The Lucknow Sentinel, 1939-12-28, Page 4.IREA$r 'IN ASHFIELDY
A dispatch' from Dungannon,. reads
ins.: follows;;
•' "Is one of the • Federal. , Govern;
i mznt's air training bases to be , lo -
sated : in Ashfield ' Township, ; Hump
County, near the village of Dung,.
"That's ' the . question residents of
that ,community are asking. end it
is ♦the ' subject 'for conversation in,
view of the fact that all. week,- a
group of young surveyors, .presum-
ably Working ,'for the Dominion Go'v-
eminent are Making a complete sur.-
vey of a group, of farm .properties,.
just .south of the f north ,concession
of Ashfield'd and serine five miles 'west
af. Dungannon.. . .
"It is said the surveyors:represent
flaraing Canadian Fovangelist,.' who
• wilt conduct a special baCic-to7the-
Bible campaign in the, Pentecostal
On Thursday evening, S, S. No.
9, .pinderthe direction of their teacher
Miss M Yuilt presented their Christ-
-vias entertainment of dialogues, re-
citations, drills, pantomines and songs
by :Yvonne, Patsy, Verne, Miles Mar-
Millah, • Raymond Laidlaw, Harold
Gaunt, Betty Miller, Dorothy McIn-
tosh, Marlo, Earl and Clarence Crow -
Ston. Mit. George Fisher entertained
with readings, 'A° one -act comedy --In
May .with June, was 'presented hr
Mrs, T. Gaunt, Miss Yuill, Eunice
and . Fraser Purvis, !Mr: and Mrs.
Wesley : Tiffin, Crharlie Moore, Clif-
ford and Robert Lardlaiwt. After the,
program Santa !.Claus arrived and dis-
tributed presents., candy ,and oranges.
Mr and • Mrs. 'J. B. Morrison re
the Royal. Canadian. Air •.Force, and ceived word last,wweek that Mrs. Edna
that they are.'rsaking .* ..survey of Forsythe. bad been taken .",to Toronto
approximately 1,000, acres •' of , land, hospital for 'an ,operation We '.hope
whish may -be utilized as an • airport for a speedy recovery.
-Christmas Day . guests Mr . and
Mrs Victor Emmerson with ,Mrs A.
Emmerson • of West Wawanosfi; Mr..
and' Mrs. R. Tiffin, .Charlie and Fred
with Mr. and Mrs. Russel Ritchie, '8t1r
Con.; Mr. and Mrs., John Richardson,
Grace, 'Jim - and •'Bob with. •Mr.'' and
Mrs. George Harkness; Mr. and Mrs.
J. B. ' Morrison,' Jack, Mrs. Norma
Taylor and Eleanor and Jim Morrison
of Listowel with 'Mr. and, Mrs., Tom•'
Morrison,Whitechurch; Mr. and Mrs
W. J..Brown,'Ardyss and, Gertie with
large Mr. and 'Mrs. Bell. of near• Pine River;,
err . ' : oral M!?s: Garden--S''cott-of-Ripley
Mr. •and Mrs. 'Earl. Caslick and'fain-
ily'with .Mr. and. Mrs. T, Hill.; Mr. &
Mrs. Orville Tiffin, Joe and Dan, Mr.
and Mrs. J: Tiffin, .Mr: and Mrs. Wm:
Dawson, ,M. r. and . Mrs.. George ' Tif-
fin ' and' .�an Tri n t..o i "s".n h. Mr. ;snd
Mrs, Wesley TiffTin; Mr., and Mrs El-.
wood Barbo! ; Kenneth, Isobel•, Ifelen
and' Allan of ;Fordyce, , Mrs. Taylor
and Charlie with Mr. and Mrs. Henb
Pettypiece;, Mr..and Mrs. Stuart Scott
and family,' :Mr,. and Mrs:, Hardy
Simpson, 'Kathleen; •Jean,. Connie,.
Roberta of Culross, Mr. and
'Harold` Johnson' and little son:' Robert
of .Lucknowl Mr.' and Mrs., .Sam •H:ut-
chison of. Whigham .; with Mr. and
Mrs.. Wm. ''Conn; Mr. and Mrs. ` Perry
Pennington and family of Culross;
with Mr. Wendel` Taylor.
Mr. and . Mrs. John. Johnson ; and
family 'of near Wingham .:spent Sun-
day with DIr. and Mrs., Win.. Conn.
• (Intended. For Last W'eek),
•On' Tuesday' evening: of last week,
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Young, young
newlyweds, were presented in the For_
rester's Hall, Langside: •The following
address was read' Eby Mr. John Mc-
Innes and Mr. •Leonard. Conley ,pees-
The Y; P. Meeting was held On
Tuesday evening in the leeture room
of the church,: with several Of the
holiday vititors taking pert. After
• singing hymn 74- Dr. Little 'led in
ra er. The Scriptnre lesson was read
of the Iast meeting were read and'
sillopted, :and the offering was re-
. Douglas; Pegglj, Marion ane'1
Helen MaiDeriald send a, quartette,
and a retrospect of Christmas :giVa,
'',given by Mr. John. D. Ross after-;,
;which Mary 'Douglas 'sang o solo.
Miss Deem MacLeod gave a ' read-
ing and the' . Bible Study, a_ further
study of the PrOphet Amos, Was. talcs
ea bY Mr. Ste -Wart Robertson. Kath-
erine and 'Frank MacKedzie -played
-a Piano duet. After singing hymn 765
a topic an Christmas legends Writ4
en by Mr. Edwin Sinith. This Was fol-
lowed by ari instrumental by Mr.••
MacMorran. -The topic on the
and work of Dr, Andrew, S. Grant,
the great worker of. the •Yukon, was
/Very ably taken by Mrs. (Dr.) Little.
OW which Mr. MaeDonald made a
few goniments . on this great Mini -
'sta.'s work. After singing, hymn 697,
Cameron MacDonald closed the meet -
big with Prayer-
At. a slimly attended nomination' :
meeting here lapt Friday, thirty nam•
inees 'were named • for the' :various
municipal elective offices, village and
school affairs were reviewed and in
conclusion some une'[p.'eeted • develop-
inents :occurred when the acting
Board ' was critised by two fi�x,-reeves
for' inefficiency, and, tack of action
i i respect to• certain utilities, culmin-
�ating'in "the t o speakers intimating
they wetild again be in the field, •
'In reviewing :the ,year ,Ree4e N E:
Bushell, the first speaker dealt prin-
cipally .w itlj •county ♦natters, pointing
out -that t'he ceunty rate .was. the i+ow-
est in . twenty-two years ;
The • county :':has ,242 miles bf r` Dads,
61 .miles of which is• paved,' Mr. Bush ,
ell pointed .out, , and 45 mites , of snow;
fence, He .stated. he had put .a• 4m9t-
ion through to have t'he Lticknow ' tri
Ki�yloss "road retreaded. The House 'of
Refuge . and. reforestation !work' were
other subjects touched' on. •
.•Mr. Bushell explained..that on three,
occasions he, had endeavoured' to, have•.
work on hydro lines commence under
the supervision° of 'Herb. 'Campbell
of - Windham.' The ' materiaal for. 'this
work is o`n hand bat near the Christ-
nnas season, to proceed with .the work
would♦ have . been an unnecessary in-
convenience to many, ,and it .was 'de-
ferred to the first of the, year.
Mr. 'Bushell stated his' intention tc
v, n -for--another4-ear,' '..
• Cou icilior J. C. Mt,°Nab, c'hairmar,
of the .•finance committee reviewed
the 'financial position • of the town•
which • he stated was !Very .sound in
all departments • ' •
• reiterated Mr Bushell's re
marks : that arrangements . had been.
made three months .ago' 'to , carry, out
hydro'line, replacements. , .
Mr. M*Nab dealt chiefly .iwith 'the
debenture; debt of the , village,• showI�-
ing that commencing 'this year . s �V-
eral debentures 'will ;be retired -i b .
1942. Ti .. school debentures are, com-
pleted this year. Hydro and Camp-
beil street pavement debenture's lire
retired in' -1941 and the, sidewa ks.
debentures hi 1942. '
Summing ' up the debenture. debt .
apart from the Waterworks System'
Mr. McNab quoted figures revealing
that after 1942 the .total indebtedness
will be $12,8211
Apart from school rates 'the re-
tiring of these •delbentures ' will equal
a reduction of about ; 4' mills,' The
hydro debenture• retirement does not.
affect th,•'rate. •Nekt year the schoo'
debenture rate,will:�be.:down 2% mills.
considering in all eases, of . course
that further large. expenditures arc
not necessary, said Mr. McTab..
Councillor:.Her'beet McQuillin dealt
briefly with . road . ,natters; :of which;
committee he is chairman. He pointed
eut that road expenditures for the
,current year' were` less than' half of
the previous year's expenditures. We
did what . we could on. `the roads, - but
did. not have tea mum money' tc
spend.: .
-Cattcillor ' Harold Treleaven re•
viewed' the Waterworks System, stat-
'Ing� With ' 1.06 !consumers, about '8
years ago, there Were now 229 reg-
ular consumers and 11 summer users
Ten new consumers have been adder•
during the year, and revenue totalled'
about $2,500. r
' The System is now building up r
yearly surplus of about $900, with r
total reserve -• at present of . about
$3,300.; tip until 1935 the • System
showed but little surplus, but sine
then it has continued to mount. He
stated his intention to st'and..
Councillor F.. M. Paterson, who has
not 'been enjoying good health, war
not, present, and'has withdrawn'from
School Affairs -
Mr. Hugh McIntosh, 'chairman of
Phe School Board during the current
Perm, Dr. W. 'V. Johnston and Rev
r. ' H. MacDonald '. spoke on • ,schen'
matters. They ,were the three, retic
ing members, .and with the exception
of .Mr. Nidlntpsh are in, the field fm
re-election. •
Mr. McIntosh touched 'on• the re
duction in 'the •school rate• this year'
which is' •the lowest' it has been sine
he came to town, 'she said. The re
tiring of the school debenture rep
resents about 21Fi mills, but tjie Coun
ty of Huron, which' pays a largt,
share, `will ire' relieved in this 'connec-
tion, so 'that, a reduction in the rate
to that extent cannot. he ex;iected.
Dr. W. 'V. Jo nston etred tv Llt
examination of all public, school child
ren. He ,stated.' that the • Board wwe;
supplying milk at the school' for sonn, -
In connection w th the exarn1inatror
88 per cent. of the pupils had song
form of ''te'ebh •defects;, Some defect
were in the first teeth 'of yo0nge•
children, but _here were anlarifir
and training centre for 'British Em-
pire flyers. Eiverything is being done
secretly and no definite infeirmation
iS forthcoming from any sourees a-
round Dungannon.
' "One report 'had it that this -tract
.xf land had been photagraphed from
the air Some time ago by the R. C.
A. F. In the meantiMe, Officials of
Sky • Harbor, the airport located juit
north of Goderich and Huron County
Officials are awaiting the findings of
a group of inspectors ,from OttaWa
made a Visit to the
arm airp
"The -area over.Which the surveyors.
'hove been going this week includes
quita nuiWber of, farms,, 1,000
acres are -said' to be, required tor 'a
proper training eeitre, which might
handle the big air 'bombers- each dr.,Y;°'
My Wife is, without * questien,
Whenever we ride 'she sits by' my
And directs me through traffics con -
"Look out! Straigtht ahead is a lake,
Go slow! Have a care You ve stalled
"I knew You would make a nistitltes
She tells me of .motori behind me.
And headlights approaehing.thatAtlind
I , say„ "Oh, ihut up! Who's driving
_ tea. .._....
Visitors .for thehi stmas week-
end 1neiui ed .Mans T rine Mjler,
student nutse at. the Stratford Gen-,
prat .Hospital with Mr. and Mrs. W
A Miller; Mr. Robert McQuillin .: of
Sudbury and Mr. •+Charles• McQusllin
of Ildeerton .at their' hone here� Gnr.
Harry aad Mrs. Middleton of ,Lsto-
wel with Mr. and Mrs. John Swan;
M r, Neely►. Todd of Stratford with
Mr. and. Mrs, D. Todd; `Mr and Mr.s.
Campbell Thompson and Donald and'
Miss .' Kathleen Thi of Lucknow
with 1Mr and Mrs. E. J. Thom. f
Mr. and Mrs. ,Wilson Woeds ',o
Dundas were ,recent visitors with
friends. here k
, Mrst ' D..J Mc ntosh of Vineland
is Speniingg- the .;weed end with her,
parents, Mr ; and Mrs' D. Todd; •.
The folidwing • are .among those
who are home•'or the,Chrietmas week
.Miss Helen Thom, '4:111 „ ,of Peter-
boro; Miss.. Jean Thom, student nurse.'
at the Mothereraft Hospital; Toronto'•
;Miss . Norma Weatherhead from the.
Stratford Normal; ,•Miss W'..' D. Ruth-
erford of Kirkland Lake; • Miss Irene
Woods. of• Waterloo.;
Commencing next Sunday?sthe Sun-
day School • will •meet at 10.:30' a m.
with. the church service _at ' 11:15
sharp; .
School will • reopen after • the vaca-
tion on Wednesday,' ' January 3rd..
There was a good attendance at
the meeting. of ` the Y. P. U. on Sun-
day evening. Dorothy Miller. read: the
Srriuturw lesson and Stanley .Todd
the • ,.topic "Christ in s in• .1939"
istmas songs' were sung by Marie
Dorothy Swan and'by a quartette
posed of Mics' Winnie . Barnard;
and .Mrs..E. W. Rice and 'Gordon
r. and Mrs.. • J. D. Anderson left
Friday w spend Christmas with
ir`' daughter, Mrs. Wm. Blue `, and
Blue at' Detroit.
he annual School,Concert was held.
the 'Community Hall with a large
f dance: Mr. Ewart . McPherson, a
stee, was chairman for the part-
larly . fine ' program arranged' by
`teachers, Mr.. Tom Wilson and
ss Beatrice McQuillin, with Miss
ggy MacDonald, music instruct-
s as pianist.' Miss ,MacDonald. also
ovided• piano nfrisic between ;the
rious numbers which• included- chor-
s, *drills, folk dances, motion sonde,
logues, 'a solo- by Yvonne Magof-
the'. Irish jig •1 by Wilma Gaynor,
e sword dance by; . Florence and
argaret . McPherson; the' Highland
ng by Wilma: and Theresa Gaynor.
the conclusion Santa. Claus •ap-
ared and • distributed gifts' from
e well' laden . tree.: •
Mrs. McFarlane of Jamestown
s a visitor with her daughter•, Mrs
rdon McPherson, and': Mr.t McPher-
n. . , •
The January.meeting of the- Wo -
en's Institute will be held in the
ommunity Hall on Thursday; Jan-•
ry 4th at'2:30. This' will be Grand -
other's' Day and the ' subject wit
in charge of Mrs. E. J. Thom •and'
rs. P. G. Todd. Roll',call=Something
y "Grandmother told • • me. Program
inmittee=Mrs. Lorne Woods and.
rs. Ball. Hostesses—Mrs. Tom Todd.
rs. W. I. Miller, Mrs. Buchannan_
,here. will be a contest on home-made
andy and all the ladies are invited
enter it.
Don't forget , the "At Home" under
he auspices of the Women's Insti-
ute in the Community Hall on Fri -
ay night.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas England and
oys of Galt,' Mr. and Mrs. Joe' Eng -
and of Lucknow and Mr. and Mrs.
-Tarry Middleton of Listowel were
hristmas visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
"Pa, why do they throw shoes
bridegrooms?" '
Mr. Nat Thompson who is training
at Stratford spent . the week -end ot
Mrs. Sames MacDonald - and he!,
daughter-in-law MM. MacDonald to('
Sunday afternoon.
Mx. and Mrs. Joe Tiffin ;spent
'Christmas with their • son Mr Wes.
-But never have known , her to mind
Day 14, 4 gets steadily-worsei- ented the gift,
With her mments so needleilrand
Till I ftilly expect, when she's dead
The man at the wheel of the hearse!
acre farm. Appty at Sentinel iOffice. 150 and SO0 lbs. Narran °Tonne;
1; Luelmoir.'Phone 12 on 64.
Mr., Jack Pollock of Woodstock
spent the week7end with Itev.;,and
Mrs. Pollock: .
Mr, and Mra. ,C.Ox spent Christ-
mas with !her brother, Mr. Nelson Pat-
erson at Auburn. .
Mr. and. Mrs.. Duncan Kennedy o'
Windham, Mr. and, Mrs. Harri Tich-
borne of Ooderich, Mi. and ,Mrs.
Lorne Durnin and two children Of Stt
lietents d Mr. 'and Mrs, George
Kdnnedy rind little son spent :Christ.
mai at the hoMe of their mother Mrs.
David Kennedy. Mr. and. Mrs. John
Reid of kdburn alio spent Christmas
with their aunt Mrs. :David Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. Tobia Jantzi of Mil-.
*erten spent Christmas at *the home
of her brother Mr. George Fisher.
Miss Afinie Kennedy returned to Mil-
verton with them for a short • visit
kr. and Mrs. George Fisher and
family spent Sunday at the home of
her Wither, Mrs: Carruthers.
of near London apent Christmas with
Mr. and Mrs. George Fisher. Mr,
John Carruthers and (Mr. David bar-
' ratters else spent Christmas at the
hoine of Mr. Fisher.
Mr. Douglas ,MacDo'nald of Luck -i
now took the serviees in the tihree
churches for Mi. Pollock who We are
sorry to report i.xitts not Very well
We hope he will be better soon.
Mr. and. Mrs. George Garton and
family spent Christmas with her mo-
ther at Listowel.
Mr. and: Mrs: Ab • Coultes spent
Christmas at Paisley with her mother
Mrs. Carey.
All the' Laidlaw relatives spent
• Christmas at "the home of Mr. and
Mrs. James Falconer.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim McInnes and
Happy. New Year
Ackert of Brantford with idrs. Ack-
ert and brother Jack; Mr. Wilfred
Murray of Sudbury 'with ,and
Mrs. aide'. blarray; Mies Agnes
Murray of Sarnia with her mother,
Mrs Peter Murray; Miss Joan Mc-
Kinnon of Toronto with Mr. and. Mrs.
Arthie .MacKinnon; Mr. Merle Jelin-
ston with Mr. and' Mrs. Peter John-
ston Of .Lueltnow; Mr. and Mrs: Jas.
Valad and Eileen with Mr. and Mrs.
Nicholas O'Hagon, Riversdale; Miss
Mary Irwin with Mr. and Mrs. Irwin
2nd 'Concession; Mr.. and krs. Chas.
Shields and family. of Windham with
Mr. and, Mrs. Charles Coegrain; Mr.
Oscar Kieffer 41, Formosa with kiss
Annie Marie Cerridan. '
Mr. Norman Ross left for Sud-
bury to spend the Chriatmas holidays
with Mr. and Mrs. Will Brewer.
Mr. and Mrs. 3Ohn' Colwell and -
Currie, Mr. and Mrs. George Colwell
and family with Mr. and Mrs. Don-
, Mr' . Angus Macintosh and Mar -
keret MAIntosh with Mr. and Mrs.
To Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Young:
Dear Wes and Ednart •
• We,' your friends and neighbodrs,
have gathered here this evening as(
we felt me 'could not• let this haPPll
occasion of yaur marriage pass with -
oat showing our appreciatien and -to
you, Wea., having ,been raised. in this
community, we have always found you
to be; a dotal neighboui and friend to
everyone.. •
And Edna, since our acquaintance,
you have taken an active part in the
community affaira. We are glad that
you have chosen to make your home
in our midst where We are sure that
you will receive a cordial welcome.
Mr. and Mrs. George White • and
family,. Belo -rave, Mr. a „: Mrs.. Mike.
Gamble with Mr. and ;' Thomas
White. .
Mr. Hugh MacKenzie, Sudbury,
Miss Jean MacXesszie., Toronto, Mr.
Wilbert Walden of Kitchener with
Ms ander Mrs Wren. MacKenzie.
Tlie Christmas ,Tree was well at-
, tended last 'Wednesday evening.
Much creditis due Mr. Campbell.
C.ongratiulations to Mr, and Mrs.
Ivan l?ollock _(nee Alice Wall). who
were married• on 'Christmas day.
Miss Httlen O'Hagan, student. nurse
of St. Joseph's, Hospital, Guelph, Miss
Kay Thom, Mr. Stuart Collyer „Of
-Life avtwtre,.. viettors With Mies
ileen.' a , , ue=
A number from here attended niid-
night mass at Teeswater and Rivers-
We ate pleased to report Mr. Al.
phonse Murray . to be able to , be up
dgain after• being confined to his
bed with an attack of pneuttenia.
So we ask you -to accept this money
as a' small token of our esteem and
as • Yon use it, we hope it will a
remembrance Of the p,e6ple ';:who have
gathered here tonight. •
Signed on behalf of your friends
and neighbors,
Pave Moffat, Len ConleY, Bill Henry,
Ira Wall, John McInnes.
, Mr. Young, on ibehalf of himself
and his wife thanked all' for their
lovely difein a few !well ehoson words
and invited, th'em to visit them in
their home. All joined in singing •`‘For
They are Jolly Good Fellciws". Then
dancing was- resumed for the re-
mainder of the evening.
ter 'Mia. George MeXagoe, Tees -
Mr. arid 'Mrs. Ezra Wellwoodenter-
' ed a number of their friends on
borne' wfth them
Sciatiek Lumbago? Rumacaps, Two -
Way Actign quickly xelieves POP'
While attacking the cause..., McKIM'S
PROPEnry Fon, $.4.16E-,40.abres Of
nort of ,p.N.n. station, known as the
Gilli s property. Apply to Wni. Meer
Kenzie, Lneknow.1
FOB- SALE—GOO& 'comfortable home,
good barn and garage, 2 lots.- Suitable
for retired farmer or trncker. Prop-
erty can he inspected at any time. Ap-
We lariail 15' congratulate our teach -
splendid concert, which theY pres-
ented on Thursday afternoon at which
the 'section was well repreiented.
holiday with her Parents; Mr. and
Miss Joan MacKinnon of Toronte
is speeding the holidays with her
parents Mr. and Mrs. Archie Macitiii
Miss Margaret Moffat is spertdinr
the holiditys• With her parents, Mr
and Gertie_spent the holiday With the
The party removing a ladder froM
the Fire Company's ladder -wagon in
Austin Soitmon,1 Chi .4.
A HappY and Prosperous New year,
. "Mr; and Mrs.. Palmer Kilpatrick
of TOronto are 'home for the Chrikt-
.Mr. and Mrs. !Charles Pearce of
Holinesville are ;spending this week
with Mr. and 1Virs, Thos. Anderson.
Normal i§ spending the holidays with
her Parents Mr. arid Mrs. WallaCe
Mr. and Mira. Cecil Johnston spent
Christmas day with.the latter's par-
ents, Mr. end Mrs. -.George
Then. 1464 ,
Mr. and -Mrs. F. G. llifoffat and
-family sprent the holiday !with Mr.
and Mt& 3. W. Ross Of Teeswater.
Mr. and Mrs.' J'allnes DOnaldson end
Charlie and Mr. Alex MacKenzie
spent the holiday with hir..and.Mie.
Pariah MOffat.
Miss Grace • Blake of Dru
bome for the vieation:
The !Moils and their tee , Miss
3ean McMillan, held an enjoyable
Christinat Concert at • the School
Miss 1VigorY Horton of Arthur is
sPending this week at her...home,'
. More Service
"Don't you think our waitress is
"Maybe, but wish site was a little
more fetching."
Happy New 'Year TO
. Mr. George' 13ullen of :Montreal
spent Christina§ at his borne bets.
, Mr. .Allan :flitut and kr, David
Cawan ' are home after sailing the •
Lakes for the brit seasen.
The Pupils of the different sehooli
are enjoying, the holidays after • a
very, strenuous week with their, Pub-
lic school coneerts and aim> the
Christmas seiVice in the ChM -ch.!
The Young People's SoCiety, cif the
Presbyterian Church met on Sunday,
.eVening and had es their vests the
Miss Betty .Bissett, nrirse4n-train-
eral days it .her hoine here.
The annual !Christmas dance Was
LmocalteaK1s00%Iliet11. 0
Plied the muaie. The weather weS per-
fect, the 'roads gOcid and a large
The Sunday School Christmas con-; Crowd ill went to make , up a very
pert was held in the Hell last Fri- pieasant eVening: •
day evening...The schoel children took Mr. end Mrs. Donald Martin of
charge of the first Pelt of the 'pro-, London. spent the 'holiday !with :Mr.
gramnie. Numbers were alsO given and Mrs. b. A. lMaettiin and family.
by the -Belfast School children.' .All
of which was enjo,yed and much an:-
preciated by the -Committee. A num-
ber. of the yothig people presented 0
short • dialogue ";Bargain •Day at
131tionisteinrs". We were sorry Mx.
Godfrey Hall was -unirble to be 'with'
us. But though unable to be pre-
sent 'he didn't forget the children and
sent along his: annual treat, a large
basket .of .oranges. Something the
children have enjoyed. and heartily
appreciated for a good many years.
We all join in, Wishing Mr. -Hall a •
Merchandise veined at between
$1,6,00 and $2;000 was stolen front
King's store, Windham early Friday
morning. Seventy-five, suits two over-
ceats •and at least seventy-five of the
best dresSei in the store were inelud:
ed loot.'
BY way ,of a back .store.rooln rad,
the thieves gained ,entranee to the
building ,by forcing a • second storey
The is 'covered by theft insur-
ance., in 1925 this store was robbed
of a Somewhat simillar amount . of
merchandise, which at that time was
not ,insured.
Coelting Teacher: Now, students.
„Movie -sten Sue: A, marshmaliow in
very Happy New Year,
Mr. and Mrs. Finlay Shackleton
and ehildren of Mount Forest, Mr. &
Mrs. Walter Scott and little son of
Beigrave' were Christmas visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Shackle-
Church Service, will be held next
Sunday December 31st at 3:30 p.m.
It has,been decided to hold it ot this
hour every second Sunday for the
winter months. 'On these Sundays,
SundaY ,Seheol will be at 2 o'clock.
the advantages offered by the High, ,
School for finishing one's education.
R.V1 4.4y
some cases; Ile stated his intend&
of ,propoaing to the School Board the
they look -after dental care. There i•
a field for- thii work and the Pray
inte Will pay 30 per cent. et. th(
Rev. MatDonald dealt ehieflY with
those who thought the cost would be,
tremen'dons, but we find the seitool,
rate now '5 Milli lower than when it
became A High School, he .stated. Mr.
MacDonald said he Was heartily in
regard 'to dental work.
If you want a prompt,
, like adminiseration of
your estate, name as
une Detector" Earns $100 and Watch.
TM'S photograph shows Miss
Lexie urover, Glenavon, .Sask.
(inset), listening at the vvestern
end of a long distanee telephone
The Band of" the Canadian
Grenadier:Guards was playing its
"Mystery Tune—and Miss Glover
had. the opportunity to narrie it,
pronounced emphatically atter the
first few liars. "Rightl": said Jerry
an. young Miss GloVer. just turn.
ectpient of , 100.00 in cash and'a
valuable watch. .
Two !Mildred Glenavoit citizens
gathered at the Town Hill to wit -
nets the "Tune Detecting" — a
weekly feature •of Rabin 1100d
Vlcnir's big Thursday night radio.
program "On Parade.°