HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-12-21, Page 1r 4
VOL, XXVIII,--NO, 1496,
ee `PI/ rarANiteibribite"4.1111s1"4104•1
II •
for the purchase of fall and
• winter Suits is at hand. We
have a magnificent range of
Tweeds, Worsteds, etc, Im-
ported and Canadian goods
from the hest mak.rs. Please
.do us a favor 'looking
through our sto
Do You Want an
• -or fall or winter Suit. If so,
J. J. Hornuth & Sons is THE
• Place where Quality, Price
and satisfaction can be found
-combined within reach of all.
.Boots and Shoes
In this line our stock is
large, well -assorted, and corn-
-prised of goods from the best
makers, •Our prices touch
Call and inspect our goods.
Ho uth & Ses
Marriage Licenses
lasted by PRANN PATERSON', No. 23 Victoria
-street. Whigham, Ont, No witnesses required.
•'Central Business College
Stratford, Ont.
1( '--
'place in Canada for High Grade training in
HAND, TYPEWRITING, &c. Our graduates
are highly .successful in obtaining excellent
positions with business firing. Tho demand
inade Upon us during the last three years by
badness colleges for our graduates to take
positions ns teachers in their schools has been
exactly' six times the supply. Titig shows that
our college enjoys •a flue reputation for
atiperior work. Send for catalogue=
W. J: ELLIOTT. Prineipal.
„If )ry.•
lea€4746 --ker
G9-> r4 ora
The best assprtment of
A big range of
Or a full line of
Fresh, Choice Fancy
row require to
•• Opp. Bank of Hamilton. 0
House to Let or Sell.
you to attend the Forest City
Basitiess and Shorthand College, Lon-
- don, Ont. Practical instruction ii
prentical subjeets. For over fifteen
,•:rititts we have been in tout& With. young
14'), 1 pi3ople and their needs, and the business.
• Worlk1 and its recrairettlentS.
Every facility tit command for aiding
-ting people both before and after
We are doing superior wOrk; restilts
prove it.
Send for our Catalogue and College
Four bed -rooms; drawing room, dining room
and Idtelen; two pantries, hard and soft
water; wood shed, Apply to
See Halsey Park's advertisement.
Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Penn.. an -
ship, Business Arithmetic, Cor ,spon-
dance and Typewritin • ar strictly
taught individually • at 'Sullivan
Business College,Shaw b Wingham,
Two doors from the Brunswick Hotel.
Pourernie Sfiow.—T e dates for the
Huron Poultry show to be held in
Gies:Jeri& haveheen ch nged to 5th, Gth,
and 7th Of February. .. 3. G. jarir of
Montreal7 has been a ointed,j ae.
• For couches•and e y try'
C. O. F. MEETIN —Regular meeting
of Court Maitland, . 0. F. was held on
Friday 'evening. Niinitiation Of °faders
took place. The ext regular meeting
will be held next F 'iday evening, 'Dec.
28th, when further 0MinatiOn Will be
made and officers ill be ele ed'-••
Ladies, Misses a
and overstockings;
Xmas wear at Gila
Kittilon, C. P. R. s
laid off work indefi
stand that all the
between. Wingham
thisis the case it
foreman fpr eyery five to eight
d Chi s' overg tors
t e ight artie for
R OF HANDS .3, v.
ction man has been
itely. We under -
en have,been laid off
and Orangeville. If
will leave onl the
es of
men wanted to -work
r Of good
the woods.
Apply to McLean & So at Wingharn
saw mills.
XMAS. BUPPLEMENT.—Subscribers to
the TIMES WhO pay fn advance for 1901
will receive. a free copy of our Xmas.
Supplement. A limited number has
been received and the subscriber who
wants one ought to see that his subscrip-
tion is paid for 1901. New subscribers who
pay for 1901 also get a free copy. Sub-
scribers will do us a favor by making
this offer known to non -subscribers.
Subscribers who have not paid in
advance will know the reason why they
do not get the Xmas, Supplement, This
notice tells how they can get it.
MONEY TO LOAN.—Money to loan on
notes, and notes discounted at reason-
able rates, Money advanced on mort-
gages, with privilege of paying at the
end of any year. Notes and accounts
eollected. Office—Beaver Block, Wing -
A branch of the well
will c2 i
be bo established in
after the New Year aolidays,
The course comprises individual in*
struotion in
Book Keeping, '
Penmanship, thorthanil;
Typerriting, Etc.
pity and Viveming Classes
Further partielilar0 in our
next issue.
Bargains in. all WWI
• The old - reliable S
headquarters for ell 1;
cigars and pipes,
county council in Div
posed of East and
Winghaut and Blyth
Wheeler's wagon el
Monday next, Deem
Messrs. Patterson,
Webster have nun
The Town of. Wiagliant
=mud of funds to leid
Apply to J. B. Pena
O. V. elected the fo
its last regular in
Hamilton; S. C. R.,
Dr. Chisholm; See.,
jSfeil Haines; J. W.,
W. Kerr; 3. 13.,
Officer, Dr, Chislu
Moore and Rebt.
Baxter, Jo Mc
Mitchell. •
oatwear at
er restaurant is
lids of tobaeeos.
nations for Huron
sum No. 7y coin-
Weet Wawanosh,
will be held in,
p ab Bolgrave, on
eber 24th, at 1 p,
ttutrt, Lockhart and
iced theles es OR
LI .4
so limited
arm weevilly.
, Treasurer.
Corot Huron, A.
llowitig officers, at
tiug:—C. R., Jas.
Ed. Nash; Treas.,
rank Shore;
Elmer Moore; S.13.,
ill Scott; Medical
1; Trustees, , Elmer
orth; Auditors, John
alums and ' chie
WANTED—Choice Roll
Also dried apples and foe,
Furs—No. 1, Miuk or Fol
tter, 20c.
Also Raw
G. E. Knee..
winter term, in th Central Business
College, Stratford, Ont., begins on
Vfeclnesclay, Januar 2nd, 1901. • This
well-known institat' n enjoys an exten-
sive patronage becai ce it 'does firstrelass
work. We tinders& nd its graduates aro
very successful in •ecuring good posi-
tions. Write to th Principal, Mr. W.
J. Elliott, for a c elope if you wish
particulars about his School. The
advertisement cif t e college appears in
another column.
Now is the time fo young maenad
womeu te att in a ()rough and practical,
Business 0 ron at home, by at-
tending th; ullivau Busness College,
Shaw block, Wingham. •• • •
S. 0. S. Ore-Ionas t the regular
meeting of Camp Cal donia, S. 0. S., on
Monday evening, the • following officers
were elected for 10 1:—Chief, N. A.
Farquherson ; Past C lief, D. Stewart;
Chieftain, Wm. Nich lson; Chap., Chas,
Elliott; PhysicianseD s, Macdonald and
Agnew; Rec. Sec., H B. Elliott; Fin.
•see., W. Taylor; Tre W. ROlines
Marshall; ' G. Davi. son "Slander&
Bearer, • Fred Hardi •; S. Guard, D.
Currie; • 3. Guard, Frank Anderson;
Trustees, Wm, Nic olson, Alex. Ross
and John Murra ; Auditors, John
Murray and D. Stew rt; Pipers, D. E.
McDonald and Pet Stew '; Repre-
sentaiives to Grand amp . Stewart;
Alternative, W. Ta lor The officers
will be installed at he regular meeting
to be held on the rst Monday evening
in January.
When you win something n and
up-to-date, some Iling which as not
been in stock fi the 1 venty-five
years come and 'ramble o Hues. Wo
have artieles fo every • e's purse and
everyone's taste. Pull lines of fancy
china, cushion o' vers, 6311,, dolls ferni-
tare, toys, books, etc. at
hews of the death of Chreles Bradwin,
third son of Jose h Breravin of this
town reached. he .0 on Friday last.
Charlie, as he wassetter knowu to the
people a Wingha died very suddenly
itt Vancouver on Thursday last. Ho
had been trouble more or less with his
heart for some•ti e and this is thought
to be the cause f his sudden death,
though no partic lars are yet to hand.
Mr. Bradwin wo ked for many years in
Wingham iu C. . Griffin's grocery store
and left here to 'ork with Mr. Seli in
Harriston. He so managed a branch
store for Mr. Se at Hanover for some
time. Some ye s ago he took the post-
tiei of traveller •r Robinson, Little &
Co., of London and represented this
firm in British olUmbia with head-
quarters in Va ouv • Ho leaves a
widow and ono el ilc vho were called
to Mrs. Bradwin' ho ne in Hanover some
few weeks ago to ttend the funeral of
her father; also aving his father and
mother and. ix brothers. Mr.
Bradwin had not visited his
home hero for three •years, but had
intended taking hree months holidays
during this what r and join his wife in
Ontario and visi with friends; The re-
mains are being brolight home accom-
panied by anoth r brother who is it re-
sident of Kanilo ps, B. a, and inter.
ment will take p nee at Hanover to -day.
The bereaved relatives have the
sympathy of tl e tOilthinnity in this
their hour of bet avement.
pay the highest market price for any
vanity of good heat delivered at our
mill. We are way behind our orders
for flour but can ot get enough wheat to
keep our mill Mg. Bring A grist
along With you and get some of our
Star Flour wh eh is the best ou the
market te.clay. • And as for chopping,
we do the beg ork in the county and
• do not keep ot mistomere waiting as
we ean grind fr 8000 to 5000 lies per
Out roses, all kinds f flower wreaths
anal ot flowers at Jas McKeivie's.
A flue lino of perfu les, hair brushes,
pooket books et,
Haw row's drug store,
0. C. BANNR, 'T.—The American
Order of Chosen 1 iends, one of the
largest fraternal th f ranee associations
of the United Sta e is insolvent and
Unable to meet claim; aggregating
$800,000. The An man order has no
teinnection with tl e Canadian instiln-
tion of the sawo ne.
Headquarters fo Smite, Claus is a
WANTAD.--GOOse, duck and Ilea
feathers. Highest price paid.
arbitrators who werl appointed by the
county eouncil ip t e matter of the for-
mation of a new ion sehool section
comprising portioJs of the townships of
Dlorris and Hull tt met at Blyth on
Thursday, Dees er 20th. The arbi-
trators were His Ilonor Judge Masson,
Win. Clegg, of Ingham, and Wm.
Coats, of Clinton.
Fresh oysters always ou hand; down
to old price; served in all styles at
SEIZING PROPERT .--D, Stewart of-
fers his farm for s o in the town of
iu whole r in part, will sell
82 acres across the tailway or 25 acres
south of .Victoria et As the town is en-
larging and more h use will be required
we will bo compell d to survey and sell
lots, and give cheat bargains to build up
the town, and ma e Wingham One of
the best towns in Western Ontario.
Any orders for sales left at the Times
office willyeceive prompt attention,. J.
3: Currie, aucitioneer. • •
Faetmens' Ixsrrrur .—The meetings of
the West Hnron Par ers' Institute hold
in Wingham ou Tue ay afternoon and
evening were not as 'trgoly attended as
they should have b en. Some capital
•.addresses weregive Time would not
allow us to -give a le ith1y report of the
meetings. A list o the different meet-
ings to be held • the Institute in
Huron comity dux g January and Feb
ruaty willbe fon in another column.
A large and fine ssortment of candies,
mats, dates?, figs, 'wages, bananas; and
pme-apples for ho 'deg' trade at the Star
stra.unt. •
elite -Campbell,
brother Of our ownsinany Peter and
Alex Campbell, ied at Crosahill on Deana, -
day of this w c -k. Mr, Campbell had
been &filleted w tit a paralytiostroke scene
clays before his death. The shock 'was
too much for h me Mr. and Mrs. Alex
Campbell wen to Crosshill on Saturday,
when news cat e of the less of Mr.
Campbell and •eter Cat ell attended
the funeral thi week
FOR SALE:— tore ROW occupied by'
Hanna's shoe s ore, for sale. Apply to
D. Stewart.
A GOOD Rn ORD.—Wm. Robertson,
the town collec or of taxes may feel
proud of the r: ord that he has made
this year in coil ting the taxes. Out of
the total taxes o the roll of $12899.89,
only $414 remain d unpaid on the evening
of Dee. 14th. "ard no 2 is the banner
ward of the tow in the payment of
taxes. Every do lar of collectable taxes
in that wart was paid on or before the
lith. This recor also shows that money
is freer and that the rule of adding 5 per
cent. after the 1 th of December will bo
We do not pretend to have the 1 est
stock but we do say' that we e he
best selected,the newest and ost up-to-
date stook in town. Co e d see your-
self. We offer bargain fine Japan-
ese chma. XraftS cards and calenders.
A large stock of all lines of Imes goods
at fair prices.
Next door to Post &lice.
We Should Like to Help You
in the selection of your holiday pur-
chases, by showing you our stook of
suitable goods, including
Toilet, Manicure and Dressing Sets,
Bohemian Glass, Cut Glass and
Japanese Goods.
Perfume, Atomizers and Smelling
0130111 Gilt-lses and Optical Goods,
Smoker's Sets, Pipes and Cigar
Mti't.th Safes, Ash and Pin Trays,
Purses, Whist Holders, Mirrors and
Vett will be pleased with both seeds and
Call and have us lay wattle your choice,. before
the Steck is taxa Much picked over.
Campbell's Headaelie Wafers guitran-
teeeaMerry Christin s to all.
to euro headache-
-To -day is the rtest day in the
—Mr. Reid of S. pier has in d
with his family to tcfwn.
Ladies felt Shoes ne mper.ty Al
Xmas gifts at W. J. ER'S. •
—A great deal of ood has been de-
livered to Wingliam luring the week.
c,—eThe Berlin E ess, the third paper
in that towu, has c sea. publication.
fi—Job printing a (e neat, up.to-date
nd when you wa it, at the of -
.A.11 kinks of con ectionery,fruits, etc:,
for the holiday tie de, <Las, lelo'Rel.vre.
—Several car 1 ds of salt were ship-
ped from the Wi etham salt works this
exelunage .ays the coming muni-
cipal elections t ill be the twentieth
century run.
—Several seats have been taken for
the Scottish col cert to be held on
January 22nd.
—Owing to the heavy holiday mail
matter, two mail erks are now on the
L. H. & 33. trai s.
Pictures suitab e for Xm resents at
ALL Biios.
—The youug p epic) of Wingham held
a very successf hop in the Council
Chamber on Frid y evening last.
—Mason's hot 1, a furniture store,
barber shop a jewelry store were
destroyed by fir at Blyth on Wednesday
—This week car local poultry fancier,
W. Taylor, sh' ped three Buff Orping-
ton pullets to a gentleman in Sher-
brooke, Que,
See our com , brush and mirror sots;
comb, brush ai tray sets. Gents' and
ladies' leather ravelling cases at
AMILTON'S drug store.
—Mrs. W er Coats, of Clinton, a
former reside of Wingham, died. on
Tuesday of las week. Mre—Coats had
been ill for so ie time. „,
—V, 0. Be had th misfortune to
strain hie aukl very badly on Friday
night last. W hope the accident will
not leave him cripple for very long. ,
new issi of the...Bell. telephone
directory has ju 1 been issued. and di:5-
tribtited to subs ribers. There are now
over sixty 'phon in use in Wingham.
—Subscribers who have been sending
their subscript ons by mail will take
notice that the abel on their paper has
been changed. This will, be a receipt
for them.
—The new t' o table • which came
into effect out G. T. R. on Monday
did not make a chnnges in the time of
the trains arrivi g or departing from
—Henry Pear n and family have this
week moved •nto their farm, near
Loudesboro. e hope the change of
occupation ma be of benefit to Mr.
Pearen's health.
Apprentices wanted at once. Two
young ladies to learn tailoring.
tf WEBSTER & Co.
—Posters are n w out aunouncing the
holiday rates on t e railways. Single
fare tickets good eiing Dec. 22, return-
ing 20th, and go g D9c. 29th and re-
turning January. 2nd. •
—Many of ou subscribers have re-
newed for 1901. Tha Times subscrip-
tion list is growi every day. New
and old subscrib rs who pay for 1901
will receive a fre copy of our Xma
—R. J. Marti ,. • station agent
Cargill, formerly perator at the G. T.
R. station her hI s been appointed G.
T. R. agent at B ytb. Mr. Martin's
friends in town w 1 be pleased to learn
of his advancemex t.
—Frank Cain, o
elected District D pity of the Indepen-
dent Order of For sters. His territory
includes Courts at Ethel, Brussels,
Gorrie, Lanes, T eswater, Kincardine,
Wjugharn and Ln know.
—The Ladies' d Soeiety of the Pres-
byterian chureh h ld a very successful
bazar in the chm. ou Tuesday even.
bug. Many 'articl s suitable for Xmas
gifts were dis osed of. The ladies
would realize a n ce auto of money.
Now is the season for
sersous trouble to occur
St with the lungs. Build up
Zi the system and strength-
en the lungs with
of Cod Liver
11 with
iyposph tes
It is fresh and the best OD tl•
The old Williams Stand.
)1?, 11. DOUGLAS
G. N. W. Office.
Great Overcoat and Fur Sale \
For the Next Two Weeks.
Big Stock of Men's Boys' anclChildren's
Overcoats, all marked at Close Cash
pricee—will be sold for the next two
weeks at a straight discoeut of ten per '
cent for Cash. Immense assortment of
Ladies' and Gentlemen's Furs of the
finest quality to be cleared out during
the next two weeks; this means a. big'
Christmas present to every purchaser of
above lines.
Our prices for Boots,Shoes, Overshoes,
Cardigans and Rubbers are the lowest.-
Come with the Crowd and secure Christ-
inas bargains at
P. S.—.A. few handsome Sleigh Robes.,
to be sacrificed. .
PHOTO BUSillrii,
We have purchasecl the tot° busines» from
G. P. Rebins, which pnioi' some time been
conduetc-d candor the Ltime of Star Photo Co.
We beg to inforx . the pUblic that our motto is
progress, that we intendto makc'the studio an
up-to-dato one. That WO will guarantee &ate-
faetien to patrons. every time.
We are 'clearing e,} oat stack, of vietree
frames at greatly reduee,cl'priees. • •
Brockenshire's, Belden's ancIStarPhoto 00 -*4
negatives on hand.
Remember the Address, Ster Photo Studio. '
Beaver Blottic Viringham. •• r.
T. C. GRA d, Prop.
00.02,••••=malew.00•0•090w0. 1001444.1.1011.•
Nice assortm nt writing desks, at
from. $8.25 u.p. BALL Bites'.
—The TIMES jo department has been
rushed with order this week. We are
printing financi 1 statements for the-
Blnevale Chews Co., Townshipa of
Turnberry and est Wavertuosh and the,
Town of Wingar ni, besides other print -
big. The Train. office is head qttartere
job printing.
Geo, McDonald, a
wife of Wm. H. 8
bride's parents, T
hy Rev. 11. S. G.
Howiek to B
bride's father, Eli
by Rev. D. Perris
to Miss Maud,
memo-elict of th
S.3 months at
McLeod, wife) of
Ss and 5 month.
Grey ec. 7, the wife of
etv emburg, OT. GNI, the
ewart, le daughter.
Vnar.—At the home of the
ruberry, on December tith, '
Anderson, David Walker of
11a, daughter of john Me--
VitTur—At the home of the
vale 'road, on December 10
:fames Henderson. of Morris
ghter of Win. ,lartin, of
1, on Dec. 7th, Rachel Forte -
late James burner, aged SI
d 7 days.
eswater, Dec. 0, Elizabeth
t n Campbell, aged 41
•'nnett, aged28 ears, 4 months and 14 -clays.;'
ZutemaTT.—In 331 'th, on December 7th, ,las
Be. 40"
BaAnwm.-3tedd nls-, in Varcoger. B.
Dc' ithrr . C.r,
on TltgV; gitir!enygt, so sAibr t93"Zh°ad:oVs,titc.of 4Butivit, =plum, Out., aged
Lucknow, has been Wingharifs' Popular Shoe Store..
—Thos. Dram and and tunny have
moved to town rom Walkerton. Mr.
Droannoml wa engaged in the buother-
ing business in Ingham for years and
left here some ew yearn ago for Walk( r.
R. Min hate the Seweller, has
been too busy write aii advt this week.
He has a, large tock of jewellty suitable
for Kanas gifts. If you want anything
in clooka, watel s, silverware, ringe,ent
glass salts, etc, all at the collier jewel.
fry store, Oppo e tank of Hamilton.
See .our lines of both Ladies and
Ge'irts,. These make beautiful Xmas •
A Merry, Meity Xmas to yco. all.
1„1,, Laxative leromo Qiiinine Tablete. All J. (3'REEIR
ernegista refuted the money if it fails tO titre.
lAtINGHAM. W. Grotto's signature is on each box. ilec AllIchals of Vatiks and Valiste cheap.