The Wingham Times, 1900-11-23, Page 6FdTd#ti► ELy� 00
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S. R.yLLIOTT, Pnar R n:nit.l31D P11orauvroet
FRIDAY, N(1` EMBER 23, 1900.
In order to mtllii •, 1f pox' ible, the
efrect of their crushing defeat, same of
the most unscrupulous of whet was till
Wednesday last the Tupperite party,
and now howling "French domination,"
and "Quebec rule," without stopping to
remaik that this cry was never raised so
bong as the Conservatives had amajority
in Quebec. The attention of the electors
is called to a few stubborn facts;
1. Sir Wilfrid has a supporter from
nearly every English-speaking consti-
. tuency i11 the Province of Quebec.
The Liberals will have a majority
over the Corservatives, leaving out
Quebec altogether.
8. Behinc'c Sir Wilfrid Lalzricr will sit
over 80 English-speaking members,
while on the Opposition benches there
will not bo more than 70.
4, Outside of Quebec altogether, Sir
Wilfrid has a majority from each of the
English-speaking provinces --New Bruns-
wick, Nova Scotia, Promo Edward
Islaucl and Northwest Territories. When
the two elections not yet held in British
•Columbia, come off, Sir Wilfrid will uu-
doubtedly have a majority there to.
5. It was an English-speaking con-
stituency in every case that defeated
Mr. Foster, Hugh John Macdonald, Sir
Charles Tupper, Dr. Montague and Mr.
Powell. -Brockville Recorder.
A box of Milburn's Rheumatic Pills
will be sent free to any one who suf-
fers from. Rheumatism, Sciatica, Lum-
bago or Neuralgia if they have never
tried these pills before. , Send 2c. stamp
for postage to The T. Milburn Co., Lim-
ited, Toronto, Ont.
Taman never has been an administra-
'tion in Canada that did, or would have
•dared to do, what Sir Wilfrid Laurier
has done for the cause of imperialism
both in his fiscal policy and in contribut-
ing to the defence of the empire. Sir
*Sohn Macdonald, when applied to by
'the Imperial Government to know what
(Canada could do for the expedition that
'went to the relief of Gordon, offered to
allow recruiting, but pointedly refused
any money aid. At the same time New
South Wales sent a contingent at her
'own expense. Sir Wilfrid. Laurier was
the oneniau who could bring a whole
Taco into sympathy with the Empire,
and this, as this election proves he has,
lin spite of the most malign appeals by
the Conservatives to their anti -imperial
sentiments, evidently done. The way
in which the French-Canadians" have
ignored these persistent appeals, and
elected the party which has been repre-
sented to them as incurring expenses in
a foreign cause, is an example to our
English-speaking friends who have suc-
cumbed in similar appeals against them.
The result of the anti -French. vote has
been exactly the,reverse of what was its
purpose. It has given the French a Lar
larger weight in the ruling party than
they would have had if the English con-
stituencies had not turned against them.
ee-Montreal Witness.
Dizzy SpeHs
Weak, Nervous, and ifun bourn, would.
Shako with Nervousness -A Terrible
Case -A llemarkabie Curb.
Mrs. Chas. E. Zones, Plerceton, Que.,
writes:-" Por scare 1 1n ve been a
great sufferer with my heart and
nerves. 1 would take shaking spells and
et. dizzy, swimming feeling would come
over me. Night utter night 1 would
rtevet close my eyes, and my head
;would ache as though it would burst.
'At Met I had to keep to my bed, anti
illicugh in doctor attended tae etottt
fail until spring, his medicine did not
help me.
"X have noir taken five beam of
3Cnr. 'Chase's Nerve p'ood, and It bas
done me more goad than 1 ever believed
at medicine could de. Word •tail to ex.
press my gratitude for the 'wonderful
cure brought about by this treat.
Dr. Chase's Nerve Food makes Irate,
•creak, nervous men, *Meer, and chile
dgrern strong, healthy, and happy. In
pill form, 60 cents a box, at all dea]ers,
fert ledmari on, Bates & Coe Toronto.
(myth st steward.)
Since the gerryxn:tzzcl('r has played to
part of such colzsegnence ill the i$sue cif
the cilz , i s closed )
np i ,,,il lust itantis not 11r
swiss for the Standard to refer briefly: to
some of the cases in wllielz it figured,
One of the items in the indictment of
this gol•rym sudor \vas its hiving of (grits,
where they were Ictiowu to bo .the local
favorites. The result was au limier-
repeeseutatious of members of Liberal
districts and uolucitleutly an Over-repre-
eentatialn la parts where sentiment was
+ The •'t ) of
Conservative. t stir , 1 o to t z table i1 z e ,l ie f I 1 i
COUStitnen('ie$ will best explain the
justice to triose of the Liberal persua-
slon n---
C•eaec.retrive Sesta Liberal Bit at.;
Pop. • Pop,
Lennox Pop.
E;nt'z N•..,..
k2t oc idv..Ilol a la 1 ,sea- ti 21,01
Growth,. t; 1 , ''1 ),'lord N 2,$,131
lrontt'rine .,...,1,1,1:ta li('rrt..., .,. ,vl,uil4
The average population of the Coa-
servztive constituencies will be seen to
be 1.1;;8.1 and of the Liberal Cousti.tueu-
cies 28,278.
But there were other devices employ-
ed, letici fieses, which up to. 1$82 had
elected three members, was then divided
into four, one of which, South Middle-
sex, was made to reserved• for as lnauy
Liberals as could with deceuoybepoured
into it. The other Middlesexes were so
carved up as to ensure them returning
Conservatives, which they did dawn to
1890, and in all four Midctleseaes the
Liberals, with amajority of 1,143in 1896,
got one seat and the Conservatives three.
Two townships were taken from Both-
v: ell, the Hon. David Mills' old con-
stituency, which it was hoped would de-
feat that gentleman. Mr, Mills' fight
was was always a close one, as a result,
up till his defeat iu 1800. To make
South Perth safe for a Conservative two
townships of that county, with a Liberal
majority of 400, were transferred to
Oxford county, which had already a
Liberal majority running into the
thousands. On the other hand Usborne
township was taken from Huron county,
whore the Conservatives accounted
themselves safe, and added on to make
up the deficiency in South Perth. Ox-
ford county, with a population of 49,800,
and which clearly should have been left
alone, to soul its two members to parlia-
ment was juggled with, because it was to
be a Liberal stronghold. Two of its
townships, Blenheim and Dereham,
with 10,423 population, were moved into
North Brant and North Norfolk re-
spectively and replaced by North East -
hope, SouthEasthope and Burford, with
a,population of 9,039.
Another way of calculating the effect
of the gerrymander was a count of the
votes in the several elections since 1882.
Such a calculation was supplied by the
Secretary of State in the Senate last
session, which shgwed that iu 1882,
though ;the ;Conservatives carried 55
seats and the Liberals only .37 in On-
tario, the difference between the aggre-
gate votes for each party was only 6,254,
while it took 3,615 votes to elect a
Liberal member and only 2,546 to elect a
Conservative. Again in 1887 the
total Conservative vote polled, 181,-
726, was only 5,4-15 more than the
Liberals received. But the returns
showed that it took 4,638 votes to send a
Liberal member to parliament and 3,365
to elect a Conservative. That was how
the gerrymander figured out to the vast
advantage of the Conservatives. It was
notorious that at the time the law was
passed there was a room seteaside where
the Conservative members came to figure
out the confines of their constituencies
to suit themselves.
This then was the law the Senate re-
fused to correct and this, the leaders
say, is the situation down to today.
One of the statutes which the new
parliament, will see before it is very old
will be designed to usher in a new con-
dition of affairs --a return to the whole-
some principle of county boundaries as
the basis for the determination of elec-
toral districts, allowing each county to
send its member, or two or three mem-
bers, to parliament just as the population
roe over Fifty Years -
An Old and Well -Tried. Remedy -Mrs
Winslow's SoothingSyrup has been used
for over fifty years bymillionsof mothers
for their children while teething, with
perfect success. It soothes the child,
softens the gums, allays all pain, cures
wind colic, and is the best remedy for
diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste.
Sold by druggists in every part of the
World. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Ito
value is incalculable. Be sure you ask
for Mrs, Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and
take no other kind,
Getting New Nantes.
Wo have been celebrating the South
African campaign in another way than
the welcoming of our 'returned soldiers.
Having helped to azniex, some African
territory, we are now annexing some of
its names for postal stations. Ono new
office in Manitoba has been christened
ihurban. Kimberley is the name given
to a now office in Quebec province.
Mafeking is a nleW postal address in
Huron. county. Majuba Hill has been
chosen to de:Agnate ft new settlement at
New Westminster, British Columbia.
Sudgun's Mills, Ontario has changed its
panne to .I'aardeberg,while the inani-
ficenco of Lord Strathcona in equipping
Strathcona's Horse has been commemo-
rated by the people of N'apaneo 1VIi1Is Ione.adopting his name in place of their old
entiereent 1'rl.3slieteresai.
Ladies of Oanutla;
While statesu ten 414a politicians tugno
the 'convertin and differential tirade
within the Empire iwbzeh they will do
while jay displaces commozl sense), set.
tie this matter for yourselves.
Your brotht'reolouist s sit Ceylon and
Italia are growers of pure teas, B1aci.
and (Green Cun:111ian and 'United
l °area iclzparters ;apple* you with 11,000,
000 poualis auna,:ily: of Japan teas, yet
they know Japaxie are artificially colored
and adulterated. Let the knowledge of
these facts and the sontintout of patrtotio
sisterhood wove to help the I;rttislz
British -grown Black Teas Mold, the
Conadian l t l (t,Drinkers
of a•
ry,fop .)
tea shonle try (greens now conning on
the market, and your dainty palates
will approve them, Yes, we hoer your
grocer's exouses; but ii)aist. Ladies eau
always get what they want, Remember
how you ran erten husband to --well, do
they still thinly it Paradise? They cer-
tainly will if you give thein Ceylon and
India Creon tea. Blue Ribbon, Mon-
soon and Saluda packets are now obtain-
able, Colonist.
Cries of Race and. Creed.
The Globe says that "Tho Toronto
Mail and rhe Toronto Nows, and all the
other Little Canada journals are now
threatening Hon. George W. Ross with
defeat in Outwit), because he took part
in the Federal eleotions on behalf of Sir
Wilfrid Laurier." We presume the Lit -
tie Canada journals are not objecting,
per se, to Mr. Ross taking part in the
Dominion contest, seeing that 31r. Whit-
ney, Opposition leader in tho Ontario
Legislature, took the platform for Sir
Charles Tupper. The ohjeotion is that
he supported Sir Wilfrid Laurier. What
did they expect? that he would support
Sir Charles Tupper?
The point of the threateuings against
the Premier of Ontario is this, that as
the Conservatives obtained a majority of
members of Ontario in the recent Do-
minion election, they think they can do
the same against Mr, Rom.
There are several rifts in that late.
First, Premier Ross knows how to
place Ontario in a state of efficient or-
Second, Ontario, for the Provincial
Legislature, has not been gerrymander-
ed, so that Liberals are not "hived,"and
thereby robbed of the legitimate influ-
ence of their full voting strength.
Third, it is not easy to shoot oft' the
sante powder twice, and ram and creed
cries that may be viciously employed
against the French-Canadian Premier of
Canada may not be quite so successful
against the Presbyterian Premier of On-
There is no certainty that the next
provincial campaign will be fought on
sectarian lines, Some allowance must
be made for the recently defeated. A
little time, however, for reflection, may
cause them to doubt the profitableness
of any campaign based on the principle
of assailing and ostracizing any section
of the population because of their'race
and creed. Once or twice in the United
States it was tried and failed -notably
in the case of what was known as the
Know Nothing party. Once or twice
Oliver Mowat was assailed with the
sectarian cry, but the kick of the gun
recoiled on those who fired the shot; so
much so that the most brilliant leader of
the Conservative Opposition in the pro-
vince, finding himself, because of count-
enancing such tactics, a governmental
impossibility, so far as the future was
concerned, retired from political life.
Iu Ontario no sectarian cry against
the Liberal partybecause of fair play to
allnationalities and creeds can succeed
if it is met with a courageous and man-
ly front, and mot in time. The danger
of a sectarian cry is whonitis an eleven-
th -hour cry, and there is not sufficient
time to meet it with calm reasoning and
an appeal to the spirit of tolerance and
fair play, Perhaps the safest.plan for
the Liberal party is not to take for grant-
ed that the sectarian cry will not be
raised by the Little Canadians against
Mr. Ross, but to make the education in
tolerance so continuously persistent and
effective that the fire-drands will find
themselves not only foiled but discredit-
ed in advance.
Speechless and Paralysed. --
"1 bad valvular disease of the heart;"
writes Mrs. 3. S. Goode, of Truro, N.S.
" 1 suffered terribly and was often speech-
less and partially paralyzed. One dose of
1)r. Agnew's Cure for the Heart gave me
relief, and before I finished one bottle I
was able to go about. To -day 1 am a well.
woman' -43
Sold by A. L. Hamilton.
A New York theatrical manager offers
W. 3. Bryan e20,000 a year to take
part in Anna Heed's company and in-
cidentally act as press agent.
111iilburn's Sterling Headache Powders
contain neither morphine or opium.
They promptly cure Siete,Headache,
euraigia, Headache, 1'Ieledacho of
Grippe, Headache of delicate ladies and
Headache from any- cause whatever.
Price 10c and 25.
The official list shows that 150
missionaries wore killed during the
recent uprise iii 'China, T'orty.three
children of missionaries were also
Pill-osrplhyi..—There are pills and
pills -rut Dr. Agnew's Liver Fills at re
cents a vial Thad in demand. The sale
borders ori the phnnotnenal. Sluggish
liver, constfpatima or irregular bowels ate
the precursors of many physical disorders.
'These little wonders rernove Use calico, 4u
itis vial for to cents, -43
Sold by A,'.t . I/artliltole
0ataxia Eax•1u Stetitttes.
Tile tea() Whig is the value of ash crops
produced on the faints of Ontario ill
MK), as stated by the bureau .of industr-
Hay and elover, ... ... , Ik1,17,01(1,003
tlat:3 , ...,,, ., 2.1,901,(60
'Vail wheat,.,, •,... ..,.
Peas s
Potatoes .....
0,r;;5,i 11
` u ui,ps. 6,so7,t5;.,',1
lLislling Oorzl. • , , 4,291,::00
Silage ar fodder corn , , , , let105,610
Rye,,,, , ,,,, ,,,,, 1,1 2,•1e3
Buckwheat .oat l,Oc) ,.1u
M 1
., ;
Carrots. .. 459,254
Total of all field crops in
Ontario .... ,..;106,771,321
Besides this there iti ercl the .fruit r,, reals,
honey and orchard prodarts, 7.'ize vulae
of these articles is not ,given by the
bureau, but it alight perhaps be eatiul-
atecl at $1,000,000 more.
VALVE OF Llvn sroeii SOLD.
The following is the value, as stated
by the same authority, of the livestock,
sold or slaughtered froth Ontario farms
last year
Cattle ......... . .. ... . .•.1 17,303, 426
Hogs , ...... , 14,1374;4
Horses 8,204,0M
Sheep.... .. • 2,689,201
Poultry , 1,102,001
Total , , , .:338,467,018
The value of the assets of Onita o
fanners is given by the bureau as fol-
lows; -
BLaucluildings 213,4.10,281
Livestock . • , , ...... 11°,80:1,455
Implt uiouts • . • , 5,914,(367
Total ........ . 1+ ;147 ,513,360
Twitchy ivitt;cies asset dR,lvt3!,�-
Ieaerle'^.ss,-The hopeless heart sickness
that settles on a man or woman whose nerves
are shattered by disease can best be pictured
in contrast with a patient who has been in
the " depths" and has been dragged from
them by South American Nervine. George
Webster, of Forest, Ont., says : " I owe my
life to it. Everything else failed to cure." -44
Sold by A. L. Henr =ton.
When the stormy breezes bluster
Through the shade trees, lank and
And the tiny frost flakes sparkle
In the chilly morning air,
Then we take au inventory
And o'er useful things we gloat;
Naught can wake our tender interest
Like last winter's overcoat.
Tenderly we pick the mothballs
From the pockets where they're lain,
And vvith the sponge and brush we labor
To remove each spot and stain;
Mounting o'er the frequent tokens,
Of our hungry friend the moth,
Where he foraged at his leisure
On the sleek imported cloth..
But at length, with some misgivings,
Wei pronounce it fit to wear,
Yet we shun our dude Companions
And resent their haughty stare,
And we're apt to lose some slumber
And some envy we devote
To the man who need not worry
O'er last winter's overcoat. °
-Chicago Record.
A Teti
of Piles
Far 20 Years -A Constant Sufferer From
Bleeding and•Protrucing Piles -Cured
by Dr. Chase's Ointment.
Ie vain did Mrs. Jas. Brown, of Hin-
to,.•burgh, near Ottawa, search for. a,
es ee for piles. In Europe and America
Els tried every remedy available, but
f remained for Dr. Chase's Ointment
t effect a cure.
ivL's. Brown writes:--" I have been a
(instant sufferer from nearly every
iorm of piles for the last twenty years,
and during that time both here and in
the Old Country have tried most every
" I am• only doing justice • to Dr.
Chase's Ointment when I say that I
believe it to be the best remedy,ob-
tairlable for bleeding and protruding
piles. I strongly recommend Dr.
Chase's Ointment to mothers, or indeed
to any person suffering from that
dread torment -piles."
Physielans and druggists recommend
Dr. Chase's Ointment an the one pre-
paration that will never fail to cure
piles. It Is guaranteed to positively
cure piles, whether itching, bleeding,
or protruding. 60 mita a box, at all
dealers, or Bdmanson, Bates and Co.,
A new carriage tire that makes riding
on all roads a, pleasure-0conoinieai, too,
for it does away with the vibration that
shales and breaks the carriages.
A i' -shaped Aimee between the
rubber tire arid the steel flange
prevents the creeping and mitt -
ting which other tires are sub."
pet to. See the exhibit at the
big fairs.
Senul at once for Free Tire Catalogue,
giving prices of all sizes.
Dunlop Tire Co.,
'r'0i ONTO. itssrxatls,
sr. , ORN. Ift1`Nn?315. liteit'$ftl;'AX„
TOWN Dill E('TOfl'1%
11:11';t'n:'i' eleent lx d 10 bath Novices at
11 a in tend 7 p 1n. .until .\ Stetted at
2:1,t) p int, teenttral prayer meeting
' slut': , . , • W.
ll Yl( l
c1: � l
1, lain '�it
sited, pastor. 'W. J. t"ltapn n, 4. b$
Saperizltc nth'1)t,
hi.1:ilIc l)u rOne:Int-- SabbathscrY:ictx
at 11 a m tLr.d 7 p In. Sunday Seht•ol tit
11.30 pm. ltpworth League every M011-
tt lyt1Vvinin . General prayer nlieetillg
on Wednesday 0ti enint;F. :Rev, Richard
Made), ,1. actor. 1)r, Towler, el, S, t.lup-
1z1.ralsvrisltr:tx OIIt'RCrx--Sabbath ser-
vices at 11 a i'.r and 7 );l en. Sweets;
�; l s 1
ll(1tLt 2;30
General prayer
ltltrel Wednesday
1). nt.
ferric, pastor and $. ti, Supt'.zuteu-
ST. PAUL'S ('xiJ1:C IT, EPISC'opAL.-rtt1).
bath services at 11 a in and 7 p Sun-
day 'School tst 2:1'10. Gene, ni
p ,
General prayer
meeting on Weduesday evening. Rev,
Wm. Lowe, inomubent. .". Shore, S. S.
OONonecateunseeL CITU1tC .-Sabbath
services at 11 a in and 7 p nn, Sunday
Sterne' at l2 zu, Midweek rueetiug'z1
Weclnesdry evenings at 8 o'clock. Gavin
Wilson, S.S. Supt.; 1'''. Prior, pastor.
Roleter CArxloLaa OmrURcrx --Every
fourth Sunday, Mass at 10:30 a uz, ser-
mon and benediction at 7 p nn, ROY. 1.).
P, MoMezlanliu, P. P.
SALVATION ATt:4 :-,Str'v'iee at 7 and 11
a au and 3 and B p m on Sunday, and
every evening (luring the week at 8
o'clock at the barracks.
-Meetings as follows: S. 5, at 2.30 p.
in. Fellowship at 4 p, n1., and evan-
gelistic at 8 p, ni., every Sunday in
11itchio's Hall, Victoria St,
Poer OFFICE -In Macdonald Block,
Office hours from 8 a in to 6:30 p nl.
Peter Fisher, postmaster.
lesTlrurl:Library and
free reading room in the Town Mall,
will bo open every afternoon from 2 to
5:45 o'clock and every evening from 7 to
9:30 o'clock. 119;iss Millin Robertson;
TOWN COt1NCIL-Wm. Clegg, Mayor;
Wm. Holmes H. O. Bell. J. H. Chis -
Nolan, G. A. Newton, Rolland Beattie,
Geo. Mcleuzie, Councillors; J. B. Fer-
guson, Clerk and Treasurer; Samuel
Youhill, Assessor; Wm. Robertson, Col-
lector. Board mets dist Monday even-
ing in each month at 8 o'clock.
Smoot, BoanD.-C. N. Griffin; (chair-
man), Thos. Abralnim, H. G. Lee, J.. J,
Homuth, Wm. Moore, H. Kerr, . Tiros.
Bell, Win. Button. Secretary, Wm.
Robertson; Treasurer, 3. B. Ferguson.
Meetings second Tuesday evening in each
Pw iuo ti moor '1'EACI-MS.-A. IL
Musgrove, Principal, Miss Robertson,
Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss
Coruyn, Miss Vaazstone, Miss Matheson
and Miss Reid,
(chairman), C. J. Reading, Thos Greg-
ory, Dr. Kennedy, 3. B. Ferguson, Sec-
retary, ; Dr. Towler, Medical Health
Two Coat
Two Pant
WEBSTER & 00.,
Queen's Block.
Caveats and Trade.l+Iarks obtainer.;, and nil patent
business conducted for Ia1OD5R'!r. tEE6. Dly
oficeisin the immcdi ,te vicinity of thePatent °Mee
and my facilities for sect ring patents are unsurpassed
Send model, sketch or p aotograph of invention, wits
description and statement as to advantages churned.
.R"i'i'No charge it made An. art opinion as to
Patentability. and t-tv fee for prosecuting the
applidation wilt not .3o gaited for until tho
patent .'7 allowed. "IttvasTorts' Gums;' con-
tainingfuttinformationnentfret. All Cemmunl•
cations Considered as Strictly Confldentlal.
9"13 k' Striper,,,i'•,ld9JSTINGZ'oN.1D. If) -
Anyoyyne sending a sketch and desert tion mai'
lineation ascertain p oh our r patentable. opinion
0 ptnuntca.a.
tion1atrietlyconfidential. ilandbeoltonPatent9
sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents.
Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive
special notice, .without charge, ie the
Seekittifi Mmerktaot.
eulhation Of any selentiaq journal. Terms, $3 a
Year: four months, V. sold by all newadealcrs.
M'UNN &COO 3ifroadwa', Nerd Ynril
Branch onto,.G:.5 ?; i',• (
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„Wee.'.f Ditifelleele 1372,
I41'1iannetaa 'b"'`, •
The Tinges rules, ratlyep i3leak.
\viN(;I:dlI, ONTA1:I0.
Tiilt4io aril entetItd1r---51.00 per annuxn
att;,t',vi,, 1; ISO if not eo paid. No paper di't - nl. r
thee d tail t.11 I:iletic,: 1,10 1 gait, except at 1110•
option of the pu:>li •I1'•r.
:tt,vlzl .tri. lin'11::. -. Legal azar other
tenet. helve itis -t Invite; e; se perk nll,ar1;iurst,101
first insertion, 11 .' t r lino per
titt•1n subsequent
barer 'e t
tl t
Advcrtl tlnents ?11 level t
.ill ,111Y ria ',
n t t
11 dim
e& , 1 gid.
11 c tn, per 1.4v, iur :tz:at insertion, and 5 cents
p 1 ]sue rc 1 emit subsequent insertion.
Advertisement; treat:+ of hot, found, Fltrnyed„
Emma; for talo oe to neat, and similar, 51.00 for
first 1aor1111 unit CO et 1101 for each subsequent
(`os'rttnts Il1/1-1 r--',17zef, ilctvinfttnble shows
ou r rates for the insertion of miser tfsetntents
for ttpeeifc d periods:•--
NR:td'1;, 1 rat. (i3o, it Duo, 1ito,. "
Ono Cohn±all 1' �:r,.O0 ;115.00 50.00:
Half Uolunzn.". , .ttu MOO 10,00 4.00'
Quarter Column 10,66 15,00 1,00 2.00•
Advertin.•Yntvzt.1 without a teeific directions
Will 1)011 t r•ted 'till forbid .and. eliar^tit aoitor(l-
ingly. Tri,l'sicut advertisements must be paid
for in advance.
T,, .To DeeA1;:'UenT is stocked with an
extensive assortment of ell requisites for print-
ing, affording' facilities nob equalled i11 the,
county for tui,i1t,.4• out first l•hzss work, Largo
typo and appropriate cuts for all styles of Post-
ers, Hund Bills, etc„ and the Iatest styles of
choke fancy typo for the finer 01000(x. or print-
H. B. ELLIOTT, and Publisher,
Capital, 1;2,000,000, Rest, 111,234,120
Prc silent -eel -TX k;TUUAtur.
Vico-1'residellt--A. G.11ATi11AY.
John Proctor, Goo. Roach Win. Gibson, 1.1.P.,„
A. T. Wood, M. P., A. B. Leo (Toronto).
Caslilc'r-J. TUR•NBULL,
Savings Hank --Hours 10 to 5; Saturday, 10t
to 1. Deposits of 51 and upwards received and,
interest allowed.
Spooial Deposits also received at current
rates of interest:.
Drafts on Great Britain and the United -
States Bought end sold. •
Travellers are notified that the Bank of Ram
inter and its Brunches issue Circular Rates o
ih Prec'thtcrowhccan bcashed w ouhage
in (tiny part of the world.
W. CORBOU1,D, Agent
E. L. DIORINSON, Solicitor.
General to farmers and business neeax,
on endorsed notes and collateral.
Farmers' Sale Notes Cashed
Moneys remitted by draft to all parts ot" -
Canada and the United States.
Notes and accounts collected on reasonable -
T P. KENNEDY,M. ll.. M. C. P. S. O
(Member of he British Medical Asseoia-
tion.) Gold Medallist in Medicine. Special
attention paid to diseases of Women and Child
Office hours -1 to 4 p. m. ; 7 to 9 p. 211.
1! entre street •--
Winghnzne Ontario..
Privet° and Company funds to loan at lowest
rate of interest. No commission charged. Mort-
gages, tower anti farm property bought and,
sold. Mee, Beaver Block, Wingirazn.
Wingham, Ont.
Solicitor to Bank of Ilamilton. Money to loan..
Oiiice-Meyer Block, Wingham.
Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania
Dental College and Licentiate of the Royal
College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Otgice
over Post Office, Wingham.
Special attention to the caro and regulation
of children's teeth. Moderate prices and all
work carefully and skilfully performed. Office
in Beaver Block, Wingham.
At Gerrie every Monday.
Wingham, Ont.
T)DEANS, Jit,.
for the County of Huron. Saki attended in
any part of the Coturty. Charg d moderate,
Sales of Perm Stock and farm Implements a•
All orders left at Turn Trans office pi-omptly
attended to. Terms reasonable.
h ,Camp Caledonia, No 49,1neets
■ • . the first and third Monday in
every month, in the Oddfellowa Hall Visiting -
brethren welcome. D. S'rliwAier, Chief; H. B.
Elliott, Ree: Sec.
ineludiat, Books, Pamphlets, . Posters, Bill,
Heads, Circulars, Sea, &e., excetzted in the best
)aisle of the art, at moderato prices, and on
short notice..
BooxnmNDING.-Wo are pleescd to announce•
that any Boole; or 'IN.:ni'sue 1 left with. us for -
Binding, will have ottr prompt attention
P.riees for Binding in any style will be given on,
application 10 �t(
W Y gha J
wnittsS Mars von
Palmerston ...... x.18 min.. . $,ilga,nn.
London . , . 0.60 a nr 3 25p.xn,
Itineardine..IL10 a nt 3.215 pin.... 8.831).1r1.ARRIVE rami,[
Rir eard0to ....OA n m 8.66 a.m.... 3.26 pan,
London........... . • •• 11,10 a.m... 7.63 p.rn
Pabneraton 2.45 lt,nt. , $.39 p.m
3.11. (1ORDOh, Agent, Winghonz.
Toronto and East 13.53 non,,.. 3,00 pail..
Teoswator 132 p.m., ..10.411 p.m.
ARRIVE )Pltehi
Teeswater . 0.1113 a m S p.m.
Toronto an3.1i IIE111131E, Agent, Winghaam.