HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1940-01-25, Page 1koi
$2.00 A' YEAR IN ADVANCE -50c EXTRA TO U.., S. A.
ueknow Ont,, Thursday January 25th, ' 1940
.. JULY -• •
Mrs. :Robert Hamilton observed :her,
' SOth 'birthday. •
J. D: Ross appointed Publ o °Sehoo!
i ... ; .11tei al. •
gypsy ladles meCance
• tempted to
' intimidateMrs David
' d
Gilles,'oi neat Whiteehureli.' •••
Estate o 'f•the late Coi `:Harry Mc-
Gee, aniou,ntedr,to :over aVsilillion' and
.a quarter ' dollars,,
' Unless Township , doubled bounty
' on wvild dogs, raising sera t'o $20.00.
• a head. •
i' Messrs.,H. 0, an T. J. Bell assume
• presidency and 'charge • of • Lucknow
Table factory.: • '
• Golden Jubilee marked at Olivet
Presentation made IVIrs.•J° W. Joynt
at United Church picnic.
• Protest continued against unfair
discrimination in freight • rates, af-
fecting ; the Ontario farmer. •
Con Foran. lost 'valuable steer in
_1'tud 'Lake quagmire.... •
Betty. MacDonald received stamp•
plaque: ,from ,non. N. S: Me
Dorothy Nixon appointed •teacher
'at Second• Concession. . `
Robert McNeil. suffered ,foot. injury
hen.'•tie. pick . pentrated instep.
, Belgium --made •flax -puller' put into
operation by local firm of J. G. An-
•. dertae and Som„ •
Presentation made . John D:: Ross. at.
South Kitrloss church picnic.
Hugh D. • MacMillan and family
homeward 'bound on" furlough • from
Formosa,. Japan.
;DEATHS.— John. '.McVicar, •Mrs.
Kenneth Finlayson, . Frank Henry, H.
Pinnell., t ; '
Local tax rate set at 41•:4' Mills.'
Charles •. Webster ' ,purchased . rest-
aurant business from'Mrs.,M Horne.
Trail .R'angers. •went to, "camp : on
revenue• derived froni peanut sales
during' winter. •
.Ripley voted , down beverage rooins
• 166''to 149.
MacDonald '.and Andrew -Lane an-
nual gatherings held. •
Sportimer and score board instal-
led in Arena.;; •
New business enterprise,,."Sepoy 5c
to $1:00 Store", opened in 'Lucknow.
Throng stood • in • rain • to ' witnes.,
baptismal service, by immersion, con-.
ducted' by E: L. ; Ripley:.•
Joseph Elliott lost life by drowning
;:it Sudbury.
Local rink', won Joynt trophy at
rinks tournament. ..
Lucknow ' Joint ''Club ' sponsored
• meeting protesting new hog .grading•
requirements. .'
Kiniough friends held.'shower for
Miss Bessie Lane, ,an `August: Vride.
Flora Webster won 88 -piece set of
• silverware at Clansmen Carnival
Presentation ' made i Miss ` Eileer.
'Johnston. '
DEATHS—Mrs. James Hovey, .Wil -
Hank Percy„;, Mrs. Fred Baynes form=
erly of Paramount,, Martha Towle.
Mrs. pain ' McCoonib, F•rederich 'Mac-
Donald, Mrs. John
sI McMurchy.
Kitchener youth assessed $143:00 ac
'result of Carnival night cta'Sh.
, Three brothers, George, Ted and
Sid Whitby and Kenneth'Caine-roeand
Elliott Webster,,' first five Lucknow
boys to enlist upon outbreak or war:
, Sale of 'sugar curtailed 'locally to
25e purchases, as steps taken ,to' pre-
vent "runs' on the commodity with
the; outbreak of, war. '
Second' trio of 'Luckntbw brothers.
George, Neil and. Johnnie Maclnnis,
Local indoor softball series coin;
Kinloss, Wawanosh. and Ashfield
te school ,fairs held featuring new pro-
cedure' of non-Apprnpetitive demonstra-
tions of pupils' ihandiwork.
• Kinlough .friends held • shower for
Miss 'Greta Hodgkinson, and present-
ations held for Mr. and Mrs. Clifford
Johnston • at Lan'gside and f•Iolyrootl.
Mr. and Mrs. James Irwin honored
on thirtieth wedding , anniversary.
Summer heat . wave reached 'seas-
on's,high at '93.5 degrees:'
Shower helkfor Hilda Lane upon.
i tis student
Alia Hostel
entering O p
mase, and Mafeking friends held
shower for Dorothy. •Cturran
China .cabinet as gate prize at
• " Lucknow .Fall. Fair, won by Lloyd.
.hell, R. 1, Kminc ar dyne.
97th Battery at Walkerton •reached
- - `tea .•�a tea.:.
itoii t • VIth a icon i�l`raii
full g ll
167 office s.JrnL-.na ri.
Idonctroetioti Company cirnnpleted
work in preparation for laying Bell
Telephone cables underground. •
' • The . Lucknow Fire Company ., has
extended an invitation to all members
of the 97th• and. 100 Batteries, from
the Lucknow' community, to be• pre-
sent as guests of the • Company, at
their 'annual Burn's Ball, .,being held
tonight (Thursday) ,
The invitation • was •;. Conveyed
through,: Maier. E. R: Dixon, command
officer ,the 97th? has i e=
in � o who
plied advising the' Fire 'Company, he•
will be :pleased; ,tao grant the'„ ).nz;ck•-
now `boys leave to; be 'present•,,at • the
Ball. •
Welcome word has been received
by; his relatives of the safe arrival
in England of Major .Howard Reid; a
brother ' of Mrs. Garfield Ostrander
of Lucknow. •
.J4ajor Reid is Commanding Officer
of "D" 'Company' of. the Hastings and
Prince Edward Regiment, new in Eng=
land. Ee ,. served three . yeirs • in the
first Great War and rose "from the
rank'sto his present important
iio'i n. . • . .
' Major •Reid is a life-long resident:
of Prince Edward County . and' had
served •'for . the past ,three years as.
Reeve of • South Marysburgh Town-
A gent's watch, , valued' .at $25.00;
will. go to . the . holder , of ..the lucky
ticket, . at the conclusion, • of a ticket
sale now underway, in aid .of the
Lucknow• Hockey 'Club,, : r
Storrny;weather, has curtailed hoc-
key ' crowds, • caused postponements.
and consequent unusual expenses that.
finds the Club treasury in need of
some financial ,bolstering. Tickets for
the draw' are being said at 10 cents
or .3 fore25c, and• your eo-operation.
is requested in this effort; which mar
result in you being, the .winner of a
handsome s''rist watoh, '
Miss Arabelle Cameron, . .daughter
of. Mr., and Mrs. R. J. • Cameron, of
town, has been promoted • to the' pos
tion of Bell Telephone Company ag-
ent at Glencoe.: Arabelle has been. an
operator at the Stratford branch, for
'some• time,and previously served the
Bell in a siniiliar capacity 'at Wing -
ham and at the local ,exchange, where
she first, became .associated with the
Company. Miss Carneron'wiIl assume
her new .duties nod Monday, ••
The Arena, •Committee • appointed a
committee • on Tuesday nightto.•con
tact, so far as possible, promoters:,
of. Rural Hockey , teams in the ' dis-
trict. These representatives will be:
asked to ' convene • at • all early date
to . organize and lay. plans for the
operation of a Rural Hockey League,
similiar :to that .which operated last
year, G. H. Smith and Harold • Trelea-
ven were; appointed to arrange for the
organization meeting. •
Great Britain will go on Daylight,
Saving Time on January ist •. in
order to combat, in some treasure;
the back -outs.
Pallbearer at Uncla;'s Funeral
The ,funeral of Thomas S. Hamil-
ton was . held at Auburn on Tuesday
of last nweek. Walter Hamilton of
Lucknow was- one of six nephew`
twho acted as pallbearers. '
- • This Friday evening at the Luck
now Bible Institute; the young people.
will have charge of the service to
which all High 'School students and,
young people of town and vicinity are
invited, A fine Spiritual program Is
planned and the young people are re-
quested to .please bring their Bibles.
The time is '8 p.m.'.
A. girl, eve read, is as strong as
her weakest wink.
Sheep killed in Ashfield Indicated
presence ..of wolves,
Kair•shea Club voted $40.00 to pur-
'wool for knitting socks for 'sol-•
sot -
WW1 •��b_�z.�.,���r4:.
DEATHS -- Rev:' Angus Mackay,,
Mks..1VIary "Ann Caskinette, Thomas
This ,district ` is slowly digging out
after a week-long storm, that. finally'
succeeded in completely {blocking 'all
roads to motor 'traffic, as county
and provincial ' snowplows waged' a
futile battle,'. with the majority of
them finally ordered to,Balt • oper.
atioins' over the';week enuntil the
storm abated. -
Even' the powerful 10 -ton ; Bruce
County caterpilrar• plow,•;.halted work
during, Sunday cosrimeneing .operas•
tionil • again that ',night By.. Monday.
afternoon it had slowly, • but re-'
lentlessly pushed its way from Kin
loss' to Lucknow taking ymore that
five 'hours for the ten -mile stretch;
and leaving in its wake, canyon -like
wa is of snow,: ten and twelve feet
high in .places. Particularly.. heavy
were the drifts from the 4th Con-
cess'ion, to- Holyiood and ' from -kin;
lough to : Kinloss. Monday ',evening
this plow. shoved its way into Ripley
along the Sth ' Concession and on
Tuesday continued to .push • back.
mountains of snovr to widen and clear.
these two roads.
opened the Whigh'am-Lucknow • road.,
continuing' west;: to . Amberley, . On
Tuesday afternoon the 'road south was
The•'•week-long, Storm,,• while. not
.,extremely , cold, produced' continued
snow and: high 'winds,'and reached a.
peak the end, of.. the 'week producing
..tie-up . of 'all • actiuity, as complete
as has been experienced ,in years ' in
this. district... . •
Rural mail service was: disrupted to
a large extent, ;and on, 'Monday . Peter
Johnston failed Ito get• through. • to
Holyrood, for: the first •tirne in''sey-
eral •years. The greater ,part •. of this;
five mile '•stretch: :was practically im-
passillle :even... for horses. and • after
floundering .hie -horse through' to the,
4th Concession, Mr. Johnston 'had • to
return •home taking three • •and' ;offs,
half hours to coi!er the ;return ' trip
of a little more, than five •miles.
Locally, business• was :at •a. stand-
still,, .with •a •few farmers taking
vantage of' a lull in..the.. storm. last
Saturday, • afternoon .to get. 'to• town
to replenish: the larder,' The, 4toriir
increased 'in fury that night and on
'Sunday , rural church :services . were.
cancelled, in many ' eases; • Week -end.
activities were •postponed and.: hockey
schedules badly disrupted '
This week -end the Lyceum Theatre,
Wingliam, presents'`the special attrac-
tion "Good-byeMr. Chips" with Rob-
ert Donat portraying on this
the leading character of this w dely-
read novel by, James -Hilton. ' .
Y .
School Board Approves Of Providing
Dental Work For Public School
Children—Harold Alliin "Appointed'
To 'Fill Vacancy On Board -T. W.
Smith Chairman,
• At the inaugural meeting of the
Lucknow School Board last Wednes-
day night, Mi. Harold Allin was ap-
pointed trustee for the year 1940, suc-
ceeding Mr. Rae. Mr. T. W. Smith
Was appointed chairman.
A motion of appreciation was ten;.
dered local doctors and dentists for
their, work of examining all Public
School children.
The Board approved of 'the nder-
taking ,to provide• dental care for
Public School" children and to assume
the, cost of this service, of which the
Province pays a substantial share.
The service includes ',extractions,
cleaning, fillings,-x—rays where nec-
essary .and root canal treatment, and
advice to parents where further'work
necessary. The dental work will
be. done by 'the' two local . dentists.
•Questionnaires are being sent all par•
tints,' to determine if they a+vish their
'children•to .receive this service 'and if
so, if, : they 'have a. preference as to
file dentist.. •
Early replies are requested,. so ,that
the work • Wray •be cotirmenced at once.
The examinations in ducted several
m a co n,
weeks ago, revealed that approxima-
tely. 90 per tent of the ,Public School
children had teeth defects to some de-
gree, at least, whihh is a ,percenntage
not differing materially fronir'any
other part of the pr'ov'ince.
','w£'RG, Rif. .-y,Su1�'
'F t�
aveitabs to &chant Children; n, the e
centage having teeth defects rapidly
declines, permitting the Veork to be
carried en at a Muchlower cost.., .
At., a meeting of the Arena . Com-
mittee on Tuesday.night, it was de-
cided to prohibit. yo;ung children front
skating on Saturday night ,and this
ruling will apply hereafter, to Child-
ren' under. 11. years of age.
This action was _taken in the % ir-
terests 'of ; the'• safety Of. these Small
children, as well '.as' to make skating
for a '' ld y patrol -is
• 1'e sant tai e
mre•p„& 4 rp
,who ,skate 'chiefly on Saturday, night.
These small.' children .are free to
skate on Tuesday •and 'Thursday ev
enings, : and •• r'a- aturd afternoons; as
'well as the -period Of free skating al=.
lotted at least once a week, ice 'con-
ditions "permitting:,
Children 11 and: under have reeeived'.
one andoften two •afternoons of free
skating each week, .a policy }hick•
will be continued, and in view of thalt,
it is considered .they are imposing no
penalty on the -kiddies in askieg there
not, to skate •On Saturday night.
The Red Cross work rooms in the
Town' Hall will be open to the:public.
this . Saturday • afternoon from 2 to
5 o'clock, when all •areinvited• to •cel]
and see the display of articles no
ready for sw
shipment to Red:Cross
headquarters, The display ,will. be .of
interest,; and no doubt will be en -
lightning :to the public generally, With
respect to the work the ladies are ac-
complishing , in nxeeting the need for
supplies. .
Dug,' Out, .Hydrant's •
One :of Monday 'morning's first •jobs
in •the• :village, was. to' "locate" • and
dig- out •.the fire: hydrants throughout
the •town; which in, most. cases were
buried • from, sight 'by 'the ,week -end
storm. Mountains of snow, again line
the main street and • it's removal• on
this occasion, presents a ,major oper
ation but was commenced on Wednes.-
day'axnorning and, gives' employment
to a:• large `gang otmen. •a' '
• P. J: Naylor of Toronto has' enlist-
ed. with the 15th General Hospital
Unit, R.C.AI.M.C., which it is expected
will - very soon • follow the Canadian:
forces overseas to establish base hos-
pitals ie England • And France..Mr.'
and Mrs. Naylor spent Friday here
at the: home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs, R. " H. Thompson. '
Installing officer, Wor,,. Bro. - G.
M: Stuart ef. St. Helen's, conducted
the installation of officers of:. Aid
Light Lodge. on Thursday night.
Off vers for` the"' ensuing term are,
I.P.M.; Neil • MacLennan; W.M., Orah
Crawford; S.W:, Robert Rae; Chap.,
Rev. C. H. MacDonald; Treas., W. W.
Hill; ,Sec., T. J. Salkeld; J.W., -W. B.
Anderson, S.D., George 'Kennedy; J.
D„ W. AlPorteous; LGr, Fred New-
man; S.S.; David McLay; J.S., G. S.
Mclzityre; Tyler, ,R:” .1. Cameron; D.
of .C., W. J. Davison. • •
R. 'S, Hetherington of Winghanr
will be. the guest speaker at the
Young Mer'l's Class meeting. in. the
United. Church this • Sunday, January
•28th. The Class• meetsat two o'clock.
The annual Burn's ,Ball, under Fire
Company auspices' will be held iii the',
Town Hall, Lucknow, Thursday Jan-
uary 25th. ' .Music by MacKenzie's.
orchestra, ' Lunch counter, free check
room, service. Gents 50c, Ladies' 25c.
Tonight( Thursday) Kincardine In:
s L'. +, Don'•' miss
termedatk at ow, t
this one; Monday, aniilir'y 29th, Pais-
ley at I:uckn'ow, see' the leaders clash;
Wednesday, tannery 31st, Itiiieardine
-Juveniles at Lucknow, when the locals
willmake a bid for their second win
on home ice.
Ane At Heine. under.. tyre auspices
of the St.' He'len's Woinen's Institute
will be held in the 'Community' Hall,
gram begins at 8:30._sliar.;-Mc.Charle.s'
orchestra will provide' nnu°sic for the
dance. Lunch will be served. A:dinis-
sioi 25c and 100. '
Three Lucknow Families Have
NineSons In The 97th Battery:
• ',Sincethe outbreak. of':the .war there has �bee3i a number of "brother acts”
:•di•scover d in the ranks' of •the ,Canadian Active Service ' '.orce, We. venture
to •guess that Lucknow has set , a record' in this, ,respect: In this 'village
ofone thousand' people, --there, are. three families •in'which three •dans, have
enlisted from each home, and all, 1n ..the 97th-' Battery, "with ,•present head-
ters.at Listow�, . ;
•.: ,. •
_ . .
>. • In the �following pictures•,e bovs are na medi orderreading
f om
left ,to:right.• . a'• .. .
THE :WEBSTER BROTHERS—Elliott, ,Geoisge and Jim..
,THE McINNES BROTHERS—Johnnie, George: and -:Neil.
THh WHITBY, BROTHERS—Sidney, E,• •H. (Ted)i and George
Mrs. J. K. McGillivray was one of
•threewomen trapped by .thick smoke
on the second floor of the Alexander
Apartments in Sarnia; recently, as
fire broke out in • the basenzetit. '
All three were rescued by fire.
'nien 'from •second storey windows and
carried down ladders' to• safety in
a near. zero temperature. .
Mrs.'' McGillivrayis the' wife of
Rev. J. IC. McGillivray, a foi*ner min-
ister at Ashfield Presbyterian -church
and more recently residents of Luck -
now, 'having moved to. Sarnia from
here last May.
Mrs. McGillivray was alone in their
apartment at"the 'time of ,the" fire,
her husband having left to, attend a
church meeting a . short time "pre-
Mrs: McGillivray was not overcome
by smoke, but' had to keep her head
outside, the window to breathe. Be-
lieving •she 'smelled smoke, Mrs: Mc-
Gill vraY investigated. She found the
-hall frill . of , smoke and :she returned
to, 'the apartment • to gather a few
things 'together: ;By' the time- she
was ready to leave the smoke -.was so
thick she . was not able , to get into
the .haft The only thing she could' do
Was. to wl'ait 'at the window for the
firemen. •
• Fire chief Anderson said' this was,
h it
the first time in litany years that the
department had been called upon •to
rescue people ,'tont a . burning build,
mak. .�^;:.—...--aan..uns�v -...� •. ,.
foil ladders the rescues would • have
b effected• by y it life net, he'c'i f.
t hie
said: He added that it was fortunate
the fire occurred early in the
• '
even -
Shower For. Ripley Bride • _
A very -enjoyable. time was s en -
recently at the, home of Mrs. Thos.
Kemp.,ton, Ripley, . when a number of
her neighbours, galhered to honour
Mrs. Ivan Pollock , (formerly•'Miss -Al-
ice' Wall of:.Kinlough) on her -recent
marriage. •
Mist .Dorothy Matheson i on behalf
` of those present' welcomed Mrs., • Pol-
lock to the community, while Miss
Bertha MacLeod, presented herwithe
a set of dishes and silverware with
'Other gifts. Mrs. Pollock' expressed
her ^appreciation far -their kindness
and welcomed thein to her hone.
MONTH END. Sale for January. 'See
bills at the arket. •S'toref .• • •,
The metal tag wornby. each soldier,
to identify hire when .he can't tell
own 'identity; may have added to'
it an 0, A, B, 'ot AB--pricless; inform-
ation about the 'kind of blodd re-
quired it.'the• wearer is wounded ,and
needs a speedy blood ,, transfusion.
Life-saving, blood' , will , probably be
stored in blood tanks at: base hospitals
behind the lines, just as it is in mod-
ern, city hospitals now; typed 'ready
for Use. If the soldier is typed before
he is wounded,treatment May • be
•speeded. •T7ie, blood, pumped into ,a
person's vein must .match that al-
ready 'there, otherwise ,conflict, in the
:co9gulat'in.g ,properties" of the bloods
may Cause. shock .ana' even death
Directors Meeting Decides That All
Directors Or Associate .:Male .Dir-
ectors Who Miss Three: Successive -
Meetings Will Be Struck From List'
Of Directors. ,
- The• 74th '.annual meeting of'the'
Lucknow • Agricultural .Society' was
held^ on Friday, with, the.. attendance;
Curtailed by : the storm and
filled roads, ..• ••
T e retiring president, Mr. •5....E,;
Robertson, concirudirig. his second
term in office,' -lSresidsed -at -the meet -e•.
ing,.(when the past Year's' activities:,
Were; reviewed, and the , new • slateof
officers elected. Air. F. G. Todd sic
ceeds Mr. "Robertson as head. of'•the
Society. Dates for the 1940 Fair were.:
set for Thursday and Friday, • Sep-
teniber 26th and 27th: • •
. 'A motion was adopted that 'applies:
tion be madefor a' iinior Swine Club,
and any other Junior Clubs that can
be. sponsored. W. A. Miller 'and' Alex
Andrew were .appointed delegates to •
the Fairs Association convention, '
The election of officers resulted
as' followsi Pres. F. G. Todd- 1st
vice, pres,, John Parrish; • 2nd vice
pres.; • Adam McQueen; Directors
Kinloss, D. Carruthers, Robert Mof-
fat; Ashfield,J. R. Hackett. and Jacob
Hunter; . West W'atw,anosh, G.!A: Greer,
'George Kennedy; Huron, R. G. Mar-
ting Fred Martin;Iaucknow, G. ' H.
Smith. '
Associate Directors -Kinloss, Rich-
-ard Elliott, Pharis Mothers, Harold
`Campbell, Eldon Henderson; Ashfield,
Sam Alton, Wilfred Hackett, Kelso
McNay; West Wawanosh,' Peter Wilt;
son, Andrew Gaunt; Wallace Miller;,
rred McQuillin, Tom Todd; -Huron,
George Brooks; W. S. McGuire;' Luck -
now, ' S. C. ;Rtathwell,, Wm.. Hornell, '
Campbell•,Thompson, Con Decker, Al-
ex Andrew, S. E,' Robertson,,
Associate lady Directors 'Jean
Lyons, Mrs.' 13‘. G. Martin, 'Mrs: Ewart
Taylor, Mrs. Jas. • Webster, Mrs. 60r -
don, Mrs. Abner Ackert: andpresi-
dents of local ,organiiatioiis
Auditors -Wirt. Murdie andW:. A.
Porteous. •
A :vote of thanks was tendered' the
retiring president, Mr. -•S. E. Rob-
ertson. :..
For the directors meeting that fol•
lowed, the new.. president Mr.. F, G.
Todd occupied the chair. :
Joseph Agnew was reappointed
secretary -treasurer • and . G. Mar-
and Campbell .Thompson, canvas-
sers for donations.
The meeting approved of a motion
Whereby any director or associate
male director missing .three director's
•rneetiegs in suecdssion'be struck off'
the list- of . directors:
Work Mitts, '• Gloves, Overalls, Shirts,
Undergarments, Etc., 'for Men and •
The Young Men's ;Class of the Un-
ited Church elected officers for the
i'.urrent tern' on Sunday. as, ,follows:
Pres., N. S. Calvert; • Vice -Pres:, Jack
ICilpatrick; Sec.-Treas., -L. C. Thomp-
son.' The group tweets at •two o'clock
and on Sunday was• addressed by the'.
class leader, Dr. W. V. Johnston. •Nor-
man' Taylor, presided, at the piano.
The speger this. Sunday is • expected
to be R. S. Hetherington of Wing
Sells Hatchery .
A. B. Hutson, who :has been man-
ager ' of the • Kennedy' 'Hatchery for
some time, has purchased the ]nisi-
nets from. Mr. Duncan Kennedy.
The• death occurred in 'Christie St.
Hospital on Monday,, January 15th of
George; Shirley, of Toronto; a 'veteran '
of the Great War.. Interment was in
Veterans'' ,Plot, Prospect Cemetery,
Toronto' on Thursday, , '• •
Besides his widow, two' daughters
survive, Mrs. Harvey Webster. of
Lucknow and Mrs. Prank Shuart of
Hamilton. •
• The Annual "meeting of the Huron
Old Boys'. Association of Toronto is
announced by the Secretary R. S.
Sheppard to be held at the West
..ice" w• �1 u.•.n.^..w.c•�.... ."�wo
erco ' onMond .
u t Road a ..evetting; Januar 29traty :30 .m. All form
,ing, for had int been during thu night y S p el
it Was -probable that More 'people Huronites are cordially invited to
would have 'iSeep, trapped, r be,. present.