HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-11-23, Page 3Haif•Ortney With Kiva '&1l Tame'Foster,. Erie View, Yc)rfoll€ 'Coo Ontario, writee: "I woe troubled With itching piles for tabollt two years stud cl id . UOt sloop at nights. Ile fact I was elf crazy from the terrible itch. r > ) Chase,*Oiut. ii 1. 1 11 about I t l aid 1 Meat 1 pure:Miami la box. Atter the eeeend appiie:attolh I experienced relief and one tux oececl eie thoroughly lulu perinaaneutly and teat was two years age," Dl. (%liavp's Olutlhleut, Ell cents a box, all dealers. Paisley creamery has made ;30,000 lbs more of butter this year than last ;fear, The soiling prices Vuriecl from 14 to 17c... • ()heals Away S"r odea. Dies. Woe i GrahaiN, Shoppardi�:3 �Yoron, Ont„ rWorm I,uwv writes. 1:lltawo given ( i Dr. Syrup to my boy time awl again alit find it a good worm medicine, h is nioe to take and never uhakee the eldkt sink like powders," Price 250, The daily cost of prisoners' rations M the Elgin county jail for the year endiug Sept, 30, 1000, was 0s coots each. The church of England has au income of $1,000,000 to week. 1�1 ski sick) OTE E1JJ Y. Cenulill e rt ,311 s Little Liver Binns© Bfdust Bear `Signature of Sce Pec-Sltn).o wrapper Below. Tory a een cmci an oaay to Sake a:: se4Sex. FOR HEADACHE., FOR CI3t"IPJESII. FOR 1311.1013SNESS. FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW SKIN. F063 TOIECOMPLEXION CARS ITTLE tat; �®gan df- Y �l�o rho CatraqWM= MIST,tAVC NATun S. 25 Cees is 11Pnreiy ivegetatae.,Z,y tetL • CURE SICK HEADACHE. OJE pa { Seventy -First atFJYear. 1 90 1 CZtNTTIIY Oniy Agricultural Newspaper and adtnittetily tho Leading Agricultural Journal of the World. Every department written by specialists, the ]tighest authorities in their respective lines. No other paper pretends to compete with it in qualifications of editorial staff. Gives the agricultural NEWS with a degree of fullness and completeness not even attempt- ed by others. Best Reviews of the Crops, Best Market Reports, Best Accounts of Meetings, Best Everything. ' INDTSP):NSABLN TO .& 11 Country Residents who wish to BEEP UP WITII TILE TIMES. Single Subscription, $2; Two Subscriptions, $3.50; Four Subscriptions, $6; Special inducements to Raisers of larger clubs. 107 -Write for pparticulars on this point. Club agents' wanted everywhere. Four Months' Trial Trip 50 oats. SPECIMEN COPIES will be mailed free on request. It will pay hfo y to bod interested in any way in country send for them. Address the publishers: LUTHER TUKER & SON,. Albany, N. Y. FOR TIMES SUBSCRIBERS The TIam has completed arrange- ments for the issue of a very handsome C1IISTD$ SUPPLEMENT PREVIOUS ELECTIONS. VS, Some Interesting Viarta4ess Sho'la'int» ?Where, Publics Cou41►1enee Ito s nested in the Past. On July 1, 1807, the 1'rovtnece 4f O(i• tnrlo, Quebec, :sora tacotla and New Brunswick were, airier Bevil puocient:(• Bon, elated May 22, 3867, eonfederated m- iler the title of the Ilom(nion of Cun• mia. The ih`at eler•ton was held In. Seip tember. 1807. ('on elleration being the is. P110. The election resulted; Province. Min, Opo. Ontario „ ,. ,.,, ..,, 47 8117 Qnebee :., 45 20 3 10 7 8• 102 80 Nova fieetia .P• ,. , ,, ,,,, New I1ruuswlek ,. ,. ,. Government hnaiorltl•, 22, Jur.}: 20, 1872,. Province, ee Con. Ontario., .,.,.. ,- 135 Quebec "'. .. ,,,.., ,.. 115 Nova Seotla .. 11 New Brunswick .... „ .,.. 7 Manitoba . 1.1 11. • . , ..... to be delivered or .mailed on or about December 14th: The supplement will be ie. book form, and will contain from 85 to 10 pages. It will bo printed on good paper, well Mound and profusely illustrated. The itleading matter will be much above the ordinary, and tllework well wvortllre- serving. Size of pages 11 X 15% inches. 'British Columbia ..........0 103 Government majority, 0, JSNTJA1t% 1i 1874. Province Ontario ,. Quebec , . . , , • , Nova Scotia .... New Brunswick .. . Prince 1`ldwat'd Is1011L1 , . Manitoba 13r1tish Columbia , . . , 0 HOW Th CET IT Every subscriber who pays all arretil`s and a year in advance, will receive a copy free. Every new subscriber who pays a year lntaclvanee, will receive a copy free. r The price to non -pay -in -advance sub. scribers and the general public, 25 cents. Advance and itow subscriptlotss will be received from this date forward. TIMES 0114IC: ,, wrganzsz Con. 32 4 5 La,, 27 (o 10 0 c 27 ci. 33 17 11 0 0 2 u 4 73 138 Liberal majority, U0. fill"r1:wiL`l:]t 10, 1878, Province. Con. Ontario , . .t0 Quebec ..... .. Nora 'Scotia 14 New !friths wick .. .. ...... Manitoba .. British Columbia ...... ...• conservative majotity, (8. ,IONii 20, 1382.. Province. Ontario .. .. .. Quebec .. . .... Nova Scotia .. .. .. New I3runewlck ... Prince Edward Island .. Maultoba . . .. .. .... Rritlsln Cohunbia , . . . 2U 7 5 11 3 1 1; 0 1- 3- 7 - 0'J (:on. Lib. 54 37 48 17 15 (( 10 c 4 2 0 131 Conservative majority, ea. I'PT It1':11iY 22, 1887. Province. Ontario .. .. .. Quebec .. .... Nova Scotia .. .. .. New Brunswick .. .. .. Dfanitoba .. .. .. l'rtnee Edward ]si;lud .. .. P.ritish Columbia .. .. Northwest Territories. „ .. Con. 33 13 10 4 0 0 4 122 3 O 71 40 32$ r) 1 113 0 0 93 Conservative majority 20, nt.1'41 was In- creased at dissolution ion lay bye -elections to 49. MA1CI5, 3801. Province. Ontario .... .... .... ... . Quebec .• ..• . .••. ...... Nova Scotia .. .. . New Brunswick .. Prince F.dwnrd Island • Manitoba .. ...... British Columbia .. .. .. .. Northwest Territer't'S .... .. Con. 48 • 1.13 13 4 0 4 i 44 85 6 a O U 322 02 Conserve tire majority v0, winch was tacreased by bye -elections to 40, on n party division. JUNLI 23, 1800. Province, Coo. Ontario .. .... .......... 43 Quebec.. ... Nova. Scotia .. .. .... 10 New • Brunatvleig 0 Prince Edward Island .. .... 3 Mnnitobn .. .. ....... .... 4 2 British Columh'el .... 1 3 Northwest Territories.. ., .. 1 88 322 An atuttrsis of the l.aln:r, es / sdes- 17',. 4} 4]0 5 2 ed . by the vote In 181)6, gave the follow- Ing standiug to the parties: Liberals 117, Conservatives SS, Independents u, vacant seats 3; total 213. JL'sT BEFORE ':LITE: ELECTION. On the day of election •lection the different provinces were thus represented: `40 18 8 Ontario ., Quebec Nova Scotia New Brunswick British Columbia 2 Manitoba 2 P.F.I. 2 3 Northwest ........ 1 3 77 1311 This gave the Government a majority of 60. Labs. 51 14 a E V1 G11 AM TIM TheFoallt ofLifo IS 'ITU, tP PURE RE)) BLOOD 1,L. ,i L L x• COURSES THROUGH "THE BODY, If the .ulood is. ,Impure and i tagnratnt, Dicer. Se ' o1U"a Sway. 51t317 .. ra -PUMPER, ENRICHES AIW VITALIZES EVERY DROP OF BLOOD. NOVEMBER 2A, 1900. •pay the farmers to do the fattsniuif,. Lilt u heel to lalb � ,... , ' v' (r t tw111"'ti(1 1 (iota pay ells to 14o11 to the large Breis ~vita will do the fattening and shipping. lily services tire at tell times at the use of the farmers. It le my duty and pleasure to .give full information as t() the best breeds for the ftirlli0is to handle how to rear and fatten the (thickens, where -and who best to .Gell 11101 ( to, to. #;ether with all ouch practical i3hforulu- titin as years of experimental work is cltic'nitlt('tl to Millie 0f v0111e to farl)tere. It is hoped by to serial of letters, of which this is tate first, to. interest the Tomas in a poultry department of their farm wihiolt will give theist,. surely teal Quickly in tile 13911r tuture, 0 remote equtil to any other b15U91ll (f farming , ally. It ' ' ' ' � G l'. All 111' r 1 � ].. ,H 1 t all � as utas totcec ,f N t . i . , care, feediug and fattening, ete., will be furnished free ou applteatiou to 113y 1)e• partuleitt, LxperilueutalFarm, Ottawa. A. G. GIL111;IIT, laiauager Poultry= Dept. Ottawa, Nov., 1900. The majority- of intelligent people lone that rch pure a r i% iy v tahc blood alone can give health and build up the tissues that have been worn out. Now and fresh blood carries all the mat Male for restoring wasted and worn - Out parts of the body,andgives to the brain other materials making nerve matter. Paine's Celery Compound cleanses and purifies tee blood Gild furnishes ap- 1iropitato food for every part of the sys- tem. It iucrealces the appetite, perfects digestion, gives Nervous energy and increased strength. ' If your blood is impure, ea the skin has spots and eruptions, if you have au un- healthy pallor or yellow :appearance, and if the eyes are showing yellowish whites, you should use Paine's Celery Cnl.uponud without delay to cleanse the blood and regulate the livor and kidneys of the strain that is brought upon thele whenever impure blood pours through their substance. Mr. M. D. Arthur, Chelmsford, Out., writes as follows: '•I was laid up with scars all over my face and neck, the result of bloorl- poisoniag. While in that condition, I could not sleep at night, had no appetite, and could not (attend to my work. The doctors in lay disrict and their media cines olid not benefit mo. My aunt ad- vised me to use Paino's Celery Com- pound. In two weeks 1 was so xnuch better that I could go out, and iii. three weeks I was able to work again. I bless the day I commenced with Paine's Cel- ery Compound.." WEST wVAWANOSIII. Council met according to adjournment, members all present; the minutes of last )neeting were approved. Treasurer's statement showed a ba•1- ance• of $1179.67, filled. Trustees of S. S. No. 8 were appoint- ed to put on gate and snake roadway for the use of section and township, .the township to pay part of cost. The fol- lowing cheques were issued S. Johnston, drain across road, V; K. B. Ag. Society and Ashfield and Wawa - nosh Ag. Society grant, 520; reeve, as= eessor, clerk, selecting jurors, $44 each; W. Symington,, balance On contract, $1.110;' Mrs. Jury, gravel, $3.24; W. Twamloy, gravel, y;2,0G; •H. McQuillan, gravel, $8.80; lair. Woods, mar and covering bridge,112.65;ta'.Tisdalo,gravel, $2.24; Vallee laicl4zenamill, grave1,51.1e; 0. Donnelly, gravel, $30; D. Caddy, plank and covering bridge, $11.40; M. Young, culvert, 3; W. Symington, gravelling S. B.,Iitillett to pay lhalf,)319; D. Carrel, gravel, $36.20; • E. Woods, right of way to gravel, $2; Thos, Lott; cedar, ,$2.72; J. Kilpetrialr, gravelling •30.50; A. Sproule, iuspecting,32; Thos. et ott, hedges, culverts, ;its., $a 1; H. Wenn, gravel, $4.00;.7, O 0oilnor, tile asci hauling, $1112.10; J. Willtard, S clays o11 S. 1)., $8; T. Millet, inspecting, Coll, tractor to pay half, $1.. Cotatei1 adjourned to meet on Dec. 15, at 10 o'clock. W. H. MtduosTxt, 'Clerk, OUR POULTRY AND BRITISH MARKETS. t Itiulens 3s Whet elle Output of Canadian C Likely Soon to be -How Bost to be :Pre- pared to Halo ?vloney by Being in a Position to Supply Next Year's Demand. Our system of cold storage, both as regards the oolcastorage firms themselves and the cold storage cars for transporta- tion, are making rapid strides toward perfection, and it will not be long before we have in Canada a cold storage system equal to any thing in the world. At present there is nothing so much talked of or written about in the Canadian press as the necessity for perfection of the means of plariug our perishable ' goods on the foreign or English market. Canada is . bocomieg a groat country, this is recognized by all. That the greatest revenue of this country must come throuf'h it agricultural sources is a point undisputed. The live question before the farmers then is which depart- ments of their farms will yield them a quick and paying return? Undoubtedly, of all the comparatively undeveloped sources of agricultural wealth none will more surely fill the bill than poultry. The demand for the superior quality on the English market is unlimited. The home market is rapidly iuereasing. A help to this development is the cold sorago system of the Department of Agriculture and the furnishing of re- liable instructions as to poultry culture from the Experimental Farm system and the Comlrlissioner of Agricultural. But the most direct aid is 111 the shape of such large firms as the Canadian Pro- duce Co., Toronto, who buy the chickens from the farriers and do the fattening, packing, and shipping of the birds. PRIVATE ENNTERPRISI TO THE RESCUE, By means of private enterprise the ex- pense of initiation and the risk of loss which inevitably attends the opening up of new enterprise will not come out of 'she pockets of the farmers. It may be that when the superior qualify of our product is known and appreciated on the British market, and the prices established so that we will anew what it is possible to get, that the time will be opportune for the individual farmer or association of farmers to fatten and ship tor them- selves, By that time our farmers shottld be well acquainted with methods of shipment to an already established market with guarinuteed prices. DEVELOPMENT :(LIIIL8DY RAPID, WiarslyStren;s,:.'7a and Womanly Beauty depend on purity of the blood, and muenof that purity depends ou perfect kidney filtering. If these organs are diseased and will not perform their functions,, man will seek in vain for strength and woman for beauty.South me lcan Kidney Curee drives out all impurities through the body's "ftlterers "-repairs weak spots. -46 Sold by A. L. Ilamiiton, Baron Presbytery. Tho regular November meeting of the Presbytery of Huron was heli; in Willis church, C]intou, ou the 1811111181. The Treasurer reported that a rate of 16c per family would be uecessara to meet Pres- byterial expenses during the coaling year. Changes were made in the standing orders of the. Presbytery, with a view to the roductiohl of the number of regular meetings, from six to four, dur- ing each year. A remit from the Gener- al Assembly, proposing the enlargement of the powers of Synods bs giving thele final jurisdiction in certain cases, was accepted. A proposal to appoiut a Sab- bath school secretary for the Synods of Hamilton and London was rejected. Tho deputations appointed as the last meeting to visit the Sabbath schools withillthebourdc,roported. Their reports were generally favorable, although iin- provements in several schools were suggested. A call from Bayfield and Bethany to A. D. Campbell was sot aside, because ho bad decided to accept a call to Stayner. Rev, Robt. Henderson, because of failingg health, resigned the charge of Auburn and Smith's Hill. As Mr. Henderson's removal knight render possible a re -arrangement of a certain portion of the field, it was decided to send temporary supply to Bayfield and Bethany .until his resignation should take effect. Rev. Mr. Larkin, of S'ea- forth, was appointed to address the next annual meeting of the W.I''.M.S. on be- half of the Presbytery, at Seaforth, ou Jan. 15, 1901. Messrs, Musgrpee, Larkin. Shaw, and their representative elders were appointed to examine the proposed "Aids to Social Worship," and to report at next meeting. It was agreed t0 re- commend the observance of the Sacra- ment of the Lord's Supper by all the eongregatious within the bounds, on the first Sabbath of January, 1901. 1+x1 ('Ward, t)ld Nl,t1 1 Nov. ]5. After as veru elmet rest from the uu- pluasautuess of writing£ of deaths tltrou;;li these notes we are again forced to. b ell death's hand ethical 11011 opine Miller the sail(e guise itt fats vicinity of late years so frequently had this time claims for its victim labs. Charles De- Ilwaiu on the 1Gth couccssil)1l, ilinvlelt, About 0 year ago a slight cold was tion. Meted. wlliclt, lay time went by, could nee be stayed, and eventually developed into lung trouble wliiclt no human Baud c111 cure. EVory =wearable means were taken by isiea relatives to bxiug about a recovery and for a while slap appeared to rally and all thought elle might lawyer, IIow(tves, the disease no +latlbt was developinge thee, all t11 t'nt t (, alld some weeks ago she beuamo very weak alai was eoutille(1 to bed till Wed- nesday morning, Nov. 7th, when she passed peacefully away to the realms be. yowl. ' During the last week the tear( oC death and the desire to live, which is I ihnplaUtecl in the hearts of ail young 1 people, were replaced by auxiety to pass to the lateruai 2Olno above. She loaves I behind her a. young husband, a pretty little girl four years old, a fond mother who atlministerecl toal her 1 yams and a � brother, Notwithstanding the counter attrnotions,. the funeral on Friday •after- noon at 2,30 was attended ay au im- mense tlnonr, who came to pay their last earthly tribute to arespectedand es- teemed friend. The obsequies were con- cluded by the pastor, Bev, Mr. Stewart of Bolmore, assisted Itov. Mr. Dobson of Fordwiolt. Tint bereft have the syin- pathy of a large circle of relatives awl friends in this their day of keen sorrow incl sore affliction. A very singular coincidence and soahe- thiug that may not happen in a life time was ilio fact that the same morning about three-quarters of an hour before and across. the road another young woman, Seventeen years of 0430, in the person of Miss Freda, Denman passed away of the same trouble. Previous to Iter final illness she was loarnia g dress making out in Cliffori. She was a true young woman much beloved by her father and mother as the -eldest of the family and they with a member of younger brothers and sisters feel her loss keenly. Mr; Ilobiusou of Clifford brought both coffins over together, a thing the very seldom or ever has to to do. The funeral on Thursday to the Getman Lutherian cemetery was at- tendecl by a large number of relatives and friends. Rev. Mr. Bruer conducted the funeral service. HAPPY ARE THE MAKERS OF !1F' ,itilRi°'I ft t Dia °Rd Dyes C. ire Them Special i a. ColorsL'or Cotton Goods. Tho dyeing of Cotton rags for the retaking of Mats, Rugs and Carpets was for years a difficult. and vary unsatisfac- tory operation owing to the crude and common dyestuffs home dyers wore obliged to use. By the introduction of the special Diamond Dye Fast Colors for Cotton, the work of dyeing is now a source of pleasure and profit to every home. The manufacturers of the famed Dia- mond Dyes prepare special Cotton colors Such as Fast Plek, Fast Orange, Fast Purple, Fast Garnet, Fast Navy, Fast Crimson, Fast Seel Brown, Fast Yellow, Fast Scarlet, Vast Cardinal, Fast Tilrkey Red, Fast Dark (green, Fast Black and other colors that are uafading 111 evash- intr or when exposed to sun. No other dyes in tllo world can give moll marvellous and pleasing results on Cotton goods. Ask your dealer for the Past Diamond Dye Cotton colors; take no other Make. This year the poultry trade with • Great Britian leas developer) as it Never has before. • As early:ts the middle ter last month one 111331 has sent to England a 51111 tient of Canadian chickens which is five times lar;er than all slip lienee' sent before trent this country lel nay previous unlir,l yc.er. Iyex1 year there will be to rlb13110, l for thickens unheard of before. 'T`lo Linnets for the pr(se11t y eau, and probably Cor 1315 next, should !' not try any direct shipment, but find out 1 and seise his chic kcl.$ to tho most re- liable 0 liable lulus in this country. 2t ulay not t c arm TOR F©r Infants and Children. hi to 1131011810 .9/01t`'� oote of a(f; emote, Morrison, the murderer of the Mc- Arthur family, was sentenced to to hanged at Moosomin on January 17th, Next. ;e:,,',7) Oil. A. W. CHASE'S OATAa r . (a sent direct to thryllscated parts by the T,nplovett lrluwet, }leads the tdcers, elvers the alt r , v; , , • the r d, t 1 ( 1 5 . t, ,u 5 h w,r I it 1 t"� i�+,.a rltr••:ii ;led p,�rinatlaat�} rums . r.."••('at,u'•::3:'1'" ll,n,dilawt+eteP.lilotec:r '3 d• W (hast 1 , ru t.r 1)11. A. i',` tedidi ilnr('o.. 'Toronto +rad melt io. ne •, writer: "'I twat aged Oil for Hoare Tamar, mt1aar, t (1115, bit for lo(lu time, 60141 best all-around. shawl made." Price 2to. itll rioalars. +Tan(08 x0,1 of 14'3 Utz 4te Stapleton, hits res>ntly Lad a't 09V6I for appe)uilcitie. James lova latter living in Last 'Wawrauosh. Ile has attache of- collo oaf and on all stemmata and about tl(rce svtec:ka ago took to laias bed with, all tin.: t+yaiptoul3 le" 33, 3,)1'x'0 chic, A. few clays. ago, ata oensalta,tiern of (•loetore, it was ttooltied evil 1 a1 opera- tiouwas the only G,ato th}.39 for him. A. stony substance wa.i 10131111113 tiro el:per.. calx, beeidee a large :abscess lief[ aerate, Maleittg the o;:eration a very c(•itleal ono. At a 11001)113118 lie sees getting r(t Woe. ly and there are good proepeots fur flit} recovery, 1,' eteEIa seseasete tiu (hut "FACTS ARE DIVINE THINGS." Such was the saying of a master mind, and what applies to things of state ap- plies with double force to matters con- cerning health. When it is said that Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tablets can, if intelligeutly used, cure all kidney and bladder troubles, and such other diseases as can be traced to a sluggish or imperfect kidney action, .it is always backed up by the positive proof and tes- timony 01 some reputable person, some ono who is glad and willing to tell the world the results obtained. Tho follow- ing testimonial of Mrs. W. Eaton, 10 Ferning St., Toronto, has the ring of truth, and bears out the claim that it is a cure beyond a doubt for the young, middle aged, and, aged. 11?rs. Eaton says: -"Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kiclney'Tablets have been of the greatest benefit to ole. Formerly I had so mach backache it extended teeny, hips and limbs. At times there would be an acute lameness in my hips and a burning that causes very disagreeable sensations. I find that I am very much invigorated sauce I used a bottle of Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tablets. My 'lack has recovered from its lameness, end I am sleepu,g well nights. From my experience in using the Tablets I have much confidence in them, and I can highly recommend them." Any reader of this paper can test the merits of Dr. Pitcher's Eackaehe Kidney Tablets free by enclosing two cents postage for trial package to The Pitcher Tablet Co.,Torcnto, Ont. Regular size 50 cents per bottle. Walter Pennington has sold his S0acre farm, being E. ea or Iot 14, can. 14, Grey, to his neighbor, Thos Loarmont, giving the latter 100 acres. Mr, Pell- nirgton has purchased a lime light dis- solving view nmgio lantern outfit of A 1 style and will go into elle public enter- tainment. itching, FBurr'ihig, Skin Dis- eases Cured for Thirty -.five Cents.• -tri Agnew's Qintnlent relieves in one day, and cures Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Eczema, Barber's Itch, Ulcers, Blotches and all eruptions of the skin. It is soothing and quieting and acts like magic in the mire of all baby humors. 35c.- -47 sold by A. L. Muni11on. -.4A°.w•,',Y,Y,.,,,Ye.•,RNn MY.,�.w,.. .wY,nYW United States naval estimates for 1.,r 01 aro $87,179,051; tho appropriation s for 1900 wore $65,130,916. vot 11 your liver iri o t i of order, creasing Biliousness, M ek Il(:adi 1(e, heart.. burn, or Constipation, L. o dose cf (trtb h9 On retiring, and tomorrow ;:,;:x di- gestive organs will be regulated and' you will be bright, active and ready for an kind of work. Tlhis halo the th been of o exs, will be yours HOOD'S PILLS are: sold by all medicine dealers, 25 eta. THE WAY TO TREAT DISEASE: Powley's Liquified Ozone The Mostinerkalb1e Prcparati3n tlovin to Science - Ever since the remarkable cures. of Sir..W. G. McCarthy and Mr. Francis, attention has, been drawn to Powley's Liquified Ozone. The marvellous nature of the recovery of both these gentlemen damped Ozoee as being a treatment. which was fairly marvellous m its health riving power. Hundreds cf testimonials have been received sifice then; each testimonial can be verified. Read what R. R. Tletuing says. "Some fifteen months ago a friend spoke to me about Ozone and I have truly thanked him ever since. I have suffered all my life frorn indi- gestion, weak stomach, bilious headaches, and - poor, thin, watery blood. Some years ago, in fact when a young boy, I had bilious headaches` ouce and t:vice a •week, and later ou hi life• always had two severe attacks twice n month. I despaired of ever getting. any relief cr per;• ma,tent cure. Flfteeu mouths ago I had a. severe attnek of I.idney Trouble, suffering with paint; in my back, my blood being in a miserable condition. T was weak, had a poor appetite and found it hard to get a good night's rest, had no pleasure in attending to my daily busi- ness, in fact, getting up in the morning was to pleasure; always wanted to lie in bed, So I began taking Ozone four times and after using n few bottles .1 found a decided improvement, but always thought that I would suffer with bilious headaches and weak stomach for the rest of my natural life. After using foni bot- tles I found 1 was entirely cured of Kidney Troubles, and after psing a few more bottles I found my stomach strong and that my bilious headaches were leaving me, and my blood was pure. I can faithfully say that at the present moment I am permanently cured and gaining solid fish and mttbties rapidly. I take the liberty of presenting to you this, my testi- monial, that others may see and, profit thereby if suffering as I was. Believe me, very truly yours. signed, X. 1•;. FI,1t\IING, 217 George St., Toronto Powley's Liquified Ozone is $t.00 a large bot tle, 500, small size. All druggists, or front the laboratories of the Ozone Co., of Torouto,. Lind ted, 48 Colborne St., Toronto. t'I'hen 1t Hurts lo Cough Tho ceras that hnrte, the cough that gets tight in the chest, is daily .gettui:r deeper atlal dttp(.r Tutt) the broll0hiatl tubes and is 1nthing :alertly lei tire' lungs, to become 1)a'utu 0111, 113;1 "ear. 1 ion of the 113 gs eh' (1"11‘=lti !la ion Such cattgd4 yield. only to tit, wu l,bi 111 el. ' flcietuv of 1):. 0haso's ;Syrup of isles e'tl; and'i'ttrpeli116e ww•l.iela 101)5005tbtw tatrllt-1 lies earl (1113'e c:ourll end cold together. I 25 01405 a lattice Family size CO cents, l said t -w ury Wiltre. WINGHAM IMAM OP ME TI I Et'vL\V ,i. utV►NG I.,L wNr• t�rJ•• ir d as 1" 1t:li i€ stew ''-.:11' I`j�'.wnar,ar.m•�Gtxr`r+ir,"' 411lIS Having ro-purchased our old, s`alhci,.• we are now prepared to supply the pub- lic with Wood and Iron Force and Lift Pumps, Brass and Iron Cylinders. Gal- vanized iron Tubing, Cisterns, Water Troughs, Sinks, Baths, Pipe rittul}t, Well Digging and everything in con- nection on-necti0 1 with water supplies. Galvanized Steel Windmills for power.. and tamping water. We can d(, ear work cheaper than others in the btlsiue:•:, rte wt'e have the steam power. itel'attin.^.13'lolnl)Ily atteedt•rl to. *'0 .18') do \sell diving and (Milling, All WO' It i5 th(treu'tl,ly gt ni ante(113 Give us a caul. B. SHOWERS 84 SON. To PATENT Hood ideas may he Bemired b1• our aid. Address, 7H PATENT RECORD, CeltitteiC, M4. Nesialett7'..AC31w"11 e1.1 T b1' et Jots V 3 etut,uc:+a• trrdc1lvrrfind eoll.t e:{� i •*1a .,,, Corot y for old 'establisia`d manttttAx N.11 1a'nlr 1,nttle, ;MO yt'ar, .Attie tray. 1.1•, • tato' more titan experience i,tnttti•e,t. liar .., ti,e toe, any bank in tiny city. eddresseti trttimpe3 'envrt000. lint Winery, I'll l"d loloor, J3•i Dearborn sort Mato.