HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-11-23, Page 1VOL, XXVI , NO, 1492, 1 THIS WEEK It Se s for the 'purchase of fall and Minter Suits is at hand, We have a magnificent range of Tweeds, 'Worsteds, etc., I1n- ported and Canadian goods from the best makers. Please do us a favor by' looking through our stock. Do You Want an Overcoat P or fall or winter Suit. If so, J. J. Hornuth & Sons is THE Place where Quality, Price . and satisfaction can be found combined within reach of all. Boots and Shoes In this line our stock is large, well -assorted, and com- prised of goods from the best makers. Our prices touch rock -bottom. , Call 'and inspect our goods: Ho WE SELL CHEAP. n uth � WO open some very pretty lines of Bohemian Glass, Salad d Bowis and FruitEaskets Also a flue range of the most BEAUTIFUL VASES ever displayed in Wingham. These lines are directly imported from Europe and aro, strictly up-to-date. N. A. FARQUHARSOWS (The China House) 4y eedreaaael GENERAL LOCAL NEWS. . See Halsey Park's advertisement. Dr. Butler, of London, saell be at the Queen's Hotel, Wingliann, on the first Friday of each month from 11.80 a. m. till 8 o'clock p. m,, ' for consultation in diseases of the eye, ear nose and throat. PROPERTY TRANShR. This week Wm. Nicholson sol ` his fine dwelling house and to onTx • cos street to T. C. Graham: Mr,'G + ham is to get pos- session os- 1• i T ses i u n � Ont d so a om he g s a bgod property at a reasr able p i ,r . OLD H.ESIDENTS '' ATH. as. MoEay, au old and respec, resident .of Turn - berry died at the e of his so>ian-la Alex Kelly, on \' ednesclay of this w t. Deceased was ' • ' has 85th year. he funeral takes p i this (Friday) after- noon at 2.80 o'cl ale for the-Wingham• cemetery. Servant girrwanted, Apply to.Mrs; F. Macdonald, Cent' - street. TALK ON Squall weather no doubt pre hearing C. D. McLa member of the first t give his talk in the Monday evening. for upwards of an ho gave his hearers an i h soldier's life in So Marriage I,icensos Losr.—On Jose.'pin weeks ago, a paiif of issued s1 ;Pnaavx PMMEusoN, No. 23 victoria spectacles. rinder str eti•Wiiigham, Ont, No witnessesrequired. 1 leaving them at the IT•,PAYS. TO ATTEND Central Business College Ont. r.,1,1- Stratford,r Otr graduatestget choice' positions with hl the best business firms, Auld many are fr�,^� placedas teachers in other Business Col- ffri J, leges. Some of our recent'graduates:— L W. R. Crone, teacher, Bider Business L's College, Trenton, N. J. Pw. M1 •h i Metropolitana - W. B: Brown, 'toac a ,,. Business College, Ottawa, Ont. ,J. ft, E. Gillespie, teacher, Bay City Busi- j new College, Bay City, Mich. W.J. Brownell, teacher Detroit Busi- ness University Detroit, Mich, G. A. Stone, teacher, Curtiss Business College, Minneapolis, Minn. fi When our graduates occupy positions like the above it is positive proof that our work is of the highest grotto. Many pdsi- ear as we ta na to send, of this kind had to go unfilled this Nr aySedbeautiful at log o. i tr' W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal, pn „- rp,' 5 fir" `,1.11- ar far a_ la � a.. � ents pays for the TIMES till ,Tantlary 1st, 1901, 70 Cents pays for the Tx .n s and To- ronto Daily Star till Jan, 1st, IBM. All who sub- scribe for the Star get a handsome picture of the Queen and Prince of Wales, . Leave your ordere early at the Trus office. A NEW PREss.— raioA,—The wet. ented many front en., 'of Loudon, a naciian' eoutingent :thodist church on r. McLaren spoke ran ' d a halfand terestang review of la Africa. re street about two ady's gold rimmed viii be rewarded by est office. to Trues job print- ing department has been turning out large quantities of rioted matter for some weeks past. + i order to keep up with the orders in t ` s department, we have this week .' t in a new Gordon press and other aterial. With our new facilities we w 11 be better prepared to fill orders more romptly. When in need of anything i • the printing line we would bo pleased to ave yon give us a call. We have a rge stock of bill heads,letter heads,n to heads,envelopes, etc,, and you will cl our prices will compare favorably ev th those of the pity printers, We Can p nt anything from a large poster to t i : smallest visiting Cafd. FOR SALE.—A nu a berof Brown Leg- horn hens and roosters; Light Brahma hens and roosters and four good Barred Plymouth Rock roosters. Apply at Tams office. , - DBTOFA H STUART, T W. U 1.It , rte announcement of th'death of W. O. Stuart came as a s prise to many of our oitizens on Thur: ay morning. Mr. Stuart had been abate town as usual all i day Tuesday and app redto be in his usual good health. a was taken ill on Wednesday morning d never left his bed and died. ort W i dnesday evening. Deceased has been a esident of Wing - hare for many years nd was a amen of ma:iy good qualities ale taught school in his early days anlatter was engaged in the the timber bu.ine , but for the last few years kept o for a' number our business men. a was a man of of u Is good education and s honorable in all his dealings. Deco i -ed WAS in his, 80th Van' and leaves e wi and tour sons and 'two daughters to sire re his death, who will have the syr • thy of the com- intutity in their mid it affliction. The funeral will take plao : from his late cosi- denoo on Victoria, s •eet this (Friday) afternoon at 1 o'clock for the Wiitghttni cemetery. Momma'' To Loot. --Money to loan on notes, and notes discounted at -reason able rates. Money advanced on nicer- gages, with privilege of paying at the end of any year. , Notes and accounts collected. Oil'icc--Ileavor Block, 'Wing - ham. fiont,Mcilanoo. MOAN } ONTARIO•,FRIDAY, NOVEMBER EMBER 2 ), 1900, .Berens. --Tiro larg swollcst styles are lzcr A CAVALIER or Ftmtlu Shipmnan's "Cavalier patty gave an exeelle in the opera house on Tho weather kept mal but there was a very The members of the actors anal all pros=with the entertaitln DWELLING But °coupiecl by Albert street WES destroy night Inst. Tic about 11,80 p. an badly clarnagood b addle water pia; Taylor was forts o4 his furniture. 1 by Wm. Snell. Our stock of (Sutter, prices are small and th is away ahead of anythi town. .$ A YEAR IN ADVANCE toek and the T. H. Roe .4, 'Oa. --Tie Messrs France" coiu- t entertainment Monday from. attencliug, !goal attendance. =pony are good P. Wells, The aero were Weill- pleased i ed by Pastor W. Fre WANTED. -400 bags of sweet apples at the '•Wiagham Cider and Jolly mill. Good prices paid. w ;. Qum noun home wedding took Mrs. Wnt. Sanson, Tuesday evening, Miss Elizabeth was e aat, ;ED. — Ale House Taylor, on Leopold 1 by fire' on Friday alarm was sounded: and the house was fore t firemen u 0 _ o he fi- care t could. lug on the flames. Mr,. to saving the most n" was owned iIi house i Marge; the rroflo and finish (rover soon i11 T. H, Ross, CIL u an D Th -E NA0 t•.—The Dame of the syndicate that is taking over the leading furniture (;own aeries in this pro- vince), has been char ed from British American Furniture 0 , to The Canadian Furniture Co. Half a illion of, English capital has been heves ed in this syndi- cate and the name ha been changed on account of the prcini re at which Can- adieu goods sell in tl e Mother Country. Tho furniture syn icate will assume mana,gonnent of t new busiuess to- wards the close this year. We understand that mos. Bell has been asked to act as man ger of the Wiugham factories, but he h not yet decided as to whether he will wept the position. Miss MacPherson will sell the balance of her large and well selected trimmed millinery and ready-to-wear hats at cost and below. Call early, and secure bargains. • 3t. Mr;izotirxs Busy. The good sleigh- ing the last three da s of last week made. business good in Ingham . and out merchants report th o good days busi- ness. The break up u Saturday night and with rani .*near y every day since has made the wet very quiet. Tile rain was vej badly needed as inany of the wells i town were dry or the next thing to it The high wind on 'Wednesday played avoc with the smoke stack at Bell's f tory and" with a number of out-bu dings it ,diil<erenil partsof the town. onto eople say the lightening onnTuost ytiigt is a sign of cold weather and me otherssay we will now have an pen winter, We will just have to t -e the weather as we get itand be sa,tisfl d.. WANTED. -=-'dire Ton o el ace Roll Butter weekly—also Drie .pies and Fowl. Our stock of D ess Goods, Furs, Ready-made Cloth • - &o, is lar re and not surpassed. We'•avea few oc d Mantles to clear. $10.00 ones for $5,00 and $5.00 ones for $2.50. G, E. KINo, MUNICn.'AL MATT. sae -Municipal poli- tics . Municipalpoli- tics are quiet in Wi gham, We have not heard of any new aspirants for ntunicipal.honor. Now that Councillor 'Chisholm is awa' from home, a new man will be nee ed. to fill his place. There is no tellin - flow many candidates we may have ba'ore nomination play. The members of t me School Board whose term expires this ear are Messrs. Thos. Bell, Wm, Butte , J, J. Homuth and Id, G. Lee. In orris townsbip it is rumored that Rieve Isbister and the Councillors will a returned by acela- mati n. though gh r e hear Mr. Cardiff may retire. In Ea t Wawanosh we hear John T. Currie n eutioned as a candidate for the Reeveshi a , *air. Carrie has had considerable ex.erience in. municipal matters and won d make a good Reeve. As for Turetberr we have not heard any rumors of a than o in the council, Wm. Cruickshank, the .resent Reeve has only held the position or one year. Mr.. Cruickshank mak s asplendid municipal officer and we do ot see that the elec- tors of Turnberr would better them- selves an making change in the Reeve - ship. The'electio z for County Commis- sioners will also arks place this year. It is annottneed tie, t Matthew Lockhart, reeve of East awanosh, and John Webster, ex-counillor of West Wawa, - nosh, are in the fi-la as canadiates for county council fo , the division eeMprie- ing Wingliaur, :lyth, East aid West Wawanosh. D.nald pat'erson and Alex, Stuart, tl e present i•epresenta- tiveteof the divis one tvill likely be in thei ld. again. f e g 73, S. Cook, of T'ord- wioh, announces hat ho will riot be a candidate for t : e Ifowicli-Turnibetry- Wroxeter rlivisio' . In the division com- prising Stephen Usborne and Exeter, the present meet bets, Lir. Rollins and D. Melones, ha •ring, it is understood, decided lid retire it is reported that W, G. I3issett, B. 8 adman, A. Q. Dobler, of Exeter; john Dolbridge, of Usborne, and Richard Ilio ts, of Stephen, will be candidates for tl : representation of the division. In t e Clinton district aftS. ,Snell and S. S. C open have been Hien- boned asprobabli candidates. of the intimate relati the contracting par wishes the young re prosperous wedded 1• NEIYse eIng ?&tx'S Wilkinson, foltncler Daily Times, died en ou Wednesday of last was ono of tho olde, newspaper men in 0 lire ho bad been Hamilton Beamer, Guelph Advertiser Ingersoll, father o Trans was foreman vcrtiam' office for 'Wilkinson. • tnsiz:r c,; . A quiet tee at the home of Leopold street on Ion her daughter, arried to. John ony was proform- a,in the presence es anti friends of res. Tito Tnsu; zplo a (appy caul Warn—Jonathan the St. Thomas deuly of apoplexy weer.. Deceased and best known tario, During his nuected with, the and Standard aud ' R. Elliott, of the editor or oflm to u the Guelph Ad - one year under Mr, WeeleBD..-.A quantity of good winter apples. Highest market price paid. Apply to N. A. FAnquinAZlsoN, G.mvr IT BACK. --- a .'Brussels Tory mad result of the East Ht 100 majority for Dr. course the former i (reclined to take the frieud. A Wingha the time the mono rather coaehed h brother. When oleo its "direful" resu sent down $6 to hal not necessary when want the money. this kind on recorc HALT' -A -DOLLAR isnot your habit t book for your fami ing, try the ex Saturday Night's pages, full of s ori: interest everyone. of all as Canadian able for fram' "Raphael's MotI exact reproduoti. best picture in th else cau you get t dollars' worth o 1$telature for 50 your newedeiiler, Publishing Comp Brussels Grit and a $10.00 bet on the roe election•as to a Macdonald. Of •a but geuerously from his betting • rte was on Baud at was put up and ' Brussels Tory ion day passed with s said Winglzamite theloss but it was Mac. said he didn't Not many cases of —Brussels Post. ELL SPENT,—If it • buy an illustrated 's Christmas read- rimt nt. "Toronto Christmas," Miry and pictures, kx'ill . d widen the vision Four pictures suit- one • of which-- or hich=er and Child" ---is an of the costliest and world. 1`To where e same valuer Five the best art and nts. Get it from. #`rem i'Iie eppa�ici • y, Lirnite Toronto. If yon want a black cut r off^' cared cutter or at green cutte a bleat and red or a green and or any other colorr 0 shade, the on y place in town to suit your fancy is here. T. H. Ross. TEBtena woE Lia Taylor, A. M., D. D,, liver lectures in Win, 28th, 29th and 80th. be: Wednesday even Yours.;" Thursday t and Meu;" Friday e Beer Analyzed." Th evening will be illu cals. Silver coIlecti the first two evenings fee of lac and 10c e ill be charged on Friday evening. 11 highly recommended press. His lectures jects, which are new people. He conies t tho auspices of th lectures will bo giv Presbyterian and on what evening f o not able to announe made known ou•ha pulpits of the vario day next. . trans s. 21ev E..O'. of Boston, will de- ham on November The sndjecrs will ng, " That Boy of ening, "Microbes ening, "A Glass of lecture on Friday raced evith Cheri- n at the door on and an admission . Taylor • conies by the pulpit and •e on special sub o the majority of •Wingham under W. C. T. U. The yin the Methodist, post churches, but each church we 1 cli are This fact will be d bills and.from the s churches ea Sun - Stops the Cough and works of the Cold. Laxative Bromo•Quinine Tablets euro a cold in one day. No Cure, no Pay. Price 25 cents. oak Eves The diploma we hold frolti the Optical Institute of Canada 18 a guarantee of our qualineation to gibe perfect satisfaction in the fitting of glasses. Our equipment for th 'sty 'has � always been of the best, b • "a moire it still MON) complete all ;:, Pe date wo 1ntve jest added aA aleb'.O to 1i meter," the latest inventlab"in 'this class of instruments. Do not let fake opticians and pedlars wile have never studied the eyes, tatnper with yours, and sell yott glasses at double their value when you. can be properly fittest at home. J. 1E• DAV SD Di•11JGt`,xi'ar AND OPTICIAN, WINO1401, Read IL E. Isard & Oo's advertise trent on page five of lzis issue, Oust NI,w S•ron Next week the TmusS will commene: the publication of a new story, entitle . "A Conf1iet of Evidence." This ' .: said to be a .good story and we trust of readers will find it interesting, New , bscribers can get the Txtnis from now i11 Jan. fist, 190a far $1.00. Now is t e time to subscribe so that you will be a 1e to get the first chapters of our new .tory, 0 it XMAS' PAP .—Work on. the Tixns Christmas s ppleuieut is about eoinploted and we •rpeet to have it ready for deliver on and after December 1st, TI paper will be al- most equal to tiros, published by the pity dailies. The p e charged by Oity dailies is 60 cents p r copy; our price will be M6 ceuts and 11 pay in advance subscribers C � toth . z ,Ea will t e get the Christmas supplem nt free, IIooxcEylliooKE —A meotiugwiu be held at the Dinsle • House en Manday evening next for th : purpose of organiz- ing the hockey elu for the corning sea- son. Wingham w 11 have many of the old players for tin winter and several good players have . en. up residence in town; so there sho ld not be any leek of good material for a rub this season. All parties interested i. the game should at- tend the meetiug the Dinsley house next Monday eve g. Any orders for sales left at the Teems office will receive prompt attention, J. J. Carrie, auctioneer. KIND WORDS.—TI e Tlmus is frequent- ly in receipt of fia tering letters from subscribers. Here one from. Toledo, Ohio, from •Albert J. Snell, a former Win;hamite:—"CI ingo address on the over welcomed T ares, which I have been a subscriber t for years. T have located here and i the spring shall open. a large ladies' ft fishing and millinery store. I will be • • ore than pleased to see any Wingha .i rte that may stray this way." G. T. R. Ni v MANAGnn.--Joseph Price, viae-presi ent of the Grand Trunk railway, has a uouuceci that G. B, Reeve, former traffic manager, has been appoiuted : -ei eral manager of the Grand Trunk 'envoy system. Mr. Reeve severed is: connection with the railway last .pring, after 40 years' service, and has since resided in • Cali forum. Iifr. . ys, who resigned sem° to v rveekk Agee • OW- t(r' ea1 Fdriira'' d will manage th Southern .Pacific at a salary of $05,00 a year. • Sir Wilfrid Laurier ,gets . ly $10;000 a year to manage the Do inion. . WELL MEET•.'.—A case of meritor- ious success is re immense circulation of that gzear' weekly,uewspaper, Family Herd ` and Weekly St ; of Moutreal, for, addition to gi ' g the biggest and be family `eeal.;� • on the continent, the includes •i.. ures that alone could not e purchca.. a for double the amount c arged or paper and pictures. Th .. season they are giving two most beau I pictures thatare sure to be appreciate • i" "Christ in the Tem- ple" is one of th , and certainly it is a beautiful piece . woO r. "Home from the War" is a pi , preJthat at once wins its way to the he 'ts if Canadians. The Family Herald a . Weekly Star for a year,tvith these wo pictures, for one dollar, is marvelh 1 s. • Apprentices wanted at once. Two young ladies to learn tailorin13iirl.g. tf L itR:Co. GOLD W hTOHD pasture for Wingh: Western Star Lodg Brussels at ,a rec presented Robt. Jo Waltham gold w chain with locket b the emblem of the was read to Mr. rior to his de - m, the members of ,No, 149, L O. 0.F.„ nt regular meeting ustou, V. G., with a teh, 7 jewels, gold arIng U Adler sided e ilei, t 1• c Aracicie s s iohasten by Frank Lambie and the pr a .entation was znade by A. McGuire, Mr. Johnston and Now is the season for 0. sersous trouble to occur with the lungs, Build up 0'.. / • the system and strength- en the lungs with Do g a ' 0 Palatable Emulsion ee of Co Liver e , Oil with Ilyposphites It is fresh and the best on the market. The old Williams stand, R. A1 O S Prop, 0 G. N. W. Office. 4, M. GORDON, This is the place to get your firs at right prices, all fully gnarauteed, Ladies' fine Astracan Jackets from $20 to ;;x:85, Ladies' Fur Capes and Fur lined Capes frons $8 toty10. Oaperines, Ruffs, aInffs and Gauntlets good and cheap. Mezi's Fur Coats, large stock, best quality, lowest prices. We are head quarters for sleigh Robes, prices range from $4 to $12. Seo thein, Lumen= stock of rubbers and over- shoes, prices from 30 cents a pair to $Z. If you want the nicest goods and the best value in Underwear be sure that you look through our stook. Great stock eV Chilclremt's, Boys' and Men's Overcoats. The quality end. prices will surely please your D. M. GORDON', The Direct Importer. FORWARDED To OTTAWA,—Returning Officer Morton ha forwarded to Ottawa. the ballots and ot • er papers that were used in conuectio with the East Huron election. lie I as also delivered the ballot boxes to ostniaeter Farrow at Brussels: GoT Saves DErzi Messrs; John: Clegg, Geo. 13, : oo, E. Skelton, Geo.. •;.55c' ' lie and C Dr.. 3: R. 112accit5nxld re- turned house on uesclay afternoon front. a deer hunt in uskoka, They were accompanied hot • e by 'John Giiliespie,, who has spew • two Monate in the vicinity of Re;. a, N. W. T. .4 Mr. Gillespie joined e party in Muskoka. The weather for ,,hree or four days was very rough and a party was compelled to remail:tau ca. ' : They expected to return horse ou • true lay last, hat then storm was .two 'vete for theiii tri Moe.: The party seen i':d seven deer aid their were fine ones.' In'the lot was a larg$ stag and Dr. E - Macdonald was the marksman tha'bsraid him 1ow: One of John Olegg's d: s was lost in the suttee; storm. nun Gnear trxozas Or 'cmx8. L note -worthy fel iure of the. .voting in. Goderich on n e 7th of 11''ovember was perhaps not pa Ileled'anywhere in Can- ada. 'Voters • 'the saute family in four generations we t to the polls and cast their ballots. int in. Sherman, who is its his -94th year ; is sou,Edward aherniatar his grandson 1, \'in., Sherman, jr., ands his great -gra "l. Still Reginald Sherman, who voted fo< the, first time, were the representativ' of the foto generations. Mr. Sherman+re eldest is still in the: enjoyment of airly good health, and al- . tlaough he vet .s the wrong way .4o, hope • he may live n my years yet and tie able. to take• part • in elections yet to conte, For the young • • ntorribors of the fainiig, the lamp still olds out to 'burn.—Godo rich Signal, family expected to move td town last w" lr•"~�~^^~ hold effects ready ti go but the honsethey Wingnam s Poplar Shoe Store. expeoted to get wil not be vacaut now until January, he TLtuis welcomes this estimable fa ily as residents of j Wingliam. NEED Mom 1 waLLINGS,--We be- lieve that every ho , se in Winghatu that is habitable is no : occupied. We have often noted in the olunuls of the Tlrltss . the scarcityy of cl •pings in W iilgliitr but we do not boli vo that we have sow as g :at it demau for houses as there is irk,;' +?iughani at t . present time. We know of it numbe of families who are anxious to move t town but aro unable to get a house. During the last two weeks the editor f that TI:rlas has TO., oeived o- oeived three lett from outsiders who would like to lot .o bete if they could get suitable clw• lings. Next spring we will have to h ve to building boom in Wilmghant and wo hopo to see a number of good dwellings rected. We do not sea where n bette investment could be got than erecting : cod houses that wonl1 rent ut front t. *0 per month. week and had the r est of their house - IN BUYING itCtI3 st. RENIEFfiBER • THAT Rubbers will not give satisfae- tion if fitted. too tight. 'HAL Storm Itrtbbers fitted titilit over the instep are liable to break, TI1AT Greer sells the best rubbers in: • town and for the least money - THAT a short fit will ruin any rubber. THAT Greer's Rubbers are the best fitters manufactured to day. TIHA'1 we replace all first quality rab- bets that da nor; give eatisraetion„ W. J. EER ,littkinds of Trunks and Vali$ ns cheap.