HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1940-02-08, Page 2• •,. :41-• 44«,t,q3 ;;.•44; 4, 4"- • 'Waal:elle"- Wilt Last Oniy One Sea sot CORktlea Naw York • Fashion Writer TherAligenl a tat Of *looping. m Ole f,s4hien arenas ate, about the '29440 walAte =Ties Ae • ilagbea, in New Ye* fashion e - Maybe Arother Maiidlocher ‘of. Iowa and Paris started: it' with , • • 2,- the wasp, *nista, he hurled at tits Iast SU illWX At any retei, from • : • Thevolumef of -noise, you'd think , this continent was, filled With gide as ,bigie the mi4dL as so Many lead --1),OnCirs. Lin an effortfri to track deveri the truth : • in this waist.' • matter: iiiss 11449s wade a 1.30043 spection of the Te441 rieene and' fOUrati as expected that a' gb-inch, here 'id, even rarer ; than the purple -tufted ..goofier,. •Americane •girls juiteren;:t gaited4to that sort' of..,thiany. mote: . The sports •theypiakt and the., food they eat giVe them normal eprepertiOns rather than the uns tura, almost hightmariih figur- , es et the' nitmed '90s. ••e'23" MORE LII� IT Jut for sPort,Mies•Htighee says she .ehecked on the seven fareous manikins who modeled Corsets and . • • felindations at • a recent 'displey ireNew York. And of an out.stand- ing 7 models; four have :25.:ine.h waists, tbre.e 26 -inch.. 'And this is; •'far 'belew the average, even .for • • • I i hiAttiotti *11401p copyright, 1937, HEAsomoo, Inc •CAST NOW .CHARACTERS ° You, iny dear," Mrs. Perry Went on. PRISCILl-A PIERCE — heroine, - "And to hare It happen the min- ute'', your young: •man was a ed away • ' turned his shmeat glance ,on Mrs. • - Perry inetantly, =, Yttow 'did you1 • pw Tun was ee- i4 • .eAvaY?" Only :am-- eeee • ' • • youno ,woman attorney:. .AMY KERRe-CIlly's • roommate --erred-enturtiereresavIctime--- — JIM • KEFtRIGANOillyis fiance. ,HARRY HUTCHINS, a.„Amy'S etranee visitor. ' TSERCEANT DOLAN •=e • officr assigned to, .eolireathe murder eit • Amy Kerr. • Last week: jithtallCiIIy while Dolan is hi her •apartment. When • Cilly refusts•to divulge who Called 'Velati•erdersher eff to heatiqtiart,'• • ere While he ,places pate ' ,in her. rooms eoetake farther :rho- • asetieea- • , ee• • -.CHAPTER X.X.Vr • , • :Itrettred helplessly :against the wall 'whiiePoJan proceeded to • •• •giveeerd:ersedver,.theatelephone to • trace 014, -a 1 ' • Jim had phoned from the Perin:: . Oltenia 'Hotel. The , operator Vert. • that: He could get out, and die- ••• appear into the subway in" 30,..see, • ends. She felt' a subtle; PieaStre at havingentwitted Dolan. Ie. Was so sure of himself, so positive in his ,• theory. What did 'it matter to him, that he was railroading an limo, cent man 'to pile ,to the ,:to the electric. chair! For , the first' time, •;My' caught • the, fill signifleance of what Jim, was 'teeing.. She held. ' • her 'breath' as 'a new teerei.seized Dolan was arresting her. There' —bo .hobodee-to carry—on for' .- Affk maw MADE DOUBLE BOOKLET .,,itation' Swaps ' •The. firdt, open case of ration d L swapping apPeare „ England, last month,. with this =-• • advertisement in : the 'Golden 01:Tea TilneS: "Orthodox Jewess: sweet tootheil, wishes introduction -for shopping, swapping hacen for sugar." • The food authoilties have point- ed out thae the rationing pro- vide for a maximum ,penaity, of •a two-year jail -sentence and a £500 ($2,225), fine for swapping. . Morrison, Minister •of F od, is considering eXceptions for vegetarians,. hoitever. Swapping is discouraged on the • grounds'it would tangle the proper • She thinks the' "wasp" linsitess is 'pat the flighty fad of -one sea- son, hieh served a useful porPose in calling attention tn the fact that many do need better corsetl mg, and' more figure attention. ostunie-,Jewelry 'Spotlight Itlaisive Gold Chains Multi - Amid Nisklaces'A;e Tops ' Fashion Popularity, This • Season, New 'kasha-ma:in Costanie jeweley ...are ' highlighted 'below. In• 'all in, •=Ziersiella 'et the 'jewelry •f -types iited are seen In New lark 'shops, egain wiet again, indicating' general aPproval..... Riffnetitehe With Peartwfaverite new eiersion rhine- • .4tOne jewelry, a :Combination.. with big, peaasheped •heiteq� pearl's in • and, gray Stene, flower ' arrangeiiienttwdr1le tfi small netuttractiler-pdeete 'alseaapproVed „ • 1.1 ..alether.allintitinie.therneeliked;•, • "Chtinaliagne" color • stone Ideags eerepidstia" Threes ,With qiiieering • eentrea .."rhinestque -hate ornee meats.'.;• • ; ' • . •• hipitistrand BigBead.Nechleces; 'baroque:OS:rip,. orii the •'.-#aMe baroque beads,: antique-gilte td, thee seneraliy. in twelontheee. strand necklet:6, besom*-length . ' . Multi-stiand pollshed gold bead', neeklaoes,'againin theecIng lerigth . • . . . Also,•seven•or eight or nitIre grednatedi7ritrapds. Of - 'pearls term- ing deeir elb Costumes Ring: emphasisingthe. styles 'with hugentene•cetters, that May be eitilit modern -looking or In Period treatment, the iatter isual-•• • ; ly matching other jewelry pieces . . , .. • . • Massive Gold Chains; One-and- eeet.e...,..•••itwo-Steand itecitleeies linkt " 28 inebeO about average length . . gornetieure tyre or more tones • of gold used together.. • .Let Children. Choose Friends •Parents Should, Advise Young. ' • stens Without Showing A . "`Bossy" Attitude • .. If Tommy -brings in a boy Whorn no cansider (miteundesirable should' we: • • A. Send the child home? S. Wait Until we, are sure he is an unsuitable companion and taik it Over with Thomas later? • C. Scold Totnely for not using hetter, judgment'? Di Tell our child that hereafter we will choose his friends? The second answer is wise. Ofterf a parent is impressed by the poor: teeduit of a neighbor, and does net see the good, poitt's he May, possess. Taial, Error System rhen, tee, this child may Ap. peal:to our own boy for some rea- son we cannot se. Children choose their friends, •jiist as we do, for eeettain reeteena It may be ihat Btu', or l.3uth r whatev,er .n:1•1e is, really is a bully and de - e •ves nc:r poor opinion. Yet, it 111.1 a poseiblethet 1,5 larritay pleased arid- octet. •, this bey of all ethers nes ' '1 . titieseended' td' be (..4itims.• • fo LE Nce eannot choose childrs;n's filends, Sortie or itierre yes. Children have their • aireate-meetattierreerk TheY choose strange playniatte tirrees. Just renietther,' deey are using the trial and error system too,* just as we do onrielves.; • LAURA WHEELER FINDS GLAMOUR IN .INITIALS --THE SMART TOUCH ,..- , _ ,..• r• 9/...7; ,,, Vs.:Nt.• ri re...49:tZ ...S.' 11‘• a) • -.... • • 9a',g, --• -fel 7irre •er" Oree e ape, Of • 040 A g II 0 4 d''..... *la. , 1 *omilkovo. ; et,,,, * # 4'0 • It. . : i94o,t4ESOLECRAFt INITIALS . - PATTERN 2435 Can't you just see these initials' done in ecilor? And: what a• decor- ation. they'll be on hankies, pockets, towels and other linens. Pattern 2430 contains a transfer pattern of nine 3 inch wreaths,. three PA and i twcr 7jfsinch alphahett; ill: of stitches.; materials required. Send twenty cents in coins- (stamps cannot be accepted) 'for this pattern Is Wilson Needlecraft Dept., 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto. Write Plainly PATTERN. NUMBER, your NAME and ADDRESS. . • Divorces Up' In England Four thousand more people peti- tioned for divorce in 11138 -4 --the. • first year of the, new Divoice Act —tiran in 1937. The total .number of petitions was' 10,350, an' in- • crease -of abotit 70 pm. licent on the• , previous year. Widening grounds 'for divorce shoved 3,909 petitions for desertion; 666 for cruelty and 326 for lunacy. Previously athilt- ety was the only ground on Which a divore' might be obtained. THE RICHER, MORE SATISFYING TEA Jiiii ... nobody to:•witch the Hun- - ter man, or Harvey Ames .: . . no- body to -check on Carruthers who also tame from Utah. Dolan would e forget allthat. ' Suddenly she faced, Dolan; her • eyes burning with indignation and terror and despair. : "Why are You se determined to • accuse Jim?e What about Harvey Ameer? Hi' find'•everY opportunity and just as good • a motive, What about Hunter? There are a dozers, angles that you refuse to consider. What, about Carruthers upstaire? • We have' proof 'that he came from 'Utah recently .... His trip to:Bee -muda might easily have been a biled, Or he might have gene away :to Is someone else use ,his app.* ment . . . What about the :Elliot woman upstairs? Surely she's read about the case in the newspapers Why don't you check on her?" Dolan frowned in annoyance., "See here, Miss Pierce," be said irritably, "you maybe a smart law- yer and all that, but 1 don't heed you to tell me how to do my own work. We've checked every situa- tion thercrughly. ,We've got the word'of a feiv people Who saw Car. rbthers off ori the Monarch of Bee muda. 1 don't go, ransacking pee - 1 ple's .houses unless :I've got some ening on them. Come on now, get ' a hat and ',coat on1 YoU're going • -.• with me." '' ' • . ' Exactly, Midnight There were voices in ,the outer hallway. Cilly recognized them, A second later, her bell rang. • "O.K. Answer ' it," 'Dolan order- ed. , 'Cilly °knee the door to admit Mr. and Mrt. Perry, who lived next . deer In ApartMent 1-B. ..1 . . Mrs. ,Perry, eg ,pluinp; neighberly.' little Wornali, held both bands out, to Only in a motherly gesture• , . • "You peer deal.* she,reurnitired . "We only heard about It today, iin so terribly,: terillely Zorry." •Dolan -stood in'' the living room taking in the situation. "Cane in, Mrs. Pert, yi" Cilly Uig - ed. "Helle, Aire 'err'. This is ger- • Omit Dolan, from police headgear. , • t62. Urt,..and, Mrs.I31..r1:57”,are, , My Dolan acknowledged the .1irtro- (tactical With a brief tied. "Oh, this 13 bit too horrible, for • ISSUE NO, we met hini: that evening. Didn't we, ,TelielA• ,,"-- "Whee was thirl?" Dolan asked abruptly; • 4' just-abeut naideight,"' Mr. Perry • stated mildly. '"Yes, it' was egactly • ••rnielnight." : . Oawhinii 4`10Y4 4Hope. Cilly's heart banded as tOied:aivned., • eeust how end, w•heee ddyeti ,. Meet the young neen?" tiojan ask :ed , • •• • •IfeeMed- a little eine peieed at the Sudden queetioping. • "We ;Met him to .blocks further • doWm. on St. Ann's avenue," he 're- lated simply, "You, see„, we'd, stop- ped in h. .e a little after 11, Intel% • it, 'dear?, Miss Piero had ;offered to look. a: '.er our fish while Nit were' • away. Mr. Kerrigan had another gentleman were' here , . . "How did 'you know which was Kerrigan?" Wien interrupted. •"eyhY, we had met , him 'before. • One Sunday afterzioon, we met him :With Miss Pierce down at Jaes Beach., Weill came heme together. So, of. course when I saw him in suela a hurry" gliheay night, I was glad to offer him a lift. We'd gotten the car, and, had'a little bite, down , in the tavern, and then jriet as.we. • off, we saw Mr. Kerrigan; running toward the subway. • seemed in such a hertf " "What thine was this?" "Exactly. midnight. Remember, , Mary, you remerked an it?" "Yes," Mrs. Perry: affirmed. "The • 'steeple clock was just striking mai- teased igr. Kerrigan air eat being in such a furry to leave Cie ', lye, and he explained that he' tied to make a turned' trip out. west. He didn't want to wa'it for 'trains, ripd there was' a friend of. his — a brie Vete pilot — who was laving the Floyd Bennett Field at '12:30)lor Chicago. Mr. Kerrigan -wented to batch him, but of 'course hews in such a hurry he couldn't get a Imre _ ge we drove him down to the fly- ing field." ' . "Yee drove him to Floyd Bennett Field' Sunday night?" Dolan repeit• • ed ineredulokirsiy. Tie saw. his care- fully prepared case crumbling be- firre him. • • • •. •,Mr. and Mrs: Perry nodded sim- • ultaneously. "And we got him there in 15 minutet,e Mr. Perry said with • pride, '"Kerrigan's friend had just arrived aimself. it was . exactly • a • querter_past 12. We waited around • until they took off. Then we, started • for Fall River." ' lie Was At The Airport Cilly could have wept for joy. 'JIM had been down at •Floyd Ben- nett Field at quarter past 12. Amy was killed at 1220. ' • ' • There was a Muni In her threat As she grabbed Mrs. Perry's hands • in, both of hers... "Thank you so much for telling us that," she ex .claimed. Then, trying to be casual in her explanation, she added: "Yen •• konw everybody 'is eider suspicion • in a case like this until an alibi is ' established." • Mrs. Perry nodded smilingly!: She did not understand why Mr. Kerri- gan, Priscilla's special young •man, needed an alibi. But she did not say . ' • "Well, we'd tetter take the gold- fish and run aleng," Mr. Perry sug- gested. "0 there's any Way we can • help, !remota,: we'll be right next door...." • . ' • As the door closed -behind the Perrys,Villyturned to Sergeant, • Dolan. She could not hide the lit- tle gleam et satisfaction %altawas• • liereefes. eWell, sergeant, eo you still want to hold me as an, accessory?" .. Dolan slumped into a chair ween • ily. • 'I guess not. Their story; rang true enough — . and -we can always: check on It" He, icor:Wed up at Cilly, and smiled 6:,little -crookedly. "Well it begins to Itiok as if there might be ' some grounds 'for this lailth df yours in the yourig man.• . .•. Say, tell•methe truth now, Will you?" "Of °tense. 1 haven't lied to you yet, but you won't believe me," . • Stones Left Unturned • "Was tonight.the fleet time you'd. • heard, from Kerr or Kerrigan ;— sine& Sunday ?" dIlly hesitated. Should she' tell ' Ian about the. postcard? It, didn't matter now, since Jim *as cleared: "Neel received a postcard front. him oti Monday, flaying merely that he'd been called stiddenly. to .Utah. 1 didn't hear another word froin hni itzilatl .lidisik,a ecaile,edsjnAu. tlooW." . ,v sinned. "0 you remehober, I didn't give him an opportunity to say ver e much. Only that' he: had just got in front Newatit Airport • and was en his way over -here." Dolan looked at his watch, ' "Well, I've get to hustle 'and check on some other angles that -you've .been harping on, If- he gets itt touch with you again, will You aelt bite tO aen rketranaediately at a • atimeobsolle- tsatiereeet still mighty itapertant'e do that, Sergeant" - "Thanks, I belie be working • , • By 'SADIE B., CHAMBERS HERE'S TO ST. VALENTINE! . After the frolics of Hallowe'en and, the gay festivities of the holi- day season just pessedeee find St.. VIklentine's standing at ease ready for the salute and demanding: at- tention.' Dan Cupid, shoots that day with a little more precision" o•maiiee-4e-•ene4hine wemust keep alive rn spite of war and -anxiety and Sadness.. Unfortunately' for Some; se oft- en this day of dayscomes in the' Lenten season. So I am going to give a Valentine supeeet, which° can be usedor One of those ho iney family suppers, but for those *h� wish, it Mightbe used` for • party supper. I peeped into some dectirations to •he used ter ,Vier tine's day for a Bridge supper and so 1 hill passing it on tcayou. The • 'supper to be served beforethe gaine.' A long table is going to be Used with a lovely filmy lace cloth, • . ' together feora now ou, Miss Pierce. • ,Sorre about everethhig . After Dolan left; Cilly 'made up. her.mind as to' what she.was going to doe 'There had beeu aletgether• , too many, stoner; left unturned in this, house since Sunday night: (To Be Continued) • the • Avhole resembling in effect •an old fashioned valentine: 4How- ever a plain white cloth bould be used). The center piece will be two •'large hearts, concave sides meet- .. • ing, the .points to the ••outside. Placer:len the center will be a" low white; pottery vase filled with red tulips.' 'At each •end of :the points • .of heartn is a small red cupid' to. • be standing on, guard. Similar cif- pids areto be -the place cards which later are to serve as tally cards. Valentine Simper Tuna Rarebit Served on hot butter biscuits.• , Potato Rolls Tomato Jelly • moulded in heart shape. • CeletY Hearts filled with pimento cheese. Raspberry Tarts topped With whip. •ped cream. ,decorated . with • snia ear s a ed— . • Hot Mocha Tupa Rarebit 4 tablespoons flour, . 4 tablespoons butter N. teaspoon salt . few .rains cayenne " • • • 2 cups Milk • = • cup chopped mushrooms, • 'browned in butter • 3.tablespons chopped green pepper 1 teaspoon chopped onion • Melt butter, blend in :flour, gilt slowly into heated milk: Cot* in double boiler uritilno taste of raw starch remeins; then stir in mush:. , teals and pepper which has been browned 'in butter.. The mush, teen's and pepper may be ombit- ted or a ...little chopped pimento may be added as it is ';removed from the heat. Pimento adds- "to the color scheme.' Serve on hot biscuits or if' 'you wish fo chane the dedsert from tarts to' light pi::: 4st .andi,olto ineaecl,i thie7e:r: ek.e • • use.,previously liakedtart shells for. ; the Ulna rarebit.• •,• • 1 pint tornato jelly , ;• . • 1„ paelrege• • strawberry jelly powder • •41 ccuuP gehreaPnPuelatiteererY •psugar • • Heat the tomato juice to boil- ing .point. • Pour, over the jelly • powder, stirring until all dissolved. • Add the segar to the tomato juice before ,poering' over the powder. , After all thoroughly. dissolved and cool, add' the, celere. Pour into ; flat pan which as been rinsed with cold water. Chill. When reedy to serve cut with a heart, shaped cut- ter. Serve; on nests Of lettuce. . Hot Mocha • 2 caps rich milk 1 re Live Inecoff 3 to 4 tablespoons chocolate syrup Frpit sugar Whippedcream or .marsh- mallows. Place milk, chocolate syrup' and •c•offee': in double boiler; scale' to- gether. Beat until frothy With a • rotary beater. „Taste and -sweeten as desired. Serve very \ hot with a spoonful of whipped cream , marshmallOWs., . •• • READERS; WRITE IN! • Miss Chambers • welcomes personal . letter* frees interest-• • ; ed 'readers. She •is pleased to receive suggestions qu topics for her column, and',., is even ready to listen to • your "pet peeves.” Requests for recipes • or special:menus are in order. Address your letters to "Miss Sadie • B..Chambers,' 73 West Adelaide Street, Toronto." • . . .••••••••,.....eremeatentaealtieeKe.A.'5.leeeee.e.,•,....„. • -,,••••446,44,4•441, • • ...• • "-Aoractiveladesigned in flitted .glass, this utility bowils • decorative,. practical. Conies deep; richblue or: crystal. clear. Handy Size ,1Minches deep by 4/4 incites wide. Handles on bothideS.,, Remember --the supply is limited. Ste your grocertodayl • WITH THE PURCHASE OF 3 PACKAGES .OF KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES • OR 2 PACKAGES OF THE NEW LARGE FAMILY SIZE • Supply limited Act Now!' You get one glass bowl free with each purchase of three regular site packages. Catiadian Families 5 to 1 vote FIRS1101t tuvooti Last surnmer investigators asked 200d • • housewies, "What breed of cereal is the • favourite in your family?" Compared with any other corn flaks, the vote was Kellogg's, jer,e 10 Ask your grocer today for three pack- ages of Keiliegg's Corn Ferias (or two •' paekages bf the ilea, large (aerity siy.e) and get yourfirst bowl now. You'll want a whole see Kellogg COnspany of Canada You get one glasS bowl„ free each time you buy, /we 0( the big family • size packages. 1..