HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-11-23, Page 2TIIE lk Ia`llld.tAM TIMES,. NOVEMBER EMBE,l +Mi t 1.¶ OO. Thee. lkle•F,t'1 t':ttt, u'•' rtir•'y t•) finelliIt 1 bete p erelt keel lot 1, t'',ltt. lli, ('.1ltt titli.l halt) 7: :, from ,i,tY ee. L'itali1tie . i51'r. MeV.: eto to tow the F,tlylter of a ll/ sera., ee I la t.l ('„ nod 1U) its Cdlifoxnie, Mr, titre l'e'•e hall 1`llrcitFl,9t'il (leo. Mule. (boll's T •I tree t farm 11a Miles SOIttll of Taetic White Watery Pirn.sles o V1Nt1AM O18TRIOT. towns11111. During that tom 1t:+ rattan friends whose respect and (' teem. lilt The Selto 1 Beard have had ft nttw 1 gal earned and held ulttil itis, death. flat Placed in that tower of the Lael.atow etvae a dative of Ireland dud, lived in coming '1 � 1before • _1 e cas Has 131 1 1 � to D ruc:. His wife died about thirty yearea trio. A quiet blit pretty wed ling tools leave palate wheel. Henry'Adams Iles purellasotl the re- n r acre Tartu, li:lts)wtl as the La.1e•a.ta farm in Hullett for eiiGt'i , „ • �bast week R. alai ll 1 J. :asfu)rl, of Gunton, shipped three carloads of pruo.o export Nettle to :Loudon, England. . Axtltur Darroch, the popular e e so - 1 maker for the Iforde ;ieh Oheeso Co'y., l has betel re c n agl ,t ter neat year. I David. Martin,. wt formerly needed I with Thos. Stevcasc in Ashllctid, tlie,l at elt:atltcana,hl. W Teems ti aveatber 13. Five years ago- my body broke out in -white waterypimples, which grow so bad that the suf- fering was almost unbearable. 1 tool doctors' medicine and various remedies for two years but they were of little benefit, whenever .1 got warmed up or sweat the pimples would come out c`again. A neighbor advised Burdock Blood Bitters, and 1 am glad I followed his Advice, for four bot- tles completely cured me. That was three years ago and there has never been a spot or pimple on me since. James Lashouse, Breehin P.O., Ont. Pr ql riefAt p 'ar J. acKs. The orcmped up posi- tion in which a tailor works Domes hard on hie kidneys and hard on his back. Very few escape backache, pain in the: side and urinary troublesof one kind and another. Oftentimes the first warnings of kidney /disease are neglected - think it will be all right in a day or two -but s:ck kidneys won't get well without help. ktese" 11 KIDNEY PILLS 1 There is ;•aotithee attar fur tit) child - 1 reties Ctlughs and 0jets than Jr.ies, ova e !Norway lone teyr13p.' St is very p e heath • to tatty ltud always woes the iitel.e Dais' coughs i.roouptly. S :Dee "''cl.aughliu,' re-eug;aeoe. as teach Iiultett, far met ye ..2S0. Mr. S. 13. ]Zeis':elvire, of Wroxeter, lets 1 leased the Mildmay Woollen Mall to Mr. W. U. lituteUge, c,f elespler, fur a term of years. There is sider a'le talk of drilling for oil on. the 4th (,on•, of Culross. Sever- al framers will kreesteenough to siuk the well next eautmer tib te;',t whether or LLUt, oil to co bo foelidl ie. Blatt vicinity. Diuiteg this cootere400 $ 4O0 human lives, e 125,000,CW ttnd 20k.} :,'ins slave been lost in freititgss efforts to ii}id the North Pole. The death of Gottfr.ed Wiguer of the4th concession, -Carrier, took place on Tuesday, Novembei 13th. Deceased was lora iu Germanys and *was amongst the early settlers in B Bice county. Last week Dr. Tennant entered an action against the village of Lucknow for damages. It will be remembered the Dr. stepped on a broken plank and injured his leg, nearly a year ago. It is thought he will be teed for life. -The best protection against fevers, pneumonia, diphtherb,, etc., is in build- ing up the system. with Hood'seSarsa patriliat. Ars the best friend of kidneys needing assistance. Read the proof from a tailor who bas.tried the::t. Mr John Rob, risen, merchant tailor. Durham, Ont., gives his experience as fellows: "I had been ailing with my kidneys for more than a v ear when I commenced taking! Doan's Kidney Pills, which I got at Mc- FarIane's drug store, and,am sincerely glad that I did so, The wrong notion of m c kidneys made me sick all over and caused me much inconvenience and pain. That is now a thing of the past, because Doan's Yele ney P1' t eered me. I have had nc t:c Ie e: • wiee nee' with my kidneys c. e.• cat ei : t. • • • .:+• •te: remarkable pills, and yo" • ire teat I gladly recom- met-• t t: . at ..rens." LAXA-LIVE1 PILLS are the 1 idles' favorite atOieine. They do not pure, gripe, weaken act naturally on the std bowels, curing eonstipatir headache and biliousness. )f Grey, has betas tot S. S. No, s, r at a salary of sicken. '.they ash, liver and dyspepsia, sick Price 25e. Mrs. T. MoGrego , Queen street, Brussels experimented last spring with pea nuts, and plantecl: four. They did fine and as a result 4s. Mac. gather- ed a quart of the mach sought after pea nuts. s's Another of Miato's pioneers has pass- ed away in the person 4 Mrs. John Ful- ton, wife of Mr., John e ulton, Sr., of Harriston, who died in 1 lora on Friday, Nov. 9. Tho deceased*, lady's maiden name was Janet Dixon aid at the time of her death she was aged 74 years. Mary A. O'Connell, Middle Stewiacke, N. S., says: "I have used Laxa-Liver Pills for serious Liver "Complaint and they have done mo a world of good mak- ing me smart and healthy." James Loree, of Fordw;tich,has had his household effects moved;to Mount For- est where Mrs. Loree an son Burt will x131 Tuesd>,y, t),1t. 30t1t, at the resul,'ucxt (it. °apt, I'sl;btzly, fe "ray of Ilstwksbery. Oars, w11^a W. Ii',t!ltt:nl,", elf Hing;:, and Miss Rigby wore married by 1'�ev. J. S. :Full, of 1301.,:'vale, :Hiss Hattie Deeny aesieted the bride while elanluel Nay performed the salve (-tette for the groom.M" 'duel 14Irs. Minutia u. take up their residence ii Kluge, n;Initl the well weds - es of a Bost of :rio"ads.---•1si11;lruey Gehl°. That groo:Ir is It sot of John). Mantling of Norris The finest hotel property iu Brucecounty, the �' eucioylle, nt Teeswater, changed hands Iasi] week. 'rho new proprietor is Mr. Wm. Verson, who re- cently sold his farm ten the 3rd con. of Culross. He will lake possession on Dee. 11th. Mr, Brie'!; and family will 1'eiltaltt with 11111 f91" f 1f10fnG11 ill eviler to initiate Well the 'eatudlord and land- la,clo to the ins =limit of their new position. The price'said for the prop- erty was el2,OU ). The furniture is to he taken ata valu ,tion tine the stock at invoice prices. These pills cure all di ` ses and dis- orders arising from weak 1 art, worn out nerves or watery blood, ei h as Palpita- tion, Skip Beats, Throbbing, Smothering, Dizziness, Weak or Faint Spells, Anaemia, Nervousness, Sleeplessnes , Brain 1'ag, General Debility and Leek f Vitality. They are a true heart tollll[ftfec, nerve food and blood enricher, building up and renewing all the worn ott and wasted tissues of the body and restoring perfeet health. Price 50e. a box, or 3 for $1.25, at all druggists. reside iu future, and e will attend High. Scho will remain in Fordwieh his milling business. Thth±ias Douse, who b turned td, Teeswa,ter fel who was ae thie time in ie very best of health, succten ed to he ravages of typhoid fever'. Monday of last week, at the age of forty -tour years. He leaves a wife and four s all children: as well as an aged. moth " to mourn his loss. DR. WOOD'S ere the latter Mr. Loree ud look after recently re - B. C., and HOS`"I Y PINE SYRDP1' Ansitive cure for all Throat, Lung rand Bronchial diseases. Healing and soothing in its action. Pleas'a*tt to take, prompt and el.ec- tual b its results. t"s•es, Johnson, Rear River. `"'.S., "tvritee: '' 1 st'aaiettottblod v, itlt Ito::st•ness Med I,..4 tltrctt, til ieh than (F.F•:f,r pro. non st•t 11;roPlCili'i0 nd rK""tilrtil Vitii, d me to t °' :!'. 'tYG,ieet Norwev I'ilte';e 11tp. I da: r+,. et:(l after melee, three hue .til 1 Was t•l' 't eet'i.t lr ' r t t .'. i. i fit' m311.041,0 refit. - Mrs. Standish, Ve1i Francis Standish, of tl ross, passed to her iong day, Nov. 8, at the rip of of the late 13th con. Cul- onle on Thurs- ge of 73 years. The funeral took place.%o Smith's ceme- tery, a very large mber of friends paying their last tribute to the departed by their attendance. Catarrh and Colds Relieved in 10 to 60 Minutes:--Oneshortpuffof the breath through the moles supplied with each bottle of )Dr. Agnew's Caterrhal Powder diffuses this powder over the surface of the nasal pass- ages. Painless and delightful to use. It relieves instantly, and permanently cures catarrh, hay fever, colds, headache, tore throat, tonsilitis and deafness. so cents. --41 So'd by A. L. Hamiltozv}. Better withou a stomach than with one that's go •a constant " hurt" to it. Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets stimulate the digestive organs. Let one enjoy the good things of life and leave no bad effects -carry them with you in your vest pocket -6o in box', 35 cents. 48 Sa'el by A.. L. Halltilto','. Mrs. John Reynolds, of Hullett, was very i11 last week, sal muolt so that her friends feared a fatat termination. This veuerable woman May claim tho distinc- tion of being the o lest persalt in the Comity of Huron if of in many adjoin- ing counties. She iSS"now in her • hund- redth year, she says, thougheir. Domin- ick Reynolds, who `s himself eighty- eight, thinks she has 'till more years to her credit. Be tha , as it may, Mrs. Reynolds has contlilued surprisingly bright and active. S1 a has been a resid- ent of Hullett for abo t sixty years but was born in County Sligo, Ireland. Mr. Reynolds cried seventeen years ago. Children 'Cry for AST RI a And'Vat fie iteral to Smite., 31to was telling tales en her brother. who was all extravagant chap when 11e had 'Money, which was only for two or three days each month after he receiv- ed itis allowance. "Bob was sweet 00 a , , "" t „ ( t l give xtssic, she said anti wanted ( her something slice. t.o he went to the florist and ordered 000 dozen A1not'ieau. Beauty rosea to be sent to lice address. They were i5 cents apiece. and that meant J. enough for 1164 to pay, But what does the. foolish fellow do? "Ile sees some p tr;t long stemmed 0005. standing In el rase neer bee and 31e p41('ee those, 'One cdollitr and tt quarter npicee,' bt3'Ii the nano. Rob is fooling very gene'nus that day. Hie bas cies caste in. 'Give meet dozen of those I :stead of the Olean 01105 1 took,' he says and hands over the extra tib. "That night he calls 00 the girl 'to see the effect his preset t has Uncle. She iiosn't received the floaters yet. Tiley come while lie is there. This just sults hen,, because he will ve tulle to see the cxpreesion of astonisikiuent on her face. ;the opens the box, i ex's tholes card anti lifts up the roses With a cry of rap- tare and an 'O11, Mr, \yeutworth, bow sweet of you: Theft 410 looks around evevytvincre for a vaee tall enough. You pee. she l;asu't any or talose that steed on this floor, but onl • an ordleary chrysanthemum jar. be takes that down and measures the (lowers, then she lays tlieul on the table, and with out skillt'ul Weneck of her little pearl handled 'wife 410 chops off half the length of the stents. Bob says it tutn- cc1 hire cold to see e0 go into the'waste- basket like that. We say at holm' It serves him right."e e Mr. end Mrs. John Klein, of Walker- ton, parents of Judge Kleiu,of that town celebrated their golden weddiug on Nov. 5th. Mr. Klein is seventy-five years of age, anti is a most active man for his years. Mrs. Klein is seventy-one and is also possessed of wop:et1derful vitality. Both were born in Germany, but were married in Waterloo beauty, iu 1850.. Mrs. Klein's maiden name was Lang, and the Lange• of Berlin are among that1 town's most useful citizens. A pleasing feature of the golden wedding was the presence of the best man and brides- maid of fifty years ago-Authos Masse and Mrs. Scheinfellf now respectively a widower and a widow. John MoGeo of iulross was fined e5.75 for disturbing a political meeting at Ambleside. Johne took a position at the back of the half and shied small pebbles at the different speakers as they were expounding on ;the merits of their parties. He still thins it was good fun but too expensive. Rev. David Buchanan, who is now a missionary in South America was recent- ly married to a 'Miss 4lcCurdy formerly of Aylmer, who wont to South America some months ago. David's many friends in, Huron County will ')o pleased to hear that lie has secured an efficient assist- ant iu his difficult work, 1s'ritlry, Nov. Oth, 4the widow of the late Sohn N'ortnan, paAsed away at the hotne of her (laughter, Mrs. Oscar Todd, north line, Iliitcardtnc township, in the 84th year of her age. pile was born in Assying, Suthorlatne"$sliire, Scotland, cattle to Canada 41 years ago, and had been 0. resident of Itineardine township for half iti century. 1I;er husband prede- The Govornor"s Wife a Prison.. er.-Mrs. Z. A. VanLuven is the wife of the governor of the" county jail, Napanee, Ont., and was a greatsufferer from rheuma - tism, When the hest.doctors itt the com- munity and " specialists i' failed to help her, she buried her scei)tism of proprietary remedies and purchased South American Rheumatic Cure. 4bottles cured her. -42 Sold by A. L. Herndon, The parsonage oft North street Metho- dist churoh,Goderi Thursday oveuiug, ding of Miss Maly xewart and William Aldous, of Ridgew d Park farm. The ceremony was perfo.ed by Rev. Jaspor Wilson iu the preselee of a few friends of the bride and mom. Miss Hattie Thomson was the bridesmaid and Arch. Stewart, of London, rotifer of the bride discharged the dutis of groomsman. The knot having bebu duly tied, the wedding party adjoi'necl to the ]tome of Geo. Thomson, Elgin avenue, where an excellent repast was served, and aft- er all had spent a pleasant evening the newly -wedded couple drove to their home at the Park. h, was the scene last Nov. 8th, of the wecl- • A Ancient 5untUals. It Is probable tliat the earliest sun- dial was simply the spear of some 110 - lead chief stuck upright In the ground before his tent. eanong those desert wanderers, keen to observe their sur- roundings, it would: not be a difficult tiling to notice tllat',the shadow short- ened as the sun ros higher in the sky and that the shortened shadow alti•ays pointed in the Stl4 direction -north. The recognition would have followed very soon that tide, noonday shadow changed in Its hiegtti, from day to clay. A. six foot spear would give a shadow . et noonday in latitude 40 degrees of 12 feet at one time of the year, of less than two feet at another.. This instrument, so simple, so easily carried, so easily set up, may well leave begun the scientilie study of astrono- my, for it lent itself to measurement, and science is measurement, and prob- ably we see It expressed In permanent fol'ln in the abelislts of Egyptian solar temples. though tiiese no doubt were retained merely as .°solar emblems ages after their use as tactual instruments of observation had er;tsed. An upright stick carefully plumbed standing; on some level surface luny therefore well snake the first advance upon the natu- ral horizon. A knobs at the top of the stick will be found to render the shad - Ow Moro easily obeerved.-E. Walter Maunder in Knowh 1ge. - Cease(] her tolleatrs. :1 y clrardcA btiaranteec8 to euro, ail h i rrr n ~d O r for forma of SexuaneVWorry, essr`gceseiV�tus f obese' � or excess, 1 t 1 Ti,e Pitching of nn Ocean Liner. E. W. Howe, telling in the Atchison Globe of his e,perie�tce during a voy- age across the Athan c ocean, says: "I believe I made a discovery in sea- sickness. One night when the snip was pitching badly I remarked that when there Wes a particularly hard Lunge the setetcs came out of the wa- ter and whirled round so rapidly as to almost ,throw the out of bed. - I Was sleeping with my lnetul forward, and after awhile I discovered that the screws seemed to come out of the wa- ter R hen.the prow was in the air. Tbcn it occurred to me that this was impos- sible. Of course tht screws came out when the stern was in the air. "So my discovery was that In sea- sickness. particulnriil ,when you are to bed ,itt night or Loire your eyes closed, the ship really pitches upward when you think It pitches downward. This confusion way assist In muddling the bra)u and stomach. 1 certainly had this experience all thrbugh one night. When my head seemed in the alr, the screws came out of the water, although my heels were really in the air at the time." • Huron County House of Refuge has no less than 85 instates at the present time and the enlargement of the building now confronts the members of the County Council. Whatever opposition to a public institution of this kind existed has long since passed away, and we are not surprised that instead of compulsion being used, not a few elderly people have urged their claim for admlitauee to the coutfort and care to be found there. The Clinton people and others as well, glee oousiderableattention to many little courtesies that go to brightest up the lives of the massy aged or unfortun- ate who have found their Way to the House of Rofnge. It is a well managed institution, and the only wonder is thitt it was not built years before it was.-- Brtissele Post. '7)f°6' afr6: "Wood's i'hosp1Iddiao1 The dreat Jinthytish lteendu, Sold and reoomntonded by all druggtatR in Oanada. Only reli• able medicine discovered. Six A Child'e Philosophy. It is one of the pilme secrets of hap- piness to recognize and accept one's natural limitations, but philosophy of this kind is perhaps hardly to be ex- pected of children. A little girl had sent back her plate for turkey two or three times and had been helped bountifully to all the good things that go to initke it grand elitist - Inas dinner. I''iniaily she was observed looking rather discostsolatcly at her un- finished pante of turkey. "What's "tile matter. Ethel?" asked Uncle John. "You look mournful." ""]'hat's just the matter." said Ethel. "I am ulut"n fall." Attd then She Wondered why every- body laughed. 1 .irt ter e of Ta- b:loco. opium or Stimulant*, Mailed on .eco p } i of price, onto taaltfige Si, 91x, ib. (1na wfzf tx i lk 1Kxvita sure, Peatiptilets free to en addreRs. a� .J:*•s n 4vivndaor Una. , n Fite.1) N`;',; ,- The wood r ompa Yr i Oat A , r (tl 1 .iF ii: 1 i!'ant::r,,Or 01111 4'1'i(tlrt of the Oat coli lturol letil • t - fl' t u> > Ytk eorK•' :',s,, Kl•:o, , 1 ,t ,"r 1 t"►,t•:.e,t..,• + „ NOV.. `" � 'tau t a aFi'i-Dirt111itlilix+ is s -"id in'4Vi11%ht,tnf ulul 011. attnrda 1`,ov. lOth. Ito was lnl'tt n c . ap1s'ii, A. A Morrows Davie, • �' » A, Ir. k&.tiutton, llruggirho-s. �, - ,'.lc; ,,,,,t, � far nfrpi.�r3i" fifty years a risidt:lit of. Iturolt Ae It Seemed to tier. A little girl who was. In the habit of tearing her dolls to 1110005 to 000 What was inside somett'bat surprised her ,. ;;tnudny school teacher. "What was Adam trade of`e' asked the teacher. "The dust or the eterth," glibly an. sswcrcd the child. "What was nee made of?" ' After a moment's hesitation, "The sawdust of the earth:" Yi,fi1$tlfi4'li:rite:61Y,tii%�dk� Kl+ 1 , , ,, mm��numnnuuuv'uununuMWlu millti um.. '^ yly Dr�i 1 "Teel 1 r u �atio. ooh .. le r . 1l' a- (�i 1' e . �lYi:�c; t3 1' t thel'ood caul egu1a- 1 t!.'tg the Stomachs c ' iDowels of 'Promote s'Diges tion,Cheerful•- ness andRest,Colltains neither Dplum,Morptline nor Mineral. 1Y OT NAB C ceTIIC.. .27411704( ,Z...,t J.'M::'f Sceei' dfilarunn+ ilarlarlo.S a. Anise & &i « . lJlCr<ntcn Jx'c,+ Man Sm. rt Prick (1 Jirgar .. ,; ttoryrrce. nom Aperfect Remedy for Constipa- tion., Sour Stolltacil,Dierrhoea, Worrms,Convulsions,FeveriSll- t"SCSs wird L Cts s OF SLEEP. sac Simile Signature of 4fcff,/,1",;/ "rr2. WEW YORK. g;77 yr 6.3 •w THAT T U f , ••Y S i �r 1 ,ter- IS ON THE v 011EVrb' BOTTLE OI EXACT COPY OF VIRAPPG11. t)s77liisENflgr • ltMr'i , ASI t. lei f f11 Ontario, is put up in oro -Diose bottles only, 14 is not sold in balk, Don't allow anya o to ean you anything oho on tho piea cr promise dash ;t is "jtet os goods' and "w:it. ent::ver every 1''r peso," .55 lice that you got 0 -4. -e -T -O.1 •i-.`.., . Ina fee see:re:en signature ,...a,„..., ' 6 ,,,z tvc '1 of/d+y,� avec ^. ii;t'wl�rl 1.74941V-:slar No other disear a so prevalent among men as Varicocele. As it interferes with the nutrition of th ' exuul organs it produces emissions. loss of semen throughthe urine, decay of the rgans, pains in the loins, aching in the back, nervousness, des. pondeticy, bashful' ''a, palpitation of the heart, constipation, and a comb.nation t: these results i„ con lete Lows of Manhood. Thousands of young a,t' middle- aged men are trou d with Stricture. If you have reason to believes ,at are affi,cted with it, d • ,t neglect it. It will ruin you. Don't let doctors exp.ri aunt on you by cutting ttetching or tearing it. Our Piave Method TreFat>tasernt dissolves the stric tissue hence it disappears and can never return W ,.ere Varicocele and Strt 're without operation or loss of time. The trcetmen ma•• be taken at home privately. Send for our Free Illustrated Book on Varicocele, Stricture and Gi et. Wc,guaretateo to Cure or No Pay. Aida t, ws All sexual complaints affect these organs, hence the kidneys are a great source of disease. Have you aching or weakness over the small of the back, tendency to urinate frequently, deposit in urine, coldness of hands or feet, a drowsy feeling in the morning. 17btt't neglect your kidneys. Our New Method Treats cot is guaranteed t,ure• any disease of these organ or no pay. .P!? -No Names Used Without Written Consent. O. W. Rowe, of Jackson, Mich., says: -I had varicocele in the secondary stage and two strictures of 8 years standing. I was operated on twice, undergoing great suffering, but only got temporary relief. I was finally advised to try the New Method Treatment of Drs. K. & A. The enlarged veins disappeared its sir. weeks, the stricture tissue was removed in a . eight weeks and my sexual energy and vitality r returned so 1 was a man in every respect. I recommend you doctors with my whole heart." CURES GUARANTEED. NO CURE NO PAY. t_fter Treatment. We treat and c re Nervous Debility. Lost Manhood, Varicocele, Stricture, Syph- ilis, Gleet, Weak 'arts, Gonorrhoea and Unnatural Discharges. Consultation i"ree. Books Free. Write for Question List for Home Treatment. Drs. Kenn l y & Kergen, K Agents, a shy Don't You Send for a • : ree Frescoes At"reete Avalanches. Thickly planted trees are the best protection ltgaiest nralencllea. The snow which lens fallen in 1:11e woods; cannot well shift its piece, and when the mosses of snow from the slopes :tbove dash against the timber they are unable to break through so strong 1t barrier, and after overturning some of the first trees their progress Is arrested., - Iabrest Lcfvea. of CANA:DA':s 4,ONS ON KOPJI AND VELDT DT ? It is the latest book out. At agent just reports 51 sales in 8 days, another 26 in 4 days. ig Book, sumptuously illustrated, and is so e cheap it :s lloi sight. 5 Send for a FREE PROSPECTUS before you sleep, and make money easy and quick. ;Tile BRADLEY-RARRETSl1 CO., &lied, BRANTFORD, ONT. "tIRMOUR PROOF" RUBBERS li C.R.CO."_RUDDERS With the "Armour Proof" Brand are the strongest heavy "Double Duk:" rubbers. They wear best because made of purest. rubber, and more it than in any other heavy rubber. Extra heavy, re.altap soles- pure rubber. They Stand the Wear See that the rubbers you buy have the "Armour Proof"' brand On the side, like the cut. Sold at all dealers'. Ma by the oldest tout best Bubb _ Company its Canada I "rho anadian Rubber Co. TORONTO, MONTRtAL, WINNIPI C. 1 Nk; e