HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1940-01-25, Page 5THURSDAY, $ANNARY 25th, 1339 • yceumTheatre Show starts at ' p.m. except Saturday. -•---,Saturday night two shows at•.745 and94 MATINEE Saturday 2.30 p.m.. Thursday, Friday, ' Saturday January • 25; 26, 27 SPEelA,14 ROBERT DON AT GREIkR GARSON —* in *_ ' "Goodbye, Mr.thips" The .leading • chatecter.,of James Milton's -widely-,read; novel ie portrayed on the : screen ,by. 'Robert • Donat,*the 'star of The Citadel. Also. • "NEWS". Matinee Sat. afternoon at '2:30 'Monday, Tuesday,.. Wednesday January ,. Z9,. 30, , 31 RICHARD. GREENE ANDY .KELLY "" THE LI W ' SENTINEL • t lir • PAGE'I�'$ CON LOU G.H Congratulations to.; Mr, and Mrs.' Jake Eckenswiller ' who celebrated their 511th wedding anr4iversary last week. The many friends here wish this'grand old couple many more hap- py years together. • Word was receT'vbd here on Sunday of the 'passing of . the ate Mr.. Rob- Ort McConnell- at the home of his daughter, Mrs.. Chester Blackwell. Mr. 1VIoConneh along , with his 'wife and family were residents of this cor triunity .for • a number, of years, Sympathy is extended to the bereav- ed ones. Services in the churches here were cancelled .owing to the weather and road conditions., . ' • l • On 'Monday ;evening next, the first., meeting of the . Church . Society will heheld in:. the'. Presbytertan..church. everyone is cordially'.inviteda, • Pte. Harold Smith of the 97th Bat-. tery, tis towel spent the.' week end.. with., friends• "ie Miss .Jean. Anderson 'Was the guest of Misys Marian Hodgins, Concession 10 over the week -end. The Holyrood Women's Institute will Meet on Thursday next,• February 15th: at the horne of Mrs. Aylmer Ackert. Convener --Mrs. W. J.. • Mc Lean. Assistants—Mrs. John Colwell and Miss Eileen Valad.:„ Topic—edu- cation. Current events. Motto—Mod- ern trends in education. Roll call—A brook and its author. Lunch` committee --Mrs. Ackert, Mrs.. Chas: 'C,ongram and Miss Eileen Valad. tt ubmar:ine atrol" A timely submarine picture. Also. "Trouble Rads. ' Andy ., •Cly I&' • • INSPECTORS NOTE TEACHER SHORTAGE Huron County . 4Counc l , in session la st week' at •Goderieh, 'learned from'. the reports of School Inspectors F. C. Beacom, of South Huron, and J. H. .Kinkead of North Huron, that there wes an acutelhortage of pub- lic school teachers and that . salaries had risen. Average rural' salary is now $750, urban, $975. Primary school scholars in Huron are decreasing at the rate• of 100 a year. Three schools wereclosed. in 1939 ;and three' • more may be elesed in 1940. •• The . County had an actual surplus of . $7,627 in 1989, it was disclosed in the auditors' report,' tabled by Treas- urer A H. Erskine, Of this surplus the County .Home - earned f2mc. Th'e institution -is nom more: than ;self sus tainine :Tire, profit shown. on . hogs alone fo•r. the year. (was $544.56, • • The 'provisional tax rate for 1940 is -3'/a mills; doavi►` three-quarters O•f a mill: due.., to 'thehigher assessment;' but' -to raise substantially, the' some amount of, money, $t1e,361.00:: Increase Salary-, By a recorded vote of 22 to 7, after a lengthy discussion, the salary of County Engineer Patterson • was in,- • creased from •$2,760 to $3,2100 by Huron 'County Council. It is in 'the nature of a restoration of salary cuts in depression years, the salary at one time being .$3,6004. The motion. to increase the: $2,750• salary to $3;000 was defeatedby an amendment brought. in by Reeves: 3. Bowman and J. S. Scott to make Mr. Max Hildred. of. Wallaceburg is holidaying.. at him home, South. Line. Mr. Robt. McConnell, one pf our .oldest. residents, •passed. away .Satur- day.night at ithe home of his daugh- ter, Mrs. Chester; , Blacis4'ei1, North Liner •• There were no church :services. in • the village on Sunday owing to the RAPID CITY drifted 'Conditions. of . the . roads.' The Not for 'a long time have we ha a storm that lasted for ,a .whole vee:, like the one we have just had. Each day seemed to get worse, not 'so colt' but', stormy. Monday the wrther wa fine , and snowplows were 'busy. On'e on the •C.N.R: -came dawn from' t1 r • north.,with two engines driving and. later in the :da'y •a ;Bruce Count,' snowplow same along so that by ev- ening cars were: speeding' alonga; usual -Our mailman went .through and school was open every day. Mr: and Mrs. Donald MacDonald re- turned home from Hamilton, Satur- day. • - Miss. Eunice Carter is home after spending a couple of months at Har- "riston. • . ' • Mrs: Archie Nicholson and Donald spent Friday. afternoon •+with' ter• :mother. . Johnnie Carter is• among` a number of members of the Listowel Batter.. ies who, • has been moved to King, stun..' snowplow' •did not come: through until early Monday . morning to clear the Highway. • Mr. and... Mrs. Wallace MacLeod. North Line; received word of the. land ing in England of their non, Wm. MacLeod, with the C.A.S.F. Bill' was. the first- Bervie. 'bey to, enlist his, services in . the Great War.• ' The. annual Business Meeting of the United 'Church. which was called for . last Thursday;, was postponed, pending better 'weather. • Mr. Jaynes Colwell, Who is home from the ..West on a visit to ;his brother, , Mr. Frank tryolwell of Kin- cardine, was renewing ,old acquaint- ances in the., village here on Mon - •day. . ` , Mr.• Stanley Richmond of Parry Sound is a guest at John McLeod's. The, chopping mill • is kept very busy of late. . • And then there was the patient in the hospitas who developed a sense of humour. At every knock on his door, he challenged: "Who goes there?' 'Friend or enema?" % ,(RS. COOK and her two LV41, daughters live up to their name. They have won nearly eighty prizes for baking at the Acton and. Erin Pairs. "I really believe," sags' Mrs. Cook, "that Robin Hood is the best dour. I like it' for cakes, cookies and pies; and it makes such fine - textured,' beautiful white loaves of bread. I do all my baking with Robin Hood. It isn't by chance that more Canadian women use Robin Hood than any oilier dour. Robin Hood Is "the: choice of champions" because' champions are wise housewives who think first of giving their families the best in bread, cakes and pies. And Robin Hood gives them the best. Mrs. George E. Cook, R.R. 3, Acton, Ont., with ter daugbterss ,dud(centre) aid Florence. • Every kernel of the choice Spring wheat used in milling Robin • Hood is thoroughly washed before it is ground. Look into a bag of Robin Hood ,and see how dean and white it is. Test its fineness and rich baking quality by rubbing a handful between your fingers. Best of all, try Robin Hood. in your own 'ikitchen.. if you haven't used it before you'll be delighted to find how good._a cook you really are! ' Siincerely, HOIOE BAILING 9ERVIC$ ROWS HOOD FLOOR M1i.L3 LIMI'Y'AD - ,obisttioottEllour, I 2t1 a Those votingfor the amendment were Reeves ..Armstrong; ' :Bowman, Brown, Gamble; Grain, .Leiner, Mc- Cann, McDonald, • Paseniore,' .Rath - well, Ratz, .Keys, 'Redmond, Scott. Trewartha, ; Shaddiek,.' Watson, Web= sten, Weir; 22. •••' Against: Duncan, Feagan, Dorr 4 •ante,:Frayne, Turner, Whitmore, Wil- son • Likewise the salaries of county; pol- lee officers. °were -increased to and $500; car alldwance. Previous sal- aries ranged 'from $9:00 to' $1,200' with $300 car' •allowance. ' Under the new arrangement the officers are to, pre-, vide their • own automobile, . repairs,. gasoline, etc. .. Shelve Reforestation Reforestation in Huron county, talk- ed about these many days, received another setback at the 'closing session of County Council. when that body Vot- ed• down a motion to place $2,000 in this year's estimates (with which to get the program under way. The vote was 15'to 10. Warden Feagan expres- sed his disappointment. ' Last year's,' council agreed upon the purchase of plots of 100acres of waste land in various parts' of • the\ country for reforestation. The suni of 35000 (was voted to get. the scheme under way but the money. was never authorized by 1by-law. • During• the discussion; various :Reeves wanted to' know what plots were to he purchased, their location and price, before voting any money.' Some urged .that individual farmers be subsidized for planting quarter - acre plots. ' 1 WHI 'ECH`YRCH Mr. Dave Gibbs' has enlisted and Mr'.:Kenzie Mowbray has also sign- ed up and will` go soon to train for the army. , Mr. Gordon Rintoul has purchased' the poultry farm formerly owned by, Duncan Kennedy. Mr. Duncan 'Kennedy has- sold his, hatchery in Wingham to Mr. Hutson who has been working there for a few years. • 4Mr's. D. Gillies returned to her, home here after spending a few months in Detroit with her daughters. Miss Olive Terriff is tatting care of Mrs. George Harkness oho iso um der the doctor's care.' Miss Annie Kennedy is taking care of Mrs. Clifton; Lucknowwhite we are sorry to say is suffering from a stroke. CREWE last Week)' . (Intended for M:r. Ivan. Montgomery spent the week,end at his home near Tiverton. friends here. , Red with Mr.' and Mit.' Will Petrie , Mr. ,Richard Parks and Mr. Thos. Reid. spent 'Priday with friends here.' of Mafeking were recent visiters with artd Mrs. S. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred ,Drennan and children and 'Miss, Lorraine Durnin sltoa S urdi -. Goderieb,- .,. , ..• The Y.15. tt was held at the home of Miss Frances' Crozier with a good attendance. 0 T H E LUCKNOW ;,SENT N .: Published every Thursday. morning at Lucknow, Ontario. Mrs. A. D. MacKenzie—Proprieto Campbell Thompson—Publisher THURSIiAY, 'JANUARY 25th, 1939 WEST WAWANOSH COUNCIL MINUTES January: 8, 1940. The ' West Wawandsli' Council met as per. statute, on above. date. The following subscribed to the necessary declarations of office: Reeve, Thomas Webster, �, Councillors- Harold 'Gaunt,. Gordon McPherson, Wallace•Miller and ,#frown $ipiyth The miiuurtes f the •December meet- ing were' read and, accepted on motion of (ouneillors.!ePherson and Gaunt:, Mi „Ross• . Murray. 'waspresent and spoke 'briefly Ib theiCouncil. He ex pressed his appreciation for the..court- esy and co=operation lie had received from the members,: of the Board and: the Township' • officials during his term of office and.. regretted that due to,unforeseen circumstances he, must tender his resignation. A resolution .pr. isa'ng"Mr. Murray for his •faith u4nd efficient performance -of his duties as •assessor and expressing regret that his' services were no long- er available was passed on motion of Councillors Gaunt and Miller. By -Jaw No.. 1, appointing Township., officials for 1 40, was passed on motion of Conn Mors. Miller and 'McPherson. The' Council decidedon.. motion' of Councillors Smyth and Gaunt to he - come a member of the • Ontario Assoc- iation of Rural Municipalities. By-law No. 2, making appropriations for high•• eRArcHic Does the Trick! f,3ray Chicks ,are real money- makers. .1 can prove it, . Place ,.�, , your order here. 100% live de- livery guaranteed. Finlayson Bros. LUcic? Qw „If you tvani'a prompt,'- economical business- • like administration of your estate, naive as:,, your EARL/TM-- THE STERLING TRUSTS • CORPORATION 372. BAY •ST., TORONTO OVER -48' 'EARS EXPERIENCE • • "Yes," .saidthe young •wife, proud:' ly. "father always gives something•, expensive, when he gives presents..". "So I discovered when he gave you away." • The rights of others are just as 0 sacred as. our own,•' but this is . not "What f way purposes for'1940. ywas passed. on do you want with a ne :v eat ?" I ^''rid a.� ries• peri . e_ shoes. '•Oh, a new frock, some 'stocking dear' I& , .. " W didn't knCow whether • 'fir •. . ®r° not he was �coin?cri, , ... just to show he hadn't forgotten us.". And:. so ' it goes. Long ]Distance is the single man's answer to many a problem -and the married man's'. shortest road home. Always at your service wherever' you may be. motion Of 'Councillors Miller and Me- generally acknowledged. Pherson. By-law NO.. 3, authorizing the Reeve and Treasurer to borrow • funds for current expenditure was passed' on motion ` of Councillors Smyth and, Miller. The . clerk. was in- structed, to advertise .for applications for the position 'of'••Assessor ' at a. , salary of $100:00 per year, all appli- cations to be in by 'February '5,.1940. The following are the •Township 'of- ficials for 1940—collector,' Charles ,Al ton; Clerk, Durnin Phillips; Treasur- er, Wm. A.•Boyle; auditors,. W. I. Mil- ler and Thomas B. Taylor; School at- tendance' officer, 'Donald B. Murray; weed :inspector,. Robert Chamney; Board of Health, Dr. Vokes M.O.H. and D. B. Murray; Sanitary inspect- ors,, J. Leidy and T. Salkeld; Live- stock -'valuators, H. Rutherford, A. Anderson, U. Thompson, Jas. -Sproul poundkeeper'•s, A. Brown, R. Taylor, Reid, W. Nicholson, J. Walsh, J. Kinahan, M.: Humphrey, W. McQuil- lin,-and D. Alton;. fenceviewers, W. A. Orser,' S.•, Johnson, H: King, J. 'Dur- nin (Con. 6);'W. ,Armstrong; P. Wat- son and G. A. ;Greer.. The Council adjourned to meet Fel ruary 6th, at 1:30 p.m. •• . Durnin Phillips, Clerk FOURTH .CONCESSION Miss d'essie McKay 'was hostess for the January meeting of the U. F. W. 0, which was held in the Orange Hall. on accountof the stormy ' weather. The attendance was not ,as large as usual, Mrs. McKinnon presided , and the meeting opened with 'singing "0 Canada" and repeating the Lord's prayer in unison. The minutes of last meeting were read by Mrs. Maclntyre, also letters from headquarters. Mrs. Donaldson .. sent a letter of thanks for 'remembering her. The roll call was responded to by • "What . the World needasriost today". After. com- munity singing "Afton Waters", the' business was. discussed. Mrs. McKim was present and had supplies to be made, for the .Red Cross and gave in- struetidns for making' "same. Rexford Ostrander favoured the meeting with a piano solo which was much enjoyed. Mrs. G. Lockhart had the first paper. on Study of .Medical Care which was - given very fully. Mrs. L. McLeod gave a 'paper on Robert Burns.: Sing- ing the National Anthem brought the meeting to a close. ' Refreshments were served and a pleasant time spent. The February meeting is to bel; at the home of Mrs. Angus Graham. Directors, Mrs. Wm. MacIntyre, Mrs, R. McDougal and Mrs. George Lock- leart. Teacher; "Parse the sentence 'Tout married Jane." Small boy: "Tom's 'a .noun because he's the name of something. Married'" a conjunction because, it join' tort and Jane. Jane's a verb because ,she governs the noun." Widowed Mother: "No, Sonny, I'nn rich I have you and Billy and -yon are worth millione.teent.e - n. Sonny: ,"Then couldn't You take a nonage on Billy and buy are a pair of roller skates, Mom?" • Thank you, ENSOUND BUnNG COUNTS €qeolt.. Tiuf it• Buy It ! WHEN LONG LIFE, low cost and high quality `count most, -sound buying is imiportant. And all these . vital factors point to,the new 1940 Chevrolet as your soundest motor car buy for years of depend- able service! Eye the new Chevrolet—try,it on the road --,and you'll buy it for outstanding value: It's theonly car that brings you the Not), of "Royal Clipper" Styling, the performance .of a Super- Silent Valve -in -knead Engine, the ease of Vacuum Power ,Gearshift - kg, the comfort of Perfected Knee -Action*.--- at the. lowest j cost for ` ` ' purchase price, gas, oil and upkeep! See it today and convince • yourself that when -sound buying counts,. Chevrol'et's the Choice. • J., Special De Luxe models. C -(6B M. MacKenzii' .; Dungannon • '• 1