HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1940-02-22, Page 8G.� THE :LUCKN4 SEN T1NEL d• T)fUR.SDA; FEBRUARY 2.214 1940 CCelebrating• 0Our 8th� Anniversary. SLASHING SALE ► 51VIA�HIN� and DREAM CURTAIN N,_. ,Tuscan weave 36 in. wide. Yd. f.. • 15c - 29c RAYON LUNCHEON 'CLOTHS, 52 x 52•,. •:• a therice of silk hosiery continually�'rising, This, of- ferHOSE=With p . hosiery calls for..action Fu1 fashioned service '& .crepe bose, new shades, •Reg«. $1:15. Sale °. 69c (Not more than 3 'pr. to ;a custumer) FULL FASH1OIIED PURE SILK' HOSE. Two dozen only, dark ., •'shades Reg. $1.15 Sale 7 ...:..... . .. :.. .;... , , 596, CHECK Pure Linen TEA, TOWELLING. • 20 w RED.: and 1�H17:E� :CHECK ,. .,, . •ide. •'Re 33c: • Sale . , -,25c Wide.. 9� o -i u d : Mercha'ndise to . go at ,. andDass . t.. _ed .4444-09P, S , end ENDS , a, In -,, Reduetions'up;tp'50'per cent.• SHOP 'EARLY OH LY TO .SAVE DISAPPOINTMENT • R rAT. R ..BARGAIN `WIl!IDOW Y ;c •, . .. .. exnpleton a For The pH .:Pre ar Springouse- . . With Th e 1940 t New " leanln w � WASHER AA �� ► ����i��.�-I �f'ryry, Litre,. Hardwar TO LORD TWEEDSMUIR A `great man has' Passed '.ori To his '. eternal rest, - His Lord hath called him .hence To mingle with the blest. We some 'T for him here, The Ino. son .mourns to -day, Our lives are all ;enriched Because he passed this way. He was a '.li#e : of. service, ' Of duty, nobly . done, A life wherein true greatness' A crown.:of'•life has won. A modest, kindlyfriend to all No rank nor power could. sever, From •duty, as he saw it True 'greatness, lives forever AVIATOR VISITS HOME , • , NA.TIONA•L CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATE SUPPORTS` NATIONAL GOVERNMEN, T Detanils. United ' War , Effort—No onscrIption. Speaking over radio station CENX, fron;''iWingham, on Saturday,. Leigh H. Snider, National Conservative 'can- didatefor Bruce, said that Mackenzie Xing "attacked.. National _unity • by in jetting conscription into • the campaign when he knew it wall not an issue :because the Hock R. J. 'Manion has declared against: it.. In giving lais 'wholehearted ,supportto the National Government • movement .thecandidate laid .-do' the issues' -in the campaign' as three, namely:T - 1. Peace -time and war time ' i ecoid :• of • . the Mackenzie King Government, 2 Right to " Perliainentary . Govern- _ Ment.. ' •3: 'Right to',united war effort., • Declaring that ,:Canada, with its vast rdgpurces and open spaces wa: the prize for which, Hitlerism was striving, and that Christianity was at stake, the candidate, . called ter Em- pire unity and the utmost war effort under the National Government to be formed by Manion. He 'said' you could trust. .Manion; :who' 'had proved ' his loyalty in.•the.= last War. He' extended to his; listeners an invitation to; .join the National • Government, movement.. The calling . of a War -time election, e ai u e: a Kung .G ver'im'tten1 to •c -operate, the'. clamping down of the lid, by scuttling .parliament and the.- resentment of . all criticism, : h said,,all worked against a United peo ple and a united War effort.. This. was no time for narrow partisanship, or :the playing of ' politics and the • • strictest of •economy in all''I branches .of G.overmment Service' was necessary. CLOCAL and We underataijd,lfr, Max Raynard of: town. is in ' ery: poor health. , d Mrs, Georg• Stuart of •St. Helen's and Miss Catherine McGregor of town visited .a. few days dwith relatives in Chicago. ... Alex MacKenzie and Herb Graham.` .ad Toronto and. •Andrew Thampspn` of Bowxnanville, were week-endvis- itors In town. Mr,, Wm. B yie of . Saskatchewan,' who has 'been visiting••+w•itii relatives in Kinloss:, since ,Christmas; plans to' Coin:Once his. return drip to ',the West next week•. " ` . • Repairs. are ,being.'made'to the Al: lin Block store,: where a, Chinese.laun-' dry operated"' for •many. years. The' premiseshas been vacant for some time and Ithe improving of' the build- ing has •been undertaken with ,a view to :Making. it more easily rentable. . thought for the future; and at this season of theyearthe natural thing is to aink of pour friends. near and far, and send 'a wish that each. one Vinay beas.. happy as . circumstances will allow. Her in Tamaui everything is so peaceful that- weforget. sometimes MgrhOws at "a time.athat. there 'is an war •any :place.. 'My days seeni to,,befilled with so many entail things. and the fear .of forgetting something that I axn , supposed to; do, that it is. eosy to• forget until . the newspapers mine or we • go' to Taihoku.: and hear all the; various .'theories, that people have: regarding , ,the• future. Another -t.104t, that 'brings our" minds.; to the nearest distiurbanee'' is. the- price 'of 'everything which, we buy. • Most things have nearly trebled dur ing•the past. year :and how :people continue to live is' More than' I can'.. tell but people usually do some 'way: Vegetables and everything .. that can be shipped are :almost prohibitive for the 'day labourer and a lack of the right kind'' of food .will 'inevitably mean' more sickness with no money, to pay the doctor Qr hospital. People are afraid of any extra eapense,'how- ;ever small, so they . Wait, till they etre almost dead before they go tothe hospital and then expect the doctor to perform • a miracle:. That is also one reason' why it is so hard to be-, gin, our conferences' and Bible classes. The other evening,' when I was dui or a w , dun o a wo , an �'we suffering and :had no money for the doctor..She• was standing by the side of the road holding her hand in front of her all ,wrapped in 'leaves and green grasscut up . very fine, which is , •, ,ipposed to be . e ' good ointment fol." all kinds of sores. • I stopped and sini a to .her. and she immediately told ins 'all about `herself. • It hlad been 'sore 'for •more than a Month and , s'he had no ,,husband and no' money, only a daughter +who is •' earning two yen a month in a Japanese familyas, cook. I . told her to conte'to the house the next 'morning but .when "she arrived I knew that it was beyond my power so the next day Miss Burdick .took. her to the hospital and she was there' two weeks.. Since, 'coming back she has been to the hoase every day to have it dressed and it . is better but far from well yet .and sometimes I. wonder if it ever - will be 'compretely • DOROTHY 'DOUGLAS. PENS UTTER HOME No .doubt many here will be: inter, ested in . the $follo`wing' letter • from Dorothy Douglas in Formosa and which was read at a recent W. 4..S. meeting in the Presbyterian Church: Tamsui, Taiwan, The candidate will speak over the John Robertson of the, Royal same 'station every Saturday .at- 1 Canadian Air, Force, Jericho Beach. p.m. -from , now, until Election day. R. Vancouver British Columbia, •paid a • isit t the home' of his mother; Mrs. Alice Robertson, Ripley, recently. It is five -years since John left Ripley for the West. For the past yea° he has been a member of the. air force. He returned' to Vancouver last Wed- nesday morning. Will power: The ability to eat one salted peanut. He is not dead to -day, This friend whom we all love, But called -to higher service • . In our . Father's, house' above. _ ' • . • Wm. M. Buckingham. There's' the story. ,of a housewife who shipped a package of home -cook- ed food to her daughter in another, city. On the wrapper she ' wrote: "if not delivered}n 10 days, never mind." • Won 'Wrist Watch. Mrs. Hutchison, , R. 1, Lucknow, was the winner of 'a wrist watch on the Ken • Soble amateur'. hour. Sending in her name on a tobacco package, ' e brand advertised. by the sponsors of this program, Mrs. Hutchison's name was drawn. Omar Haselgrove of Wjingham from whom .the•tobacco was purchased also _.wins a watbh. • • Dear Friends: A :Christmas,• letter in these days when there 'is neither, "Peace On Earth" or. "Good -mill among ,Men" is• something of a mockery btit'life, must go on, a day at a time, with. no %UCKNOW UNITED CHURCH Rev. R. C. Todd, Pastor SUNDAY FEB.: 25tH 11, w a,m.-Sublect—"SUI�'F►ERING. FOR: UNDESERVED HATRED !" ,3,p.m.—Sunday'School ' . 7 P.M.--Subject--"THR' ROYAL REDEEMER ' REJECTED" Lenten Week day 'services on Wed. evenings at 8 o'clock. Evers•one welcome. • Subjects •-"The Seven Last Words front "the Cross.".' Feb.• 28 -"Forgiveness.' ntan's .Anniiirsary Entire Stock must be reduced in the next 2 weeks S•.gs curprices. � below today's a wholesale prie ....,.. uy Now ave Overalls, Work Pants, l ' Work Shirts, Work. Socks, . Wincibreakers, Sweaters, . Fine Shirts, Felt,. Hats, Fancy -Socks, Fine Cloves, . Underwear, Pyjaiiias,. Leather Coats, Overcoats Our' Spring Samples Of Tip Top Tailors Made To Measure Suits, Are On Display HOFFMAN's Men's Wear, ttn:ow IIE W. 1. Tomli son BRUCE LIBERAL 1 CANDIDATE Spak 'Over ` .K..IrT onday. f; eb. 26 1:15 to 1:30.; p.m. ON THE .SUEc r BJ ar� • Wort"? �a ' � ,wl i'' •cad.d • Sponsored .by :•the 'Brucel;'iberal' Association ' , better. At her . own suggestion she 'came to church, with us on Sunday and yes- terday 'when • I was' doing her hand •1 "asked her if she understood and she said no but she wanted to learn and she wanted her daughter ,to learn to read and everyday when she comes we ,teach her to read the Bible and sing; hymns. That is all, sofar and l am•:,quite sure, that she isone •°f'the. . chosen else why did. I. speak . to her. owever • er s o' y 1S so er' 'tat1 that I tell it here. The other`. day 1 was trying to find : the reason why so many Formosan: women think that they are sick (and many of them real- ly are) and 1 decided, that it was; part- ly because they•don't get 'Hie right kind of food and'opaitly ;b,eczuse so few of them are really happy. There seems to • be always an, uttfaithfa{• husband, a difficult. mother -in, -law,. or a wicked relative to keep them from, having the happiness that 'so many women know:. • This year I am in charge 'o€ our Women's' School, during the absence of Miss .Adams, on furlough, and be- sides .I have a.. kindergarten: and s; budding play -ground to keep an ;eye on. Then, too, .I have the W.M.S, books and`. some English pupils to take lip my spare • time, to say nothing of, committees. I don't usually teach English.. but three of my.:pupils are'. young inert who really need it in their .' work • . and another, :is a nice young man whom I , hope will come, to 'be- lieve. He has just had one or two les- sons but I gave him .a Gospel of Luke ' last night in Japanese and I hope he'. will read' it . and Want : inure. I have. ; an ;English. Bible class, too,, one night. a 'Week which .is' always fairly well at- tended • but there are not so many peo- ple in a small place like this who want Eugllal,. This is a tryingtime for Christ- ians all: over Formosa and, . many. a test of faith comes,. to• 'them which would. be hard for Much, older. Christ- • tansto meet. 'We" who ;have gener- ations 'of Christian teaching behind us 'need a.'great deal of imagination to be able to put ourselves in their places. The. Christians here need all .our help and prayers in building up the church in Formosa. •wish 11 could send you alta real' poinsettia' ,for Christmas. They,are just •coningout now and we marvel. afresh every year ' at their .loveliness. However I will have to be satisfied. • _,with 'sending a Christmas Greeting and the wishthat each and every one of you• may have the Very hap- piest Christmas' Season possible. 'Yours .Sincerely; Dar by. Douglas. Pi LEIGH H. SNIDER National Conservative Candidate for Bruce I BELIEVE THAT A UNITED WAIT EFFORT' IS. THE FIRST CONSID- ERATION OF EVERY LOYAL; CIT- IZEN. • THEREFORE , I .GIVE 'MY WHOLE -HEA %TED- SUPPORT 'TOl THE NATIONALGOVERNMENT MOVEMENT FUNDER THE LEAD- ERSHIP OF'.THEP HON. R. J. MAN= • ION, --WHO HAS LOYALLY. SUP- ' PORTED OUR KING AND COUN- TRY 'SINCE THE VERY BEGIN- NING OF THE LAST, WAR.. I WILL APPR ATE THE HELP Oh'' EVERYONE WHO WISHES .TO PLACE HIS SHOULDER Td THE WHEEL,REGARDLESS OF PARTY. • Seaters uPECIA Vi B LLGIRLS AND BOYS' SWEATERS --EG S, ROLL 'NECKS, ZIPPER: FRONTS, :AND POLO COLLARS IN THE NEW $1 i 0 COLORS, ALL WOOL, ANY,SIZE: EACH ............,•• . Fa' Immo awe Under CLEARING A PEW. LOTS OF UNDERWEAR, ' WARM LIGHT . WEIGHT GOODS FOR EACH MEMBER' Ori' THETD FAMILY. PRICES ZelC . : •wO trataattararcOrorStr Hosiery. YOU CAN STILL BUY A NUMBEIt OF LINES OF HOSIERY HERE AT OLD PRICES. 'A SPECIAL LOT OF WOMEN'S AND A LOT OP CHILDREN'S. A PAM 5C _c.nu-�..,..u..w..c a•..r-r. . _yam-y.rot+ve�msc++. -.vi•.'.. ;:6t iniimr-c raIrermar'rra 0 ..:un%, ofte rs,ra NiY z ••