HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1940-02-08, Page 1"••: ' .47 - • 44' e • 0. $2,00 A YEAR--eIN Ai/VANCE-50c EXTRA TO U.S..A. ' • •11,....,••••••••••••••••••••••• Lucknow Ont.; ,Thursday February 8th, •••••••••••••••••••••10.- , WANT DETAILS ON. SECOND WELL o r The Village Council in concluding a foul -hour sessionon Tuesday night, arranged to meet in special session during the Month to hear F. L. Dav- idson, of Winginim give, details and a!pete regarding the improving of • the •Ooontl well. CeunalleanParentlar, was airned that if any'-wcirk is • done- on the. first 'Well. ' this :year the. second well meet first ' be depended pPori exttiSfaetorily I supply „the•Tewn's need.... • A , repin eyes • received. from Mr. Davinepn - regarding improving I thie well, and in conclusion he said he. weelfi be. pleased to meet the Coup- ' oll inthis connection, ivvhieh-is to be done at his earliest convenience. MT. Davidson States that by certaini work being done this secondary well scan • be made a number one well. His'let- ter reads , "When the well was drilled,, it was not properly coped. The eight -inch pipe was driven to the rock at n dis- tance of one htindred.feet. From one • hundred and twenty-five feet to one hundred and fifty feet there was very . • bini-NSMEN OARNIVAI- s TOMORROW NIGHT •(FRIDAY) ITomorrow night .(Friday) its The Clansmen's. Carnival; being' staged: ; in the local arena at 8O'clock lilearIP+: The costume -events- include, _beet elovvning on ice; an, open class for boys ‘and giri no*, six, any- cost- :unie; national eostaine; lady Or'egirt; rettiMlal coati:Ale; man or boy; comic dress, open, • . : . The race e events , Pinclnde !varlones. speect•and novelty 'events,i; The:Clans-: men will :compete in et •novelty rage,. "with 'no - livestock involved"; and. the Intermediate Hockey: Team, eoin-„ ,pethe as a• team in n ifpeed event. s , Eight dressed chicken -are the door •prizes to be awarded. The .Pipe Band will, be in attendance, and 'you're in- vited to bring your skates, for there'll be skating after the carnival. • , „ 14SPONSIBLE- FO. STONES ON STREET • ."PANCAKE'DAY" WAS • MARKED. BY INSTITUTE . . Shrove Tuesday tide iweek was marked by 'a. Pancake supper and, ne•-: • ening of bridge . -Town Hall; sponsored. •by .the Women's: institute. andith Mrs• ' and Mrs. 11,., . • . • . • , • • • Yovari - Judge W. -0•.0wens Awards/J. W. ! letint .Sixty Dinars Damages For • OholA.'a **dew. Woken. By Stone • Anita f.).tii 'Car Cha.. Main Street -- Village Pristected: By Liability In- surance.' An..intereeting • tase.„ wee' heard in tiivision 'court On; Wednesday, when J. W. JOYnt. was the Plaintiff in an action, to reeovery, deanages in th4. aincinnt of "sixty dollarst 'from , the Village of Ractertow for a plate glasse twindoii broken by U. atone ' hurled from the „roadway on s Main street by a Motor cox. The window was in F. M. Faterson's Drug Store in the Joynt Block; • • soft lime • stone rook 'with levers of aclap atone • mixed throtigh• it. This sheet& have been cased off , With ,seven and one-quarter inch linnerand • stop the. well from pumping a white .:wash. and little Pieces of rock." -Pay lists' for January ,snow remov- l. on- Main street totalled $197,15. -Of, .this amptint the ,Province pays fifty per cent: 'Local snow plowing • costs totalled •$36.00. • January :relief:. accounts totalled • $98.74. Of this $36.45 is fen ddrein- . nitration .of relief nay** by Ian - ether inithiCipality, The Village Pays 20 Per cent of the balance', or' a total_ ,• share of $12.45 for the month.. • . Special: registration forms were re- ceived from the Employment•Service • of Canada. These .are *available for ." the registration, of skilled end semi- • skilled workmen for • industrial war work. A wide range of trades are listen in an advertisement in' this, is- • sue. The fornis.stress "Not For Min • itary Service.' •pi. the matter of the Bankruptcy of the- Luclmow Table Company (Pi- - • vete) Limited, the Clerk was inetrnet- • ed to submit a statement to. the nrIP• • er officials, of taxes and i:•rears if taxes owiffg, in the amoent or. • $845:08, Council 'was advised that •repaire to the 10-year-o1d-addirig machine ir • the town office,- erotic' cost $46.14: It was decided to buy' ;mother machine at a Cest of $106.00 less $20.00 al- . . lowance on the old• machine, the cost to he apportioned'60%, 30% 'and 10 to Hydro, Village and Water, respect- ively. •. .• , - The Clerk was instructed to com- • municate with Herb Cainpbell of Wingham, requesting him to Make •• pyrveyof the lilydrp transmission • lines in the:Village, testing the volt- ' Age in all sections, and ,the diatribn- bon of the transformer loads, and to make a fall report on whit, work lie would recornmend undertaking in the • amount of $1,006, $1,500 and $2;000. Reeve Rushell, pointed Out that 'well( on the lines had already been ;de; :tided -upon,i in the amount of $1,500; and that inaterial is on hied tc; corn- • mence the work.• • • • The Clerk was instructed to de- termine the penalty for interferitig • With fire protection equipment, as 'Counciller Hamilton pressed the. mat- ter of -seeing that satisfactory Fire Hall conditions are establitthed arid that the ptiblic be once and .for all • edticated to . the 'fact that there must be no leterference With ani' equip- ment. ' • , s. , FORMER RESIDENT VISITED . 'AIL)) FRIENDS IN HURON r ' . -- . Mr. Kenneth Henderson, of Ryer- son, Sask., and a native of Huron Township, .Was a tenet at The Sen - title' Office last week to renew Ms Sentinel; • He was Oaartentinied ty Mr. Lechie MeIVer, with; Whom Mr. and _Mrs: .Henderson were visiting last 'week, as a seven Weeks' holiday in th,e east neared ite cOncluaion. ' • and Mrs. Henderson :planned to start their retern trip to the *est on 'Wednesday. It will be thirty Year in March since Mr. Henderson first went Weet, an it ie nine years since he has: beep back on a Visit. In spite of severe whiter weather that has prevailed meth of the time tetATiltianaaW440eaeje6naile.0446eanli • • - Of ladies. attended -the riicely arranged function starting at . 0:15 o'clock. Winners at bridge were Mrs. Morgan Henderson and Mrs. Horace :Shrove Tuesday is defined as the Tee:a:day before Ash Wednesday, when' it was formerly custemary in Eng- land, On that day, ,to •confess'. one's sins, and afterwards dine on pancakes and make merry. The ladies. at least carried out the ' "afterwards" part, which is all the Official information we have on the patty. • •, WORLD'S DAY OF PRAYER - — The World's Day of Prayer service will be held in. the Presbyterian' Church, Lucknow, at 3 o'clock on Fri- day;,FebnInary, 96. The churches of the village are uniting for the ob- sevvance , of this World-wide prayer service' and ‘everyone is• twelcome to attend. Programs will be provided' at the ehurch. • •'Pie claim in the ease *ee referred by the Insurance :ComnanY; 'carry - big,. the Village's liability insurance and Which. Company bears the dain- ages recovered by Mr. Joynt, amount- ing to sit Y dollars without costs. The broken window was attributed by the plaintiff to • a .atone hurled froni the. main street, .and the pres- ,ence of which; on the street was g result of lantfiulng t a placed in a ditch dug during Septem- ber 'Py the Per -Tex ‘ComPenY.' This. trench was dug for the Purpose .of 1 -tinning Bell,T•elethorte cables under ground. The Village was to arrange for the suitable resurfacing of this eomPtasition, but which could not be satisfactorily . done ,until. 'warmer 'weather.1• During the exerainineof the wit- nesses, His Honor stated that the point in 'question was whether or! ritit the -Village Was- negilent in hav- ing 'stories on the street. :A mun- icipality's . responsibility for stones on the Highway is Clearly 'defined he said. • , • Among 'thosegiving •evidenCe'for the Plaintiff, there were none who had been an eye-witrieis of the hap- pening, Mr. Donnelly, defense lawYer, stressed that in view of this, it was not •established henir the damage Was caused, which might easily have oc- Mined bir the rock being thrown,by epyI person. •, . He was 'on the point of winning, his 'case on these gronilds, when His • Honour was advised that Mildred tRitchie, Bell Telephone operator, had ',witnessed the affair, and the Midge permitted her to be brought • to the Court Room and her evidence accept - 1946 SAW. „HiS SHAM* : We .don't expect. you yorrY Mien about Vvhether or not the beet or grounding saw his shadow en Can- dlemas' Day, -which was last Friday. Well anyWaY he did, for the sun 'we• •shininghrightly, and tradition has it that Mr. Bruin would this trundle back to his winter quarters, ' assured thatthere will be another six weeks of Wintera which we're pretty cei. tain to, get: anywaSir. sun Pr no sun. :If it's six ,iweeks of winter,, such a5 we have 'had since Friday, few Will object, for it has been about the only period of continued •mild epd •settled , Weather :of the winter.. ' 'Reduce Skating Age •• The Saturdaynight restrictions on 'children Skating at the arena, have been .slightly altered so that the reg- ulations ?low apply only to children under 10 years of age... APPOINTED BUYER At a• recent meeting of the Ripley Shipping Association, Robert 'Wilson was appointed buyer, his duties com- mencing February 1st. Mt. Wilson who was formerly ernployed b this organization, had been shipping inde- pendently for the past couple of Year's. ' • I • • COUPLE MARK GOLDEN- WEDDING A. E. Spindler, Formerly Of Lanes, And Mrs. Spindler, Observed Fift- . • ieth WrIding Anniversary In Del - nth. •• Mr. and Mrs. A. E. •Spiddler, 1220' • _ Central Avenue, Duluth, observed their fiftieth wedding anniversary on Saturday, January 10th, an event that was celebrated a few days later at a family gathering. A daughter and two Sons, with their families. were present for the oecation., They are Mrs. Edna Hunt, Salem, Ore.; F. J. Spindler, Wausau Wise. and II. S. Spindler,' Duluth. • Mr. Spindler is a brother of Mr. John Spindler of town, and these two brothers are the last, of a family Of 19 • children ,of the late Joseph and Elizabeth Spindler, fornier residents of 'Ashfield, A, -E. Spindler came from the '.0td Country With his parents, who set, tled at Londsboro and about six years later moved to the Lartesville com- • munity, Coin' 10 Ashfield. Here A. E. Spindler grew to young ginanhobd, When he Went to Duluth returning to rearry, Eliza Ilddion of Arthur, 'whom be took baek Dulath as hie bnide fifty at ego, and where they have since made their home Mr. SPindlen was engaged in Deluth et that time- as a etond cutter, and has eut atone for maini of the large city •buildirigs. He' was later employ -- ed in installing and testing pipes, for Dulieth's citY water Systeni and _the AGED HOLYROOD, COUPLE VISITING AT DRUS,SELS Mr. and Mrs. George White, 31. years of age, and for some thirty- eight years residents of Holyrood, left recently to spend an extended visit with their son: George and Mrs. White •neer Brussels. It is the first time in -nearly two - score , years a Holyrood, that they have been away from their own helm. and community where they are highly res.ted. For many years Mr. White has been caretaker Church at Holyrood, he had been able te get around to In her 'evidence .Mildred could not swear to actually seeing the stone being hurled, from the car wheel, but her account of the incident was suf- ficent to satiSfy judge, Owens; es..to the -cause .of the- broken window. • This is not a steeng 'case, he said to the defending lawyer, but suf- ficient' to infer that le car threw the stone. In awarding the damages asked for, hp withheld costs as a pen- alty for the plaintiff not haying his .eproperly ..prepered. Given Judgement ' • The echo of a car' accident, the night of the Clansmen Street Carni- val last August wae heard on Wed-. nesday, when Gordon Irwin and Wm. -G. Webster received . judgement against Wilfred Leis .Of Kitchener for damage done to their respective cars: • The two, cars were Parked On Main street when the Leisecar careened in- to them. The driyer subsequently pleaded guilty to a 'reckless driving charge. Damages to the Irwin car were $29.35 and the Webster car $29.96; A further claim of $14.00 eves enter- ed for expenses' of a trip to Kitch- ener,at the request of Leis to ar- range, a settlement "which failed. His Honour allowed $5.00 in thin instance and awarded judgement in full of $6431. " a APPOINT ASSESSOR WesteWawanosh Council, Meethig 'on Tuesday, appointed Herbert Tay- - 6f SC Helen's% assessor. There were thirteen' epPlications for ''the position, made vaeant by the resign- ation' of Rose Murray, after a nurn- ber 'of years of efficient service.. UNITED CHIUKH ANNUAL MEETING r•••••••••,,,,,, • At a well -attended Annual Meet- ing held -in the Sunday School .Room on January 31st, tlie congregation of the Lucknow United Church heard with deep gratitude to -God and amid much rejoicing, that the Weineift As- sociation had finally liquidated till debt en the: Church bending erected "55 years ago. Encouraging,. reiprts. were received freiri all Church nrgnin, izations. Three new •elders and Si* stewards mete elected. •: o Underwent Operation , Miss Doris Reid, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Reid of Zion, wider - went an appendicitis operation in Wingham Hospital last WednesdaY, and is 'since making.favourable. prog- ress. Miss Reid had been employed for theyast month at the trine of Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Little. •htidge iI visit many old friends, and with min 1 the Duluth, Missabe raid Northern phasises said, "rve enjoyed every railroad; serving as signal foreman minute of ter 38 Years, until retiring in 1931. • ennitine t . of PIPE BAND 'MADE RIG HIT ••••••••••••••••. Acting as Chititnrien, Ithe :minister conducted prayer and devotions, nd then opened the meeting for a lengthy business session. In. Rs report, the Session commended the congregation for its splendid missionary enthusiasm and support of the Churat's mission- ary projects, suggesting that it still deeper, sense of Stewardship would mean mueh to the cause of Christ: It was a matter of rejoicing that dur- ing the year 20, young people had Made their decision for Christ and had been received into the church on pro- fession of faith. Ten , were received by certificate. Nineteen Were remola Ied,•7 by the hand of death. The Mein- . now• stands at 398. Four infants Were bap:- tized and one adult. In its report the • Session recommended the election of three eiders. 'Elders elected and to be, ordained are, Mee*. Jos:, Mallough,. HarveyTreleaven and W. G.'. And - STRUCK HEAD IN -FALL AFTER BEING -KICKED BY HORSE Donald MacKinnen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Den. T. MacKinnon.. sufferee painful and severe injuries' on Sun- day et hi a home, Concession Kin- , Y.Pon ereturning froin chureh at Idolyrood, Donald wati about, te etake the !lamas of the lease, when ;he InIto f9t4iti..ly kicked in . the chest. Walkrng Jew faces,- he: collapsed to the eernelt 7 beer of the table, striking the bselec of Ids heed a heavy blow'. He remained :unconscious :.for eon* time' ' • . Since then he has been kept under NEIGHEOURS -MAKE PRESENTATION TO MRS. REID Mrs. W. S. Reid was pleasantly surprised last; Thursday - afternoon when neighbours gathered it her home to 'spend e jolly.afternoon, dur- ing which they presented Mrs. 'Reid with a silver muffin dish. Mr. and Mrs. Reid plan to move shortly from the outskirts of , the .village to their home down town. • , DRAINAGE. BY-LAW NO NOVELTY IN KINLOSS ,•••••••••••••••••••,•• • Stewards elected for a three year term were, Memos. Robertsmi, W. )3. Anderson, W. ' L. MacKenzie, 3. W: Joynt, R. Elliott,, H. Allin. A new - Trustee' Board was elected consist- ing of five members, Messrs. William Murdie, A. McDiarmid, R. Fisher, W. Hamilton; E. Ackert. The Beard of Stewark extolled the splendid financial co-operation 'tiVen, them by the .congregation; especially citing the work of the 'WOmen's As- soniation. Treasurer Robert Rae pre - tented a well-balanced financial state-, ment from, the Stewards. . While the spotlight. has :been. :foe • used on Kinloss Township, as a result of the battle •betweep opposing fact- ions over the Ackert Drain By -Law; such by-laws are by no means new in the Township. • , . W.' Je Little ha S- a coPy of The Sentinel' nig 'Friday nSepterielierigethe, 1881", in rehltith is 'published a:Town- . ._ ship of lCinlosa drainage by-law, to provide'.for the draining ' of parts of the '7th, 8th, 9th, 10th and. lith Con- cessions, and for I 'Sorrowing on the credit of the :Municipality thesum of $1,940.00 to complete . the work. Robert Purves was Reeve and. Peter. Reid, Township Clerkat that tinie. • The Lucknow Pipe Band 'made a big hit at • the banquet and were smartly turned but. in' kilts. During the program Roy MacKenzie of 'Rip- ley, one of the pipers, /was askedif aiTY:of the, Members cotild clo• a stunt and when he informed, the assembly that two of the lads . could 06 h Scottigh. dance the pair were quickly on their feet and'went into a High- land Fling With- great gusto. The .blood of their st6rdY foibeara still surges through the veins of these Canadian Sents and .although ote pf the daticereewai wearing a:bandage, On a' sore knee he forgot all about it for the -moment and; avent through isgyra on grea grated hie action when .he took his seat and the thee began. cornplainieg Sornetwhat.—Chesley Enterprise; Card Of Thanks • • Mr. and Mrs. Donald *Donald and family of St. Helen's, wish to thank all these who assisted them in any way during the illness and at the title of the death of their son Dun- can. Card Of Appreciation • Mr. and' Mrs. Dan MacKinnon and family +wish to 'express sintere ap- preciation of the thoughtfulness of their many friends who rhinembered Mrs. nofecKinnon during her illness, with gifts and- cards, •and by other acts of kindness. • The extenaien of God's kingdom And the preaching of the •Word on mis- sion fields both in this and foreign lands is a matter of deep concern to this Ictmgregation. One a its mem- bers is preaching to the miners in • Northern Ontario, and one young lady since going to the West has establish- ed a Sunday School in her cominunity. It is estimated that Missionary giv- ings in all departments will total'ap- proximately. $1,500.00. The Sunday School report cited regtiliir missionary education and: a contribution of $76: The T. M. . with its two auxiliaries studied intensively, the book "Moving Millions • in India", with contribut- ions of $380. and $53 respectively. The Mission Band had a Successful year of missionary education among the children, and of work on behalf of a native pastor(' in India, and contri- buted $Z5. The Young People's Soc- iety has been contributing to the sup- portatenaa :missionary. :China$ Jahn Stintson of Harriston, Ontarie Missionary and Maintenance Treas- urer. W. G. Andrew reported that the missionary books would remain open until February 13th, by which' time, God willing, it is hoped that contri- butions by the congregation will tot- al over $1,000. The minister Pointed out that witn the country -at war, provision west be Made for te spirit- ual welfare -of the boys "over there". Consequently obligations .in this de- partment. will be heavier, in 1940; and the Christians at home meat remain faithful. During the year a number, of bales of clothirig and toys was sent to Mission Fields, and the Young Lad- ies' Class ' reported sending Sunday School papers to e seheol in the West. In the suminer of 1939. a partic- ularly fine piece of chailtable Work wa.s done by the congregation when 30 underprivileged children from Tor- onto Were given a. two weeks holiday, and in some 'cases four weeks, in vill- age and country homes. It is believed that these lianies profited spiritually in caring .for these little ones of the ',Lord Jesus. observation, in. the!eare 'cif a 'nurse, and is considerably improved, so that no serkeis developments,frore, his in- juriei are anticipated. The MacKinnon family have bed more than their share of illnees in the past `few • months. Last -summer Angus underwent an operation for appendicitis; Mrs'. MacKinnon is hpme from the hospital 'orily a 'short Wile following a major operation; and now Donald is having hi- turn in receiv- ing Medical and nursing attentipn. ENDORSE NATIONAL GOVERNMENT -PLAN - The Bruce Conservative. Ataspciation Endorses- National GoVernment, Backs. Leigh H. Snider, As Candi- date, Invites Co,Operation., At. a. Meeting •Of the executive. of the -Netionel. •Censervathre .Party for • s s the. riding Of Bruen neld theLeg- ion Hall, Southanipten, on Friday, the • Weioeicitipir uriaidnionsly PaSsed,a rep,. eintitin ..eridtirsing •SetiOin of :41A Hoe.; J.:Menton the..foririalon.." of a ."Nationet.•,GoVeinnient,•efurtlier • endorsed the stand of Leigh 1! Sitid- er, the CeneerVatiVe candidate in stip- *rang' •the National. •Coverninent niovernenti and extended an invitation' tnotheneto jeiti inthe National War effort: The text of the e•esolution is' • as•follows:••• ' •: • ' .1.. That in view of th• e presenat- ional ernergency here- by . end.Orees• the aetion. of ,the • Hon. R. J. Manion, in announcing . in- tention of fotMing...a. -National Government to • bring •together•the hest - brains •in• the :country from all part- ies • .for the 'proper' prnaecution. Of the 2. That this Association further en-• dorses the candidature 'Ci . Leigh H. Snider is.a Natientel Government -can- didate in the 'coming Dominion, elect- lOn. and his. Stand aSeecnressed.. to this•. meeting, . of ••giving his iiiPOort , and .co-operation to the: Hon. R. Manion. in this.. campaign and to. the ' • National„ Government 'when,ferined. , ' 3. That a: wholehearted invitation;' be •extended -teen those in the riding I of Brace. :who'. are ;interested' in .the nievenieet for..e• united effort to co- operate With us' 50 that We May. have an organization truly representative of all 'people intereSted. in 'a milted. war. action to the eirehnsien • of ' party . interest. • • . .4. That ,a '41•• this resointion be .forwercled to the MAWR. J. Mari,: ion; the „leader of the .National Gov-, ernment movement.. ..Representatives .were.. preeent • from.: most•of the numitipalitien in the ricn, ing when reports Were 'received • as.. .to the- progress of .the 'work and gen- eral' 'organization' .plans were made. The cendidate reviewed the Work he had - done. brganizing; the riding since • his • cenvention. in •November, 1918, .and spoke' to the. meeting on the importanee• of the National Gov, 'ailment, after whichthe•meeting pas- sed the. foregoing resolution.. • .' • -On -being interviewed MT. • -Snider ' expressed. his satisfaction •with the fact that the Association had taken action to• :s*ing in behirid Abe Nat- ional Government • movement. He said that it had been his idea long before the War broke out that More co-op- eration between the existing political parties should exist: He remarked that the 'idea of .co-operation • ciitminating in the form'of a National Government •was rio pew thing with him and that it 'with *hat he had been striving for ever sine he was chosen to reit- resentithe•interestaebletherlding..,... :The woman who drives frem the bac seat of a ter is no worse than the Man who:cooki from the dining room table. ” CARS BADLY RAMA:GED IN CRASHSOUTH OF TOWN Cars driven by W. J. Davison of town and E. W. Waite, a cpmineecial traveller from Toronto were :exten- sively damaged in a crack up south of town on Tuesday. .• Mr. Davison in turtling at the .Clif- ton renidence near the 12th. Concesr sion was caught broadside by -`the south 'bound Waite- car, the driver of which had little chance to eonircil. the car on the slippery roads. The impaet stove in the left side of the Davison car, and crumpled the 'right ,front sectien of theother. car. Both cars were very badly smashed up, but the drivers escaped tnjuries. 1 COMING EVENTS 1 notyROOD DANCE There will be a St. Valentine dancel et Holyrood Hall, on Wednesday, Feb - 'teary 14th, under auspices of the 11. W. I; 1V1cCharles ochestra. General adniission 25e. • INSTITUTE "AT HOME". The members of the Lucknow Wo- men's institute' will hold their annual • Thursday, February 15th at 8 o'cloele lire•grnin; luneb, dancing. McCliarles orchestra. , MRS. CLIFTON PASSES• " The deatn of MTS. Margaret Clift- on, relict of the late Arthur' Clifton, occurred at her home on the Gravel Road, south of Lucknow on Sunday. She was in her 64th year. .•• ' The funeral • service conducted by Rev. R: C. Todd, was held from her late residence on Tuesday aiternoop, with interment • in Greenhill Cemet- ery. • Mr. Clifton passed away just less than a year ago,. on February 27th. 1939., To her sister, Miss Martha:Clifton; who bas , resided with her for many years, the sympathy of jriends is extended. BRUCE LIBERAL'S • ENDORSE KING 'Nominating Conventicin To Be Bad In Port Elgin On Friday, February 16th ---Executive Committee Set inate At Kincardine Meeting When • They Went On Record As Complet- • ely in Accord In Mr. King's Action. Meeting iii Kincardine Friday, the executive of Bruce Liberal: .Associa- tion ari-anged to hold a poraitiating convention in Port Elgin town hall en Friday, February 16th at 2:30 p.m. Each polling subdivision will be allowed to send four delegates to the convention, but all are welcome to edIlle and hear issues of the cureett federal canipeign discussed intelligen- tly hy prominent apeakers.• "1. L. Lainont, president of Kincar- dine. Liberal Association was chair- man .of the executive, nfeeting whieh was addressed by W. R Tornlinsoh, K.C., member for Brucein the last parliament, who traced Centida's ever effort and pointed out no blame goad be attached the '.King govermnent, Whith has conducted the war effort efficiently and in the best interests of the people of the Dominion. A resehition supporting Mr. King was passed. It reads: "Be it resolved by the tereattive benimittee. of tile grltee Liberal Association that this ecatimittee. does hereby express ith full and Complete confidence in the Et.. Hon. W. L. ltt'King and in the prosecution of Canada's part by the goverernent and that this toarimittee is in 'entire accord with Mr. King's action in the ithinediate dissolution of the Hoese and his appeal for a nian.date..0f..the-tdree-ol :Canada-- to effectinery and efh-nrefitlY carry on our national endeavour hi the conflitt • The Sunday school riported good work being done by faithful teachers and offfeera- in the dent:eft-neat nof Christian educatio, The Young Peo- ple's Society has had a year of en- riching and informative meetings, Af- ter the evening Service one Sunday it preserited a missionary pageant en- titled "Christianity erelong, the New Canadians." • The Women's -Asso.ciatioti 'called forth a hearty ovatiori when it pre- cnrt • able „work and sie.k visiting; it ree• ported raising. $478, $400 of- whieh (Continued on mage • Omitted His Nitme • In reporting the numbers on the program at last week's banquet, we slipped up in omitting the name of Reeve Alex MacDonald, whose old- time violin music is ,popular with and- . •iences wherever he is heard. '7 BORN IIELWIG—At Ring ton, .lainaica, B.W.I., on Friday, January 19th, 1940, to De. and Mrs. Vincent Helwig (nee Mona Mitchell), a. son, Phillip Charles. Donate To Muskeka Hospital Lucknow Fire Company at the reg- ular meeting Monday, rnade their an- nual donation to the Muskoka, .Hos- pitaI and Toronto Hogpital, foe the treatinent of tuberculosis. The .dona- lion .was $10.00. These two hioapitals, established 'nearly forty years ego, have, grown from i'wo small buildings to the pres- ent fine structures,. with modern equipment, _representing a capital ex- pendithre of over a Million dollar!, most IA Which was raised through voltntery tenttibutions, a±were large Sums for maintenance, throughout the . years. These hospitals now have up - Wards to 1,100 patients. During these yeats the tubercule osis Mortality rate in Ontario. has been reduced from 126 to .15 Per 106.-' 000 of p*Opulatign, so that the disease now etancls 7tn place, instead of first, as a cause of death. While, the general rate has thus decrees d, tub-. efE, L , tweet the ages of 15 and 45 than atter itt which our Empire is engaged." ether disease, - • ens 4