HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1939-12-21, Page 81 Christmas nd. Twelve .Months Of Health, And Prosperity Fri TM• ��;" ion 1 3 1.1 Mr, and 'Mrs. Andy 'Huston ef. Toi•-' • onto Were • week -end Visitors with, his' f parents, Mr: and .Mrs. David Ens-, LOCAL and:. GENERAL Mr. and Mrs, John •MeRinnon of'. London visited with .Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cole, • Mr. Joseph. Johnston left this. eek. for 'Portland, Oregon, where he will' visit with 'lois brother William. You'll want to be in =i ncknow this Saturday night when the draws are. made. You may.. ,be one of .the lucky ones to take '!home' a lovely. prize: Charles Chan, iveho. has been.receiv ing, Medical treatment in Toronto for, sofne time, returned .home ,last Thurs- day ylsomewhat improved Kiri ~health. Mrs . Len . Lrndsiy •and two aleugh- tern; ,Doreen and • Audrey- of ' •,•illson . • bure•are !visiting ,for two•weeks with hdr,,,parents, Mr and Mi•s, `Wm: Johar- Ston. E There Is Still Time t To ENTER YOUR NAME IN OUR PRIZE DRAW CADYTES r 3 VALUABLE PRIZES ew Shipment of China NoW on Display 1 YOU CAN GET LOVELY GIFT FOR ALL TILE. FAMILY AT TER SEPOY 5c to $1. STORE TO OLD FRIENDS, NEW FRIENDS AND FRIENDS TO RE, , WE EXTEND' SINCERE BEST WISEF,S FOR A MERRY VilleteteMeteetelgtiaegteretiMINAW • Jiin Stewart, arrived home on Sat- urday after Spending the summer sail- ing on the freighter Birehton, between Mentreal and Sydney. The boat tied up at Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Martin, Fred Martin and 'Miss Ethel Martin at, tended the Christmas Fair at Welker - ton last week where Miss Martin act. 'ed as: al doniestie science judge. Wm. MacKenzie, Who is in his fatal Year in the study of osteopathy at Meek is sPencling the Christmas LUCKNOW JTINE ° Two Young Mee Leave Wingham Carl MclCay, teller of the Damin- km }Yank at Wineham has been tran6- ferred to Brampton. Carl, as num,' pc,t soloist of th'e Triple V Class of that town,. is widelY known. Dick Doran of the 'Wingham Base- ball Club bas gone to Beardmore. net* Fort ;William.- Dick :received a leather traveBind 'bag- frpq the ball club, prior tk his depart/mei and a smoking set hittn the•staff of Guru; ' Rev. Walter B. Craw, Minister of Centennial Irnited Ohiurch, .London, Orit•ario, has been. extended e call to the: Pitipit 'of 'thin JI,Tnited :Church, Brantford. 'If -he accePts, 'he will AO - p. ivVe0'egorr Who, re- signed .a few oadeelci., ago- on: eccount if ill health. InCidefitally, the .eall ed on, his lb:hi:Way. Ne was 37 years pldlast Wednesday. Mr Craw' had tiro charges at kincardiriL and London, in eech of Which be Sue- eeecled an uncle—Rev. H.; S. Uren in iCine.rdine and Rey. George MeAll•.' later at Centennial. BRUCE PENINSULAR ELK 'STRAYS DOWN TO HURON se -en grazing near the Souihern end of Saratoga -sWarnp, ;with, a herd, of deer, which nevi are beginning to - Mrs. Wm. MacKenzie. . thin. The holiday season will' Mark the' coiling and going of 'Many 7:risitors. Your guepts urelcome the court- esy of meking mention of their visit. The Sentinel:- weleeme..-graiur---Went-S-- these' items. Let us have them early; avin Christmas Sale Specials : HOIMEcOA'S ' '!.i; New shades ''-- Crepe3 Many new-. shades -.--4, SHIRTS . F. different kinds of moi.1 New patterns — plain weight many colors ta choose? 3 . - ' or fused !collar—all 1 004 , . Forsyth . Shirts, Ties - Mufflers, pajames midi. MANY NEW DRESSES & EVENING GOWNS • .---Itindkerchiefs.: Lucicnow 9. to,rasogatholerito EVERYQNE A MERRY CHRISTMAS THURSDAY.; DECEMBER 210,1930 CROP IMPQVEMENT OFFICERS ELECTED " • ,Over fifty fanners, repreSentative,„ Or all parts' of Bruce County, met in .. the Council, (Ihandier, Paisley recently , Impharement Association. for Bruce. ' Mr. G. R. Getty Agrieulteral-reP-1 . this Association, like !Many eounty associations, is affiliated• with the. Ontario Crop Improvement altasael Lit bbrship in the Provincial organization, which provides substantial grants'te assist in .conduCting Seed 'Fairs and other •experintental ; work. undertaken. -eauntY- units. A. Ceantt.Crep Fresh Roasted PEANUTS, 2 lb Extra Large ' 25c 25c Golden Mixed Nuts' BULIC experiments Wig carried on and a of this invaluable work .cen he -done., The f011owing officers mere elected .!or the, coming ,year: president—Mr. D. MacDonald', Teeswater; vice-pres. —Mr. Walter 'Chisholm, .Walkerton; erten; directors. on the •exectitive— Ne.lson Howe, Paisley, Herb. Arkell, Teesvvater, Alex. Fischer, Mildmay. Directors representing the townships in Bruce' County were elected. '1'or Lorne Reid, Harry Osborne and Fred Martin. It was decided to hold the Seed Fair for 1940 in P,aisley, and °pin-. favour of c., bined ,grain and fertilizer tests, and the testing of, hay pasture mixtures.' elk; which they 'believe .hes .strayed dovvn from the Ernie Peninsula. Depart- ments at The Market Store and The LUCKNOW CHURCH Pastor SUNDAY The. Xmas—Story, Carols, Choir Music, a service in which everYone takes a part -..:4 good .way spend ary Gifts tor the Christ. . ' MORNING SERVICE: ---CHRIST- MAS IN WAR -TIME! , xi g R Creetings To AIL ri CY I1 '''''i Rev. & Mrs. IC. ‘C. Todd S MISS WATVS SUCCESSOR AT Bungalow- ' Frait Ai, Nut • • CHOCOLATES; 1 lb box 25c .FANCY BOXES, 50c . • • • 25c Christmas MIXED cANDiEs. .. lrixed Comilete Stock of CANES, 'STOCKINGS & NOVELTY BOXES • Mixed,. Candies 2 lbs. VEGETABLES • TOMATOES, CAULIFLOWER iHEAD LETTUCE,: „ HA.msit ' Miss Marjory -Henderson of ..Geder- ich has "been appointed to „ fill the 'vacancy at the. Huron 'County ,Agri. tultural ,office at Clinton, Caused by the resignatien otoMiss Bessie Watt. Miss. Henderson commenced her aut. ies "On Monday. Miss Hendersen has qualifications ahich should make her a Capable. sue- eessor. She Was bora Mr a farm i". ,West Wawanosh, east of;Dungennon. and reeeived her High" School and Commercial -training at Goderieh Col- -legiate. Of ;late 'she has obteined. legal experienee in the office of F. R. 'Dar- row, Gederieh 'barrister. Miss Hen- derilon's mother litres in goderieh. Her sister, Miss Dorothy Henderon, .Miss Watt, 'by the !nature of her office, is Widely• -known by many in Huron •County wile 'will learn with regret of her resignation. They have found her to 4 a capable asSistant in the absenee df the agricultural re- presentative. Despite the multiple fice she was netrer toe busy to take time cheerfully to dig .up infonnation; and usnally knew- !where to find 11, quickly. Her services during the past tWelve yeara have been ;greatly ap- preciated by those who have been her asiociates in the office, and by the public. Miss Watt ibis built up an enviable reeord of -efficiency for her successor to ,aim at. • . PRIZE DRAW OUR LUCKY DRAW WILL DECEMBER 23rd. GIFT BOX OF'.ASSORTED GIFT RASKET OF FRUIT CRANBERRIES 25 EMPEROR 'GRAPES Third Prize.: I XMAS PLUM MID' DING II 25c, 30t, 40i, 50; and 6ac )doien R. .111 THOMPSON 6 Wishing One ind' Ail A Yeti Merit chrittmasi ramEy AND' HURON RED CROSS 3RANCH SET OBJECTIVE AT $15'! . The recently eiganized :Ripley and, Huron ToWnship Branch of the Can. ,adiati Red Cross bas• set it's eanvel., '.abjective -at .$1500.000.Due to- the late late.in Organizing, the canvas Will net • -be made,' until • bhp. first -of the year, when it will be carried' out be tween January 15th :and 20th. .Can• vassers have been apPointed. and will have prescribed areas •.ae-clording to •the sub-diviSions of .the - age and township. 'Arhich is practically completed has re- . suited in a tetal' of $594.66 being sub- scribed. WON PROM PERTH REGIMENT The Ganners fram -the Bennett Bar -4 hibition hockey game from „the Perth Regiment last Friday, A nurriber of familiar names'ePpear in the lineeps. Don Habkirk got an assist On the Perth's lone goal. George. and Murray Peppier and Art Gregor figured in the Battery scoring. Ken 'Cameron Dungannon Raises $600 - teamed up with Gregor as the start - The drive pf the` Dungannon Branch- ing defense duo'. wo Stores Sincere Best Wishes For' A Very Merry Chli,strnas and a Happy- New Year \L' Next Door o Murdie's This is skn InVitation from Santa Claus to visit our -store aiirini this FeStive Season At The MARKET STORE PM will, find all sorts of .useful selections in Dry Goods, Etc • • -At 'The 'MAIRIC.Eilr .'.ANNEX: Ineyit to.'Murdie'sj. you 'will a complete Santa .Clatis Shop eamtionfrooOotionimmithem 141. -4.4.101 Soil c°4serva ore peiitght—Titt as tie nOW one 1 44 Prize Draw 3 FREE PRIZES I SATURDAY, DECEMBER 23rd AND: PiAtt!..E SPREAD e • ONE LUCKYI.TICKET -WITH EACH $1.00 PURCHASE - Chiistmai LAY -AWAY CLUB V A SMALL PAYMENT WILL HOLD Any ARTICLE TILL YOU WANT IT • 1 • 71.