HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1939-12-07, Page 1nro
Shopping , issue
8 Pages .
22,00 A YEAR—IN. ADYANCE—roc'"EXTRA TO :U. 5.. A.
Ludknow Ont., ' Thursday December 7th, 1939
Local Merchants
Offer Many
Free Prizes
Lucknow, .Business Men's Association Sponsors
Annual 'Santa Claus' Ijay Olt Saturday -Gala
Parade Leaves. Arena At 1:30 O'Clock--Mov
ingChosen For ~'
-Enfe`rtaiRfne , resented 7fm
- Picture Show,
Especially, ..
flW P �.,• i1e Por
Town Hall After Which faeh Child" Will Re-
° ceive A Big:, Bag Of Sweets.
This Saturday, •December 9th, 'is Santa • Claus'
Day in Lucknow. It's an annual'. event, thatis
looked forward CO eagerly 'by thlundreds of child-
ren, and this year promises to be more entertain-
ing than ever, 'v'ith special. ente'rt'ainment pro-
vided,for 'the''kilddies, • e.
the' Lu+cknawt •Business:.Men'.s Association;
Santa ' is due 'to arrive in • Lucknow gat '.1:30
o'clock that afternoon and 'headed by .1.noknow
Pipers wi11 • lead the gala, parade of .-adniirin'g
children 'through 'the' main . stree+t, en • route to
'the' Town' Hall,., where. thya*^tl vaew a • .free.
moving' picture shoW.
The Picture Show
. Pest' Talkies `+.will Ibe presented ,by the.'Pre-
Mier Motion Picture Service of 'oronto;. a, veiy
reputable picture company, with "perfected sound
reprodllletion." '
The. ,pictures . are"'specially -chosen for the en=
tertainment' of children, and will unguest'ionably
•be of ., high ...order and • most , entertaining. The
featurette is • entitled "Tasking Feet." There
• will be a film of the.Royal Visit picture's, -which.
'will be of • interest •to scores of • children who.
wre. doomed. to,•disappointment.when they fail--
ail-ed to., see Their Majesties at „Stratford this
Spring. • • • '•
• .. •
'These ar'e i uo features of the .show, 'but as
well there will be comedies :and cartoons to'
- round.nut a complete perfordiance. .
Only children will be permitted 1Io . attend . .
+th� show, 'as' their .numbers are • expected. to
tax the capacity of the Hall. • Parents will,
• thus be free to do as they wish, during the
• afternoon, with the' •. children' being entertain-,
ed' and under . efficient supervision.
As .an added ' accomodation to parents that
afternoon; t'h'e Girl .Guides 'will be on hand. to
take personal charge . of • young children. • These
.little tots will -be in capable hands, as '+has been
•• ' proved by the assistance rendered by,.th'e Guides,
in this'•'regard, on other occasions.
Then Come The Sweets .
And then last of all, to round out the after-
noon,. each 'child will receive a big bag of
".sweets". These .will' be distrilbuted.as the young
sters leave the Town Hall, thus 'preventing over-
,,,Iap'•ping,,.w,i'tl2Aio.�diaappointnents,,aas •each''cbitti
will be assured of 'getting his or her bag of
candy and ,tuts;' from Santa Claus and his her-
There are no boundary limits. Eery child
for miles around is welcome in 'Lucknow to
greet ;Santa, and enjoy the fun and entertain-
ment. It's one of the biggest days of the year
for the ;Children,so plan to bring them to
Lucknow, _ tibia Saturday afternoon; December
901; :and early, so they wont Miss any of the
program arranged for their enjoyment:
For it's• Santa Claus' Day in Lucknow Satur-
• •No.one 'is useless in this world who lightens
• the burden of it to any one else.—Dickens.
.� ..rte..
a tF a.w: ur.�U `�Z olil'IWTa �.•
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Lucknow ' Merchants Co -Operate To: Make Pos.
sible The Publishing Q;f,'This aLPage S'peGial ,
Christmas Shopping Guide Advertisements
Contain A- Wealth Of Gift `Suggestions ,At
:Moderate Prices—Prize Draws, Offered._ By#_
Va ous tiores Assuring Lucknow Shimmers•
• Of Receiving Numerous Lovely, Gifts. •i REE.'
:The days .between now aad Christmas are...
,going ' to be ' 'chuck full of • hustle • and bustle
'and as y.l well knOW—they Scoot by as' swiftI;y'
•as Santa's reindeers. In fact,.4here's Only Four •
teees.More Shopping Days. until the day -of -days
. But, ,this special .Christmas .shopping 'issue tof
The .,Sentinel, contains a timely bit of • news
that will save 'a 'lot 'Of • pre -holiday' bin-racl:
ing on 'what to. give for: Christmas. A. careful;
study .of the 'variou's advertisements, sho'u1d re•
suit in 'a happy solution, of ,many,' if not' a11; •
of your gift problems.
But, ,better '.silt, 'you'll .find • it's' going' to'. be •
;profitable to :.do. ail .-your shopping • at'..hoin ,--._ .
this yezr,'•' and •in, addition -you will 'have .the
.chance of .winning, absolutely free, some of the
Many valuable free prizes' being offered, by' local
merchants. '
•,This'issue of The Sentinel is:a special Christ-,
.mas shopping •issue concurrent•with Santa's visit
to Lucknow' this Saturday:' All eight pages con-
•tai.n ; local• news, ',and carry the .various, shoppuuig', .
messages. of a +score „of .merchants, inviting Yon.*
to visit their stores during this -, Ohristinas sea: ..
son: and "shop. around".
Several stores aroffering really •attractive,
prizes,.. to. be .awarded 'an •.Saturday night, U•er-
ember 2rd.• Each store; conducts it's own • con-
test, based..on. tale. simple :plan.. of depositing
your name. in •the store's ballot box. The shiner;
Will be decided by :a draw, , Included in the , prizes
are suets items as. ' an obeasional chair; 'blankets: ;
bed ; throw, clock, • ttravelling cases, 'linen, silver=
Ware, etc., -etc. And then there's a big .$10.00•
cash: prize that some: lucky' farmer• will 'win.
And there's even a suit 'of, clothes. The winner
'of 'this well be. decided this• Saturday night.' All
'•Other draws are two weeks later. Details of these
.. prize diaWs,..and the stares sponsoring. them..'
will .be found in .the advertisemenits, '
Whatever else be:lost among the years,
,Let. us keep. Christmas tii1 a shini.n.'g thing;
Whatever • 'doubts assail jult, or • what fears,
'Let us:hold. close one day; remembering
Its poignant meaning,for the hearts'of men.
Let us getback our childlike faith again.
Wealth may have .taken Wings, yet ,'still
; there are '
.......:...:.... ..... ........ ....,..-._._,...,._,......mow-,.... , ...
Cleat windowpanes. to'glow with candlelight'•
• .There are boughs for garlands, and a tinsel •
star '
To tip some littl� 'fir tree's lifted height. •
There is no heat"too heavy or•too sad, •
• • But some small.. gift. of Ione can make it • ,
glad. •
And there are glome-sokeet, rooms where
• .laughter.,rings, •
And we 'Can sing the carols as -of .old.
Above the eastern hills a white star swings;
There is -an ancient story to'betold; • '
There are kind words and cheering • words
Let uto's bo happy on the Chiist Child's day. •.
Grace .Noll Crowell.
001tr t J' ,11.0 0)0_11 '` 1yOtti"#1Vogne"r91^ eg$eXife,0 11000.WORZti " ltisZEu011iZD ^% t P IX00. DJ"+rPiVili O8 UJ Df D! igtii ivViliVn sVIZ hest! nig... 6 DJI`U DiOly "D ^ lilS2' irite�?' ?'" _VinA'?t D .D 1)00/Vbi0'0 :.Musts z<iIiVitiVDl^.�' 3l D OOlvEllOb n %'Ol".,' 1}1 11429)ivili'
Gala Parade, Free Picture Show and. Big a . of Sweett,
Awaits EveryChild Who Meets 1 Sauta In
rue -1110Wi S.arteurtlay deco 4 �x �, tier gth
SANTA CLAUS PARADE Leaves The Arena at• 1,30 p. ms, ;for'the Town
rev .
Moving Pictulre Show :in the •Town ,•Hall.•
CHILDREN ONLY, Show' specially'selected for children, inchtding°' film of Their Majesties' 'Visit to Canada
Small Children will die•un1.er.capable.supervision.. Remember, Santa wants to meet them all, in L'ucknowd this Saturday.
•' (vONtiOTth)1) BY Tilt CI'('h 4(>W BUSINESS tlt \'S :1StiO('T,1'f1O`)
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