HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1940-01-18, Page 7It . T Loan, Act Now _ Operating Heavy: Penalties For Infringe. spent of .Rules Provided —= , Protects Public Against The "Loan Shentir •• • A new law designed to protect - the 'public f;ont so -:called "1',an sharks" and to place the small loan business on an' efficient basis . be- eame operative January 1, • This measure. -'has been 'subject of long 'and, .at times,' bitter de- . bate in .the flouse•'of Commons,., •It was passed last regular -'session of Parliament, being initiated ' in • ,. •, the Senate.., • • Coii>. Mast Be Made. CI'eair'.. ' • 'Under ;the• new r,•eguilations' for ..• rriiall loans those not: more,. than $5Q0 -rife cast bf•the • loan ,to'.th.e'' borrower• must: 'be' sh•own plainly anti'.rnust'no•t exceed' two per cent pel.:' rnonthe-for • a •' 16;.pion.tlh 1»at'i„ • <• dh' the' amount' aettially :placed; in • ,the 'hands of the 'b''orrower. ' • The cost, is chargeable only on . the iam,ount• advances 'and payable a--,cendy ,on'the ' amount remaining as ••repayillents -are .made, The rate is reduced' if the loan goes over :1:i months, • Name 16 Airports For Miitary Use Vancouver to: Moncton Pore-• • sented in'An'nouncement 1111 r e o 'eanad'a Act •• 16, domiulon airports have beefi de • 'signed as ports,•for direct' or' ludic•; . • ect military y use to a'vailabrlity. for 'such per- . ,poses. • ..Announcenient,of the designa• ' . tions was contained in tha• Canada• Gazette .and the move is tri '.Line . with•' an order-in;council p is oed On' Nov. 28 'which placed, conice'eta con- , ' trol of all ail' ttrot'ementi in' the.:, hands et the geivernm'eue At the transport depaa•Lttrti'nt it , •was said listing of.the.. 16 airports ` as -zones, for,_ direct. or' indirect hill- itary use would 'ensur'e thai''.no tall buildings,•or other obstak'les.•.which might obstruct landings and take- offs would..be erei•ted an adjoining.. property.. • . • . Six in 'Ontario' • • Such designation;' ft, teas srid, doesnot necessarily meanbrat the; airports, will becotne lull fledged. training bases'; hint:.having 'been 96 , listed, it •inaY he considered .they , figure in Canada's sir effort. •. The list of 'a•irpol ts: ii ouver airport,' ' Lethbridge, airport: Calgary airport, Edni.ontoa 'iti:1.;u't, Regina. airport, •Stevenson Field a ,Winnipeg. Fort William airport. Kapt ska%ing, O'nt., airport, Worth Lay. Ont., airport, Marton airport. at Toronto, Hattrit'tun air- port, Uplands airport al Ottawa, .St. llubert airport `.near 'Montreal, St. • John. N.13,. airport, Halifax 'airport and Moncton, N.1-1„ airport. Man, Living Here 25,000. Years Ago Discovery "In Texas of Relics Dating Back 25,000 Years Leads to Belief Humana Liiv d on This Cont;nent At, the Sante Time. Aa4Iastodoni, i~rf ` retire :4:leer got re. date.beck 20.000 to .20000 years.has added to evidence that :man was contemporaneous in North Amer- ica with the mastodon and other animals now extinct: Dr. 'E. H. Seltards of the Texas Bureau of • Econotnic • Geology''. hes announced' finding such relics as • flint spearheads. liide se'rat!ers and the like.-,- "The relics," said Dr. ellards. "were Fouad' in terraces of a % stream. fiowing" through the E. ,11. Buckner j•iincli i'u Bee County. of Texas, 111 the same deposits wire' found remains of elephant,` master- ' ,don and hor:•e• • With' Other. :extinct Animals - "Tho.elephant is •the Columbian elephant 'whic'h was abundant in. that region of Texas in rc•.lativety •late geologic time; t'he.• mastodon is the 'American variety; which in • earlier•, time ranged widely. ovor•tho . continent; and the house k related to the modern animal, slut 'had be- 'como extinct ' b'e,+fore Europeans had cavi© to this continent, "The relics found on the Buch- ner ranch give further proof of the assodIation of. man w• (tit these (in't• .mals'," he said. Baked Baby An' electric. range. Was pressed into service When Patricia Adams, 8 I pounds, wits•• born, last week at lifizeiton, P.A. " ' . The afternoon was cold ,and the , d'oetorr, fearful of a biting wind,, ordered the baby wrapped in blan kets and held in front of the range. �vtaem,.��,.w-�1Wr 'd,'.,bk_n.C..i;ll.a Ire (1 lunw "pi�eheattr`ailc�e"�i=rc11`b�l,'�tl �o'� foftably for a half hour to •th•e • arms of. her g'raiidntrlthcr. . , • I Commander .of 'Canadian Forges In England Gives A Smile •J.• Major-General A, , G. •I,,. McNaughton, commander of the Canadian forces in England; ,was in rare good humor when this'' excellent photograph. was taken in I nglarid as he talked, with other officers'at the military, depot where the Dominion's'expeditienary :forces' are undergoing further training: The officer at the right is Lieutenant 3: N, S. Buchan, son of -'Lord Tweedsmuir, . • • unsay c o Lesson LESSON A NEW STANDARD • • GREATNESS' 'Matthew 20 Printed Text: Matt, 20 : 17.28 •Colden Text' we were yet sinners, :Ckirst died, for 'is. Itom, 5:8. . ' 'THE:LESSON •IN ITS SETTING'.• Time -7 All.;the 4 events 'recorded • int thisYtiesson occurred in 'March, .• A.D. 30, .the • year of our Lord's crucifixion'. .. „?lace —The events of the -entire. natrative , took place.. in 'Peraea, ;.with the.' 'exception of, the healing , of the • •blind inert. 'recorded at .the . end of, the chapter, ;Which.,'took' place near Jericho.. ' • .The parable. of the. laborers- "fn the vineyard, found first in' our,, son,. was intended primarily • to. ap- ply • the° reward o p1y. ' s t be • those wiro serve Christ in his king dom, •1t,taught. the 'disciples however, .long continued . • their. work, abundant -their labors, yet without charity, to' their brethren; • humility •before. God, they are noth- ing. The spirit in which work ' is perfortt�ed is' the important thing in the eye4 of God. ' . His 'Approathing. Death Matti 20:17. And, as Jesus was going up to Jetutsalem, he took the . twelve disciples aptt'rt, and" on. the way he said unto them, 18. Behold, we go up to 'Jc rneafem: ,and the Sonof man shall 'be delivered. unto ,the chief priests'• and scribes.;, and they shall cond•emrt•him to death, 19: and,shall deliver him unto the •'.Gentiles .to, meek, and t"u scourge. -and to Crucify:. and; the third day. - he shall be raised up. Note the min- ute details wbidh the. Lord here foretells regarding his. death. .Jea- st:s `ltnew he came to the for 'our 'sins, and he /lever atter'$, pted to es- cape the awful sufferings and the shameful :death' which till's holy, , glorious..purpose . 'involved, • But . whenever 'our. Isot•d speaks. of his • death, he also speaks• of his resur- rection.. Fie did not Cwi.template the horror of the one without drawing encouragement from his confit}- eilce in the'otherr• Two Carrie Asking Favors 20..Tiieti cattle' to hint the mother of the sons of Zebedee with her sons,, worshipping him, ,rticl asking ra Ce•rtain'thing 0f hits, (1'111' moth- er til e two er ofes disciples is else•• where Identified as Battelle). 21. And he said u•ntn i11cr I.vhat w onld• est thou? .t11te' sait•h unto .him, Cotnmandl that these my two , suns May 'sit, one' on thy right hand, and one on:thy .left hand, fit thy • kingdom. 22, But Jesus answered and said, Ye know not what ye ask. Are 'ye able to -drink the cup that I sin about to drink? They say' unto hiin; we are able. Jehn's, was a refined anfl iifeserved nature, but pride was his besetting sin.. In hie work for Christ' he betimes he nos, sesses a secret which the other dis-' ciples do not share; he ctttictees their 'conduct from the height• of lift own'ideal.,The Sods here, reply- ing to Jesus' q.ttettion, showed a ' loyalty and devotion 'to hiin, btft also a sph t of self-seeking and of pride, :will' .li• if allowed to go on, would be the repudiation of tare very prineiples which, Christ by.'his" life add death would teach. • 23. He saith unto them, rdy cup indeed ye shall drink, but to sit on, my right band, and on •my left hatid,'isenot mine to 'give; but it IS _ler them' for whom it hath beeit - ���ti tto(l. of....stl�,.-;.P�ktFre`i•'.,...,� ....���• h t e. teri- iteatd, i:Ca-they,.-W to moved with indignation.•coit.te'rning the 1*l brethren. Christ meant: • ,INNot upon the basis •of 'favor tyi�l men get into office in my kingdom;. they will be put into office. accord- ing to fitness, and that within the will, of God. When God •prepares. an o for a man, 'ho 1)4 -oar -es the than for tine office; and 'there' is perfect fitness;', Service to. Others 25. But Jesus called them urito and said; Ye know that the • tillers' of the aen•t:iles lord. it: ati e,r theist, and tiled• great canes .exor- •'cise authority.: over them. 26. hot. so shall it be ainoirg you: but: who-, soever would' become • great am.on,g you shall be your minister;' 27. and • whosoever would' be first among yoti ,snail be ,.your servant, .The Lord does not, repudi.,te Abe desire of -a man to be great, but •only'his desire to be• great if it is a selfish • 'One, by which .he . would obtain 'a position of lordship nd power over ' • other men.. True 'greatness, 'says the Lord; —•and here. is one of The 'Most revolutionary teachings. of. the New Testament — is to be found •in. serving others; not coin= • manding others; in' spending upon others, :not acquiring wealth `by' the service. of others. 28.'Even 'as .the Son of man catxie•;not to be minis- tered unto, but to minister, and to . give his life a ransom formany. Christ eame to 'earth'.te serve' oth- Cts, ' 1, Y Y [ men. He 'is to be our patte'rn in .this life, no matter ho•w contraryto worldly ideals his teachings may; be: In these days let us stand.out- firmly'.foi• the things which Christ: exalted and manifested: Teething 0 a •dot' long ago Assistant: Fire. Chief Frank' Taylor 'of ; London; . Ont.,. . was having troul5le with his teeth. So he had them yanked out and got.in false ones. Last Week Chief Taylor appear- ed on duty minus•:his "store teeth." He 'told his fellow firemen' he couldn't wear thein, �`A'third "set of .teeth ,is grow ing in," he explained. ND. ; NE N TES c. By MAD E ARCHER JANUARY PROGRAMS: • In' keeping' with that "After' New Year's" fe.eling,. •little , ad= vance news' has been Coming in '. during the last two • w,eeks about • favorite'radio.programs — for re- • dio editors' to write abort. This ' much .has seeped 'through'• though: . The NBC Great Play. to 'be heard' at 2 p.tfr.. on Sutiday, •January 21, will date' from 1830. It will be • Victor' Hugo's "Ruy Blas." "Rip. Van. Winkle!' wily be giventhe fol-' lowing week.:. .. ' Lanny Ross, "the nighttime, star .who. shines in the day time" will begin a new .five times weekly program over the'CBS network pn . Monday, January 22'frotn.00 to ,2.15 pan. Mr. Ross has, been one •of 'radio's; .outstanding singers for over a decade.. GALAXY OF STARS The Opening gun in• Eddie Can- tor''§ "March of Dirties campaign for the Committee for then' Celr..• . bratiofi ,of U. • S. President ' noose • welt's. Birthday will get •away with . an . hour's broadcast by .a galax» of Hollywood movie sand radio ,stars on Saturday might,, Jaifuaty • 20, over the combined network,: • ,of the. NBC', CBS and Mutual Sy = tents. The broadcast will begin at 11- p.m- EST, Anteng'those Scl:eti- uleci, entertain to etc t. rail• t are:-'-•Cann:r Boswell, Mickey: Rooney, Meredith Willson, Bob Hope;' Rudy 'Vallee, . Burns and Allen; Frances .Lang- ford, Bob. Burnt. Fannie Brice, Bing Crosby att:d many others. Ed- die Cantor wilL act as master o: eeremcnies.s Musical Ameripana, a new week. ly half-hour musical pro;gram fea-' turing the Westinghouse Orches- 'tra, composed' Of 95 mittsicians'sel- ected from 'the Pittsburgh. Sym- phony and KDKA''Orcliestras, with • :Deems • Taylor is as 'master' of dere- , nronies'and Raymond Paige as. con- ductoll, will°be brcadcast peer 87 ''s'tations,'of the NBC -Blue network at 8•p.m. beg:nning Thursday,:7ati- nary .25. , r ,,, •,� T Gay •French Quebec will be pre- sented to the rest of Canada by the CBC when thenew 'edition of "Stir Let Boulevards" with I.uc ;•,.j ienne Delve!, songstress and Jose D la.querriere vocalist, will he hehrd. on Friday evenings from Halifax to Vancouver. * "WHAT WO.LLD YOU DOT' -A new 'and interesting type of quizz•progalin went'o•n the air•oh' •Thursday evening, January 11111.. This; pro'r•'am. entitled • "Whet \Spuld Ydu Do':", invites listeners to send in questions an What they would do, under certain conditi..ns. judged by the sponsors of the pro • - gram' and, if, accepted, . pre paid 'for an 1 used on 'future programs;• ,also here is a grend prize of a „big cash award, each Week. Harry "Red" Foster, i. Masts e • c f Ceremonies. • :A group of s.ations is 'being u 'ed for" this program; which is being Sponsored by The Canada. Starch Company Limited, manufacturer.; of era n Branca Corin Syrup. • Parents Don'ts Always K i. Average Parent Not Compet+nt •to Advise Son on• Career " He Should Choose The average parent'i 'not' eontpe- .. tent to, judge the future prospects of his son' or to advise hem on his' career, Dr. Cameron chairman of the P,;ailways Department • Staff` ' Board, told the Cenrmercial Educa- tional Society of Australia. ' He arrived at this conclusion,. he, said, after, .interviewing hundreds. of :minis -wino•, told him they were forced by, their parents to atterit courses for which they had no ,in. c1ipation' or. were'.quite 'unfitted•' , , • • • RAISE MORE LIVESTOCK ' Increased livestock production ••-in wartime was recommended 'b %on..P. •M: D'e.wan, Ontario niin� ' ister of agriculttire, in ari address 'to 75,0 students :taking short cours- • • es of study at‘the Ontario Agri- • Cultural "College.:, .• • "1 venture the statement •.that, whether or riot a farnier'succeed's over the next •decade will depend almost ,exckisively on the Sarin • set up • or. program, which he adopts and, developsduring the next, two' • years," Mr. 'Dewari said. " 'is safe ' production . of livestock, and 'live= stock"' products. „.refer especially' 'to „hogs, 'sheep and cattle.".. "PURE-BRED" IN AGRICULTURE " -� The pure -.bred. in' agriculture re_ presents . the efficient animal 'ma • - chine.•'It is the result of: gener-. ations of the' moat,. careful selec-m'. tion and . breeding,• The pure-bred is the, cumulative' result o f im provenerit. ,In the' Mire -bred we' find 'the present source 'of''1iighly '. • developed . qualities . tic animals. From no' other source May we expect so great 'improve= merit in so. short; a. time: The more widely the blood of pure-bred ani- mals can be distributed arid ming:: led with the common blood" of the • country, the more profitable will .'be'• all live; stock .operations. British Army's Mystery P.O. Somewhere in'Engiand is a sec- ret post office which. serves the ' British Army and Air: Force•at home and. abroad. This mysterious "Army Post Office" is a convert- ed 'garage: To it letters ' to • the : men of the' British Expeditionary Force and 'various home: units are.. •addressed: • Sentinels keep guard'outside and .plainclothes men watch civilians • Who enter the sorting office, Frotit labels on 'a mailbag a spy might learn the whereab'euts of nearly every' unit• of the' Forces.: Tholrs- ands of fetters, packages and par cels are sorted' and sent away ev- ery day. according to the. ptstr,l" • chiefs in London. See' Canadians Getting Taller .:Upper ,Canada College Has to ;Puy Lorger .Beds for. Stcd- ents•'• , recording o'f weight i;nd'nieas lr- ing machines 'in Toronto schools where 90.000 children were exantin• • ed, show• that C'rtnailian yauth4 are,- growing tailor: and he avier. •says the ICitehenr r Record,. Toronto is •so large a cis} and has such -11 rt -1)• resent:etre population rltnt •the re• Sult,of•the survey' niay be taken as typical of- the tvholcl'count•ry, Lipper C'.tnada Coll. ge provides ' l:ract•ic'ai proof •.ef this bpw .r,,i trend. !finis •rtp.aced the usual six - fan; 'bed ix•fciot'bed by a set•en-t)ot>;r b,•.:iiise • the boys feet were •hanatn; n er • the ends. in a• college dnrmi.,6 protruding feast can. girt" ri= to . a "ticklish" sit t• aOen. • Due To.•Better 'Dint the Toronto -ref art 's:att' .°t,rat. POP—Let it Blow ' DIDN'T 1 TELL YOU ro C01�i6'+UETA13LN' DREAD FOP ANTAqCTi C clue to propel feeding, -good general care and preventive Medicine, chil- dren have developed two or three years beyend the curreptly accept, ed. average- A university pi'ofesso.r credits the increased robustness of youth to the "more widespread and liberal use of mil$, cheese, fruits and vegetables:" • see some talleT AS 4 ?e i • than .- It is fairly conTirO?' nowadays to, their fathers. It was not so common ' in the last gene t108," ' >1 fet+v ':ears agp was estimated b Tire - average. 110814' Of ' ta.Oik1nd' +. Y a y: : the ,statisticians at ' fiver' feet Sue,. • Inches- Prabiab'ly it is a little mw. ; ' S r pow. • • -• • r; 1,7-1-1IS CURIOUS WORLD twnlial � ABOUT • ••G00 . SP•�r-.IELS OF A MALS : J'N LAN(' NG ° .v.J1 L1,. BECOME Ex.rwcr WITHIN,. tea. 7L .TAK11N,.. • A NEAR. .001 NCT ANIMAL ' OF• GENT12AL ' Tf-'rE.'FIiP,S'T' c0aD •ag Vc QQ9. MADE.' BY SCHWARZ', OF GEit'MANY fN 14;97, HAC) A. C.10V RJN SSI^ ,..' T/,//N ALLIAVA/UM. • •. COPR. 1931,0? raEfr SEit/ie.E• INC• :6•z4 ' • THE ,first rigid: airship, built by Schwarz,collapsed' during the prbcess; of• irittlation. ' He then 'constructed. a second one;.' but was : afr'aid •to'triist.his' own life in it. He hired anotl"er man .to' try it', out and a 'flight of four miles' Was made'beforc.leakin•g. hydrogen ,foreed ,a descent., •• ' NEXT: Do'hens lay eggs?'', 'r 1 STAR .: SKATER HORI*ONTAY, 1,8.Pictured skater. '' • '. 5 Flat'fis. 13 Olive shrub. 14. Helmet- : shaped part. 16 Pertaining to '17 Insane. 18 Greaser: 1;9 Blood money, 20 Exhibitions.' • 22 Pipes for drawing off liquids.' 25.Mus'ical note, 26 To long. 30 Resounded. • 34 Genus of apple trees. 35•Covered with tile. 36 Life principle. 37 Small pool. 38 Railroad. 39 Aromatic oil..' of coffee. 45 Insects, order • Coleoptera. Answer. to Previous' Puzzle" i:11111fel' IMAM -JIM g©® . oo©.IN Elul:1%1am O©: ®O® -AIMEE --AMC AllidNINKIVAII NU ©� ©©�©• ©®®:- QO ©CI ©0O®M ®u®®® KING GEORGE RCA L• IE A1NiDIS(O N fl F :. 5049 RecipiF'shent.egg. • 52 Rowing tool, 53 She is the most famous skater.,• 55 Her native land. 58 Civet. 59 Pig pen. 60 Compaq.. VERTIAL 1 Therefore. 2 Salamanders. 0 3 Tidy: 4 Green stone, ' 5 Platform. . 6 Every.! 7 Honey gatherers. 9All, distributively. 10 Roman • emperor. ' 11 To press. 12 East India.:M 14 Obtained. 15 To ascend. • 20• She was an -- skating champion. 21 Unsound. 23 She is now a ,—• s r 24 Grieves. 27 Organ' of hearing. 28 Wing. 29 .To hie. 31 Secreted 32 Ancient. 33 Snaky fish. 37•To primp. 40 Opera melody 41 Hazes. 42 Feudal fees. 43 Poem. 44 Behold, 45 To exist. 46 A bull. 47 Legal 'rules. 48 Epochs. 31 Almond-' 53 French. 546 Musical: note. 56.Opus. 57 You. 11 15' 6' 19 99. 50 51 52 54 • 5 MILLAR WATT r'VE GOT "THREE- SUIT'S of UN1JERW5AP CO,' ••^•� �4 rvr w +W. oat......'� n 0 • • e. 0, ' ral ill 11111 - 26 2E3 Z9 :t '.. r .- 31 33 ■ m r 11" td illtill'illill . aii ■ 95 21" II 99. 50 51 52 54 • 5 MILLAR WATT r'VE GOT "THREE- SUIT'S of UN1JERW5AP CO,' ••^•� �4 rvr w +W. oat......'� n 0 • • e. 0,