HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1940-02-15, Page 170,
12:00 A YEAR -IN. ADVANCE -56c gxTRA TO U. S. A. •
CHOOSE D.E,ACHMAN Mrs: Wilfred, Johnston(nee 'Helen
. •
McLeod) left on SunclaY fox Both -
In spite of opposition, and which
having ben freely forecast, /lid not
come as a surprise, 'It: J, Deaclunene
1VI.P.- for North Iltiron during.
*pi nast four yeare, Ives the choice
oi,tok Liberalnomination convention
at afi'etglurin on Monday; , Be was
eiloseeon the firstlellot over W.
Beherisqn editor of •The, Goderich
Signal -Star,. and Miti-Josie.'Saiinclers,:
(oderih social service worker. .
"Fg1t 'wham were 'submitted' to' the,
eonvention when, W SHetheringtOee
Wingham, the chairman, Calle
ed for nomination, but only: 'the
• thee ' allowed their names to stand.'
?se nerninated were: G..L. Parsons,
, egeagrich; Frank Fingland, KC., Clin-
ton; R. J. Deachm•an, Wingham; W.
11. Robertson, Goderich; ' Mies Josie
Saunders, Goderich; D. R. -Nairn, God-
eriehl Sheldon Bricker, Fordwieh, and
'Hugh Ilia, Celberne Township.
R. 3. Deachnitin in replying to. the
convention answered criticism that he
does not remain in the riding by poin-
• ting out that his -interests are those
oe.,_Canadseand that ia order to do
•this he must remain doge to his desk,
in Ottawa when the Molise- is in se-.
well to join her husband, who had 'eft
the week previous, upon being trans-
ferred to the Bank of Montreal branch
at. that place. .
Mr. Johnston was listed for a traps-
fer,,,gOine time ado.; but Which was de-
ferred until the Manager, Mr. V. N.
Piest was able tt4,,Siume. duties
after a lengthy jlhless. There will be
no additien, to the present 'Stet
Last Thursday' the third contingent,
of the Canadian Active Service 'Force
arrived "sotriewhere in Britain"
Among its numbers was Price Nay-
lor; ;of Toronto, elder son of •Mr.
'Louisa, Naylor of Lucknow, who is
• spending the- *inter at Goderieh.
Mr. Naylor's overseas trip • ca,me
Trickly, as it is only•a month ,since
he 'enlisted in • the 15th General Hos-
pital unit, Royal' Canadian 'Medical
Corps. • „
Like the t*o contingents that 'ar-
ri'ved before it, t-Tlargrillinfrware-
Of Canadians arrived in Britain me:
heralded. During' the night •,grey
troopships glided •silently into hate'
bor, under •cover ,of. ,darkness and
rode at anchor until morning. ,
Crowds, thronging docks and proini-.
enades overlooking the harbor., *aired
and cheered without knowing froni
what part of • the: Empire the convoy
had coke.. •They were kept in sus-
pense until the first: tender brought
ashore .it cargo of singing Canadians.
Lucknow Ont., Thursday. February 15th, .1940
The !Clansmen Carnival held last
Friday evening drew a fairly large
crowd. •A concluding feature of the
evening,. was a chariot rice by mem•
hers of the ,Clan_snienteTwelve mere-.
hers Of the intermediate lieckey teem
staged, a relay race with the team
of ,glwood Solomon, Babe Boolc,:Har-
oldvakeoriarid Johnnie Daluner
ing the prize, , • •
Costume prizes were , awarded .as.
follows; Boys and•girls,'•ii.nder: six-,
Donald,. Thompson;
Boys and girls, Under .nine7-,-Billie
Decker, Bruce Johnston and Donnie
McAlpine' National Costnme,.
Dor�thy Burgess, Ripley, Mrs: A. E,
McKim; National Costume, men -Rex-
ford _ Ostrander, , Clifford McMillee;
comic dress-eClair -Agnew, Bob Han•
nab; best clbwning-Gordon Mullin:
Leonard MeDenald.
Race Events---.uncler six, Pick Tre-
leaven, Grace 'Huston; boys, under
nine -Cliff McMillan, .Jehn Graham;
girls,, under nine -Jane Johnston, Hel
en Webster; boys; under,12-Ab chin
Joe Agnew; girls, under 12 -Patsy
der 15 -7 -Bill, Button, Bud Orr; girls,
under 15-:-Paisy Treleaven, Normt
Ritchie; Lady's open race -Etta Belle
MacDonald, Audrey Campbell; ,3• -lege
ged race -,-Albert Chin and -Patsy Tre
leaven, Lloyd Hall and :Etta Belle
MacDonald; couple rac.e---Ken. Cainer-
On ana Mildred Ritchie, Donald John-
ston and Etta Belle MacDerield. '
eThe Pipe Band was in attendanCe:
and skating was enjoyed by a large
crowd t onclude• the evening.
• Eightichfckens, as door prizes, were
vvon as follows: Keith Kilpatrick, Jas,
Chin, George Taylor, Roy Aitchison.,
Gorden Miller, <Mrs.' M. C. Orr, Jack
Cook, Keith McCormick.
• "I spend at least four months each
•, Year in the riding and try to keep ae•
will informed on. the conditions of the
riding as possible and irt the dame
time keep infornied on the nation's
affairs," he declared.• '
W. II. ,Roberton, of Goderieh, 'undy-
ed that the association e.tend its
EIMPathy to .the family ref the late
• Morgan Dalton; • Ashfielcl Township
• octogenarian Liberal stalwart, , who.
passed away last fall., The motion.
was seConded by Rea Hill
I At the annual' meeting . of OW
, South Bruce Rural Tereplione
pany held recentlyeat Teeswater, Fos-
' ter Moffat urged the 'Company to
. extend its system, to inclede therural
• line between Holyreed and Lucknow.
This matter wasinvestigated by the
directors -in 1938, and trirried dowr
as not feasible. •r
• •
The Gist .annual : meeting' of the
West Wawnnesh Mutual Fire Insur-
ance Company was held at Dungann-
on on Ftiday, The three retiring. dir-
ectors Ernest Ackert,. George Stuart,
and :deorge Sowerbey were re-elected
without oppTitieri: Bert Marsh and
Donald Metean Were. ie.:appointed as
auditors: .
At the directors ••rneeting • Harvey
Anderson was re-elected president.
The Board includes, Donald MCKity;
Robert Davielsoni Wilfred McCarthy,
G. M. Stuart, Ernest. Ackert, Geoige
Sr:wet-by,' Rase- McPhee; Marvin Mc-
Dowell and IL D. Anderson.
• Total amount paid for fire losses in
1939 was $15,880.05. Total number of
policies in force at end of 1939-4221,
which is <an increase of .16 over' the
previous year. Net 'insurance in force
at end of 1939-$13,280,696.50„ It is
noticeable thata very large percent-
age of the losses ,for the year Were
caused by, lightning. Several losses
were eaused by overheated stoves or
stove pipes; one was, from a coahull
itove and one from a threehing.rnaCh-
The regular ;meeting of the W. M.
' S. of the United Church was held
• Wednesday the 7th with Mrs. Bush-
ell presiding. The. minutes of the pre-
vious, meeting were, read and Sev-
eral matters' of business dealt' with.
Mra. Robert Fisher read a letter,
stating •the articles to ,be ready for
' the June bale. Mrs. Hoffman's group
then took' charge of 'the devotional
part Of the meeting. • sCripture read-.
• ings were. given by .Miss L. McLean
end IVfiss K.• McGregor. lVfrs. Winer
Con Decker, local merchant -tailor.
suffered a tweak spell at his shop on
Tuesday morning,' where he received
roeilical attention and was, later ee-
movecrto his hoine, where be will be.
•recidired to rest; for a few days.
Tfte !fin, interfered this Week,-
•-sierd' kept '-'the puhlialier 'Confined"'
icathe house for'therie4ety.s, ink-
ing it difkicult te gi4.1 yoka full
.boverage of news and Still
get this issue.Out on time. ,
It• is a week of sorrow' for Can-
'adians ,froin coast to coast, who un-
iversally mourn the passing, of Lord
Tweedsmuir, one pf the most beloved
Governore-General this Dominion has
ever known.
Lord •TWeedernitir , was jest plein,
•.lohn Buchan, Until his , appointment •
as. the King's a..epreeentative to Can.
wia. His death Occurred in Montreal
on Sunday evening, a few horsafter
lie. had: undergone a third: cranial op-
eration to relieve brain prelsure re
suiting from concussion' which he Ji05...
:fere& when he fell in his room at
'Governrnent'ilouse,•Ottawa, the Tues-
day Previoua. ••
The body of Lord Tweedsrouir, lay
in state in the Senate. Chambers at
Ottalyteuntil Wednesday when a state
funeral was held with "the service at
St. -Andrew's Presbyterian Church,
with which Lord Tweedsmuir was, act-
ively identified during bisefour and a,
half years at "Ottawa, and during:
which time he has visited the utinoat
extremities of the Dominion. ,
Author, statesman,' 'soldier and
scholar, Jan Buchan, .son of a huni-
ble Scottish manse, was never of ro-
bust physique. But his health appear-
ed to justify the universal exPectatior
that he would undoubtedly be able to
,finish Mei his term as governor -gem
• end, whieh • did noeeiPire until -next
The World has lost'a brilliant schol-
ar, the-Empire:a great administ)ater
and Canada a truelriend, in the death.
of Lord Tweedsmuir.
•• Lucknow Sepoys made it 6 to 3
ever Kincardine in the Lakeside Town
on TueidaY night, with a big. follow-
ing of Lucknow fans. in , attendanee
tet .cheer their efforts.
was the first or a two-geme
connt series. Kinca'ee.
03.0 here to,night ',(ThuradaY). -APO
the' Winner will meet the ,winneroX
the Paisley -Port Elgan Series for the
group cha,mpionship; ,e0 •.
It looki. like -a Lucknow:Phialey,
final ,series, that . may go • the three-,
game' limit': But first let's Wait and
see what these Unpredictable Fingal.:
dine boys do tonight. They'll be no
pushovers, we date say and the Se
pays can't regard them lightly. •
On Tuesday night Kincardine drew
first blood .at about 'five Minutes. It
was their first and last goal of the
night. Luc:knew made it 2,1, 3-1 and
6-1, by 'periods and in the final frame
"completely entskated and outclassed
the weary. Lakesiders. .
With Johnnie Dahmer out with a
head injury) ."Toby" Greer moved up
to left Wing (with 13. Book and Fisher,
:and this line 'got four of the goals,
thtee of t em gomg • .•Webster was
wad' hack ,in thegame, after
• absence of more than'. a month
•from iliriess. • .. • •
Lucknow--Goal, Ritchie; Defense,.
George Beek, MoCermick; Centre, B.
Book; wings, Greer, Fisher; Alt., Sed -
Onion, Webster, Harris', McKenzie. •
First Period
1--2Kiecardine, MacDonald 5:00
2-Luckno*, Greer, Book) 11:00.
3-Lucknow, :Fisher (B. Beek) 16:00
Penalty, -H. Rook
, Second Period
4:Le-Lucktiove; McCarniick ...... 17:40
Penalties„ -McCormick, Bolonron. •
Third Period
5-tuckel0w, Greer (McCormick) 2:
6--Lucknow. Greer (Fisher) ..• 11:25
7-Lrick1r0w, Harris; (Solomon,
• McCormick) . . ... . . 17K/0
.Penalties --Greer, Graham. ,
Refereee-"Honey" Kuntz, Kitchen -
-took theetople from the Study Book. itie. ••
• Mrs. Bushell closed the' meeting with
prayer. ••
At the deem of this meeting' the
Women's Association held a short
•, business meeting. Mrs., Elmer Ack-
' Ort, the new preeident then spoke to
• the ladies. The members then , pres-
ented the retiring president, Mrs. A,
E. McKim, with a silver cream and
Sugar and tray in appreciation, of the
work and faithful service she has
given for the -Past three years. The
,address was read by Mrs. Fisher and
the° presentation made by Mrs. T.
Alton..Mrs. McKhn thanked the mem-
bers init few well chosen words.
Is' it nothing to us that thousands
of wounded soldiers who know net
the -Lord are freezing to death in
the. vast snow-fieldsof Finland? is
Iv it nothing to us th,at three million
•'Chinese women and children are star-
ving to death while we. have plenty?
Is it nothing. to us that thousands
• of "religious" people in Carinda, and
throughout the world are working for
, the defeat' of E iaglancl? Is it nething
to us 'that battalions Of our. young
• . men, many without it saving knee, -
ledge of Jesus Christ are marching
away to the fent, scene of *horn
, may neer return.? Is it nothing• to
us that the Corning of the LOrd draw-
' •-eth nigh and many of our friends and
loved ones are still unstaved?
This.Thursday evening at The Luck
now Bible Institute the subjett for
• ' discussion is "Revival". Those who
are Yearning to see le Spirituel Awak-
e* ie .Canada are' ilrged to come
R. T. Douglas of town ,suffered
r •
severe injuries in an 'unusual manner
at his, home on •Sunday afternoon,
when he was struck on the head by'
a huge icicle. -,
He has-been kept wider 'close ob-
servation and for' two days was not
moved from the kitchen couch where
he 'Was first placed after the accident.
On Wednesday morning he was re-
ported to have spent a good night
and his condition much improved.
Hee many friends here will be pleas• -
ed to learn that there is some int-
proverrient in thecondition of Mrs
Itebert- Macballinn;.• who, has been
dangerously ill at• Port Alberni, Brit.
ish,COlurnbia, wh,ere • she has ' been
Making her home for- some time with
her •daughier, Martha,
After an illness of Several weeks
Mrs. Emily Ackert died of pneumonia
in Regina hospital on • Wednesday,
February 7th,
Mrs., Ackert Came to Luckneve six-
ty-two. years ago as the bride of the
late J. H. Aekert, where Mr. Ackert
was engaged in the furniture business,
A, few Years later the saw mill at
Holyrood was bought and they lived
there tillthe year.,1916 when they re-
tried' to Lucicnow, where they lived
till the .time, of Mr; A.ckert's death in,
1925.• Since then Mo.' Ackert has
made her home With her daughter,
Mrs.- Charles Bouldihg • 'of Regina,
Sask. _.-
Other members of the family are
Mrs. R. J. Harper, Leney, Sask., Rev.
;Harold Ackert, Monkton, Ont., Ernest
of , Holyreied and Almer; '*virho died
eight years ago-. Mrs. Ackert had
thirteen grandchildren and. eleVen
great grandchildren.
Mrs. Ackert wasone of the older
members of the Community. She was
a kind and „loving wife and mother,
,who tOok a deep interest in the wel-
fare d her family*.
• The .funeral serviees• will be held
(this) Thursday at 2:30 P.M., in the
United Church, Lucktiow. Interment
in Greenhill Cemetery.
"0 tlie sleep of, just a moment
When the spirit sinks 'away,
Then the waking, blissful waking,
•In a amid of endless day."
UPOti out. land: Please remember
Thersdey evening -time 8 p.m, The
' Junior Bible Club. will also' meet, bei
• Thursday at 4:16 p.m. instead of Fri-
Fail To Hold Meeting • •
Goderich Agricultural Society has
twice failed in ,an attempt to hold
the annual meeting. There Wits not
a quer= present for the hecond
meeting and another -meeting- Was
called for this. week.
• , • •
Mr.. and Mrs. Robert Rae and
daughter Margaret, left. the first of
the week ,fOr • Florida with • Tempe
their destination. They plan to spend
about five weeks in the South. ;
Two , carloads of relatives forined
the party, inelUding Mr. .and Mrs:
Rae and Margaret; Mr. ;
Rae And Mei. E.. Porteous of 'Lon -
den; Mrs, Skinner, Stratford;
O., Thotripeon, Listeveel; Mrs. N. Riehe,
*WM, Ingersoll; Mee Wan Rae, SE.
TWA MLEY-In Ashfield Township,
on -Tuesday: February Mk, Violet M.
TwamleY, in her 37th year. The re-
mains are resting at her late home,
Let 11, 'Conceseion Ashfiekle un-
til Thursday, February 15th, With the
funeral service at Haekett's Church
at 2:30 o'clock. Interment in Green-
hill ,Cemetery.
Explanation .Hegarding. tFhe •
Unfinished Ttenelt. on Cempbeil
• A Misceneeption has been circulated
as to the Council's negligence in not
sealing over •the trench made on
Campbell streeby t the Bell Tele-
," '
phone Company, for the Purpose Of
piecing. their cehles underground.
Due to the lateness •of the seas-
on, the :Bell Telephone.Company felt
a proper job could not be made of
sealing over the trench, and advised
me ter havee the work completed by
ourselves let the proper time and they
would pay all expenses. ' • '
41 engaged .an engineer • to look ie
over, and he claimed the gravel fill-
ing, already in the dram, contained
a mixture of clay. eConsequently,
would have to be wathed before the
tar was mixed with sante, ,and the,
finish, or the sealing coat, would 'then
require a week's hot sun, together
with dry weather, which .could • net he
expected at such a late date, before
the job could be -.guaranteed; • and ,as.
the vilfloge would want a .guaranteed
job 'the engineer advised itto be left
over 'till spring.
Reeve N. E. Bushell.
• HELM -In loving 'memory of Jos-
eph Helm, who departed. .this life,
February ipth, 1939.
The love a %art Whig dear,
•Vond. rnetrieries linger every elay,
Remeinbrance keeps him near.
. The largest. crowd, of the :season
ocPected to pack the Weal Arena, to-
night (Thursday) for the deeiding
game' of the serrii7final :series
tween Kincardine, and ,LticknoW. 'The
•game -is called :fbr .8:18 with no in-
crease in 'adriiission.' • ' •• • • ,
..Then .following the game the Pipe..
Band is .sponsoring a dance With mus-
ic. -by IVIcCharlesy. orchestra'. Bo it 'looks
:like, a; big :time': .here „
• . By john Elliott
• Older residents of Ducknow will
remeinber, and most readers of The
Sentinel Will have heard of Dr. Gar-
nier; Who prectiised .inedieine in the
Village before Confederationand, for
many years after:
• Fte .uweally thought o, as a isernee
what ectentyic Man, end a -clever ,
physician, but he: Was also a man :of
general .culture, with. literary ability.
A remixiciere of thie latter. eharacter-
istie 'crime to me not long ago when
picked up in a,- Second-hand bool;.. •
Store. a , neatly bound Vol:nine ' Of
."prince Pedro, a Tragedy" by Dr.
J. H. Garnier of Lucknow.
The scene is laid •in Portugal, and
the book is dedicated, by permission,
to the Marquess Of Deefferin, at that
time. the Geyer/ter-General. of Canada.
There. Is probably a copy of the book
in ethe • Lucknow Public Library. If
not, I shall be pleased to donate mine:
•Following is the .dedication: "
May it please your Eieellency:
e Anew me with !Very feeling of eel.
sPect, to inscilbe .the following play
to your LardshiP: ' • '
y-fiaat-attennete_ ' although
Was 97, Last Week •
Mrs. Caroline Rinker, Kincardine's
grand old lady, observed her 97th
•birthday last Wednesday.
• The Winghain and diStrict .branch
of the Canadian Legion has joined in
the Dominion wide drive for funds
known as the Canadian Legion War
Services. ;Th& objective is 009;900
with the' Wingham' branch planning tp
.raise $1000.00 in the drive -which is
nOw on, '
' The purpose of the campaign is to
provide funds for earrying on eduea-
tional. and 'personal service wcirk for
Canadian. soldiers Who have •enlisted
• in the fightin4g,eforees. of the arnik;
navY or the air force. ,
Thefollowing lofficers ,' have lieu
named for the cain„paign: chairman.
Herb Campbell; ward Captains, II. C.
Maclean, W. W. Armstrong, B. H.
Lloyd, Duncan Kennedy; Percy Har-
ris. CamPaign manager for .Tesswater
will be Roy Thompson and for Luck -
now it will be George Eta,seall.
One of Huron Township's grand old
men, Roderick Douglas, passed away
on Friday evening, February 2nd. -
Mr. Douglas Who was in his ninety-
third year,. was born at Kintail, Ont-
ario, December 7th, 1847, one of a
family of nine ihildren,' of the late
John Douglas and Jane Noble, emi-
grants .from Rosshire, Scotland, who'
were early settlers of thie cauntry.
1883 'he was married to Miss Chris-
tena ;Matheson of Lochalsh. In 1004
they moved to concession 4, Huron,
where they 'have sirree *sided. Be
had enjoyed the best of health prect-
icelly all his life. In spite of hia
advanced age he had retained pee-
sesien ' of his laculties; was strong
in body and alert in mind until a few
nioeths ago when he suffered a stroke
of 'paralysis. From this he ecovered
and was in fairly good health at the
tithe of' his passing. Failing :eyesight
was his , greatest handicap. All his
life he had been a great reader and
kept in touch with news of interest.
He had a wonderfully retentive mem-
ory and when he was no longer able
o read -his Bible, he could repeat
many chapters of the Acriptures. He
was a feithful member of Knox Pres-
byterian • church, Ripley, and until
falling, health prevented his attend-
ance, he was always found in his
plfice in the church on the Sabbath
• Day. He was held in high regard,
throughout the community, as n man
of integritY and 'Christian ptinciples.,
The • firineral was held from This
home 'on Monday afternoon, with
services i;eink eonchicted.by the Rev -
J, Reynolds Ester, pastor .of' Knox
Church. Interment was made, in Rip-
ley cemetery. The palibettrers were
four grandsons, John D. and Roy
Thompson, Douglas and Grant Mc-
Donald, len -soliseimlaw; Jahn, rt. Me
Donald and Donald ,Thompson.
To Atiourri the 1:teasing of a kind
and thoughtful husband and father,
,he leaves his 'widow;- two Sons, John
et home and Donald . o Granum, Al-
berta; five daughters,. Mrs. Donald
Thompson (Teta); • Mrs. J. H. lie -
Donald; (Jane) congas's:1On 4, Hurdn;
MisseS„ Marybelle, R.N. and Rhoda at
Ie.'. allele:Are HAM:
There died on eSunday, February
4th, 1940, Margaret Clifton, wife of
the late ,Arthue Clifton. Deceased was
the daughter of the late Joseph Clif-
ton and Jane Watson; and in all re-
lations of . life Whether daughter„ or
wife was ant est el;otripliay woman.1 4
Those left. to mann her. lois are
one sister; Martha, and two brothers,
John at keine and Charles of 13ruee-
The funeral, Avhich took place from
her reeidente, to Greenhill Cemetery,
Was largely attended and was eon-
ductedly Rev. R.,. Todd of the Une
ited .church, Lucnow, of which She
was -a*rminsbovi....-,."
Tire 'tint Tisuaterstalf...,
belt Garrimie, Lawrence Bela, George
Tinnier, Gordon Kirkland, EWart Tay -
Card Of Thanks
' The brothers And sisters of the late
Mrs. Arthur Clifton wish to thank
all, those who assisted in •anY way
during the illness and at the time
of her death, also for letters of eYni-
doubtless inferior to prOductions of
more gifted withers, yet if 'it give,
you any Pleasure in the 'perusal, I
shall be content Yourself, a man of
letters, can easily understand the
anxiety of an, author when 'ca.sting
the first effusion of:his muse en,the
ocean of literature. It "Prince Pedro"
meet with your honest aPProvel on '
its ewn Merits, ere a , dramatie pro-
duction, I shall have lietle to. fear
from the asperities of critic. can-
not sufficiently express my thanks
for the kindness' you have extended
to me,' in .permitting me to dedicate
this traxeclee to Your Excellency, and -
I really feel it to be sniall favor
and 'honor. • •• ••
. Allow me to subscribe myself,
• Your Excellency'e most obedient, .
John n. Garnier, M.D.
Luelareev,,, Ontario,
• February 1.9the 187'7.
. ,
The World Day of Prayer was held
In the Preabyterian church on Friday
February 9th, the theme for the day
• was In quietnees and in confidence
shall be your, strength." The Brit
part. of the meeting Ni,r, taken by
Mrs. Mullin. Bible readings were given
by Mrs. P. Stewart, Mrs. Prest and
Mrs. Turner on the 15th chap. of John.
The, second part of the programme
was taken by Mrs. Clark, llirre•Bush-
ell led in the period" of Intercession.
Prayers were •given by Ms. Maloney,
Mrs. Hassall, Mrs. J. Little, • Miss
Mary MacLeod, Mrs. Rathwell and
Mrs„ W: 'Anderson. Miss Pearl Hen-
derson 'gave the -devotional • address.
Her topic was in keeping with' the
theme and was very helpful to every-
one. After the• offering and hymn,
the Benediction was said in unison.
The Lueknow Worneit's 'Institute
"At }Tom" for members, farnilies.and
guests, will be held this Friday night,
in the own Hall at 8 o'clock. Program,
lunch,'dancing: Note the change of
_With proceeds. for patriotic pur-
poses; a dance Under the ausPices of
l$� held held in #14' COmmunity Hall on Fri-
day evening, February' 16. MuSic by
The Ontario Government is prepar-
ed• to continue the existing basis, of
relief contributions to municipalities.,
The present agreement with 'Ottawa
provides for the payment of ri(). per
cent '1.3y the Dominion, .40' per. cent
by the province. and 20 per cent 'bi-
the . inunicipalities-ethe province re-
serving theerig-htto establish monthly
qu,otas for relief by any municipality.
It is announced that during 1939, Ont-
ario' municipalities have been saved
about $800,000 by the province's are
rangement, with Ottawa. • e
When Johnnie Dahmer got hurt at
Monday night's practise, on the , eve
of the Sepoy's first playoff game
sindere sympathy of their friends Is
Sully thiSsed by his Wife and ram- lor and a nephew, Joe Chfton of St the MacCharles' orchestra. Lunch will •eXtended. A son Roderick, died in in-
ily. • Thanes; North Dakota. be Served: Admission 25e. and 16c. falleY.
with Kincardine, it Vita 't.ust another.
of e successive set backs the Club
has received all season , from sickness
and injury.
Young Dahmer who stepped up
from Juvenile ranks, this season, has
been showing improved forrn .the last
few games. He was tumbled 'over at
practise on Monday night and strik-.
ing heavily on .bis head, was render:•
ed unconseious. He was carried to the
• dressing room where he received med-
ical attention and revived before he,
in taken to his torte, where his
condition Was reported as quite fav-
ourable on Tuesday, although he was
'suffering a, concussion. •
• .
The irony of the aecident.Was in
• the fact that during the past ten-
day layoff, the team have not en-
gaged in any exhibition games, with
the sole idea of eteering dear of in-
juries for the playoff:a.
Elwood Solomon,' Played Tuesday,
Teeswater Infante Dies
• The infant' daughter ,of Mr. and
Mrs. as. J. Kirby of Teeswater,,
(Katherine Patricia), died on Mien -
day afternoon, after Being only ea
feve days. Born un Friday, . February
2nd, the little _One appeared healthy
and strong, but Monday morning it
took seriously ill and passed away
In the late afternoon. A short ser-
vice was held Tuesday, with inter- ,
inent in the Chapel, Teeswater Cem-
etery: . •
The Queen's Hotel, Walkerton, has
changed Ownership, the present prop-
rietor, Mrs. Christine Stubbert; having
disposed of the Property to Mr. Lou
Somers of -Owen Sound for approxi-
mately $28,000. The. new proprietor •
takes posseseion March 15th. The
Queen's Hotel, monducted for well
over a quarter of a century by the
late Wm. ,Farquharson, Was vpon his ^
death taken over .by the late Min.
Voigt, a sot -in-law. Upon Mr. Voigt's
death, the hotel was operated by his
widow for a nurnber of years, and in
turn ,by Mr. Mat Bell; now of Wing-,
ham. •
Some eight years ago, Charles
Stubbert•acquired the lease,. and after-
twO years: in control passed' away, and
while taped up due, to cracked ribs. it- has since been conducted by his
and yOurstruly; who hal bee'n mit Widow; Mrs. Christine Stubbert. Two
for a month with a broken band, had 'Years ago, Mrs. Stubbert. purchased
expectations of being available for the. property atidebis since made "'very
O little utility duty; until Old Man
'Flu knocked him for a row that pre-
vented him even being a spectator
at the, game, and as We Pen this last.
4.4 tOOP1'104: Calf tell"as' Jts
--etiVr-14.--aknevir-scr;:74t. if
going doesn't muich matter anyway so
long as everyon 's in the pink for the ber was formerly Christine Hawk -
Paisley series. . thaw Of Concession 16, .....114nloss,
extensive improvements, so that at
the present time it. is one of the
best furnished and Modeinized hos:.
teTries in this district.'
Stubbert Was proprietor of the
it Was destroyed by fire. Mrs. Stiih.