or three aro invited at the
1 L`i1
cram time„ s that, the intention t
Kane u tla zrs
t ,. of Y
not sceus too point4d.
No young man, ftow'ever, is invited
to the house until be has called at least
once and signified,, his wish to have
sooitil iutc'reourso With the fancily. If he
takes to calling ou Severe' occasions iu
rather close sueeessiun ib is taken for
granted that he has leis"teutious" and he
may be questioned ooucerning them, In
Germany the man ',must be at least
eighteen years of rte before he eau
make a proposal, but vt•heu it is made
aud accepted the pz•tiposal is speedily
followed by' the betrothal. This gener-
ally takes place privately, shortly after
which the father of the bride; as she is
then called, gives a dinner to the most
iutimate friends on both sides, when
the fact is declared.
What is known as. the pay -wedding
is popular in Germany. The bride re-
ceives the guests with a basin set before
her, and into this basin each visitor en-
tering the reception -room drops in
either some jeweleryr a silver spoon or
a piece of money. Itt .tomo parts of the
country the expense of the marriage feast
is met by each guest paying for what
they may eat or drink. It would stritte
us a very'curious reception, eception, but the
visitors pay big prices, and the happy
couple makes a handsome profit out of
their weddsug, as many as 800 visitors
often being present at Stroh festivities.
7)estroyes, Worms.
Mrs. John Lowe, New Germn,ny, N. S.
writes: "I have given Dr. Low's Worm
Syrup to my children with excellent
results. They are fond of taking it and
it acts perfectly, requiring no cathartic
The number of suidides in the German
Empire last year was 10,700.
Statistics of the Paris Exhibition,
which have just been finished, show
that the total number of persons who
entered the grounds was 4800,3.01.
Miller's Compound Iron Pills, only 25
cents for 50 doses. Sold by A. L. Hamil
The profit ou England's postal service
amounts to about $2,000,000 a year.
A prizefighter is in his prime at from
20 to 26 years of age.
Children Cry for
The old lady who left her nephew her
set of false teeth by way of a legacy had
a fine sense of humor. She probably
wished to convey that if he didn't exactly
belong to her set while she was alive,
her set should in any case bo his when
she died.—"Pick-Me-Up." •
a;;1 CH, A. W CHASE.3 y
,. ,'a rl,r.t ,.,,•.ill„'0.�`d
. t , ala
1, •,,, „•tail..,: t:fr
I a,v i et•,•r, tirow
,t 1 $. f, \,/, 'a..,.
nn• ,•d :lnff•,'s
FREE 19O1�' EE
Those desiring a Burdock
Blood Bitters Almanac for the
year 19ot will be supplied by
their druggist or general mer-
chant free of cost by calling or
sending to their place of busi-
ness for same, or will be sent
by mail tree on receipt of a
two -cent stamp for postage.
Addr'ess THE T. MILBURN CO.,
Limited, TORONTO.
Before, 'After' WOW'S Phospho&iaa,
•The Great English Remedy.
Sold end recommended by all
druggists in Canada, Only reli-
able medicine discovered. Six
packages guaranteed to cure all
forms of Sexual Wpp kness, all meets of abuse
or excess, Mental worry. Etccellsive us^ of To.
ba000, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on ..eoeipt
of price, one package $i, six. $5. OnC t,a _crease,
ilewiticure. Pamphlets free to any address.
The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont.
'wood's Phosphidine Is sold. in. Winghnm by
Colin A. Cainpbt'll, A. A. Morrow, T, E. Davis,
A. L. Hamilton, Druggists.
.i4.3 pure and cold and
COStS... • . . . r . . .611 .. .
TIM= cuivre . tat1ARM..
nnrL':III .n,n!I'PIN�II�II!0111'I'IIIIII1111111Uleaqununi.
O F ---
`ice ° A P 3R
Oastorla is put up in one-sizo bottles only. It
is not sold in bulk, Don't allots anyouo to sell
yon anything oleo on the plea cr promise that it
is "just as good'” and "will answer every ptr-
poso,” . '' Boo that yon got 0 -A -8 -T -0-1/.3.-A.
Tho fso-
sIgn taro
papplootOMOr .
No other disease is so prevalent among men as Varicocele. As it interferes with
the untrition,of the sexual organs it produces emissions, loss of semen through the
urine, decay of the organs. pains in tite loins, aching in the back, nervousness, des-
pondency, bashfulness, palpitation of the heart, constipation, and acomb-nation o:
these results f,, complete .,use oQ:.%lantood. `l hon -ands of young an' middle-
aged men are teoubled with Stricttare. If you have reason to believe ou are
aftt,cted with it, don't neglect it. It will ruin you. Don't let doctors erp.ri .tent
on you by cutting, stretching or tearing it. Our New Method Treut.usent
dissolves the stricture tissue hence it disappears and can never return W ,.nre
Varicocele and Stricture without operation or loss of time. The treatmen ma,' be
taken at home privately. •Send for our i'ree Illustrated Book on Vairrcocele,
Stricture and picot. Wo guarantee to Cure or Pio Pay.
All sexual complaints affect these organs, hence the kidneys are a great source
of disease. Have you aching or weakness over the small of the back, tendency to
yrinate frequently, deposit in urine, coldness of hands or feet, a drowsy feeling in
the morning. Don't neglect your kidneys. Our New Method Tr..a.tmacrat
is guaranteed to cure any disease of these organs or no pay.
Names Used Without Written Consent.
O. W. Powe, of Jackson, !!Mich., says:—I bad
varicocele in the secondary stage aud two
strictures of 8 years standing. I was operated
on twice. undergoing great suffering, but only
got temporary relief. I was finally advised to
try the New Method Treatment of Drs.
K. St Ii. The enlarged veins disappeared in
six weeps. the stricture tissue was removed in
eight weeks and my sexual energy and vitality
returned so I was a man in every respect. I
recommend you doctors with my whole heart."
Before Treatment, e I ftcr Treatment..
We treat and mire Nervous Debility. Lost Manhood, Varicocele, Stricture, Syph-
ilis%Gleet, weal: Parts. Gonorrhoea and Unnatural Discharges. Consultation Free.:
Books Free. Write tor Question List for Home Treatment.
! � ennedyt & Kergan,DETROIT, MICiII.
Agents, Why Don't You Send
for a Free Prospectus .•
of CANADA'S SONS .ON KOPJI AND VELDT ? It is the latest
book out. An agent just reports 51 sales in 8 days, another
26 in 4 days. Big Book, sumptuously illustrated, and is so'
cheap it sells on sight.
Send for a FREE PROSPECTUS before you
sleep, and make money easy and quick.
With the "Armour Proof" Brand
are the strongest heavy "Double
Duck" rubbers.
They wear best` 'because made
of purest rubber, and mare of it
than in any other Heavy rubber.
Extra heavy, real tap soles
pure rubber.
They Stand the Wear.
See that the rubbers you buy
have the "Armour Proof " brand
on the sig de, like the cut.
Sold at all dealers'.
Made by the oldest and best
Rubber Company in Canada:
The Canadian Rubber Co.
, i l
; -^r r 1,, :1 , e o i nil;
silniltltinp theFocd and Reg tlla-
ting the Stomachs ar.1f3QweIs of
Hess andRest.Contains neither
opnuln,Morphine nor lateral.
NOT N C ®Tim.
.m.,, sCIOld llr..CIML' wF
Primpkui Sea,*
Reseals Salts -
. 100 Seca e
irppermiat -
Ili Carknrtrtair[
Fib,' -ma seed -.
Clrrffrid Stgrrr, .
(irahtraerox now:
Aperfect Remedy for Constipa-
tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhpea, !.
Wortrts ,Couvulsions ,Feverish-
ness and Loss OF SLEEP.
Tac Simile Signature of s
.. -4,2,„1,k.ar t�SVd�I'+° „ee e ye {t
yeQ......y .r„a„
O F ---
`ice ° A P 3R
Oastorla is put up in one-sizo bottles only. It
is not sold in bulk, Don't allots anyouo to sell
yon anything oleo on the plea cr promise that it
is "just as good'” and "will answer every ptr-
poso,” . '' Boo that yon got 0 -A -8 -T -0-1/.3.-A.
Tho fso-
sIgn taro
papplootOMOr .
No other disease is so prevalent among men as Varicocele. As it interferes with
the untrition,of the sexual organs it produces emissions, loss of semen through the
urine, decay of the organs. pains in tite loins, aching in the back, nervousness, des-
pondency, bashfulness, palpitation of the heart, constipation, and acomb-nation o:
these results f,, complete .,use oQ:.%lantood. `l hon -ands of young an' middle-
aged men are teoubled with Stricttare. If you have reason to believe ou are
aftt,cted with it, don't neglect it. It will ruin you. Don't let doctors erp.ri .tent
on you by cutting, stretching or tearing it. Our New Method Treut.usent
dissolves the stricture tissue hence it disappears and can never return W ,.nre
Varicocele and Stricture without operation or loss of time. The treatmen ma,' be
taken at home privately. •Send for our i'ree Illustrated Book on Vairrcocele,
Stricture and picot. Wo guarantee to Cure or Pio Pay.
All sexual complaints affect these organs, hence the kidneys are a great source
of disease. Have you aching or weakness over the small of the back, tendency to
yrinate frequently, deposit in urine, coldness of hands or feet, a drowsy feeling in
the morning. Don't neglect your kidneys. Our New Method Tr..a.tmacrat
is guaranteed to cure any disease of these organs or no pay.
Names Used Without Written Consent.
O. W. Powe, of Jackson, !!Mich., says:—I bad
varicocele in the secondary stage aud two
strictures of 8 years standing. I was operated
on twice. undergoing great suffering, but only
got temporary relief. I was finally advised to
try the New Method Treatment of Drs.
K. St Ii. The enlarged veins disappeared in
six weeps. the stricture tissue was removed in
eight weeks and my sexual energy and vitality
returned so I was a man in every respect. I
recommend you doctors with my whole heart."
Before Treatment, e I ftcr Treatment..
We treat and mire Nervous Debility. Lost Manhood, Varicocele, Stricture, Syph-
ilis%Gleet, weal: Parts. Gonorrhoea and Unnatural Discharges. Consultation Free.:
Books Free. Write tor Question List for Home Treatment.
! � ennedyt & Kergan,DETROIT, MICiII.
Agents, Why Don't You Send
for a Free Prospectus .•
of CANADA'S SONS .ON KOPJI AND VELDT ? It is the latest
book out. An agent just reports 51 sales in 8 days, another
26 in 4 days. Big Book, sumptuously illustrated, and is so'
cheap it sells on sight.
Send for a FREE PROSPECTUS before you
sleep, and make money easy and quick.
With the "Armour Proof" Brand
are the strongest heavy "Double
Duck" rubbers.
They wear best` 'because made
of purest rubber, and mare of it
than in any other Heavy rubber.
Extra heavy, real tap soles
pure rubber.
They Stand the Wear.
See that the rubbers you buy
have the "Armour Proof " brand
on the sig de, like the cut.
Sold at all dealers'.
Made by the oldest and best
Rubber Company in Canada:
The Canadian Rubber Co.