HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-11-30, Page 1VOL, XXVI.II,—NTO, 1493,
oiodeziereseasee -•aaw>
for the purchase of fall and
winter Suits is at hand. We
have a magnificent range of
Tweeds, Worsteds, etc., Im-
ported and Canadian goods
from the best makers. Please
do us a favor by looking
through our stock.
Do You Want an
Overcoat ?
or fall or winter Suit. If so,
J. J. Homuth & Sons is THE
• Place where Quality, Price
and satisfaction can be found
combined within reach of all.
0 eve open some very 4
pretty litres of
Bohemian 0
$ Glass,!:
Salad Bowls
i Fruit Baskets
Boots and Shoes
In this line our stock • is
large, well -assorted, and corn -
prised of goods from the best
makers. Our prices touch
rock -bottom:
Call and inspect our goods.
Hoffluth & Sons
Marriage •ria, e
Issued by PRANK PArIRSON, No. 23 Victoria
street, Wingham, Ont. No witnesses. required.
./.,�%.- . c ,/
34f 01:
Central Business College tri
[el Stratford, Ont.
"� Oe graduates got choice positions with r•
, the best business firms, and many two U
n placed as teachers in other Business Col-
leges. Some of oafrecent graduates:— tit
gcj W. B. Crone, teacher, Rider Business r
College Trenton, N. J, r�'rn
W. B. Brown, teacher, Metropolitan irja
Business College, Ottawa, bnt. ��^iu1�
R. E. Gillespie, teacher, Bay City Busi-
ness College, Bay City, Melt.
W. T. Brownell, teacher' Detroit Busi-
Detroit, .�. A. Stone, ;Piich,
Curtiss Business
College, Minneftpolis, Minn.
When our graduates Occupy positions
like the above it is positive proof that our
work is of the highest grade. Many posi-
tions of this kind had to go unfilled this r
year as we hadno one to send. Lr
1.3 Send for beautiful catalogue. fi.
W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal,
��''r`JC.�,-..?.iii.-�4�1...�+7.t1`,.-„"7,f�.'t�... `.1C�,-. tr•-•+
Also a find rdge of the most
ever displayed iu Wingham.
These lines are directly imported
from Europe and aro strictly
(The China House)
Ouse to Let or SE1II, ,
Foto bed -rooms. drawing seem, dining room
and kitchen; two pantries, hard and soft
water; woodshed. Apply to
Rvo, l 111, I9., Ieard & Co'$ advertise-
ment ou page five of thisissue,
Dian or Trlm>i
who formerly work
Kneobtel's haruese sl
fever in the Hospital
Friday Of last week.
a young man much
many friends in 4Uiz
Benj. Leavens,
d here in Chas.
op diea of typhoid
t Owen Sound on
Mr. Leavens waS
espected and had
ham wizo;riill re-
gret to hear of his eally death
the fail to visit e ear Store
where yotl get the best eple ion of New
and Up -to -Date goods itp uey saving
priees, They have no ,, i stock to show
you. H. h,. Lee 'v a- Co.
YouNG LADY'S D sabelia M.
Coutts, second clang er of Mrs. Coutts,
Scott street, died ear y Saturday morn-
ing in her 22nd year Deceased had not
been in the best of 1 ealth for some time
and a few weeks ag was stricken with
typhoid fever. Mie Coutts was a young
lady highly estee d by her associates
and her death is keenly felt by her
widowed mother and brothers and
sisters, who will ' have eh
sympathy in t eir algietion. • The
funeral to the Ingham cemetery on
Sunday afternoo was largely attended.
The services at the house and grave
were conducted y Rev. Theo. Hall,
Our stock of Cutters is largo; the
prices are small and the style and finish
is away ahead of anything ever seen in
town. T. H. Ross.
See Halsey Park's advertisement.
Dr. Butler, of London, will be at the
Queen's Hotel, Wingham, on the first
Friday . of each mouth from 11.80 a.
m. till 3 o'clock p. m., for consultation
in diseases of the eye, ear, nose and
FORT -NIGHTLY: The'young ladies of
Wingham have formed what is to be
known as the Fort -Nig t1y Club. The
first meeting will bo h : d at the home
of Mrs. J. R. Munsh w, on Monlhlty
evening, Dec. 3rd, fro 8 to 10 o'cloek,
'When the subject to be discussed will be,
"As you like it, from Shakespeare ”
.,.e0t1TzURs.—Tho largest stock a&—the
Swellest styles aro here. H. Ross. : •
pays for the Timms till
January 1st, 19014
pays for the TfsmEs and To-
ronto Daily Star till Jan.
° l.st, 1001. All who sols-
scribe for the Star get a
handsome picture of the
(peen and Prince of'
Leave your orders early
at the TIMES office.
township clerks haw
turning officers fo
County Council elect
Wm. Strothers; No.
No. 3, Fred Hess; N
No. •5, A. J. Braille;
No. 7, Peter Porterfi
Cowan. The day of
tions of candidates
County Councillor:
Previnco, will, this
Dec. 24th, the Mond
ceeding the week.
The noniivation fo
dates will take place
31st. •
OFFICERS ELsoTED. t the sheeting
of Maitland Lodge, . 0. 0. F., on
Thursday evening o last week, the
following officers wer elected for the
ensuing term:—P. G. Jas. Dey; N. G.,'
Geo. Tervit; V. G., . J. Deyell; Rec
Sec., J. F. Groves; Fm. -Sec., J.
Elliott; Treas., Wm. Robertson. The
officers will be iustt`lled on Thursday°
evening, Dec. Gth.
WANTED. -400 ba of sweet apples 1
r- andJellysail.
the Wingham ham Ctd
Good prices paid. i
ing was held at to Dinsley house on
Monday evening for the purpose of or-
ganising a hockey O1ub for the coming
season. H. 0. Bell was appointed
chairman for the tevening aucl A. J.
Alderson acted a secretary pro tem.
The club was organized with the follow-
ing officers :—Hon. ( Pres., R. Clegg;
Hon. Vice -Pres., Dr,A. J. Irwin; Pres,,
H. O: Bell; Vice -Pre , R. A. Douglass;
Manager, Goo. C. H ina; Sec.-Treas.,
H. Chambers; Captain Chas. Skeates;
Patron, Dr. Macao ta1d, M. P.,
Patroness, Mrs. (Dr.) cdonald. The
membership fee was pia ed at 50c and
the players fee will be 1.00. 11. 0,
Bell, C. Skeates and . Dinsley wore
appointed a committee o make arrange-
ments for the use of/ the rink. The'
Secretary was tietiasetecl to write to
Clinton, Seaforth an: Goderioli to see
what could be doho ill the way of form-
ing a league., h
MONnv TO LOAN+ --Money Yeo loan on
notes, and notes ttiscountecl ' at reason-
able rates. Money advanced on mort-
gages, with privilege of paying at the
end of . auy year. Notes and accounts
collected. Office—Beaver Block, Wing-
30u, who was reuttat& to Godorieh by
Mayor Clegg. on a ells ge of assault pre-
ferred by Roland. Beat •e, pleaded guilty
before Judge Doyle at oderioh on Sat-
urday last anti was all wed to go on sus-
pended sentence, R. ranstono appeared
on behalf of Pattersot at Godericht.
Any orders for sales left at. the TiMI' S
office will receive prompt attention. 3,
J. Currie, auctioneer.
—Blyth bakers ha
GEO. PARRErc DEA Geo, Parker, a of bread from five to
well-known resident of Sunshine died —Regular meeting
opt Saturday last. le r. Parker formerly s S, will be hold
Its.—The following
been appointed re -
the forthcoming
ons: No. 1 District,
2, Jas. Campbell;.
. 4, Frank Morley;
o.' 6, F. S. Scott;
id; No. 8, Joseph
receiving nomina-
tor the office of
throughout the
ar, be on Monday,
y in the Week pra-
etor() polling day.
municipal condi-
andino week later, Dec.
Campbell's Headache Wafers .guaran-
teed to cure headache.
--F. W. Vanstoue •hipped a ear load
of hogs. to Toronto o Friday,
—J. S. Whittaker rid family moved
to Toronto this weel
—Regular snout y meeting of the
Town Council on Mi nday evening next,
e raised the price
six: cents per loaf.
1 Camp Caledonia,
n Monday everting
lived near Belgrave - ud had for many
years been engaged' buying and ship-
ping horses. Heacl been ill ith
typhoid fever for few weeks. Mr,
Parker was a brot er-in-law of Mayor
Clegg and John C cry of this town.
NOT LxPuoviiG. Our readers wi11 'e
member that an tem appeared in the
TIMES some mon hs ago to the effect
that Jas. Wilson V. S., of South St.
Joseph, Mo„ h suffered from sun
stroke and was u.:: enjoying good health,
On Mouday of th e week, John Wilson,
V. S. received a telegram from his
brother saying t t the was not improve
ing and Mr. W son left on • Tuesday
morning for St. cseph and will bring
his brother back o Wingham.
° WANED. --One Ton of choice Roll
Butter weekly—also Dried Apples and
Fowl, Our stock of Dress Gooclss,
Furs, Ready-made Clotliaug &o, is large
and not surpassed. Wiehave a few odd
Mantles to clear. $1Q.00 ones for %M'
and :5.00 ones for $2:50. G. E. KINr
funeral of the late
pities) from his reside
on Friday afternoo
cemetery. The ser
by .,Rev. D. Perri° a
Sven the four sons o
W. 0. Staart took
nee, Victoria street,
to the Wingliam
ice was conducted
cl the pall bearers
deceased, William,
—The regular tree
id, 0, 0. F, Will b
—Huron. County C
the Wingham Coune
day next.
---The Stratford P
will hold their annual
December 26-28.
—Every pay-in-adva
the TIMES will receiv
handsome Christmas s
—Mrs, R. Sutton
moved to Wingham fr
Sutton is now G. T. R.
ng of Court Mait-
held this; (Friday)
ncil will meet in
heather on Tues-
ltry Association
winter show on
co subscriber to
a copy of our
d. family have
Brussels. Mr,
ent here.
—Thos. Gibson, of Fordwich, has
If you want a black cutter ora red been appointed pos ,, aster at that
cutter ora green cutter or a'black and
place, to succeed the 1: e Robt. Mahood,
red or 'a green and red or any other
color or shade, the only place iu town to Apprentices wanted at once. Two
suit your fancy is here. T. H. Roes. young ladies to learn Wieling.
tf WnBSrI n & Co.
SCOTTISH CONCERT,' The members of —The Toronto Gloe of Friday RiftCamp Camp Caledonia, Sons ' 1 Scotland will
hold their annual con ort on Tuesday said that Agnes Kno , reciter, would
visit Wingham dining the coming
evening, January 22nd . This will be
the best concert of the season. Look at winter.
the high-class tales that has been —Cochrane & Joh
secured for the ocoasi : Miss Jessie improvements in th
Alexander in drama c recitals; Miss building. They have
coltish soprano tion to it
tsumerotisvocalist; I —Creditors of theestate of G. Me-
in dancing and Intyre received this sheet a final dividen-
Every one of ed of 10 per cent. tThe estate paid 50
eared in Wiugham ce s on. the .$. ,
d any introduction t` Wm. Guest bas'
time. Readers of fro Ripley to Win
their neighbors Mr. Guest sold his
concert to be hold Ripley to John W els
22nd will be _The merchants cif Wingham are be- W -tide-. T
Sinning to make
been held ill this b displays for the Rev. R. Hobbs preached .anniversary'
of Dungannon: Cr' .s., of Toronto;
Arthur, of Elora; Gerge of Woodstock;
and sen -in-law, Jas. Fox, of
Brussels; and his ne hew, W. S. Mc-
Crostie, of St. Helens The late Mr.
Stuart was one of the Earlier settlers of
the township of West Tawanosh. He
was born in Varna; Shetland, and was
educated in Aberdeen,and came to this
country in the year 1846, when a young
man, settled with his Barents on the " h
concession of West • Pawanosh. He
started to teach school "in that township
in 1857. and taught in ,:the same school
for eight years, when owing to the close
confinement being to hard on his health
he we s compelled to resign. Before
leaving Wawanosh he was married.
Mr. Stuart went to Bralatford, where he
held. ,the position. of book-keeper and
shipper in the Durhain flouring mills
for a period of four years. Moving
from Brantford he went to Beaverton,
and went into the railway . contracting.
He was the contractor of the Middleton
railway, built from Lindsay to Orillia
and also built the Beaverton wharf.
Leaving Beaverton he went to Toronto
and resided for a year, acting as engineer
ou side walk laying. While in Toronto
he had the offer from a firm in that oity
to go to Lucknow and purchase timber.
He accepted this position and resided in
Luckuow for some time, He moved to
Wingham some eighteen years ago and
had resided in this town continously up
to the titre of his death. During his
residence in Wittghat:a he has filled
many iinportent positions, He was one
of the town auditors dor a nuntber of
years and gave excellent satisfaction,
Deceased family cousi'sted of five boys
and three girls. Two of his brothers,
Charles and Faker itatight school in
ogham a number of earsage.They
afteresarcls studied medicine and prac-
ticed for a number of years in Evanston,
111, These two brothers were both fill-
ed a tow years ago. They were driving
from Evanston to Chicago and were ran
into by a passing train. Another brother,
Dr. Geo. Stuart, is now pt'actieing in.
Reynolds, i11. Alex. Stuart, of West
Wawanosh. County Commissioner for
this district is a brother of deceased and
John Stuart, of Listowel, is another
brother. The sisters of deceased are
Mrs. John. IVieC;rostie, of St, Helens,
(deceased); Mrs, Il.obt. Guthrie, of hock
Island, I11., and Mrs. Smith, of North
mas supplement being issued by the
Thins is now readyfo'*distribution. The
supplement is very m cit in advance of
what is expected trent. a country weekly
and resembles snore these issued by city
papers. It is devoted chiefly to artistic
bort stories. Pay -in -
Maids y
illustrations s
advance subscribers eslill receive a copy
free, and to non-sulbscrlbers the price
Will be 25 cents. Subscribers who have
already paid their:, subscriptions in
advance will kindly call at this office
and receivetheir cifpy of the stipple.
wont. Renriember all pay -sit -advance
subscribers to the Ttlitee get a copy* of
the supplement free. The supply is
limited and first to pa,tlieir sttbsbriptioits
Will be first served. t i The supplements
cannot be replaced bon the present
supply is exhauste 1. TTew sub.
scribers should avail tmnselves of the
opportunity of reetiviz this handsome
supplement. Bonet in ar orders early.
Mary Waldrunl,
vocalist; James Fax,
Miss Mabel14loDonal
D. McDonald, pipe
these artists have ap
before and do.not ne
from its at the prese
the TIES should
know that the Seotth
in Wingham on Jan
the best that has ovea
Servatit girl wait
P. Macdonald, Centre
ii Now is the season for
sersous trouble to occur
twith the lungs. Build up
the system and strength-
en the lungs with
to Douglass's
of o -Liver Oil with
A Ilyposphites
It is fresh and the best on the
$ T1t.e old Williams stand.
$ Rs As LA $
• Prop.
G. N. W. Office.
Q'0ilQyO'4►4,{1/12..WbtL /Atetb •3
18 lbs. Granulated Sugar, $1.00.
Best Selected. Raisins for 10c lb.
Best Cleaned Currants, 1Oc Ib.
Best English Peels, usixed, 20c lb,
Best Tap Figs, Sc lb.
Best 30c Teas for 25o.
Best 40c Teas for 83e,
Best bee Teas for 40e.
In Japans, Hysolis or B1aok.
LARGEST STOCK of Ladies' Cloth.
and Fur Jackets, from $3.50 to x$'40.00.
filen are making Men's Coon Fur Coats from $20.00 to
air marble works �45.00.
L' ergo stock of Sleigh Robes from
also built an addi- $4 00 to $12.00. See them,
Highest prices paid for Butter, Eggs,
Poultry (cby pin laic), and bright Dried
moved his family
ham. Last week
house and lot in
D. M..Goiu oic,.
The Direct Importer.
The Presbyterians of Canada are
preaching the gospl in the Dominion in
sixteen different laguages, so says Dr.
—In the Dresden Gall
hangs the most valuabl
world (worth $500,1
"Sistine Madonna aucl�
great picture has, by ermission, been
will receive a free
specially copied and reproduced on Soule Christmas sup
heavy paper, size 2 x 80, in all the
colors and beauty of te a original, and is I —Rich. Kinsman
given with this year's'oroute Saturday ' the G. T. R. pump
Night's Christmas
Modern Madonna," a
beautiful picture ever
gra.phy, has also beeut
16 x 21, and is given alt another premium
with the most beauti€41 book ever issued i
in Canada, full of siories, poems and
artistic illustrations some of the
pictures occupying fnllj pages. A boy's
picture, "'An Impromto Speech," is
also in colors, ane "Di'ti Cry Mamma,"
is the most touching p pture of the home
of a missing Canacliaq soldier yet pro-
duced. The whole sixty pages aro
original, bright, clea
Canada, as also is the
depicts,, in six eoler.
plucking feathers froze a king turkey of
the forest which he b t, slain. Order at
once, for nothing as g, od has ever be-
fore been offered in ' anada, and last
Satorday Nigh
t, Christmas was
sold out within three c ys of its publica-
tion. Price 50 cents, i tubes ready for
mailing. At all nes dealers, or from
The Sheppard: Pubiis ing Company,
Limited, Toronto.
Christmas. holidays.. Winglzam filer- t sermons at Palmerston on Sunday last.
Apply to •Mrs, Rev. N. S. I3urw sh. preached in the
freer chants give.good vel • es.
—Consult rho la el on this pager Methodist church. l ere in the morning
�r OUr8 PICTURE enol Rev. Thos, Glloway preached in
ry in Germany
picture in the
00), Raphael's
Child." This
which shows the dat
paid, and if you owe
amount as soon as p
—$1.00 will pay,
January 1st, 1902 a
Number. "The months. Mr, K'
ittedly the most position for a numb
to which you have
s, let us have the
or the TIlnis till
the evening.
The re -opening
church, Walton,
second Sabbath o •`
new subscribers Mr. Whaley, of St
opy of our hand- Ito preach and on t''
ement. . ' following tho al
i11 have charge of will be held.
Ouse during winter, Rev. Jas. Hamil
sman has filled this formerly of Wing
r of seasons. severe aceicleut on 5
made by photo- Miss MacPherson
reproduced, size, of her large and wel
millinery and rear
cost and below. Ca
—Rev. E. 0. Tayl
Boston will lecture i
of the Presbyterian
evening. Subject,
and typical of
tle cover, which
an Indian boy
eak Eyes
The diploma we hold from the
Optical Institute of Canada is a
guarantee of our qualification to
give perfect satisfaction itt the fitting
of glasses.
Our equipment tot' this work has
of the best,bat to
always been
it still more complete 'and ,up to date
we have just added a "Jebb Opto
meter," the lastest invention in this
class of instruments,
1)o not let fake opticians and
peelers who 'have never studied the
eyes, tamper with yours, and sell
you glasses at enable their value
when you can be properly fitted at will continue tl
ne. stand
where and Mr. lack goes to Durham,
he will re�'de in frames.
will sell the balance
selected trimmed
y -to -wear hats at
was on a load of Lay
fell from the hoy to
1 early and secure have not. heard th
et. juries.
' Rev. R. Hobbs
Whitechurch Meth.
Sunday afternoon au
evening he will deliv
Triangular Man" in
dist church. On Su
Hobbs will preach a
i leas been sold to iu rho Auburn Methash for x;1,700. Mr. i Rev. Dr. Moffatt,
in Wingbam on Su
interests of the local
Canada Bible and '
will preach in the P
r, A. M., D. D., of
the lecture room
i (Friday)
this ( y)
"A Glass of Beer
—The commodiotlk and comfortable
home of Jas. A. C1ii
the Rev. N. S. Burs
Cline will continue
for several months.
—Miss Belle Hau Ilton entertained a
number of her youu friends 'on Tuos
day evening in honoof her cousin, Miss
Maggie Munro, of ''iverton, who is a
guest at H. Hamilto 's.
s 11 Ob arver hist week a
—The -
Hen..a p
pearod.iu a new dr e 's of type. The
Observer is now a i1 tt country weekly
and is deserving sucytess from i`s petrous.
Success to you, Bro. tieelands.
—A band has been'prgauized at Hep-
worth. We noticci, that two former
Winghamities, Jos. Carruth has been
appointed musical ldirector and D.
Gilchrist will be musieial lieutenaut,
Thos. Jackson, 1at of the firm of
Json & Jones, but hers, Wiugltam,
has purchased Th . Drummond's
butcher business at alkerton. Mr.
Drummond formerly esided in Wing -
--John Atnent h disposed of the
services of Duff'a
ill be hold on the
December. _Rev.
elens, is expected.
e Monday evening
ersary tea-ineoting
American hotel at B
of Bs
is and W.
°nsse ,
The new proppriet
Wednesday of th
Beattie referred t
Messrs, Beattie,
—As will bo
another column
Drummond, fie
has been aimed
ussalls tot S. Beattie.
Clark of tondoe. n.
took possession ou
s week, The Mr.
is a brother of the
this town.
seen by the notice in
the firth of Black &
r and feed merchants
ed, Mr. Drunnnond
business in tlto old
Ja Fir DAViSs
OvtuO,±IS'l"" AND OPfl 1AH„ i thrall ,k t off t)>t+g Cold.
I I.at•atiVe Brohic4Qiiinine Tablets cure a eeld in
Stops dile Gough
Dekota. WINGHAM,
n, of Palmerston,.
am, mat with a
turday last. He
end in souse way
e groend, We
extent of his in -
1 preach in the
ist church next
on next Monday
r his lecture, "The
he Exeter Mahe-
ethe-ay, Dec. 9th, 11'!r.
rivers:>ey sermons
ist church.
Toronto, will be
day next in the
much of the Upper
ract Societya He
esbytorian church
in the morning and in the evening he
will speak in the Me hodist and Baptist
Troon, Dr. Moffatt
day school rooms
1 Congregational
churches. In the of
will speak in the Su
of the Presbyterian
This signature is on every box of tho genuine
Laxative Bromo=Quinine Tablets
Um remedy that cures a cold In one ,day
WIngliam's Popular Shoe store.
THAT Rebbers will titin give satisfee-
til n
i ,
if fitted '
t too tight.
THAT Storm Rubber.¢ f ttF'd ti:,iht over
the instep. are liable to break.
THAT Greer sobs the best rubbers in
town and for too least noire' .
THAT a short fit will rulit any rubber
THAT Greer's Ilubbe•rs aro the boat
tlttt'rs ittaaufatvturttl to ,day.
TI1,&T we repla.'o illi list quality rub-,
bars that do slot give satisfaction.
' one flay. No Cara no Tray. Price Sa cents. .Allltinda o:'I'runk:. arid V,Ji,K t rshn.p.