The Wingham Times, 1900-11-16, Page 6n .«,. a. M•0,1,1..07.<,z-,•.RT•'t
13. R.1:LTatet.'J.',1'tTTrt.:>'u'• .t Axe Patoteuterole
.1.4.1:7174.131.',R 10, 1900,
M.#'/..,+.,Nw+d:•M1Y1oHw.i,"' tR.V':' ♦ OV F "K+...?e•0. M..!fM. 4 W!.
POLY::iw^^-.&E. FrE >`lx Gl :'' Ttdt: TI4.1LI:E:1
rRNA rx ' " a..'"a, 1""yq?°- •,;J•.ra .
::1:3 1'0'.-T l A Ile C t)':F I' °r: 4YION (aye
Tun ensnare. ,iter I.I1T11: Iii?113 CV
1:^<'t)V::ltk-' :;iris Xil+t 1.1111 WAS A''EI).
:rc ;.viler Irt•cor,t,'r.
.',,belle • the nitl fiunilitts ill tin' towix-
ship. or :ung tester, in tho C.1anty of ('`irv'21-
villt', there ie mete b:'•tte's.• known or in-
fluential, than those that beer the name
of I leech, The lair;:?+'Ila Iver: among the
emit -est settleri:t the township and Ihavo
Cirri eillee tta1:f11 an at'tive part in all
movee to p:omate its welfare. The sub-
' Pei: of alis narrctive, 11:lr. 18i1a isseli,
is one tta th'.` younger members of the
,ily, wh • g 1
G t
v ., left tion 1
.t,) some era ago
1.., s s yea
fa .-
to make ;lis home4in the state of No-
ltrrttko.. He has passed through the ex -
i'1 'e n t os : unique, and considers
It ..t 1( r.11 x t 1
{that he is fovtaratte in belt; g alive to toll
'the tale.
j The story as told in Mr. T3issell's own
I -vnrdi3, is as follows:—"In the autumn
t' of 189:; I sustained a serious injury
i through haviu;; the tines of a pit:llforlc
penetrate my left knee. The wound ap-
parently healed, but T diel not enjoy the
same health I had previous to the
accident, and it was but a short time be-
fore I was compelled to take to my bed
on account of excruciating pains in my
limbs and stiffuLss in my joints. A
doctor was called in, and he lanced the
knee three times, tud that told me the
*Mille, e ' od poisoning. Ho treat-
ed mo for some tinfesestratelesteedily
grew worse, and finally five physicians
were called in for. cousalation, My en-
tire system seemed to be affected, and
the doctors said till trouble had reached
one of my lungs, and that they could
Vold out but little hope of my recovery.
After remaining in bed for eleven weeps,
I decided that I would return to my old
glome in Canada. I was so much run
down, and so weak that it was a ques-
tion whether I would live to reach there,
but 1 was never the less determined to.
make an effort to do so. After a lou;
journey under these inost trying circum-
stances, I reach my old home. . I was
so used up, and presented such. an
emaciated appearance that my friends
had no thought that I would recover, I
combined to drag along in this condi-
tion for several months, when one day a
cousin asked me why I did not try Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills I was willing to try
any mediciue that was likely to euro
me, and I sent for a supply of the pills.
After I had been using the pills for
about three weeks I felt an improve -
meat in my condition. From that time I
.gradually grew better; new blood seem-
ed coursing through my veins, the stiff-
ness in my joints disappeared, and tI1e
agonizing pains which has so long tor-
tured me, vanished. I took in all ten or
twelve boxes of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills,
and I have no hesitation in saying that
I believe they saved my life, for when I
returned to Canada, I had no hope of re-
Mr. Bissell has since returned to his
old home at Lincoln, Neb., but the
statements made above can be vouched
for by any of his friends in this section,
and by all of the neighbors in the
vicinity of his old home.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure such
apparently hopeless eases as Mr. Bissell's
because they make new. rich, red blood,
and thus reach the root of the trouble.
These pills are the only medicine offered
the publics that •can show a record of
such marvellous cures after doctors had
failed, If you are at all unwell, this
medicine will restore yott to health, but
be sure you get the genuine with the
full name "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for
Pale People," on the Wrapper around
each box.
f W :ag(`itil iidne y Medicines
\\ri::itl..iAM. 'TUNS, NOt,ii;ll.BEli 1c4 WOO*
4,.40,414014,..• ..,.n,..
1t.11r. itsler't31?:t'l:matei..itlll„V'Tablets,
1 meditate) tit eig;x.cil purpaeely for the
lai ',Bey and l 1'.':ale . t ire that once ust'tl
foie". 1' t+'e illy p: t(v... L t•-tlk' !h'al't and;
hunst'1t„ltt Calmat the t u ••ible pities, i
'tcl1(':t, s.>-tnt,:l. thtatl l t uslASitt'ss can ted j
be ktithht'y trouble; eeittaing the teettatee i
bladder tremble, of the aged. owl
ait:htl,: t,ot,bir;; of childhod, 41 uled -
t sari', and p?t'i.:;:lut in afoot.
( i ti;:: 1:,• its c•aigt3aaet t alt purpose
L'1) e,Se to elle etlnti;aieL recuse, of t)vely thirlttiit„i:tinVitlatll, A tuetl-
ic'iee s lw:tve Melted, t y ii'ritteit. proof
like tiee following:
stir. Tr'ea'd Litman, 10 Charles 13t„ Ter-
autu Jt Action ears:---".Lattt`.r1y I ;had
bl'eu ett:u!ring front It a oiistaat latneae:a^
in the sAtnll of tire Tack, lend 31111011 of
the time its was iteeeiuuanierl by a dull
aehing 'Kees:; ).i y hips. My i:idhtcya
were not right I know; I had tntaela
;annoyance front the score. tots, I was
1 not y;ettin '", ally hotter; t lee remedies
that 114”
bet.*n usita; setotn:ai' to bo un-
able to remove the dit.leult r, Nearly
months rdofPitcher's
two u ut11s ag;o I Ilea Dr.
Backache Kidney Tablets, and got a
bottle. I am pleased to say that 1. lend
struck the right thing at last. Both the
lameness across the IOsiliey tate that
grinding pains in my beset were removed,
My kidneys were iuvigovated, anti I cul,
iectuu i.ending the Tablets to my ac-
quaint.;; tis."
Any wetter or this paper can test the
merits of 1)r. Pitcher's i:3ael ache Kidney
Tablets free by encliaiug two cents
postage for trial. paoi;age to The Pitcher
Tablet Co.,Torcnto,, Regular silo
CO cents er bottle
Ln.14or!Manor hors.
r:ttiler g;ou,i J'1h -1113 tultl at the
f ;L.ih:, tilt Ighillti;t! (ltlaarttent at the
dilater at tit., :tiritleuri:'e, Toronto, after
t l.e 't'gl t 0;,,i iviitg; 1),ty li tNtuvres. A.
.1%m who::•e tuctitai canthal was such as
t i lar3WI1t lira go • employment
went t) tho doctor and asked Lila if he
ooultl thicken his brains a bit. The doe -
tor removed as little grdy matter from
i -
the intut's head and told him to ratuiu
this next day. Meantime he added a
mixture to the nzau':t 1>ltli2za, bat ihe in•
iiuitlaal be'lay'ed his rotuim and the mix
tare we':1t bail and had to bo thrown
away. Than the duan showed up and
the tic:vine met him with tho remark:
o oa'r(t iii a pretty 1tlees. "tow. 'aon'11
have Las blame than ever for I had t:a
throw what you left neatly ." "That's
all right," replied the patient, "I don't
need al:y now; I've got a job in the.
Militua 1)epartlttelzt.,t
Stlllllsl J 51,7: <s fit $3fi'IttD 4. p
The following facts regarding the
politer.; -,;star • of Haron et—laxity will be
of Fp:' . i ieteuest at the present time.
Ile ox, Lassa.
__(E abllhh'u by the Redistribution
Act of e " ; ---ti _
Ir2.1'.'ett, Thomas Pario-W,13ons,eleetele
rid by 60 Ina jerity.
In 1887, Dr. Macdonald, Lib., elected
61 majority.
.in ;eel, D,. M:icdonnit1, Lib., elected
by 303 majority
In 18i?G, Dr, Macdonald, Lib„ was
elected 1'y 15t) majority over E. L.
Dicke anon, Ceuta
I1t1Z0iv, : ot'Tii. •
In 1867, M. C. Cameron, Lib., elected
by a majority of 171; in 1872 by 75 l,.,a-
jcrity; and in 1374 by 86 majority.
At bye -election, T. Greenway, Ind.,
elected by acclamation,
In 1878, M. C. Cameron, Lib., elected
by 65 majority.
Li 1382, J. McMillan Lib., elected by
597 majority.
At by-election in 1883, Sir R. J. Cart-
wright, Lib., elected by acclamation.
In 1887, JohnMoMiilan, Lib„ elected
by 7E3 majority.
In 1891, John McMillan, Lib., elected
by 855 majority.
In 1896, John McMillan, Lib., was
elected by 305 majority over T. E. Hays,
(Established by the Redistribution
Act of 1882.)
In 1882, M. C. Cameron, Lib., elected
by 29 majority.
In 1887, R. Porter, Cons., elected by
26 majority.
In 1801,'_11. C. Cameron, Lib., elected
by 379 majority.
Mr. M. C. Cameron was unseated,
and in 1892 Hon. J. C. Patterson, Cons.,
was elected by 16 majority.
Mr. Patterson became Lieutenant -
Governor of Manitoba and M. C. Cam-
eron, Lib., was elected in 1896 by 140
At the general election of 1896 M. C.
Cameron, Lib., was elected by 317 ma-
jority over R. McLean, Cons., and by
1,112 majority over G. M. Filty,Patron.
Mr. Cameron was appointed Lieut-
enant -Governor of the North-West
Territories, and a by-election was held
February 21, 1899, when Robert Holmes,
Lib., was elected. by 140 majority over
R. McLean, Cons.
How to KIU roWl for the Market.
All fowl should be starved for at least
24 hours before being killed. Turkeys
and chickefls kill by bleedinpt at the
mouth dry picked while warm leave the
head on chickens and turneys but take
them off ducks and geese. Leave the
inside in they keep much better with
them in. Hang up in the cool. b'ollow
the above suggestions 'and when yon
bring your fowl to market yoti will get
better prices,
Troubk in
The Stomach
,I1OW to 'tv nonan itJplre:tl Ifvr Uoputatlon Igor
She was the wife of au olTieial of a St.
Paul street corporation. Her one pet
hobby was economy. Though her hus-
band made an excellent salary, she was
rigid in her rales pertaining to tixe bay-
ing-of-t-henecessaries for the household.
She would haunt b'turalin-£xngitors and
market stalls for home in order to get
the benefit of a reduction of a few cents
on t.xe article desired. .
The corporation official, 'with much
laughter, used to tease his better half
about what he called her "stinginess."
So one day, feeling hurt at his ridicule,
she resolved to take him to ntarkee with
her and demon§trato beyond a donbt
that she was a most economical buyer.
He consented, stipulating that he was
not to be asked to carry the basket.
Arriviug at the market, she made
several purchases, and then at one stall
inquired the price of eggs.
"What," she exclaimed, "16 cents a
dozen? No, indeed, that is too high."
She dragged her reluctant husband
after her from one stand to another, still
inquiring the price of eggs and always
receiving the same answer until near the
upper end of the market. Here she
found a dealer who offered to sell her
eggs in any quantity for 15 cents. To
her nusband she said joyously:
"There I told you so. 'Why, those
others were robbers."
Turning to the salesman, she ordered
half a dozen eggs, gravely handed him
the 8 cents asked in payment and went
home, prattling away about the worth of
economy in marketing and the alleged
willingness of dealers to gouge the un-
suspecting customer. And to this day
she does not know that her husband
and his friends laughed over it at the
Sciatica put him on Crutches.
,—Jas. Smith, dairyman, of Grimsby, Ont.,
writes: "My limbs were almost useless
from sciatica and rheumatism, and, not.
withstanding my esteem for physicians,
I must give the credit where it belongs. I
am a cured man to -day, and South Ameri-
can Rheumatic Cure must have all the
credit. It's a marvel. --34
Sold by A. L. Hamilton.
When the Child Plays Hookey.
Chiidred sometimes pretend to be ill
to escape going to school feigning illness
to escape duty is called in the army
malingering and is always punished
when detected. A child who habitually
complains of a headache just before
school time should be put on a sofa in a
darkened room, not permitted to read,
or look at pictures and have a hot-water
bag placed at his feet if the ailment is
real this is the best treatment for the
early stages; if it is feigned the silence
anti solitude soon, become so irksome
that the culprit is glad to do anything to
escape from them. Other affected pains
should be treated as if they were real,
and it should be disti#iotly understood in
the family that the child who is too ill
to go to school mid to learn his lessons is
too 111 to be out of bed. If a• child play
truant the lessons he loses should ire
made tip at homy in his playtime, and
the mother should take pains to see that
this is done, so that he may find truancy
unprofitable, Ifo may be put to bed as
soon as be returns home on the assomp'
tion that ho must be lit because ;nothing
but illness should keep him from going
to school,
Which hectors Failed to Remova, Cured
by Less Than Two boxes of Dr,
Chase's Kidney -liver Plea,
The ecoerienog of Mr. Blackwell is
similar to that of many sufferers with
chronic indigestion. Stomach medicines
will seldom really euro indigestion. The
kidneys and liver nitwit be set right,
and the bowels made regular and
Mr, Joseph Blackwell, Holmesvllte,
Ont., eays :--" X derived more benefit
from the uott of Dr. Chtise's Itridney'
Liver Pills than from any other medi-
cine T ever took, and can highly re*
commend them for stomach troubles.
I was to a terrible state and could
hardly work at my trade, I tried most
every kind of medicine and doctors,
WWI I was tired doctoring, and bee
tore I used one box of Dr. Chase's Ittd'•
hey -Liver t'1118 I could eel that they
were helping me, and after taking 'a
box and a half, found that I wan
Nearly every family on the continent
has used .iYr. t''a 11ldnet"Liver
Pills or heard of the remarkable 0oreS
they have effected, Ono pill 'a.
Erose, 25a at .box,. tet all dealers,. or Ed'•
2 a*uwon, ;ttt,tox and Con Toronto.
" 0e10 Foot lin tlio Car akg'c^.t'—ii
the thousands of people who rush to so
worthy a remedy as South American Ner-
vine as a last resort would get it as a first
resort, hove much ratisery and suffering
would bo spared. If you have any nerve
disorder you needn't suffer a minute longer,
4 thousand testimonies to prove it. --.30
t'lo.d by A. L. Baulflbon,
Au ttonortme elan.
'Batumi L. Clemens, otherwise known
es Mark Twain, was a partner in a pub-
lisltiug, Immo that failed, leaving x'200, -
0o0 in unpaid debts, At sixty yens of
ago Mark Twain set out on tl, lecturing;
tour of Europe in order to make ouough
looney to wipe out this debt of honor.
I'or five years he has been away frau his
native land, but bo accomplished his
purpose in a little over two years. Tu
speaking of the matter he said his only
fear was that 11e world not live long
enough to see his debt paid. Such an
aot marks the man as .being one of the
noblest works of God.
Runrsiragy soles, the outcome of
neglect, er bad blood, have a never -failing
balm in Dr, Agnew's Ointment. Will heal
the most stubborn cases. Soothes irritation
almost instantly after first application. It
relieves all itching and burning skin diseases
in a day, It cures piles in 3 to 5 nights.
35 cents. -39
Sold by A. L. 7.I:(milton.
The Final Test of Vales.
Icon. John Dryden --There is no doubt
that the block is the final test of'the
skill that we as breeders are trying to
exercise in carrying on our business..
We sometimes talk about the butcher's
standpoint and breeder's standpoint, but
I think the breeder and butcher ought
to come together. We brooders are try-
ing to capture the trade of the beat con-
sumers, or the consumer that will give
us the most money for our goods; that
is the idea. You cannot very well find
out what the standard required is unless
you. see the animal upon the block.
Children Cry for
TO‘ 1)
11.t1"u1 T ("Ititdtall i abs:atla services at
11 at in gnat 7 p in. (tt xdtty bedew' at
2:10 p m, General pea, t.i meeting
ell Won<':slay t'.vt'xdnns. Lev, 1-1, EV
Freed, pester. W. J, Chapman, ,,../3.
)1.I'rtitwttl1t3ILu11eitaei'abbatliti!`rvseos T O
at 11 la Ill tu:d'i p nl. t•uutltty tle;lt:ol flt
: x) p I:x, .l pu'ortlt Leaguo every 11iott-
dt'y t`-','Ialvg*„ General brayer meeting
con 'i Wednesday eveniuga. Rev. Mallard
Hohlt.;, pastor, Dr. Towlt'r, S. S. t+ltp-
er;.tit 'lltOnt,
P11,1 sin rn1tIAN emotion—Sabbath ser-
vic'e, at; 11 a lit and. 7 11 III. tMuiday
Sehtcti at 2:30 p in. ' General prayer
tttt,:,iiug„ o11'W4xhiestlay t,vclxiltgs. Itov.
1), POITio, pastor and S. S. Superinten-
t'>T, PAlli,,'s CTl17110tr, EP1:3centeL-•-Sab-
bath et -Telma at 1.1 a its and i p I22. Sun -
flay Sohool at N;1:Opnht. Guix'ral prayer
meeting on Wednetiday evening. Rev.
W''t%M Lowe, inchnoltextt, b', 51wr.',
('oN litl.tLi't'x<tti.iTa Cinuttelx.•-•- itltbsit.ii
si'rviee>l at 11 a 211 and 7 p m. Sunday
*tcehool at • 12 tn. Midweek meetingeon
Wed-xesdry evenings at 8 o'clock. Gavin
Wilton, S.S. Supt.; A. la, Prior, pastor.
RoixAe GeanoLio Cxnutou -•- Every
fourth Sunday, Mass at 10;30 a fix, sir-
Ino2t aml benediction at 7 p i11. Rev. D.
P. Meletenamin, P. P. •
SALVATION Ainnr —Service at 7
a 1st and 3 and 8 p in on Bentley, alxel
every minute daring the week at 8
o'clock at the btwraeks.
Oixltlt.1TI its taw MIetttoi.utr ALL,IANCE,
Meetings as follows: S. S. at 2.30 p.
in, Fellowship at 4 p, fit., and evan-
gelistic at 8 p. in., every Sunday in
Ritchie's Hall, Victoria St.
Pose OtP xol:Iu Macdonald Block.
Office hours from 8 a In to 0:30 p fit.
Peter Fisher, postmaster.
11 noneawxcs' Ixs'rrrtYru--Library and
free reading room in the Town Hall,
will bo open every afternoon from 2 to
5:45 o'clock and every evening from 7 to
9:30 o'clock.. Miss Millie Robertson,
Tower COUNOIL—Wm. Clegg, Mayor;
Win. Holmes, TI, O. Bell. J. H. Chis-
holm, G. A. Newton, Rolland Beattie,
Geo. Moienzio, Councillors; J. B, Fer-
guson, Clerk and Treasurer; Samuel
Youhill, Assessor; Wm. Robertson, Col-
lector.. Board meets first Monday even-
ing in each mouth at 8 o'clock.
Samoa BoAltD.--C, N. Griffin, (chair-
man), Thos. Abraham, IL G. Lee, J'. J.
TIomuth, Wm. Monro, 11. Kerr, Thos.
Bell, Win. Button. Secretary, Wm,
Robertson; Treasurer, 3. B. Ferguson.
Baron Iveagh will expend between
290,000 and £100,00 in improving .the
dwellings for the poor of Dublin.
Spoiling a Sermon.
I have had: some printer experience,
or, rather, experience with printers,
whitch makes me fear that the "imp of
the types" has "got it in" for me for
abandoning the craft and becoming a
poor preacher. Recently I was to preach
on the Old Testament characters " Na -
dab and Abihti," and ono of the daily
papers got it, "Nabob and Abihu,"
Shades of Gutenburg!
My first Sunday morning sermon after
I came home from my vacation was on
"Suppressed Lives,' hut one of the
papers announced it as "Suppressed.
Livers." Such a thing as that is 'wear-
ing and tends to make life not worth
living, especially if, as is said, the worth
of life depends on the liver. Fancy
your liver suppressed l--3domiletio Ile -
view. e -
Kidney boy,—Pain in the back 1e the
cry of the kidneys forhelp. 'Co neglect the
call is to deliver the body over to a disease
cruet, ruthless, and finally lifts destroying.
South American Kidney Cure bas power
akin to miraculous in helping the needy
kidneys out of the mire of 'disease, Zi
relieves in six. hours: -31i
Hold by A. L. Ronda au.
Meetings second Tuesday evening in each
Musgrove, Principal, Miss' Robertson,
Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss
Cornyn, Miss Vanstone, Miss Matheson
and Miss Reid.
(chairman), 0. J. Reading, Thos Greg-
ory, Dr. Kennedy, J. 13. Ferguson, Sec-
retary, ; Dr. Towler, Medical Health
8o W,iak she Couldn't Sleep or Work—
Mande Trembled—Could Scarcely Walk
—Restored by Or. Chaso's Nerve Food.
Mrs. Margaret Iron, Tower Hill, N.
B., writes —" Dr. Chase's :Terve Food
has done me a World of good. 1 was
so weak that I could not walk twice
the length o2 the house. My hands
trembled so that 1 could not carry a
pint of water. 1 Was too nervous to
sleep, and unable to do work of any
" Since using Dr. Chase's Nerve Food
T have been completely restored. I can
walk 0. mile without any inconvenience.
Though 78 years old, and quite fleshy,
1 do my own housework, and consider-
able sewing, knitting, and reading be-
dsides. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food has
proved of inestimable value to me."
17r. Chase's Nerve Food is the world'e
greatest restorative for pale, weak, net-,
vous Hien, women, and children. In
pill form, 50 cents a box,at a1T dealers,
or Ddmanson, Bate.; "a Co.. Toronto.
Don't cough, use 33r. Chase's Syrup
of Linseed and Turpentlhe, 25 cents a
Do You ]Gear Heart Pollute?
No death comes so suddenly and un-
expectedly as that caused by heart fail-
ure, but the trouble had its beginning:
monthspe r perhaps haps pears before when
the blood became thiel and watery and
the nerves exhausted. Gradually the
Waste has become more rapid than the
process of repair, the tissues of the
hearthave a e become diseased and finally
some over exertion or nervous shock has
caused the heating to cease and life to
depart. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food pre-
vents heart failure and all similar dis-
eases by creating stow, richt blood and
nerve force, and building up the system.
l lxg land has ono clergyman to every
010 people, Ireland one to every 1,270.
Strong words by ix New York
Spacial st.--" After years of testing and
comparison I have no hesitation in saying
that 13r. Agnew's Cute for the heart is the
quickest, safest, and surest known to ntedi.
cal science, it usri it in fry own practice.
It relieves the most acute forms of heart
ailment inside of thirty minutes tend never
'lila." 35
Hold by A. D. Itemilton.
till: t3131,i8lililil 1872.
1..°7 'tit' At. _`i s.
314 1'111?L1c•1i1:1)
Times Oike, Beaver BIQek
I I:T U 1'i.t, 8',. ONTARIO.
Truce at,• Ftt eigivin:v-••41.00 per annum. in''
•acte:a:rr•, xl.: tt tt : rt ; r> licit;. No paper (lisenla.•,
tina't ,-
lilt t 3a r t tri: oro paid, (':,:t 0Pt at tlhe •
OOt un ui ti`.• ,, i lit i
- T.tL;al :4 Inger
S'•i: t.l.t t t: ; t r t , rarer* l tq• ycriirarlc ;.;alta for
iert tn`er'tit it,; pc't'tl o tat• t3itt1 King,:('ttuextt
i,trei teen.
Adv earl::' uu'tu,t itt i, t 1 t o,un.:.s are ciutrgecl
its cis. per lin:. to • ;list int.citit.:t,, 111'(15 cents
',or lint for eselt ritleenni.ut, fit t mon.
Adverflveursits t•1 1,tnt, 'send, St1•ayod,
Frunt:•i f. Kilo'e„•'., lien and. txi filarr .1.U0 tor •
:+lestmouth aryl t) tents fur tali) tiubstiuellt,
ov^R t"t 1 t r -- ihefatlmv n• a1 t
i . , A i r, tt >k Shows
our rat, ft r tl , r1 evtten ,, advertisements
fort.',"rill,c1:• :,.":
hi'A r'^: `i Co. Gmo, t3:t:o, ltt0..
i)t, <-•dttlmt tt'I,l'0 ;'sale) $1650...000004 88.00
kx: lY i s a IA is L O 4. 0
Quotttr i rise,,:: 1,Pt) 10.10 2.00
Attvt ri,. • t i , .=,1 t >.. trleeiiir. d:reetions
-vitt be i11•• ct t t till t'u i,itl suit t 1w rget1 neeord-
ini."1, . :4vertiv,asntvtts must he paid
for alt n(lviu- t .
,1Ot; o.:1'Au'alaNT i,r Ffoc1n d withan
t r
exi, toe c. , nrtrntrtt of till requisites for print-
ing, tilt.' ding facilities 11ut tt,c.alled in the,
county for turning ottfirstclaw,;work. Large
c;1>e ,ca
;11111.01:, Pt,et < £eta for all styles of Post •
ci,t hard Bills, circ.,, and the httest sstyles• of .
cLuiia, failey type for the riu('r clysters of want -
V_ ProzerietorandPublisher,
Two Coat
Also .
Two Pant
A new carriage tiro that makes riding
on all roads a pleasure—economical, too,
for it does away with the vibration that
shakes and breaks the carriages.
A Y-shaped space botwsan the
rubber tiro maid the steel flange
prevents the nrty'ping find eat -
;t at to. Soo other
exhibit rtitstlu
big fairs.
[Send at once for T'ree Tiro Catalogue,
giving prices of all sires.
Dunlop Tire
TORONTO. ONTO. goatee ,.
et'. Iola(. w1'.1f8a7Zt)• MOSTARhrf,
'Queen's Block.
Caveats and'i'rade,Marks obtained, rod all patent
business conducted for ?tiopE$ tTV. FEES, bey
office is in the immediate vicinity of the PatentOffice
and my facilities for securing patents are unsurpasse.l
Scud model, sketch or pitotograph of invention will
description nndstatement as to advantages claimed,
.C't5' J o chargo i t made far an opinion as to
patetttabadte! , and My fee for prosecutingthe
application Witt no 150 oaltecz for lentil ells
p*tent 'taltntuntt, "i.ivasroas' Curtin," con-
taining full information hent free. All Comnlnnl•
rations eon3lderee as 8trtctly ronftdetalal.
eget b f5, 4430 411 NIVASI/ING 'o T. D. tr-
va 01 NrI'brt. o.
`i7" I N G H A M.
Capital. x;2,000,000.
Rest, $1,284,120
Pres/OP:it—N.)8N STvATIT,
VturPrt afdent--A, G. Ri usA r.
J'ohrt Proctor, Geo, Reach, • VI.u. Gibson, M.P.,.
A. T. Wold, lei. P., A. B. bus (Toronto).
Cashier—.i. TURNBULL.
Savings T.,ink—llotn4a 10 to 0; 3attuday, 10
to 1. Deposits of 53 and upwards received and
interest allowed.
% noir.; Deposits alt'o received at current
rates of intoe. tett.
Drafts on Great Britain and the United
States Bought, and sold.
Travellers ere notified t aitt t l e lank of Ilam
intton and its Brnrlchc:v issue Circular hates o
National Provincial Rank of England, Limited,
whish can bo cashed without charge or trots-.
hie in ttrty part or the world.
E. L, DICKINSON, Solicitor.
tt GNS
lir; t
COPvt lGH re &c.
Anyone sending a sketch and description may
quloklyy ascertain our opinton free whether an
invention is probably patentable. Communiele
tions strictly coraadontihl. Handbook on Patente
•sent free Oldest Agency tor sCCttrit tet ss tonts r
i atants taken thrnuyth Ttfidn Gyo
Munn . receive
special notice, w)tthgo nrt climate, in lyt, hbog
$Ci' 1i i1 E'b fail N A ed1r
A handsomely ilhu'trated weekly. 7,nruent elr•
Ciliation of arty, lcietttttIo i'ntrnna. xernis, 4:; a
It 1 e tp'finyer'rendre, 51. 11n14 byalllenowe,nlers.
MU $N & Co!” 11111'36vYt tier Yt alt
1:tar,c1. 1tt(1co,
v25 le `t.. t,,1 1a term rt. ,
A. E. Sk, II A M
N T T',3]
WING 11Ale,
General Banking Business transacted..
Money advanced to • fanners and business tnen,
on endorsed notes and collateral.
Farmers Salo Notes Cashed
Moneys remittee. bR draft to all parts:
Canada and the United to es,
C States,
Notes and accounts collected on reasonable
T P. KENNEDY M. D.. M. O, P. S. O
2 , (Member of KENNEDY, M.
British Meciicdl Associa-
tion.) Gold Medallist in Medicine, Special
attention paid to diseases of Women and Child
ren. Office hours -1 to 4 p. m.; 7 to 9 p. m.
Ji J entre, Street
Wingham, - -
Private and Comnany funds to loan at lowest
rate of interest. No
oermissiotcharged. Mort-
sly'eevrl• tt ibought and
d town
W nglan..
Wingham, Ont.
'ice t L. D creessO3r,
Solicitor to Bank of tlamilton.. Money toloan.
Office --Meyer Block, Wingham,
ARTHUR .T. IRWIN, D. D. S.,.L'.,D. S..
Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania
Dental College and Licentiate of the Royal
College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Moeover Past Chico, Wingham.
exec' T. HOLLOWAY, D.D.S., L.D.S.
Special attention to the care and regulation
of children's teeth.. Moderate prices, afid alb
work carefully and skilfully performed. Office'
in Beaver Block, Wingham.
At Gerrie every Monday.
Wingham, Ont.
13 P•
for the County of Huron. Solos attended in
any part of the County. Charges moderate.
Sales of Farm Stook and Farm Tmpiements a.
All orders lett at Tint TistES office pronxptiy'•
attended to: 'Perms reasonable. .
O rte ,•,Dorm; Oatedonia, No, 49, ts•
19 r t , , he first and third blond in
every month, in the Ocldfellows Roll, Vise tng-
bt•ethren welcome. D. Chief
Elliott, Rec.- Sec.
includitn"Boosts, Pafhphlety Posters, flirt
Heads, Chiefdom, &c., &c., the best
Style of the art, at moderato prices, and on•
short notice.
BoonnI We oro plenRcd to announce,
that nay Boosts or Magazines left With us for
Bindin , will Have our prompt attention
l'riees for Binding in any style will be giwon on,
application to TIHT1 TIMES 'oF 'IQE, I 4
Palmerston ..... .... 0.53 a m... 8.6ta,m.
London • 0.50 aim—. 8
Iiineatdint...11.10 non8.26 p ni .. 8 88p,nr.
Attntvlt Inlets
Kincardine ....O49 n m x t><) a m.... 8.26 p.m
London.— ...... 1 110 a.m.... 7.66 p.m
Palmerston "4 i p.m,... 8.88 min
.1'. H. tirORI)ON, Agent, Winghanx.
TttAr3O3 r,BAV'Jt Von
Termite and E,tat.. ,,, , 0 I3 a.m.... 88.00 P.M.
Teesevater .... 1.1t,3 p.m....10.48 p.m.-
Attl'tvII L'noM
'roc -teem -ter., 0.G3 fl tYY , . s p.m.
Toronto and 71nat 102 pan. .1x.48 p.te
J. IL ItIi11ML1E, Agent, Witingham,
• +'Teddy,"
ills 513
I,lt:e loll
sialply t'
!IFor, year '
ii:e slot;
Ihtt tank
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' But the f;1
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Is C.
hart I:Die::: Mr.
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