The Wingham Times, 1900-11-16, Page 8• .1191,14 NOPE CEj 1G, 1900 ^aw MCINDOO For T, it a a ,A is N1oniR! o ... We wilt show ninny fresh mace.]• Ings in h1.:11 el,a,4 teee'ls, inritina speet'i:e1 .attention eta the following de. parttnent•i, Ladies' Suits and. Costumes Spe+'hal tines in Iiotnesptin Chry tote, I3ruai'Icloths and 1 -weeds. Hosiery Se Underwear The reliable makes in ketch. Menlo, and Di in b's Wool Vests arid lata were, Clothing Bargains. For this month special prices on our t)i?h class, Ready -to wear Clt.th. Ina., To make a tit.urry in suits we will sell chit Saturday 50 suits worth S7.00, i,t3,00 and 4J.00, for $6.50. Think of that fur a bargain in oar new, reliable Clothing. Ready at 8 o'clock Saturday. Jackets and Fur Capes. We show the very latest land most desirable novelties In American and Canadian styles of Fur Jackets, Capes, Neckwear, Ruffs, Far Lined Capes,Gauntlets for, Ladies' and Gents, Caps and Muffs, Shoes and Rubbers To try a pair on is to buy. 50 pairs odd sizes to clear at $1.25, worth 81.75 and 82.00. Your money's worth or your mone3, back makes poor goods an impossibility at this Store. M. H. FificiNDOTS The formal opening of the Royal Col- lege of Dental Surgeons took place Wed- nesday afternoon. The authorities quite a time ago became aware of the fait that -more dentists Were graduating than -there was room for. They went to work .ancl by raising tli.e standard of marticu- lation have now good results. This year • only 152 students have registered, while last year there were 170, and the, year 'before 202. Dean Wilmott says that 70 dentists graduating every year is alto- gether too many. There is not more than roomfor 40 at the outside. S You can cough yourself into bronchitis,pneu- monia, and con- sumption. Bandaging and bundling your throat will do no good. You must give your throat and lungs rest al. d allow the cough wounds to heal. There is noth- ing so bad. CQr a cough as cough- ing. Stop it by using PERSONALS, 44 t• shall be a 1 t 1 .a lucre contribitiu,ta #o tlee oilman trent n airy et our reatlertt, If y ru have ei lt(ri;Y or ,ata eese {:olid; away yeunself, (Mop in mei telt tit, ur mead ue a note to that John Rider is• spending n few days in Woodstock. Mrs. S. Merrifield is visiting with i - frites !s in Mt. Forrest. \'tn, Grandy, of Goderieh, spent 1:st 1 inlay in \Vinpliati., Misi L. Idoeni<trsnn, of Ingersoll, has •., • ', w taken a attention it, G. B. King's store. Mr, and Mrs. J. 3. Elliott were over on a short visit fromWinghtizn.---Cliifox'd Express. glit'te'r Davis has securest a situtxtioll Eft the G. T. R. station i.t Verges. as operat :a .T, H. Gordon, <;•. T. R. agent at a\a,.,e,ert('k, Naeut 1d ilday with his €e:oily in town. Semi. Bennett was in London on Mon- a ty leaving orders for the plans of the new (IethotlbSt elltu'elt, Dr. and Mrs. Irwin and children, of SViughane, !spent Sunday at the hone of R ehard Irwin, who we regret to say is very ill.-73Iyta Standard. F. 3. Heath, of London, general agent of the Confederation Life Insurance Co,, was iu town for a few days this week. .r, R., Whittaker, who has spent the pt st two mouths visiting with friends 1 the Old Country, returned house this week, Chas, Burgess Left this week for Bay. Mills, Mick, where be has secured good situation. We wish. Charlie success in his new home. T. E. Bowles, of Orangeville, is spend- iug a few days witI1 relatives and friends in town. Eel's many friends here are pleased to see him looking so well. Mrs. W. H, Barlow, of Toronto, who has been visiting for the past two months Ii parents, and Mrs. her 11 1r. a T l M s. D. A. Campbell, of town, and other friends, left last Friday, accompanied by her little nice, Miss Maggie Hiscocks, for Palmerston, where they intend spending a few days visiting with her brother, Mr. G. B. Campbell, before returning to her home. Miss Maggie intends remain- ing until after Christmas with her two aunties, Mrs. W. H. Barlowand Mrs. A, J- Waite- TURN13EUEx. Minutes of council meeting held in Esty's Hall, Bluacale, Nov. 12th. The Reeve in the chair; members all present except Mr. Mitchell. The minutes of last meeting wtro real, approved and signed. Communications were react from. Jim. Abraham. re Abraham drain, also from. Clerk, Winghanr, re boundary. -Filed. Reports :-The reeve reported having let a job of repairing culvert on 1011 eon. to Jno, Nichol. at $5; also let a jab of cleaning ditch ole 25th side line to Alonzo Waite, at 75 rents; also let a job of gravelling in W.. T. Plot, to Theo. Feenan, at $2; also let a job of cover- ing culvert to We... Miteheil, at 75 cts.; also that Jno. McKim:o11 has finished his job of gravelling and recommender) payment of all lite work reported. Mr. ' Copeland reported that he had let a. job t on Scott's drain to Win. Ferguson, at $85; also let a job on Abraham drain to James Mulvey at x",+27.50; also let a job of 'covering culvert on Howick 44i boundary to David ritfugle at $8.75, I3owick to pay half; also let a job of drain and culvert, on Culross boundary to Albert Bak at :2, for Turnberry's share, work done and -recommended payment. Mr. Lovell reported having 1,t a job of repairing the culvert on con. 2 to A. Magee at $1; also let a job of r'pn.iring culvert on 5th side line to• Jas, McEwen at $1, work done and mean, mauled payment; Mr. Mitchell sent in x •port that W. Willis has completed j ala of gravelling and also of repairing c Avert, and recommend payment of $$11.42; also of $1 to Frank Wright for i tspecting and spreading gravel. Mr. e s„ rove reported having let a job of gravelling on 4th line to Geo. Churchill at $d, job completed and recommend ptymeat. Musgrove-Ccupland-'Eliot bi'r. Lov- ell be instructed to let a job of widening culvert on east gravel road north of Davis bridge. --Carried. Coupiand---Lovell- That our tress - firer be authorized to pay all monies eo1- lected for schools on Trustees Orders be- ing liiesenteci to him. --Carried. The following aceouilts were passed and cheques issued: - Wm, Cruickshank, selecting jurors, $3; John Burgess, selecting jurors, $6; John McTavish, selecting jurors, $3; James Elliott. L. B. of ii., $5; George Peptone, L. 13. of H., $4; Gavin Wilson, L. 13. rf 1L, $4; Win. Cruickehanlr, L. S. of 11, $4; John Burgess, L. 11. of I'L, $6; Juo. Diment, SatnitaryTnspeotor, $4, Dr. Toole, M. H. 0 , $4; Eli Elliott, tile and lumber, $7,85; john Nichol, repair- itt8 eulvert, $5; Alonzo Waite, cleaning stitch, ]Gots; T".rectum, gravelling„ $2; \Vx.r. Mitchell, covering euIvert, 75cts; i'no. MTrletnnon, gravelling, $7.G0; Wm. 1fo,'gusou, dram end tile, 88.75; Janis Mulvey, drain and culvert, $21.50; b, ) Frif'ttgle, Turifber`ry share culvert How - ick boundary, $4,38; A. Eok, culvert F and drain tturd a boundary., • Y f , 1 repairing cttivert, $1; Jas, Mc ' Eweno..epairing advert, $1; William "V4rfllfs, g sael11ng,$18,42; Frank Wright, IEven the coughof early'consumption is c u red. And, later on, when the disease' is firmly fixed, you can bring rest and comfort in every case, A 2S cent bottle will cure new coughs and colds; the SO cent size is better for settled coughs of bronchitis and weak 1 toes; the one dollar size i more economical for c ironic cases and con f urnpltien. It's the size ywt should keep on: hand. ,t A I t f nsilies ought to be en the wrst•,h for sudden xttaek8 "of croup tor acute lunt 'tto,:bteti. Ereri•y arona- tty heats In the land should keep a'lterr Pectoral eabart<t 1 T to provide against art emergency." JertaxG.wtr.r.ta,M.1r„. 11rt'.11,1t'98. 11'oltand. Mien. Itlspeetiug gravel, $1; Geo, Chasehil1„ graveelliug,, ; Wm. Cru'Gektlanttt , error in cheque, 40ets; Wm. Gray, error clog t ts, $1.; Jnn. Powell,:error dog tax, $1; Thos. Stacey, error dog tax $1; Altar. ?ortor,culvert, Wingliam boundary,750 T. EI,1Sosmanerror iu aseessment,:f8.15; Peter McLaren, part salary, $50; Pati Powell,. part salary, $35, oela 1- C 1 t1( TaovPll 1 1) T ]sit this meeting do now adjourn to meet in Esty's flail, I;luevale, Dec, 15t11, at 10 o'clock n. m. Joni] I3Ult(*sss, Clerk. 'rho statistics for the births, xuarriages and deaths in Ontario, dttriug the first Half of the present year show 1t, very considerable increase in the number of births and marriages. and a gratifying degrease in the slumber of deaths. The total increase in the number of births for the first half year, as compared with the number of births for the first half of last year is 4t)(. The increase in the number of xnarringes is 069, which in- crease in the number of marriages is 609, whirh increase is attributed to the pre - ';ailing prosperity. The decrease in the grmt1)er of deaths for the half year is )I 6, which is especially gratifying in view of the il.exeeaso in population, IiArrrnn4,-znWinhula, on-Oeto <' 28th, the wife of Wm. Hallickry • n dtmghter.v P>•3Axt,.-OnNov. 9th atNo. 32 TranbyAve., Toronto, the wife of Charles '. Peak (nee Miss Edith Davis, of Wengham) ; a son., DXED, Itterrevene.--In Howielc, on Nov, 17t1i, Mrs. Charles McIlwain, aged 85 yturrs, 10 months and 20 hays. Horains.-In Bluevale, on November 10th, Catherine Xellwain, wife of Andrew Homes, g<d S, verxs. Care?aacxx,. n yearaCulross ,ai,mNov.onth2,, L I+cliaic ' zie • May amnbt ll, aged 3 s MoDoxAin -re. Culross, Nov. 5, Thetas Francis, gun of Ales. McDonald, aged 0 yrs., 0 mos. 9 days, 11A11-nsur,..-•'Tn Morris, on Nov. 7t11,.. ]tins. Hammell r ell of the tato David. Ham1ne11, it1 ,( c1 77 years. IcGtrziar ;-I Mt, Forest, on November 12th, Jean Lindsay, relict of the late .Arthur McGuire, of Morris, aged 75 years and • S months.. 11 THE MATTER or CHARLES KNEOHTEIc of the Town of Wingham, in the County of Huron, Harness -maker, an Inslovent, Notice is hereby given that the above funned Charlrs Zruehtel, of the Town. of'Wiu harp, in the County of Huron c.au ging on business as a Harness'maker, at the said Tetter of Winn- harp, has made cua assignment under •. R. 0. Chapter 147 of all Ins tlitate, credits n,2eets to Robert Tennant, of tnc, said -To of Wing - Juno. Gentleman, for the goner . eneflt of his creditors. A. meeting of the erec;itc r'r ,'11 be hcid of idol oittce of R• "Vanstone, in ce Town of Whig - ham, on Thor:•rllty c. r d day of \'ovemliclr A. D. 1000 at the h• :' of two o'clonit in the afternoon. to r< c e i ; • , statement of affaira, to appoint Inspectors .rad fix their renumeration, and felt the of deriug of the. affairs of the estate genera: 0, edit*••s are rt•clnrsrcd to file their dolens with. the Assignee or his said tone i+or, with the proofs imd oartieulcetg• thereof required by the suit]Act,. on or brfo.e the day of suchmeet- ing. And netsesis farther given that after” the I3:h clay o' -December A.D. lie) the Assignee will p •o r acs to $gtribr.te 110 !•r< t of 01.0 %aid 1)01)tue an onlst the portaes untitled thereto, having tun ned only to the. claims of which notice sh^rn'rleen have been given, and that he willl not be liable fcr.,.the assets or any- part t l0r0o, fro digtr'ib,ited to any person or persons- et- whose ulama the shall not then have had untie Da•et' this i8tatd vof,November A. D. 1800. Sl. NSTONE, Wingttam, ,Solicitor for the At, -ince. It0BT. TISNNANT, Assignee. NOME w al ii' Su EA5 111 Os"4 3. In the nn tax'r of the estate of ,Tama,, L cldlat'c *a,r p 4' r. late of the Tonvu hip of welt wir.v1nosh. in the Couity o, Huron, Farm-, tt eased, N n' ec 414 hereby given pursuant to R. S. 0,, net, tlit'Tr. IV, that all p'ae.ons having claims ngni,t ct the estate of the said James Laidlaw the :osier, who died on or about the ^lith day of A.wlt,1120, are required on or before the 0th day of December, IMO, to send by post vrepaid. nr deliver to T, A. Morton of the. Town cf.' Winglharn Solicitor for William Pardon. :tad Andrew Pox, e:emitors of the said deceased am Christian and surnames, addresses and i< triol ors, tlu full mat ticulars of their tint sivi tgmt,n;•t otheir account': nncl the nn tot, of the securities.if any, held by them and that after the said last memtioned de..: 0 ;•1u' sand executors will proceed to dish ib- nt oeassetsofthed'ce•csedi 1ongtheparties +stcrI cl thereto having regard only to the ciaUa4 of .e 1tick they shall then have notice. Dated this lith day of November, A..D, 11.00. T. A, MORTON, Ooli"ttor fo:' the Ext'ento: ss or James Laktia.w, tate elder, deceased: NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Lr thnmatter of the estate of William Everett, bate of the Township ofEastWawanosh, in the County of Paton, Yeoman, deceased. Notice is hereby given pm mint to R. 8.0.. 15I4 Chao. 130, Dirt all p555008 having claims against the estate of the said Willli•,m Everett, who died on or about the 12t1, day o. Ort:obar. 1898, are required. op or before the tltlt day of December, 1200. to send by post prepaid or deliver to .T, A. Morton of the Town o; wing - ham, Solicitor for Archibald Clow, executor of the said deceased, their Christian and :aur• names addresses and descriptions the full par- ticulars of their claims, the statements of their accounts and the nutute of the securities, if any, held by them; and that lifter the said last mentioned date the said executor will proceed to distribute the Assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shall thentinve notice. Dated this 55t1). day of November, A. D. 1000. T, A. MORTON, Selicitor for the Executor of William Everett, deceased. WALKER 84 BUTTO UNbt.RTAKIRS, WINGHt,M. Night cello rtt lbtttort t3ln,•k. or Firth door soot,h of School ]louse. Slane ,a,lr. 'vette 1V1actionald block. BOAR FOR SERVICE. The undersiwned wilt keep on his n'emises, Itorth half of lot 2. 1st line of Morris,a.thor• ouglebtect Berkshire Boar for service, Terans as usual. .2. G. 2 9TSC. Cook's Cotton toot Compound, 155ucceistully nand monthly by over 10,000Lddies. Salo, efteottial. T.adiee a6k your druggist for Cook's Colton Root Comi- p<oouud. Take fie other, as all Mixtures, pills and imitations are dangerous. PrlodvNo. la Eaxaer box, No. 2,10 degrees atronger,$s per box,. No, 1 of 2, mailed en reeeiptof price and two 2.cent stamps. 'rite Cook Company Windsor Ont. re0ponaible Dttuggibtu in Caanada ended by »ll ISo. 1 mid No. 2 are °otd in Wingriam r, • A.I. Hamill/mot. bi Davis, A. A. Morrow, Colin A Campbell. Druggists, PARRS and anyone having lino stock or other articles they wish. to deapoae of, should adver- tise the somesale g for e e f n the Ttatt,s Out O ]arra t3 circulation tcIL•and itwilt strange n cl if you donot2<'UftttL4tomer. We can't gutirtititee that yen will sell be .'muse yott may est: store exinriCshi.trVend vont udv'tsei't then q''?u nd try}it plan of tlispesing of your Stock and other • R. AGNEW, Physician„ Surgeon, etc. aStgltleeg. l°eDu Store.Nielt)ans over t e Me . VIOLIN AND CUIT411. :MISS CA,.RRIR MOORE of London Conservatory of Music, will 1* iafter Oet. 1st to receive alimited num- bee of pupils for instruction unitize. on Violin and Residence --opposite U. C. Ohnreh, Wingham. PIANO AND THEORY. KISS SARA LQUISR MooR1 , L.C.M, and member of tate Associated Musicians of Ontario, is prepared to receive cL limited num. her of pupils for instcuctiou on Wino and in Theory, Spt'oiai attention given to pupil} preparing for examinations. Residence -opposite 1 .0. Chureh,Win ham. arlor I n•, There are couches that look like couche and that is all the resemblance they have to a Y( nllltcouch, Ours are made , to use as well ;its to look at. They contain oil tempered springs, lif toe anal 11loss. The upholstered goods are of Velour, Velvet and Plush, and the frame work a11(1 upholstering is }made by skilled labor. Our Parlor Suites sell ;3t sight. Small profit Mlle] quick returns our mot..), r"eruvat COM -GI cc:;N,'tr. P. MU, `'q' NTIi'IO sYE SP201AL187 (;ra.,uate New Vol- , Itlindeiphin, and Tc:or:e O it Colleges. Call earl and a ail yourselfcf I 'f valuable s rvices,'ts. this is drato. • eppertun to have y r eyes prole. r - 'y teste . free of char- -, No <rnt s:: workb a scientific ce salty. 'Diff . melt ca 's accurately tted. Ata WUItIe tTAiiANTE ED. irI mover Midi )it arivnto • useG. He lar also added te hire assortn nt of =ti- dal r eyes to his stook. Will be at 100 A. Ccan jtel 's Drug tore lringliaui, one day only, WEDNI;SDIIY, NOV. 21. IT DOES PAY TO It Does not Pay to Go Elsewhere. Snob is the verdict of the graduates of the CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE CHATHAM, OI4T. We stancl unrivalled in Canada forthorough- nc;ss of tours» and success in getting graduates placed in cholle positions. In a recent issue we furnished half of a list of forty' placed in about as many days. Here is the balance: - Fred Morley, advanced to Now York od'lce of Sutherland Innes Co, Tena McMillan, with firm in Detroit, Mich. C. B. Struthers, teacher, West Side Bus, Col., Chicago, Ili, • Kit .i;irltwood; steno, "'Westminster" Office, 'tor onto . Out. Bessieruaby, steno, 0-, B. Draper, Grand Rapids, Mich. •Grace Somington, steno, Sweet & Eastmain, $rand Rapids, Mich, H. A. Coleman, Btcpr, Peter Haggart, Pro- duce Denier, Blenheim, Ont. Elsie'Tttri or, steno, Steele & Dart, Ridge - town, Ont, Elmer Smith, Asst. Bkpr, Harris Paper Co,, Grand Rapids, Mich, Win, Allison, asst bkpr, Grand Rapids Cycle Coeag, o,111. W. P. Adams, Cold Blast Feather Co, Chi - A. D. Skeels, changed from Troy Bus College to Temple Bus, Coll„ Philadelphia, Pa, M. M. Maxwell, Berrington Typewriter Co., Toronto, Ont. Douglass Stevens, bkpr, Western Steel Works, Chicago, Til: Louis Porter, temp. bkpr, Grand rapids Cycle Co. 'Marie Burns, steno, Ball Telephone Co, Gueigh, Ot. E. Maude Buchner, steno and asst bkpr, Geo Stevens SCo, eu lei, bintpr, Chas A Scheufler, Grand Rn ids, Mich. Grace Vanzoeren, steno, Luvid Burns, Grand Rapids, Mich. Bertha Hembling, text*. steno, Grand Rapids Brass Co. 820in ten months ending Tune III, 1£00. 72 in the next two months. 40 others have been'placed in as many days. 842 \Cell sou ttifoi^lditotgoo elsewhere? 'Write for catalogue of either departinent to D. McLACIILAN & CO., Chatham, Ont. I iidertakiiig requires careful and prompt attention. Ten years of practical work in this lithe enables us to speak with confidence. Having graduated from. Toronto School of Embalming, the ' public may depend on receiv- ing satisfaction. Night calls receive prompt attention. Residence—Patrick i ck St., Mr. Gracey's former residence. WE KEEP" , ueei a^, denWatc es$ TILES WORLD'S BEST. We also keep the Waltham and Elgin Watches. Our Jewellery is all new and of the lateet designs, Our line of Spectacles is now complete. We can suit any eye. Don't forget the stand, now in the Stone Block. $ W. G. PATTERSON The. Watch Doctor, Wingham. re • mac 'c'o IT WILL PAY yon. to attend the Forest City Business and Shorthand College, Lou- don, Ont. Practical instruotion practical subjects. For over fifteen years we have been in touch with young people and their needs, and the business world and its requirements. Every facility at command for aiding young people both before and after graduation. We are doing superior work; results prove it. Send for our Catalogue and College Journal. J. W. WESTERVELT, Principal. ITU FO WINCHAM MACHINE The undersigned wishes to thank the public for past favors and asks for a continuance of their patronage in all kinds of Machine Work, Forging, Pattern Making, Iron and Wood Pulse sj Rabbit Metat at low prices. I want 25 tons of good cast scrap in exchange for Plow Points. Plow Points 30 cents cash ; 35 cents trade. Castings in iron or brass on hand and to artier. I have now extra help in my shop and can attend to all work protnptly. Works near G.T.R., on Josephine street. J. MURRA Y. . D Walker Bros. & Button, Furniture De ers and Undertakers, intend to sell $4,000 worth of Furniture at low prices while the arge stock lasts. ' Now is the time to buy youroutfit of i' unliture. We are not in the ha.' of blowing, but always do as we say. Our word is as goo,i a•l our bond. Note the fella "ng prices :— $45 Sideboards for $35 $65 • arlor Suites, $51 40 30 20 15 tt 30 20 15 10 5o 40 35 25 iF 41 <t cF ft FF 40 30 25 20 $35 Sod -Room Suites for $25 30 25 20 1 I4 t< F1 ,r Ft We have no second -hared chairs for $1,35 per half dozers. All new goods and $4,000 worth, including, Couches, Lounges. Easy Chairs, Matt- resses, Spring Beds, Writing Desks, Extension Tables and all kinds of Chairs, second- hand), We have a double stock of Curtain Poles and four times too .much Picture Mould' All the above goods to ibe closed out n 50 days. snit` i rt 23 20 4 $12.50. We still continue to turn out the best goods and attend promptly to day or night calls. As for ..rices, we leave that to anyperson in need of such .00g prices, this p , goods. "t7V e are the oldest and best acquainted firm in town in business and have the rnost experience. We feel con_.., dent that we can guarantee satisfaction in this line as we hold a diploma frolIl one of the b Embalming Colleges, best WALKEiR urnit ire Dealers and Undertaker 1