HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-11-23, Page 51 THE WINGIIAK IMES, NOYEMBILk It will just take that long to convince you that our prices are right. DRESS 0.900G Pretty el.lk and Wool Plaids, special, 5c;5Heavy French Serge, suitable for coats and capes, special at 00e. Figured Lustres, pretty goods, special M 35c and 50e. Stylish Plaids at 12 and 18e. ...1,:a.,4141.1•11MMIMMI..*.........14.1M1144M100161611.14401".•11411MONtufaial•IMWORII.Z.V.03011111.1.01 UNDERT.OTHINC.:, Men's Fleeced Lined *Underwear, extra value, at $1.00 a suit Lacilee' Fleeced Lined Vale, special at 250. See our higher priced goods -- every garment solid value. .....nti...GraMar.........a.VWWWWW/NNFLIAVIOAIMSMOMMUYANISMM.00.0.1...14.1liMALSW READY-MADE CLOTHiNG Men's working Pants, special at 000. gen's English Nigger Head Tweed Suits, double breasted, well made, heavy linings, our special price $8 00. Men's blue Overalls, special at 75e. Canadian Tweed Suits from $3.00 to $11,00—every one a fitter. Your mo-ney back if not satisfied. We want your produce and will pay the highest prices fur it. NEWS FROM OUR NEICH ORS EVENTS Or INTERES'T TO ALL OUR READERS, We(ke Tunes Correspondents Commtimeate — Other Items Clipped From Our 11xeliangos. Wiirsenennstoss. The anniversary servicesof be Wbit� churelt Methobist church will be held on Suudey D.3eaniber 2w1. Rev. A. ,T, Harris, of Lucknow will preach at 10.30 a. m. ma 7 p. m. and Rev. R. Robbs, of Wingham at 2.30 p. m. Special col- lections for Trust Board, Ou Monday more .fatuily at the home of their sister. Me. D. A. (X111001,1,1, . ingharn, on . 1 Thursday of laet week, It should bo well for people to renieM- bur 1.,v1en, a hypeotie entertainer colas along that allowing .ones 'self to be hyp- notised weakens the intellect somewhat, aud, that if the practise eoutiauesthe evening, Deo. 30., tea, will be served is wealtuess. increses until .the subjecs can the bayou ut of the oharoli from. 0 to 8 be hypnotised at a distance or over p. m. .4 choice progainme has been the telephone,. prepared, Addressers by Rovs., A. 3. • Harris, D. Rogers, G. M. Dun, R. 1 Hobbs. Music by the Methodist choir of 1 -:,,, • Spreads Like Wildfire. Whighten and. others. Adtnissiou to' 1 when thaws are "the best" they become "the best selling." Abralanu tea meeting and enteztalement, adults, Hare, a leading druggist, of Belleville, 250; children ltic. : 0., writes:"Elootrie Bitters are the best selling bitters I have handled in 20 years," Yoa know why? Most diseases being in disorders of stomach, ver, kidneys, bowels, blood and nerves. Electric Bitters tones np the stomach,. regulates liver, kidneys and bowels, purifies the blood, strengthen b the nerves, hence cures multitudes of mala- dies, It builds up the system, Puts new life and vigor into any week. sickly, rundown man and wonian, Price 50 gceisutr, Sold by Colin A. Campbell, dreg- THE HEW STOE 'THE CHEAP' North End General Store,. .00rnmoa./.........1.0.,,•••••,•••••momene••••••••••••••10 41- 4-'-aCe2 C,.COVaggiV411"1-1.4MCS-e-a. C. 'Q-Ti.V-..19,,W)..WriP:WS.5e 9N-StU-S", maxi.:=106.104:61.4s=2.11.. Fine off stalk Valencia Raisins, lac lb Trenor s Choice selected Raisins Ile lb \Trenor's Choice Sultana Raisins 15c lb Black Basket Table Raisins, 20C lb California Seeded Mu§catel Raisins in. pkgs, 15c lb gChoice Patras Currant's, 15e lb Extra choice Vostezza CuiTaritis, „zoc lb Cooking Figs in Tapnets, 5c t Layer Figs in Boxes 20c lb California Prunes, all sizes / Shelled Almonds and Walnuts mvaLoGita.VE. Mr. Roy has moved into the house y vacated by Mrs. Sackrider. William Bono has bought Mr. Hasloin's small sterelnd intends fitting it up for Pa dwelling fhi. tit" sming. The price aid was $315. Robert Gallagher had arafile qu Tues- day night when he .disposed of about twenty geese. It is said Adam was the &straw', but people think now Oliver is the first man. Coultes & Best shipped a car of lambs on Monday. Tho boys in the shanty would like to . know who shot through their door. They will make it hot for him if they find ont. That Throbbing Headache Would quickly leave you, if you used Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands of sufferers_ have proved theix matchless merit for Sick and. Nervous Headaches. They make pure blood and build up le your health. Only 25 cents. Money bark if not cured. Sold by Colin A. 3i Campbell, druggist. ISLUE17ALIC. The late Mrs. Andrew HolmesAwas buried in Winghata cemetery on Thbis day of last week. Her maiden name was Catharine Mollwain and she was if thirty-eight years of age. Mrs. KO, of V Brantford; Mrs. McDonald, of Gode- 13i rich; Mrs. Thomas Robertson, of the Bluevale road; Mrs. Eugene McDonald, M ai of Vam and 1VIrs. Elliott of the Blue- kins, Buy none other ;. ,,..cans for 25c: - T Beans and Pump- Of Wingliam.; Miss Mary w n, Aylmer Brand Corn, Peas, om at oes , eioxtras. The Mt. Forest, Confederate is record- ing the death of Mrs. Arthur McGuire, formerly atlas" township., says:—The death took nice on Monday of Mrs, Mc- Guire, who has been living with her son,. Mr. Tames McGuire, blacksmith, Main st. Deceased was a native of Scotland and came to this country with her hus- band in the early years settling in Mor- ris township near Wiugham. Mr. Mc- Guire died nine years ago and his widow has since been living with her sons in Brussels and Mt. Forest, She has been in poor health but death came rather suddenly, she having taken dinner with her son and family the previous day. The funeral took place 07.1. Wed110SdaY t Wingham. The following family sur- vive: Arthur and Mrs. Jackson, Brus- sels; Alex., Oliutou; John, Normanby; Mrs. Gibson, Northumberland . county ; James, Mt. Forest. 1,81VringhOftd. are sisters of the decea d and . . Weretameent at the funeral. ' ....1; •,, 1 , ,, .4.... . '.i 1 ' , , , 1 s,„„ ft ' ; Mr.' Lula Mrs. Thomas ornell and fe family04 Mr. Walter noggin. have ,, • , .:„. ,.. , , ,.„, qt,ii5i'pc..,1411.astique, Michigan, where , , „ , , • • theiintenct to make their home. " William Robertson, of the boundary out, held an auction sale of live stock on Tuesday of last week. SuperiorII . eweir We pride ourselves in always keeping in stock the very best of everything in the jewelry line and although we do not, make as high a percentage of profit as on cheaper lines, we have the satisfaction of knowing that we give good value, and that is what we want. A satisfied customer is the best ad- vertisement. We expect to have you for one. JR. Ne , ' Re. R. S. G. Anderson, of Wroxeter will deliver an illustrated lecture on missions in the Presbyterian church. on Tuesday evening next. The choir will sing some special numbers and Miss Ada Cliae, of Wingham, will also sing. Messrs. R. G. Casemore and. W. J. uff are buying turkeys for shipment. Ira Etcher has purchased tie Graham farm on the first lino of Morris. It is at present occupied. by Mr. Wyatt. The farm contains one 'hundred acres and the price paid was $3,250. Some members of Robert Weir's family, Turnborry, are down with typhoid fever. Mrs. Roberti3, of Michigan, was visit- ing hea sister, Mrs. Daniel Lewis, last week. Hubbard Cornell, senior, of Guelph, was here last week to visit his son, Thomas before his departure for Michi- .gan. Snow, fur coats, sleigh bells etc, because suddenly fashionable last week. Winter has come before .we are ready for it. Those who have turnips oat are thinking of the good weather we had this time last year, but last autumn was so beautiful it spoiled us. The children of the Presbyterian Sab- bath School intend having an entertain- ment at Christmas. 1VIiss,Lily Rogers is home from a term at tna College,St. Thomas. essrs. George Casemore,of Bluing°, and James Casemore, of Turuberry, attended a re-unien of the Case - OPTICIAN AND JEWELER 11 Having just opened up our new stock of Fall Goods, we quote a few bargains. In Fall Dress Goocls we show full range of Plaids, Horne-Spuns, Tweeds and Ladies' Cloth Suitings, ranging from 4.oc per yard and upwards. See our new Ladies' Jackets 11, 411 Black, Fawn and Blue Colors, Perfect fits at $5.67o and up. Also a full stock of Fur Goods in Ladies Jacket, Cape, 'Mufs and Ruffs at prices to suit the purchaser. See these goods before purchasing elsewhere. See our special value in Blankets t 4.0 pairs Union Blankets at $/.65 per pair and up. Also a full stock of All. 'Wool Blankets at $4.00 per pair aud upward. A full stock of yarns always on hand. Latest New York styles, WANTED I FiveHuirara:-.1 Men and Boy, -,4 to Bay Clothing. oat. Clothing 1)epartatant apixmls specially to the liee'e aeri /Joys' needs who went fine, reliable othing well tett au illeished at AIODERATI•1 PRJUES, with att extiorbii,ant profit to (emus out of their poekets. 11, genes Flee Beaver Winter Overcoats, dark navy shade, vel- vet collar, Mho cloth lining, well made, size4 to 44. Si e ant itt Cp0.00. l 63.90. ' Men's extra heavy Pealt Jaeete?, we11. made tweed, lined, dark navy shade. Speeiaat ._ „ „- • . „ _.,_ _ _ .. ..- I3oys' Heavy Blue Nap Reefers, double-breaited ‘ high collar, check tweed lining and perfect fitting. Special $2.75. &lel fine heavy ).piece Tweed Suits, siegle ur deeble- breasted, well lined and stylish. Spend $3.50. Men's Heavy Disters, Blown or Grey Frieze Cloth, Tweed lined. well fieished. Special, "5.00. Men's heavy doume.b1ea3tei Suits, nicely lined, late sty me. Our special price, $6.00. ' Boys' strong Tweed Pants, tined, special price 50e. Men's extre, strong Pants, well made, to elear„ 76u, Mac's Cardigan. Jackets at eat priees. • A large stock of Rain Coats, latest styles. all sizes, fr An 30 to 46, ranging in price from $1.95 to $0.00. UNDEF,WEAR • A complete stock of Men's and 13ove Underwear, all kinds, all sizes, all prices, 25e., 36c, 460, 50e, 65e, 75e, $i.00,$1.25. WINTER OAPS. A line assortment of Meter Caps for gen and Boys at cut prices. BOOTS AND SHOES gen's good strong Boots, solid leather, sputa! $1.00. Men's Lock Ioelt Boots, GUARANTF4D, SPECIAL, $2.00, Men's Long Boots, SOLID LEATHER at, cue prices. Boys' strong Sehool. I3oots, our speed I price 90c. Girls' Boots, buttoned or laced, 90e, $1.00, 51.25, $1 50, A large stock of Men's arid,Boys'. Heavy Rubbers, one or two buckle. See them before you buy. Ladies' Misses'and Children's Rubbers and Cvershtes at special cut prices. Farm Produce taken in exchange. Astounding Discovery. • From Coopersville, Mich., comes word of a wonderful discovery of a pleasant tasting liquid that when used before retiring by any one troubled with a bad cough always ensures a good night's rest. will soon cure the cough too" writes Mrs. S. Himelburger, "for three generations of our family have used Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption and never found it's equal for Coughs and Colds." It's an unrivaled life-saver when used for desperate lung diseases.. Guaranteed bottles 50o and $1.00 at Culiu A. Campbell's. Trial bottles free. T A. MI LS. The Cheap Cash Store. Opp. Bank of Hamill 4*-.4IMP;:g WROX=Elt. Mr. and Mrs. George Spotton enter- tained the young people of town on Monday evening of last, to a social hop in their new home. • Last Monday, John. Hamilton shipped nine hundred live turkeys. John Robertson is laid up with a sore h and. Robt. Rae, who has been. visiting at hi s home here, returned back to the North West last week. Miss Jennie Applebee is very ill at present. Miss Combs, of Jamestown is visit- ing dressmaking with Miss Martin. The boys and girls of the school here met at the home of the Misses Barnard last Friday evening to spend a social evening with the Barnard family before they take their departure to Lump.. To show their appreciation of their good conduct at school they presented. them with a beautiful China tea set. Miss Mary Sanderson has gone to Hamilton to spend. part of the winter. JA.111313STOWN. The snow! Tho snow! The beautiful snow is all gone, • The snow and cola weather have hindered the farmers from gettiug itt their turnips. David Robinson, of Elma is visiting his friends at Janiestown. Mrs; Eliza Baines is laid up with. a very eon foot. We hope she will soon bo around again. Wm. MeEweu has returned after working with David Millar for some time. Miss Belle McIntosh, of Molesworth is visiting her sister, Mrs. Ed. Smith. While M.A. "Wallace and her son, Bert were driving along the road on the 12th line of Grey, their horse stumbled aud fell in the ditcli. Iitn tawacse removed' Good Counsel Has No Price." Wise advice is the result of experience. The hundreds of thousands svho have used Hood's Sarsaparilla, America's Greatest Medicine, counsel those svho svoutd purify and enrich the blood io avail themselves of Its virtues. He is svise svho profits by this good advice. Stomach Troubles — ".t svas greatly troubled svith my stomach, and even the sight of food made me sick. Was iirecl and languid. A few bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla made me fed myself again. ' fames 81)1cXentie, 350 Gladstone Ave,root*, Ont. by Sandy Mustard's ass $ Miss Godetha Combos is in Wroxe- ter assisting Miss Martin in the dress- making shop. Well George! It is altogether to bad to keep batch this cold weather when their are so many nice Rue looking girls on the hue. Will White had a very successful stone bee last Friday. The stone Will be used for building a stone foundation under his barn next year. ,In the even- ing a number of youtig people wera present and they spout a very enjoy. able evening by tripping, the 'light fautastio to tho wee snia hours. Great Luck of an Editor. "For two years all efforts to cure Ec- zema in the palms of my hands failed," writes Editor H. N. Lester, of Syracuse, Kan., "then I was, wholly cured by Bucklen's Avnica Salvo." It's the world's best for Eruptions, Sores and all skin diseases. Only 25o at Colin A. Campbell's. IYUNGAISNOV, O. Harris and sons, of Dungannon, ho well-known honey -men, hare re - Coin(' notice from Paris that the Inter- national jury at tho Paris Ltniversal Exhibition, has as\ Ode(' a gold medal diploma to the Dominion of Canada for a colleetiVe exhibit of limit**, of whieh the Mes.srS. Harris exhibit formed au im- portant pert. A eopyepa ward w: hedent to Mr. Haiti& 0 congratteat: the Messrs. upon titir success in assisting to ttphold the. credit of Canada tea ono of the first footle,,rotltieime eotni- trie5 of the weeld. Barrie, will be pleased to hear of bis purchasing and managing the private bank of the late C. E. MoKeggio, of Bar- rie. Mr. Beecroft is a brother of MVS. C. Campbell and John Eeeeroft of the ti'. Miss Fannie Robertscn, of the 5th is. going to spend the winter itt Wingham, Miss Aggie Robertson of Toronto is spending her holidays with her grand- parents at present. ii1A.ST W.A.WANOSII. ' On Sunda, Nov. lith, Mrs. Margar- et, lane McGeetan old and respectedresi- dent oftilistig township, passed peace- fully avesr at the age of 71 years, 7 months and. 11 days. Deceased, with her hasbatal came from Irelaud and set- tled near Toronto in Vaughan township. They resided there for a few years and. then removed to East.Wawanosh, where by patience and industry they built up a beautiful home, and their honesty and integrity won the respect of a wide cir- cle of friends. After the death of her husband she lived on the homestead. with her son, James,t ntil his death let about four years ago. '. n the spring of this year she rernovet o Auburn. Tho members of the family who survive her aro: Robert J. McGee, of Baden; Mrs. Menzie, of Staples; Mrs. Young, of London, and Mrs. McLachlan, of Auburn. Will Robiusou, assessor, lost a valu- able horse on Saturday last. Miss Minnie McBurney is spending a • few days in Belgrave this week. Joseph iteStiene)..3 11:1,1% moved into their new house. Mr. Beau, of Goderieh, spent a feW clays last week with his daughter, %ties Clam Beau. Me. and Mr.. $huptent, of Jamestown, spent $tuiday. at their son's, M. DOUgal Jf the 101h. . ' ' Miss Clara Ileati epeut -tedurday mid 8tuday• vita elles Mater Agnew, of %tom , Adatunobinson stoic Sunday .with friends in \Tutorial. Tue may friends of Tom Weer" of Nobody knows all about it; and nothing, now known, will always cure it. Doctors try Scott's .Emul- sion of Cod Liver Oil, when they think it is caused by im- perfect digestion of food. You can do the same. It may or may not be caused. by the failure cf stomach and, bowels to, do their work: If it is, you will cure it; if not„ you will do no harm. The way, to cure a disease is to stop its cause, and help the body get back to its habit of health. When Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil docs that, it cures;,wheri it don't, it don't cure. It never does harm. The genuine has this picture on it, take no other. If yoti have not tried it, send for freb sainpie, its agreeable taste will surprise you. SCOTT & tOTWX:Aotte Chemists, soc, and Pico ; all draiigia,