The Wingham Times, 1900-11-30, Page 3W.!1..'^�ytlM+.+.ANM•/MyN'.AM,My'•ME•M•I,!!R!"}•"
TIM MON ,'J1('i.
tato ovt. Brittain au{t all !al. cnl-
Qii`f" ; is
emblem:die of the atlage. "In
unit n their is strength." `Tie 1t atriotie
Unice of Canada con ca •tlallplity that
adage e.. and it:tlttl':,e:a petite t seed. melee
by asr;Isting their ltiaglish, Scntcli and
Trish cousins who p o tlt.o the pure
nlac:311ue.1)i:Ldo ('linitis l teas of Ceylon
and India. '. ,st drinkers will fling the
Blue Ribbon, Monsoon and .;'.ilacLu veolt
C e t4
teas a piriitaaut glia t, 5e
Corpt:es vi paul.era ow being used as
targets lit tasting rifles and field guns by
German army experts.
wears Away worms.
Mrs. Sian Graham, Sheppardlon, tint.,
writes: "I have ¢'iveit Dr. Low's Worm
Syrup to my boy time and again ant
find it a good worn ineclien•o, 1.t lel
nice to take and) never makes the child
sick liko powders." Trice M'u0. -
It will interest our readers to learn
that a Toronto firm have received an or-
der from Great Britain for ten togs of
Canadian chickens. This order wits ob-
tained upon a sample of a few hundred
pounds sent six weeks ago, and is the
largest order for Canadian chickens ever
THE WINGUAJ was, sf Nit .
One aootl Nerve Meerut% eteu„her.
Mr. Cinaamou, cue cef tlio village
grocers, walked into the oiiice of the
down a ticket
and fancy circular on the desk, thus
*oho to the uditcer:.
"tloro's a little cliaroh entertainment
the ore gutting up, and we would lite
you to give 1Vs a little noti'•t) in the locals
for elle next two weeks, atilt 1t"tilt some
of their reCQ1'itm)tltl;itiQI)S."
"Ail light," said the editor, "but
where did slid you get your printing
"Oh," said the grocer, ''we got that
done at the other others."
"We11 replied the scribe, ":1. tslrtlll heave
to charge you for the me ices, eo )smelt
per line."
"Oh, but, slid the grocer we don't ex-
pect to play for thein; we ecpeet you to
give tis the hoboes, for the good of tho
cause, and help us alone;."
''Well, well, the editor replied; "whoa
you want tree notices, you come t c me;
but when you have wt.rk that is to bo
paid for, you take it somewhere else. Is
that the racket?"
,Well you see, said Mr. Cinnamon,
"your paper into the largest circulation,
and all the people read it, that's why we
want the notfc;es in it, but we delft
wont to pay for thin."
"All right,"• said the editor, ''I'll think
it over."
Next p
oat day the editor walked down to
Mr. Allspice's and bought It pound of
obffee, of rich aroma. Then he went up
to Mr, Cinnamon's and said to liim
thusly: "I would liho you to make me
a present of Seven pound of sugar to
sweeten this caffee with, when I drink
' •Where did you buy your coffee?"
said Mr. Chinamen.
"•I bought it down the street, at Mr.
Allspice's grocery," said the editor, "and
paid cash for it."
"Then you must, go and ask him to
give you the sugar to sweeten it with,
don't ask me.. If you have the mouoy
to buy his coffee, don't come to inc for
free sugar."
"Well," said the editor, "I thought
turn about was fair play. You carne to
zee yesterday and asked ole to give you
free notices to. your show, after you had
got your printing bone somewhere else.
It is a poor rule that won't work both
ways, isn't it?"
"Well, yes," said Mr. Cinnamon, "b
I hadn't thought of that before."
The moral of this is that there are
solve newspapers that cannot be
"worked" for dead -head advertising;
and the Menut Kisco (N. Y.) Recorder
is one of them. Attcl the Winghani
Traits has adopted the same rule.
-Little L tf r Fit so
Must hoar Signature of
See Fee -Simile Wropa r > c
e sew.
Very rands C^ -.'Lt DRi eat? �r
to taste ae
FOR imam.,
QII.t.':ia:.ii•�ir,"ri IA UST ,UY[ ,IATUR C.
2 rtc�e i lgerr el Ve•- ,etaWa. ' �+� ooeG
25 'eats rT d' —
Pine's Cc1er
H Compound
Seventy -First Tear.
The T;<icd. and Trttstfc3:
Remedy in. Thousands
0f Canadian.
keeps rather better than that slightly
Drain the button, which should still be.
iu ilintitact granules, each entirely
sparato from the ieQt
others. While
the eliurn add salt to tasto..(rttther more,
is required for churn t o tiiu; dials lvhore
the butter is 1•artially worked betoro
salting), replace the coo: i
w(ilvti•--il barren churn is used --.;fowl}-
fres to half dozen tinie,s, ilt,,.i rcintove
plug and draw :ofi', the brine that l is
formed, i3ltouid tato butter be massed,
cut it apart with the a:ulin or a large
wooden fork, replace the Cover and
again revolve slowly.
Us'vi of Paine's Celery .Compound
soon recognize the important fact that
the :groat medicine quickly regulates the
bowels, clears the complexion and
brightens eyes that before badbada dull
and jaundiced look. Another proof of
the stimulating and invigorating power
of Paine's Celery Compound, is its im-
mediate effect on the pulse, which be -
conies Ld of
comt,e firm, re„ular and full instar
uncertain and feeble.
Paine's Celery Oompouud liberally
feeds the nervus, the tissues and brain
with the proper elements of nutrition,
and thus saves countless men and women
from chiouic neuralgia, rheumatism,
dyspepsia., insomnia and failing mental
pourer. No remedy in the world is so
lick in flesh -forming and energy -pro-
ducing .virtues, as Paiuo's Celery Com-
pound. Mr. C• 13. hobnail, 262 King
•,street, Hamilton, Ont., says:
"Being troubled with a cough, debil-
ity, and general depression of spirits, I
mod a number of medicines but received
no benefit from them. I was then ad-
vised to use Paino's Celery Compound.
I procured the preparation and began to
use it with wonderful benefit. I am
now convinced, after using several
bottles of this unequalled medicine, that
no other can compare with it in any
respect. I am now a changed man; lay
health is renewed, depression of spirits
gone, my appetite is good, and I can
sleep well. -
The Only 110rec0l1 ��aa-1 Newspaper
and ly the
Lea ding Agricultural Journal of the
Every department written by specialists, the
highest authorities in their respective lines.
No other paper pretends to compete with it
in q,ualiflcations or editorial staff.
Gives tho agricultural NEWS with adegree
of fullness and completeness not even attempt-
ed by others.
Best Reviews of the Crops,
Best Market Reports,
Best Accounts of Meetings,
Best Everything.
Alt Couutry Beside ntt
who wish to
Single Subscription, $2;
Two Subscriptions, $3.50;
Four Subscriptions, $6;
Special inducemeforpnts to Raisers of larger clubs.
gents wanted every where. on thist
Four Months' Trial Trip 50 ents.
will be mailed free on request. It will pay any-
body interested in any way in Country life to
send for then. Address the publishers:
Albany, N. Y.
Pi9i-Doocd with nauseous, big purgers,
prejudice people against pills generally.
Dr. Agnew's Liver Pills are revolutionizing
the pill demand—they're so pleasant and
easy to take—the doses are small and so is
the price, 10 cents for 4o doses. Bilious-
ness, Sick Headache, Constipation dis-
pelled. Works like a charm. 53
Sold by A. L. Hamilton.
Thousand2 Give estimony
Letter upon letter pours in from every
point in Ormada testifying t() the mavel-
tous power of D. Pitcher's Backache •
Kidney Tablets to cure kidney and blad-
der troubles both of the young, middle
aged, and aged, loci such other troubies
as find their orign in a faulty kiducty
action, ninl they aro many. such tt 1nasS
of eviueuce puts its power to euro those
afflictions beyond a doubt, and shows
teat the Tablett; is the right thing in the
right plate).
1'hit is what Mrs J. W. ISutohiu8, 82
Portlaud St., Toronto has to say "I
cannot say to much for Dr. Pitcher's
Backache Kidney Tablets, Before using
+' r
ll In thebail
then. I had a gnarl in#, pain
all the time, and an acute lameness
across the loins. I had not so much
aching in my head as between my
shoulders and in the back of my neck.
Since using the Tablets my back is as it
used to be, and, the rheumatism in the
shoulders has disappeared. Formerly
whou I did my washing* I was utterly
tired out, not having a bit of energy left;
this morning I did my washiug iu two
hours and I diel not mind it. I have no
hesitation in recomluellding Dr. Pitebor's
Backache Kidney Tablets end I never
had anything to do me as much gone"
Any reader of this panes can test the
merits of Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kidney
Tablets free by enclosing two owns
postage for trialpackage to The Pitcher
Tablet Oo.,Torcnto, Out. Regular size
50 cents per bottle.
Sixty-eight of the leading business
houses in Detroit have mutually pledged
themselves not to employ any person
uudor 21 years of age who, under any
circumstances, indulges in the habit of
cid*arettte smoking. "Nothing is more
disgusting," adds the Hamilton Specta-
tor, "than to see the young leen and
boys making the paper roll and poison-
ing the air with the foul-smelling smoke.
If people will smoke let them do so with
a pipe cr cigar."
The Ttena. has completed arrange-
ments for the issue of a very handsome
OW T� ins
2.0 An -Round :Remedy.
Is The Bike rosins?
Tho passing of the bicycle is one of
singular features of the period.
eft the wheel was in the zenith of its
fftlzie? the "passing of the horse" in con-
sequence was a favorite theme, on which
writers used to enlarge. The bicycle
seemed to be "passing" first. Tho re-
ports of the United States treasury de-
partments affords a very fair indication
of the rapid decadence of the wheel,
which seems to have been given up
"socially," and is now chiefly used ,as
an article of utility to get clerks and
workmen to and front their busiuess,
and by newsboys and letter carriers.
Four years ago the States exported to
rest of the world bicycles and parts of
bicycles valued at ",x'1,808,012. The de-
mand has increased so greatly that in.
the next year the manufacturers sent
abroad wheels valued at $7,005,323. The
height of the "craze" seems to have
been reached then, for the exports fellin
1808 to $6,846,529, to $5,703,880 in 1809,
aiid dropped to 0,551,025 iu 1900. But
as au engine of utility the bike will,
probably, always be with us.
Mrs. Haunesson, Bbiscarth, , Man.,
writes: "I have used Htigyard's Yellow
Oil for Sore Throat, Cuts, Scalds, Frost-
bites for a long time and Consider it the
bust all-around household remedy
made." Price 25c. all dealers.
Powley's -Oxon° Saves the l
of the Rev* William Fawcett, D. D@
Deaths Increase.
The monthly report of Provincial
Health Office gives number of deaths in
the province, from all causes, duringlast
month, as 2,002. The corresponding
last year showed 1,940. As will be seen
from the following* table, tuberculosis
was the cause of fewer deaths than last
year, while the deaths from typhoid are
considerably increased, as also those
from diphtheria:
to be delivered or mailed on or about
December 14th. •
The supplement will be in book form,
and will contain from 35 to 40 pages, It
will bo printed on good paper, e
bot'tnd and profusely illustrated. etre
much above
• � will reading matter tvi bo
ordinary, and the work well worth pre-
serving. Size of pages 11 t, . 1G,.T „' laches.
livery subscriber who pays rt11 arrears
and a year in advance, will receive a
Cep's free.
Every grew subscriber who pays a year
in advance, will receive a copy free.
Tho prim to noikpay-in-advance sub-
scribers and the general public, 25 cents.
Advance and now subscriptions will
be received from. this data forward.
/\t.L T EL
�*, •� Cdr`
-a +i `M1LLIS
Ladies of Canada: •
The bond of union between the mother
country and her colonies is strong. lu
tilue of necessity the colonies have al-
ways been loyal. Patriotic Oanadain
ladies, while tiles cannot bear arils in
time of war, le eau assist their brother
colonists in a substantial way. Oeylou
and India produce the Attest GR'L''LN
teas. Drinkers of Japan teas should try
them.11ionsoon, Salami, and Buie Ribbon
packets are known to all.—Colonist.
Oct. 1000. Oct. 1899.
Typhoid. ........... .
Whooping col}ih
160 101
177 88
44 34
9 74
8 8
Little Met Sc3 retains;,.—Dr. Von
Stan's Pineapple Tablets ;,r U 1•Utbig naus-
eous doses that contain injurious drugs or
narcotics—they are the pure vegetable
pepsin—the medicinal extract from this
luscious fruit, and the tablets are prepared
in as palatable form as the fruit itself.
They cure indigestion. 6o in a box, 35
cents. --S6
Sold by A. L. Hamilton.
Vii. '- DR. B1.11. rs,TGETT SLAYS ; "I feel to;cta,y that 1 owe tlzV
life to Ozone."
1. Costly Lteetlon.
Dr. Montague has quit politics to be-
come lecturer for the Independent Order
of Foresters at $1000 a year,a position he
is well qualified for. His retirement
calls tip a story told of him in connec-
tion with a former election in West
Huron—the Patterson -Cameron election.
Walking into the house of a well-known
Conservative not a thousand miles from
Clinton, leo declared the determination
of the Government to elect Mr. Patter-
son, who had recently been appointed
Minister of Militia.
"Yuri don't surely expect to elect Mr.
Patterson, au entire strangers against a
man so well-kuown as M. C. Cameron"
remarked the Conservative.
"Yes we do," Montague is said to
have replied, "We have brougt twenty-
five thousand dollars 'into the riding,
and we'll elect him if we spend. eery
cent of it."
They succeeded, securing a majority
of 16 for the Minister, and we are told it
took nearly the entire twenty-five
thousand to do it.—Clinton New Era.
B3ntby Humars.—Dr. Agnew's Oint-
ment soothes, quiets, and effects quick and
effective cures in all skin eruptions common
to baby during teething time. It is harm-
less to the hair in cases of Scald Head, and
cures Eczema, Salt Rheum and all Skin
Diseases of older people:. 35 cents. --55
Sold by A. L. Hammen.
• When to (emit Churning.
When the butter granules begin to
appear a handful of salt or a couple of
quarts of strong brine should be added,
to the cream, says a correspondent of
The National Stockman. This assists in
the separation of the buttermilk and
reenters the drawing off process much
easier. Never churn so long that the
granules are massed, but cease the
notion as soon as they will rise to sur-
face of the buttermilk, Draw oft and
add a little more than the quantity of
cold water. If the water is about the
t.lmporature of the buttermilk at first
best results will bo attained. Too
sudden chilling se the granules is not
advisable as this sometimes results in a
mottled condition of the butter. Agitate
the butter slightly, then draw off the
water and replace with more, Do not
allow the water to remain on the butter
long or it will detract from its flavor,
Repeated washing tends to destroy quick
flavor of butter, but butter su tretti..t:tl
•having re-purollascd ottr old stand,
we are now prepared to supply the pub-
lic with Wood and Iron Force and Lift
Pumps, Brass and Iron Cylinders,
vanized Iron Tubing, Cisterns, Water
Troughs, Sinks, l3aths, Pipe Fitting,
• in
Well Digging awl everything g uc
ncdtion with water supplies.
for power
' is
. Intl
' dSte
tutd pumping water.
our vv
We can do 0 work ,
others in the business aswe have the
steam power.
Repairing promptly attended to. We
also do well digging and drilling. All
work is thoroughly gnaranteetl.
Give us l call.
To PATENT Good ideas
may he ffetettriebY
Mt Mel. Address,
'ttlE PAMEN1'11E0000,
.,,,,.i,K' in IMa•sP _id ,.n..tKW+M1,WUA,.+i-i Y _
•,.:n.+sem:-,...-:s:, atrrrnr:::s..w,. ,s.::w,malw.+.-:.
i ON
�ai off
: , ••A r. that the liver is
t 4.l or z,t.r,.tive t More serious
to" p19 ll,uenVa..
•ptltelent c at e follow,
iieddache land all
liver trouble's, take �ittrr�yy�j
i`15^e,tm.l b -A
"While they rousse the liver, restore
tun, regular action of tho bowels,
they do not grippe or pain, do not
Irritate or inflame the internal organs,
but have a positive tonic effect. 25c.
at all druggists or by mall of
C. 1. Hood & Co., I.otvetl, Mass.
I have use{i O'rone for stom-
aoh trouble and 'found it an
excellent medicine for this
weakness. I feel to -day that i
owe my life to its being brought
to my notice. I believe you
thave anexcellentfamily relnedy
Er and wish yon every success. 4
+ Yours very respectfully-, ,+
(Si;uc'cl), 'WM. ' AWCZ TT, TDD.,;
1- 303IIazelton avenno, h
4 Toronto. -n
•'b.-0•. ++.1++++i +++++4+++4 4'++
At-. The Rev. Win. Fawcett,
D. D,, is one of the most
brilliant sons of Nvhom
Canada can boast. The
son of the late Rev.
Michael Fawcett, one of
the pioneer clergymen of
Canada, he early distin-
guished hires If in his
calling. To -clay. Dr: Faw-
cett is pastor of one of the largest churches in Chicago..
$Some time ago the reverend gentleman was suf-
fering so severely from stomach disorder that he had
to resign his pastorate. After a vain attempt to find
health in the leading cities of the United States, after
spending money lavishly for the best advice of dietetic
specialists, after travelling half the world over to take
in the noted health resorts, he came back to his father's
house, Io3 Hazelton avenue, Toronto, to die. But it
was not yet his time. He had heard about Powley's
Liquified Ozone, and began taking it. In a few
months he had recovered perfect health and restinled
his duties in Chicago. Now he permits his testimon-
ial to be published, that it may do good to those Who
may be suffering:
Powley's Liquified Ozone kills the germs of disease
and supplies the blood with the oxygen which forms
the reel corpuscles of health. A great many people
are unhealthy because their lungs do not extract the
oxygen from the air they breathe: Now, Powley's
Liquified Ozone, being liquid oxygen, supplies them
with this principle, and makes them strong. Ozone is
the new method of treating disease. The instant suc-
cess it has attained stamps it at once as a preparation
altogether different from any ever before placed at
your disposal. Ozone is not a patent medicine. Th.e•
prominent clergyman and citizens of Canada who have'
been cured by it of long-standing diseases do not lend.
their name; to quack nostrums. You ‘vould do well
to consult them anfti satisfy yourself as t� its very
;great value.
"The Printer's Dollars," where are
they asks the Mount Vali( y Herald. A
dollar here and a dollar there, scattering
tall over tho numerous small towns,
miles trust miles apart. How shall tilt y
be gathered in? Coale holne; you ate
wanted. liotuc in single the that the
rimy send you forth to battle for us and
vindicate our.erar(lit. Reader nre on
+, Inter s
of the lr
-r you have not one 1
st, o
'dollars sticking; to the bottom of Tom!
trousee's pocket? Fool down and see if
We are right,
A very Goad Thing.
The Wonderful sales made by the
+ L
OzoneOzoneCo.,, ni ri.'oroslta, lnauut`act.rrrs
and proprietors of Powley's L'cpuiflutl
Ostol)c art ereatiul cottthic:,Lble colt.
mut. The preparation is ti,e new
oxygen treatllleut and hilly also Jai.
„'!hetes, iteV. 1)1' Fawcett, 1uoc, .lir.
Parker awl ttcv. Dr. Chown of tit,
etiti,:ist Murals in Ciatlatta wort% ftv
it int ley from personal oxperiottee.
Powley's 's Liquified Ozone is $1.00 It rt�ge, a[
size bottle: 50c small size, At
drunkists;�or from the ltal)oratx)rtci of tills. 0z0\L CoPa:ll nt toRolv"ro+
Limited, r18 Colborne Street, Toronto,
Mother.l 'My brother ,y said the guide, fell in
The happiness that come to a home there some time ago and clover carne
with baby's advent is to frequently shad- up.'hatwas ver sad,'said the tourist,
owed by ill -health or weakness of the y
to secur=e
r there no
steps token
mother's V�'0 e e
mother. To " restore *the � p
strength, to bring back vil±or au eaetgy, l hes body?'
Thera was rte Wendell your honor,nor
for he wired from Australia, the neat
morning to serol him on his elothes.'
land to sustain her dating the nursing
period, Di' Chases' I tree Iced is un-
dottbtt:d1y the host effective propuration
r the blood. )tt
ru hce.t
It a
revitalizes the nerves, mid has atceneer-
ftll ie.atorativo ttrduerno on the Whole
syston, 60 tents b,I,, a11deniers.
by the 3lottotttie5s take.
1 An i3ng±ii itourist tr'tPe1ii3lg Oar ,31:31
, tin) Vrt'St of Ireland a f,.w !,rata: ego. t. 0
' 1calmade in a c:)'taia (Ix ri,1 sliewott
' ery place of interest, tuel linb)ngthe:�
!`let!: Ile breezed tree to a lake thee Le
. tot { hart V. ::O . 0 toflleas,
AS1 �
Vet rtfittrt ataill n%
1 ?Milli