HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1940-01-18, Page 8a•
*9c44 -"R* GLOYE.S.,-Ngt7-er 'befOre have WOO gloves hewn so PoP'
ular,, for town. as • weliaa country wear. Extra heavy:, boucle wool.
• -colors, 400, '.ttem.1 & Petfinia; iPair . ;'„ ; . 41,30
'Iteg, ;340 for' ; . 32.ra •
'SATIN SLIPS -,-Strictly:' tailored. Sizes 32-42'. • 98C
Ladies' Lined CAPE SKIN, movie& Gloves of dependable qualitr.
Black or BrOwn. Special, Pr; • - • $1:35
NEW CURTAIN SCRiN. ,Colored dots. Bali fringe trimming.
QVILT BATS! 72 ic,0*.;eaeh ... .. 35c
DOMINION QUILT 134#0; 72 941pat imltation of Yoig ami
jst O.U.liett;"Efith
SATINS, 41s,p,ADvARTIXS; CHINTS.PR4NTS at the Old Prices. •
Mias, Belle 'ItobeTtlsok is spending
the winter months in Toront0- •
Miss Margaret MaeOallem of St,
Mary's anent: the Week -end with Mrs,
•1‘ -ll. G. SherOff- • • .
Mr. and Mrs. Jehn Tayior, Mrs. A.
. G. TOL(/' and Mr. Sherwood Taylor'
• of Galt attended the funeral, of their
• .aunt the late Mrs.,Joseph Taylor.
' K. •Carneron of the ;97th ,litattery
spent, the Weekend at his home here
. :accompanied. by Hugh ginning of the
100th Battery: .1• • •
Friends here regret to learn- et, the
illness pf:xrs:idullis of ;Unden who
tals'' been in • poor !health for a ib.lcie
and. ho last' Vipeleaered,t) hoe
Vital for 'observations
• ,.
Mise Winnified;poughts,
itin.wd to Kirkland Lake this Week'
following a three weeks' visit with
her parents, Mr. and -Mrs. R. T. Deng -
burl* the winter months-whe• n
• 'CIMrch S:.• visitors in or.. out of townare not,
ISNOWSHOES. USED .1N so numerous, .we , especiall
y welcome
' The. -rapier Meeting. of the United
Noting- Feople's was held on Monday
•20VetiMg.„ The meeting Opened with
the, Singing of hYnin unci -all re -
Tented :the Lord's Prayer .in unison.
The :Scriptiii•e! lesson . was taken by
Chester Twandey. %The minutes. were
' tad an the :rail called Itynitt -,46.
Cv,ma_s s :chisel the first
-7- Part of the meetrng.
' ThessionarY group. lied charge
of , the i:of the meeting. • .
Mr. AL3Morren favoured, US ,with
several' *6''',Iitstr' selections. Vocal solos
Were ,giVt4i by Mrs. Herace: Aitchison
and 'F./ea Wright: Miss Partridge
took the tOPle fel' the evening Which
'Wee on'"History of. Hyinn 376'
•tvatithen' sung and. the repeating of
• • '
ASH Fl ELD suRifgy• the contribution of all personal or
• other news items. Your; assistance
Finns on skis chase will be aPpreciated.
fleeing Rede up itear the ' Arctic Cir- Those from a distance attendiujr
cle, 'Canadian Department efDefenee the funeral of the late Miss IsabelTc
surveyors on snowshoes are' staking Murdie were Mr. Finley, McKercher.
out and 'gathering topographca1 datar, and Mrs. Roas Murdie and Mies
on prospective Empire '•air training Vine Murdie of MeltiilOp;Mr•Clar
terrain, of 4in-on County.• Alex Murdie and Miss Margaret
For days now the 10 surveyors and White . Of Toronto. • •
their five helpers, young men chtisen •
, •
front podericb, have been using, snow-!..
shoes, ever.Since they became bogged*,
• down:in •vveiii, dleep snow' +which fell„I •
939. -Review
• (cantliturst From • Page. One)
••Min Marjnrie Hoffman underwent
an appendioitio operation.
'Presentntion •at HOlyrood for Mr.
acripdhvkleur)s.. Walter Foreter. (nee Isobel
Local relief recipient wrote letter,
of protest ;to London daily •paper.,
criticising method and arnonnt. Pi re-
lief allowed locelly. •
'Preaentations made to Mr. and Mrs.
George White, upon 'moving to new
home nenr. BruSsela. '
'Flu,. epidemic abates near end of
month. Reached 'a peak with almost
50 ,per, cent of Public MIRA .pupils
!!"JiieonsetPh.. 14110;11gh president.
:of Godericla Rural' Telephone Co ,••
•Al • Alex J. 'MaelCenZie:
native •ef EinlOirs; Wife Win.Pin
coirie,•••Joieph, Collyer, •Mrs.„, IliirrY
Blackwll, Kinking1i; Joseph • Boyle,
native 'of Holyrood: • -
tbe Mizpah ,benediction.
• '; .
during last week's blizzard. • \ '1 •
Canadians have a reputation ;for Fresbyterian• W. M. S.
• initiative for. adapting themselves; to The' meeting which was in ehargc
aiiy kind of going, so net' a day; Of the DeVotitmaLlcoininittee was op,
scarcely an hour, Was lost Viten the •-ened by singing psalm 106, with the
"white',our Came in North Huron. 12nd vice-president. • Gladys MacDon-
Pentecostal. Mission
SON, Plantiitg Evangelist.
,T1t#::flhal Services Fi°147 4 Sult
dok 8 ii.m. ' 1 ...iJ ,
Cliildren'ir Servie .. Saturday 3 P.m."
- .
Will' preach on the -subject: "THE
tunday. 'morning in. Kinlotigh,: II'
a.m.` Evangelist MacPherson.
Listen in to Clod avery. Tues. 1.30
•'and allSthelatest
will be on display
;MASONIC TEMPLE /he week of
inclusive •
Organ program and special enter-
tainment eacn evening. Be sure.
and see this beautiful organ and
all tho latest planes. Every one
welcome Special invitation to Or-
ganists to come in for demonstra-
tiOn on the Northern Hammond
Organ:No charge. •
London •
Local Representative, -
Jas. Anthony, Stratford.
The Surveyors, menloaned to . the ald presiding.' The Scripture lesson
department of defence by the Ontario was read by Maudie Fisher' and the
Department of Blighstays• took to Lord's prayer was repeated in nni-
snowshoes libeAlneks to water, and so son.. After the busdnesa'hadheen
•the..survey.wOrt goes on asusual. cusied, and hymn 312;was sung, Cath -
People *hereabouts now feel reason- :erine Agnew gave a reading, arid'1.41-
ably admired that the County of 'Hur- en and Bud Orr sang a duet.: Verna'
on is going to land an. Empire air Steward 'and Horace'Aitchseri sang a
training: ,field._. Its the tali Aof the _duet, and the topic was taken by
county, People. of which have for Reit. Wilkins, Peggy MacDonald
played a plena instrumental and after
several years been decidedly air mind.
• d, , and the young mi,' descendants
of settle* brouglt froth Britain by
the Canada, COmPany, a Century and
more ago,, are anxious te. get flying:
, .
This Frida• y evening 4l 1" will
again be the 'subject for ,discussion
at the Lucknow Bible Institute, at
which time an account of the Welsh
• ReVival of 1904-05' Will be given. The'
paper has been prepared. by Rev. J.
singing hymn 337, the meeting &wed
by repeating the Mizpah benediction.
. „ • • • , * , • . ,
Presbyterian Mission Band
The, Victbria Mission Band' Was
'held in the Church. Miss 'Campbell
wati in the chair. The ;Scripture read-
ing was taken by Mary 'L. Porteous
and Miss Campbell led in prayer.
Gwen and Winnifred' Stewart sang
duet,, followed by a reading by
Katherine Agnew,: The classes div-
ided for study, Miss Campbell taking
Rich of Kincardine iwbo was. in the Junior and Mrs. Mowbray the
Wales at the time of the revival am Sr. group. The meeting was closed
who can gi,re first-hand: information by, singing "Jesus keep me near the
Of the great awakening there. 'Will the Cross" and repeating the Lord's
-the Christians who are yearning to Prayer ir! tuilsca• •
see a Spiritual Awakening in put'
• .
country and vicinityplease coine out •Presbyterian -W. M. S.
and help pray for Revival .at 8 o'clock The January Meeting of the W.1.
Friday evening. M. S. of the Presbyterian Church was
held at the home of Mrs. Joseph
Father: Johnny, what is this "40"
on your report card? •
Johnny; think that's the tem -
Ferrante of the schbolrotiln.
• .0 • •AiRIL 's ' •
Bob 'MacKenzie entered undertak
ing partnership of: Johnstoneand 'Mac-
• . Communielint class ' of •twenty.
'yetilig people received into the 'Un-
ited Church. •
Wm. Statters, Holyrood 'eonr-
ier, injured in motor accident at Dur-
ham road.. •• •
•Council hears iBell Telephone plan
to remove their pole •liiies from Main
Street.. . •
Thirteenth „newer, bill represented a
Credit Of $1924.89 'to local hydro Com-
'miesion. • •
• Three of a litter of "wolf" pap•s
caught on the farm Of Dennis Kenny.
, Letter, in reply to that written by
local relief recipient, Obints out among
other things that local relief officer.s
receive nothing for .their services in
administering relief. • •
Lives of domestic. dogs in KiniRss
were to: a degree endangered by .tihe
•dzeaoglsoU.,,sness .ofh,iinters to Shoot
Field. Day, medals presented. at
High School concert. . •
• Mrs. .'Wm.. Douglas elected presi,
dent of •Women's Institute. ,
' TownshiP bounty of $10.00 per bead
claimed on litter of six "wolf" pipe.
Sale .of tW'o of 'these pups to Walk-
erton garageman. relieves 'Township
of piying bounty on -this pair.
earlonternng. Are,, as occupants Ol
anartinents .above 'Make burried
gape .to aafel*.
George Tar1or. marble. champ in
tournament. staged b 'frail Rang-. ••
and Mre. 41...MV.Soch of Snit
Ste.. Marie, formerly of Paramount1
observe golden 'wedding. .
Mr. and Mrs, Gordon- Struthers
frin•idnreedgi,oPrryOrt 0.:Itattpti:pnresil3ent-toviitHhe.:Ithena'st
monster billboard "portrait" of Don-
ald „Dinnie, et weekly; newSpaper 'con-
vention OttaWa..• ••
DEATHS--41bert McCall
native citginlotts.; Roderic)/ Bain Mae.
Kenzie, ."The **field • Gina"; .laartz.:
McGee.. of, l'ortinto;. Mtn:. John Gra:
ham, John S. Pickering; jean DicKen
ale; Mrs. 'Fred Lucas .(neP Emelrne
Robert*on)•;. Mrs, Mooreho4e Mlth
Mrs11, :: Allan MaYeai•fott. Wilhiazu
r; mr):‘:,tiarenee.tdeMillan.;• Mr.
John Woods, natiVe Of St. :Helen's;
Mrs.. Robert Sanyth,•Weet Wawanosh;
. .
Lucknow pnblic sebool won urban
salad • choir competition at. Bruce
Fire .Company .asks Coameil for
Smoke maiks, which'are later re..
ceived.. •
4AN.174RY -WIkt 1940 •
Will Arrive At Pearlman's
for this •
Week --Elul
. • •
• ; " „
in bed 'due t� illness with
Phlebitis and,. cemplicationa•; •
Williani,llarbciur,.:86,,and Eli Jac,
Clues, 86, both of Whitechurch pasl
another milestone'
• J; D. Murray and Dr. J. F. Mac-
• Kenzie, ; two' sons' of Ashfield have
services to • Central Presbyterian
Okurch, „Detrpit, recognized by :con-
gregation. 1 .
DEATHS—Elizabeth Pierces. HOY-
rood; Andrew Hamiltpn, Helyroodi
Special services commemorate ,50th fJaasint s Mrs.
1 i Alfred
Sherwood;of LBoueils.-
anniversary of laying Of the corner
stone of . Lucknow Presbyterian Grant; ' Mrs. Clair Irwin; Oliver John-
Cburch. • ' . ston. •
Charles :Cook' elected ted ,Distit:ict De- • Baeve •Alez MacDonald of Ashfield
, ncl-41 • • ' • hurt in car Aceident
No. 10,1.0.0.F. •
Allan Treleaven, newspaper carrier
boy, given trip to Detroit by the Free
Agnew with Mrs. MacDonald presid.
ing.. The,Scripture reading from 11
Chap., oNeb. Was, reed' by Mrs.
Horace Aitchison. The Bible study.
'Faith, by. Mrs. R. V. MacKenzie,
' was followed by prayer by Mrs. Ru.-
sell. • The thenie of the roll call was
• . ' "For ward and 'Onward 1940" The •
Plans, are underway fpr an • At
Home under the .atianices, of the Wo-
men's Institute On Friday, January
26th. A prograin • 'including a short
play is being prepared and McCharles'
ortliestra will provide Music lor the
- It is requested that all .finished
sewing and knitting for the Red
Cross be handed in by Friday, Jan-
uary 26th. • 41. . . •
,v.ir in :
topic from the study book was taken
by Mrs. Wei Huston, A duet 9ifikq
sunk by Miss 'Pearl Flenderson and
Miss Weber. :Miss CamPbell gave a
weeding. The Meeting: was closed by=
prayer., ,
"What '• Makes youthink they're
engaged?" . • ;
",Welf,.she has a ring and he is'
broke." •„,
Douglas McDiarmid, son of Mr. and
Mit! grant 14IcDiarraid, was killed
when struck by a ear while riding his
bicycle neari Paramount.
Mr. end. Mrs. Edward Porter hon-
ored .on their 40th wedding miniver.
Under Industrial Standards Act
hair eat prices. advanced locally to
Workers' :Association of Tor :
lilted in mate; thall:i score 4.64'17
ren holidaying here during. the „
• British Consols sports timer and,
roe e board arena.booked for
• Zion friends view world, cruise film
of Dr.
onpenMincgiaol7Plo'stoffice post-
poried two weeks. WaS,beld on, June.,-.
29th with the Hon. N. A. IVIcLartY, '
postmaster -general id Attendance.. •
Bruce I County Ceuncil' passed mo- •
tion pnviditig for perinatient• surfac-.
ing of Toad from 'Lucknow to Kin- •
ltfallccolm• MacLeod, Ashfield native,
nore icafriends-tm-
80th. birtlideY.
• Bruce County Council reduced the
County rate 1.3 milli to the rate of • ,
514FomrtiY1-isseVen. rinks' too. 4,n the ••
1,fueltnew BeWling C10004. Tip .Tep.,
orIrdEoinult1Rettaivtloininngsamesenrti.101 ugly ,hutt
motor accident near : Buffalo'.
Mr and Mit. Archie Andersen oh- •
served their golden wedding anni-• •• •
Huron ••CountjYUN,ECo'uncil adopted
equalization report and moved to dis-
iniss 29 part-time county comitables.
Bruce County school trim:tee' and
ratepayers' convention herd in Luck,
Lticknow children among hundred
who failed to see Their Majesties ,at
Stratford after long wait in station
yard under a hot stin. ,
Clansmen Promote' work of deepen,
35c. • ing and improving , local sZininung • A. K bile/Miami chosen C....C. F. '
" • .11 candidate in the Saskatehewan-kae-*
Space reserved at Stratford for lo-, pool. ,
po'si, Kenzie constituency in; 'next Federal
cal 'pupils to see Their Majesties. Local Pipe Band given select
Barn and garage at I: W. • Joynt's tion at Stratford reception for the electo
residence was destroyed fire. ' King. and Queen. • "Wolves" in . Kinlons threaten to-
•SchOOL•board decides to assume cost • Wm. Holmes, .97 Year old Pert•Aw- practically end A4.0 indne.
of transPortatien.ofpublie school 'chil- thur resident, formerly, of Lucknow. • •
dren to Stratford. was 'presented to Their Majesties. DEATIIS—D- B.. Graharn Of 'Pilot :
Mound, formerly of Kinloss; Rev. J.
Arrangements made for Miss Mur- Sheep clainiS in Kinloss Soared
lel Blake, ' an iron lung .pitient ati more than $100.00 paid at June meet.: G, Reid, former South Kinlotis pos-
ing. • . tor; Donald' MeGregot,.
Two hundred in attendance at South • :Ceeantinned Neat
Bruce anneal meeting of district Wo.
Men's institute held here.
Mit. 'D. Paterson observed her 82nn1London, to see Their Majesties.
birthday. • • - Work commenced of surfacing road
Rev. C. H. MacDonald 'concluded' south -to Dungannon. • •
term as Modetater of 'Synod of Lon- Hyde's blacksmith shop at SC Hel-
don. and Hamilton. , = • • en's- destroyed by fire . , A holiday appeal for underprivil-
, W. B. Anderson elected' president of Flora Webster"completes third year eged children by • the Neighborheoi7
1939-40 pockey club, As past year's.. •
netivitie reviewed. ;
Joseph • Agnew'elected president' Of, •
Lucknow Bowling `Club. • • •
RaYnard Ackert received severe
hand'lacerations while .buzzing wood:
Murdoch Matheson elected presi-•
dent of•Lucknow Club.
• MacDonald's Shoe ,Store gutted
Rev. R. C. Todd,.
• Past or
JAN: 21st
1 j a.M.TMornine Worship: 'Con-
secration Service, --Teachers and
• Officers of the. SundaY School. .
3 p.m.—Sunday Selma
7 p.m.—Picture Sermon—Post-
pened from last Sunday. night.
• Gospel singing, with lantern
• slides. • •
Annual Congregational Meeting
TueschijP, 'January 23 at 8 p.m.
• a '
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