HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1940-01-18, Page 3t,. T :.a • 1 • , JANIIAR ' 18th,. 1940 .,Canadian Troops In 'ngland Cbeeried. Duririg:,.Route FMarc' hes '+`.. :': $i 4:f�,.�.•.,��is:4 �1�iM.�.,1../�N�E:s�...c7 ':y.."{'."'•>?'�;x.%:��d»v.�''isG .:°.''..�''i?"�?,!.>'�,r.h�'t'<.na""#'.i� c.: z: ..%�.%.s:M%�':�y4,''t.,�i%,•IP.�y✓�. , r`. ynirf:,y7*e^.7;fs�� r.r6x'i"i. 414111! 111 $L.UU A YEAR -IN ADVANCE—.50a EXTRA TO U. • PAST" YEAR: •1 N REVIEW FROM SENTI NEL Fl LES • JANUARY , .' - Richard Alliott, .re-elected reeve of Kinloss for 5th term. !Councillors el '''71t -Ola A; • James �M aclntosh, 'Earl .Hod 'Alex Mac enzie and Angus Mc Jai:k•. Wo> ster• maddressed Young' Men's''' gathering, of his .e,- Periences d-uring tee • +monthss• tir Eldorado lining at• the. Arct',.,,r gsrd $is Whin. Blake •dbseik +:fi ert's •U4 the •.r .tear i•o v • • 'considcfr,community •se• of kand 'Mrs 'Dole • a.U- ;;moving • l• Fah. All- el$ 6` teiMake Colin ti epeodent oI. For�eq $app Sources .. Dis+contered Ontario and. Q* ebec ENTETI,RS -ATTENTION. A ,new !bulletin front. Red. Crass Headquarters asks all Branches to stress the following warm knitted article's' for soldiers' and sailors, .Sweaters, balaclava, caps, helmets, scarves and mitts. The local Brand) has `enhand wool suitable tor these:' Empd►asizg Buppliea VetSailors • Fib► an's stockings grey wool a ar ;2 plain, purl, the 194gth °143°i'''' t 19 to• r ,.� the instep -1010h sri�l 14#%s1Ae*e1.�,� •Te eel double heel .sccordhng• Tues,Please • finish toe si61e T ns ;if at ,all pee:- ga:Cr no�ary ineex n . f great. satin= nte'+ .Irian ,W,:• M S:' Was when, Axil), me -oi' Mrs Neil Mac r • rimeasure trrcday, January' 1.lth..wic ins: • udance of 18. The meeting ' be had 0,;'' the president, Mrs. Neil . Mrs. maid giving ' the' .Call to, We rite Record lowed .!)Sr the rkneating o Thr T ' :l depot where the Domini',?' , � . • • ' Sept in Ontario This 'Sensori. For .One Reason, 'It "Hasn't Been Cold. Enough !.• Lack of snow in Termite 'and. Os- trict this fall and, "winter:' •l�as,set a record for all.:tiine since; weather data, first • ftrst kept in 'this cit' (bleed by the behntirre •;• 3 meditation. The minutes �k the • at Meeting were, read and adopted ,,e was,calied which was ansvver by the paying of feesi: Business 1,titiers iwere :then dealt With. Mrs. eadin H 3 *as then sung, •The was e•n from the Study Rook oh Indio d Was given by Mrs. Johnston nn. Th'e Meeting ;closed by eiagine: 3 'president. The, February meeting to be• .tbe borne of Mrs. The Red Cross have.started Work 'materials -Anyone wishing to sew kniti please notify Mrs. Victor EM - !non or Mrs.' Neil MacDOnald. Miss Hope Wall Spent a ,few days t (week with firer sister,,,, Mrs. Beet ASHFIELD, NOTES • • • OUT atte to petty thi chnrch nesclaY party had a frem his itself. being critter.' Are strap. fai- weil heed ' they get a VIr. and .Mrs. Thos. Helm, Geral'il i John Of Dorchester spent the %Ir. Gordon Barger returned .1home" ,er Spending the past month mien, ends in Toronto, Wr. and 'Mrs. SAM Reed and Lorna 7-nirtr-th,ty'last-iireek -with Mr: and s. Peter Cook. VIrs..Ed.•MacKenzie of London vie- d with her Parents' -Mr. and Mrs. E. McDOnagh during the `past Fotind No. 1. Death Caiuse In Canada DUring the First Si* Menths of •1939 pcsa•rt, .diseases were death's greatest ally 'in Canada duing the first six montbs,Of 1939,,,ace-orgitig to ggares released, by, the Donitn. .ion ,Bureau' of Statistics.. Of the•57,- 919. deaths.'aluring the period', cot* pared. with 55,726 in. the obrres- pondieg period of 1938,, heart' dis- eases eansed 9,780. Many Violeniti Deaths • ea.uses, with figures fpt the corres- ponding period of last year in lirac- kets follow: .Reatt diseases, 9,780 - diseases of. the 'arteries, 5,785 (5,- 183); ttiberetilosis,• 3,225 .13,27.2); -influenza 3.211 ,(1,633); pneumonia 53 CM, MTS. Farrish and Duncan ,spent In the same 'week: Hermann, Goering became absolute, econon dictator Of Germany , . President Roosevelt recoMmended to Con- gress,enormous, additional expendi- tures for the 11. S. air forces and coastal defences . Premier Earn; on de Valera of Eire,tesught to' put the kibosh on the Irish Reliublicen Army , the Rupsian military ma - Canada's Parliament got ready for' a sesaicfn which will doubtless be filled with acrimonious debate and lengthy inquiry. . • • ;Investment In . 'c Canada Urged U. S. Aviculture Secretary Streises Opportunities Here Henry WallaCe, Secretary of' Ag- riculture, declared in, a recent :ad- dress that Canada andtatin-Amer- ice, as gelds for investment of United States Capital, offered an try's vanished land frontier: Destiny in This Hemisphere "We raust-recognize,'' he eald, that our destiny lies increasingly' In 'this henaisPhere, and Motet as we are Wet° make plant! for the• investment of funds, we 'can well sistan Canada, Latin-AnieriCa and The Cabinet officer, In a speech prepared for a joint fieSsion of the ciation -and the SoCiety for Public .Adminietration,. blamed many of the world's present ill's on* United States policies,after the -first Great there. are° more horses Oh „Cana& Ian farms this year than last. The _1980 total is 2,824,321(4.A,s corn, - 1938, ar me Mr for It Crnik She 03. THE INACTION OF VIRTUE - go:after what they, want the' • nod wonder. why aonaebodY does not. do something, Quebec Chronicle •-•TelegraPh, !nen researa Lay We federal Mines ureanma matte Canada ' ..dependent Of foreign Sources of the high • grade refractory', materiale,. the mines dePartment has'announc- From brucite magnesia obtain- ed for the nadking of basic high ' grade. reffactortes 'essential itse..in title steel and other metalInt4 • gical:induatries So -Vital in time' of : Were 'hist `:(lis'eoveredin' Canada 'hi, 193.7: at Rutherglen; by -A: . HERE'S HOPING to take place op November 11 in .19,40 and we can think of a gonple individuala. in ;Europe -Who' time. Peterborough Examiner. • ,. •P'eople are 'agreed that far- • , Mors- should gerni4reAr lien. people tilere is not one who 'can. tell us how tb do it. •--- Farm- ' • ' Many of las spend almoSt all of our time indoors. We"daSh from onr homes to a closed automobile , or street .car ,and then to. a,. stuffy, Office. For days nt ttmp we ipend sun:shine. Is it any wonder: that an outhreak of the eoramor 'cold does strike.aomanY of us? •It is Well ea- tablished that fresh, air and arm- -.shine are egsential to good health: . Many of us fail 'to g,et anything... of eold iVeather..--.,Halifax Chron- ,, The ,arrival pf the firat'divisigi4'.of •the C.A.S.,p4 under the leadership 'of•Maj.;Cen. A.' G.„1., MeNaughton; ' haa v'eon .the.'ent.husiastic ,aeclairn'.Of 'the ',.Britisirera;•.who never tire of watchirig• the -C•anadian troops aS theY • r at -..they swing env •-raii-Ertgilsli country road. Wearing. their 'battle dteSS, the) 'Canadien "Scotties"' ate Thc Book Shelf' r deposits 'AIL wiihin easy reach of •'''At present Canada obtairai !nest ,,f ' its- •magrlesia from. the United' •,. in Canada' the brkite oCcurs:as Small ciystals or grains in crystal- . riesia can be ebtained and the 'pas.- ". eibilities of producing the magnes- la, at. Cost low enough te..compete, • sueoesifully With that of the 2 ported material is now:under eon- • for ing aft din Vel rai fa Ll en int ter an Pnce Had- Fifty-two BlackSmiths That,Was in 1885, Old Direct- ory Shows; Autos Also"Stole Jobs Of Hostlers and 'Livery 1 Owners • Thvention of the automobile un: do.ubtedly helped expand Windsor And Detroit, but just think What happened to Chatham and its 52 blaCksmiths listed in the city dir- ectory Of 1885-86,,when gas bug- gies started chugging awn the 'Muddy streets,- says the N:irindsor Daily Star. ' Stylish Rigs, Then Wl)ett. this rare "Chatham City Was published arid compiled by SOutar in that., golden, pre- , attiomobile eia, there. were still 'more than a half -hundred men making a ,good living as' "horse- shoers, and blacksmiths." that remote date, luite a number of the men were still going to daily work As hostlers, for in •ery stables where ' "comfortable and stylish rtigs" wera always at hand, and commercial travel Was described -as "a specialty." ' Only "larnP-lighter" in Chathain was Frank Hargreavea, and 'Henry Marshall and Michael DYer 'shared duties aa, tbe "bridge -tender:" No editorial note Was added to the ectory to explain what a "tomb. stone traveller". Was, but ,one' the ' 'Canadian radio' through his :talk:. over • the,- CBC,. has taken .a 'Score' of. the. leading figures in the 'Arid toddy, a,lid, by tracing their. •careers, , explained • graphically events 'and policies in • conntries at peace 'and at war. •This book will interest, .anyone". who:wishes to reView recent trends' in international affairs,,,fand make a., valuable. companien tp oar, Interesting incidents And 2'sii.,(:- 6olhrTul,' nor- • Included are:' Wilson, ILOosevelt, ander, Stalin,. Alu,stapha Ke - Mal,' De Valeta; Venlielos, 8en, Chiang' Kai-shek. Oxford. University, Press:. . . Guesswork inetitS'' was' held ..in 'Paris; A' prize , of..the..wipea and the -napes Of the :name •three of 'the seven dishes, .And the •;.greatest , food -Specialists in' France•_conld differentiate ,hetWeert verrisen and bare... neras air 'example Per other ergani: 'zatiens of anglers and litinteTS who. the .history of Our Derninion out-• standing opportunity is .,preeented „plan and ,carry out a programme'. . lot the promotion Of caniervation of the natural resources of this pro- vince with ..far-reaching and; lasting • Conseive Fish and Carrie.. Wars are 'new more ihan• ever a question of endurance and finan- • resources are a.. factor • of • the and.continueui Pi.ogress :in all in-. duStries. The; tptiriat 'trade of (mt.. . in the past, the cloSing pt Eu'rope promises considerable ,augmenta- ;ion of this trade,in the •future, if tUral resources. of fish and 'game are not -aileWed bec'onie Many Microbes Are Evacilated • Ram Pasteur Institute in Paris They're Not Harmful So Long As They •Rentain in. Glass Iteiselai Literally billions of microVa • have been evaeuated from PariS. ed from: every part of the they represent all..the klavan. eitses:caused by germs., White seal. do no harm, but a bomb .could.sca-- ter them far and wide. Collected Frei» All Over. World 'Even their tbek would be 'harui-. less' onleas some .of. the worst,:tfaili - fell into a fountain,. they Coald de' immeasurable' damage. The .dirtis- ter of their, loss by .bomb cat shell fire would be of a different kind. , They have taken years to collect. and scientific men have ;spent thousands of honrs to .study, etas - salty and grfiw them. •., If all this knowledge Were lost • many •yearp would be. needed • to make it good. China is one of the largest • 'Wheat -growing' nations. • PRbklOTER.S-Of HAND - SHEETS' iik10W 131-1-ER'./4.1 NTARIO UTDOORS By VIC BAKER THE SPORTSMAN AND.WAP The declaration of , war created a problem for most of the'province's spertsmen's organizations , who moat Of their activities Or increase them'to Meet the emergency. A. re- ,ceut statement froth the province's leading conservation organization th'il'Ontario Federation of Anglers,' indicates in' a,, very. fiarcefitl manner what Stand -should betaken in these - times. and we report It in this con • • •whicia can .he geared td.. the With pro-bleMS .of, development and ,production. largely ,Solved, the Canadian radium' industry:is new' fliyectins• .attention: txr product. re-:. search,. market :research and' Mar- • •need, Or the. treatment Of candet, ,• the -possibilities of -ra,diunr-as• an ' :compounds', and cSs ;I -rigs nd metal. parts to. dete,et 'Make .teady Progress up on the Edge of Arctic Circle;' . Mines on -Great Bear Lake, . •RefinerVit Port Hope, Ont. Away up:on the ,edge' of, the Arc- tic- Cirele, Canada'S' radium Indus.' gress,' aCcordiug to reports ,receiv- ed by the periaitment ',?;lines and:. ResOurces, Ottawa. Production. of *ado .GoUl Mines Limited on Great Bear Lake, N.W.T:. has. passed. the .100 -gram mark, and the. putput 'of atranium oxide and other associate . stantial return. ' Pitchbiendle,..7- 135 Tons Daily ••Reserves of pitchblende .ore have been increased, 'and the.eapaeity of . at -the 'mine has been Step- ped .up to 135 tons dSily,,With •re- imProved, and costs` lowered: The refinery at Port 'Hope, Ontario has procinctive capacity of 108 grams of radium per year with lac - Rifles for proceSsing from 8.000.'to 10,000 tons of uranitim compounds, and for extracting radicaactive lead materials. Although the mine and the refinery aare More than three thousand'miles apart, tbe output at the two •points is carefully Corre- lated, and ' expansion.: program vested a recotd crop this;. year .": l• ' '108,710,100 Pounds •C'erhpared . with 101,394,000 .nounds in 19,38, apci '72,093,400 pounds in 1.937.• -' grown lir the. United States: are Iused on 'the ,farms, wheie grown. LIFE'S LIKE THAT "1 Woret,,tiNe Nurse a Kiss.... I Don't V&A My Fare 564 -pad Likia REGIAR FELLERS—Very Serious By GENE BYRNES voU DE Si qesr. BAG IN ben erosurf ms? POC K ET At -Cr HeARLY LOST A • 'HEM'S AND POULTRY +41 Wei" -.4, 5„tt, , Skeiene Byrnes' N:\ '1ft Reg. U. 5. Pat Offiee, AU titlits_ommt.a. •